The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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    lwLbu.J ii
Ade GftrrlAon's New rhiue of
1 !
1 am afraid t stared aa helpless
ly at KaUe as. the most Inexper
ienced flrl housewife would have
done when she turned upon m In
unreasoning fury at my propoal
that she take a vacation and pre
tend to my mother-in-law that
she was not coming back again
r la my Intense-weariness at
Mother Graham's constant gle
fit the girl I had planned to play
a ruse upon Wifty's captions mo
ther to frighten Her Into a reali
zation of what life nonld be
without' the help of oar volatile,
garrulous but efficient HUI maid.
; -1 had succeeded In my purpose.
My mother-in-law had been most
; gratlfylngly startled, bat my shot
had proved a boomerang indeed. It
was I who now faced the problem
of letting Katie leate or calming
her temper Instantly: 1 knew nr
tempestuous nature sufficiently to
realise that if she once let herself
go she would no doubt say things
that would maksstt well nigh Im
possible for us tcontinne In tha
relation of mistress and maid.
With a ; feeling that W. was my
last resort I went up to the rtrl,
put my hands npon her .shoulders
with. the old, half-stern, half-affectionate
manner .which I hare
many, times found effective with
her; and said kindly yet' with
firmness:5 ; v - f
"Katie, you Utile goose, look at
mef: 'Nobody wants you to leafs
here. I would like to keep j ou
and Jim all my life. But yon de
serve a vacation.' and there Is a
, reason why t want Mother Gra
. ham to "think yoa aren't coming
aek. .Bat I want you to be back
la tlx f weeks. Don't too under
stand me, you foolish girl?"
: .. j.--i--.-s.y.'-":i. W
Hysterical langhter. . -t ,
Katie bad been twisting ? and
lainit-ei la luy gra.p, and her hca
held sullenly down as If sh were
determined not to. meet my eyes.
I knew,' however, that she -was lis
tening to what I was saying. -.Yet
I held my? breath as I finished,
wondering miserably what th
outcome would be. Several years
experience of Katie's moods ha?
taught me to be prepared lot
anythtlng. Therefore I was nc-t
surprised to feel her relax limply
in my grasp, and the next minute
hear her laugh with a glee equal
In Intensity to her fury of the mo
ment before.
Ha! Ha! Ha!" -I guessed she
was almost hysterical in her relief.
"I see now vot you get at. You
rant to play vun joke on old vo
mans. I bet you she always say.
Vy you no get rid of dot Katie?
She vun bunch of soup greens?'
Ob, I used to feel bad from dot.
but I know better now, poor old
vomans. I was almost malicious
enough to wish my martinet mother-in-law
could hear the superb
magnaminity in Katie's voice,
and you think ven you get a
chance you joost slam her vun In
slats, make her sit up and use
her bean vun leedle bit, ain't it?"
la Madge Mistaken?
My mental reactions upon lis
tening to this atrocious vulgar
jumble of what Katie fondly sup
poses to be the latest thing in
American slang, the hall-mark of
her graduation from alien speech;
gave me distinct food tor thought
when I had left the kitchen leav
ing a radiant Katie behind me.
I can remember, the time when
I '. would have felt - only disgust
and anger at her, little speech,
and would have sternly reproved
her for It. ' Now, the only emo
tion I experienced was a desire to
get away from the girl as a quick
ly as possible for fear that the
laughter I was heroically trying
to suppresft ' would escape, and
either mortally offend her or give
her an idea of herself as a humor
ists . --,"
TiHad'I deteriorated, from the
standards I i had held during, my
early married life or had I simply
become more human? The ques
tion lingered with me. after I had
said i lamely enough to Katie:
"Yes,. It Is a jokei Katie. Please
do as I ask," and had received her
Joyous familiar response:
...."All rights MeesialCraiiaia;? "J
feex." ' -A : :
A glance at my wrist watch told
me that If 1 wished to catch the
train I had promised i Lillian t
take I could indulge in no further
introspection and retrospection
So I promptly shelved the matter
of my diminishing ideals, burrietf
through the last touches of the
careful toilet I always make for
a trip1 to the city, and made my
train with only a few gasping erk
onds to spare.
I hate to hurry. It upsets both
my nerves and ray dignity. The
consciousness that I was flushed,
that', my hair was disarranged,
that the passengers had gazed at
my breathless entrance with vary
ing degrees of amusement made
iaeuncomfortatle all through ine
hour's journey. It was only when
I alighted from the train that I
recovered my poise .v ; "
: As I walked uj the stairs to the
line of waiting taxis, , I causM
just a glimpse of a woman's fig
ure entering a limousine on the
otberside of the driveway. Her
face was turned from me, but
somethting in the graceful lines
of her figure and'" the way In
which shei managed her entrance
turned me; fairly faint.
For though I knew that sh
was an occupant of a prison, that
I must be mistaken, the image of
Grace Draper flashed in memory
before my eyes.
(To be continued)
Repairs to Save .Growers :
Neat Sum Every Year
" A little carpenter - work and a
little whitewathing is Foing to
save the Oregon G rowers $160
year. in their factory expense i
sum that will go 'back into the
checks of the stockholders and
net cost them a ceat.
. In looking over their insurajice
policies, the company found that
bv closing up a number of vertical
openings doors and ventilators
from one floor to another, in their
I various plants, they could do all
the carpenter and material work
for S09, and lop off $942 on the
insurance cost. It would reduce
the fire hazard by that much, and
the Insurance com Dames were
glad io5 make""; thVeduWVatk;
The material cost comes onee; the
wiring la for every year.: v; .Vv
..Whitewashed walls and ceil
ings are noticeably less combusti
ble than- plain slivery wooden
walls. By , spending $271 '," for
whitewashing, the policy costs are
cot $747 for every year.
Open foundations, where
tramps might crawl to sleep and
smoke- and start carelerf fires, or
where "rubbish might .accumulate
and perhaps start spontaneous
combustion, are rated as extra
hazard. By spending $103. once
lor all. the' Growers will sav?
$13 for ever)' year.
The three lines of improvement,
costing only a little more than
$700 for the first year and n6th
lng at all for the years to come.
.IT., Utoritfwn "ofticw W iu tlin
,U. I1IU lMI'M ihMtam m'K
i Apto l ops
If you want your top recoyered
in firstclass shape, see us. We
make all kinds of tops. ". We
make and repair; cushpns and
scat covers.
Seat Covers and Hate Glass
Our New PtIcm -WiU
Surprise oa
171 South High Street .
;For the first time in the past month we have on
hand all the Ford and Chevrolet cars that we can handle.
, If you need anything in the used car line call and see us.
Here are a few specials:
1920 Ford Roadster $340.00.
1920 Four Touring $350.00.
' 1917 Ford Touring $175.00.
1920 Chevrolet $350.00. !
1921 Chevrolet $400.00.
Dodge Touring, A No. 1 condition, $325.00.
Model 90 Overland $250.00.
1921 Dodge Touring, cord tires, snap at $750.00.
1919 Ford Truck, quick sale price $250.00.
Late 1918 Maxwell Touring $185.00.
We invite your patronage in cur shop four expert
.mechanics. v ; '
Oleson-Rookstool - Auto i Exchange
Phone 666
173 South Liberty St.
r ft First Tnnnie 8
Since the world war we have been forced to make up a "waiting list" for Ford Cars and
Fordson Tractors. At the present time the Portland Branch Territory is over 200 closed
cars behind. Why not! Never since the begininng of Automobile manufactcriiJ?, hare "
Ford Cars been as cheap, and yet as good as they are now. ' i
'i coii ceo:
260 No!
a t Hr.1i
... aaaM
( V1
;( 0U (?i I j Vf n
For Three Days We Are Able to Make This Astounding Of fer to. a Limited Number of Women'
Dom't Miss This
iTaste the delicious ioods 1
cooked by the Red Star
Every day during this great sale we will conduct v 1
a demonstration of Red Star' cooking. Come in f.
ouu etc nun nic jivcu umi Tvuiiva. oce nun
it is to operate. -What remarkably fine cooking
. - it does, twith its : intense," concentrated . heat.
Taste the good things to eat. Learn what won
derful baking what successful cooking you can
do with the Red Star. -
Here is an arrangement
that will forever take the
kitchen drudgery from
the lives of a limited
number of women.
So if you want to be one
of the few who will be al
lowed to take advantage
of these most liberal
terms, you must act at
..Tomorrow we will start
this sale that is bound to
, set the entire community
to talking it will con
tinue for three days.
' Come tomorrow without
fail. It Ls YOUR oppor
tunity. Don't let it slip
away from you.
. It.Qiur Id
0$qvg. Token in
: -Exchange
: Detroit
: A . ! - -
Cooks Anything a Gas Range
Can Cook
The Red Star bakes and roasts, boils and
fries perfectly and as quickly as the fin
est range of any type. The famous Red
Star burner produces an intense heat, with
its double ring of flame and the added heat
of its red-hot, 8-Ib. metal burner. No
wicks or wick, substitutes. It transforms
kerosene or gasoline into gas and burns it
like a gas range.,
Why wait to have this finest of oil stoves?
Next week will be too late.
Don't Miss This Opportunity
Come Now
New Reduced Prices
Not only have spendid new features been added to Red
Star Oil Stoves. The prices have been radically reduced.
. At the present low figures, Red Stars are by far the great
' est values we have ever known. NOW is your opportunity
to own one on terms remarkably generous. Don't let this
sale go by without taking advantage of all that it offers.
Be one of the Fortunate. Come without fail.
10' Pom
Puts it in your -Home
We will put a Red Star Oil Stove in your home on
payment of only $10.00 down. Think' of it ! ' For
only $10.00 down you can begin to' enjoy all the
benefits of .this marvelous oil stove--can be freed
forever from the dirt and muss of a wood or coal
range, or the inefficiency of any other than "a
Red Star Oil Stove. ' - ."'..
. 4 4. .!
" " ' ' " ' -f ' - " j '
You pay the remainder of its purchase price jn
such small amounts that you. will never feel them.
And all the while you are enjoying its wonderful
convenience and cleanliness its perfect cooking;
Remember, only a limited number, of women can
have ' this special purchasing1 privilege. f(Don't
put off coming. You may be too late, " Come
3-DAYS; rn
Blew Improved Features
The latest Red Star models have important new features, that add
immeasurably to their convenience, efficiency, cleanliness and beauty.
During this sale you will 4 have an opportunity to inspect the new
styles and see alK the valuable new improvements which the makers
have added, to make. the Red Star an even finer range than ever
before. 4 Once you see these beautiful ranges, and learn what remark
able cooking results you 'can ''obtain with them, you will never
willingly be without one. " "
Famous R e d Star Bur nei
Burns gas which it makes from gasoline pr kerosene. It has two
rings of flame instead of one. And it has the intense added heat of
the red-hot 8VL-lb. metal burner. 5 1 . ' - rV , ,
There are no wicks no asbestos rings. You turn pn the .gas akd
light it at the burner. One gallon of fuel gives 19 hours of perfect
cooking. Fuel saving is 25 per cent. - - -
I -
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