v r ' iHI SUNDAY NTKrrMAYT;i922; c ' THE OREGON. STATESMAN SALEM, OREGON""" - - ; . - . . . ; ' METHODIST First Methodist Episcopal Stale and Church strata. Blaine 8. Kirkpatriek, nW. Claaa meeting 9:15 a.m. in th . northwest . room, downstair. O. P. Litchfield, leader. Bandar school, 9:55 JB. J B. Littler, superintendent We have volt graded school, with elssses for all, Come oat and study tbe Bible with us.; Morning worship, 11 'clock. ,Thi servics will be in special recogni tion ef Blossom dsy, and in conjunction with other churches, we inrite the people to mtke this day et . special worship , and gratitude to God (or His bounty end providence. The sermon wilt be B the subject. ''The Prophecy of the Blossoms." Kpeeial moaio by the choir. . Epworth leagues 0:80 o'clock. ,veninf service 7:80. - Stereopttcon address by the pas tor en the subject,-Indi the Challenge of Bweceas," t a set of hesntifnUy col ore slides hare been Bade concerning the work of Hi Laora Heist, who has recently cone to Indian as a missionsry from-this church. The oceassiea is -the anneal thank offering of the Womsn'a Foreign Missionary society. Ton will be greatly. Interested in these pictures. Cornel Leslie Methodist Episcopal South Commercial and Myers streets. H. P. Pern ben on, psstor. Sunday school at 9:45 s.m., E. A. Rhoten, superintendent. With veil qualified teachers in every department. Classes ' are open for mere pupils of all ages. Ton will find it profitable to spend an hour in this school. The Epworth league meets at 7 p.m. A live, inspiring service in charge of the young people. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "When tbe Helper is Come." Evening meeting at Ooodi Blood Good Health Are what everybody wants, but comparatively, few' have. : - - If you are tired and weak In the ijoroJnv have, no appetite, have Indigestion or dyspepsia, sleep lessness, scrofula sores, blood hu: mors r pains : of . rheumatism, disa 'rreeable catarrh In the head, your blood t not irood. Hood's Sarsapartlla. is the medi cine to make, good blood and (rood health. It contains great curative virtue and promptly gives nerve, muscular and digestive strength. m nuu aose. inree times a uay, ana uw positive results, abso lutely prove Its merit. The reduc tion In price and the removal of the stamp tax make It by far the most economical of all family ureuitines. Kiei a Dottle today. "One boil would be followed di rectly by another, painful and an noying. One bottle of Hood's Sar mparuus gave sucn reuei I never have had a boil since." Mrs. Anna iiooa s 1'W.a help as a laxative. IHlQod's Srsapari lla 1 ' MAKfS RICH. RED BLOOD AND PROMOTES" HEALTH i 8, subject. "Bat Jesus Sent Him Away." Excellent music moraine an deveniag ia charge of a. H. Robertson. We cordially Invite yen to worship with os in these rsrioua meetings. They are for your help. . It will be a good way to begin another wee kof life. Give God right of way one day in tbe week. Ton will enjoy the good fellowship yen rmd here. change ia the boar of the evening meet CHKISTIAJff ' First. Christian- Center and High streets. J. (.vans, mm inter. Blossom day will 5 be appropriately observed in our school and church. The soar, acr ma and decorations are specially pre- pared for the occasion. The sermon will, ul on T no w a jffsM rieMs. as mi them, "Wake With Songs of Gladness.' and riolin duet will be the musical features of the morning service. It Is exneeted that ear Urge Bible school wilt be overflowing, aa it is tbe last day of the eenttit with- the lerraUts scno A ladies' quartet and anthem by large chorus choir will festuse tae evening program. Young people a meeting at 6:30. Go to church oa Blossom day. tapper. in tne erening BI.r.u. ; wui meet at 7 instead of 6:30. Jiote, the change of time. Theme for discessiou. "Better Lore s irty sweeping. nvn- int worship: at S." Sermon "The IFeer (ireateat Gardens in HUtory. Visitors cordially wewemao at an aervn-- us Trdav evening the men will be given tbe priTilege of bringing their wiveg aad sweethearts to tke Mroiaaraood sun per. l acre win oe a real titauN topper laai nigni. so me ennre ata bership are asked to come aad have a real meaL and still more fellowship af terwards. The man who rails at church suppers of the right kind does not read tbe early chapters ef Acta. There ia still fellowship in tbe bread. Prayer service on Thursday evening. Topic: Acta 3. Jason Lee Memorial North Winter aad Jefferson streets. Thomas Arheson, pss tor. Earl Officer is charge of Junior church. As a church it is our ambition to serve rather than to be served. With this motto in mind we have planned for our. Sunday services. Plan to unite with e in this day of worship and service for others. Our Sunday school will meet at S:5 am. with C. M. Roberta in ebsrge of tbe main acbool and Mrs. liagemann leading tbe primary depart ment. Our school U well organised and lead by n staff of devoted teachers. Strangers are made to feel ' at home. Public worshiD 11 a.m. subject: "Min istering to the Multitude." Special thank offering will be received by the Woman's foreign Missionary society. The cause is most worthy. v. E. Officer will preach le the junior eharch at the same nour. Young Deeple cor uisllr invited. Eoworth learoe devo tional meeting at p.m. A most helpfal meeting for young people. A hearty wel come awaits you. Public worship at 8 p.m. Subject: "Exceeding the Speed Limit. This will be a rousing evan gelistic service. The orchestra will at ist in the Sundsy school and league services. The choir, will furnish special music for both church services. The public is cordially invited to all the ac tivities of the day. Please ne'e the North Seventeenth and Court streets. Bible school 9:45. The primary child ren will have charge. Next Saturday afternoon a Dtenie in Bnsn a pasture v be held (or an tae niaaiea of tha community ' Hear about it today. Jun ior following communion service. Morn ing message. "The Home Yields." Come ith your offering lor boms missions. Intermediate endeavor 5:30 and aenior 7 p.m. Song service and aermoa 8 p.m. Sermon "A Sad Mutate- Jote the manre in evening services. Thursdsy church school 7-9 p.m. Next Lord's day is "Mother s Day, and a service in honor of mother will be held. Ton are welcome. Come whenever you choose. R. L. Putnam, pastor. COVOKEaATZOSAX. Liberty and Center streets, W. C. Kantner. minister. 10 avm. Sunday school witn classes tor all ages and a warm welcome for all newcomers. Mr. H. M. Mead, superintendent. 11 a.m. "The Wealth of God. 6.80 p.m. Christ ian endeavor. All young people invited and made welcome. 8 p-nu, "God's Battle Axe. Following the address there will be a motion picture bearing the titie "Goads." This ia a film of exceptional interest, showing many beau tiful scenes in this Dutch city, famous for it manufacturing of exquisite pot' . . I in . kin . n in f,Mniu water scenes, and views of architectural detail make thia film one of great interest to alL Oome and see it. Uood music at all services by chorus choir under direction of William . McGikhrist. KTSS3DHAXY ALLZAXCE Christian and Missionary Alliance Mr. aad Mrs. Caswell. 425 North Win ter street, leaders. Snnday school at o'clock, followed by gospel meeting at 3. Also at the same place en next Thursdsy afternoon. May 11, meet tag at 2:30. The Tuesday evening Bible study conducted by Mrs. Caswell will be held as usual st the home ef Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Seojbee, 425 North Winter street. besnnniBaw at 7:3U. All very cordially invited to ait these services. Rev. W. W. Newberry, dean of tbe bimpsoa Bible school of Seattle, will probably be in Salem for a day or two soon ; date of meetings to bo announced later. - B0I1US GASES Bingham and Kelly Rule on Three of Recent Series of Test Cases EETOEMXD CHURCH Capitol and Marion streets Sunday school 10 s.m. Preaching service (Ger- hman). 11 a.m. No evening service. M. Demy, pastor. USTTAKIAX Unitarian Church Cottage and. Chem- eketa streets. Rev. Mania Fereshtian, minister. Church school at 0 sl.m. Graded instruction. Beginning next Snnday morning the minister will give te kit aoult class a seres of six lee- tares os the Psychology ef Religion. Devotional services st 11 a.m. Subject of the sermon. "Tne Empty Well. Anthem "Oh. What a W'orl This Might Decisions in three of a series ot six cases brought against tne state aid commission tor ex-ser vice men to test the constitution ality of various angles ot the bonus and. loan act were handed down by Judges Bingham and Kelly of the circuit court here to day. California Mam Wins In a suit Instituted by Fred K. Hollister, a resident ot California, it is held that a man who enlisted in Oreron. thourh lie mav now live outside the state, is entitled" either to the cash bonus or the loan. Another, Phase Interpreted In, a suit brought by. Margaret Crane of Portland, widow of a soldier who had applied under the Be." The children's choir will sing the . . U - J I..J V. - ...... . 1 -I I ing. Mm. Fereshetian will offer "By act prior to his death, and admln- the Watera of Babylon. Mrs.' W Dento nat the ogron. CATHOLIC CHURCH FACTS Garden ools As usual this store is gardea headquarters. We are prepared to take care of your needs in Garden Tools Lawn Mowers Garden Hose Alsd Garden Seeds Salem Hardware CoC 120 NoiXommcrcial Street By KEY. J. X. BUCK (Continued)" . " In time, however,' relief tame': but this relief from "enemies without, wis no guar- (nteo of immunity . from enemies within, nd heresies arose, and portions of the human element in the eharch sought to disrupt her. But just aa' Divine provi dence haa set limits te the- aea. ee He baa act limitations te , the. ha man . mind to mark the boundary of its limitations and its , aspirations. "Thus far thou ahalt go and no farther, aad here' thou shalt break thy swelling waves. Usving es tablished His Church, Christ ordained that we should seek truth in tbe church. Uod could indeed eondnct us individ ually to a knowledge of the truth (for His power ia infinite), but He saw fit to establish another- way. He wished aad decreed that each individual ahould discern the truth, not alone, but in and with the whole Catholic body aad com munion, to which individual , judgment must ever be submitted. Proud spirits could not break the bond imposed for the sake of Catholic unity and charity. The inveterate spirit sprung from, the opposition of the human heart, and men, setting themselves up as leaden and Judges, indulged in foolish and anbtle speculations about God, Christ and the Ubnrck. They endeavored te measure with the wardstick of ' puny minds the beighth and breadth and length of heav en itself, and to compass U possible the counsels of God, the cauae of His mira cles, and the inpenetrable nsutre ef His mysteries. The Church under the stress was forced to speak and defend the troth without fear or favor, and worldly inflated minds, proud in their mated independence of thought end chafing un der the discipline of the church, rebel-" tea, bringing rum anon themselves and upon countless numbers ef their deluded followers. Agsin it is the Church, the kingdom of Uod, in conflict with, the kingdom of the world. How appropriate ly is she named the Church. Militant. During the process ef heresy she had to endure every form of, violence. Her maternal inatincta were outraged, seeing her children snatched from her bosom by tniposters and usurpers who, in eider to give some semblance ot reason for their revolt, heaped upon her every lund oi anese ana sianaer. Adv. ,1 WOMEN J 014 vmu Oorner) Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store , REMARICABLE SALE OF BEGINNING-MONDAY Special Offering in l!isses9 and, Women's Suits, Goat$ iiidKesss :'::'''$xh:" Misses', young ladies and, women's Coats, in all, the preferred fabrics and colorings for spring wear are here in a selection so ample 'as to warrant us In stating. that every taste can be easily satisfied and at such a wlde range of prices as to meet the requirements of every expenditure. $37 JO to $40.00 Coats Now$31.7S Every coat in" this lot is of sifperior quality . the fabrics are new and desirable, . the styles are uncommonly smart, the workman ship of the best.! These garments come to us at an advantageous price and we hare marked them to sell at a substantial sating to our customers. ' . ' ' ' $32 JO to $35.00 iCoats at $24,75 Women's and Misses' New Spring Coats In a great variety of styles. Of Polo Cloth, Bolivia, Velonr, Tricotine, Gabardine and other materials. Novelty sport styles, tail ored and dressy models. .Short, and medium lengths.' Very latest Spring colors. Large assortment of styles to select from. L '$25.00 to $30.00 Coats at fy. '.C . , $18,75 ' " Great many attractive 'styles from, which to chooee very newest. ": Springs Models, some ! made with narrow belts, all the new shades. Sites 16 to 44. - '- -. ,r" $37 JO to 442 JSO SUlIS29.S0 ; Including this eeason's smartesC. models is Navy Serges, also TticoUne,lf Gabardines, . Velours; Jersey Cloth, etc, made principally, r with narrnw holfa manv nmartlV trimmed ti with tucks, folds, braid and buttons, sixes 16 i Other Coatsi Suits and D New Spring Dresses $18.75 Dresses for all occasions and in styles to please every taste. You will enjoy Beeing this splendid collection of new spring frocks. Beautiful models developed in Taffeta, Georg ette Crepe Jersey asd serge. Draped, puffed, ; ambroldered, beaded and . tailored effects. -Latest spring colors. Short, medium or long ; sleeves. - Special 918.73. Central Congregational , Nineteenth aad Ferry. Clayotn - Judy, minister. Snnday acbool and, church, a combined service, with special program by the primary department at 10 an. Wo have classes for all ages. ' Senior and inter mediate Christian endeavor at 7 p.m. Evening service ef song and worship, with sermon, at 8. Subject, "Loyalty a Test of Faith." Mid-week aervice oa Thursdsy evening at 7.80. The East Wlllsmette association of Congregational lhnrcbes. meets with Central church May 9th at 2 p.m. for a five, session mtetmg closing on the evening of the 10th. The sessions are oped to aft, "and the evening sessions sre planned especially for the public BETHEL HOME 1500 Ferry. Services Tuesday ' and Friday evenings, 7:30. Sunday' aehool 9:45 a.m. A quiet restful heme- for Christisn workers. Prayer for tick. Come aad wait oa tbe Lord for Divine' healing. Home for old people. LUTHERAN East State end Eighteenth streets G. Keehler, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Preaching service st 10:30 a.m. which will be ia the English lan guage. The pastor will apeak on "A Christian's behavior on His Way to the Heavenly Home." Luther league at 2 :3U p.m. Topie "Christ's promises.'.-' Bible school every Satcrday from 9-12 a.m. Bible study and prayer meeting oa Thurs day at 7:30 p.an. Everybody ia welcome. istratrix of his estate, it Is held ;that she personally is entitled to 'the bonus or loan, but that his estate is not so entitled. Coos and. Curry Highway Conditions Are Shown EVANGELICAL Cottage Street Evangelical 460 North Cottage street. U H, Willard, pastor. Our Sunday school has been increasing in attendance the last few Sundsys, and we are anxious to keep it growing. Ev ery boy and girl, and every able-bodied man and woman should attend Bible school somewhere. Are yon doing thisf Ton are always welcome at our little Snnday school; it opens at 10 a.m. Morn ing worship is at 11 o clock. This bt- CHUKCH OF GOD 346 North Church street JV J. Gil lesnie. pastor. Sundsy school 10 a.i I Preaching service 11 a-tn. Subject "The Conversion of. the Samaritans, their heal ing, their baptism in water, and thtir baptsm with the Holy Ohost. Acts S: 1-17. xouae ' people s services 6:30. Preaching service 7:30 p.m. ' Prayer meeting Wednesdsy evening 7:30. Come i and enjoy the services. t . ! Either the legislature or the people can pass an income tax measure without a constitutional amendment, according to an opin ion of Attorney General Van Win kle written for the state tax com mission. The inquiry was made by the. commission at the request of C. E. Spence, master of . the state grange, and others. The income tax measure filed with the secretary of state Friday, for submission to the voters at the general election next. Novem ber, by representatives ; ot the State Tax Reduction league pro poses an, amendment to the state constitution lag our "Mucation day, we will have Amnnrtmnni tint Maaaeeom few short talks on our educations! I fAlll&ilunifclll HUi llCUCddOJ Y wore oeiore tne sermon Dy toe pastor. subject .hnst the Uiver and nustaitt- er of Lille. The topic for U.K. la Keeping the Sabbath." 7 p.m. in stead of 6.30 aa previously. The even ing hour for preaching lis also changed to S e eloek. Subject. "Doing a right Thing in the Wrong Way." Tbe mid-. week prayer meeting will be held on Thursdsy evening at 8 o'clock at the church. v e invite yon to attend any or all of these services at the church of- "friendly handshakes." FSMENDS South Salem Friends South Commer cial and Washington streets, Nathan 8wsbb, pastor. 2497 Hszel Avenue, Phone 152 6-J. Sundsv school at 9.45. Junior . church 10 :40. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Mis Matilda Haworth. just returned from the Central Americas Mission . field, will bring tbe message. C E. 7 p.m. Evening preaching service at s. o clock, frsyer service inariaay evening 8 e-' eloek. -r-w Highland Friends Sundsy school at 10 o'clock. Daring April our attendance waa the largest of any time in the his tory of the church. Preaching acrvices at 11 o'clock, by Ida J. Lee. C E. meeting at 630 p.m.-. At 7.30 Matilda Haywertb. Friends Missionary from Central' Africa, home on furlough, will sneak. Toung neople'a prayer meet ins oa Monday evening at 8. ttegular eharch prayer meeting en Thursday eveaA. ing followed by the . monthly business meeting. Tee are cordially invited te attend- these services. L Q. aad -Ids J. Lee, pastors. UNITED BB.9THSEX First United Brethren Twelfth and Mission. C. S. Johnson, pastor. Ser vices Sunday morning at 11. Subject. Tbe Chriatian's Bsnner. Evening Sunday aehool at 10 a.m- U. B. - Bow man, superintendent. Junior v. at S D.m- Mrs. Burns, superintendent. C.E. - . . . ... 7 p.m., unaries Anoerson, presiaeat. Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. The attendance at Sunday school is increasing, and interest in all departments of the church s work is growing. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church 440 Chemeketa street. Sunday - morning services at 11 Subject of lesson sermon: . "Adam and FaUen Man." Sunday aehool at 9:45 ajn. Wednesday' evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. - Reading room 209 Masonic Temple open every dsy ex cept Sandsy and holidays from 11:15 te 5:30 p.m. All are cordially invited j to our services and to our reading room. e - X. B. a. A. International BiWe Students associa tion Meets every Sunday ia Derby I all Corner Court and High streets, upstairs. Hours from 10 to lz a.m. - feblte al- waya welcome at these aervicoe. Sunday May 7, at 3:30 p.m. there will be free public lecture. subject "Deeta and Resurrection; Millions now living Will Never Die." Host what God's word says about death and when it will cease. iats free; no collection. Condition of roads In Coos and Curry counties is made known to the state highway department In advices received Satnrday. The Roseburg-Coos Bay state highway is open from Coquille to Myrtle Point, but Is closed beyond. It probably will be open about May 20 to Roseburg. The Coos bay wagon, road is In bad condition. The North Bend - Marshfleld - Coquille road is paved. . The Bandon - Port Orford, Gold Beach California state line road is open and In fair condition. Automo bile stages are operating. The IS Ruling Of Van Winkle MarsMleld;- Bandon road, by way of. the Seven Devils route,, is closedon account of ferry repairs. LADIES: When irregular or suppressed use Tri umph PUla. Safe aad dependable la ell per eaees. oi sold at a rag atoroa. aot ei use lave I with ethers; save dia- ssppolntmeai. Write lor "Relief' and particular nee. Auaress national Medieat T rivet. M ilwaukle. Wis. Hay Fever Prevenuoji gTJNDAT HEALTH TAiK WO. BY O. Ia. aWUI. - wiy wal't until tbefheated pollution seison when 1. i!f dust ot.plant Ufa 'fSe exasperating dUea T - W.S? S- TrLviai wnrself Un necessary Steps tor su..-o- . ; xnune now? ... twaniv ia. said, . " , .. .mi immune, ia otef tne outer biubhh -r- - to One person out. ui ---- 7-,. e sntcepUble to Utis, stalled dUe.-. . .v .inaleen ire imffluu ' 7- th nerw Tlf or of, the lr. passago, words the nerve Tigur -.v,,,..--- off. lining. I. such that It, easily VPwJg the infection. ChiropracUc spinal adjuet menu wlU restore tha neceary resist ance, of these flaccid B very high percentage of ?JJj; periodical recurrence of ttto menT, , -PHffiff"- Iieok after year . kaaitlv Ktt. . yea - msy he ia charge of the ii- denaer to retr, ' 1 I' Mr OUWnUlCTlCCOSRtXR PRESS UCC OW SPINAL ? RfKVESlHDtSEASESCF THE fOliOYIfJNS ORGANS ,mU9 a. ' na.a.am ' i' AKrIS .ueknT LUNOS STOMACH PANCREAS 'BOWLLS : S APPtNOlX lINO BLADDER Spinel OtaaVUni WW The lower nerve under the magnify in301ass 15 pinched by ahtsaugned joint. FtNCHCD NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT KEALTHPUL 1NPULSES, CMIR0PRAC TICADJUST1N0 Re i MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS FREE AS MTIeKlirrrNDS. Halt-FoirXcar BntilsiFe:W6w; "Our , daughters 1 Ada, aged, tWrteen; suffered, every year from hay fever from arly In- . . a. A a . - s fancy.. we inougn are was no cure until we ; tried eniro practle ! spinal djustmenta. , Since. then.,.few adjustmenU In the early part of" July have been sufficient each, year to f oresUU the lllnesa, : Bhe war free of It for twa yearientlre . ly but In eaeh'of the-lasVtwQ years on lymptonui ot 1U pos sible . recurrencee ttdlmtmenta . have prevented the attack,M .- Mr.- and Mr VW.-M.; Rubush, Chiropractic Research Bureau, statement No 1329F, , YOltTt HEALTH . , v When your healthy starts de pends on when you telephone 87 tor aa appointment." Chlroprevetor V 414-19 0, S. BanX Biaz. - Phcns 67. SUIT SALE PBXSBTTEBIAH First Presbyterisn On Church street between Chemeketa and Center. . Ward ! Willis Long, minister. Sabbath school meets at 9:45 a.m., H. E. Barrett, super intendent. At 10:30 s.m. there will be a meeting ef tbe session for the rrecea- tien of members. At 11 a.a the hoar of public worship, there wit be the formal reception of members. Mr. Long j will preach tbe tbe topie: "Sermons in lowers. In tne evenmr at 7:SO o clock, hia theme will be: "Set Frofits I in Religion. The junior C.E. meets at 3 p.vai and the intermediate and aenior societies at 6:80. Monday, 8:30 p.a dinner to the mothers and. daughters of the church and congregation will be served by the Men's elub. Thursday. 7:80 p.m- prayer, praise and Bible study, followed at 8:30 by Christian workers' training elass. Thia ia Blossom I day, also the first anniversary of Mr. Long pastorate. Show your apprecia tion by year presence. 8trangers ia the city are cordially invited to worship with os. EPISCOPAL St. Psol's Cfcorch The Little Church on the Corner. ' Rev. II. D. Cham bers, rector. Holy euehsrist at 7:30 m. Tbe cburch ecbool meets at 9:30 The banner eloea for May wilt be an nounced, -second celebration of the Holy eurharist at 1 1 a-m. with sermon subject "Knots. all- are invited to St. Paul'. Tbe young people's society ef et. Stephen I'ro-tatbedraL Portland. will motor from Portland and join with tbe young people a society in tne d.i Lgsri win ee served, by tne reetor and Mrs. Chambers after tbe mora in r ser vice, end then the yoaag people will view 1 the blossoms and return' to n luncheon at S:30 at the eharch, and at 6:30 the two societies will gather for the regular meeting. It M expected mat every mem ber will be present and nil ether jeong people laierestea are tnvitea. ' ' BAPTIST First Baptist --William T. MiHiken. miniat'r. Bible acbool convenes at 9:455. Edward Behaake, superintendent. . Grad ed departmeate and ' modern .- metboda. Morning worship at 11. Morning ser mon "The Desirs ef the Supper. '-Tai Spring Is Here Also Spring Suitings J25toJ45 h Why not make these nice days more enjoyable by Wearing one of our Made to Measure Suits. Just the material you want is waiting for you to make the selection, well do the rest. Build you a suit that is dis tinctly ypurs. Built to fit your particular taste. Come in today and let us take your measure. SCOTCH Mi 426 State Street 1 -? I Ladies. i : -: - - - aid. Coats, w .dT Dresses Less $ Less ; Choose from our entire stock of, Coats, Suits and Dresses t 20 per ' - " , . . - 7 1 Every garment bears the. oViginal price mark ticket r- i These garments are all new, fresh merchandise, ordered especially for this season's selling and include scores of pretty, patterns, developed in the season's smartest fabrics. Deduct 20 per cent from our regular prices. " ' ' - . ' L ' '" t"j ' . - Ladies? Suits. . '. . v. .$12 JO. to, $45M I Ladies? Dresses,., .itom V r, GALE GO. Commercial and Court Streets i V V i n aermoa will be louewea ' by the Lord v sr. i -