e. ' ... THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OTtEGUTI TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 2, 1922 PERSONAL BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS REAL ESTATE HUG A BOE IE 1 it i I V get claiitttxji Azmxmxjcxxti Pox liinnn ' Three . laeerUeea , Oa Mk (lis laeert max) van eeea.n ; Btx aetata' eeatreet, per So 10e Bexwlbd MM. S60 NORWICH UNION . PTRB INSURANCE BOCTBTT ThlelMB, RoUnd e Burgbardt CcxUdemt A gent 871 State St- MONEY TO LOAN On Real Eatats T xV FORD v -( (Over Ladd A Cast Bask) NEW :T0DAY (MILL FRUIT PLANTS ANY GGAN tlty delivered. F Blackberries, black t caps, currants. gooseberries, grapes. Jog eaberrtes, i raspboriics. . aeparegaa. raooere. - wtrf - Kiebaraeea, 4 FOB RALE VF.MXIW DENT SEED irora; also Goldea Bantam Hwt corn. Phono 29Fa molnp. ' j " " ; LOST BLACK 1 PURSE. CONTAINING ' 910.50. at Weelworth's ar en wsy to Penney a store. .Leave at Steteamaa office. . t t SHOE REPAIRING OUTFIT GOOD 'year stitcher aad finisher. 9400. 0ir, 1220 North-21tL RUTH MADAMS-DRESSMAKER. 756 ' 8oUtl iath- rb0Ba 1824 M- FRUIT LAND NURSERY FIN E LARGE atoek of Italiaa pruna traaa aad alao all kind or laadinr Dartary tloeK. ; Phona 1140 M.', 161 fl. 14tk atrarL , k OAT MEAL WALLPAPER-30 PER doable roll. Moir Coiling Paper, tie ,par doubla roll. - Mai O, Burro, 179 ortk Commercial. . WANTED TO RENT BIX ROOM koaaa. Kail bara thra badraoma and batk, and ba at moat f iva blocka from 1 a rar liaa. 1 Babarba proiarraa. Att- . dma "B t," rara Btataamaa. WANTED TO BUT A GENTLE. WELL brokaa koraa. - Worked to a raltirator. r a ona-boraa wagaa; 1200 poaads. Tkoa. Shanahaii, Konta B. Cbanawa. A FIRST MORTGAGR FOR RALE I kara aaa Bsortrare for tioou. another for 96O0 and another for 9800. AH first mortrarea aeeared by Halont and Marion rouatr oroDorty. Will naka road diseoaat oa aay or atl. Sea vie Padar. Mr. Kiaaey at Mar tea hotel. - HALL. STAIR AND ROOM CARPET redncad. Fin nw Dattfrns: rin early. Mai O. Baren. 179 N. Com .sea aiat I -' - t" - FOUND BUNCH OF KEYS ON PAC- lfi Highway. Owarr rail at Statw . - man off ire and pay for ad. THE ftvritS17.K FIREBOX O.N (MT ; Spark Steel Range, especially built . for fir wood and plaaty of hot wstar eoil ia a winner. A stinry firebox eanaes eoatlaaal treohle. Mas O. Bar on, 17V . vioBMiierciai. FOR RENT SMAU, t ROOM HOUSE, partly furnished. Phono 817 or apply 4Joly'e Groeeryr. HH N. Cbaren. WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN FOR bona work. Mast be good cook: S children. Writ rout 1. box 1-A, 1 Aamsrllle. ' ; tttiii i.ARflC LOT 78 BT 164 WITH . ,.old 9 room hoaca, partly plaatared and tnodrea; eemeat barn, garage, double. Lata of treee. ah.de and garden. Thi; waa cnt from 83500 to 93500 and ' today to 92200, wkich ia gift. Thi t. eMia . ! aaa th. oao . block- to. ear ; .na ia blocks . to corner State and - Cemaereiat. - Beeba tUoodricks, 1 205, Vj a . Ban Bldg. hkir 15 MIND THE - POLICIES 13- ..1 k Ka -MeMlanrilla Co. ara Ttoa 5 naaaaaakle. Tkroe rears inaaranea for :.ad low coat. Sundleyr-a Foley. hgenta.i Phone T. -; . - . "NEEDLEWORK SJIOP'-'ALL KINDS I Of -fsncy worx Tind nemstitcnmg ob. tat D.1 w. rest RENT ONE a ROOM FURNISHED : apartment. Close ia , and modern. ( . Phono 680-. -. . --'r ih;rnished HOUSEKEEPING rooms,' -11 SI Center. ; Inquire 447 Center. T1 RENT SUBJECT TO SALES MOD . trm S room bungalow , ;with fnrnaee Or wiS jell on very - eaay payment 1 t contract. Vacant bow. ' Becke Hex i ' dricks. 865 U. 8. Bank BMg. FIVE ROOM MODERN, .HOME WITH H Isrge sleeping porck. Plsster, ugbts, fbot water. kathTDnteh kitchen. This ' large lot tenth near ear and hools. price 926UO. . Becke Hendricks, 205 jtl.-aT Bsok Bldg,, J P0R RENMdACRES FRUIT" AND ; era in farm. Onw-hnlf, mile east-ot 1 AnmaoUlo dcpoLV Phone 184-J. 555 FIVE ROOM PLASTERED .HOUSE 4 witk boaomoat, oa State street. ' Priee ; $2500. Kraegor. Urogoa MiQaV J. PRIVATE SAXED-AVENPORT. PIANO v - k.aeh; diainx roods act; carpet. Thia ; efternoon. .75 Ferry. , street., i . Special Xaeed atock farm 2$ mile from Salem t to trade for - small ' tract. .BS aero farts to trade for city property. 914.000 farm mortis r4 lor ...190 acre. of land. : first mortgkgc. , it' ; inomason,,wfj i S - j lim State street ---:J 3 . .. : A RlRflAIN' VV ? ' u.m jMitiiM aa hi ,ijwr eeavenleocea; - large, t lot r far age: paved street '82650, . Winnie reuyjumi Sim 'Slsto Street ? EMPLOYMENT ur.VTrn-MEN TO WORK IN HOP ZLJ . Phono 56F14 Roae E. Simoa; WANTED 'KNEKG Kite TOCKO MAN who haT had oxporlenoe aelliaa life , laearaaoo, ateoka or edvertlaiag. Meat KTablVWav hla eatire time aad .I .vitkie foe advancement. Mast , hsve the ooorsge to preseat kasinoM bronoaUioa - to caoreaoata ana Froieo- aioaal mea.---Aaawer la year awn asac writing, sutlng ago. adncatkmal aaaU , . aanariooeo OS solicitor. OtO ad-eeaT 1 No 61." Stateamaa offleo lCALB AJTD ...mirvrrn - HOfSE TO H( HOUSE EAI .Aovv' . ..a a Balesmoa aad agenta. Aa article nsod j daily la every family, easy to sell, xuareatood. roforeaeo reooired ; amaH fiance. May I aad 2. Bligh botol ask for ' Lather, 4 to 8 f. ..vein!. MEN AND WOMEN TO . rL. aM. aabacriatiOaa. A IX ZZtZSZ tho right 'pewplo. AddrM ksuUK Hameatead. Sutaamaa Bids faloiB. Or Hf,i!Mi:X . WANTED . r, . . rourv witV WILL BE INTEREST ed In sd ento accessory thst caabo : instolled en any car guaranteed neetai, rnnat have capital , to f insnce territory . Say 1 and" 2. t to 8 J, BHgb hotel. jit. for i mwrM-.- PERSONAL . - i MAS1AQE AND EXEHClSTS rTTKA . v,". t-Ai. ..I. i Mra Rath Bravt wedi.Y aredaate. 60S Oregea Bidc 'Paoaa 5eV- i married best matrimonial paper published.- , Pre for Meat. CerreepoaJsat. Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE 7 A KM 7 ATE r too want to err thi best far paper, ml Id to) the Peelfie Hcmostsod. Soloes, Gregee, tar a three tilti' trial eabocrisiioa Monti as tate ad CANARY BIRDS POB SALB C AX ART BIRDS AJTD ee&tgreed white Bee let eellie V Mrs. ft. A. Bennett, aboae 1389, I nP Ta advertise aew store. -L - aad saoolv lut free. Ii Cage RIRHQ a4 Rejiera aar specialty. viiihvj p R. FLAKE 8.1 PAIR 978 Hut. Salem S3TCHXV CABINETS MeDOUGALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN cabiaat gsme from A to Z. He brought at tka VERT FIRST high elaaa kitcb aa cabinet la America. Tka new Mo- DoegeU ia a marveL Gat my prieaa a4 taraa. Max a Barea, 17 H. uoav aiarriaJ. ' rOVItTRS POULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- caat lUnipa far apaeial tkraa aioatM trial tar tka baat aa4 aldaat JaaraaJ la tka waat. Tka artlelaa aa4 advar- tlaaaiaata ara af apaeial lataraat to tka poultry kraadara ai ua Mruwan. KorUwaot Pan! try Joaraal. til Caa- asarcial Ht- Balaax Ori LTVB STOCK TRAM TOR SALE POUR AND SEVEN yaare old. weight between poo and IfHK). Without a blemiah. Addreas "A-99," eara 'Stateamsn. ; FOR BALE SHETLAND PONT AND Soaaiah barro. both very eneap. ai ekool for deaf. Phona 846. FOR SALE aOSCXLLAKXOUl SEED OATS FOR SALE WHITE 8IL- T ermine, 60o per bushel, xl. v. for tar, Aumarille. Orcgoa. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 eaata a boadla Oireaiatiaa aeparuaaa. Oregaa 8 GLIDDEN'S LINOLEUM VARNISH AND I Jokaaon'a Floor Wax.' Ask aa taa luHualu marita aad Barooaaa Of oa Max O. Barea, 1T9 N. Commercial, I Balam. - RUG PRICES LOWER 192S DESIGNS colors aad Qualities ara moat gratuytag. Boa my fine display while it U eom Dlota. Msx.O. Bursa, 179 V. Com-! slal. Maiaaa. THE HOUSE OF HALF a MILLION aad aaa hernial. Wa boy. - tall 0T aiehanra aarthina and orerTtkinf la tho liaa or laak or saeooo a ana geoaa. Baa aa be fore rsa bar or aalL Bteia- bock Junk Co Remember the place, I 401 H. Oommerelal Ht, rkona 618. "Beautiful Oregon! Rose" and elevea other Orcgoa aoags, together wiU liaa eoliectwa f patrioua ones, sacred aongi aad. many eld faverReo . - ALL TOR too f8nocial orieoa ia ouantitr lata) Eapecially adaptable for icbool, com XX- ity ar home tinging. Send for- T. t i . ..... i The Western Songster : T9 pages, sow In Ka third odltloa, - v Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St. Salem. Ore. NICK DRY 10 INCH AND 4 FOOT aacoad fir wood. Phono zs or azx. OLD GR0WT?!,1.I n. ; FIR, 98; SECOND growth dry 4 it. as. prow' 467 Ask, 97. Paonc FOR SALE -BEBT GRADE MILL WOOD1 econd growth: 4 ft. or 16 in. rreo E. Wells.. Phone-1541. .805 8. Church. INCH BLAB AND MILL WOOD f 80 e gT Han ..'Kq1?!4-! W wood. Wood Co FOR -RENT .... APARTMENTS FOR 'RENT . APARTMENT.; water, bath. 1784 Bute. . LIGHT, FOR RENT-r-FURNISHED APARTMENT close in. Pboae Mrs. Solomon, 1514-M. FOR RENT THREE ROOM UNFCRN- isked npartment. 1808 N. Commercial. BOOKS HOrSEKEXPIXG -.ROOMS . REASON- able. 160 Court atreot. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT BLEEPING room. 171 Mtga Pt. ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME I close ia. Address E, care aiatatmaa. ARLINGTON' HOTEL CLXAJf. COST: I 600 Op. 66S Btato. '. CLEAN. BEAT SLEEPING ROOMS, 91 1 to 61. BO - per- waax. Apsnmoata. ea The Looaard .Hotel. 164 B. Froat Phooo 180.- "- - - - -- B0VX8ES, FOtt.RENT-SOllN. COTTAGE. 8EVEN rooms, modern. Msy 5th. Bee wo. Fleming. 841 Bute. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A H0U8E to rent or have few vacant for rent, see Ruby Purdy, 455 Court street. LOST rAND FOUND t FOOxTD FOUND A WIT TO KEEP" LINOLEUM from cracking, buskltng aad enritag up Get my leaflet entitled "Permanent Liaoleoav Floor,"- , Max O. Baren, 17 N. Commercial.' - " ' WANTED aUSCaXXJUnOTJB OLD MATTRsTSSES mass ovbb nanisal UtSF BOddtasT lav raoao aa. WANTEDFURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC. Pboae , ANTED EVERTTHIBG ; HARD- . ware and raronera. aaes one THB CAPITAL HARDWA FURNITURE CO. 18S H. Conuserelal BL ! Pboae 847 or a wTxn FTmirrTn. - TOOLS. MA- ehiaenr. stock, etc. wiu any tor easa or aefl aa commission. Pkaaa 611 Weedrr. the aeettoaeor. BUSINESS CARDS ; , AUCTJOBXEB AUCTIONEER F. B. WOODBT. THE Uveotack. faraltmre, , real eatato aao- tloneer. Phone All tor , sale dates Re. 1810 N Bummer Auto Directory FAXBTiBw RUSH THB AUTO FAINTER, and Front streets. -- STATE AUTO TOP tnro TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK maraateeedv 668 Sooth 11th. Pboae 1126.' . - ' ; ' . ' ' RADIATOR SHOPS J. O. BAIR. RADIATORS, . FENDERS. Bodies repaired. 444 Ferry. Classified Ads. In The Statesp'Bring Results USED CAES OLESON ROOK8TOOL ACTO chaara. will kavt a aartiaa a( eara. aatil farther aottca. Wa ac4 tka ears. aa4 wU b pWaaei t aitkar kay ar .ail rentnteaiea. $50 FOR QUICK 8ALE JUST THE , tkiag for lifkt 4'livary ar bar, Cbar ralet ckaaaia. Calaaal J. OlautaaV Salaea Laaa4ry Ca r call OUmi'i tarara. - TBUCXa FOR SALS OB TRADE KKO TRUCK. 131 m4ml. pmtm l eaa4iiaav. Will tra4a tar raal aatata, pr4aca) ar trill all aa aair taraa. Tkki is aa asaap Ucaallf caa4 hr. If Ta vaat a raal taM aarcan at pi uaaaaaiauU n ar rail. Tka Faavla'a Caak Baara. BATTERY AEO E1XCTBICXA3I ACTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROD Ma akaatia. SIS . Hifk. ' Pkaa SOS. - - r r ' ' PRESTO-LITE ; BATTERY SERVICE tatlaa. Ex part kattary. , aiaatna vark Farria Braa. Pkaaia IMS 4l Ommv TUXS AlfP AOCXSSOEJXB TONNEAO CARPET RUNNING BOARD liaoloaai; aoto paiat aad aaanal. Mas O. Barea, IT N. 0maierrul. Balaam. RUNNING BOARD - LINOLEUM. AUTO . carpet, aato raaaial aad pa lot, Mas O. Barea, 17 a. ComoMretal. 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST ton braiaea. rin rata aad bkoamata , Tka Hydro-Taraa Tire, for aale by Tew fare store, lata aad Lalie, paoaa w OAXAGB AJTD EZPAXE FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED. weleaa Aat Radiator Eke. ISt B. lltat I tract. CAPITAL BAstAOB baker repalriag. Paoaa 88 BCICX. BTUDB ITa Boa to Liberty ACETYXEKB WELDING WELDING AND BRAZING IRON, teoL brat, alummom. briar tka Piece 837 Covrt bL Pkoaa 4B. uxo-ua Haatlo Cox BEATJTT PARLORS I ROW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 Nortk Oaauaoreial Satraat. Pboao - CARPET CLEANERS CARPETS AND RUGS HAND CLEANED Wa revive aad act colors, resiling. Ke- Hablo Carpet Cleaners. Phono 758. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS faraisaed fra. R. W. Mtlatira. 1408 . Church. OHZBTBSB raraioiAM OR. U M. HUM CURES LSI EX 0W disease.. 168 B. High Bt phone 2BI DRTO BTORBS BREWER DRUG Ca 401 COURT Phone 184 FZSAJIOIAX MONEY TO LOAN 0 FARM LAND. L. A. Hayfard. 808 BUte itraet. MARION-POLB COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to waa at sta percent. W. D. Smith, aeereUry-traaa- arer. 606 Balsas nsxx oi voBuaeroa. i WANTED TO BORROW. BY. TEACHER, 9150 lor S months for educational pur poses. Can furnish best of references. Resident of Salem 10 years. Address 10 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pro-payxicnt proTfationa al lowed. We will finsaco yon for a less rate of Interest thaa any firm oa the const. Private money to loan oa either city ar country property., - i MARSTERS BROS. I ; - All Ore roe Bldg. xOBcrrEiciAirs I SECURE MY FIGURES. OX WIRING By contract, by boor. At pro prices. H. W. Hatch, phono 1102 J J rURMITUEB STORES FURNITURE PRICES DOWN IRON beds. 86:. all steel bod springs. 95.40; eottoa mattressea. 98; oak dining chain. 84: nil steel army cots. 88.50 Mil u. : Baron,. ll H. vommerctai. Salem. - I GEEE1TH0USES , PANSY PLANTS BEDDING AND VEG etsblo plonts now ready, for delivery. Salem Greenhouses, 15th aad Garden streets. Phone 800. Ladies1 ' Wearing Apparel MXLLINEXi BATS FROM 91 UF MRS. a A Or bam . 61X Oonrt St. BamsTZTOHuro SALEM 'ELITE HEMSTITCHING alaatiac battaaa. otamoiaa aad aeoan work, 828 Oregea Bldg. Phone 876 MRS. C E.. MILLER HEMSTTTCHING Stamoinx: braHMax: hand ombreldory. bhuona. Room 10, over MUler'a store. Orcgoa, rboae " X17. . MRS BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH lag. mail ordera lolicited. 176 B. Atta Pboae 1T4-M. " DSRSSaUKTJrO CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing. Bponeor oorsota a 1 McOornaak Bldg. BaxaammmmaeMBaBBaBBBBBBm I THE- ADSPTTS -ARB PREPARED TO da itr aad an kiadn of lad iaa' sailor log. for old aid aew easterner. 652 N. 12tk St. Pboae 2085 R. WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HARD work. Call 681-R. MESDAME8 SOOTT A OHASB DRE88 akera. 818 State St. Pboao 687. MAUD SIMONS, DRE88MAXER 1710 Beilovae Bt. LAUVDEXES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 166 Liberty atreot. Pboao 25. Oldest largest boot. Xotsbliabod 1888. - CAPITAL CITY 8TEAM LAUNDRY enality work, prompt aervico, 1184. Broadway. Pboae 165. MATERNITY JTURATNO MATERNTTT NURSING WANTED IN privsU borne. Phone 1664-J. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 617-W. xTtJESING NURSE HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. 448 North High. VURSERY STOCX COMPLETB LIItB "TREKS SMALL 4 traits, orasmsatsls. , Capital City Nar aory Co- 416 Oreroa Bldg. Pboae TS. PLUhfBIBO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work, Pboae 1S97-J. Shop, 111 UakM street A L. Godfrey PERIODICALS MI88 GOODHUE TAKES SUB SCRIP- tioae far aU magsslaea. 161 B. 17th. paewe TSt-m FADTTDra COaTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH elaas work tor aertMmiar aaaia u 1' Braa dee. eoatreeeor'. XftA North High AUBREY H, CLARE PAINTING, PAP aekaaa-iaa. alaoaTB. wsrt raar aateed Term - resooaable, Pboae 103a-J." 184 rarry. AfTJSICAL MRS. HENRT LEE PI AEO, 1911 M. CapiuL P! 1017-W. DOROTHY FKABC3 PIAJfO. S1 Krtk Wfaktar. Pkaa B45 J. BEATRICE SH ELTON rIANO STUDIO Hi Mariaa. PkaM ISM. MOLLIS 8TTLE8 VOICE. PIAJfO. SSv uim. nan zoia-ii. VIS3 MABLR SHEPHERD PIANO t layer; daacoa ail ceaaaMa. 11 iborty. WESTERN OOESBKTATORT OF MUS IC af Ckieac. Era E. CkareklU, rp raaaauUta. Dipkatjaa (raavtaa, 046 Fallava' RUc. SALEM CONSERVATORY UF MUSIC All kraakaa taagkt, "! maM Jaka R. Sitaa. Airaetat. 1SS7 OaarL Pkaaa RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYING 12 leaaena rn a ran teed. Waterman sya tem. P. H. Clark. Mgr.. McCornaek Building. TTvsaa JACK MULLIGAN PI ABO TUBER; Roprasaatatira of M acre-Dana C. Sherman Clay A Co. PkaAO 804. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano taaet. Loaro ordera Will a Musi-j Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Taaiag. rafiaiahlnx. rebaildiac: player dmbo expert. Phoa 1858. 121 Boata l Commoretal PXAJfOB SHERMAN CLAY a CO PUN0R STEIN war a, Dao Art, aad others. Meere- Duaa Maaie Store. Maaoate Temple. DABCXRO PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE I daaces. Mra. Wkite. Pkeaa 271-J. MUIia tTORES GEO. a WILL PLftKOS, PHONO- grspha, aew lag machiaea, shoot maaie and piano itads. Repairing pboao grapha aad aewia( Bscklnaa. 49 Btato. Salem, PXRFTJatS AND TOILET ARTICLES - 1 i CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX Mra. Merer. Uacta. toilet articles. 170 Sooth 2Srd. Phone 1224. SIGNS UNION SIGN CCv SIGNS WITH KICE Sbowcsrds that talk. 424 N. Commer cial Phono 64 A SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuse of all kinds ramavad. Oetipool cleaned. Fbone 17 bbstatjrajtts HUB RK8TAUKANT MOST REASON able prices. Johnson Barry. 166 S High. CHERRT CITT RESTAURANT HOME tyla meele. Good service. 8tate W High, 8 AVE MONEY Bl EATING AT RES 185 Booth Oammor tauraat apetairs. eial. rORNTTtTRB HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADB TO I order. Refiaisaing and ipbeuteriag a tpeeialty. Pbonc 1742. Brews aad Groves. 1201 Sooth Commercial. HOTELS OTIERRY CTTT HOTEL ROOMS ASD beard. Laaeh oaaator. Opposite O. E Tkeeot IHato and High. nSTJRAjTCI MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IN SURAH CI company. J. C. Belch, agent, ream 6. MrCeraaek Bldg. Phone 96. VOODLB PARLORS WA - HONG NOODLE HOUBR. 488 Ferry. - - - BIN" SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP snoy, 40c: puffed rice, soe; noodles. 20c: fried noodles. 60c 18 8. Lib er tr. - - - STUDIOS DB LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIP f event ia photorrsokv. 147 N. Com I HOB RXFAXRXHa WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 188 SOUTH I Hits. - . - ' STOVES AND STOVE XXPAIRINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 46 years experience. Depot National I feaee. aiaee 26 . to ... 88 inches higk Paints, oil aad vareiahea, eta., logan . berry aad bop beets. Baiem roae aad Stove Works. -160 Coort atreet. Phone 124. SECOND HARD GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR 8E00ND band clothing oad a hoes, Alao da elaaa ing. -preaaiag oad repairing. Call aad. deliver Capital Exebaage. 942 Kertk Commercial. Pboae 1868 W. WE BUT AND BELL SECOND . HAND goods of all bads, pipe flttiaga, bar sonars, eeaar pods, tooie aaa Fred Benin dler. S58 Oratar TRAJfaPOBTATXOB PARKER' 8 STAGE LINES - 1. W. Parker. General Maaarer Central Stage Terminal Saleas, Oregon SALEM-SILVERTON. DIVISION Loavoe Salem, Coatrel Stage Terminal: .. 7:00 aja. 11:00 amCA:06 Leaves Silvertoa Kewa Stead : 8:00 aa. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Salem-Iadepeedeace-M enmoutk Drriaiaa Leave ..2- Leavee a Leaves 8:30 Wa parte of the Valley. Extra trip by appointment. ' t. W. PARKXRV Geaoral Mgr. SlLVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND CAM. Stages 8ooht Boaad . Schadale Berth. Bemad ' Read down Road np Dir. Dry. Dly. " Wy. Dly. Dly. Mo 9 No. 8 No. 1 . Be,. 1 So. 4 No 4 Paf PV AM AM 1 M WM. 6:00 1:80 6:00 Prtl'd 10:80 4:00 8:20 8:05 8:35 10:05 Mtgl 8:25 1:55 6:251 8:80 4:oo 10-.8O Biivta s.oo itso 6:00 Ar. Ar. . Ar. . Lv." Lv. Lx. Snaday oaly 8:00 fm. Portlaad Staroa leave Stage Terminal Portland oad ftteelehemmer's 9ra Baere. Bilvertea TaUtfoTlUs BTJLIJTO MERCHANTS TRANSFER High. Phone 253. 159 6.1 CAPITAL CTTT TRANSFER ''O. 1 I . State St. Pboae 988. Dmtgbating forwsrdisg and storage ear ipesialty " Got ear rata. WB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE-1 bold goods. Oar epoeislty la pwaa aad faraitaro moving. We alee make ooantrx trips. We beadle tho boat cool ad wood. Call ea at for price. We give good mosauro, good eaality aad rood . a" ice, Larmer Traaaf or Oa. Phono 980. . - WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. 801 8otb Oeaa'l St. Tea per east discount oa domestic flat rates ' paid ia advsaeo, Be dedaetione for shoearo or aay esuse aniose water is that off your promiaes. - WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREH0U8E FRONT AND Ferry. Stereo coerytbia oxeewt a ploeiveo. Aoprv Frv'o Prog Soro. WOOD SAWS CTTT AND iKMJWTEY WOOD SAWING IA4 ' rtaker. Bi Bales Central Stage Terminal: D M ly dSS DUnSd OW OOUUU ojb. S a.aa.,11 a..l aa 5 pjb. 1 . . , . " , .... . Meamoara. Heaaaaetb netel: I ZZ1 .a. JJ " . . . ",tV :li aja. 1 sxan..:lS u. I J m r." ". .'""r V,. T " "::r ladepoodeaeas Beaver Hotel: I rrTT"7-" I n :2..SiZ. ."iecti;.4 -eTimUV all 800 pro for ISOCK). Term. WOOD SAWING. - PHONE! 1131," CITT, . esxatry. Ed. Epro PR0FFES10NAL QUEOPO surra .J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. IX State St. Pattoa Bldg. Pkowe tST. opncLurs glasses rrrrxD by dr. l. BUR detta at the Bow Optical S3S State oxree. ewpeatto Bash Bank. -aVd POM I. ROT ft KEEN E J EWELXES AND iroteetjiata. Ill Btato, 3 CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTORS Dra. Bradford A Bradford Oradaataa aad poet grndoataa of CAR VER College, wklahoasa City FIRST CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGE ia the WORLD. Tea years prod uce, looaaitauea aad esoauaatioa free. Saito SIS Oregea Bldat Pboae 52 DR. 0. L. SCOTT, P.S.C. CH1R0PRA& tor. 414-18 C. 8. Bank Bldg. Pboae 17; r ftSS-R. 08TX0rATHIC73TSICIAB DRS. 0. WHTTE AND 8. Baak Bldg. MARSHALU toe DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Ptytieiaa and aargeca, Klrkirille graduate, 404-405 U. 8. Natioaal Baak Bldg. Pkooe. offiea. fit; roe. 814. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR- itiea of the feet corrected without mea of time from your oeeupatiea. Dra. White aad Marshall. U. 8. Baak Bldg. DR. JOHN L LTNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physmaa aad aargeoa. 4UX-404 Oro- rea Bldg Paenea, offia. 184; i 8F5. LODGE DIRECTORY ( UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp S. Aravarr First, thin Moadaya REAL ESTATE IF YOU WANT YOUR PROPERTY SOLD at once, list with Ruby Purdy, 425 CouQ street. IDAHO FARMS AND STOCK RANCHES to trade for Willamette valley farms and income property. Herbert J. Dav ia, Real Estate broker. Payette, Idaho. f. u. Box 252. : CITY HOUSES CITT LOTS, BUNOA lows, small aad large acreage, ciom aad far eat; exchanges ia city and country. Brown 4 htagoa, over Baa iek 'a stare. State aad Commercial. Phona 859. FARM BARGAINS FOR SALE OR EX chaaga. One of the best 80 acre farma in Marioa county. Offered at a very low price. Will accept Salem or Port land property in exchange, or sell on eaar terma. Salem residences with terms to suit. Lots on Installment without interest. Wa loan money on real aetata. Write fire Insurance. List witk u for quick ale. Joseph Barber & Son 300 Gray Bldg. Wanted, Loans., Wo- have private money bt Waa aa city r tab or baa property. We hava a fine, well improved ten acres to trade for city property. Tom first elaaa. U yon waat te'trsde, bay or ecu see H. L. MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. HOWELL PRAIRIE BARGAIN 84 seres good land, 31 cultivated, 8 in Saature, drilled well, gooo noose arses snd harness. Yea eaa get thia . today at price 96800. Cash 93800,. T. . L.A.Hayford 805 State St. MB, HOME BUYER TOTJ OAR BUY A room bnngalow loss thaa n year old for 6500 mea Una I waa offered fwr M nine months are. Has baaaaxeat, Dutch kitchen, closet aad sleeping porch. 81000 will ksxdle it. Sea it xoday. US LaffaUe. . IP YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. A GOOD buy in- real estsct see Ruby Purdy, 433 Court street. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, 'MODERN CON oenienees, snd 7 lots, for ssle st n bsrxainL Rubv Purdy. 455 Court street. FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE WITH both room, etc. Considerable furniture. 82250. 8450 down, bnlance 930 I month, which includes interest. Dsn dy desl for party wanting homo. Pay rent to yourself. P. O. Box, . 187, Salem, Oregoi. 16 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD 3 MILES fiom Sslein. hslf in frnit 95250; some terms. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court street. BARGAIN EAST FRONT IX)T ON south High ttreet Paving paid for. Price 8600. K merer, Oregon Bldg. This forty acre tract with machinery and stock, new house and splendid barn is the best bargain today. Will trade for Salem pro perty. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. S. R. PEARSON 116 211 U. S. Baak Bldg. ANDERSOB RUPERT Baseaaeers to Laflar a Laflag INSURANCE REAL E&TATB BONDS LOANS 406-7 Oregaa Bldg. 0 , . beven room bungalow in , ,., r..ll oumnuiu uunuiuuii. run cement basement. All furniture, including piano and canned fruits and vegetables. Look it over and make an offer. Ger trude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. Good 'Buys in Houses 7 room honsd ia good condition, with fireplace, corner lot. at 705 N. 17th street. Price S3200. S750 down, bal - aace monthlv. 6 room bcngalow at 1785 8. Commercial street. Price 93150: down.- 6 room house with frnit: two lots, at 1983 Center atreet. . 83750. 5 room house aad large lot at 843 8. Liberty atreet. Price 81800. 6 room bouse, basement, modern plamb- nig, lights, cement wslks, 61wui 6 room boase. two large lots, with bear ing frnit, bsrn for cow. Price ax too SIOOO down. 8 -room modem, brick bonte, 4 bleckt Out. a real bar at 66000 cash. Wo have aeveral cheap lota ia Richmond eeaitioa. - - e - For Fairmeaat Hill Wa are as. - 5 room boase and fine lot ea Breadwal streto. Price 91300 rash. ' i Real Eatato aad Fire . leewreae W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 flute tlrcrt. - U. 8. Bask Bids, I r! x ri r a ponnn JCST COMPLETED MODERN FIVE rooos baagiiow. fall eemeat baa meat. fireplace, fare are, gas, fall plaabiag. wask trays. breakfasL nook, lata bant iaa. Reatrirtod district. 1 biucks of earliae aad gead brwk arbaoL Price S,7SO, terau. Pboae M1W eeea lags. Bungalows on State Street, Church bt., bummer St., and lots beautifully locat ed, for sale by Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 14 ACRFS LAND IDEAL FOR BER riea. Very eaay terma. fSlOO. t acres Liaeola eeaaty, 82500. Felly eqaippd poultry ranch clao to Salem. Kicelienr bouse snd buildings. Will consider prune orchard or farm land ia part exchange. Price 912,000. A. C. Bohrstedt 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon Wood's Bargains 8trietly modern six room bangsiew; corner lot, both streets paved, nifty garage, swell loeatioe. 9420O. Yea cea't beat it. New ais room bant" alow, throe good lota, a raal aaap at 92500. Xew baa ra lew close to car Una, not far oat. 81650. It yon wsnt to buy, sell or trade give a a call. F. Lt Wood, Baync Bldg. For a few days, a nine room house. Has two tire places, oak finish, East front, Located close in at $11,000. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage. THE BEST CLOSE IN BUY IN 8ALEM 8 room hens, modern. 1 block from city halL 87500, terma. L. Harford,. SU5 State atreet. Worth While A aix ream heuae. bath. electric: lights and lot 50x100. for .810OO: one half Five acre close in. bear tho highway half mile to car and srhooL Will tske a house sad lot ia town to 82500 in trade. -. . ' Five room ceiled boose, alee lot, frnit and gsrden in. Price 61400: $500 Mills & Copley " 831 , Bute ttrret What, What,1 What? Have yon to trade for Saskatchewan farm. 8.e Wm. Fleming. 841 StaU street. GOOD LITTLE HOME NEAR BUSINESS renter for 91300. Good 5 rom bun gslow nesr csr line, 91800. Good home near car line; plenty of Trait, 92500. Square Deal Co. 202 U. 8. Bank Bldg. A CLIE.VT OF MINK HAS 63000 CASH to pay for a eloae in residence. Ruby Purdy, 455 Coort ttreet. This Week's Bargain A fully np. to date bungslow, except bssement. At two thirds rest value, for five davs. Leaa than 820O0. List ed 92500 and reaeonable at that. See Fleming. 841 State atreet at once. i 1 Best Buys 9 room modern, eloae in, owner leaving. 42500. 81500 cash. 7 room strictly modern bungalow, three block from Capital grounds, psveo street, ear. 91300 ceak, balance like rent. 5 rooms, modern. 4 blocks from espital. psved street; 9800 essh, balsnce 985 monthly. 80 seres, good improvement, stock, lm elements. 16750: terma. 70 acres, good 7 room house, good bsrn, good outbuildings, 10 cows, 5 heifers, 6 horses, chickens, cream separator. complete outfit of implements, soma 'feed, crop, fruit, Wt miles from city Price 86.roo.. Socolofsky 341 State CLOVERDALE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. V. Fair went to Macleay Saturday evening to at tend a birthday party. W. H. Wilson, L. E." Hennls and W. F. Wright were in Salem Sat urday. Mrs. W. Farr had her couslnf recently from Davenport, Iowa who are now living in Oregon visiting her Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. Fllflet and Mrs. Anna Kunke were visiting In Salem Saturday. Charles Cummings and W. Hadley attended the fruit growers convention held in Salem last Tuesday. The Women's Work club of Sur prise grange held "an all-day meet ing at the home ot Mrs. Emm Wood last Tuesday. , After the business meeting an hour of en tertainm'ent was enjoyed by hav mg an old-time spelling match.! The losing side having to furnish the dinner for the next meeting. Those present were Mrs. Lena Townsend, Mrs. Nettie Mason. Mrs. Anna Farria, Mrs. Hulen, Mrs. Carrie Hennls, Mrs. Earl Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Delia Blaco Mrs. Jennie Day. Mrs. Helen But- zke, Mrs. Anna Whitehead and Mrs. Emma Wood. Mrs. May Hadley taught the school here the last three days a Miss Myrtle taylor was called away on account of the sicknes' and death of her sister at he' home near Stayton. Mrs. Helen Butike, Mrs. GraCt Thomas. Mrs. Hu'en, Mm. Co' nack and Mrs. Arleta Hadley at tended the Wl C. T, U. conven tion held In Salem last Wednes day. Mrs. Eva'Cummlngs gave a so cial dance Saturday evening for her daughter. Miss Grace Russell who attends school In Portland- who with several of her friends. came home to spend a few days. FRUIT NEW YORK, May 1. Evapo rated applea quiet; state 18 1-2 20c. Prunes firm. California's 745 18 1-2; Oregons 6 3-4 Q 14 l-2e: apricots scarce,' fancy 33 l-2c; peaches more active; choice 13 4? I5c; extra choice 16 l-2Z17c; fancy 19 1-2 20c; raisins easy. - HOPS - NEW YORK, May 1, Hops qiuet: state 1921. 20&2Se: Pa elfie coast 1921 21 27c; 1920, lo20c. . Adle Gaxxiawata New Tttaow of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 13 QUESTION'S .MADGE ASKS Ok HERSELF- "Are you 111. ma'am!" The boyish taxi driver jump! down from his 8at aa I pat up my hand In a feeblwe summonHiK restore. He had Just deposited fare, and as I accepted hig as sistant; into bis car I felt almost as It be had been sent by Provi dence to my aid. For I believe I ihould have sunk to my knees In utter puerile weakness If I had not been able to drop limply upon the cushions of hig car. A trine. It will soon pass, I replied, as I cave htm Lillian's address. . He gated st trie doubt fully, evidently debatinc whether, in case I were 111, It waa safe to carry me in his car. . What de cided him I do not know, but a second later he shut the car door with decision and returned to his wheel. As we swung out into Sev enth avenue I tried to school my self to self-control, scoring myself i savagely for the weakness which had made a woman's fancied re semblance to Grace Draper so un nerve me. But it was of no avail. - .The beautifully, cruel mocking face! flashed before ray eyes ss vividly as when T had last seen it upon the night that sent poor old William Trumbull and drug-craxea Mrs, All Is into eternity. Even the rage and hate which distorted it then could not rob it of its strik ing beauty. The sheer loveliness of her, triumphant even in that hour of shattering . humiliation and defeat, which had . haunted me at Intervals ever since tha night, came back to me with re doubled force. I hope I am as brave aa most women, but I lainy cowered in my seat at the fanciful possibility that Grace Draper might come ba(jk into my life. Haunting Memories. Grace Draper! The girl who had come so near to wrecking my marital happiness that I could not think ot the slender margin whereby it had escaped destruc tion without a shudder. The girl who In fiendish revenge tor hUxtrss 82c: prims firsts 31c. But- f allure to win Dicay's love away i from me, had scnemea nis airu0ur cream, 33c. ; snd had been thwarted only 4 oy the last minute maudlin repent ance of Harry Underwood. The girl whose influence upon Dicky; even though I knew that be loaf ed her. I yet psychically dreaded I could not rldtnyself of the feeu Ing that Grace Draper, alive am freed from prison bonds, was a I menace of evil In my life from the (consciousness ot which I would never be free again. A Strange Message. My mind went swiftly, as r drowning person's over the many Incidents of my life In which th girl with her angel's face and her devil's soul had figuredlingered longest, with terrified fascination upon that summer day in the year following my marriage, when she lay, shamming delertum from her self-inflicted wounds, pretending to go over tender scenes wltP Dicky. Dr. Pettlt had exposed her shamming, but the quiet ma lignance ot her words snd tone a I left the room that day I never have been able to bury so deeply as to forget them altogether. "But you will never know, will you, Madgle, dear, just bow much of what I safd was false and how much true?" With the resolve to believe my husband utterly I had striven strenuously to put the remem brance of the words and the wo-. man who had uttered them away from me. But there had been mo ments. as I had known there would be, at her bedside that day when her words had come back to me with intensified power to sear and scar. The sight of the woman whose figure resembler Grace Draper's had brought such a moment to me, and even my dread ot the woman was dwarfed by the old gnawing doubt which was tearing at my heart. I forced myself to composure however, as the taxi turned lnt Lillian's street, tried to appear V if nothing .had happened wher. Betty, my friend's faithful o' colored cook, opened the door, "Come right in, MJss Madge.' she exclaimed with a broad sm" of welcome. Tee been watrbi- fob yob. chile, fob dls las' half- hour. Mis' Lillian she had to go out unexpected like, but ahell be back directly. I s'pects she tnr her foot IB her hand and Is mak In right smart down de avenod She say yob was to go Into h" room, do sny prinkin' yoh wnt ea. ana She tole me to specially 1 tell von ant in rn tntt tho library! till she got back." Wondering at the que-r mee- age. I turned to enter Lillian' wonderful wh'te and erlm-on room. As I did so I caught sltV . '" - - . of a hat and top-oxt in the LHlian hid ,r ynsscullrie caller then whom she did not w'sh me to meet nntfl she ws with me. Who could It bet ) - (To be conUnned) i FO OF HE i ' Quaint Superstitions of Nip poneso Are Described by Yankee Writer TOKIO. May 1. Under the caption The Oriental: Hi super stitions. Marion & Hall j writing for Japan Mission News says: 'Yatnada aaa, I said to my teacher, 'you Japanese ara a very superstitious people, ara you not?' To which ha replied that the iowr elaaa were certainly gulllbls enough; he himself decidedly waa not. As a test I .asked bin It hav- 1. Ing gone to a funeral of a member of his family aa would take U . same road home he had taken to the cemetery. 'He laughed and said while he waa free from these aneient ideas he would torobably return by another road. Popular belief has It that it you employed the same road going and coming, the evil spirits bow acquainted with the route would be Inclined to lead another relative to the graveyard,. 'We ara not supersti tious no, Indeed; these Ideas will simply persist. Is the better . way to state It! he a aid. "Wa hate an old gardener who ; comes In one tn a whUe to trim! our trees 41 the hedges and to do Klmilar work. : Asked to do a little grafting on a persimmon trea be called in a young man tor Aha work. I found out later that in -Japan the grafters are all young men we spetk' hera or aorticui- ture, not politics as they Impart : their life and vigor to the grafted parts: And I thought ' that Bur- : bank would have been without honor In this land. ; CVT THIS OIT IT IS WOltTlI Cut out tins slip, encbss w'th . Be and malt It to Foley k" Co., 2SS5 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Ill , writing your namo and address clearly. Yoo wlll reoeJu In u tarn a trial packagea rcntalnlng Foley's Honey and Tar Compound tor coughs, colds and droup; Fo ley Kidney Pills tor pains In hid' a and back; rheumatism. Backache, kidney and bladder allrants; and Foley Cathartic Tablets,; a while-, ton and thorouyhly eleans'ng cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headaches, and fslugislsh bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND, Ore., May 1. Bntter: Prints extras Sac: cubes terfat Portland delivery: No. 1 Potatoes: Baying 'price, locals. $11.R0; selling pries 1,40 Q 1.73 StatesmaOring Results ClaisIfietrAds: Ini The , I SALtMt MARKETS I Price tooted ' era wamaeaas and ( ices receivea by f armor rova prices nelrea ara eivaa -eaCOBS as oeta, .milling, - aoti oa. Wheat No, T Saasad. 9 1.19. Osts, feed, 'about 5o, .1 Vetch and bat hayL 19. CTovr hayT 9100; 918 ltd. Mill ma mill feed, 935. BOGS, BUTTS B a aOTTBRFAS Egga. roUiL 17 19e. Crcaaery battsi', retail, 4,e. Batterfst, 9c " - f :-, POVIVTXB ' t Heat, light, 20c : Haas, baavy,'TW. -Bwostora. old. loe. ' - PORJt, atuTTOB AJTS iBtX Hega. top. 610.76. ,,r -.J Lamb, aeee la aurka. - I - ' Top veaL dressed, lie. , Bteors, la TVav; . 'V-V- Cowa, 44.; Bananas, - 10a. Lemons, 86.60 ' O 97.89, . Navel or sagos, 67.50. , f Florida grapelmit, 99 Q 99.10, Oaliforaio goofTORcAQ, '.' Bo eel potataes, .eV O So,' f , ' . PoUtoea, 91.,'. Kit.' .-l -,.' : Cshhags OeV" " - ' 'v Mesicaa tomato, log, 94.1 . Wax t onions, 94.25 crate. Brown onions, 93.50 crate. ' California strs wherries, crate, - Aspsrsgna . Ih., 15c. . . ; t - 84- Ceolif lower, 92. ; ' - - Oregea onions, '10c -Tsralpa, 98. " raraaipe, 62.60. - Carrota, 99. liead let stteeo. 88JV0 O 94. 2.66. t ,: . 1 Vwamja aya-ee-are - 1 DATES, Ftaa, XOXBT Datos, lie, - i Fackag datos, ease, 8.T9J Pica. 12a. i- ' ATle,1a.arnB t f IU1 " Comb, heaey, case, 94.50. Ooeeaaats, desea, 91.78. Btraiaed honey, lb. 11 o. t 3 Portland BoyIrs Prices BOOS. POtTLTET. BTSATS BLTTERfAT 4 lower No. I charning cream. 83 f.o.b Port-' land; andergrades, 80 atw wtix . Carrent receipt -18 m? 10; pallets,; 17 r lee: while heneeriee. 31 22e;. delivered. (Thoae eaetatioea are . baaed oa priced pejd (or tho ' boHt of dsy'i , roetlvU by local Jobbers oad ere amor tea.) : ' a fe avjt til anri W ante XX X4 I - UVt ruibisiliaa . - (Loss eommtssioa), heavy braa 26 4 27 lb.; do light. 82 4t 28 eeate poeods:; broilers, 82 J 88e: eld. roaster, is y ISO poood; docks, Wkite Pekina. lie; do. colored,' 24e; Turkeys, aemiaoL DRESSED MEAT--STEADY s ; ' (Los eommiasios) Choice ligkt bogs, IS 0 15Ve; aadergradoa, 12 (y 14et vest, top grade, 18 11; aedor 6T4ee. 10 Jfw .e- suss aav vuu HAT PIRM , fDelivored Portlaad) Valley Tlxeotby 919 s tea; Eaa tern Orcgoa -Tmaotby 921 a tee: alfalfa, 919; clever. 914. loot sad veteh. 81. straw,, 98. K.AI LA HI,K (Track, PortUad. ta car lots) Wheel 11.27 A 61-2. Coarse grama oata. - 9 f nfii 92s. . -.v - 1 ..,I5V,.' - ; FRUIT flRM i A antes, 'extra fsacy. 92 a 92.79 box. fsacy, 91-76 y 92; vwokers. 81 t 8tab j , .j-. VEUHSSUS VEGETABLE STEADY ' V Potatoeo So.- I. 91 4 91.10; ooiewa No. L 67.SO t 9.6o cwL - Orrroo cab- Jbage, 2 Q u lb,; bmceJi, 8i-i t l Xba ftlda - - - ' Oe. ea. aa aa.A w Ik 9 1.10 crate, parsnips,. Is lb.; earreta, . WoO!-ACTrf Coarsd vsll'f wool, 12 Q 17r; medium 20 e '2c; .itac'ix zixf- .V t ndr-BsTE ADY 1921 crop, itvady .it 19 U Hi. V I . -1 ' - I