THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 3, 1923 Nevf Rates on Barrels T " ' ' drdered! by, Cpnrnjssiqn Barrels tp be used for cfder aad otber shipments are accorded a decrease In freight rates br order of the public sarvica commission- yesterday. The ' decreases , were 1 applied for br the Southern Pacif ic" company. 100 pound are. is' f follows, al SB The new" rates -ier shipments originating; Ja ;PF land: . . - To Salem 17 1-4 cents,, red need from' 25 cents; o '.Eugene, 2 cents, reduced, frpm 4'4 scents; to Stxtherlin, 37 1-2 cents, reduced from 64 1-2 cents; to Roseburg, 37J1-2 cents, reduced from 67 1-2 cents; to Grants Pass,' 45 cents cents, reduced from 90 1-2 cents; to? Talent, 45 cents, reduced from 921-2 cents; to Ashland 45 cents, reduced from 94 cents; to Cornelius, 12 1-2 cents, reduced from IS crfits; to Sheridan. 20 1-2 cents, reduced from 27 'cents; to Newberg 14 "1-2 ' cents, re-faced from 17 12 cents'; to West Salem 20 1-2 cents, reduced from ' 27 cents. .The new1 rates were ef tecthre yesterday.- ' socniriFSKY ED Salem Man Hereafter to- Be in Charge of County Y.M.C.A, Work Sfflll'lET (US PASS Emmons and Southworth Team Selected for Semi final Argument .lit ; . ' ;:'V' VII, ! Demonstrate the . . , .., , ... ."!:. . ' - : ; !.-; ''; 1A UU1UUU . tUVV I Edwin Socolofsky. for the oast four; months employed on special i organization work' with the . Mar lion' county' Y.M.C.A., will' here after be! In charge of the county woj-k program' in Marion" county, it "was announced following the i quarterly "meeting of 'the 'coifnty t'T!' committee at the public 'li brary1 last night. - Socolofsky -succeeds John' H. : Pndd of Portiand who ' came to Salem last ' September to tike charge of the coountr work pro Isram. Hudd had asked to bare- If yott,. 8Wu JTiptured, your leased, by th county committee In bijr opportunity has now ar- order that he might give his ;en- riVed. If you WOUld like to tire time to his duties as inter be f ree from the slavery of "e"nuJ7d Ifd!hoc0.unt3r 7?k . . ..t.JVf for. Oregon and Idaho. - gouging pinchinsr, Chafing " ; socolofsky was active in depu- trusses.tnat make life a bur- tatfon work with the xm.c;a; den, 'then HERE and NOW is while a student at '.Willamette the? iimQito act. V . :' university and has been" itlrly 4-. t .u . , f V ! ; Interested In the work, for several "''Mr. and MrsJ F. & Wil- y "he quarterly meeting and the llams, experts 4 in . rupture tct that j. c. ciartr boys work cases, trained under the per- secretary 'for the y.m.c.a. :in snnal direction of W. S. Rice, Shanghai; China, was-'to be the of Adams, N. Y4 the famous discoverer Tof the lUce Non- Surgical Rupture! Method, will be at the THarion Hotel, Sa- IMfaj. Free To J .'.! "' " , ; - ' "'" Calks at Hotel Salem high school debaters will meet Grants Pass In Eugene next Friday night in . the semi-finai contest for the state chsrapion Bhlp,' according to word received here yesterday frpm , pan Clar secretary ot the state association Salem defeated Forest Grove last Friday, thereby wlnnfng'the rifb: to;; enter;, thje": seml-final$ aad Grants Pass defeated Roseburg. According ;tp, tlhofflciai; word, the Grants Pass team Is composed bt two unusually strong pirls; vrhr who have established an enviable record against southern Oregon teams. They are champions of southwestern Oregon. Ralph Emmons, negative lead er in the district debates, will cap tain the team against Grants Pass, debating with Ward South- worth, affirmative leader in the district debates. Critics' claim the two form the strongest team ever sent out by the local school, whici is substantiated by: the showing against Forest Grove in the first of the inter-district contests last Friday. If the local orator should b" successful in the next debate they will participate in the -hampion-sbip debate to be held In Kugf ne May 19 against the champion of eastern- Oregon. ': Th9 debate ot Eugene Friday will be closed lo the public In order that the argu ments of the winning team will pot be" revealed before it meets the opponent for the state title. T havir beenr sT mUbffHW? -e?ot tBS flSense'of beef nation, for year and Is doing much to establish he newer aad more progressive civilisation. Clark, told how tha boys, of Shanghai, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A: had', aided in spreading - health ' propaganda about the city duringr a cholera epidemic and ot other work Into which the boys of th city were entering. No one stands so well n China as the Americans, declared Clark who expressed th bepe that the friendship between his ' nation and China would never be Interrupted. White is Toastmaster At Portland Banquet Colonel George A. White leaves for Portland . today to attend a meeting of regular army, nation al .guard and reserve . corps of fleers who meet today to enter tain Major General Charles G Norton, commanding; general of the Uinth corps area with head quarters at San Francisco. , Following the meeting a din' ner party is being given' in honor of General Morton by the asso ciation of the. Army of the United States. Colonel White, who is president ot the association In Oregon will introduce General Morton and other speakers. speaker of the evening, -drew a number '' of committee .members and members of HI-Y clubs from towns all over Marion county; " lq; Ore May 5th and 6th. piTrjQTrEPj-R g pjg lMt. and Mrs Williams are ittkts'tti aH ruptured people what the Rice Rupture' Meth- oa can. accompusn. iou uave. no doubt; heard and read much hrtnf f bi famnnw Mef YifA and the cures which ; thousands , have reported from. it. Now, you have the chance to find nuf all nrViilf if f n Vinve "It. demonstrated tot you and to tice what 4t can da fn: TOUR OWN case. Just call at the hotel and these experts will inve you their personal atten tion, best advice and complete demonstration ' a b s 0 1 u t el y without charge: ' 1 Are you tired of that bind- able truss Z Would you like to be free of it forever? Then investigate this. Rice ; Method nnA f'wA Aiit tiAv tvaRihil!ties.l Will S1VI V w va V f rm -- - it holds out.TSurely. a Method that could -eause so - many ; : thousands of former; rupture sufferers !foetkrt cures must be worthy w your; luii 'ana complete investigation CU1U K.4 U4 Void bmuiucV itUkmvt mham riixa, i- m "thai MHlTHQlfflUM Soothes aad hsaLSj L cbzps andchilpUins ARE ABOUT BEADY .-,. . TO SHIP THE QBE Trucking from the Santtam . Mines Will Begin jn a Very Short Time B EM FOR CUi DMS Shanghai Y, MC. A. Leader ' Talks to Marion Coun- , iy-.Committee H. H. Lots, the " mining engin eer of the Lotz-Larsen ; Mining company, was in Salem last night on his way back to the Saatlam mines, from a business visit to Tacoma, -Portland : and other points. While at Tacoma ' .Mr. Lots signed up for his company a con tract for delivering 500 tons month of ore to theTacoma smel ter. The contract for hauling the ore has already been "let to Mc Intlre Bros., who will use two trucks and two trailers, as men- tioned in a Statesman 'news Item some days ago. The ' will haul five, tons r to a .trrDtd-'thw rail road. These men are experienced in trucking. . The snow is gone" now at the Lotx-Larsen mine, hich fs'atthe Junction, of Gold Crefek wlth.wthe Little North Fork of the Santism; but the'r6 is two or three or mdre feet of enow a little above them -and they are' fearing that, warm rain may make high water in the creeks and rivers and, 00 some damage to the ' roads - and bridges. They will have to do some work on the roads above Elk'bbnr, be fore beginning the trucking .0 the ore, and Marlon county should A new China la dawning. . J. C. Clark? i6ys w"orltw secretary for the Y. M. C. A. at Shanghai, CM- na, , told members of : the Marion connty Y. M. C. A. committee at their quarterly meeting In tM public library Monday night. 'The- hope ot tho new ' Chlaa, Ctark explained, wis founded up on the students of the nation whom' he described as boys and men" of keen mentality af d highly patriotic, ' although to a certain extent entrenched.'", in. the ancient customs of China, which date back 400& years." .... .". 1 Clark has been engaged In Y. M. C. A. work in Shanghai for the past. U years, being head of the help In putting and" fceeplng'the largest boys'- division In the world with supervision over 46 points of activity in addition to the work fn the "Y" building.' The new generation In China, Clark declared Is disgusted with the habits and ' 'eurfoms which county's part' of the road in con dition, from Elkhorn to Mehama. Mr. Lota says the smelter peo ple are anxious to get the Santlam ore, and that they would gladly take 5000 tons a month it they 1 could get it. 'wtmld die oof Tfairs eomraitiee the'cluby 'told overnight. of the erection of the sign,. the But I do not talk ot soldierly I metal work for which was donated titles, any more, he says . "One by Nelson Brothers, and the sign who did his duty, has only, one itself put up by the Indian school title that is worth while.": lads. . Supervisor Crosa Coest W. N. Cross, supervisor of-In-J dian education In the Pacific coast district, was a guest of. the evening, and spoke briefly, urging He has refused to be photo graphed, saying that this is van ity and idle boasting. INDIAN SCHOOL IS HOST TO KIWANIANS closer cooperatnon of the citizens (Continued from page 1) niw 16 years of age and with her brother, also In Chemawa, came out from 200 miles beyond Nome, driving their own dog team, to come to Chemawa.- The way she handled her subjects, "Da Great-a Game," a story of baseball from the Italian banana peddler's standpoint, and his brother's tale of woe against the Irisher boy whom he hated, was a real reve lation In dramatics. If they pro duce that kind ot dramatic fire up so closoe to the Pole, Alaska was a mighty good investment for the United States. Riley Poem Interpreted Little Charlie Hall, 9 years of age, gave a line rendition of Ri ley's "Seein Things at Night," that made a hit. He must have gotten that scary little voice with which be pictured the scary little lad of the story, out of memoirs of Edwin Booth; the tragedian himself coouldn't have been more delightfully scared. Frances Nich ols, a big-eyed little Indian lass of eight years, rendered "When de Folks Am Gone." and "The Moo Cow Moo," with real tragic interpretation. ; When Superintendent' Hall an nounced that thesei twoi little dra matic stars had been trained by one of their Chemawa graduates, Miss Eleanor Hawk, who later at tended the Salem high school and then returned to Chemawa to teach, the crowd gave her and her proteges a rousing tribute. The Chemawa dinner was held to dedicate a hugs sign that the club' had erected on the Oregon Electric, west of the school to ap praise travelers of the nature of the school that so many have seen but could not identify. Fred Ertxon, chairman of the public af- wtih-the school." He told of how it was the strong sympathy of the Quaker people or Carlisle, Pa with the Indian school at Carlisle." that brought that famous school so prominently-before the people of America. He urged that the people of. Sajem become more closely-' Interested, ia the school b.ereafe as ' to chre-the, students wno rtutn: to their homes; a real aadTJvinaensebrtbe reality of American thilltatfoa fd good will.-' ,: ; ." :". 1 - . , . Tbey are part ot ns.T be saw. Thej", were here before us; they deserve and are splendidly worth our .cooperation In ; baildlng ; P America:-"'" "- ;'.' -T ' Cberrlan Magician Appear Hehai 'tie toagklan 3 ot the Cherrlngo. jthe gneat ojc Cooke Patton. gare the crowd some In teresting slight of- bond magic Pr.ftirinr n SuDetintendent Har- wood Hall, he. plucked him ot hales of cards, of strings ot dutchy hamburgers aand of other Incrlm InaUng. things that the Hall mem ory couldn recall, Some of tbese tnnts will doubQesa appear at the Cherringo. though with another victim. The Chertlngo was hear tily endorsed by the club, L i pcnnJgic sciatic ; -anldV rEeumatio pains, heaUche,TT)ackache all other aches , arc ' Quickly rt ; lievea pX,':- t -' - - - ' ' . Dr? riilcs' Anil-Paln.Pins Cbrltaiii'pPdroui "habi- 4 fornun;lrug$, v pwi t you 'try' them rWs - ".' - . "J ; Ask jww 'drujgist t 1 . :' ,. - HA Mliilltii ': I I" . . . . , .-h.-,. . ;v ! 'Al . - I' I OF THE STOMACH pU CANT; ENJOY LIFE wlli sore, sour, blosta) stom. acbi Food does act nounk hslead it it a aoorce ot misery, cainiag pains, hrlrhing, tfermfss sad head, ad, f ' 9 The pessos with a bad stomach .ssoak be sstkfied wkh aotatng lets ' tW pa latfmg reEeL . J The n&i noedy will ad opoo die Gsiost of the stomach, enrich ths blood, aid ia cajnag out m fatstrhal poisooj aad strengiLea every bocHy hactjec. J The large number el pesple who kre toeeescfiBlly asad Dr. Hartmaa'a famous atedtcme, recommended lot all catanbal conditSon offet Ibe strongest possible eadooemeat tor ' Pe-ru-wA service rnr TEAKS II ' TABLCTS OK LIQUID I SOLD EVER YWH CltC ' The Rice. Method 'ia differ ent from anything else. , It is modern, up.- ta- the minute, abreast of the latest scientific developments. ' It is the one Method that you' are not asked 'to talte on faith alone--lhe one Method, that is positively demonstrated to you, right on your own person, without any charge whatever.5 You do not 5pend a penny , unless, ; after naving a ;f ull tind. -complete demonstration, ;you decide that 'this' is ther Metribd for you.r And you you 4 alone-1-; are the sole judge of that." ' '-' ""Jn justice. to yourself, come 'jri'and see these experts.' Re- t member, they, will be here on-i ly;-two days then your opppr- :t unity will be gone. ' Grasp it NOW. It may prove to be 'the wisest thing you ever did and anyway,' it costs; you nothing to'find 'out :;.'-' r :.. - ,.' ' . ': . '.. ' V'.Remembeiv come to the ; Marion Hotel any day from 9 toU2 forenoons, 2 to 5 after noons, or 7 to 9 evenings The dates are May 5' and 6. ; " Pan't let this opportunity gc-t away from you. . . , . . W. S RICE, ; ' . Adams,- N. Y. T sa J J ' ' If' 1 ' ' "ft C. G, Jackson, 93 Years Old, f Has Watch Given 'Him :: by Emancipator ': ' ! When C. G. Jackson set sail in an old sailing ship -from Sweden In 1857, he certainly did not ex- pect to spend 15 weeks on the tempestuous" voyage, to fight at Gettysburg, to get one bayonet thrust through the body, and six bullet wounds, to wear a lietnten- ant-colonel's silver oak leaf epau let, to be the personal body guard and-personal friend of Ab rabam Lincoln and to lire to the age of 93 years and be as hearty as most men of 50 years. This is In brief the story bt C G. Jackson, who is visitine in Sa lem aad vicinity. He has a watch given him by President Lincoln; a beautiful, gold case, key-wind, Swiss watch, with metal face en graved with the Lincoln town beuse at Springfield, . Hi. Mr Jackson visited thels Springfield plaee, once, after the war. He wasTI 6f the military -guard that escorted the remains of fhe Great Emanci patr to his final resting place st his old house. The watch is to be sent back to, Washington in June,' as a part of vth"e national Lincoln memorial collection that will become a priceless .national heritare.' ' ' Mr. Jackson knew Grant, Lin coin, and all the Union leaders who made Washington their head- uarters during the great war.' They were great men," he says.' One could not write one- one-hundredth part of the good there was in President Lincoln Mr. Jackson was the guest of J. IL Lanterman at the Argo ho tel, Monday evening, lie still has the military bearing of the genu lne soldier, and tne neath of '9 boy He makes milk hi 'principal 1 1 -.T Johnny Know$! Every time . Dad sends Johnny to the corner for. a paper Johnny comes back with an Oregon Statesman And why? Johnny's wise Hfr knows where to find The Junior Statesman Turn to Page 4 MONEY FOR YOU Look around in your attic or store room and you will find long-forgotten articles, useless to you, but xry useful to others.' Turn these articles In to cash or exchange them for something usef uL A classified ad. in the Statesman . will tell hun dreds about ItJ 1 ' You can telephone your ad.. , . ' PHONE 23 o (3 . fM f ! -1: 7 - T Jt r Second floor; the bedroourm tme floor, is the main attraction at the present time at the big furni- ture sfofie. Prices have:: marked down until you would, think that preaKco7M surely returned. Every dresser; bed, Chiffonier and Dressing table has been marked-down to make )si quick turnover. If you haye waited about buyingy now 'is tlieiimetol make your selections as the present: prices will hold good-only: or a ! , . .. -; - ' ..-.'-.''.'.." ." ' . '-.--- .'! short peripdT: .PrhiqiXfl is iriclud0in:tM&Mg$$ei 1 1 340 '1'-, 'a .si 'Ji.M r - .1. treet i Lct It mar four fortun JTT' J ' 3ood a4vle tmn Saaaaapearen ? 'c It! Jf : ' 1 u-i.vj-1- r mm VOO CAN AFFORD TO DO 80, NOW YOU GET THEM AT THE MERE CO Of, WANbXlr418TRIBlrtXO EXCLUSIVELY TO REAOERf 0 TH v 1 OB! 'VlH';'-; - STAMM : ! : ( pictidna-3;7;-f M ShcmU be a the de of every atenocmpkex ita4 1 wttbla reach of; crerjvdcrk. Cetl yonnT today; Demand has been trerjiendbiis. TTie people Kke the book your neighbors are - taldrigr it in great ; qiiAntxtis. dSnderitfis'lhe Best Dictiohary 22 pjcnpjCAiups m o?i?; .Thousands of new' vrorcl never before in colpTj an3 duotbno. v A Luxurious Book, Take One. Home Todays Money Back if Not Satisfied. i$4.oo . iTtx1! 1 . . ' ' rrrTfWiaiasjMiaii . - a 1 r A r ,. . . I , 1 J ,a4 wV"a K ai M.ul 7: ? - SSSSJSJiMBBMMBBBtaiBBSSBBSSSJBlBIBSSWl BOUND IN BLACS SEAL GRAIN en tta y ' LnxsrUma Bs<J diet and If milk always made 1 wapon: appears, ymsLimc such soldierly.' soldiers as he ia, .4 i