THE'oitEGOH STATLSIIAN. hALLU. U A A a.. 1 ' " asmsmasnuasmna Per hsseilisa to fte mm mam Om Mk (sis iamUosa). One month .-: . JOe BIS BMUl' mlMt 1 I. 11 uaaathe' eeanat. aa. 1. Minimum for hoy advertisement, lie Norwich union nnn insurance society Thielaom, BoUomI A Bargluardt MONEY TO LOAN On Real Bitot K. FOBJI (Orer Ladd Bash Bask) , NEW TODAY FOR SALE riRST CLASS EDISON ; with 21 records. Phone evenings, 1S54-W. CHOICE 8TRAWBERRT PLANTS. ANT quantity. Kttersbnrg Ko. 131, Na. SO; Clark Keedliag. Gold Dollar, Maw Or- Treble, Wilson. Was. Belt. 00s par hundred delivered. Ward K. Richardson. . FOR RENT IKXTSEKKEPINO ROOMS Neatly furnished, 1020 Ceart street. FOB. RT water, bark. APARTMENT., LIOHT, HBO stste. WANTED YOUNG MARRIED MAN who ia aot afraid af work to tak Interest ia paring business. (325 caab reeeired, with gusraatee of $25 week to right party. , Invest igs to. r Call 1070 Jfsrioa street. . AUCTION 8ALE HORSE.' COW ft sheep, hon, machinery. . Fordaon trac tor and plow, grain, ate. . Friday, May Mb, 10:30 a.m., 10 miles north f Balem, tee tag a 2 for particulars. A. b. Janes, owner; F. , h. Weodry, auctioneer. -- - ir TOO WANT TOUR PROPERTT SOLD at art,. Int with Rob Pordy, 435 lurt street.: ,. . ; , - , - BOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED room apartment, with garage. Phone . 1051 R. 105 N. 25lh. ; ' '; IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD buy ia real estaet aeo Raby Purdy, 455 ' . urt street. . - - - .. , EXPERIENCED HOUSE TO .HOUSE : - Bslesmen and agents. , Aa article dsed daily ia every family, essr to sell. raaran teed, reference required: smalt , fiasnce. May 1 and 3, Bligb hotel. . auk for Lather,- 4 to p.m. SEVEN itOOM HOUSE. MODERN 'CON mirnm, and 7 lota, for sale at bargaid. : Raby Putdy, 455 Court street. ' ;; .'.-- v . -' FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE WITH bath-room, etc. Considerable furniture, 2250. $450 down. - ball ace 30 month, which ' inelade interest. Dan- dy Aeal for party wanting home. Pay rant to yourself. P, O. Bex, 187, - Salem, Orego-t. . - . t .-: 16 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD 8, MILES - from Salem, half in frtilt. 15250 some terms. Ruby Pardy, 435 Court street; ;" -: - FOR RENT FIVE ROOM APARTMENT. : eloae in. Light, water and phone. free. Fhone i -.:- ' LAND TO REST 18 . ACRES ' REAL land all ready to nut In potatoes, beast. or other tardea. This on edge of ' . limiu. nil Will'rat on shares to ; responsible gardener, inquire lor par ticolsrs, Becka Hendricks, 205 C. S. . Bank BIdg. -- - i ' -. FOR SALE OR TRADE HUDSON CAR, good shape, would do for stage line. Phone 1770-W. ' , - j . t SEED OATS FOR BALE WHITE 8IL ermine. 00c- per basheL . IL C Por ter, Aamsrille. Oregon. . 'f FOR SALE HOUSE , TO BE. MOVED from i lot. 505 X. Sejmwer trwt. fbone 77W-J. - . i AN IDEAL FRUFT .AND- POULTRY rmnrfa far sale. 20 acres. 15 in crop, vetch and oats), aire family orchard; smsll f raits: fsir haase of 4 rooms. . and barn, rhirken booaea. Also an ' - - atber small boaae, barn. " Good water. 1 horse, wason, harntss, burgy; ' . 3 doxek chickens: disc harrow, .Wnvh. and rake. Haoaehold farnitare; ransre, nearly all aew. Price 04,000; tersis. locatea miiea irom ' Monroe. Benton county. I'articaisrs, Henry Ambler, Realtor, Philomath, : Oregon. BARGAIN BUNGALOW LOCATED .-AT 1505 Soath Cottsge, is modern small ' huagalow with Dutch kitchen, cement ' basement an fireplace. . This sold last fall for 200 and it most be sold oaick for 92700. Look at tbia U yea liave $700 and can ase. Becka . Headrirks. 205 U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. FOR RENT 391 K. COTTAGE SEVE . rooms. i modern. May Ota. neo Fleming. 341 State. . WHYNOT TAKE TOUR NEXT POLICY with ,8tandly "lo, a$eta, fire . insursnce ora exclusive business. We are prepared to give yo first claas aervice and nt loweat - coat. Phone ' 847. : Ladd Bush Bldg. . DRrVIXO TODAY! WIIE.V TOU GET to bit Kin (wood Park gate, atop and . look over a might trim 5 room bun galow; brand new. Jest south of ea trsnco. Yon'U like it and its $00. ' over 'ML : Immediate possession. Beeke ' Hendricks,; 805 U. 8. Bank Bldg. RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLAYHG -r - 19 lessons gusrsnteed. Waterman ays ' tns.' P. B. CIsr,lMsr MeXomsck ; Baildtng. BARajlN I EAST FROST MJ, OS south High street. Psving psld for. Price $600. KrecgOT. Oregoa Bldg. HOME WASTED I HAVE A CU8TO- . mnilrni residence, for about $3500 cash. Also several for cheaper ' . bouaea. aa eaay paymente. t.ias yonr property and I will sell it. John U 8cott .28 Orrton Bld$. ODD STUFF 1 ACRES WB ARE m.1 l Sitaoo Liherty dMrtct. t. . i A - a 'i inn - Tkm I sraai oobjiiuw blocks to oast school an ear. laU of ' was t$ aasosl fuPRBPS. 475 N. 17th. ' !.snnt -lot with s-srsce built. 50x100. 1 for 9675.T Some terms. Apsrtment 5 house paying from $lSO ta $130 meats v h ifk Hmm Lacatina and title, inaur ' .na tavea O.K. Price $7000. with extrs fine lot.' Figure this out ' aiJ t ....... hla .5 Mom cottsge com nlete for 6 2 KM Ml. Beeke Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. . - - " SALESMAN WITH CAR WASTED TO introduce n staple tine lata gTecary ' stares. Write 'B-l.V cars BUtasmsa. vntt RENT FIVE ROOM APARTMENT, Close in." Liiht, water aad phone t free. Phone 2023-J. ?.- Best Buys f room modern, erase in, owaef leaviag attAiMI 9150O rash 7 rooms strictly modem bungslnw. three blocks from Cspitsl , grounds, psved atreat. car. $1300 cash, balance like a iaaiea..4 blocks from rspital. paved street; $0O cash, balance $35 monthly...- .' t : ' .. .' . ; . 80 acres, good Improvorpent; stock, tm , 96750: terms. i 70 seres, rood 1 room house, good barn, rv4 mi.bai'". 10; eowa. 5 hnf-ra. . S horses, chickens, erenm oeparator, " ,mi. outfit of implements, some i frML rrop. fruit, Hi miles from city i. Price $o5- , ' , i Socolofsky y ; -i $41 '-Ststo ;'vSir ? This -Weekets Bargain 1 f.llv an ta date lifnllflV. C"t basement. At two thirds real vstue. for five dsys. Lees than alXMj. Lit--et 92500 and reasonable at that. See Fleming, $41 Stste street at opce. NEW; TODAY WAKTED EXPEBIKXCT3t LADY coos. BiMif work. CkaapM'l lunch room. 13 8. Liberty. What, What -What? Have you to trad for Saskatchewan farm. Be Wbl Fleming. 841 Uk street. ,-. I ; -.; ., Good Buys in Houses room house ia good condition, with fireplace,' corner lot, at 705 K. 17h street. Price 320O. $730 dawn, bal ance Deathly. room beagalow at 1785 & Cmmareial street. Price $3150; down. room house with fruit, two lota, at 18 Center street. $3750. N A room hoasa aad largo tot at 843 8. Liberty street. Price $1800. room hoase, basemeat, modern plumb Dig, lights, cement walks, $1500. room house, two large lots, with bear: tng, fruit, barn for eaw. Price $2100: $100O down. , ream modern, brick house. 4 black Out. a real bnv at aaitnn ..k W J?H aeeersl shesp lot, in Richmond addition, v , Far Fsirmount Hill lots see us. V - raoni nou.a- and fine lot aa Breadway atrete. Price $13o0 cash. Real Estate and fiw. I. VW. H. Grabenhofst & Co. 273 State street- U. 8. Bank Bide. ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW with fireplaca and garage. Price $3000. w. H. Grabeohorst Co, 37S Stata street. FOR SALE TWO WELL BUILT BUN- gsiows. eery attractive; in King wood wrlI. l31W0 75. '' W. H. -Grabeohorst 4e Co, 275 Bute street. SNAP 80 ACRES. 40 PLOW LAND, uaiauca i injur r, I miles out; rock road. Price $03Ot for a snort time, terms. W. H. Orsbenhorst Ca, 275 State street. FINE FARM 100 ACRES ALL PLOW isno, with stock and equipment, south of Independence. Price $19000; Fed eral loan, balaace cash. W. H. Orsb enhorst Co.. 275 State street. Special A nice little home, 1 acre, with 5 plastered house, chicken bouse. fine spring water piped to house; close to Hslera on paved., road. A anap for $1100, easy terms. Thomason -. 831V4 Stste street Real Values , 4 room bungalow, new, basement. $: 2800 caaa vdoo. ? . f . 6 room bungalow, electric liahta. bath. - -$2100, cash $500, balance $25 a month. - S room bungslow. basement, rarara. t)sv- street. OdiHiu, cash-$40a bslsnca lie ..iL ; i , . vj m tuvnva inciuaina manii.. 7 room modern . bungalow, funrsce, gat j fsouu; eaay terms. - Modern bungajew for rent ia West 8a- Winnie Pettyjohn" 331 State street GOOD LITTLE HOME NEAR BU8INES8 center for - $1200. Good 5 room bun galow near car line, $1800. Good home near car line;, plenty 'ot fruit, - Square Deal Co. 202 U. & Bank Bldg. .GOOD BUY 8 - ---- 50 acres af good wood land near McCoy. Will trade and take in 4 to 6 room kauso U Salem and pay -esih differ : eneo. ' I - . -, t, h Fifty aero farm, 25 In crop, 15 pasture. 10 timber, fsir improvements; 4 Jer l aer eowa, 2 bogs, 30 goats, 50 chick ens, and all implements for for $5000. Will take a' light truck ia on trade. This is a , first clsss proposition for eonieone., - - . - - ---- -- 6 room bouse; close In, for $2,000;. H . cssb. ' --- , - ARTHUR E. PETERSEN , ' . S9 Oregon Bldg. . t ? HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS REA80N- ,ble. 160 Court, street. ; -, FOB RENT 'FURNISHED APARTMENT I erase in. Phone Mrs. Holomon, 1516 M. if TOU' are Looking for a house to rent, or hsve few vacant for rent, ' .see' Ruhr Purdy. 455 .Court atre-t. A CLIENT OF MINE HAS $3000 CASH to pay. for a erase in residence. : Baby ruruy, iw vourt street. . FOR RENT OlI.OOR SPACE AT 811 N. , vommercisl streVt. FOR 8ALK YEAR OLD RHODE is land chick: -noma smsll chicks 19401 EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOUR MEN TO WORK. call. Turner, 60. MEN WANTED TO QUALIFY FOR FIRE men, brskrmen.- experience unneees- a try. Transportation furnished. - Write W. Boggess, 504,. 8t. Louis. MEN WANTED FOR - DETECTIVE work. Experience unnecessary. Write J. Gaynor, former Gov't Detective, 471, at. LOUIS. . WK WANT TWO MEN BETWEEN THE . ages of tS and 45 who will follow " ina tractions and work. To these men -. we offer real positions net ioba. Fu ture aasareo to inouatrious men wtta ability. Can 889 for - appoiatmant. ttoooi sis orecos uia$. WANTED nrxavoimo TOUNO man who has had oxporioaoo aolliaat life iasaraaoa, itocka or adrertUlag. Mast 94 able to dsroto his entire time and smbltious for advaaeemeal. Muat have the eon rare . to presses besineas prepositioa to mercbsata and profea- j0'1 .,Amw' U,7".1', "",11, aaiaV , vasainw awr fieatioaa, oxporloaco aa aolieitor. AdCooaa 'I-No U" Btatesaiaa of flee. AGENTS WANTED BIO MONET TAKING ORDERS SLITS, pants, blankets, rsincosts, direct wool en mill to wearer. Experience unnec essary. New agent' made $108 first week. Aak Quick about territory. Com nlete outfit free.- Taylor, Wells Co., 2730 X. Paulina. Chtcsgo. MALBV AND rxXALB MAN OR WOMAN WANTED $10 weekly full time, $1 an 'hour spsre time, selling gusiintcedbosiery to ;l, wearer. Experience unnecessary. In- teraatlonsl Hosiery Mills, B 194, Nor- ,- netown. Pa. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO I take farm osoor subscriDtiOBS. A rood pro pas it ion ta tho right people. Address the Pod fie uomostooo. ststeemao tus Hslenv. Ore. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN IB YOU WANT $60OO .. this year, write me. Strong line for retsil stores. stionsiiy aavertmca. Liberal weeklf advance to producers. -W. Morgan. Mgr 1920 Euclid, Clevo- .' land. Ohio. - Oept. 630.. MAP SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL : wall and pocket advertising maps direct to bankers, merchants, etc. t ery lib- rrsl eommisaian.- Greatest field for . devetonment of any .advertising line - tod sy. Some open territory now avail- able. Write the Keayon, Company, Inc. -DesMoines. lows. 48th Successful year. 8AI.K8MKN OR - AGENTS SEEKING dew lines on commission basis for " resale. v exclusive territory, addma United Salessnea's Ass'n., 1101 Ord "way- Bldg Newark, N. i. , SALE-SMKX vniO WIU. BE IXTERKST- ed in an aula areesaory that can be 1 installed on any' rar guaranteed useful. I - must have rauital to fin a ore territory. May I and 2, 7 to 9 p.m., Bligh hotel. ' ask lor MetormK-h. PERSONAL MASSAGE AND EXERCISES STEAM I cabinet, ladiea only... Mrs. RaU Rrowo. nweown rraaaata. sua vrsgoo stita;. raeae aoa. . PERSONAL "THE BLMD MA t AM SOMETlatM called because of my great iatareat ia window -and parch blinds. 1 do earn the beat window aad porch shades, aad desire very mack to bid aa oil aw and replacement Jabo. Max O. Burea. 179 . UoasmarciaL THE LEADING MATRIMONIAL CIX.B beat. . largest; established 17 years. Tbaasaada wealthy members wish mar riage. . Confidential descriptioBs free. Only honorable, siac-ere people of both sexes need write. The Old Relisble -dab. Mra. Wrable. Box 26, Oakland, California. ATTRACTIVE LITTLE MAIDES worth $00,000, will marry. Box 55. Chb, Oxford. Fla.. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for atamp Correspondent. Toledo. Ob is. ASTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE'S story. Send birthdate - aad dime for trial reading. Eddy, Treeet bt. Suite 3 A, Kansas City, Missouri. - ' - - - YOUR FUTURE . FORETOLD SEND dime, birthdate far- truthful, reliable, convincing trial reusing. Usiei Uause, Box 215, l4ts Angeles, Csl. IFl'YOU WISH A WEALTHY YOUNG ' trife write me 'enclosing stamped en , sclope. Violet Rays. D nnisen. Ohh. GET ACQUAINTED AND MARRY WELL. i Bead af amped envelope. Chicago Friendship Club. 2928 Broadway, Chicago, in. MARRY IF LONELY FOR RESULTS, try me; best and most successful "Homi Meter;" hundreds rich with msiTisge soon; s'tricGy confidential; most relisble; yesrs'- experience; de- - scriptions free. "The Successful Club." Mrs. NssH, Box 550, OskUnd. California. FOR SALE BABY SUPPLIES cwou oasi auvuiiifriUAkJuivni, ' beautiful, comfortable, moderate priced : kind. Let me explain noma aansual menta of Sturgla carriages and aulkays They have many. Max O. Buren, 179 N. OommereiaL PATER Of YOU WART TO GET THE BEST farm oanar. aaad ISO to the Paalfie Hemsstssd. 8alem, Oregon, for a three moatha trial aabeeripiioaa Maatlea thie ad. - OARAXT BIRDS FOB SALE CANARY BIRDS AND pedigreed wbKs Scotch eoljie papa. Mra. m. . Aw Beaaets, obese izso. LOVE To advertise aew store. Cage aad supply list free. Import BIRDS ed Kollers our specialty. E. B. FLAKE $.1 PAIR 171 oiste, sajem ,i . CARPETS AMP UttOIJEXm CORK CARPET PRODUCTS AND CON- goleum axe rpeeialixed hero to the lim it. Ask for one .each of oar circulars I entitled, "Permaneat Linoleum Floors" aad "How to Care for Linoleum. Mas O Buren. 179 W. Commercial. KITCHEN CABINETS McDOUGALL EN0W8 THE KITCHEN cabinet asms from A to Z. He brought out the VERY FIRST high elasa kitch cabinet in America. The now Ate- Dougall is a msrvsl. Get my prices andlTONNEAU CARPET RUNNING BOARD terms. Max O. Barea. 179 N. Cam- mereial. POTJItTEl POULTRYMEN SENT EIGHT TWO- cent stampe zor goocial tbree months trial for tas beat aad oldest ioaraal la the west. The articles aad adver- tiaemoate are of special interest ta the poultry oreeaera ei sue aortawoss. Northwest Pool try Journal, SU Com mercial t- Baiesm, urecon. UVB STOCK TEAM FOR BALE FOUW AND SEVEN years old, weight between 800 and 1000. Without a blemish. Address "A 99, Care Statesman. ! FOR SALE SHETLAND PONY AND gpanish burro, both very Cheap. At school for desf. - Phone 040. i FOR 8ALE MILCH GOATS. FRESH in Msy. Threa-qusrt milkers reason able price. Box 64, Hubbard, Ora. FOR SALE soscroxANXous FOR BALK - BURBASK POTATOES, Phone 44F14. FOR SALE OLD HEWBPAPER8, 10 cents a boadla Clrealatlos dspartmant Oregon Stataesya. GLIDDEN'8 LINOLEUM VARNISH AND I Johnson a Floor Wax. Ask ua psrticalsr merita and purposes of oaes. Msx O. Bnrea, 179 a. commercial. Salem. ' RUG PRICES LOWER 1929 DE8IGNS I colors and qualities are moat gratifying. Sea mr fine dnrolas while it ta com- nlete. Max O. Bursa. 179 N. Com- atarciaL Salem. WANT HEALTH. ENERGY. ROBUST 1 vitality! Suffer from headache, nerve exhaustion. Scad for sample recon structive tsblets. Wonderful I Wal- deck. 60-FF, Newark St., Hoboken, I N. J. THE HOUSS OF HALF A MILLION. aad oaa barraiaa. Wo, bay, aou or exeksace anything sad everything ta tho liao of juak or second aaad goods. Sao aa before too bay ar aelL ; Bteia bock lank Co Remember tho place, 403 V. Commercial fir. Tboaa 621. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" ,B! al.vea other Oregon songs, together with a fine collection of pstriotie songs, sacred soaxs aad many old time favoritea AU, FOR S5e (Special prices In qssntlty lots) Eapocial ly adaptable for oahooL eommn ity or hosso singing. , Send for The Western Songster TO paces, now la Ha third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St. Salem. Ore : WOOD ; NICE DRY 16 ' INCH AND 4 FOOT second fir wod. Phone 254 or 622. OLD GROWTH 10 IN FIIL $8: SECOND growth dry 4 fU $0. Ash. $7. Phone 1467 FOR SALE BE8T GRADE MILL WOOD I second growth: 4 ft. or 16 in. Fred I E. Wells. Phone 1542. 805 S. Church. IS INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD I $9.50 ' per wad. Dry planar weed, on Ml p-e load. Trsey Wood Go. Pbaaa 620. FOR RENT " APARTMENTS FOR RENT THREE ROOM TJSFURN- tsnea apartment, uuo m. vommereiai. FOR RENT THREE ROOM FURN IS li ed apartment. 290 lsth btrett. Phaae 1633-W. ; ,-j MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. The Angelua, phone 15.4.1 5a5 Mariea street. .! RO0KJ FOB RENT LARGE FRONT BLEEPING room. Ill K. High St. i ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME I . close in. Address E. Care Statesman. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAR. COST: soe op, ana stats. ; - FOR RENT NICE BEDROOM ON Cawrt street. Neer Mate Haase; wita gsrsge if wsnt-d. Phono 133Q-W. CLEAN. NEAT SLEEPING ROOMS, $1 Sa . S1.S0 aar weak. , AnartaMata. oa The I-e-aard UoteL 34 N. Front.1 Phono 1$03. LOST AND FOUND rotm FOCTTD A WAY TO KEEP LIS OLEUM from cracking, hackling aad eurlmf Up Get my leaflet aatitiad 'Permanent Liaaieom Fwars." Max O. Bare. 17 WANTED MISCXUXAJTZOITl OLD MATTRKflSES MADE Capital Cny iWddiac Co. ora 19 WANTED rURNITCRE. TOOLS. ETC Phase 511, ANTED EVEKTTfllKfJ IN BARD ware and fnraitaro. Beet prices paid THE CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. IU PJ. Comasarcial St. Pbaaa 941 WANTED FURHITC.. TOOLS, MA ehtnery, stock, etc. Will bay far cast or svu am eomaiissioa. Pbaaa $11. Weedry. the Auctioneer. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIOMEEE AUCTIONEER r. R. WOODRT. THE lie stack, faraitura. real aetata aae ttaaear. Phone Sit far sale- dates Bee. 1810 N 8ummer Auto Directory PAIHTUi- RUSH THE AUTO PAINTER, aad Front etreeU. TATE AUTO T0P AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORE guarantessa. Seats 12th. 1120. RADIATOR SHOP! 3. 0. BAIR. RADIATORS. FEEDERS Bodies repaired. 444 Ferry. USED CARS WE BUY CARS OB SELL ON COM liation. Oleaoa Rooks tooL OLESON - ROOKSTOOL AUTO EX change will have no suction of used cars until further notice. We need the ears, snd will be plesaed to either buy; or sell on commission. $50 FOR QUICK SALE JUST THE thing for light delivery or bug. User- rolet chassis. See Colonel 3. Olmsted. Salem Laundry Co, or call Oleaoa s gsrsge. , - TRUCKS FOR BALE OR TRADE REO TRUCK. 1921 model, perfect oosditiesv Will trade for real esUta, produce or will sell en easy terms. Thta ta aa excep tion ally good buy. It you want a real roe a oargsia arpiy immediately, r ar call The 1'eo ople'e Csh Store. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN - AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROU- ble sbouUng. $1$ N. High. Phoae JOI. - PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE atatioa. Export bsttery sad eteetrieai work. Farria Bros. Phono 180a. 419 floors TIRES AND ACCESSORIES linoleum: auto psint snd enamel. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Commercial. Salem. RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM," AUTO carpet, ante enamel and paint. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST stone bruises, rim cuts and bwwouta. The Hydro-Toroa Tire, for sale-by Yew Psrk store. 12th and Leslie, phone 9. OARAGE AND REPAIR I VENDERS ROLL Eft NOT HAMMERED, Salem Auto Rediater Shoo. . ltS & lath street. 1 CAPITAL Oak AGS BUICEL 4TTJDB- baker repairing. 179 South Liberty Phone 86. ACETYLENE WELDING WELDING AND BRAZING r IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, bring the pieces. 837 Court St. Phone 486. 0xo Gas Hestin Oe BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, no ftorti Commercial Be tree t. Phone 950. CARPET CLEANERS CARPETS AND RUGS HAND CLEANED. We revive and set colors, rstitisg. Re liable Csrpet Clesners. Phono 750. OARPEHTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLANS furnished free. R. W. Mela tiro. 1400 N. Church. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disesse. 159 8. High fit- phaae 989 DRTJO STORES BREWER DRUG OA. 406 COURT Phone 184. FINANCIAL MONET TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. L A. Hayfard. 60S State etroet. V MARION POLE OOCNTT FARM LOAN aaaoeiation aaa monsy as loan at six pereeas. W. D. Smith, eaeratary-sraaa- sui ctaiem out ox vmaamaraa. WASTED TO BORROW, BY TEACHER, $150 for 6 months for educational pur rtosea. Can furnish beat of references. Resident of Salem 10 years.. Address "XY," Statesman. 90 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pre-paymeat provisions si lowed. We will finance you for a lest rate of interest than any firm on the coast. Privets money to loon on either city or country property. . MARSTERS BROS. --' 411 Orgoa Bldg. IXECTBICIAEi SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by. hour. At- pro-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phoae 1208J. rURNTTURE STORES ruRMiTCRE pKI0E8 DOWir IRON beds. $6: all steel bod springs. $5.40 cotton mattress. 1 88: oak diain chairs. $4; s!l steel' srmy rota, $3.50 Msx U. Bursa, 1T9 N. " Commercia Salem. GREENHOUSES PAS8Y PLANTS BEDDING AND VEG etablo plants- aow rtir for delivery, Salem tireenboases, 15th aad Garden streets. Phone 3O0. Xadies1 .Wearing Apparel FANCY WORK NEEDLEWORK AKD ZJCBR0DXRT sbop -Jessia McCua. Tallmaa'a Piano Btero, 131 Booth Commercial. UTLLOtZKl HATS FROM $1 UP Orimin. SIP Court St MRS, a A. EEXSTlTClUJiO) SAI.BU 'ELITE HEMSTTTCHING. . plaatiag. battaas. sterna lag aad needle work. $3 Oregon Bldg. Phono S79. MRS. C E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. , Stamping: brait'-ms : hsad eaabraidery. buttons. Roots in, aver Miller's atoro. 8s lorn, Oregon, Phone 117. ' MRS. BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH inft mail orders solicited. J7i S. ltb Pbaaa 1T4-M Classified rds. In The , Statesman Bring Results BUSINESS CARDS. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING. aeaigniag-. tipeaear a Mcvaraack. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do aay aad all kinds of ladies' uiier rf for eld and new easterners. . 052 S 12U 8a. Fkm 90&&-R. WANTED PLAIN BEWIEO AJkP HARD erk. Call (Il k. ME8DAKK8 SCOTT CBASat DRESS makers. 219 btata St. Pbaaa 981. J MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER 1710 oeuevue w. LAUXDSXES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPACT, lt$ 8. i-aaarty street. Pnaea 2X Oideat targeet bass. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY 8 TEAM LAUNDRY quality work prompt service. 1204 Breadway. Pbaaa '105. MATERSITT NURalKG MATERNITY NURSING WANTED IN private name. Phone 1894 J MEDICAL MOUNT AIN BALM COUGH REMEDY ffceae 8T7-W. VTRSINO NURSE HOSPITAL 49 North Hixh. XXPERIESCE. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY SALE8 YARD. Back of office. 540 Bute St. Phone 1140-M. COMPLETE LLhE TXEE&v SMALL frutte, eraamestala. Capita City kiur aery Cex. 420 Oregaa Bldg. Pbaaa 15. FOB 8ALE LITTLE' 8 IMPROVED Cory's tbarnleas blackberry plaam. Heart est producers aad bast Havered. Writ for pamphlet and price list. 0. A, LHtle. Sebaatonol Calif. PLUMtBINO PLUMBING -KEP AIRING AND COIL work. Pbaaa 1S97-J. 6 boa, 191 Caaaa street. A. L. Godfrey. PERIODICALS at 183 GOODHUE TARES BUBSCRIP tions for all easgssinee. SCI B. 11th. atreet. Phone 741-M PAINTINO CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND D: CO RATING HIGH . claaa work for particular people. L D . Brandon, esntoactor. $65 North High. Phono 645-J. AUBREY H. CLARE PAINTING, PAP erhaagtnc - kslsonrining. Work guar aateod. -Terms reaaoaable. Phone 1035-J. 1464 Ferry ; PERPUMS AMD TOILET ARTIOXES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EXl tracts, tenet articles. Mrs. Meyer. 179 Booth SSrd. Phoaa 11,4 PBTNTHrO FOR WEDDING - INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bortalaoa, printer. "Y" Building. SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK Jhoweards that talk. 424 N. Oeatmer eial. Phone 640. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, RE rose or all kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 167. RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able prices. J oknaoa-Barry. 169 S High. CHERRT CITY RESTAURANT HOME Vtyle meals. Good serrice. . State and Sfigh. - SAVE M0WEY BY EATING AT RE8 tssrsnt upstairs, too rjoota commer cial, f FURNXTTTRB I HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO ordor. Refmishuig aad npholsteriag a specialty. Pttaae 1749. Brawa aad Groves, 1901 Sooth Commercial. HOTELS C1ERRT CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND board. Leach eeuater. Opposite O. R. Depot. State and High. IS 8 U RAN OR MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. C. Baleh, agent, room 6, MeCoraaek Bldg. Phoae 90. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 419 Ferry. BIN BIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP sney. 40e: puffed rice. 90e: aoodlea. SOe; Cried aoodlea. 60s. 119 8. Lib erty. - STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIP ferent in pnotorranhv. 147 N. Oom SHOE REPAIRING VTILLlnVU'S SHOE SHOP 195 80UTH High. STOVES AHD STOTE REPAXRZNO 8T0TES REBUILT ASD REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence. Sixes IS to 18 laches high. Paints, oil aad raraiabea. ate, logaa berry and hop hawks. Salens Peace and Stove Work. $50 Co art itreet. Phone 134. SECOND HARD OOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing aad shoes. Also de elesaing, pressing aad reps iris g. Osll and deliver Capital Exchange. $43 North Commercial. Phono H68-W. WE BOY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar Bess, eollsrs. eollar pods, tools aad chsina. Fred Schindlar. 16$ Center etr TAILORS FR4KK -. PALM. TAILOR 311 SOUTH H ia-H. corner Ferry. Suits made ta ar.r. Cleaninsr. nrinc. repairing- TRAVSPORTATIOlf PARKER" S STAGE LINE8 J. W. Parker, fienersl Mansger Central Stae Terminal Salwn. Orgoo SALEM -8ILVERTON WIVISIOS Leaves Hslera. Central Stage Terminal: 7:00 a.m. 11:00 am. 5:00 p.m. Leaves Hilverton News Stand: 8:00 a m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Salem-Independence-Monmouth Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: 1 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 3 p.m. b pa, Loaves Moamourn, 'Honmvath Hotel: a.m. 1 p.m. :1S p.m. Leava Indenendene. Beaver Hotel: :30 a.m. 10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:30 We Bake connection! at Salem to all parts af ths vslley. Extra tripe by appointment, i. V. PARKER. General Mgr. 8ILYERT0X MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. A M. Stages Sonbt Roeud Schedule North Bonnd Read down Read up Dly. Dir. Dir. Dly. Dly. Dly No S No. $ No. 1 No. 3 No. 4 No 6 PM. PJf. A.M.- A.M. P.M. PM 6:00 1:80 8:00 Prtl'd 10:0 40 8:a0 $:05 $:35 10.05 Mt.Agl 8:25 1:55 8:25 :30 4:00 10:30 SUvfn $:00 1:30 :00 Ar. Ar. - Ar. Lv. L. Lv. Sunday only 8:00 p.m. fm. Portland SUgea leave Suge Terminal Portland and Steiehaiemer'-s Drag Stare.- tlilvartna TRANSFER HACXXNO M F.RTTI I ANT S TRANSFER . 15 B. Hieh. Phoae 353. JAPITAL. CITT TRANSFER -r-Jl Ststo . Ra. Phone t$$- Diettatiag. forwerdia aad itorsga our aposialty io$ oar rates. Read the Ctasficd Ads BUSINESS CARDS MUSIOAX. MRS. HENRY LEE PI AS 0 mi a Capital. 1V11-W. DOROTHY PEARC3 PIANO. SSI North W late. Phone I4W. BEATRICE SHELTON PIANO STUDIO 45 Mariaau Phetro 1299. EOLL1E STYLES VOICE. PIANCL $5$ Contor. Phase 401frR KISS MABLK SHKPHEaVD PIANO t layer; assess all onrasmaa Ul k iberty. WESTERN ' COKStutT ITORT OF MUS ta af Chieago. Fraa s E. CbsrckilL re reeeautive. Dtphstjao grsate 4. Odd Follooa' Bldg. n i sALEM CON8ERVATOBT P MUSIC AU braswaea taught, dnxamas graaSeA Jaha R. Sitso, director 1281 Caart. - - Pbane 070. TUNERS 4ACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER; Meore-Duaa C. Rear tsaautieo of oaermaa ciay a to. Pbaaa boo. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED 9aao raaer. Losvo orders ; WUI'a mnsniotaro. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, rciiaisbisg. rebuilding: plsyer piano export. Phono 105. Ill Somtb tsnatwui -v PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS. STEIN ways. fae-Art. aad others. at- Dana Mnsie Btaro. Msoeaic Tempta. DANOINO) PRIVATE daarea. LESSONS IN AJX LATE Mrs. White Pbaaa 17s J MUSI0 STORES GEO. a WILL PLaJfOS. PHONO trapha. aewiof machisea. sheet meats. ana plana eUd-ea. Rapabrtag a hone graphs and aewing maehiaaa. 48 State, tatn. TRANSFER HAULING WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE - held goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. Wo alee make . country tripe. We handle the best one! aad wood. Call on as for prices. We give good measure, good quality aad good service. Lamer Transfer Co. Phone 930, WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER OOV Office. $01 Soath Com'! St. Tea par cant -discount en' domestic flat rates paid ta advsaco. No dedaetieas for abeeaee or aay cause nnlosa water la shut off your promisee. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND " Perry. Stares every thing except ejt prasivea. Apply Fry's Drug Store. . WOOD SAWS CITY AND lAtuMTRY WOOD SAWING Pbane 3046. Fiaher Broa. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1181. CITY. country, e-a-. sproea. PROFFESIONAL CHIROPODISTS . 3. FOSTER- CORN DOCTOR. 88$ BUte at. Pstton Bldg. Phone $51. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BT DR. L. R. BUR- alaaPiaaV A ft tkab fsLofeOSF flnt Iaso.1 fUttaftsa ww anw saaar anf w vpsiVSM Wlgusl. i 825 Slate street, apposite Ladd aad Kuan KaaK. P0MEROY KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 888 State. CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTORS Drs. Bradford A) Bradford ' . Graduates and post cradastea of CAB VER Oollego. Oklsboma City FIRST CHARTERED- CHIROPRACTIC COL' LEGE in the WORLD. Tea years prac tice, consultation and oxanunstloa free. Suite 818 Oregoa Bldg. Phoae D.B. DR, ,0. I SCOTT, P.B.O, CHIR0PRA0 . tor. 414-19 D. 8. Baak Bldg. Phone 87: res- 828-R. OSTEOPATHIC! ZXTSICIANS DRS. U. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 8. - Bank Bldg. 10$ DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and anrfeoa. Klrksvills graduate, 404-405 D. 8. National Baak Bldg. Phone, office. 919t res. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR- mities of the feet corrected without lots of time. from your oecupstion. Drs. White snd Marshall. U. 8. Baak Bldg. - DR JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC I PhysiHsa aad sargeoo, 40 X-404 Ora goa Bids- Phonoa, offica. 1894; res. tirt. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS I Csmp S. Armory. First. thM Moadsys REAL ESTATE. IDAHO FARMS AND STOCK RANCHES to trade for Willamette valley farms ana income property. Herbert J. Iav- is. Reel Estste broker, Fsyette, Idaho. J P. U. Box .52. citt hocses orrr lots, bcnga lows, smsll and largo acreage, ctoee to and fsr out; exchanges la slty and country. Brown at area, over Bus- iek'e stcra. State nod Commercial, rnoaa aaa. FARM BARGAINS FOR SALE OR EX ebsnge. One af the best 80 sere farm a in Marion ronntv. Offered at a v.rv low price. Will accept Salem or Port land property ta exchange, or sell en essy terms. Salem residences with terms to suit. Lots on instslwneot without interest. We I losn money on real estate. Writs fire insursnce. List with na for ejuick ssle. Joseph Barber & Son - 200 Grsy Bldg. Wanted, Loans Ws hsve private money loan on etty or suburbsn property. Ws hsve a fine, well improved tea acres a : . s . m . - a euaa. : i to trade for city property. This is first dsns. If yon wsnt ta trade, boy ar sH see - H. L. MARSTERS Sl .Ors?Bldg. HOWELL PRAIBIE BARGAIN 34 srres good land, itl enltivsted. S in paturc, drilled well, rood houie 2 horses sod harnest Yon rsn get this today at, price sosoo. Cask 949VJ. oeo L, A. Hayford 3ft5 Stste St MR. HOME BOTER TOO OAK BUT A room bungalow lass thsa a Tear old for $500 less than I was offered for it r nine months ago. Has basement. Dnteh kitchen, closets aoo aiaepsasT pr-. ainro aaad la isc" Bee it today. 135 LeffeUe. SftVftn rnnm hnnrrnlnw nnAA MnA4' oMicnuiu, wiiuiiiuiii- i u cement i basement. All furniture, including piano trude J. M. Page, 492, N. uottagc. : and canned fruUs and UniunKltaaft-Or vegetables. -'.Look it over 4tfHzL&naZa&k wmr ; pSallaBl II ItAltV Mil f I I V I f laJVlii I A. rr V I REAL ESTATE i 1 JUST 4.VMPLETED ' MODERN FIVE ream baagalew. full reateat basement, fireplaca. furnaca, gas, fall plumbing, wash trays, brcsktaat aeok, law eatit ins. Restricted dtstncV 1H bKtcks af rartiae aad gaod brick scheeL Price S-S.T5U. terms. Phono 903-W even- Bungalows on State Street, f Church St., Summer St., and lots beautifully locat- edi for sale by Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. BARGAIN NEW FLASTERED BUS tslew o car line. Prtro $3300. Small t payment down, balance $30 nwa.h. Kraesrer, seeesMl ftoar, Oregoa B'dg. i Pbane $17. 14 ACRES LAND IDEAL rOR BEB ; ric. Very essgr terms. $Slo. l!0 ,acre Lincoln rauaty, ' 3it0. Fully equipped paettry raack cHse 'to F-atem. Escelleat hoaae and baildiage. Will consider prune orchard or farm ... land in part exchange. Price $13,000. j , - A. C, Bonrstedt 40 1M asanic Temple Salem, ' Oregoa FOR SALE T ACRE8 HIGHLY 1M proved chicken aad fruit reach near (.'heme a-a. Known as the -Jorgeaseu place. Veil bo sold far below its vmlne as owner having eaeatrr. Je- ban C. N lelaca. . route 9, boa $L, Sa lent. . ".' This, forty: acre tract- with machinery and stock, new house, and splendid barn is the best bargain today. Will trade for Salem pro- perty. ' Gertrude J.; M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. First Class Bungalow S3000 Choice location 9 blacks (ram stste hoase grounds. Psved street, cement walks, full basement, furnace, bailt-iaa. eta. Owner ia fesving city aad will sserlfieo tneir fsaoo property tor f sooo. Terms. S; R. PEARSON 10 211 C. 8. Bsnk Bldg. ANDERSON RUPERT -Seinssirs So Loflar A LoUt INSURANCE REAL K&TATB BONDS LOANS 406-7 Oregoa Bldg. Wood's Bargains Strictly modern six room bunsslowt corner - lot . both streets psved, nifty tsrsge, swell location t2o. loo eon t. best It. New sn room bungsiow, three good lots. aresl snap st $2500. New bua- xatow cbo to csr line, not fsr out. $1650. . .If ; you want to bay, t aell or trade give us a call. F. L. Wood, Bay no Bldg. f ? Special . . One acre with 4 room house. 1. mile from fsir grounds on psved road. Chickens, horse, bur XV. some tools, for $1400, 6 room modern borse. good - location. I block to ; car. Barxsin for $ 1500. 10 acres' close to Dsllss, most all fine timber, .U mile to railroad, for $750; rood, terms. . - - - 7 room hoase, good burn, largo lot all kinds of fruit, close in on south Liberty street. A anap for $2500; will Uka ugat csr. - . , Thomason 3itt State street 4 - For a few days, a nine room house. , , Has two' tire places,' oak' finish. East if ront. ! -; Located close in . at $13,000, Gertrude J. M. Page 492,N. Cottage. THE BEST CLOSE IK BUY 15 8ALEM room house, modern. 1 block from city hall, $7500, terms. - L. A. Jlajferd., $05 Stata street. - .. - Worth While " A six room bonne, bath, electric lights snd lot Oxleo, for low: none half Five seres close ' In, near the hlrhwsy half mile to csr and school. Hill take a bouse snd lot in town to $2500 in trade. v - Five room ceiled house, aire lot, fruit and garden in. Price $1400; $500 -down,'-- - - Mills & Copley , 331 A Stste street - - ' FOR RENT - , T FOR RENT 26 ' ACRES.- FRUIT AND grsin -farm, Vt mile east of Aumsvtlle depot.. Phone 1246 J. 74V N. 30th street. PUBLIC NOTICES Sotice of the Improvcmrnt of North Sumrrrer Street from the North Une of Market Street to the South line of ' the Fair. RTounda Rostd. Notice 1$ hereby giren that the Common Council of the City o Salem. Oregon, deems It exped ient and hereby declares Its pur pose and intention to improTe Korth Summer street from the north line of Market street to the south line of the Fairgrounds - 1 Road at .the expense of the abut tine and adjacent property, ex cept the street and alley inter sections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. by bringing said portion of said North Summer; street to the es tablished grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs and paving sald portion of said North Sum- mar street with a six-Inch ccmeni I concrete Pavement fit accordance M .. . i . , . a., wun me pians ana spccmcauinrr therefor which were Adopted by I .v- nn .t.. to.t.1 day of April,4H2Vnow on filr In the office of the City Recorder, and which, tor greater certainty and conrenienc snd a more de tailed 'description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a I part hereof. l- - j The Common Councfl hereby declares its Dnroose and intention - U1SSV 1UV tUUIV UQKMUCU provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. By order of the Common Coun- in! H: , EARL) RACE. City Recorder Date of tlnt pnbHcatlo notiee u Apm it. 1922. Date bt first publication of thistfaae-. $1.7 g jnt-fn. $1 i .33 UrnrtTrrrWpn Till I O ? 7-5' t - . Jt, siri A.kfwCiil-rrcTTT SHAMOKB. KlikS PIIXO, S4 tus w 1 III IT NEW YORK. April Evap orated Apples , tjtt!t; riB? steady; peachts qoieU ; j V . i.UKV--roT.iTOKs ; rORTLAMTJi, Ornv. April 2 1. Butler: Print extras 5c; culea extras 32e;prira firsts 2Je. Hut- tertat, rrtland delirefy: No 1 soar ereata, SSc. : . . ' Potatoes: - Buyins prlcvj locals. ftOS1.13; scllias pries 1.401? I1.T5. V Of courso, Henry rord" F tttlnk himselt s bUlionaire, tm we bate beo troubled t!te sam way unt'.l sr woke ur-Ex chasgs. - ! . - CLASK-s ar.uTscs OerVs Sed Cre-. Jasmarp w ROUND THE WORLD - Swear 89 "EMPSBSS at FRANChr le(lt Grave Tee. Mt.alte Omreered 4 MONTHS CRUISE, $tSOoad urn lastailial Hsssm. roes, Drives. Guides, ets, CWVb lOebOraam. FebMarp S & MEDITERRANEAN tssai'soai SS "BMfSESS of SOTTtANXT 2590$ Grose Teas. Seeewtr Cbertered OS DAYS CRUUE. $S0S asm a learadiaf Hatete. Feea. Dcecee, - Unee. ova. is oays lrwt.r.atiaa.el.v- j aviri esi sllawad ask bath erass. Aaease d Pea-.a Pfav Pwcaha. low M Freak C. CVarh. Tawas SaflaiaQ. New Yeck. ! 1..r.. l - ""'- ' 1 --f Reduced . Round Trip Fares Tickets on salo daily on and after April 15. Return limit seven days after sale.-,,. Oregon Electric Ry. To and From Portland L $2.73 Albany .US Conallls .2.03 3.40 Easrene Forest Grove ... Harrisbars liulsboro ..3.10 Junction City Wood burn .3.15 .0)3 Proportional round trip fares to and from all oth er stations on tJioOre tron Electric Ry where the one way fare is SO cents or more. Oregoa. Electric Ry. T. W. RITCHIE Agent Telephone 727 - I SALEM MARKETS Prleas eeetedt are aaamsaSs aad at prices received i fcy farmers No retat prices art tiveni except as noted. , usts, milling; net, ass. Wheat Na. iT sacked. $1.1$. - i Oata. ford, afcoat Se.- ' i Vetch and oat bay, $18. Clever bar. $10 Q $1$ $14. i. .Mill rua mill feed. $J BOaa, BUTTEB S aSTTTSRFAT -Egga. retail, 17-lSe. Oemaary better, retail,; 4fe. Butterlat, 6c. i - i . t- MWuTEFi V ;:-v-:-t-: Hens, light, Jc ' Hens, heavy, 43s. , ' i ; Roosters, eld, 1 tie. - i max. MtTrroN and BtXf Hogs, top,. $t0.7S. . f , - . Lamb, none in market, j i Top vssL dressed. III. t -.-' Steera, 1 J Te. . Cowa, 4Ha. ; - , Baaanaa, 10a .Lemou, $$.&$ f T.8(L . , 1 Nsvel orsngss. $7.0. ! j -; ' V Florid grapefruit. 8 f - $$.10. Calif era la grepa fruit. $4 JO. v&OBTAALXa i. ' "Sweet potatoes, $$ O $4, j Potstoea, $L -S ; H , Cabbage. 4e. , I , ' i' Mesieaa tamstoes. - toe $ ; - W.i aatoa. f4.3." rt.te. : Brown onions. 110 jwrato. , Csl Horn Is strawberries,; crate, M- Asparsrna, Ihv vloo. -, h. ,.- f. -Cauliflower, $i. f A i. . ' - . Orexos as i one. 10s. ; i Parsnips, $S.$0. . Carrots, $$.' ; - -" Ussd letturs, $10 0 14. Basoa, sl.$$. - .. ;;- i ; Clery. $1.S0l " ! - - t v I vsteo. ise. . .-'--r ' , Pscksge dates, tote, $$.; . Fife, -J10.. -- t -f;. ..'Comb, hoasy.l ease, $4;50. - : Ceeeaaute, aosea, $ 1.7.- ; "i--s--" . " Btraiaed hooay. lb. 11 e. - -. ; a. . , , -a . Portland Buying Prices j - EGGS. P0CLTET, (MEATS , ? Bl TTKItFAT sf lower No. 1 churning rresm, i!t,ie fob Port- I land; ndergrate, m- -; .c. I KfadeV Saaa VhT 4V. A -IC I e-rr-at ,.. in .,tia. I 17 & le; while henneries, 21 Ig, n A itA.uJ ua . . au. - l eeii versa Tbose oootattons ' sr. b"4 i oa pTlK& sid for tho bulk of dsr's receipts by -loeal "Tmmr,- LIVB P0ULTRT FIRM r - . (Leas eommissicm). heavy hens S$ Q 27a lb.; do light. $ kl 2S cento peuedt; broilers, S3 42 -SSc: Old rweters, 12 dp le poaad; ' dark a,- White . P-klns. .ie; oo, cotored. 24e; Tarkera. Mtimal. r PRESSED! MEATS BTEADT -(Isd cotamissifm) Choies light Bert, 15 lt 15'e: aadergrsdea, 13 vj I4r; vest, tap grades. IS it 13Vic; sader- grades. 10 l.c. "T BAT AND ORAUT HtY FIRM (Delivered Pertlssd) Vslley Timothy I $ o too; Eastern oregaa Tuseihy aU.lfa - SIO? rbit. SIS. i ... - . . oat and eetrh. i Sl; strew, $g. , - OKilX-MWKR . Trs-k, Portlsad. to car tots) Wheal 1.27 A--Sl.aS.j- Coarse grams aeta. 034 t SH3. . ' Eaatern ye:iow rem. 2 $3$.50 a tea; fcsrlcr 2 kl - FRUIT FIRM - -Apples, extrs fsacy. $3 & $3 75 bor. w IrV u AssOlssVO - -- VEG ET Ali LE 8 STEADT -Potato. o4 1. $1 $0 $ onion 20 it 2c,- Jine Tt f anr. ;-: . - -i hops . . . - HOPR-BTBATT .1921 crop, strsdy at 10 Ml 1?;,