The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 27, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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i i
Speeder Pay $1 0
Vf. Louis, Salem motorcyclist.
yesterday paid a fine of 1 10 in.
Lewis : is well known throughout
the state as a traffic officer who
Sets all violators, regardless of
city police court, after pleading their social and financial prestige
Fofttof flee. Work Begin
Work actually began Wednes
day on' the new addition to the
Salem postoff ice,;' when the con
tractor started .in to deliver ma
terial and to erect scaffolding for
the construction work. The addi
tion will give" almost 1600 feet of
additional floor space,' for v the
handling of the malls besides the
covered loading porch ; that Is
worth about twice as much as an
equal amount t of inside space
when It rains.- . '' , T
Card of Thanks i
': We wish to thank our friends
and neighbors who so kindly as
sisted us during our recent be
reavement. , Also; for - the many
beautiful, floral offerings. D. C.
Drake "SaA family. Adv. ,
guilty to . a charge of exceeding
traffic codes. Lottis was arrested
Tuesday by Traffic Officer Rollan
At present , he is unemployed.
Jack's Cafe
ICS 8. Com: St. A good place to
eat. Tables and counter. Adv.
An Error
In the Rlchter bankrupt sale
adv quoted the price on regular
118 35-pound silk floss mat-
tress as $8.75. .The price should
have read $11.95.
If Too Want .
I A $700 new high grade playing
i piano for $385, terms, see Tall-
man's Piano Store, 121 S. Com
mercial. Adv.
Clip the Coupon-
Get a can of Chinaznel Varnish
free. Big demonstration now go
ing on. Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co.
Miss Louise Enbank
Of San Francisco now repre
senting the Butteries: Pattern Co.
will take subscriptions fory the
Delineator at .Miller's store for
the next few days. Adv.
".the fjDtui Eater';
Church Members to Meet
A get-together meeting of the
members of the First Congrega-
Trnck Driver Arrested '.
Clarence Becker, driver of a
truck tor the Salem Hardware
Paving ts Under Way
The work of paving Lincoln
street between Commercial and
High streets Is now progressing
; nnder the direction of Street
Commissioner Walter Low. Mr.
Low's department baa recently
And He Denies a Malicious
Report of the Opposition
of Senator McNary
state university Friday and Sat
arday. .
The Study club will hold Jta
next meeting at the home of r.
P, Mark, and the husbands will
b invited for a fi:Sd o'clock sapper.
The dates for the Sheridan
Chautauqua are Jane 3. 4. .
tional church will be held tonight J company, was yesterday arrested I completed a sewer lateral on State
kt the church. Supper will be
served at f:30 and inenas oi
members are also invited to be
by Traffic Officer Rollan ,Parrent
on a charge of driving at 25 miles
an hour on State near Commercial
streets. He will be arraigned to
Twenty-fourth. '
E. B. Flake's Flower
And bird store, 273 State,. St.
Pansy plants, dahlia and gladiola
bulbs. Adv.
Legal Blanks -
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application,
Noted Psychic
Rev. Dr. Fay L. Ingram, or
dained medium, spiritualist beal
(er, teacher of occult mysteries,
lecturer, can be consulted . dally
on love or business. Gives names
and dates and fall information.
Room 18. Bligh hotel. Adv.
The Kay L. Fanner Hdw, Co.
'" Are holding a special Cbinamel
demonstration this week. Adv.
Better Employment
Business conditions are stead
ily Improving. Every day, new
signs of prosperity are in; ev
idence. - i . ,,..., ......
Young people1 who are ready,
are going to have an oppor
tunity to secure better posi
tions as business increases and
a greater . demand for compe
tent belp is created. V r "
Yon must begin your train
ing soon if you expect to take
advantage of this increased opportunity.-.
Our school, will be in session
throughout the entire summer.
Let us tell you about, our
courses, t " : 1 - r . '
Write or call' . ,: s .
Capital Bcshess College
Saleia, Oregon ";; , 1
One License Issued-
County Clerk U. G. Boyer yes
terday Issued e marriage license
to Gibson . Bowles, student, of
1250 East Thirty-ninth t street.
Portland,,, and Florence Wahl,
stenographer, of Aurora.
The Air Rater Keeps-
Money in your pocket and puts
pep in your. engine, reduces car
bon, upkeep and oil Adv.
Ellsworth to Lecture
William Webster Ellsworth of
the Century Magazine ana edi
tor of note, will deliver a lecture
"Forty Years of Publishing,", at
Waller .hall Monday; May 1, at
8 p. irf. Mr. Ellsworth, a lectu
rer, (publisher, editor, humorist
and writer, will be interesting for
his characterizations of celebrat
ed men whom he has come in
contact with, will be the basis
of his lecture. The social science
dapartnenC of: Wlllaimette jun-i-tersity
is instrumental in secur
ing the noted speaker.
F.very Job
Must be "done right. Doerfer
& Campbell, anto repairing, 410
So. Commercial. Adv.
tfacDonald's Farmer Almanac
At Tyler's Drug Store. Adv.
A Very Interesting
Chlnamel .Varnish demonstra
tion Is being conducted by ( Ray
L. Farmer Hdw; Co. Adv.
The Air Eater Keeps-
Money in your pocket and puts
pep in your engine, reduces car
bon, upkeep and oil Adv.
UW. People Use Swlfte Fertiliser
vl ' Because It makes them money,
. Wear them and see 1 see c. s. Bownt or phone sss
Easier and Better
. Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon
SAVE $ $ $
by buying ' yow hardware and
rornitnre at The Capital Hard
ware A Furniture Co, S8S No.
Conunerdal street. Phone 047.
General Aid Meets .,
An interesting meeting of the
General Aid of the First Methodist
church was held Wednesday after
noon at the church parlors. The
report on the bazaar held last
Friday : afternoon and evening
showed that the w.omen had made
$216 in cash, besides having on
hand about $50 worth of goods
still salable at later events. These
will be turned into , cash IrH the
near future.. The General Aid
voted to Install a fine new gas
range in the church kitchens, to
give them the facilities that are
MARION R. Harnnker, R. H.
Ohmir, Geo. E. Mallichel, J. S.
Brown, L. D. Hewitt. E. C. Bunts.
J. D. Altman, Sam D. Allen, Mark
Stanchfleld, Chas O. Brown,
Blanch Day, L. R. Lyon. John H.
Hartog. W. F. Jeffries, David W.
Perkins, G. M. Blakley, Portland;
J. J. Light, H.. T. Holden, N. A.
Woodruff, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs.
S. B. Moonan, London, England;
Harriet, Hamilton, E. L. Welder,
Albany; H. A. Stiles, Eugene;
Chas. Hall, Coos Bay; A. F. Frit
scher. Providence;, R.I.
BLIGH L. D. Chaumont, C. W.
Roberts, A. A. Courten, J. : O.
Home, J. E. Cathey, J. W. Craw
ford, Portland; E. M. Campbell,
King Valley; Sam White, Wichi
ta; Mrs; M. E. Shills, Dallas; A.
L. Blttick, Clare E. Fuller, Don
ald;; Mrs. O. M. Lehman, In
dependence. TERMINAL U. S. Crowder,
Evanston, Wyo.; S. B. Clements,
Mill City; E. Vining, Caldwell,
Ida. t v
(Oregonian, Wednescay. April 2S)
"Wide circulation, both in the
press and by 'passing; the word
along. has been given a malicious
report originated by the oppon
ents of Ralph E. Williams, to the
effect that Senator McNary Ques
tions the loyalty of Mr. Williams
and is opposed to his re-election
as Republican national committee
man." said Thomaa H. Tongue,
Jr., Republican state chairtn&n-.
. While In Portland, on business
yesterday State Chairman Tongue
took occasion to give the rumor
"one on the chin."
' "I know this report to be abso
lutely false and untrue, contin
ued Mr. Tongue. "The story is
unauthorized, unfathered and un
derhanded. It is election props
ganda pure and simple, created
tor a purpose, and should not mis
lead the friends of Senator Mc
Nary nor anyone else,"
Part in Contest Denied
In a telegram to me, bearing
date of April p2, 1922, Senator
McNary said:
w 'Am taking no part in contest
for national committeeman nor in
any other political contest. I-n
deed, no one has ever requested
an expression from me concern
ing any, of the candidates, and I
have authorized no one to speak
for me.'
"I positively know from recent
correspondence with the senator
that he not only does not question
the loyalty of Mr. Williams; but
home in the Mission Bottom district.
The men ; were unable to raise
the amounts of their fine and
were lodged at the county , jail
yesterday; Should their friends
fail to come to the rescue, they
will languish as county boarders
for TS daya.. .
The; three men were arrested
E. W. Haas and family spent several days ago by Deputy Sher
Sunday rn Hillsboro.
Grant March was here from St.
Helens a couple of days.
Dick March was a Portland vis
itor last week.
Mrs. Frank James of Dallas
spent two or three days last week
at the home of Mrs Otto Heider.
Miss Anna Fnchs haa returned
from her visit in Portland.
James Banister spent Wednes
day In Portland. .
The Dorcas society will meet
Wednesday afternoon at the borne
of Mrs. L. M. Hippie.! Mrs. Hip
pie will be assisted by Mrs. Mc
miss KatBerine Klesel was a
Sheridan visitor last week.
The Civic Improvement club
will hold a cooked food sale at
Banister Brothers furniture store
Saturday, beginning about 10
o'clock Proceeds to help improve
the sanitary conditions at City
A basket social and entertain
ment will be given at the Belle
voe school house Friday evening,
April 28.
- Mr, and Mrs. , H. ;. A. Banister
and Harold Banister, wife and
daughter Maxine, were McMlun
ville visitors Sunday.
. The 'little daughter of Mrs
Peterson has been very 111 with
spinal meningitis, is much im
proved. , . ;
Iff W. T. Barber and an . agent
from t be federal revenue offices
at Portland.
Portager Bight of Way
to. Be Sold by State
-. " - ' i ":
Secretary R. B. Goodln of the
state board of control yaa yester
day authorised by the . board to
advertise for bids for the sale of
the right ot way the old porta g
railroads near The Dalles. ' The
Oregon-Washington Railroad-
Navigation company ts anxious to
obtain . possession of the property
and doubtless will bid for it
While the state is authorized to
sell it either at private or pull
sale. It was decided to fall for
bids publicly. , . n
A college professor advises the
young ladies to struggle little
and then faint It a man kiss"'
them. We presume that i .u ne
does not they are to yell and call
the police, Exchange. '
AU this Week at
IL L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Next Sun. Mon.'Tues.
Articles ' of incorporation were
filed yesterday by the A. ft L. Mo
tor corporation ot Albany, ' capi-
feels exceedingly friendly to him. itayzed at $25,000. The incorpor-j
&mce nis election as Kepuou-1 ators are Kicnara ts. Anaerson,
Feels Like New Woman
"I was a sufferer from kidney
can national committeeman for
Oregon, Mr. Williams has done
everything in' his power to build
up the Republican- party, to do
away with factional differences, to
secure. harmony and to elect the
entire Republican ticket at every
election. '' ' ;
Mr. Williams Is Praised.
"Recognition by the Republican
national committee of the ; high
order of ability and untiring ser
vice of Mr. Williams to the party
resulted in his election to the vice
chairmanship , of the Republican
national committee, an honor nev
er before conferred upon a west-
Oscar G. Larson and John Eklund.
A permit to operate in Oregon
was issued to the Sanity league of
America, Inc., a California corpor
ation devoted to the cause ot light
wine and beer. Ersklne Wood ot
Portland la attorney-in-fact tpr
Resolutions of dissolution were
filed by the Tahkenitch Timber
company of Astoria,
Resolutions showing" an In
crease in capitalization from $2,-
500,000 to 13.500.000 were filed
by the Fidelity Investment com
pany of Maine.
fe?j,.''S.f )l) -iW ' -' 4 feWW-KlK IIHllll.lll i
'TaX : . I-1 Established 1868 .
"to.a-- ""r .- 'iM!hi-ii
.General Banking Business
:::r.itrw lame.' My- back ached all' the
) VUUl VU VVVV www wa,
was given to Mrs. Walter Winslow, !
chairman ot the floral committee,
for the church for the month ot
April, especially to rher excellent
service in decorating for Palm and
Easter Sundays.
era man. This reflects credit not
trouble for several years," writes j only upon himself but upon thejBOOZe Violations Bring
airs. Armor immune, k. jt. u. i. state oi Oregon. r; nM. nffonHore
a ah. f lf1,,a,M .,.a I rmcd iu i nice unwtuug
only by painstaking labor and
years of service. It means much
to the. state, and it would be a
serious mistake at this time for
the Republican voters of Oregon
to defeat Mr Williams and elect
a. new man who would be at the
Grasmere, N. H., "and suffered so
much I felt completely lame all
over." Since I have been taking
Foley" Kidney Pills I amnot o
a -i
t . i , ' .
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. nu
Reduced prices on all
" Utah Coal ? -
Special prices on extra
good Ash wood while
we are unloading cars.
We carry extra dry
ash, oak and fir wood
at all times.
S.V' '- Phone 930
Fitted at Tyler'a Drug Store by
an expert in the business. Adv.
It Yon Want
,A . $490 new high grade piano
for $225. terms, see Tallman's
Piano Store, 121 S. Commercial.
AdT. . . .
time and my eyes were all a blur.
Now I can see fine and feel like
a differnt woman. Since X have
taken two bottles of Foley Kid
ney Pills I don't have that tired
feeling. I can do my own wort
now." They bring quick result
Sold everywhere. iAdv.
D. H. Eaton. James 8. Ryan
and William Martin, were yester
day given fines of $160 each a"
ter they had entered pleas or
guilty to charges of prohibitlor
violations. They were sentenced
foot of lh rommittrt ln.t..H i 7 O. E. Unruh, justice of th
Its vice chairman - - peace. Officers stated that two
stills were found at Eaton si
Lewis Visits Here -
Irwin, ' "Red" -.- Lewis, formerly
employed as a trarilc officer in
this city, 'passed, through 8alem
last night on a, motorcycle ,trip
from San Diego, CaLr to Portland.
. psg ' ' '
Wise to Be Conservative
1 -l ! x
HXZlHLE yu may nave money invest
',Wi ed in all sorts of things, it is well
to keep some" funds deposited where
they are perfectly, safe, yet bringing in
- a reasonable return. ;
That is why many so-called conserv
ative" people always have some funds
in a United States National Time De
posit Account, besides a considerable
balance in the Savings Department. ,
Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer. Adr.
r t
rose nana
dosed the door?
That's the key !
and mystery in
this amazing
',-',., V . I 'III ,
LIVESLEY. Ore.. April 26.
The Methodist church here was
formally dedicated last Sunday f7
Bishop W. O. Shepard. An all-day
service was held. In the after
noon Dr. H. F. Pemberton of Sa
lem gave an inspiring address on
the power of the church. Follow
ing this Rev. A. Hawthorne, for
mer pastor of . Livesley church,
gave a short . , talk. . Rev. . E. O.
Ranton, the present pastor, read
a letter of greeting from Rev.
William Nicholl, now In Massa
chusetts, but who was pastor of
the church here when the building
was begun. In th evening Bishop
W. O. Shepard preached, and ded
icated the church, and also bap
tized the following children: Paul
Johnston, Aloha Henningson,
Raymond Higgins, Janice-Higgins,
Harlow Ranton, Donovan, Doro
thea and Darwin Phillips.
During the day Mrs. Alfred
Bates played a piano solo, the
Livesley quartet gave a selection
and the Macia sisters played a pi
ano duet.
The ladies aid met last Friday
afternoon at the cturcn. The
members spent the? time in prepa
ration for Sunday.
Members of the O. T. club were
entertained by Mrs. B. D. Fidler
last . Thursday, afternoon. The
next meeting will be at the home
ot Mrs. Flora Holly in Salem.
Mrs. S. L. Spurrier who with
her husband, and several friends.
has been spending several weeks
in Hawaii., is ' now visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Alice Coolidge.
Mrs. Spurrier intends to stay in
Salem for the summer.
' Miss Nettle Dunn and brother.
Roy, who have been visiting rel
atives in Portland a few days,
returned Saturday. .
John Boughman of Woodburn,
visited with his brother, W. H.
Baughman, Sunday. .
Mrs. Fred Dickson gave a party
children whose birthdays are all
In this month. Those invited were
Catherine Bump, Ellen 'Vinton,
Elizabeth Bierman, Margaret
Richard." Donald and Ronald Bier
man, Allen Wiesner, Frederick
Mulklns, Elmer Peterson, Lloyd,
Donald and Stanley Vinton, .Paul
Martin, Hughie and Jane Baugh
man Leslie and Violet Morgan,
Henry Bowers, Mrs. C, L. Morgan
and Mrs. Sylvia Banghman. A
light luncheon was served con
sisting of sandwiches, cake . and
jello by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Banghman.
The little folks went home at S
o'clock. ' ' - - ' i '
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dunn of
ParkersviUe were Sunday dinner
guests at the R. O. Dunn home.
Winter Baughman and son
Paul visited with Woodburn rel
atives Saturday. ,
y. Mr. and Mrs. John Crowser and
children of Labish Center visited
with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dunn
Sunday: '
Alvah Cowan is reported as ill
with pneumonia. Dr. Heisley is
the attending physician.
The ' ParkersviUe and North
Howell ball teams crossed bats
Friday afternoon, the game end
ing in a complete 'victory for
ParkersviUe. '
The Parent Teachers -meeting
Thursday evening was largely at
tended as usual. The program
though short was greatly applaud
ed. Dr. H. C. Epley's songs and
WOLFE Mrs. Carrie Wolfe died
in Salem April 28, at the age
Of 46 years. She is survived
by her sister, Mrs. Frank W.
Sears of Minneapolis,- Minn.
The body is at Webb ft Clough
parlors, funeral announcement
McGREW Nathan B. McGreW
' died at 1237 Court street, Sa
lem, Or.. April 26, at the age
of 88 years. He Is survived
by two daughters, Mrs. W. E.
Wilson of Salem and Mrs. F.
W. McQueen of ' Omaha Neb.
The body 1s at the Webb A
Clough parlors, funeral" an
nouncements will . be given
later. -'
The funeral services of ErneBt
Simmons will be held today at
2 o'clock from j Rlgdot's. Inter
ment at I.O-O.Fl cemetery, under
auspices of Odd Fellows lodge.
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Emhalmcri
, : Have yoa seen the !
Elmer Carter wha haa been' at
home for some time with a very I impersonations were i greatly en-
i. .vi. A Kn . 1 joyed as was ; also tne Misses
again. .
Gwendolyn Hallln is. spending
I this week in Salem with her
gTandparenta. . '
: James Fry. has 1 purchased an
other incubator, v -' ,
Mrs. Alice Coolidge was a Sa
lem visitor Tuesday;
Mrs, L Glover of Seattle.' who
t. spent several daya with her sister.
Mrs. N. N.- Carpenter, i returned
J home Monday. "
The baseball team has rented a
piece of land from Leonard Zielke
for a bail ground.:
Fletcher vocal , and Instrumental
music. It was decided to hold the
next meeting on Friday, that be
ing the last day of schooL
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vinton ot
Portland were Saturday night
visitor at J. E. Waltmans, Mrs.
Waltman going to Portland with
them on Sunday.
"I would like to-have a
of the earth, ' . . . '
"What . slse madam??. , ; r '
Full-size, of cowrse. Para
'Journal AmusanL l . i
SHERIDAN. Or April 26. De
Etie Myers, president of the stud
ent body of Sheridan high school,
and Coral Chapman, editor of .the
high school paper, represented the
school at the conference of. stale
high school presidents, secretaries
and editors held in Engene at the
Tillamook Comity's
" Newest Hotel
CloTerdale, Oregon
' Everything new but the man-
s'rement. - Spend your- week
ends at Cloverdale Hotel on the
Big Nestucca river.
Best meals and cleanest beds
west of the Mississippi.
Cloverdale is the beauty spot
f Tillamook county. - There is
always good fishing In ,the
beautiful Nestucca.
The mountain air gives
an appetite like a horse,
yon can sleep like a log.
It is five miles from Pablfle
City beach; fifteen minutes by
aeto. . l
- Motor launch for week I
parties can be arranged for by
hotel proprietor. .
Phone or write. . . '
Cloverdale Hotel, Cloverdale,
, Tillamook Connty, Oregon.
fiichard Qarthetmess ' &od Gladys. HuiettQ
w7o'd6e OctutW
If so, have your ticket routed .v , i
- "The Sunshine and Open Window Way"
A Choice of Routes ' - ? - t v
Convenient Schedules - -
' v Liberal Stopover Privileges.
Through Sleeping Cars
' Observation Cars
Dining Cars ,
' r Every part of the service ,
. contributes to the v .'i 1 ,
Traveler's Comfort . ; i
r ' . ,
Stop at San Francisco and Los Angeles, world famous
and beautiful cities. - '
. 1 For further particulars,-ask agents or write f.
. J'. . General Pasenger Agent
. "
Vote forHUBBS'for Senator
Pledgei of Economy in Themielvef Are Meaningless
"Ttor the last decade 'or- more.
Oregon has been worrying along
with taxes doubling." Administra
tions have come and gonu Each
left! a bigger Indebtedness wan
when it took office. Taxes nave
become gigantic. Business men,
farmers, laboring men alike are
staggering beneath the enormous
weight thrust npon them ny me
mistakes of past officials, whose
extravagance and denciency are
Mr. Hubbs was selected npon
lla! record and qualifications to
assure the county of a clean, com-
i petest, economical administration,
i Mrj Hnbbs has ably served as
councilman, chairman of the
Schoot Board of the City of Sii-
verton, and a member of the Gooa
Roads Committees for a number
of iyears.- Those who are most
familiar with county affairs con
cede him to be the best candidate
offered for the position of State
Senator. Tb best assurance that
a man's conduct In public office
wUl be for the best Interest of the
county Is -an investigation of bis
previous : record. ; The recora oi
Mri Hubbs needs no explanation
or excuse. ; It stanos lor
monument to bs honesty pru
dence and-conomy. ...
Examine the Records and
i. Ascertaisi .
; Rnm ;af th: ouDosing candi
dates will make promises relative
their prospective ; positions re
garding certain administrative
acts, with the oesire to seenre
votes of the persons wno may not
. . . . r
. . ' ' .
i -'
t--- - - - -
trouble themselves to make a:
investigation of the possibility c
making good these promises.
Don't accept political prcr i
ganda without examination. Ti.
advancement and prosperity t
your county is at stake, i
Mr. Hubbs on his record I- ;
msn whom the people of Mario
county can conscientiously su;
port and give their fullest s,
provaL His experience and clo
touch with existing conditio!
make him the ' logical eandiJ at
for Senator, . v
(Paid advertisement ,-. " - ,