v THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, MORNING. APRIL 21. -1922 V ft II - i Bate per we Far taeerttea Three taaertioss - - One Mk (ill iBMTtWu) Oae aveath Se a -80s ' Si MlTKl, BOT B 15e SOatraet. Baa lSa lt months' Mlaimam for say advertisement, See NORWICH UNION FIKB INSURANCE SOCIETY - TbJeLeo. RoUumI Darghardt Rertdent Agent 871 State St, ; . MONEY TO LOAN .-"": v5"" On Real EtUti ' T. K. FORD (Over Ladd a Buh Soak) i NEW TODAY PATRONIZE TOUR NEIGHBORHOOD grocery, 2095 North Fif la atraat. Wil terwooi Grocery. PheaeT 1395-J. PROGRESSIVE EVERBEARING STRAW- berry p,ote. $1.25 par hundred Lota of berfie, su'enm-neT W 111 bear iTu ? yaar. Ward K. R,chard.n t FOt. ALE?E.TI5?.,.GEM SEED PO- . va. rwni mil.' I BARGAIN SEVEN ROOM BUNGALOW with furniture: near ear liaa. North ; 1 Salam. Prica $4000. Kraegar, Oregoa OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, 68; SECOND . rrawth dry 4 ft, 6. Aab, 7. Phone ' 1407. FOB SALE MILCH COWS. , take draft eolta In exchange. . H err, rente 3, 8iWertoa, WILL EUia TO SALESIXTY CORDS Of HARD J "--, wuw ' la AAtrr. .01.-1 vertoa, reate 2. VICE DRT 16 INCH AND 4 FOOT I second fir wood. Phono 254 or 622. THE MeMINNVILLE CO. HAS BECOME the leading fire insurants Co. of the atata - because of it reasonable rates . ; aad fair dealinca. Give a eall when , Best . insarinc. Standley Foley, agenta. Bnah Bank Bide. Phone 647. STANDARD MADE HIGH GRADE pianos, 622 J; terms. TallmasX Piano store. 121 South Commercial.. . ., , , WANTED CLOAK AND ' SUIT SALES LADY WANTED EXPERIENCED CLOAK AND Kf'tT Bil l'- 1 inv uitst nv (Uii ill pruuAvn tfv iiennvp mu niu SELL THE GOODS.. EXCELLENT POSITION AND GOOD PAY. APPLY , IN PERSON DIRECT TO THE STORE. EUGENE EMPORIUM. EUGENE. ORE. FOB RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; .light, water, bath furnished. Also sleeping rooms, $2.50- per week. Cot . tel apartment, 843 Vi N. Commercial. viTtn M-nnnn liovrv. ai.ro I . eltv and Mnnlt venreaentativaa. Seel, , 8mt. Kelson, aaito 31. Eldridge Hotel, j 8HEPARD PUPS FOB SALE TURNER, route 8, box 49. A FIVE ROOM MODERN HOUSE IM . mediate' possession. -Oao at $3400, another at $2525. - Terms like rent and 8 interest. Becka A Hendricks - 2U& U. S. Bsnk Bldg. , , STANDARD MAKE HIGH GRADE PLAY er piaaoa, $885,- terms. -Tallmaa Piano . itarq, - 121 South Commercial. VACANT BUSINESS PROPERTY .LOT i. and good residence, close. in, for sale, cheap. ' God garage location. , -A; CxBonrnstedt 4 407 Maaonie Temple ' ' ' Salem. Ore. ONE OF' THE BEST BUILDING LOTS In the eity for 6100O, corner lot and paved oa a two sides. Will take cheaper j auto on purchase price. lot or Airfi pAtttSnrtn 1 iiiihiiv 1 oitjrjuiiu 8314 State atreet 'EMPLOYMENT PEMALB HOUSEKEEPER WANTED EXPERI- enee and good references necessary. Apply at once. Room No. 9, Breymaa Bonding. ' - - - WTPKRTENRED SODA FOUNTAIN' MAN wanted. Apply ia persoa to Andrews A Kerr, Cort sills, .wagon. wairners KXEBBETte TOUNQ MAN who, has , had axperieaea selling life in an ranee, atocka or advertising. Meat a hie a deo-eo -hia oatiro 4imo-aad a- -mbitteaa for advaa cement. Mast have the eaarsga to present baaineaa propositioa- to merenanta ana proies iiiI nan Answer la rear ewm haad writing, stating age, odueatioasl auali-l fleatioaa. experience aa soliciaor, etc. Adrese "I 61." 8tsteamaa smco. , ; MALE -JTD TE-tAIJI HELP WANTED GOOD PAY. STEADY work Drawer aan, -aiias, vgoa. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO . take farm paper eabaariptloBS. A food -MDoaitkoa to the right people. Addreas the Padfie HeoseaVaad, .Statasmaa Bldg. ftalem. Ore - ; ' ' PERSONAL jiHios and EXERCISES STEAM eabiaet lad lea aary. Mrs. Rath Brow a. Swedish gradaate. SOS Oregea Bl-g. - Phoae o5a. .. ' , u.w. v aw RnwETTifEfll - ill BUKV " , " I - esiloo because ot a window aad porch "f V-Si and desire very ach to iV . sew and repucemeat loos. a w. . Burea, 179 N. CommarcisL , GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL carter published. rrwe ier .. aw-p terraspoadent. Toledo. Ohie FOR SALE BABT SUPPLIES r vituii R ART BUGGIES THE LIGHT. beautiful, eomfartable, moderate prico kind. Let me eipUia aame mutual ... merits of Stnrgis esrrlsges snd aulkeys Thoy have many. Mas O. Barea, 179 . Commercial. FASH PATES v wrtrr w AWT TO GET THE BE81 farm Prj',I nrlJZ i! . Tibie. - .V.VX.Z?' Meitlat: aa - . . . ... i a-.eeUs' trial suaoertptasaa hie ad." CANARY BIRDS TOR 'SALE f CANARY BIRDS AND aVIgreod white Scotch collie papa Wre. E. A. Bsaaott. oaoae 1280. I nC To adTertuie new store. Cagel - IU V Li sad supply list froo. Import DIDHO ed Rollers our specialty.. DlnUO ' E, B. FLAKE $5 pi IB. ; 278 State. Salem '"T". CARPETS AND LINOLEUM CORK C-RPET PRODUCTS AND fXN goleam are speeialiied here, to the "lira H. . Ask for one each of ear eirealars entitled, 'Permanent Linoleum Floora and ? 'How to Care for Linoleum. Va " Wwcew. 17Q, N Comwll v; ,. EJTCHEH CABINETS McDOUOALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN rabine game from A to E. ,H bronght rt the VERY FIRST high elaas kite, ea rshinet ia America,, The aew Me- . Doogall Is a marvel. Get my prices and terma. Max O. Bursa, 179 N. Com mercial. . FOR SALE POULTRl LIGHT BRAHAMA HATCHING EGGS Best laying itrata. Mr. Flake, 690 South 17ta. Phono 1046-J. . EGGS rOB HATCHING ANCOXAS. The hr-as that lay your eggs. $1.50 for letting of 13. Phone 817 or eU 1275 N. Cbarch. POULTRTMEIT SEND EIGHT TWO- eeal stamps for rpeoal three mouths trial lor the beet and eldest nm! ta tha WML. The article- and deer tiaemeate r of special interest to the Roultry breeders af tha aorthweet ertaweet Paul try Journal. Sit Cem moretal St- Balaam. Or-goa CUC-XXUr0U8 FOB SALE BRITISH QUEEN AND uraea uem potatoes; alao eeea pota toea. Phone 8SF4. O. W. Fruit, Brook 1, Or tea c- FOB BALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 caata a bundle Ctreulatiea department Oregon Statoam, a. GLIDDEN'S LINOLEUM VARNISH AND Johnson's Floor Wax. Ask o the partioolar merit and purpoaaa of each ataa u. Burea, 119 N. Comjnerciai, Salam. DO PB1CE8 LOW EH 1 923 DESIGNS a"0" tt,'t,e S"-7g. S2."7 JLV r1PB!S.-! iTH'te C . " - BuIn' 179 Com xn, HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION .-a . W....1.. ) v.. ..11 . axefeaaca anythiac aad averytaiaf la tha liao at inak or aaeoad kaad (ooda. Sao aa bcfora job bay or tall. B tain bo? k Jaak Co Romaaibar tha plaea, 403 H. Commercial 8t Pkoaa &21. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" and alefea other Ortgoa aaari, tasetbar with a fiao eotlactioa af patriotic aonca, aacrad aonga aad maay old-tima lavoritea AXX POX SSa e.A.t.t i. 1- uai Fpeclal adaptable r gehool, comma-- itv Atnk minnnw Bajna for The Western Songster T6 paces, aow la Hi third aditioa. - Pabliahed by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLT 315 8. Commercial St. Salam, Ore WOOD FOB SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD second growth 1 4 ft. or 16 ta. Fred E. WeUa. Phone 1542. 805 S. Church 16 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD 98.6O par load. Dry planar weed. 66.60 per load. Tracy wood uo Phono S20. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOB RENT THREE ROOM FURNISH ' ed apartment 865. Phone 902-W. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR REN? Close in. Phone 1516-M. FOB RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT for tWO, with bath. Private entrance. Alao garden. 1296 Marion street. APARTMENT FOB REKT 69$ NORTH Commercial. ! MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENTS For rent. The Angelua. Phone 1524.1 555 Mario ROOMS 1 FOR RENT LARGE FRONT BLEEPING room. 871 N. High St. rOB RENT BEDROOM, HOME PRIVI- leges.' 589 N. High. 1 FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED . rooms snd garage. 820.' 682 State street. Phono -11 82-B. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY; . 60e ap. . 40a Beats. SLEEPING ROOMS' REASONABLE; Light, heat phone.- bath, gartge. Gen tjemen or msijied wunle preferred. MESDAjtF BCOTT CHASE DRESS Board If desired. 263 S. Hjgh. makers. 819 State St. Phoae 987. CLEAN. NEAT BLEEPING ROOMS, $ to $8.50 per week. Apartments, $5 The Jnr. tUts, S54. N. Fraat. - Phoae 1602. H0ME. FOB RENT fOR GENTLEMAN desirable room la modern home with all eonveaieaeea. Please give aame aad reference. Address "AJ" care States- aaa - - "" BOOM AMP EOP WANTED BOARDERS, PRIVATE FAM- ily. 449 N. High. - :L0ST AND FOUND" LOST - j . . . LOST TUESDAY NTGHT. BLACK skunk acart and I light blue turban, be- tweea 8alem and Oregon City. Findet return to Statesman. Reward FOUND FOUND A WAY TO KEEP LINOLEUM from cracking, buckling snd curling np . et my leaflet entitled "Permanent Linoleum Floors." Max O. Burea, 179 N. Oommereial. WANTED MISC-LXJUrEOUS WANTED SPRING WAGON WHEELS. Fhoae 1834-M . OLD MATTRB8SE3 "MADE OVER - - vapitai utsr aioaaiac - a-aoaa WANTED FURSITURE, TOOLS, ETC , Phase all. ; ANTED EVEKTTHING IN HARD ware aad fareitaro. Beet pricea paid THE CAPITAL HARDWi FURNITURE. CO. 288 BY Commercial St. Phoae S4T :' ir1".' :ria.m? US III Woodry. the Anetioneer, BUSINESS CARDS ' AUOnONEEE AUCTIONEER P. M. WOODRY. THY Irreetoek. furniture, real aetata sao ttoneer. Fhone an for aaie aatos Ref 1810 N Snmrtier Auto Directory . PATBTaS RUSH THE AUTO PAINTER. STATS sad Froat streets. AUTO TOPS . UUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORE r-araato. 653 8oU 13th. Phone 1126. f EADIATOB SHOPS ' I 0. BAIR, RADIATORS. FENDERS Rod lee repaired. 444 rorry. Used cars $50 FOR QUICK SALE JUST THE thing for light unlivery er nag. caev rnleA chassis. . So Colonel J. Olmsted. Balem Lauadry Co- or call Olesoa s garage. - - w -- TBUCXB rOR SALE OR TRADE REO TRUCK I jgj model, perfeet eoaditioa. Wil' I trade for veal eatate, produce or wil' all aa aaav terms. Thia ia aa axeew . lie-all shs bar. : If vwo want a real good bargaia arply ' hamodiately Phoae or eall 1 ie i-wopie a L-aan c -. BATTEBT AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROO v- aboouaa. - lie a. Biga. raea PRESTO-LITE -BATTERY SERVICE atatioa. Export battery aad etoetneat work. Parris Bros. Phaae taoa. ate BUSINESS CARDS TIKES AMD ACCESSOBJXS TONNEAU CARPET RUNNING BOARD linoleum; auia paint aad eaamel. Max O. Burea. 17 N. Commercial. Salens. BUSSING BOARD LINOLEUM. ALTO carpet, aste enamel aad paint. Max O. Bur a, 1?9 N. CemmereiaJ. 10.0O0 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST (tana braiin, rim rata aad blowouts. Tha Hyaro-Toroo Tire, lor tale by Yew Park store. 12th and Leslie, phono t. GA-A.QE AUD BFAXK FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED. ween ante) -aviator Shop. 116 8. uta sireeu CAPITAL GanAUM BU10K. STTJTDE- aaaer repairing. 178 Boath tabertj. Phone 88. ACETYLENE WEXDIHO WELDING AND BRAZING IRON. sfei, oraaa, aluminum, briar the pwrea. 837 Court St. Phone 4d. Oxo-Gas Heating Co. j BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Conunerrial Be treat. Phone 856. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLANS furaished free. R. W. Melaiire, 14U9 N. Church. CHINE SB PHY SICIAN DR. I M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN dlseaae. 153 8. High St., phone 383. DEUO ST0SES BREWEB DRUG CO. Phone 184 406 COURT FZNAHCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. L. A. Hayfnrd. 80S State atroet. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money ta loan at six percent W. D. Smith, aocre tary -tre s- oa Balem Baak of Commerce. 20 YEAB FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pro-payment provisions al lowed. We will finance yon for a leas rate of interest thaa aay firm oa the . coast. Private money ta loan aa either city or country property. MARSTERS BROS. 411 Oregon Bldg. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1302 J. FOUNDRIES SALEM IRON WORKS GREY IRON castings, drag aaw machines, centri fugal pomps, heavy machinery. Frost aad Mate streets. FURNITURE STORES FURNITURE PRICES DOWW IRON beds, $6; all steel bed springs. $5.40; cotton mattressre, $8; oak dining chairs, $4; all steel army cots, $3.50; Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial, Salem. Ladies' Wearing Apparel FANCY WORK NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODERY shop. - Jessie McCoae. Tallmaa a Plana store. 131 Hontn uenrmorciai DRE881CAJONO CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, dssigning. " Spencer aorsats ta order. 3 MeOoraaek Bldg. THE ADSITTS ARB PREPARED TO do any aad all kinds af ladies' tailor ing, for aid and new customer. SS2 N 12th 8t Phone 2085 R. WANTED PLAIN SEWING JlND HAND work. Call 681-R. MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER inn nitn a. HEMSTTTCHIBC HEMSTITCHING. 548 STATE ST. SIN ger Sewings Machine Ca. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping aad needle work. 829 Oregon Bldg. Phoae 879 MRS. C. E, MILLER HEMSTITCHING Stamping; braicing; hand embroidery, buttons. Room 10, over Miller's store. Salem. Oregon, Pboaa 117. MRS.- BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders tolieitod. 175 8. 19th Phone 174-M LAUNDRIES 8ALJB1( LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8 Liberty street. Phono 35. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt service. 1364 Broadway. Phone 165. 14XLLXNERY HAT 8 PROM $1 UP MRS. 0. A. Grimm. 619 Court Bt. MASSAGE MASSAGE FOR ALL NERVOUS Dis eases 836 North High, apartment 8. Evenings snd Sandsys. MATE-MITT NURSING 1 MATERNITY NURSING WANTED i. Phoae 1694-J. IB private MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phoae 81T-W. NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LIKE- TREES SMALI fruita, oraameatals. Capital City Nnr sery Co 426 Oregon Bldg. Phoae 15 FRUITLAND NURSERY 8ALES YARD. Back of office. 640 State St. Phona 1140-M. FOR 8 ALE LrTTT.E'8 IMPROVED Cory's tboraless blackberry plants Heaviest producers aad best flavored Write for pamphlet aad price list. O A. Little. Sevastopol. - Calif. PLUhtRXHO PLUMBING kkPAIRTNO AND OOI1 work. Phoae 1397-J. Shop, 137 Ualaa street A. L. Godfrey. PEEIODIOALS MISS OOODHUB TAKES SUB SCRIP tieas for all magaaiaeo. Sal a. 17th street Phono 741 -M NURSING NURSE HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. 449 North High. FAINTINO CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH elaas work for particular people. . u Braadoa. contractor. 865 North High Phoae 645 .. AUBREY H. CT-ARE PAINTING. PAP arhancia-. kslsomlntag. work guar aateod. T erase roaaoeable. Pbo 3085-1. 1464 Ferry PERTUMS AMD TOILET ARTICLES OAL1FORN1A PERFUME CO. EX tracts toilet articles. Mrs. Meyer 176 South 23rd. rheee 1224. paiaxiBO rOR . WEDDING INVITATIONS AND snaoaaeosneats. sea Bortolaoa. priater. 'T": Building. 1 - SI0VS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK Showearda tha. taiiu aaa a Vial Phona 646 Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS KUSXCAIt MRS. HENRY LIE PIANO. Capital. Ph-o 1017-W. 1821 M. DOROTHY PEA&CS PIANO, ftartb Winter. Pho-e 845-.. 347 BEATRICE SHELTOS- rT ANO STUDIO. i Mario-. Paoro 139. MOLLIE STYLES VOICE. PIANO. 659 Center. Pheea 2016 R. RAG AND J AAA PIANO PLAYING 12 1 asanas raaraataed. Water-tea aya- W. B. Clark. Mgr. 444 Staaa. MIS8 MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO t layer; aaacea all accasioaa. 357 9 iberty. WESTrRN CO-wttKT 1TOBT OF MU8 K of Chicago. Fraa t E. Ckmrrhill, rrp reaentative. Dipiofki graatad. OdJ F el lows' Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORT OF MU8I0 All breaches taught, doeaa graatrd Joha R. Bitaa, aUrrti. 1237 Co art. Phone 66. TUNERS JACK MULLIGAN PIABO TUNER: Moore-Daaa O. Repreaeatatiee ei 8hermaa Clay S Co Phone 506. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piaaa tuner. Leave orders Will's Musis Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Toning, refiaishing. robniidiag; player piano expert. Phone 1659. 121 South Comm. PIANO SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS, STEIN ways, Duo-Art, sad others. Moore Duaa Musie Store, hfasonie Temple DANCINO 2 PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE Mrs. White Phone ITS J dances. MUBXO STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PH0NO graphs. sowing machines, sheet masie. and plana stad'-e. Repairing phoao graphi sad sawing m-chiaea. 48 Stats, Salem. SCAVENGERS Salem scavengers garbage, re fuse af all kinds removed. OeaspooJs clesaed. Phone 167. RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT M08T REASON able prices. Johnson Barry. 166 B. High. CHERRY OTT RESTAURANT HOME style meals. Good service. Stale and High. SAVE money Bi EATING AT EES- J uurant apsiairs. io Bonta twaatr eisl. FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADS TO ord-sr. RefiniaAiag and apaolataria a specialty. Phoae 1T42. Groves. 1201 South Commercial. HOTELS O TERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND board. Laach counter. Opposite O. E. Depot State and High INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. 4. C. Balch, agent, room 6, Bteuoraac- Bidr Phone 98. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG Ferry. NOODLE HOUSE. 489 bin sin noodle house CHOPl boot. 40c : Duffed rice. SOe: noodles. I 30c: fried aoodles. 60, 149 S. Lib erty ; , STUDIOS DB LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DTP farent in photoersohv. 147 N. Com 'I SHOB EEPATEXNO WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 186 SOUTH High. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 4v years exporieace. Depot National I feaco, aiaee 20 to as laenea sign Paints, oil snd vsraishes. etc- logos berry and hop hooks. Salem Peace and Stove Works. 360 Court street. Phone 134. SECOND BAND GOODS HIGHE8T PRICES PAID FOR SECOND haad clothing aad shoes. Also d cleaning, pressing aad repairing. Call snd deliver Capital Exchangs. 842 North Commercial. Phone 1868 W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND I goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, hsr aeas. eollsrs. collar pads, tools a and I chains, Fred Sckindler. S58 Oeator street TAXLOBS frank PALM, TAiiX)R 211 SOUTH High, corner Ferry. Suite made to order. Cleaning, pressing, repairing. TRANSPORTATION "PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Mansger Central Stage Terminal -Salem,' Oregon ! HALEM 81LVEKIU.1 1MV1K1UJI Leavea Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. a:o p.m. Leaves Silverton News Stsnd: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Saletn-Independenee-toonmouth Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: 7 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 sjn. s p.m. 5 p.m. Leaves MonmouRt, Vonmvoth Hotel: 8:15 a.m. 1 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Leaves Independence Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a.m. Id a.m. 1 15 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:30 We make connections at Salem to all parte of the valley. Extra trips by appointment. J. W. PARKER, General Mgr. SILVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. A M. Stagee Souht Bound Schedule North Bound Road down Read np Dly. Dly. Dir. Dir. Dir. Dly. No 5 No. S No. 1 Ke. 3 No. 4 No 6 PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM. 6:00 1:30 8:00 Prtl'd 10:80 4:O0 8:30 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt.Agl 8:25 1:55 6:25 4:30 4:00 10:30 Silvt'a 8:00 1:30 6:00 Ar. Ar. "Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Sunday only 8:00 a.m. fm. Portland, stagee leave Stage Terminal Portlaad aad StoMehammer s Drug Store, Silverton WOOD SAWS "ITT AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 2046. Fisher Brae. WOOD SAWTXO. PHONE 1131. CITY. country. Ed. Sproed. TRANSFER HAUHWQ MERCHANTS' TRANSFER 159 S. High. Phone 252. JAPITAL CITY TRANSFER m. S2 ! State 8t Phoae 983. Dietvutinf forwarding aad eterage ear apeetatty Got our rates. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Out spaeialty ia piano sad furniture moving. We also make eooatry tripe. We handre the boat coal aad wood. Call oa as for. prices. We give good measure, aood euality aad geea eerviea. awater iraaoier uov Phono 9aC WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. atoroa everytamg ax caps as rlnive Anply Fry's Drag Stem. -" . .' :' -c - - wavai&ja . - ' SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office, 801 south ton I Ju, Tea per eoat'. diseoaat oa dooteetio. flat rates r-Td iadvU" NrM.et-Ta. foT ', aiweare mr any rs.so aaieaa water she! mtt voar peemiaea Classified Ads. in The r Statesman Bring Results PROFFESIONAL CHXROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR, 823 State St. Pattoa Bldg. Phone 95T. OPTICIAN 8 GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BCE- oette at the Bow Optical Compoay. state 1 Baaa Baak. POMEROY A KEEN E JEWELERS AND OpMMetria 888 State. CKXXOFRACTOES CHIROPRACTORS Dra. Bradford Bradford Giadaatos and post rradaatea of CAR VER Collego. OkUhoma City FIR8T CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGE in the WORLD. Tea years prac tice. Coeaaltatioa aad eaarainatioa free. Suite 818 Orefoa Bids Phona 52. DR. O. L. SCOTT, P 8.C. CHIROPRAO tor. 414 19 U. 8. Baak Bldg. Phoae 87; res. 826-R. OSTEOPA YHICf ; YSICZAKS DR8. WHITE AND MAKSHALL, 606 U. 8. Baak Bldg DR W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad snrg-oa. Kirkseillo graduate. 404 405 U. 8 National Baak Bldg. Phona, office. 916: res. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR mities of tha feet corrected without loss nf time from your occupation. Drs. White aad Marshall, U. 8. Bank Bldg. DR JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phyiiciaa aad inrgeoa. 40S-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, office. 1894; res. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VITTERANS amp 5. Annorv First, th"" Mondays REAL ESTATE WOULD YOUt LIKE A GOOD FARM f large or small f fruit or berrv tracts f City lots, and lots of city hemes, we may have the one yon are lookinr for. See L. A, HAYFORD SOI State street crrr houses ctty lots, bunoa- mws, small and large acreage, close ia aad far ant; exchanges ia eity and country. Brown m Mans aver Baa iek's iWf, State sad Commercial. raone saw Best Buys and Exchanges five seres, oops for 1000 bens, Vt miles out. 61100 cash. I 15 acrea timber, best of soil, 4 miles out 82000. Vt cash. 15B!-eR lilTlhl.i2 2'. I.h new 6 room house, barn, coops. sll leacea. s wells, 3 Biles out. f zzao. I 81250 cash. I 20 seres, sll cultivated., good improve-1 menta, woven wire fenced, at city dwee in Iar"e Ssoo"" ' 150 Veres? o 'general crop, 10 prunes, 9 room house, good barm, 7 miles south. See IZ? Ev. " 0al 90 Want $1000 loan 06 160 seres improved at" state. ' GOOD BUYS Five acres all Cultltated, 3 acre, in lagans, nearly M acre of strswherries. Uorated 5 miles out. Price 61300. I Fine 15 acre home place on Gard-a road I with 9 room bouse. Price $10,000. 100,.,cre,rm wKa .,,!,ck ''."I I -an cuiiiTaicu, vauuiDgii di oi auii.i located south ot Independence. Price I 813,000; terms.' I so. acres, 40 plow land, balance mostly I timber; .smalt sh.ck snd garage, nl family fruit 5 I" 5iea 1 .miles south. Price 86.800. Terms Rest Estate and Fire Insurance W. tt, Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State Street I HAVE CUSTOMERS WHO DESIRE to purrhsse homes. Call at once and list your property with me if you desire to sell. I am patting on extra help,!" """ -" tnereiore can sifna to your Dusmess promptly. John H Scott, 228 Oregon 1 Building I 1 I FARM BARGAINS FOR SALE OR EX I change. One of the best 80 acre farms I in- Marion county. Offered at a very low price. Will accept Salem or Port' land property in exchange, or sell on eaav terms. Salem residences with terms to suit. Lot on insullment without interest. We loan money on real estate. Write fire insurance. List with ns for quick sale. Joseph Barber & Son 200 Grsy Bldg. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT 1148 Norwsy. See owner Box 228 Garden read. Just - outside city limits. I f ir J f" U. UUUU DUyj dliU HALIIclllgeo ix room modern house, ' Dioca- to car line, bargain for $1500. Fart terms. Four rooms, part modern, close in south. Five rooms modern on psved street, com - aWiaS road Will trade for business property er good residence ia Salem. THOMASON 83 IK State street WORTH WHILE A revenue property ia Silverton. fur nished, close in;; 8 apartments ; will bring $75 per month. Will exchange for 10 or 15 acres nesr Salem or towards Portland. Price $4500. Will take place 82.000 to 22.500. A good corner lot in Richmond addition. $100 cash. Another corner for $350. With $50 down. A 5 room plastered house; bsth. electric lights. 82.000 : 81.000 down. A 3 room house and lot 54x128. $350 $150 down. Mills' & Copley 33 m State street 50 Acre Farms Sew 5 room house; good barn, splendid well, about 50 sheep, one team, one cow, 50 chickens, two set of new bar nesa, two plows, two cultivators, twa harrows, nao mower, one rake, one wagon, 100 bushel oats, 15 bushel wheat, 4 ton hay. Let me tell you f it'a many other good features about tnia place. Unly o miles from Salem Will trade for house ia Salem or Port- lead aa first payment. Gertrude J. M. Page 493 N. Cottage afreet Wood's Bargains Six room banratow, bcw ; three lots ; New ban c.!o w and n ?, 61TAA a.- l i ' aiAf a Stos-iUiJ, PfW nBDESlOW, f AAV. II" r-om honaa snd one acre oa Eleetrie line at station, 31500. 20 acrea with stock sad implements, $4500, trsde far house, so acres near Eddyviiie for house. 1240 acres stock ranche. North iiiiih, ior vaney rancn. f.rm ...e Ht,.,.- foe Canada farm Five room house and two seres . . .... . 1 iuie" streec t r Wanted, LOanS We hate private: money to toaa oa eity or aubarbaa property. I We have a fiae. well improve, tea acres i to trade, for city property. Thte u I first elaas I W you wsnt to trade.' buy er eB eeo H. L. MARSTERS 113 Gray Bide. VI nt Difnny. w S3000 fj',51 UaSS DUngaiOW fUU veoira raiu a dimcis ira aa. rraaiina Pan- ati-aei.. reaeat walks. Jail, h-ae-weti,- furaasV -aiit-iaa, .aai-tt-eUaV Q R PFAR.fiN . 210 3U U. S. Bank Bldg. k REAL ESTATE 10 DOWN 81V PEB MONTH; 880) to $1000 each. 5 lots oa Capitol street betweea E aad P aire ta; pared street; all improeemeata paid. Davis A Hoboaa. lak. 111 Second Su. Port laad. Oregon. LOTS OF LOrS Over a 100 all prices, aad acm tiered over town. A few of thorn bargain. Let me help yea pica one. m at. riemiag. 341 State street. Mat. HOME BUYER TOO CAN BUY A 6 room aaagaiow Mae thaa a year old for 6506 Vans thaa I Was offered let it aiao aaeatas ago. Has has am sat. Dutch kitchen, closets aa5 sleep tag porch. $1000 will kaadlo it. Sao U tod-ty. 125 Loflello. ANDERSON RUPERT Saecaassrs to Laflar A LoCai INSURANCE REAL E&TATB BONDS . LOANS Oregea Bldg. 406-1 FOR SALE 7 ACRES MOSTLY IN fruit, with modera home; oa road and close to city. One of the finest poultry ranches the valley. Square Deal Co. 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. BUY HOME FROM OWNER LARGE corner lot, 2 good 8 room booses; one modera with full basement; ether doable house and partly modera. Ex cellent investment. Wide paved street. Cement, walks; close in; esty rented. Address P. C. Rosenberger, R. F. D. No. 1. Linatoa, Ore. PERSONAL SERVICE When yea want to find something ia the way of a home ia town or country, and do not want to bo harassed by a mul tiplicity of agencies, tell me whst yoa want, snd in most cases I will pro duce it., If I do not, it will cost yon nothing; "-and when 1 do, the seller paya. William Fleming. 841 State street Established 1909. PUBLIC NOTICES of the Improremftu of I h simmer Street from the Notice Vnrth v vi- r af.-e tt Lhe Booth Line of the Fair- grounds Road. Notice is, hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it exped- , (lent and hereby declares its pur- nn.. nnrl iTitfnHnn tn Imnrove 1 f. " 7 " . ' North Summer street from the north line of Market street to the , A. somu imc :w ii": r an ,iuuuuo i T? rnA a f 4Ka Avnne Af th, ihnl. I . . I t-'ug auu sujawui yiuiivu, c- cept the "treet --d alley Inter- sections the expense of which will DQ assumed by the City of Salem, by bringta said portion ot said North Summer street to the es- tabllshed grade, constructing ce- ment concrete curbs and paring - said portion of said North Sum- mer Street with a six-inch cement 1 -!. n,,,m,nt in .rrorHance I . I with the plans and specifications I v-.r- .viu aa k. I v ,T. . u I i.uo viivu wvuu.u uu lyv a , t 4-- nri1 IQeo nrw nn flip I " ' in the office of the City Recorder, .nd which. for rreater certaintv I 1 a' and convenience and a more de tailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. . omnwo ouncu ocreuy I declares its nufDORft and intention " . ' mk i. 1 provement oy ana mrougn lae Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. By order ot the Common Coun cil: EARL RACE, City Recorder. Date of first publication of thif I . I 1 A . . . fh nouce April l. l SOTICE Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting be tween us, the undersigned II. C. Watson, L. J. Kavanagh and Al- ton D. Hurley, carrying on bust - t. v.uAn. M .iIlU. a i i , r t .. e o.' I IIro: as ." laniuuuiii uary, a Saltfrn. Oregon, was on the 19tl i jn n. Anril 1952 rllnanlvu hv I ' ' .1., ; - , ..r... mutual consent, and that the busi- May, June, 11.27: red Walla I , iii v- MrriH nn 1 by the said Alton D. Hurley aloneM wm M and discharge all I debts and liabilities, and receive all moneys payable to the said late firm). ALTOX D. HULET. L. J. KAVANAGH, H, C. WATSON. IS IN UST H0UHS Business Buoyant, However, in Early Part of Yester day's.Session NEW YORK, April 20. Bu?i - ness on the stock exchange today J began with many indications that the sessions would establish record in activity and breadth fo- three years, but operations slack ened visibly during the intermed iate and final period3. fmm iTr.uri f?tat steel na.uc ' - . 8 O l. .fl.u- which rose to 100 1-8. its aighes' I quotation In two years, the rew I . , . , ,v,, I maximums made by others of tnr I industrial and railway dlvis'ons. I . , j-.i , the session developed no sucl f features. Extreme gains of 1 to 3 prints I were scored by a number of shares, but these suffered partia' I or entire cancellation 83 the day progressed and the desire to take profits became more insistent. Further ease was evidenced by local money Tales and interna - tional currencies seemed in actions degree disturbed by tt.e spect ot Cenoa con' ference lacludlng'riussias refusal . . . , I aw VJ er war uuuxsui) H i. , The firmness of coal shares wa ss evidence that tha ro' strike Is becomlne less of a mar Iket Influence. This was supple SEEN 1 merited by Advices from center lot steel aad iron . production mostly of an encouraging teno Among the relatively:. few ful sUntiai net gains were American Locomotive, Crncible Steel, Sears Roebuck. Montgomery Ward, Computing Tabulating, ' Westerr Pacific, preferred and Marke; Street Railway, prior preferred. United States Steel closed at r small loss and most of the oilr were effected by heavy selling of Texas company aad Mexic-n Pe troleum. Total sales amounted to 1.4.S.000 shares. For the th'rd eaccesslTe day all call loans were placed at S 1-f per cent. Time funds were plen tiful and private loans on approv al collateral were made for the shorter dates at 4 1-4 per rent, the same rate applying to "gooc names" on commercial paper. : Sterling's reaction to the tf eign situation was a decline of 1-3 of a cent, allied hilts easing 3 to 5 points. - - IFFECTSIHT Uncertainty Causes Lower Average on Board of Trade at Chicago CIUCAG0, April 20. Uncer tainty over developments at the Genoa economic conference tend - - ed to make th wnet market here ave.r?e lower Iq price today es- peclaily as quotations from Uver- ha. JL .l a il back. The closing In Chicago was) - o J .lt , -o.e UI1BCLLICU . J . iiri un.K&u., 1 o advance wlth May 1.43 to 1.43 3-S ani jujy 1,25 5.5 to 1.25 3-4. corn finished unchanged to i-8 0ft oat8 Vp a shade to 1-8 1-4, .A ,i.i ,, .--. Gossip that foreign buyers were about to enter the wbeat market ... . . ieu lu a uiuucrsie raiiy in privta Kam jfiitHvte t Vi a final ffalnf u... -i .' ., ,v uut vamca m luivutuvm te greater part of the day were inclined to sag and there was an absence of any Indication of ag- gfessive demand. r Spreading operations "s ascribed td northwestern Interests attract- .ed some attention In the wheat P-t. The spread consisted of the nimtuwiiw-o U,( i ; o- Hvery Of Wheat and the Selling Of o--. mK- oepiemoor. ,. . Corn and oats prices held In- side of narrow limits, with trad- .... . l&K Cnieiiy OI a local cnaracuer. Provisions were mostly a little m,r 1 a reP0nse to an eany up- tarn in hog values. , FRUIT KP.W VfiTJ Anrtl ?ft IT.van. . . ..nle. .M, Pmnes anlet. I j Pr,COH 8,ow' rcne- leau'' I Rai8ins easy. DAIRY POTATOES PORTLAND, Ore. April 20. -7 B utter: Prints extras 38c; cube extras 3 4c, - prime firsts 33c. Butterfat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream 37c. Potatoes: Buying price locals, SI; selling price $1.25 11.50. PORTIXD GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. April 11 j Grain futures: Wheat Hard i i alio npi n, my, wuue, e'--o. Isoft white, white club, hard win- I Ipr and northern nnrine. Anrll. I Anril. Mar. June. $1.24. Oats No. 2. white feed April, May, June, 35c; No. 2 grY April, I May, June, 34.50. Barley, brewing April, May, $28.50; Standard feed April, May, $28. Corn, No. 2 April, May, $28. GO. SEATTLE HAY SEATTLE, Wash., April 20. Hay feed unchanged. ' PORTLAND HAY PORTLAND. Ore., April 20. Receipts hay 143 tons. REALTY EXCHANGES t Reported by Union Abstract Company J. R. and Laura Crouch to Chas. V. and Ida P. Faulkner, 6 acres John Baker DLC 7-3-W, $10 Margaret Moud to John Moud ind Margaret Moud his wife, land in A. F. Waller DLC ,7-3-W, $1 and other. Sarah A. West to Robert M West, blocfc 23 and 24, Mrs. Rem- I 'ngton -addition to Woodbnrn. $1 1 T . . . . . james r . ana Margaret r . Kig- don to Chas. L. and Alma C. Hoi way, 48.31 acres Wm. Whitney DLC 4-1-W, $7,729. Oregon Realty Exchange Inr. Co., to W. E. Kayler, lots 3 and 4 block 2, J. Myers add to Salem $10 Albert Linder to Sebastian and Mary Doran, lots S and 6. block 15, Gervals. $600. , Herman and Dina -Wcssler to Michael; and Maria Bogner, lots 3 and 4 block 10 Talmer'a second 1 add to Mf Angel , $400. nol Fred ' Kamnf to Alfred Kampt I iand In Pratum, $1. love affair. aArpatnr.9ntF4,BHnal . re afal Jefferson ' A.' snd Jannette . . n vt. 1 t.nl I I'OOICr lO JCIiniB . '"" '. - 1 in Methodist Mission DLC ,7-3-W, $10 - 1 E. S. and Grace A. Palmer to - Ellen Hook, land In Silverton, 10. NORTU IIOUXLL MTWTS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and. little daughter from Uaxel Greea. visited with the former's slater.. Mrs. Robert Beer and husband. Sunday. V ' Miss Alice Morgan called st t.en W. I. Jefferson home Sunday. - I. D. Bennett ot X-tbUh Center was here Suday. . ; , Mr. aad Mix Clarence Morgta and two chiidien were Salem bua-v tnesa visitors Saturday evening. ' Ralph Patterson of Salem vis ited with relative ia this Ticlnlty, Monday. -. 1 '.i ; f f : t : 4 -; Mr. and Mrs. James McGulre, Sad two children were Saturday' evening callers a tthe W. H. Daugh man house., "". . .; -f- ; ' ; , : ' Miss Dlanche Kennedy was op- erated o Friday for append tcitil. at the Willamette sanitorium. ; Taul Lander ot Donald Is vie- iting his aiater, Mrs, Clarence -Morgan. , . ' ' ' . ,; 5 Miss Irene Jefferson, who has been employed in . Portland for the past winter. Is hame for the " summer. Miss Nettie Dunn and brother Roy left Monday tor s brief visit' with Portland relatives. It has been figured out by sq expert of the department of agrl-i culture that a toad Is worth a'', most $20 to s tanner. Doesn't it beat all how some values Jumptl Reduced Round Trip Fares Tickets on sale daily on and after April 15, Return limit seven days after sale. Oregon Electric Rj. To and From. Portland 1. Albany - Corvallis Eueene Forest Grove (larrlsburj Hillsboro ... Junction City Wood bunt Proportional round trip fares to and from all oth er stations on the Ore gon Electric Ity. where the one way fare is SO cents or more. Oregon Electric Ry. J. W. IltrCUIE, Agent Telephone 727 SALEM MARKETS 1 Pricea a noted are wa 'aaata and aa prices rocoived by farmers. No ratal prices are givea except as noted. . oats, milling, - net, - She. Wheat No. T sacked. $1.13. . V Oats. feed, about 60a. . Vetch and oat. hay, $16. " v Clever hhy, $10 0 $1$ $14. Mill rna mill feed, $il. i ' BOOS, BUTTSS BUTTEEFA1 , Eggs, retell, 17-180. Creamery batter, retail, 88-dSs. Butterfat, $2. ' ,- town : ' i Hena, light, 16e. Hens, heavy. 30 22a. '.' 1 Rnoatere. old. lOe. POBX. sTJTTOS' ASD Hoga, top. $10.75. Lamb, boss ia market. Top vesL dressed, 18s. Steers, 1 t llC Cows, 4Ha. " j . nenn Bananas, loe, - Lorn aa, $b.-0.f $7.50. Savel oranges. $7.50. Florida grapefruit, $$ t $8.10. California grape fruit, $406. VEOBTABUBS Sweet potatoes, if O k Potatoes. $1, Cabbage, 4. Celiforaia tomatoae, lag, $a.a6, Caalif lower. $2. - Orogoa oaioaa, lOe. Taraipa. 68. Parsaipa, $2 JO. - - Carrata, $2. Hssd lettaee, $1.50 Q $4. Boats, $2.50. Calory. $1.50. J Idatea, fios, KOSTET Datoa, 16a.- .-.--v Package dates, aaee, $6.T6. Pig, 13a. Comb honey,- ease, $4.50. .. Cocoaauts, dosea, $1.76. Strained hoaay, lb. 11 lie. t Portland Baying Vrict EGOS, POULTRY, MEATS i. 12.75 .l- ... ,2i0i ........3.40 t .. L. .3.10 : 3.15 S5 - -v BUTTERFAT FlB.lt No. 1 churning Cream, 87 Ut -a.b. t Portland: aadergradea. 8Se. ra ; ,. EGGS WEAK 1 " ,.J: Current receipts 19 t 20e; pall-ts, i 16 9 lit; white' heaaaries, 22 renlav delivered. (These aoetenon are haa4 ( on priced paid for - the balh of day s receipu bv local )obbers sad rreameriea-) 1 LIVE POULTRY FIRM t (Iess commission), hesvy bona, 26 37e lb.; do light, 22 if Xe ponnd; 1922 broilers, e.40cf old ro"aters, 1 . I2e pouai-; ducks, yeang white r eh Ins, 27 rents; de colored. 24e : sugs. He. Tsrkevs. No. 1. dressed, 87 t ate. ; DRESSED MEATS STEADY (Lose commission)- Choice light hogs, 14 15c; aadergradea, 12 a ': veal, top gradaa. 12 , ISct aad-r-. grades. 10 r 12; apruig lambs, pelts oa. 20 Q 21c. , i HAT AED OEADI HAY FIRM ' f Delivered Portlaad) Vettey Timothy . $1$ a tea; Eastern Oregon Timothy ;. $21 a ton ; alfalfa. $19; clover, $14, oat aad vetea, $16: straw. $8. : ORA1N IIIOHER t Traek. Porftaad. la ear tots) Wheal ; 31.24 K? 8126. Coarse graina oata. (34 y ' $35. Eaatera y-llow - eoni, $27 14 $2.2S a Urn; barley, $28 , p " $28.50. ; ' ' ' . . i" ' nrurr - FRUIT FIRM . Apples, extra fsaey.. $2 $2 7$ hot. ' faacy, $1.75 fZu&i VEOETABLKS STEADY ? Poialo-a Noi I, 75a C '; oaionV No. t. 68.50 $10' ewt. re-a e'i- . hage 24 ' fh.i' hroooeli. $1.35 ' fl.so crat- parsnips la lb.; .earreu ; wooi-BTEAnv . ;. - Coaraa valley wool. IS p ISe; mediae : ti Sie; fine, vS J 37c -. HOPS ttopr T-trr io3l Kop. steady at 14 Q c. j 1 1 n Us Statesman Classified Ada Vnart, - - - -