The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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S ALEM, folks, musicians and
those- who love music, es
. jpeclally : violin ' music, will
this evening do honor to Mary
Schnltx who .IS borne for a brief
respite from her studies and will
play for home folks tonight. --
Among those who will attend
the Mary Schulti concert - this
evening are Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petri.
William Wallaoe; Graham, Miii
netta Magers, (Portland;' Mr. and
Mrs. . T. T. Rosreigln, IfMr, and
Mrs. M. C. ;Wpdard, Sflvertoit,4
Mrs. .A.4chtamm Corvallis;
Miss Rnby AaKe Lawrence . ol
Monmouth: Mr.'anl-Mrs. Arthur
Goffin, Aurora; Miss Mary Ayre,
Mrs. Schramm, who was for
merly Miss Lucille- Kantz of Sa
lem, was for some time MIbb
Schultfa accompanist before she
went east"
Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, promt
nent Portland vocalist, will be one
of the soloists for the oratorio,
"Creation" which will be part ot
the "May Festival and will be pre
sented May 26.
- " . J f 4"
Every picture will be presented
by livingttfodels at the May Fes
tival will be featured with "Just
if g ,
the-right background. "The ex
tent to which the committee hare
gone to gain just that right at
mosphere' Is illustrated according
to those in charge by their search
for a colored cony of the "Holy
Grail." They found that there
was no ropy on the coast and Miss
Elizabeth Lord telegraphed east
to friends for a copy. It was fi
nally obtained through the Bos
ton library.
Three Salem women will take
part in the picturization of a Jap
anese print. Kimonas brought
from Japan by Miss Lord and her
mother, Mrs. V. P. Lord, will be
worn by these models.
The "Hying pictures" will be
presented the second night of the
festival. May 27 and the Salem
Symphony orchestra will -furnish
music for the occasion! i
Mrs. Hattie Smiley, a Btndent
at Monmouth No rmal, was one of
a party of 75 students from the
school who visited in Salem yes
terday. Mrs. Sml ley's home is in
Corvallis and she will finish at
the norwal next December.
Mrs. Lloyd Riches of Vale is a
guest at the. George Riches home
in Salem.
Mrs. D. Lavender left today for
her home at Weston, Or. Miss
Anne Lavender will . make ' her
home at Lausanne hall for the
rest of the school year.
mlttees will-be made and other
routine business attended to. ,
Tea will be served following
mlltu onmnnwl nf ! r JuuQ k
Albert. Mrs. S. P. Kimball. Mrs. f fc Adele &arrfeoa New Ihae of
... i nrlll"! Imnun
Mrs. Ray L. Farmer. Miss Edm i nuVLLA IJUNd Ur A Wirt
Hazard, Miss Mattie Beatty.
;joha Vanee -Cheney, poet,- e
aayl&t and musician.; la dead at
San ifiegoi after a protracted 111-
nea&.' Iff Ir-prime 'he was the
author of many poems that dta-
Mrs. A. Loughrldee will tell of
the opening of a new station in
India at the meeting of the We-1
men's Mission Circle of theFirst
Bintiat rhnrrh this afternoon . in
the church.
"Radio-listening in on tb
world," was the subject of a talk
Wednesday evening by F. S. Bar
ton before the Business and Pro
fessional Women's club. Mr. Bar.
ton gave what was termed an in
structive and Interesting discus
sion. He had apparatus for dem
onstration with him and answered
questions from members and later
eang several solos for the cnfl
Mrs. C. C. CJark led in the sing-
played, 'the-: dirtne fire.; He kaa
been a resident of ar Diego sine
I99. .where he removed after be
lag relieved of the duties of libra
rian of the famous Newberry li
brary in Chicago. ' ;
and music. Finder please leave
atvStage Termmal. i "
I l waited until I was sure t
Con Id speak calmly before an
swering my mother-in-law's re-
ouest or rather demand that I
empty my "keepsake? trunk so
that eh 3 could pack the linens in
it for our trip south.
It took all my resolution, how
ever, for I knew that she herself
had: three large trunks, besides a
steamer, and a wardrobe trunk. It
is a standing joke in our family,
the packing and unpacking of her
things in which Mother-Graham
! . '- .' tt a
For oyer 30 years
ing of a number of songs by the J Jnanigs. With abundant leisure
members. Study of the constitu
tion was carried out under the-di
rection of Miss Grace Smith
while Miss Amy Martin gave a dis
cussion on "Better English.'
Miss Flora Case presented the
"clean up" committees program
and steps toward its endorsement
were taken by the club.
she spend much of it, especially
on rainy days, in looking orer
Iter x possessions and transferring
them from one trunk to another.
And. while she also has her treas
ured keepsakes, I know that they
fill but part of one trunk. The
others contain her extensive
wardrobe, beside number of dress
1 KST Itsev . nust r4 1
" corrlll.,
i J it" j
A can of Calumet Bak-
i ing Powder will make more
pies, cakes, biscuits, muf
fins, etc than a can of most
other brands.
It lasts longer goes farther
because it contains more than the
ordinary leavening strength
therefore you use less.
WhenaredpecaUsfor two tea
spoons of bakingpowder, use two
level teaspoons of Calumet, the
results will always be the same
perfectly raised bakings remem
ber this when yott buy baking
powder and don't forget that Calu
met is the economic buy because
it goes farthw . : V'-. '
a. pound can of Calumet contains full
g os. : Some baking powders come In 12
w cans instead ot W os. cans. Be sore
t yott yet m pwmd can when ywt want- H
Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn will sing
"I Have a Dream." Austin; at the
Salem Women's club meeting Sat
urday afternoon. Mrs. F,' J.' Kane,
state chairman of the National
Better Motion Pictures league
will address the club women.
Officers for the coming year
and delegates to the state feder
ation of women's clubs meeting in
Tillamook May 20 will be chos
en. The reports of standing com-
Dealers who 4upUy tht aifa
m Caloi Pluahlnc OU for safe
thorough clcaninc aad Z
Wot. (or correct refiUiag.
The proposed state income tax I goods patterns which she has
in Oregon was discussed by Miss I bought from time to time and nev
Ora Mclntyre. Mrs. Mclntyre is let 'made up. . ;!
member of the state publicity
committtee of the Business and
Professional Women's clubs feder
ation. Mrs. Edna McKnight of
Portland is chairman ot the committee.
A benefit concert for the Salem
hospital was planned by the mem
bers tor some time in the near fu
ture. A play Silver Lining", by.
Constance McKay was presented
by Miss Grace Taylor and - Mrs.
Blanche Isherwood under the di
rection of Miss Agnes Nelson.
The June meeting will be held
at the Girls'' Industrial school the
club wowen being gupets of Mrs.
Clara C. Patterson for the evening.
Ounces for
- USE LESS than of higher priced brands ;
Today 1
Women's Alliance of Uni-
tarian church, with Mrs. E.
Hurst, 1491 South Commer-.
cial street.' at 2:30.
Mission Circle, First Baptist
church, in church at 2:30.
First Congregational church
Union, ab Mrs. W. McGll-
Christ, South Commercial st.
Jason Lee Home Missionary
society, at church, 6:30.
Satwrday ,
Salem Women's club, Com-
mercial club rooms.
"Take a slant at these!" I re
member Dicky saying disrespect
fully one day when he had stroll
ed .into his mUher's room, and
found the contents ot her trunks
piled upon bed and chairs in the
process of transfer. "What's the
big idea, Mother? - Taking an iu
Tentory preparatory to setting up
a shop! I' warn you now we've
revah been in tr-rade," he put an
Imaginary monocle in his eye and
glared at herf "and 1 will not have
the honor of our ancient crest
sullied by any sign on the front
door. If yu feel you must sell
these things I'll hire you a little
flivver and you can peddle them
around, the towns, beginning at
least 25 miles from here. But a
shop in the living room! No,
Mother, I would like to gratify
your lightest wish, but I must
draw the line somewhere, and
shall have to draw It at that."
"Richard" His mother hart
stood looking helplessly at him,
patiently uncertain whether to
laugh or get angry. "You may be
glad some time that I have these
things. .Prices are so high now
A Pointed Joke.
II - - ' ' . .-. iV A - t M
i 1 1 fit pWSMMLi :
III ll 11 ISA. LOi IS-. -
Aft Down Delivers
UU It To Your
. Home
Seven Piece set of Guar
anteed Pure Aluminum
Cooking Ware with ev
ery Cabinet sold during
v -
Mr. J. C. Hunt, factory represen
tative of the Sellers Kitchen Cab
inet, will be at this store today,
and during this time we will put
any Sellers' Kitchen Cabinet! in
your home for the payment of
ONLY $1.00 DOWN. . '
Mr. Hunt will personally tell you
of the dozens of superior points of
the Sellers which today stands in
a class entirely by itself from a
viewpoint of quality, construction
and exclusive features not pos
sessed by any other cabinet on the
In addition to this remarkable
dollar-down offer, we will give with
each Sellers purchased during
these three days a set of Alumi
This special offer alone should
prompt you to an immediate in
vestigation to say nothing at all
of the fact that you may avail
yourself of this offer by paying
only a dollar down and having any
Sellers' Kitchen Cabinet in our
stock delivered to your home.
H you are building, Mr. Hunt will gladly help plan your kitchen
TTtr Sellers ha$ inore
X rlls. nw Mh-i'Fr-
er. Jdtcheri cabmeron:.
the market '
This is your last op-
"Do "you know I never thought
Of tjhat." Dicky had returned with
the most ingenuous air imagin
abe. "That is certainly news to
me. I supposed they were on the
same old level. I begin to see
your point now. Silk shirts now
for instance. Here ii .something
that would be the niftiest ever!;'
He picked up a piece of heavy
gray broended satin and held lit
away from hiw, while his mother
hovered around him in distressed
fear that he would soil it "Madge
do yon know how to make silk
shirts? Don't tell me that you
don't or I shall regret ever hav
Ing married you."
The Retort Direct.
Almost helplesB with suppress'
ed laughter I had gotten him out
of 'the room before Mother Gra
ham' took refuge in wrathful
tears, the symptoms of which
saw approaching. And glad in
deed was I that she had not beard
his final comment, made half
laughingly, half -earnestly to me
ss we went down the- hall.
"It's a lucky thing the sil
thieves don't know of the cache
in there," he said, "or we'd have
a first-class front page story out
of this shack. Can't you see the
headlines. 'Old Woman hoards
"Oh. Dicky, do stop!" I had
protested laughingly, not knowing
what horrible picture he would
conjure from the depths of his
But the vision of those hoarded
Bilks and woollens returned to me
as I listened to my mother-in
law's demand for my trunk.
I am sorry. Mother," I said at
last, "but what you ask is utter
ly impossible. I cannot permit
that trunk to be unpacked. As
you know, It has 411 my keep
sakes in it,"
"Fiddlesticks! ' Mother . Gra-
hatix "returned,' 'glaring at; me.
"Keepsakes! Bosh! Everybody
has keepsakes. Why wouldn't
they be Just as safe in a packing
The retort, "Because I do not
choose to put them there." rose
to my lips, but I pressed it back,
determined to be reasonable to
the last" Instead I said calmly-
."Why, .cannot the linens and
the blanket go in the packing
box?" r -
- ."Marraret!" Her voice was
filled rith thrifty horror. "Have
you any Idea what the cost of ex
pressing a big packing box would
be? Your trunk could be
checked. Besides, with the pres
ent conditions, ' nobody knows
when a packing box would get
"That is very true," I said
quietly, "but t cannot possibly
Tlsk (hit trunk of nay mother's.
Suppose you take one of yours?
e aoptempntfomanoggeept -' eml
err: r
Are Scenes of Busyness!
These are days of busy scenes in this store; in fact we are advised, they
are busy days in all our 312 stores. The J. 0. Penney. Co. ability to pTOvida
onmatchable values is asserting itsell in a way that Is unTnlrtakahle., The onr
chasiag power of your dollar here means savings that explain why we art busy.
The Hoce .Etore
Your Store!
While this store is n
unit of a great Nation
wide system of busy, pop
ular department stoics,
provldiug more than a
million people with their
personal and' home needs,
it. primarily. Is YOL'U
STORE for it goes to the
greatest lengtn to serve
Not only fresh, reliable
goods are offered you from
day to day, but such goods
as better fulfill the needs
and requirements of the
people of this community.
Your individual needs are
anticipated In a sur;ris
iugly thorough way.
Tn footwear : in fact, in
wear of erery ki?iil, there
Is the thing y oo want most
at the price yea feel It is
right to nay.
Dressmaking Supplies
Smalliltems at Big SayiDgs
"Watch the pennies and the dol- J
lars will take care of themselves" - -
The woman who does her own sewing can save mon
ey buying her sewing accessories at this J. (X Penney
Co. store. Here are a few important Jtems at dtir reg
ular low prices: y . - ji.zj.j.
Hooks Eyes, black or white,
2 dozen on j card; cardv 4c
Embrotderj Jfrltftag, tlala and
fancy, 3 yd J pieces
piece. .... . . . .5c t0L,21c
Insldo Beltlag, plain -cnJ-v-ed
ge, 2 in., yard ... , , . 0c
Silk Thread, all colors. . . .lie
Kletc Kack BraJd, white or
colors, 4 yard plecefr
piece. ..i. , lOe
lafftte Web, " good quality
lisle, Vg Inch. ....... ,o
lllas Tapes, cambric, lawn
' and fetrlped. percale, yd. 8e
Snap Fasteners, rustproof, all
: sizes, black or white doz 4c
"Teneo" Snap Fasteners,
dozen .8c
lingerie Tape, good quality,
4 yard pieces .4c
Pearl Buttons, all sizes,
card ..5c
Needles, plain or gold eye,
Paper. .5c
, Thimbles, all sizes 8c and 4c
Elastic Cord, 2 yards for 5c
Pins, steel or brass. Paper 5c
Coats Thread 5c
Embroidery Edging
Flam or Dot Patterns'
A dainty, popular trimining
for infant's garments, chil
dren's and women's dresses
and aprons. Variety of colors
in plain and dot patterns.
Three yards in a piece, at only
Real Human Hair
Self conforming cap
shape hair nets, single
or double mesh, hand
made, of real human
Useful Notiols
Ve offer exceptional opportunity to save on your purchaseat of small notion
items that are in daily demand by every household. These and scores of
other small but important articles are sold at these prices regularly every .
Darning Cotton . .for 5c;
Coats Crochet Cotton 10c
Women's 72-inch, laces
round or tubular. 8c
White Laundry Soap 6 for 25c
Rose Glycerine Soap..10c
Naiad Dress Shields 3oc
Kaiad Dress Linings.v-i.-.45c
Sanitary . Belts !-.21c
Pepsodent Tooth Paste
Palmolive Cold Cream, Tubes
Palmoliye Vanishing Cream, Tubes.
Palmolive Shaving Stick 1
Pafmolive Face Powder.
Palmplive Soap ,
Prophylactic Tooth Brushes...
Coats' Crochet Cotton.. . . ,...-
Corticelli SUk Thread.
Shoe Polish. ,. V,;.-,?,"-
1 Ll39c
A 2 fn15c
- '
(To be continued)
tu- V "-4 f -'.
- ' , - -