The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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I - . - - , ....... ... .... - 1 ' ... 1 . a . . 1 1 11 1 '
Miss Jooghln El
- Miss Loais Jonghln, member
ot the women' debating team of
Willamette university Is confined
to quarters of Lausane hall with
an acute attack of tonsUitis. It
-is expected that she will resume
her studies the coming week.
BaUerCJes Hall Tonight
Reserved. seats for the Butter
flies Dall . to be shown Friday
night and Saturday" afternoon
will be on sale this morning at
10 o'clock at the box office.
A Happy Thought!
A week from now, after
you've assured yourself of
the true condition of your
eyes through - an . efficient'
optical examination, and are
once again enjoying , life In
perfect health as a result of
this, you'il think "wli. a
nappy thought that I was
told of seeing . About ; my
This has been the experi
ence of more than one dis
tressed .. person. , - It'll be.
yours, too.
204-211 8alem Bank of
Commerce Building '
Oregon's Largest Opueal
Phone 239 for appointment
Ones min
ute essay
on health
by O. I
Scott. D.
C ,
. EATSt V;
T raa can
man down for
nothing, Nttt,
bat . nnlni yon
r healthy and
iron yon mar
bar tm pay for
lector's attention.
Listen, Neighbor
Listen, Neighbor, your
health Is running down hill..
Cut off the gas, give the
brake, easy; then slip in the
reverse. Back up ia darn
slow work, but you can't
fool nature. Nature works
according to immutable
laws. You can neuner siae.
step them, nor hurry them.
Don't, try- J - "j
The man whose health is '
running down hill because
there are disturbed align
ments of joints in his back
bone .may not, believe in
chiropractic, he may not be
lieve in the possibility of the
Joints being disturbed. But
Nature doesn't care what he
believes and will go on pun
ishing him for his opinion,
or his neglect, whichever it
may be. ; The thing to do. Is
to find out the spinal condi
tion. Take no chance. In
vestigate. " :.
You can make an appoint
ment for yeur health's sake
by telephoning 8 7. ,
frnsutt on spiral
- arms m Disuses or
m rouowinfOMW
a w
st fot sa
uvts v -
" ' Chiropractor r
414-19 U. S. tJink Bldj,
... ... Phone 87, w.
T . nrV
Student Is Ill-
Miss Minnie Ambler, . senior.
from Astoria, Is confined to the
nfirmary at Laasanne hall with
an attack of tensilities which bar
proved very stubborn. Mrs. Am
bler Is with her daughter darinf
the Illness,
Mallnee Saturday-
Take the children to the But
terflies ball matinee Saturday af
ternoon. Adv.
Company Fs Monthly Smoker
Friday night, April 21. This
will be a real smoker and no imi
tation. J. O. Overdorf, match
maker. Adv.
Boy Escapes-
Roy Wasther, an inmate of the
state training school for-boys, es
caped from that institution last
night, according to a report filef
with the Salem police by Superin
tendent W. L. Kuser of the insti
Oct Present
For yourself or some one else
today at the Methodist basaar.
Posts Are Notified
Adjutant Brazier Small, of Cap
ital post No. 9, yesterday sent let
ters to all American posts In Ore-
. TRY oun '
Individual Meat Pies
On Tnes. and Wed.
100O Center fit mrnmv ifk :
Hartman's Glasses
Wear them and see
Easier and Better
Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon
SAVE $ $ $
by baying your hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware ft Furniture Co., 283 No.
Commercial street. Phone 047.
We pay highest price.
We bey and sell everything
We ssUUorJess. .
118 Otter BC
Phone 189
For UUlity Wear ;
Dress or Sport Suits ,
$25 to $45
These bright Spring
days makes one think of
Spring clothes. " '
; Our Reduction' Sale
places before. you an un
usual opportunity to se
lect the best at very low
If it's sport clothes
you want ourfcshowing of
these materials will sure
ly please. There you can
have your choice of mod
els that will just suit
your taste. ' "
For Dress or Busings
wear you have hundreds
of the season's newest
and best from which to
choose and the prices are
very modest' too.
Step in today and look
them over. No obliga
tion to buy. We ' are
pleased to show you. -
426 State Street
gon Informing them of the local
organization's action in preparing
mandamus proceedings against
the state bonus commission. ' The
action -was taken at a specia
meetfne Wednesday nieht wher
the post authorized legal actios
I to eompel the commiss'on to grant
loans up to 75 per cent of ap
praised value of securities and t'
open records for public scrutiny.
Chicken 'Dlaner
Will be served by the Metho
dist ladles Friday evening at
First church from 6 to 7:30 P
m. Price 50c. Adv.
Don't Bother to liakr
Plenty of food already for the
table today at the bazaar, First
Methodist church. Adv.
Marriage Permits Issued
Two marriage licenses were is
sued yesterday by County Clerk
Boyer. Peter B. Dunnin, brake
man, of Portland, and Mary Sims
of 141 North High street, Salem.
William F. McCall of Salem ob
tained a license to marry Marie
A. Flint of Salem.
Home Canned Fruit-
Beats the tinned stuff both ir
quality and price, on sale today
at the Methodist bazaar. Adv.
High Grade Pianos-
Standard makes, $225 terms
Tallman Piano store, 121 S Com'l.
Asks For Divorce
Asserting that ber husband
William Young Arthur, has been
convicted of a felony charge and
that he is serving a sentece in a
penal institution, Lucile Arthur
yesterday filed divorce proceed
ings against Arthur. The couple
were married at Vancouver,
Wash., January 6, 1919.
Visit White Elephant
Spend some time (and a few
dollars) today visiting the white
elephant at the First Methodist
bazaar. Adv.
General Staff Meets
A meeting of the general staff
of the Oregon National guard was
held Thursday at the office of the
adjutant general In Salem. Of
the officers present from out of
town, were Col. Creed C. Ham
mond, ot Portland; Major James
F. Drake, of Portland; Major W.
G White of Eugene; Captain
James F. Gay. of Portland; Cap
tain W. M. Briggs of Ashland;
and Major Fred M. West of Port
land. Only routine and usual of
ficial work was taken up, there
United Army Stores
$235 $2 3S $235
Erery camper, hoy Soont, mn&
hoy and girl need a "Pup" tent.
Get the children out into the
open air The small O.D. tent
C'Pnp' tents as they are called)
are just the thing for two grown
people to sleep in, for boys on
outing trips and children's play
tents. Every boy and Girl
Should Have One.
Brand new ones, complete with
Hopes 12.95
CaU and Sea Them
Compasses and Field Glasses.
See our 91.15 Watches.'
Blankets, like new, O.D. wool
army Issue full aise. 66x84, Sack
Pack sacks, near army, with
carrier, made of heavy Khaki
duck. They will carry two blan
kets, a "Pup" tent, mess kit,
canteen and personal effects. It
ia the regnlatoin pack carrier
each $1.60.
Puttees, new extra heavy leather
$4.50, $5.60. $6 and $7.60. With
straps or spring front 14 to 17.
See oar young men's special
Corduroy Breechea. Formerly sold
at $4.75 and $3.45. Now selling
at $2.88 per pair.
United Army Stores
230 So. Commercial St.
Next Door Sooth of Marion
Hotel Send . us your mall
.j ' Orders
Liberty Theatre
being nothing of an exceptions:
Buttrrfly Ball
Tickets on sale the Gray-BeKe,
The Spa, and C. B. Clancey'a. for
the Batterfly ball, Friday night
and Saturday matinee at the
Grand theater. Orders for re
served seats mar be mailed in, or
same may be obtained at the box
office Friday morning. Adv
Chicken Dinner
Equal to mother's, 6 to 7:30
D. m. today and onlT 50e at ue
Methodist bazaar. Adv.
Freight is Cut
Ford cars have taken another
$20 tumble, the new cut being
made in the freight from the fac
tory. The cars for this section
have been coming shipped knock-ed-down
to Portland, with the
freirht charted as If they had
come set up ready for delivery, at
a far higher rate. Then tuey
have been set up in Portland, and
the dealer and through him the
ultimate consumer, charged with
the full freight Some of this
cost has been cut off under the
new price list. '
Unheard, of Bargains
At unheard of prices today at
the First Methodist bazaar.
Shell Company Reports
During the month of March the
Shell Oil company of California
sold In Oregon a total of 199,8Sl
gallons of gasoline and 1066 gal
lons of distillate, on which a to
tal tax of $4013.19 was paid, ac
cording, to a statement filed ye?;
terday with Secretary of State
Sara A. Kozer.
Salt Ilislno; Bread
Mrs. Gilbert's salt rising bread
at the bazaar. No telephone or
ders received. Adv.
Order Issued ,
The public service commission
yesterday issued an order grant
ing to the Columbia connty court
authority to establish a highway
at grade across the tracks of the
Spokane, Portland & Seattle rail
way In Columbia county.
Jack's Cafe
163 S. Com. St. A good place to
eat. Tables and counter. Adv.
A Public Lecture-
Will be held at the Keiser
school house. The subject Is
Millions Now Living Will Never
Die." held under the auspices or
the International Bible Students
association, at 3 p. m. Sunday.
Seats free and no collection.
Adv. .
Fred Mietzke, proprietor of the
Cloverdale hotel, at Cloverdale
Tillamook county, writes to The
Statesman: ' "You can truthfully
say fishing is good here now." Ar
increasing number of people from
the Salem district goes there fo"
week-end and other vacation and
fishing trips.
The Aid Society T
Of the First Methodist church
will hold a' bazaar on Friday.
Practical and fancy articles 'of
sale,- also refreshments. Adv..
Educational Spiritual Lecture and
Readings. Mrs. Ingram of
Portland, pastor of First Spiritual
Church of Salt Lake City. Utah.
Lectured in Australia, America
and India. Gives a good clean
cut instructive lecture. Hurst
hall, Tuesday, 8 p. m. AdT.
Lecal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. , Catalog oa application.
A Classified Ad.
Will bring you a buyer. AdT.
Babies Out Sunning
The most wonderful crop In the
WSllamette valley came out into
full bloom Thursday the babies
of Salem. The genuine spring
weather ot this week has warmed
them up, sun-fuzzed their dainty
little' cheeks and wrappings, giv
en their tired mothers a touch, of
spring fever, and they took to the
go-carts and the sunshiny streets
by the doxens and scores and hun
dreds. It was the most remark
able baby show held In Salem for
months. The babies do not usual
ly bloom out on the streets ahead
of the apples and- cherries an
plums that make Salem a horti
cultural glory, but this year they
have beaten the common tree
flowers beyond measure, 'both ir
time and in quality and almost
in number 'Ran for d kids!
Good Heavyweight-
. Bine. overall 95c. The Man's
Shop, 416 State St Adv.
Two Are Finel '
. Flees of $10 for speeding are
being assessed Quite frequently in 1
the court' of City Recorder Earl j
Race. Judge Race has not stated
whether the lower fines or an ef
fort to bring down the costVf liv
ing as a large number of speeders
were forced to produce $20 each
until recently. Among those who
have received the lighter fines re
cently are Ira Hatchings of Cor-
vallis and Dr. Guy Mount, of Ore
gon City, both arrested yesterday
by Traffie Officer Rollau Parrent
Hntchings was booked for making j
30 miles an hour on Court near
Winter street while Dr. Movent!
was checked by Officer Parremt
for speeding at 32 miles an hour
on Capitol near Marlon street.'.
For Better Tallies
Visit our, work clothes depart
ment. The Man's Shop, 416
State street. Adv.
High Grade Player Pianos
Standard makes. $385. Tall
man Piano store, 121 S. Com'l.
Money sun Comes
Much money, bales and oodles
of it. still comes into the county
tax collector's office, in payment
for taxes for 1921. The clerks
hare caught np with the rush of
over-due mail that had piled np
on them during the rush that
ended on April 5, but new taxes
are still being paid with alacrity
and green currency, and they are
comfortably busy taking in this
regular money to support the
Good Heavyweight
Blue overall 95c. The Man's
Shop, 416 State street. Adv.
dominating Petition Blanks
Secure them at the Statesman
(legal, dept.) upstairs. Adv.
Club Leader Here
A. C. Seymour and wife of Cor
vaili were Salem visitors Thurs
day. Professor Seymour Is super
intendent of the Boys' and .Girls'
club work for the state: with
headquarters at 0-A.C.
For Better Values-
Visit our work clothes depart
ment. The Man's Shop, 41
State street. Adv.
T-W Studio Moved to 433
Court st. Geo. L. Weigel, Prop.
Adv. .
They All Looked
A prominent Oregonian who re
cently visited in Tillamook, tells
this story: "There were 10 men
and one woman, each armed with
one or two grips, waiting for the
Portland train. Wheen it came In,
they picked np their baggSge' atfdT
started. A bystander shouted 'Hi,
there, your grip's a-leakln'!" I'll
swear that every one of the 10
men and the woman also -stop
ped, blushed, and Btarted in to
investigate the grip in his hand.
Now I have wondered what they
thought they'd Hnd?"
Pansy Planes
Hardy seal
Blooming. E .
State. AdT.
grown plants
B. JFIake. 273
Just Arrived
Large carload of
cedar fence posts.
Logging Company.
7-foot split
Frolic Planned
A new feature is to be at Wil
lamette. It la a junior frolic to
replace the time honored '"junior
prom" of the junior class. The
jurifors announce that this will
be the crowning event of the May
week-end. This frolic will be in
the nature of a lawn-fete and will
be held on the campus. Cardina'
and gold lanterns will dominate
the color scheme. It is planned
as far as possible to have students
and guests masquerade. Games
and stunts for lawn parties and
stunts will be featured.
People Use Swift's Fertiliser
Because It makes them money,
See C. 8. Bowna or phone 15S
AdT. .
MARION E. W. Haines, John
C Murphy, Lee Anderson, J. J
Conley. H. L. Hall, C. B. Brown
W.' H. Adams. W. M. Norton. A
C. Spencer, M. H, Nichols, Col
and Mrs. C. C. Hammond, A. A,
Crissell, A. Zenner, A. C. Hull
13. G. Curtis. P. B. Sibley. G. C
Bishop, L. . Grace Holmes, H. W
Dickinson, Portland; George M
Heeler, Tacoma; Mrs. F. L. Holt
William: N. G. Wallace. Crook
county; Mrs. Gordon,; Voorhies,
Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Clifford, Omaha; W. M. Vreeland
Oakland; Jake Larsen, Spokane
H. . Lorenz, Milwaukee; E.
Hamilton, Baltimore.
BLIGH T. A. Shafer, Ray
Brookings, Julia Jensen, Julius
HelwlgV'Rey. J. Farley, J. F
Brake, Portland; J. F. ' Kelsey
G. C. Kelsey, Eugene; E. J.
HUNV Evelyn E. Hunt died at a
local hospital April 20 at the
age of 3 years. Funeral services
will be held from the Webb &
Clough chapel Saturday, April
22 at 2 p. m.. Evelyn E. Hunt
was the baay of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Hunt.
GRIFFIN In Salem. April 19
Dr. D. F. Griffin, age 64 years,
husband of Barbara H. Griffin
and father ot Delos B. Griffin.
Announcement ot funeral later
by. the Rigdon mortuary.
HALL In this city, April 20. J
W. Hall. Body at the Rigdon
PALANDER In this city, April
19, Angele Palander, age 19
years. Body at Tilgdon's mr
Webb & Clough
' Ltiimz Funeral
Expert Embalaers
Brown, McMinnTllle; A. V. Read
er, Gresham; Joe Frank. Chicago;
Mr. and Mrs.' W. II. Rank. Seat
tle; J. A. Connell. Minneapolis.
TERMINAL O. G, Larson. Sll-
vertoa; C C. Cleek. Albany; Mrs.
J. U Locke, Mrs. W. H. White.
Miss Emma White. E. B. Enrin.
Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lat-
ta, ETerett; I. M. Gile, Parker
Hartley, Miss Maril Rosendenhal,
, Abundant Health is ass a red
when there is good blood in the
Teins. Hood's Sarsaparilla la the
medicine to make good blood. Be
gin taking It sow. It is just what
the system needs at this time and
will do you great good. Sharpens
the appetite, steadies the nerves.
Busy days on farms.
Speaking of radio and every
ldy doing It a Southern, Tacif
lc train that left Los Angeles for
Sty Orleans of the 9th carried a
radio outfH, and the passenger?
picl ed np musical concerts hand
reds ot miles away as they Journ
ered eastward. Wonders wil
never cease.
Are yon observing forest pro-l
tecUon week, by resolving tha
you will be careful with fires th
coming summer?
o S
At Genoa there is no big four.
big three, no big two evtn, bu?
ust one big Injun, Lloyd George
And he thinks he is going u
make the conference a success.
The naming of the shipping
board's vessels for the president?
after the names are all used np.
will be followed, it is said, wltfc
the names ot the vice presidents.
This will stimulate curiosity i
not the study of American history.
Senator Shortridge of Califor
nia proposes a S24 a year poll tax
on all aliens. That would help in
getting more revenue.
A Chicaeo-Kew York air lin
equipped with passenger planes to
cost 12,000,000 each and to havr
a capacity of 25,000 pounds of ex
tra freight, is being planned by a
company in which Mrs. Edith
Rockefeller McCormick is inter
Babv Evelvn Hunt Dies
' -. i
After Suffering Burns
Two-year-oia Evelyn Hunt,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt
of Auburn, died yesterday mprn-
lng as a result of burns received
Wednesday afternoon. The child
was bnrned while nlaving near a
stove and the flames were exting
uished with water by an older sis
ter. '
ti,- .haent frnm
home at the time of the accident
and a neighbor called medical aid
The baby was brought to Salem
and was cared ror at the Deacon
at less than half they werej
one year ago and we believe
at " a lower price than they
will be sold fjr a long time to
come, for the reason a new
tariff bill is in the making
and as these goods are im
ported they win be higher in
price very soon.
9x12, Price $535
8x10, Price $435
6x9, Price $345
These are in Tans, Blues
and Greens and are just the
thing for bedrooms where you
want beauty without paying a
high price for it.
Saturday, April 22, only at
these special prices.
A big drop on Gold. Seal
uongoieum Kugs our price
on 9x12, $13.75.
ess, hospital. She died early yes
terday morning. ,
-Jatx is a negro reatlon. ' Only
, Established 1SG3.
General Baxdrinff Business
Office Hoars from 10 a. m. to 3 p. tri, "
High Class Equilibrists
inTbusiness for fun
a Thrilling: Drama of America's Southwest
Matinee 25c Evening 33c
Free candy for the children every
Saturday-Sunday Matinee
1111 TTm iiiiiii n i i V-
Umax! wjm
Gold Seal
j v4tT-"RTTnC
THAT seal guarantees you satisfaction" says the
salesman as he points to it on the rug. -- r
We have no hesitation in recommendine Gold-Seal Con- . .
goleum Art-Rugs because
yihtrc a low-priced, long-wearing floor-covering is disircd.
They are waterproof, sanitary, and quickly cleaned with"
, a damp mop. the smooth
flirt nr .fina -
(They are wonderfully
beautiful and in good taste
sor every room.
li.,r it '.! .
cu every neoieum
1 1 UB on me oasis ox oatis-
(action Guaranteed or your
Money Back. 9
J The largest stock of
Congoleum and Congo-
feum Rugs in Salem,
Rostein & Greenbaum
Flowers, Wreaths, Fruits and Foliage In nig' Vari
ety.: Hats. Ready to wear. The newest and best
of material. The best assortment and lowest prices.
Be sure and visit this department Expert trim
mers ready to supply your wants.
Ladies' Sleeveless Vests
15c, 18c, 19c, 25c, 29c up
. Ladies' Union Suits
50c, 63c, 73c, 85c, $1.00 up
Imported Organdies. Beautiful colors. . Medizn
and High Grade
Curtain Goods
$1.00 Etamine 50c a yard
50c Marquisette 35c a yd.
50c Marquisette, lace edge
35c a yard. '
-75c Figured Swiss 40c yd.
Fillie net 50c, 39c, 35c yd.
240 and 246
a negro orchestra can play it with
the rhythm anequaied,' 1 no col
ored man has a wonderful concep
tion of "time In music
vv 1 I
nothing else serves so well
V 1 11
: I
firm surface does not take up
' - .. - "
Silkalcnes, 36 in. 17c a yd.
Romper Cloth, 32-in., 23c
Dress Ginghams, 32in. 25c
Voiles, 4ft-inch, pretty pat
; trens, 47c a yard.
Wash Goods
Dotted Swiss. ; i Lawns.
Beach Qoth. . Poplin.
Duretta Cloth. Pique.
Pink or White Cambric
Figured and Plain Nain
sook. -
North Ccmmerrial