. CIkCTCATIOH Average for Mmrrh. 19.'-' Hnndajr only , ..5S7 Daily and 8un4ar ....540 "ia" Bthi eadinc February ud,Jr 'r .... 5624 DaHy and Sunday 6214 nr turn cztt or sAinc ad 1 Wi la Varies aad Iik Ooaatiaa tarty arerj-body raada The Oregon Statesman tbs uqmm jrxwsrArss SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 2, 1922 PRICE: FIVE CENTS 4 D5gEWlLT ESOPTLI IFMWliP . ' ' 1 . s i V i 4 4 X V $. 1 '.' I sHSfir'iniSs J)&)ip)G)in3 ITEETH PULLED FROM ACT BY COURT DEGREE Ineligible Oriental Parent May Act; as Guardian of Agricultural Land Held by His Children. SUPREME COURT POINTS TO DISCRIMINATION FourteentH Amendment De clared to Be Violated by Statute of 1920 SAN FRANCISCO. May 1. A decision dec faring nnconstltutlon al that portion of the California alien land law forbidding inellgl bles to citizenship to att as guar dlans of the agricultural lands of 'their American-born children was handed down by the state supreme court today. The decision was In the case of llayao Yano, a Sutter county Jap anese, who sought such guardian ship over the person and estate of his Infant daughter, t i Yano Appealed Case The decision reversed a decis ion of the Sutter county superior court, which denied Yano's appli cation for sudh guardianship. Ya no appealed to the' supreme court , attacking the constitutionality of the law. .':-'V-' T it is a general law of the state that the parent of a minor under 14 Is entitled to be appointed guardian In preference- to any oth er person," the decsion said. little Argument Ueedtod "The act of 120 (the Und act) Is & restrction not put upon any other class of alien and is clearly a discrimination against the Jap anese residents of this atate. t "It needs no argument to dem onstrate the position that a law which gives to one - person the riant or privilege of becoming the guardian of his child and with holds It from another; both being alike competent in all respects; is not equal as between the two per sons., . ' ' Amendment VioUted The' person from which It Is withheld is not In such a case ac corded the protection of equal laws. In this respect the act of 1920 Is clearly a violation by this state of the guarantee contained In the 14th amendment that no state shall deny to an$ person the equal protection of its laws. TO QUIT GROWERS Manager of Flax and Hemp Corporation Resigns; Successor. Not Named Robert Crawford, who has been with the Willamette , Valley Flax ft Hemp corporation since its in ception, has tendered his resigna tion as manager and factory and field superintendent." The resig nation," which was laid before the board of directors Saturday, was accepted, and the company is now without field manager. A suc cessor will be elected shortly. Plans Uncertain No announcement is made of Mr. Crawford's plans for the fu ture. He was at the head of the state penitentiary flax plant be fore going with the cooperative association. V The growers find they have contracts for more acreage than ther had supposed -about 70 acres in excess of the first figures ' Consequently tbey. will have no more Beed for applicants. Old Mills Worked Over The old Rlckreall mill and ele vator is now being torn down, to get ready for rebuilding Into usable warehouse . and flax mill and the Turner plant also is to be overhauled and put into shape for the fall crop. CRAWFORD RECALL ELECTIONS CALLED BY KOZER, COUNTIES INFORMED Calls for two recall elections in Oregon, to be held May 19 simultaneously with the state primary election, were is sued yesterday by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of slate. One will be a recall election against Fred A. Williams, chairman of the public service commission and representative of the state at large on the commission. The other .will be directed against Fred G. Buchtei, who represents the western Oregon district on the commission. In the Williams case the vote will be state wide; in the Buch tei case only in the western Oregon district. J. W. LEWIS TO TAKE POST TODAY Retiring Warden Presented Gold Watch by Prison ers and Officials James W. Lewis, who was ap pointed warden of the state peni tentiary to succeed L. H. Compton, will formally assume the duties of his office today. Mr. Compton, who resigned to accept the presi dency of the Hamilton Narcotic institute,' will leave in a week for Seattle which will be his head quarters. A farewell to Compton and a reception to Warden Lewis, E. C. Halley, new deputy warden, and Roy Kendall, new principal keep er, was given at the prison Sun day night. Selections on the bagpipe were given by George Graham, deputy district attorney for Multnomah county, and vocal solos by Bertha Aikin of Portland, Ira Martin. chairman of the state parole board and Don H. Upjohn, a member of the board and secretary to the governor, gave addresses. Percy M. Varney, state parole officer, was toastmaster. Inmates of the prison and officials presented Mr. Compton with a gold watch. is Force is Now at Work Sett ing up the Circus Mach inery at Armory . They're setting up the machin ery for the Cherringo at the ar mory. A small army of Cherrians has volunteered for overall and general mechanical service, at 9 o'clock this morning; though oth ers began yesterday. They'll have the floor strewn with regu- la circus sawdust; they'll have barkers and spielers and bally- tesque and interesting and beau tiful tents and enclosures. They will have acres of won derful canvas quarters and ban ners and signs and streamers. Henry Lee and a small army of scene painters have been paint ing for dear life for two weeks, to get ready for the event. They are really prpearing some class! cal Btuff and what a deluge in quantity! The paper money, the invincible kopeck, has been printed in dray loads, literally in millions, like Soviet or Confederate money. This is to be coin of the realm of the sawdust ring; it is the only money that goes under the big tent at the Cherringo show Cards and invitations have been Bent out, all over Marion. Polk and Yamhill counties, inviting the world to come in and enjoy it self. The Cherringo is a three day affair. It starts Thursday night at 7 o'clock, with a grand street parade led by the Chemawa Indian band, and supported by the Cherrians in Uniform. There will be Wilson's 110,000 Beauty the Girl Show, and every variety of noise-maker that can be en listed or drafted; they will go in autos, and traverse the resident portion as well as the business (Continued on page 6) n WORKING A writ of election is sent to each sheriff, together with a statement of the purpose of the recall election, and formal notice of the election is sent to each county clerk. The sheriffs are commanded to notify all judges and clerks of election in the sev eral precincts of their counties. Since Williams represents the state at large and Buchtei the western district there will be two recall elections in the western dis trict where two separate recall ballots will be printed, and only one outside of that district, or in the eastern district. Statements on Ballot In both cases the electors first vote, as provided on the ballot, on the question whether the in cumbent official shall be recalled. Then they vote on the candidate. Included in information certified to the county clerks by the secre tary of state is a statement of not more than 200 words setting forth the reasons for demanding the re call, and also a statement of not more than 200 words in behalf of each Incumbent official, prepared by the official and defending his position. These go with the bal lot. Candidates pnt forward by the recall committee have np to and Including May 8 In which to file their candidacies with the secre tary of state. In the case ot Buchtei the recall candidates will aspire to fill out his term which expires the first Monday in Jan uary, 1925, and in the case ot Williams for the remainder of his term which expires the first Mon day in January, 1923. Court To Try Case Attorney General Van Winkle let it be known yesterday that he will file an answer to the injunc tion suit brought br the Law and Order League of Portland in which it is sought to block the re call election. Though a prelimin. ary restraining order was denied Saturday by Judges Bingham and Kelly of Marlon county,, van Winkle's answer will take the case into court to be tried on its met its. The answer will deny virtually all allegations in the complaint. The allegations are that several thousand names on the recall pe titions are Illegal, on grounds that they were forged, obtained by misrepresentation, or utterly il legal and in the case of Buchtei that about 500 names were pro cured outside of his district. Other Denials Made The answer also will deny that thousands of the names in the Williams petition were obtained prior to June, 1921, and thous ands in the Buchtei petition prior to August, 1921, so that present cliizenshlp of the signers cannot be proven. Further, the answer will hold (hat the petitions were not filed with the secretary of state until April 25 and that when they were left at his office April 18 they merely were deposited for exam ination. The contention will be that when they were filed April 25 the Buchtei petition was com plete, and not lacking the approx imately 1500 names short of the required number as on April 18 Clark of Shanghai Will Speak at Church Tonight J. C. Clark, of the Shanghai China, Y. M. C. A. boys' depart ment, is to speak tonight at the Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock The impression is said to have gained credence in some places that it was to be a meeting tor men only. This Is not the case The meeting is for both men and i women, and all are Invited. Law J CAMPING DATE IS SET BY WHITE Appropriation of $143,269 for Intensive Training of Citizen Soldiery Received from Washington. INFANTRY TROOPS WILL TRAIN AT CAMP LEWIS Time is Fixed to Conform to College Vacation and Harvest Period Oregon's citizen soldiery will go I into camp tor 15 days the latter hall ot June, adorning to a tele gram received yesterday oy George A. White, adjutant gen eral from the secretary of war.; A special appropriation lor pay, transportation and instruction o- the Oregon national guard at this' camp has been made by the war department, Colonel White was informed, amounting to $143, 269.80. Twelve Counties Affected All infantry and field artillery troops will probably go to Camp Lewis and coast artillery to Fort Worden. Field hospital and en gineers will probably accompany the infantry, it was said. The movement will take citizen so. diers from 12 counties and 20 Oregon cities and will include more than 2000 men. July wag the date fixed by the war department for the camp or iginally and Colonel White's re quest for the Jane date has been pending for the past two months. The June date was asked for as best adapted to crop conditions throughout the counties concern ed, the men being better able to leave their work the latter part of June. The June date also per mits students to attend camp im mediately after the close of school and without interrupting their summer's work. Arrangments Started Arrangements for the camp were started yesterday and all or ganization commanders notified to recruit their organizations, prepare camp equipment and in crease instruction schedules. The schedule of camp Instruction has been completed in advance and provides for 15 days intensive training with a maximum of in teresting work In the open air. New Officers Elected at Meeting of Salem Asso ciation Yesterday Rev. H. F. Pemberton wa? chosen presiTTent of the Salem Ministerial association at the reg- ular meeting yesterday. Other officers chosen were Rer. J. J- Evans, vice president, and Rev. R. L. Putnam, secretary-treasurer. Members of the program commit tee are Rev. Ward Willis Long. Rev. W. T. Miiliken and Rev. Thomas Acbeson. Frank B. Wedel, president of the Deaconess hospital, addressed the association on the question of Russian relief. Mr. Wedel waf born in Russia and gave some In formation regartflnp conditions there. Rev. John Lucas, who bar worked among the Russians in the United States also spoke. It was voted to use the money left over from the Passion Week services to contribute to the Rus sian relief adding enough to the amount to bring the total to $1- The clean-up and paint propos al of F..W. Jobelman was endors ed. THE WEATHER Rain northwest portion; unset tled and threatening southwest apd east portion; moderate7 wes FDR GUARD PEM BERTGN HEADS LOCI MINISTERS terly winds. tsHwdI Gtftf WOULD RATHER FACE LIONS THAN CITY, AUTO TRAFFIC BKsaBKEmmSSSSk mmaiiiiw.mmm.-j.-- -,..- r i Us Y, sft v: -. , r.-v , j I . Avv r; l1?- 4 . lie i i ,v; "'Hx 7 "'A, V i : U ; npHIS is Harry K. Eustace, hunter of African big game and explorer of worldwide reputation, who has returned to the United States after spending years in darkest Africa. He says that he would rather hunt lions and tigers than face the traffic of some of our larger cities. Beautitication Proclamation Is . Issued by Mayor G. E. Halvorsen Inasmuch as Sunday, May 7 has been set aside as Blossom day in this city and vicinity and that on this day thousands of visitors will be entertained by the Salem Cherrians, as mayor of Salem I ask all citizens to cooperate in making the city attractive. It is suggested that lawns and parkings be put into first class condition, that unsightly objects be removed and that flower plots and rose hedges be so prepared as to add to the beauty of residences. Salem has long been known as the City of Fruit and Flowers and upon this occasion we can, with little ef fort, addto the reputation so acquired. GEORGE E. HALVORSEN, Mayor. MM1S WILL III T ti l Dedication of Big Electric Sign Slated as One Fea ture of Evening The Kiwanian who misses to night's reeption and feed out at the Salem Indian school, at 0:30. is simply out of luck. The club is to be tho suest of Kiwanian 1 Harwood Hall, out at Chemawa. and the remembrance of the spread laid before the club at the previous visit to Chemawa. is a fragrant memory in their gar den of remembrance but this one is promised to beat that one by a Salt Lake City block. One of the incidents of the Che mawa visit is to be the dedication of the big illuminated sign at the Oregon Electric railway opposite Cbemawa. informing the traveling public that this is the bipgest Indian school in Amprfoa. It had been planned to have the dinner court for hi appearance in justice Harry C. Mohr, Brunen's brotber at noon, and ail the guests were ; court Wednesday on a charge of in-law, of "hounding him" to kill to meet-at the Commercial club ' n , f Hnnnr ... ,,,.'! Brunen. Hp alsn alrf Mohr had at 11:30. but later plans fixed the dining hour at 6:30. DAY IS QUIET PARIS. May 1. Tbis was the most quiet May day Paris has witnessed since the signing of the armistice. There were only a few minor clashes between the police and the manifestants. in which a few persons on both sides were slightly injured. E IN BIG CAR Well Known Portlanders Haled Into Police Station When Liquor is Found "We didn't know it was there," chorused C. H. McCabe, Atomey Dan Poweis and A. Simmons, of Portland, when brought into the police station last nisht by State Traffic Officers Griffith and Thur ber. "It" was a quart of booze, found under the cushions of Mc Cabe's car when orricers arrested him on a charge of driving with out a license. The temporary li cense carried on McCabe's brand new Durant car was not sufficient, the officers aid. and the car wa? held pending a hearing in justice court at 2 p. m.. Wednesday. McCabe, who is a Portland salesman for the Durant Motora company, deposited $100 in Dolice , - - - vui cr; men are well known. PARADE HALTED STOCKHOLM, May 1. Inces sant rain throughout Swwten j calmed the usual socialist May day parades which today were few and sparsely attended. In Stockholm tbe contemplated socialist and communist parade was called off owing to bad weather and few supporters. I HAWLEY RECEIVES " CONCESSION FROM FEDERAL BUREAU WASHINGTON, May 1. After a conference today with the director of the bureau of public roads, Congressman Hawley was authorized to make the following statements: All the proposed roads of the system in Oregon being so' far apart are in fact of primary importance, because of their locations and connections with other roads. That the Roosevelt highway is on the program of the bureau as a part of the road system In Oregon. That the bureau is ready to go on with the construction of the Roosevelt highway whenever the state is ready, as the bureau desires to work in harmony with the state, , This emphasizes the statement issued by Congressman Hawley after confering with the director to the effect that the bureau was investigating the Roosevelt highway from the standpoint of a primary road. j It is included in the road system of the bureau for Ore- sonana me bureau is ready to SCHOOL MONEY IS Total of $43,209.59 Now Ready for Distribution in Marion County According to the official Inter pretation of the Oregon state law, there are 294.72 elementary teachers in the public schools of Marion county. 1 The fractions are not appor tioned according to a rating of some teachers being only fraction ally efficient, or to have lostt a limb br lost their heads n some occasion when the count was taken. The fractional division is made where a school on the coun ty border has pupils from anoth er county, or where an elemen tary school carries on ninth grade work and this proportion of the teacher's time is deducted from the full count as an "elementary" instructor. Tax is 2 Mills The law apportions a 2-mlll tax for the elementary schools, divid ing It not according to the per capita of pupils, but according to the teachers. The payment, which for 1922 will be a total of f37, 417.59, is divided into spring and fall payments. The first payment of $43,209.59 is now made ready for distribution. It makes $146. 61 for each teacher; not for the teacher individually, but for the school she represents. The fall payment will be $150 for each teadtier and her school. The county has 143 school dis tricts, but only 128 of the8e are represented In this payment. Of the others, most are remote, sparsely settled sections, where there were not enough pupils to maintain the school, so the pupHs were sent out to other districts. More Available IjUt Salem has 82 teachers in the elementary list; Silverton has 16.66; and Woodburn has 10.33 in this classification. There will be two other appro priations for the schools: The state apportionment. of $2 per pu pil, payable in the fall, and the county per capita fund, of $10 pr pupil, payable in the spring and in the faJl. Physician Spends Day With Alleged Slayer MOUNT HOLY, K J.. Mav 1. A physician spent the day In the cell of Charles M. Powell, alleged slayer of John T. Brunen. circus owner, who was shot and killed the night of March 10 at his home at Riverside. N. J. Powell's screams at intervals could be heard outside the jail. He was said to be suffering from a com- j plete nervous collapse following his confession in which he accused ; --- promised him $1000 for' killing the circus owner. TITLE CONFERRED LONDON! May 1 -By The As- j sociated Press) The Earl of Bal- fo-jr is the official title by which Sir Arthur J. Balfour will be known by virtue of the earldom conferred upon him recently by King George, It was announced today. METED OUT proceed with construction. PATTDH HITS S Ordinance Provides for Fee of $600 for Each Out of Town Vehicle An ordinance bill providing for a license fee of $600 a year for each vehicle operated hy bakery firms ot other cities who send their trucks tv Salem to sell bread from house to house, was introduced at the council meeting last night by Hal D. Pat ton. The bill Is aimed directly at Portland bakery firms and is designed to protect Salem bakeries. ! Mr. Tat ton explained the bill ia not aimed at Salem merchants whs represent bakeries of other cities. The measure was referred to thf committee on ordinances. The city council mad short shrift of a large grist of routine work at the regular sesslonn last night. Dancy la Thanked. A vote ot thanks waa extended to W. H. Dancy of the Paclfio Telephone A Telegraph, company. Mr. Dancy had offered to install a special telephone service as an aid to the police department on, circus day. By use of direct tele- Moffitt hopes to cope with un usual demands . made -upon - the local police force, based upon past experience with the criminal ele ment among circus followers, IUilwav to bti fined : City Attorney Ray Smith Vat instructed to me suit against tn Oregon-California Railroad corn company. This is an action to clear title to the west portion of Twelfth street between Marlon and Union streets, preparatory to paving. The council took action extend ing the outlet of the Union street sewer into the Willamette river. During the summer, months there (Continued on page ) www www w rmi I SHOULD FIT USERS ; Did you ever stop to think that words, may be like clothes - too large or too small? That when they do not suit the thought ther are ill-fitting, and unpleasant to the party who hears or reads them? Yet this is, indeed, often the case. And every person should ; choose his words with care, so they may not be too big. like father's trousers on his llittle son. or too little, like a hand-me-down t suit three sizes too small tor a growing boy. Besides; a person who uses words that da not con vey his exact meaning loses the force of an Idea that might ac complish much in deed and action. A lack of skill In the use of these tools of thought may : serve to keep one down in the world when he belongs on top. If you onco learn to use a dictionary, you will be surprised at the rapidity with' which you will advance We had in mind the Immense benefit to our readers when we .chose The Vow 1'nlrnrilt faa nt.tsinarv fAf general distribution in this com munity. Our coupon, published daily in tbis paper, shows the gift nature of the plan, and should be cut out and presented ait this of fice with our small distributing C06t. BREAD I