-THE. OJtrfiOJaETATITAN. &AL.L;: 1, Olii.oUA4 if 1 Wbnieii By MARGUERITE CLEESON Activitie ' .- ' - .. t T ... ; . . Program for Z State Meeting Is Announced The annual meet of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs will be held at Tillamook May SO to Jane 2. Delegates from women's clnbs all orer the state will at tend, ' ; ; : . Daring the business sessions, one hoar will be siren for reports by each of the six departments. including American citizenship, applied education, fine arts, legis lation, press and publicity, and public welfare. Reports will also be siren -by', the chairman of the scholarship1 loan fund board of trustees and the standing dom mlttees H - r - , Mass singing will be a feature , of the opening of each session of the conrentlon, according to Mrs. Ida D. Callahan, state president The program for. tie conrentlon . is being arranged and will Include a reception on Tuesday erenlng - Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar of Portland Is chairman of the program com . mittee. Among the speakers tor the conrentlon will be B. F, Irvine of the Oregon Journal, who-wll! discuss an educational subject, and Dr. E. O. Slsson, professor of s philosophy at Reed College, wil speak on "Americanization. Oth er speakers will be announced la ter. Entertainment will be furnished by the people of Tillamook in the form of a trip to Lake Lytle where an afternoon session of the convention will be held followed by a lundbeon and a stroll on the beach. The erenlng session, will be held in Tillamook. Trips are also planned to visit someof the cheese factories near Tillamook. The Southern Pacific railroad company has promised a special train for the occasion. Ixw round trip summer rates will be in effect at that time and will probably encourage a large delegation,. Mrs. Milton Meyers was choeen president of the Past Matrons club of the O. E. 8. at the regit lar meeting Friday erenlng. Miss Hazel Bishop and Mrs. Amoe Vass were joint hostesses at Miss Bish op's home. -Other of fleers chosen wereMrju George G. Brown, rice president; and Mrs. Paul Hauser secretary. Hostesses, for . the .next meeting will be Mrs. 9. E. Shafer and Miss Minnie Moellen a .The regular meeting day is the last Friday of the month, but owing to this day in May falling; on the night on whicbTtbe "Creation' will be pre- Jink Chaser" Helps? Joseph C. : fc; Lincoln Write Famous Sea Yarns sen ted, chosen. another day ;wni. be h Some Real Snaps In .1017 Buick four, first' class condition, license and ready to go at a bargain. TT T II IV "t : f V CL1TB CALENDAB ' m . , ur at Lau- i. ; Moday Lausanne Guild, sanne hall. 2:30. PbotogrspHle Art section ofArU league. Gunnel! & Robb studio. Taesday Oratorio chorus practice at First Congregational church. American War Mothers, at Commercial club rooms2:i0. Salem Music Teachers as sociation, with Miss Eliza beth Lery. 563 Court st. Tharsdjiy a PaTthfttrtaA rlnh with Vro Carle Abrams, 104 Wilson .street, . P.E.O. wUh Mrs. Will T. Kirlr "1S5 Snnh Lthortr MEW TYP- E if; .'V, mum . ' i .... -. pi ws&m '- 5 i-'i. 4 Vt' - ' 3 7 ' , Qlds light six, just overhauled, plenty, of ex- , tras, cheap if sold at one?.' ,v ' " . SALE1 HASH CO. . 185 South Commercial St-. Phone 471 . t .Km . i.?. , v i . . ... ..t Josenh C Lincoln." famous writer of sea stories,' pounds them-out under; the benign influence of this jinx chaser, which a Cape Cod skipper brought from the Orient. The bullock is small but potent, if you get what we mean. i , Club Biennial Meeting Will be Held June 20-30 I ' ' ' -:' , V sssssssssBsa -11 V i t s - ' "", 1 I ) t I i . : 1 1 ir :. , r I X . . V t; r i : t. ' ' A. t i ' i i y Lowest Prices ' Prompt ISepnce Tops, Curtains, -Upholstering I Seat Covers, v n ' Aiito Palntingy Special Work kdj ' The delegates from Oregon, Washington. and Idaho to the bi ennial meeting of the general fed eration' of women's clubs at Chau tauqua lake. New York, June 20- 30, will travel together, making a. more pleasant Journey,, accord ing to present plans, Mrs Ida B Callahan of Corrallls, state pres ident of, the Oregon state feder ation of women s clubs, says Mrs. Callahan will go east for the conrentlon. As-'Oregon: is jen UUed to seven delegates, she says she will, be; glad "to heir fom any club women in Oregon who can attend the sessions of the gene ral federation. - . t Fifty state federations repre senting 49,000 clubs witb 2,077,- 4 S3 members, are In the general federation. -This Includes organ izations, in 12 foreign" countries. China:' has1 ailarge federation of women's clubs. A large, number will .undoubtedly' be In attendance as'; this is election year. 'Mrs. .Tha,ma3 G, winter of Minneapolis, the -present president, is candi date; for re-electipn.';. Among the other candidates la Mrs. Wallace Perbam of' Montana, who is- an aspirant for the office of second rice president. ,( The - executive council Z- has re ported favorably on having -the meetings .annnually instead of.bif ennfcally. . .This, "matter .will . be roted on at this meeting of the convention. " " ' Oregon Agricultural College, Cnrrallis. V Anrll 2 S .I Marie Stenstrom. of -Salem, freshman, in pharmacy, was oneor tne co-eas on the rarsity swimming team, which met the University of OTe- mermaids , Saturday - after noon. Miss Stenstrom was . en tered in the 50-foot free. style and the relay It Js - unusual for freshman girl to attain a position oa the varsity, swimming, team," as all, the girls in college may com SEE US Mull Top Shop pete for places on the team. Miss Stenstrom has shown unusual ability in swimming. This was the first meet the ciris have had with the univer sity for two years and it is the first time such a meet has been held on the O. . C. campus, The U. S. Grant circle of the Ladies of the GjV.R. observed their 23rd annlrersary and the one hundredth anniversary of TJ. S. Grant with a pleasant social afternoon and program yesterday at the W.C.T.U. hall. The birthdays of three members were also observed and Including Mrs. Fannie Meer, Mrs. aMry La Follette, and Mrs. Mary Gosser. Victrola music was furnished through the kindness of H. L. Stiff's Furniture company, who loaned a machine for the occa sion. Her. James Lisle spoke dur ing the afternoon on. Grant. Mrs. Lizsle Ryan, president and charter member of the circle, was present. Mrs. W. P. Lord Is the only other charter memberi Tjufc Is not now an actire member. She was unable to attend yesterday's meeting. f A'trybut for the county decla-' matory contest was? held at Salem ights'last night, 15 pupils par ticipating. In the first dirsion Uuth Chapman won the decision, her declamation being ''Recipro city of Smiles." The second division, including the sixth, seventh and eighth grades was warmly contested. The Judges finally decided that the honor should go to Robert Speak- er, who naa ior nis topic, jqau Brown." The judges were Mrs. C. C. Clark, principal of McKlnley Jun ior high school; J. Sibald, and Mrs. J. Fulkerson. The Improvement league laid extensive plans for the entertain ing of the county , federation of clubs in June. Committees were appointed and it is planned .to make it an event long to be re membered in Salem Heights and by othsr clubs of the county. 271 Chemeketa St. CL'Wbod. Mgr. ",v Next to y, M,C A. , Phone 29iS New Location at2Z9 State St On May 1st you will find us at 229 State Stu, back bf the U. S. Bank on the north side of the street You will find our new quarters larger and more convenient for you in every ,ways -.: 1 . , . . It is a matter of a great deal of satisfaction that our old location proved toov small, We. know that "careful work and personal; service; pays. - .'w-' - ' Come and see us this week,,it,wil bo ap- : predated. v NOW THK GREATEST ACTOMOBILS VALUK O AMSJUCA TU?s OoerUndi 25 ndh$ to tht pHon; tlUtetl ioiji'hakti ' fruwul Jtnitk; 130-inch tpring its , THE kind of people who . own an Overland re quire more than mere trans portation, They require comfortable riding. They 'require a good-looking car. They require lasting econ omy. ; ''Melon Eaters? to be Featured Not always is an artist really appreciated by the people of his own day- fame usually coming after the death of the artist or so ate in life that the appreciation is of little ralue. But Bartolomi E&taban Murillo was one of the great exceptions. The people of bis . time loved his - work because they: could enter into it and un derstand it. At the age Of 11 he was ap prenticed to . his uncle, who was a, painter., As 'Jie grew older he managed to lire by painting little pictures of sacred subjects on linen and telling them at the mar ket placet while sitting among the stalle he. had an; opportunity to study and . sltetch - the city ' urch ins and beggar boys as they f rol- iced in the: sun. Tbo pictures painted, from, these sketches are among his best works and they are true to life and original in their execution. i'. ' One ot the best of these Is the 'Melon Eaters," which , will he one of the pictures, shown at the lirlng picture show ot the May festival. Murillo lived from 1618 to 1682. He was bom in Serille and. belongs to the Spanish school of Andalusia. ' I More than $170 was' turned orer .to the American War Moth ers after all expenses were paid by the military ball. This will be used by the War Mothers to en dow a ward in the new Salem hos pital. The War Mothers will meet Tuesday for their, regular monthly meeting in the. .Commercial club rooms. - . V-1 "The Authors' Number will-be the designation given the May number of the Oregon Magazine which will be gotten out by the Modern Writers section of the Salem Arts league. - Following th success of the Music number, it Is thought' that the May number will be even bet ter than the AprlL PULLMAN, Wash., April 29. Personal and social habits of the girls at Washington State college are to be rated on a sort of Aus tralian ballot system, under a plan devised by Miriam Gerlach, dean of women," so the girls, will not take uncomplimentary reports as personal insults . Tinder -the new plan,- erery girl is given as many report forms as there are girls, in her ' house. On each form, the opinion of an indl vdual girl is printed, without slg- naturexxThen all the reports are collected and sorted, ! and each girl 1 earns her grades,' as imposed by her class and housemates, on neatnegs, " good' use of time, of money, ot English, ana or speak ing voice ; neighborliness; . courte sy, public spirit, ability to cooper ate, ability to see another's point ot view and health. The system is expected to give better results than the Individual criticisms or warnings or fellow students or faculty members, as it removes the personal element If all the girls In a dormitory re port a girl as extravagant, slangy, or rude, it is believed she - will make an effort for self improvement. s The New Improved is now available. - Let us show you the new tractor witK all thextvr improvements Termi to : suit responsible purchasers n "A Tractor drawn implements cheaper . than, ever bclcrc : . Let us serve you ROTHEKS VICK B Quality - Gars ' - - r -i . "f High arid Traded Streets mm Savins money for you is only on$ of the - s a -vs r aerrtces tnarf1 western, auw , perrorms for the motorist. Of! " fr gresiter im portance b the fact that you are always sure pf getting just what you want said then experiencing. , the . tisfc" :n cf B V knowing thkt erery j pieceL c -I rner-j c:.v cbandise purcnased ca.rne aus- t. faction or money hack" guarantee that ch ; means what it says. -5 ! SCHRADER AIR GAUGE WHAT TO READ I? 9fr t.J MaittUinU) prop rir in your tira t all tims It will not only adrf'to-tho- tifo of your tiros but will givo you moro sowor and tpMd on th hillo. A good tiro gauqo ia a positivo nsctity. U.95o Schrador Gaugi i Harbison & Cleveland 1 All makes of cars repaired , Tires - Oil , Accessories to.b. Tolado 4 TOURING . aiSO ' ROADSTER S50 Coupe . . sso SEDAN . . S9S VICK BROTHERS QUALITY CARS V , . ' High Street at Trade "Quare Women" la a delights fal story of the mountain -women of the south, and their delight In eomethinr new-Men if It is only quare women wno come inio me mountains from more populated districts. - This story is in the hMay Atlantic and will be followed in June by "Taking the Night,? I which, literally translated, means 'spending the night. Lucy Fur- man is the author.. ' The "flapper" at least furn ishes the writers with "something to talk abont." and the latest to fall Is G. Stanley-Hall, who will ! hare an article on her in the June Atlantic It will be entitled. 'Flapper Americana Novisfflma," designated as a humanely scien tific discussion of the jazzing. golosh-flopwing unbonmetted per son so omnl-present with us. The novel of tomorrow and the ; Itxope ot Iletion is usen up i. 1 length in the New Republic for April1 12. Among the authors contributing articles for the num ber are Samnel Hopkins Adams, Mary Austin: Theodore TJretser. Zona Gale, Robert Herrieav Wil liam -Allen. White. FhUlp LUtell and Edith Fraaklia. jyjatt. SPEEDSTER BODIES:- ,7 Make your old ear ever into aoaadotar n d onjoy tho ' eroat outdoors. ' Wond.rf u 1 5870 to $129.75 I V . THR CAliL ORTHR OPRN ROAD ' V a n w nil i r la hmn aata, aaai thM 4r Un mmr Ckmchta to tawN QM-fc ao WK I -."iwhadi U tmrm aaarsaat .VoaaavaTAoao tW plac o gat aaapiss oeaiFnaao. Coaaa pCi l . . - iiMina - . rn ,. . . aa ' '- ,:. n.u 7M i mm aura ; a wmi wtm ' t, Counter Bakn'cedCRAinCSIIAFT 5 For Fords No mors vi- krafian. kut in. purf-mg sound that is musto to tho lovor of Mn '? grado motor. Puts your Ford in tHa claaa with t high priced cars, with powor, ooood and aeeol- ojj -. -. oration groath increased. Will greatly lengthen C ; tho Iff of your motor. Our P"0- $2450 y ! Wostarn Ante earrioa a eompltto aioete of ail popular typoo of aiaten rlnt. ia aoaiuon PISTONRINGS tti. Un nit lino ii ohown avk W tha wl known -PEERUEfta,-" tho oowpraaoiow proof rift and the XWOm?kkpgto oil pumping, pricca rongo rrom io o f 4 a- a or W W ..-- - k a. . . I f -aM- .kL.v.asBv ssmA c,