THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 3. 1922 U I K - .. i Bj MAEGUEIIIT4 OLEESON v -The first v annual . banquet of the. Trl L club wii held last night ; in . thej Y.W.C.A;; dining room. ( ; Mls Edna iNevbernrras tbase , 'v mistress for the -occasion. Those i responding to toast were Miss t Miriam E. Anderson, Miss Esther ; Natterlund and Miss th.elma Rob- Initiation serrice'was held fol- f lowing the banket and fire mem- wgis muo in ex mis lime. I Members present for the occasion were Miss Ilplen Berg, Miss Mar Jorle Blake, Miss Irene Boje, Miss Esther Natterland, Miss Edna Newberry. Miss Thelma Robinson. ' Miss Gladys Bargent, Miss Agnes f Bayne, Miss) Hannah Slatterly, Miss Elizabeth Stockhouser. , Miss Ines Tyler, Miss Marian Zinzer, 1, Miss Miriam Anderson, Miss Jessie 1 Hill, Miss. Esther Planting Mjss I Leona Post, Miss Mispah Palmer- ton. Miss Adelaide r Lake, Miss Agnace Seamon, Miss Hazel Wil- Hams, Miss Anna Capps and Mlas ; Hester Hlllpo y jv ' i , ,: " ' The Rebecca lodge members ob- served the 103rd anniversary of the organization of the Odd Fel low, lodge Monday;'... ereatar.wttb an old fashioned partr tn the I.O.O.F. hall. Members came dressed in old fashioned costumes and refreshments were served in the form of an old fashioned box supper. , Each woman who came In cos tume told the age of her costume and who had previously worn it, Thomas F. Ryan of Oregon City, gave a sHort address to the mem bers present. Mrs. H. E. Pemberton and eon. Max, are spending eereral weeks n California'. They will visit with Mrs. Pemberton's mother. Mr. and Irs. 'David W.- Eyre and their two: children are home rom a, month's trip through Cali fornia., .".v' ' . ' i,- nrnc Ann .. .. 1 MAY e SALEM SAT. Regular Show Grounds ; i A FOOT TALLER TON AND, A half! HEAVlCQj I nAN PtOPLt JHOQXS I vnx- L fAJI i YOLIEIl'S ACTIVITIES CWTK5N Of;-'AUU PAiaratiJUTsVfr ' " AT IQC30 AnDAR-T - - Reserved ' numbered- chair sale show day at Red Cross Pharmacy, State Street, at same' prices- -'charged on grounds. - , Adults 75c Children- '50e More than $60, was taken in-by the Highland Mpthera club at the carnival last week. This roes to ward the soup . kitchen fund and the general fund lot the' Mother's club. A- program - was given by the pupils and special numbers were given by Rose Gray and Francis Nicholson ot the Indian school at Chemawa. Mrs. Jnlia Weigel con tributed sereral piano solos. ' More than 100 mothers and daughters attended the "Mother- Daughter" , banquet given in Ger vaia last - jsaiuraay. ,a program was given by the' daughters and several of the mothers responded with short talks. y-l 1 i Mrs. W. h.-Kuser of the Boys' Training school spoke 6n "Mother and Daughter." Mrs. " Kuser ad dressed the Girl Reserve corp at Stayton Tuesday, Afternoon. Mr. Kuser addressed ;the high, school assembly. " ' ; ; Members of Barbara Frletchle Tent, Daughters of Veterans, vis ited the schools on Grant's Cen tennial day last week. They report excellent pro grams given by the children iu all the schools and especially was their attention called to the splen did manner in which the American Creed and tlag salute and pledge were 'siren. . :4C ' Mrs. "Mabel Lockwood. patriotic Instructor of the local tent made the following assignments to the different schools: Englewood ; school Mrs. Blanche Datts, . Mrs. Jennie Pope, Miss; Budeh Murray; Yew Park Mrs. JJ, q; potson, Mrs. Clarence Blundell, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood; Richmond -Mrs." Mary Entress, Mrs. Jos. Bach, Miss Cichrane Miss Phoebe McAdams,-" Garfield Mrs. Mary Cook, Mrs. E. T. BuselL Miss Julia Webster, Mrs. Alice Davies, Mrs. Ruth Brown; Highlands Mrs. Melissa Persons, Mrs. Reba Smith; Lincoln Mrs. Hi Ik Clark,, Mrs. Homer Ingrey, Mrs. F. A: Elliott; Grants-Mrs. Gertrude Cummings, Mrs. Grace Green; Washington high Mrs. W. E, Kirk, Mrs. H. H. Ollnger, Mrs. F. L. Waters; McKinley high, Mrs. P. M. Gregory, Mrs. Mary Shaln. ' 1 The official call for the state convention of the Oregon State Federation of Women's clubs has been received by officers of fed erated clubs in Salem. The feder ation will convene in Tillamook May SO and the sessions will last until June 3. Ten amendments to tbe consti tution, are proposed by the execu tive board. One of the -ones con sidered most important is that which fixes the dues of the wo men's leagues of the Oregon Agri- cultural college and the University of Oregon at 25:Tb!s is to be a special rate for ' those "organisa tions of women at state institu tions which have a membership of at least 500." The April number of the Club women's bulletin has just been re ceived by club women and it con tains the official call and a num ber of special articles by depart ment heads. The Salem Women's club and Etokta are both mem bers of the state federation. ' Silverton Club Will Sponsor Loan Benefit Offfiai Is Received holding 'seTerarlectnres on subject at Portland aad at University of Oregon. k ' the the SIB SILVERTON, Ore.. May 2. (Special) An event of social in terest will be the charity tea to be given under the auspices otithe Slrvertoa Women's , club Friday afternoon. May S, at the hornet of Mrs. M. C. Woodard for the bene fit of the Student Loan fund. The interest of the afternoon will be centered in the lecture which Mrs. H. C Wortmanof Portland will give on "Oriental Art." Mrs. Wortman has been Ik CLUB CALENDAR ' Today College and University Wo-. men's meeting at Commercial club, z:S0. ' Thursday Raphiterian club with Mrs. Carle Abrams, 104 Wilson: street. P.E.O. with Mrs. Will T. Kirk.' 1259 South Liberty.1 ' Public Opinion" is deUned by the editor of Harpers as the opin ion which slowly merges into one form tbe great mass of "citizens -business men, farmers, lawyers, bankers and ministers of the country. .This public opinion, v tbe edi tor goes oh. to say, will be sound aad liberal or foolish and intol erant,' according as it is more or less intelligent Its intelligence WiU be tested out by its ability to think things out and trace ef fects to the right : causes and partly by its Instinctive accept ance of good leadership instead of bad. The Atlantic Monthly for May contains an article by Kirby Page on the "United States Steal Cor poration," the 'corporation with a soul,' as It is seli-styiea. While admitting that the cor poration has done much for its workers in a social welfar work, having spent 95 millions of dol lars on various kinds' of welfare work. Kirby goes on to show that the unskilled workers are greatly underpaid, according to theIn ttrchurch report of the steel strike. Silt Kg Two Thousand Dead on Chi nese Battlefield Follow- ing Engagement " Stayton and Jefferson Schools Hear Mr. Clark J. C. Clark, Y. M. C. A. secre tary of Shanghai, China, who Is visiting this week in Salem and vicinity, was a guest of the Stay ton high school Monday forenoon where he made a great hit with his story of the Celestial King dom and its relation to the out side world. In the afternoon, he was at Jefferson, where a like re ception awaited him. Mr. Clark, who has spent the past 10 years In China, Is now In America for a year's vacation and study. His wife and' children "are at Corval 11s. and he Is filling in a few dates for Y work in the Willamette val ley where he lived years ago he as a graduate of 0. A. C, in 1904, and he knows the whole of west ern Oregon like a book. ' PEKING. May 2. (By The As. sociated Press) Heavy cannon ading was in progress today at various points along the front ex tending from Machang. South of. Tientsin across the country to the vicinity of Peking. Severe fighting occurred, at, a point along the Hunan river SO miles south of this city,' where 40,000 troops of General Wu Pei Fu, the . central Chinese leader, endeavored to force a. crossing In order, to gain control of the Peking-Tientsin railroad. Airplanes Seen General Chang Tsb-Lin, gover nor of Manchuria, and head of the opposing forces, from hts head Quarters near Tientsin, ordered trains to convey the main body of his 100,000 soldiers to the front south ot the great wall. Two Manchurian airplanes ; flew over Tientsin and proceeded westward. Later airplanes dropped bombs near the station at Hwangstun only a short distance from here. Advices received' by military at taches here said Wu Pei-Fu was sending troops northward at the greatest possible speed. Fifthy thousand of his troops, concentrated at Paoting Fu, are being reinforced from the' Yangtze provinces.-- Twenty thousand oth ers, recruited from Shantung; are marching against Chang - Tso- LJn s southeastern stronghold at Machang. " - 2000 Dead Found " Two thousand dead and wound ed were found on the field after th battle at Ch&nrslnticn. out. side of Peking. The - booming of cannon was heard In Peking all last night, but the cannonading ceased this morning. Despite the continuation of trench warfare. many foreigners. Including lera- tion guards, went outside the city to view the hostilities. Corporal Mason, am American marine (rom Colorado, was shot in the arm but was not seriously wounded. - - French employes at the locomo tive works at Changsintian nar rowly escaped when a bomb, drop ped from an' airplane, destroyed tieworks. .''0 Korthwest Wins; Objective General Wu Pei-Fu is continu ing to send troops west of Peking in an endeavor to envelop General Chang's northwestern wing. Tbs precipitated fighting which lasted all night at FengtaL tea miles from Peking. ' Admiral Joseph strauss, com mander of the United States Asia tic fleet was due to arrive in Pe king tonight to confer with Jacob Gould Sherman, the American V minister, regarding measures for the protection ot. foreigners. Pe king Is considered thoroughly pro tected, since the city's gates are closed at night and the streets are patrolled by Chinese troops. With sons-in-law of popular pastors and cousins of Earl'Las- celles, husband of Princess Mary. cornier to Los Angeles to enter the movie game tt woujd secra that the Tacaney left by the with drawal r Fatty 1 Arbuckle f had been more than filled. The Ios Angeles Times.' frV " With so many ot the women smoking, why notcan' It Lord Nicotine. H" V-r-V a7 Golden West THAT SOMETHING ? 1 1-... Today Ends This Great Sale - Assist Nature. There are times when you should assist nature. It Is now undertaking . to .cleanse your system It, yon will take Hood's Sarsaparilla the underUk fng will be successful. This great medicine purifies and builds up' as nothing-else does. Adv. 7' P 'Its - " ' 'nSSSSfflsnZ..'i'j' ,v..i'i-t -i , v-May 1st to 6th t - r Succcssfal Dressing Depends Upon Correct Corsctins: , r You spend over five thousand, hours a. year. in. 'z your :corsetI Then isn't it worth while to gtft"one: which is scientifically designed to give you hy- gienic supporti necessary reduction, complete com fort and smooth,' symmetrical lines? Visit Our Corset .Department During Nemo Weclu- . See The New Ones m i Gr1Gy ili DON'T MISS rr WBink of St J; T fiiJ 1(D)-00 iowi! That Is all it costs to have a genuine Red Star Oil Store delivered to your home. Then; while you are enjoying its wonderful con venience and1 marvelous cooking efficiency, you can pay the balance 1 of its purchase price In small amounts that you wUl never feel: Was there ever a more liberal offer than this! ' Remember, this offer is good only today. After today you cannot get a Red Star on these special terms. So,' if you want to forever end your cooking drudgery it you want to have real city convenience In your home ACT QUICKLY before the sale closes. An Oil Stove That Does Anything a as Range Can The Red Star does any kind of cooking baking, roasting, boiling, frying that a gas. range can do and does it just as quickly. The famous Bed Star burner transforms ker osene or gasoline, into gas and burns It like a gas range,. It has no wioks or wick sub stltutes. , Its double ring of flame aad the intense added heat of the red-hot, SVi-lb. metal burner are concentrate directly under the utensO. No wonder the Red Star pro duces cooking results that no other oil stove can duplicate. mm ' Detroit f ML 2 ll Wonderful Nev Featbes Nowthe Red Star has splendid new improve- ments that add immeasurably to Its con venience, efficiency, cleanliness and beauty. See how sturdy and durable It is; how beau tiful in appesrance; -how conveniently it IighU, without stooping. ' v Vapor.. . Wonderful Low Prices Though the latest models of Red Star Oil Stores are finer ranges than ever before. Red Star prices have k been : materially ': re- ! dueed. At their present iow - figure, 'lied Star Oil Stores are by; tar the greatest valuea we have ever- fatosnw p-v." f No use perspiring over a wood range tlus summer Mm you can, get RED STAR on such easv terms Don Miss Thlj Opportunity Come in and see this wonderful improved and . perfected Red r Star. l.'Learn at what a sur prisingly -lowt- prleeyoo; ean now: purchase. And remember, this 1s the last day you can have it on -the :- special ' terms offered ' here. You may "hever'. again ' have ' such' an oppor tunity as this! i Coae NOW. WORTH & GRAY WORTH & GRAY WORTH & GRAY WORTH i 4V. GRAY o O H s o O s o 5 a 3 O o C5 o 01 or First ; r. rT V 1 mm - .- I I New Esrtraordinary Bgains Added JEy - -. If ' si : Ladies' - .1 ' ".: 1 iljBfesseo::.'--:1:. . Look . over our fine assortment of Suits, Coats and Dressea, special for this sale, at.V ; - " 0.95 " ' it BATH TOWELS Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, nice siie, special during this sale at, each..........l.. ...14c ....... - - WASIf CLOTHS Fancy Turkish Wash Cloths,' special .during this sale at, each....... -..........'.....i. .. ...6c 36 inch wide PERCALES in many pretty patterns to'chobsd "f rom. "At per yard..:w..... 15c MEN'S DRESS JIQSE, airJJ;5c MEN'S HANDipHEre-illJSc y MEN'S DRESS TlS' at ewlti J,.jEpe LADIES' WASHABLE GLOVES 98c Ladies DRIVING GAUNTLETS 98c : 5c: LACES, Fine-, REMNAIJTS HLFFpiCE Savings on Toilet Artides SOAPS Creme Oil, bar. , 6c Palmolive, bar . It Woodbury's, bar. .23c Pear's (unscented) bar .... . 15c Lux) per box - 9c Rinso, per box 7c LISTER IN E Listerine, 3 oz. bottle 25c Listerine, 7 oz. bottle 49c Listerine, 14 oz. bot. 89c ODORONO Odorono, small ... .23c Odorono, medium -...43c Odorono, large ,79c 4'!' i iOOMPEIAN r Pompeian : (night cream ' ramaM...;,.;, Pompeian (night cream) , large 1 -69c Pompeian (day cream) .49c Pompeian (massage r t cream) small....49c Pompeian (massage - -cream) Iarge....69c Pompeian Talcum r ' Powder............'..; 19c Pompeian- Face Powder. .. -49c Pompeian Rouge...; 49c pompeian Lip Stick....l9c GENE FALSIiU; Face, Powder boxw.69c Face Creamy jar.-r-r.Ci' ll TOOTH PASTIij; ? Pepsodent'Tobth W Paste.rrr.r:.rrj::c: Pebeco'Tooth Paste.9c 0Igate'asmal::8c . CQlgate!s,. large.r.,19c Dr. Iyon'a Toothv , Dr. Lyon's Tooth -' Powderl.2JLI ,23c H.irid'8 (Honey and; 'v Almond Cream) :139c Watkina (MulsifLed ' 1 Cocoanut OiL 39c Colgate's Shaving . Cream..... Li .29c Furniture Department 3 JAPANESE SEA GRASS RUGS Size 36x72, at each ' " 4 98c: Size 6x9, at each ..... .....$2.98 Size 8x10, at each..."... $3.98 Size 9x12, at each....; ... $4.98 DUROLEUM Size 24x54, at each.. ... 59c Furniture Dept, 2d Floor Full size sagless steel .spring tubular frame, 'special during this sale, at each'LLL:.;.:;", $4.95 SUIT CASES ; ; Matting Suit Cases, reinforced cor ners, at eachL- LL.v..;..$15 Brown Fibre Suit Cases, reinforced corners, special at each-.$15 Wort DEPARTMENT STORE ! FREE DELIVERY , . ' Phone 132 177 N. Uhtrif Strict, Salca, Orc-ca o I 6 A o 5 a o o ii .2 2 WORTH & GRAY WORTH! & i GRAY ?- r WORTH GRAY - WORTH & t GRAY J ! i i