V 1 SPO SXSeW PWf I .CXJLSSTXZS AOTKXTZtXXZXTI - -. ... JUM ff WWfdl , p bwrtto -1 , - la 60 ITbreo' iaeerttoua 0a week (six Insertions) 6e ' 0' fttr',,.-' m- r ' I., .mi lOt j . Six moaths' eeatreet, per n 1 So hi bmUi' ntnd, pt nso He Mlaimna far any idTiniMMil, 86e , . xoTtwicn xnnos t- ' rmn insurance society .TbJetam, Roland BuYghardt ru-side Agent 871 Bute St. MONEY JO LpN On Real Ertate ' T. K. FORD (Orer Levdd Biuh Bank) NEW TODAY BLACK CAP RASP BE RET PLANTS Chnaberland. Mr Brer. Plnra Tanner. Amf a-natrtr. 28 for T eeata, daliv- wara &. KtettarcMft. t IlOO CASlt 10 MOXTOLT BUT8 A 10 ara tract, all In ealtiration, 7 sailaa ' eoata or 8alea. taiatoa ' and i Darby, TWO APARTlfEXT BITES TOU CAS'T aatch. ; $9,000 an 4 911,000, both larra iroraara' with aTcrrthiaK, and build in g bat will a boat carry Back Hendricka I SOS U-S. Bank Bide. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED EXPERI- . aneo and . food reference oeaaaary. Apply, at oaca, Jtoom o, iV Breymaa USED FISCHER PIAXO MAHOGANY I caaacrf 19Q. Call 5Q Court itftet.':: SIX ROOM HOKE AND. LOTS FOB 2500. This at edre of town on ftna atreet c1o to car and paTamenf. 91000 4a handla." Posaaaaioa in three weak. Boeko Hendricka. 305 U. 8. Bank Mrs. W. W. Williams, ronte 6, Salem. WANTED . 6IRL TOR GENERAL I - hoasaworavvPbonaT 15 1.(05 V. Lib- LIGHT BRAHAMA HATCHIND EG0S - Honth Hth.. Phone 1040-J. SMALL' APARTMENT t HOUSE ' FOR , kkla on excellent tarma. Thia will make aroa rood bomo oad net TOO $85 - month. $7000 investment over ..all. $2,000 will beadle Beeka Beadncka, SOS U. 8. Bank Bide. 'UPRIGHT PJASO OAK 0A8B. GOOD rendition. Cost paw $475. . Will take I 1S0 for ft. This Is a bargain. . 450 Oourt street. WANTED BOARDERS. PRXYATB FAMU tiy. 4. 0. iiga t y rut , FOR RENT BEDROOM, HOME PRZYIf legea. 68 M. mghT ..... FOR SALE, CHEAP SEW BLUE WOLF far. 689 High. .. , 4 THAT LOT WHETHER TOU WAST A 300 or a 81500. we eaa show you letter one for lose. $100 down bays a real fine residence let sovth. Beeke A Hendricks. 205 C. 8. Bank Bldg. 1 MASSAGE FOR ALL NERVOUS Dis eases $86 North High, apartment 8. Krenings and Sundays. LOST ' TUESDAY NIGHT. BLACK skunk scarf and light bine turban, bs twees. Salem, and Oregon City. ;Findet return to Statesman, iuwara. WANTED 8PRINO. WAGOS WHEELS. -piHNMt4BV. !V 'i vy ..-1 I HAYS CUSTOMERS WHO DESIRE so -nnrehase homes. Call at once and list your property with sad If yon desire to soil 1 am pattmg on 'extra neip, therefore can attend to your business promptly. John H Scott, 228 Oregon '. DBUUUII ... V -. 1 man grade player pianos 1 Standard makes, $385. Tallman Piano Store, 121 8. Commercial. FOR RENT THREE ROOM FURNISH- ed apartment $05." ' Phono 902-w. FOR SALE BRITISH QUEEN AND Netted Gtra seed potatoes. .Phone 85F4. O. W. Fruit, Brooks,. Oregon. WltT DENY YOURSELF TIRE INSCR- ance and risk losing your all, when our rates are so reasonable t Place your in- auranea-with tia- -todaTl rttandley1-. A Foley, agentai Buah Bank Bldg. Phone 7. -.., v-". M SNAP 25 ACRES OF FIRST CLA83 land all cultivated ( 8 acres ia logans with strawberries set between. ,14 ... - - - . " 1 la cabbage; small house, good barn, I em vnruii ir ,i ww t.vw( half eaah, balance payahie 9300 Ser il- rear. Ixkeated 7 milea east near. verton:.Rd.. W. IL, Grabonhorst 4 Co. JT5 State street. MEN WANTEIWGOODa.VOSEY ALSO city and county -represent at ires. , See Mr. Nelsoa. SuiU, 2l,Eldridge loteL FATRMOUNT HILIt THREE ROOM bangalow and three lota, 50x150, each . fine view. - Price $2000. W. H. Grab- f anhorst Ce ,J7 Stat street. HIGH GRADE. . STANDARD MAKE .. Pianos. $225, teraka.- Tallman Piano store, 121 8.CommerciaL R.' L RED OnCK8 FRTDAT DELlV- ery. $16 pes hundred. vMra. Frank Barnett, roata, 4; gslem; ' Oregon. .GOOD) .BUYS ' Fiva acres all cultivated. SUi acrea In logins, nearlf 4 acre ot strawberries. Located 6 milea out. Price 81800. Fine IS acre home place on Gardm road with 9 room bouse. ..Prico 310,000. 100 acre farm wtvv stock-and machinery; all cultivated, buildings :" best 'of' soil-: .- located south ot Independence. Price $13,000: terms. 80 acres. 40 plow land, balance mostly timber; email shack and garage, also family fruit on place. Located 7 . suiiee south. Price 98,800. 4 Terms. Real Estate and Fire lass ranee W. Hi Urabenhorst & iiiSTSI 276 Bute Street - Best Buys Exchanges lv acrea, coops for 1000 bsaa, lVh ntUes Flre OUL 81100 eaah 15 acres timber, best of aoil, 4K' miles eat. f z ww, ft eaaa. 15 acres. 6 cleared. 12, first growth fir. saw 0 room house, arn, ooope, all fenced. 1 wells. mUes out. $3250. $1350 eaaou V f ,i . 20 acres, , all eultivated, good impreve- snenta, woven wire fenced, at city limits, exchange for acreage or resi- deneo U Salem. $4,000. ' 150 acres. 90 general cron. 10 prunes. 9 roam hoaaa, good; barst i miles south, fine trait ranch possibility. Only $90 per acre, terms. Want $1000 lose on 160 acrea improved :: i S41 State ..-o,' .... NpWCSSIllTn . Notice t$ hereby riven that the partnerthlrnUtelF nbslstliirl be tween us-;-the ttnderilgneri c- Watson, K J. Kavanagri and Al- ton, it. II ur ley, carrying on busi- uesa as the Fnlrmount dairy, at Salem, Oregon, was on, the 1.9th dajH ot 'April.; 1J22J dissolved by mntoal cortsent, and that the busi ness In future will be carried on hF the Said Alton TV TTnrlaw nlona (who will pay and discharge 'all debts and llabnitieay and Tecelre . uivucji ya.jm.uiv- tOj IBS PXiU lata firm). .- v. i " .: ,j . i ALTON D. HTJLET, - ; LC J. KAVANAGn,' S 7. . r-a Qt .watson THE OREGON STATESMAN, :newtoday BARGAIN SIX ROOJt HOUSE WITH basement, modern; plumbing, - lights; near echoot. Price $1300 rr sIt oo. W. JL Orabcnberst uo, a isie slreet - t. EMPLOYMENT KALE EXPERIENCED SOIA-FOUNTAIN MaN wsnteeVl Apply ra person to Andrew h Kerr, Corrallis, Oregon. I waittftj enxroetto : tocko ma wm Ui u experience sailing lift Insurance, stocks or advertising. Vast be able, to devoto his entire tun and v - . . . . ' . . . w . - have the-eoaraxo . te or (ant basiaess proposition ta merchants and profee aioaal men. Answer in your own hand- I r writing, stating age. educational quali- - n cations, exper lenee-oe solicitor, etc AaCrees "I-Mo. si." statesman office. KX KALB AJTD TZXAXB HELP WASTEI GOOD PAT, 8TEADY work Drawer C38, -Dallas, Orejoa. I WASTED HE3T ' AJTD "W0MEK TO i tak farm paper nbtertptkana. A nod sareu Baton. Or. - personal: KASSAjQK AND KXZKCISE8 STEAK i eabinrt, ladiaa only. Mr. Kat Brows, Swedish cradoata. , ioa uratoa sicg, naao ov. - - "THE BLIMD MAX" Z AM SOMETIMES i eaileo ixcaaia ox jay creat wteresi i" window and poren tnnat. i oo carry the beat window and porch abadea, and dasiro very mock' to ' bia on an f saw and replacement looav aiax v. ; Boran, 179 a. uonunareiak GET MARRIED BEST . MATRIMONIAL ? Corrctpondent. Tolwlo, Onio. Mm' FOR SALE BABT BTOPXiXEB 1 1 TOSH BABT BUGGIES THE LIGHT. i 1. L J T aAV aam aenlaia eftm A sawtaa n at 1 &UaAU ' BMUW )iMI bjh meriu of Bturtia carriacM and aulkeyi .Thar hero many. Max O.' Baran. 179 N. ooinmTiai. XUSTZTESS OPPORTUNITIES $500 PER MONTH TOD CAN MAKE pauu per montn ana more acting as territory- manager for eastern factory manufacturing high class article.. Bus iness aasr to handle, pleasant and dig nified. Wo helo Ton to n-et started. Investment t $500 and p depending J on territory. Only high clasa men win .. good references considered. For par ticulars write "A-u, -ratateeman. H TARK PAPER UP TOU WANT, TO OET THE .BEST fans paper, send, loo to- me-tactile I It IIIWHIl.il. HW, V(1Vri IW m mmww r.. aaontas , kiu npaenpuona. i meanest this ad. - , OAS ART BIRDS FOB SALS CANARY BIRDS AND pedigreed white Boo tea eoUie pupa, rkrs. S.. A. Baxnatt. 'oheno 1260. LOVE Te adrertiae new store. Cage 1 and supply list free. Import od Rollers our specialty. ' - ' E.' B. FLAKE " BIRDS $S PAIR 278 State. Sslfm CASPETS AND LINOLEUM CORK CARPET PRODUCTS. AND COS rolanm -are apeeiaiiie Bra to me iun t ilt. Ask for" one each of our circulars i entitled, -Permanent lanoieum. jrioors " i'and "How to uare tor .lnoieum.-- I Max O. Buren. 179 N. Commercial. KITCHEN CABINETS VfrDonO AT.T. KNOWS THE KITCHEN I cabinet game from A to . lie brought I nt the VKT FIRST kieh elaaa kite a. ' len cabinet in America. The new Me- Don gall ia a marvel. . Get my prices and t tenue. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com- -merclal. 1 POULTRY WHITE LEGHORN CHIX L214 CENTS i hatching today. -W.-R.'. Baker, Phone . ear. . . FOR BALE 35 BUFF ORPINGTON IM i ported hens; also 8 cockerels. Must t DO sola dt rriaay., an. jmj swiuua, route 7, box 117. j - . EGGS FOR HATCHING ANCONAS. The hens- that lay your errs. Slu for setting of 15. .Pbons 617 or call .1275 . Chnren. ' POULTRYMEN 8ENT EIGHT TWO- eeat stamsa for tnecial three months trial for the best and oldest Jeumal la tho west, - The articles - and adver- tlsementa. are of speeiaL.lntareat. to , tho i poultry preeasrp 01 j tarn . anuvw. Ijn.jet.i st- g, Oregon; lasCXLLAKXOUS FOR. SALE 8,000 POUND EXTRA good team. R, 0. Shepard. Phone j .83F14. . ' . FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 j eenta a bundle.- Cirenlatiosv departmeat, 1 Oregon Btateamaa. ' . V. GLIDDEN'S LINOLEUM TARNISH AND j Johnson's Floor 1 Wax. ' Ask uk. the - parueuiar mania ana purposes ot eaoa. I Max O., Buren, 4 17$ -K.-Commercial, iBalam. 7. ;. ; . " ' RUG TRICES LOWER 1922 DESIGNS colors and qualities art most gratifying. nleta. - Max O Butts 179 N. Gam. t merclal, Salem., ...... . - ? THS HOUSE OF. BALF AC MDLXION and eaa bargains. We bay, sou or exchange-anytBiBff pad wrerythme'tn 1 the llxs of funk or second hand goods. t eoe us Peiere you par or sell, btein- pock rfunx tjo- tcemembor tna piaeu, 403 M. Oemmerelat en.' raone 533. ("Beautiful; Oregon 'Rose" and eleven" other Oregon eongs, together 1 witn a line xeitectKra - or patriotic songs, sacred pongs' and manf old-time J lavorites 't ALL FOB 25e (Soeeial nricaa'tn aoantitv lota) eaoau- Bend for XL , , Published br 1 edition. OREGON TEACHERS M0NTHLT 218 8. Commercial St. Salem. Ore. WOOD" NICE DRY FOUR FOOT SECOND, FIR wood, $6; 1$ inch, $7. ; Pboas 154, ot after oiitee pours eaa. - " OLD GROWTH 16 INCH. FIR $8 i ft tecond 1 frowth, - $0.00. ; i Pacne FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD 1 second growth; 4 ft, or 16 in. Fred i E. Wells. Phone 1542. 805 S. Church 18 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD ifS.bO per load. Dry planer weed. $3.50 - per seed, ; Tracy ' Wood op. Phono 580. . -r F0R RENT apartments FOR RENT five-room unfurnish fed apartment, dose, in: adults.. 465 .'Center. .. A- FURNISHED APARTMENT TOR RENT t Close in. sPaone ISIo-m. - I for rent furnished apartment I r two, with bath. Private entrance, I Also garden. 1296 Marion street. f"??8"?0-APAI APARTMENT FOB RE3T 899 NORTH OommerciaL w.. & v . . ,. ; . MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENTS 'For rent. The Angelus. Phone 1524. oaa junoa. SALEM, OREGON FOR RENT SO0M1 FOB RENT UARGK FBONT BLEEPING room. ST1 Jl. High St. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooms and: garage. $20. 6i state etre. inoao HS-R. ARLIXGT0X HOTEL CLXAK. COST; 60s pp. 482 State. sLtrsrPTsa. Eoxnrs -4- reasonable; Light, beat, pbone, batb, garage, uen tlented or r married ' raupie preferred. t Board If desired. 2G3 S. Iiigh. CLEAK. !EAT SLEEPING ROOMS. $ n PS &a am Anutmanta. $5 i Tb Leonard, HouL tM X . Front, f Phono 1802. HOME FOB BJENT FOB 6KNTL1VMAS desirable roosa, in moderm noma wiu au epsTcnieneeS. Plaaaa xItp name and reference. Adlreaa "A3.? ear BUtea- man.- . HOTJSXS FOR RENT OROf'E'KY AND C0NTEC , tkinenr. 25 ner month. 87 Sooth i 12th street. ' ' LOST AND FOUND ; TOUXD FOUND A WAT TO KEEP LINOLEUM ! from erseking, bnckling and rorlinf np Get my leaflet entitled "Permaaent Linolenm Floora." Max O. Buren, 179 ! ,N. Conuaerrial. WANTED , ICSCELXtABZOTTB OLD MATTRBSSES MADS OYER : Capital QRy Beddiag Co. t Phono WANTED FURNITURE. Pbons 611. TOOLS. ETC. ANTED EVEKTTtllNO IS HARD ' ware and fern it-ore. ' Best prices paid THE CAPITAL HARD WARS FURNITURE CO. 386 K. Commercial St. ' Phono $47 WANTED FURNITUrtK. TOOLS, MA--. ehinery, stoek. ate. Will bny far eaah or - salt on eommiagiea. Phono 611. Wood ry. the Anctkmoer. t BUSINESS CARDS AUCTI0SXER AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY. , THE Urostoek,. furniture, peal patato ane tkmoor. -'Phone 611 tor'aale dates. Res. 18J0 N. 8trnrmer. ' ' Auto Directory PAXBTIByt RUSH THE AUTO PAINTER. STATE and Front streets. AUTO TOP AUTO - TOP UPHOLSTERY , WORK gnarantsaacfc . a ponsa aataw t araswo 1126. ' RADIATOR SHOPS O. BATR, RADIATORS, FENDERS. Bodies repaired. , 444 Ferry. USED CARS' TO TRADE CHEVROLET BUG AND 8-speed Harley for light 'ear. Phone evenings. 65F2. $50 FOR QUICK SALE , JUST THE thing for light delivery or Dag, Chev rolet chassis, i See Colonel J. Olmsted, , Salem Laundry Co, or call Oleson's garage., t ' ' - TIRES AMD AC0ESS0RXES TOSSEAU CARPET RUNNING BOARD linoleum; auto paint and enamel. Max O. Buren, 179 N. ComniereiaX Salem. RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM, AUTO carpet, auto enamel and paint. Atax O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST stone pruuea. run euta ana piowouia. Tho Hydto-Toron Tiro, for sale by Yew Park store. 12th and Leslie, phone w TRUCSB FOR SALE OR TRADE REO TRUCK. 1WZ1 model, perfect eouditwa. Will I trade for real . estate, produce or will 1 aall on easy terms. Thia ia su exeep- ticnallv nnd huv. It vart want a rami good bargain' apply Immediately. Phone or call. The People's Oaah Store. BATTERT AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU- bie shooting, sis S.t tugk. .Phone PRESTO-LITE BATTERT SERVICE station. Expert battery end electrical worfc ,:f arris Bros. Phone 1808. 418 Court. OARAGS AND BEPAZX FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED. BoJeot Auto Radiator Eaop. IS a. ; lth atreet. . . , . CAPITAL GAKAGR BUICK, 8TUDE- , baker repairing. , , 7$ Bopth Liberty, 'phone 88. ! ACETYLENE WELDING WELDING AND BRAZING . IRON, I steel, brass, aluminum, bring the piecea. I 837 Court St, Phone 488. Oxo-Gaa f Heating Co.- ; BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTT (Parlor, 110 North Commareial Sa treat. Phone 956. - - OARPESTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, PLANS furnished free. B. W. Molntire. A40P Tf. Church. ' CH2NESB PHY 81 CIAS DR. L. M. HUM- CURES AST KNOWN disease. ' 156 S. High Bt,' phono 288. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 406 COURT Phono 184. .XTNANCZAL - MONET TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. L. A. Hayford. 805 State atreet. MARION-POLK OOUNTT FARM LOAN : aasaeiatioa has money - to loaa at aix percent. W. D. Smith, aoeretary-treaa-i urer. 808 Salem Bank of Commerce. WANTED To .borrow. $1500 for three years. . Will give first mortgage oa - I9f acrea oi : t. THOMASON '-State street $200 DISCOUNT WILL BE ALLOWED on an A-l $1300 6 seeoad mortgage. . Has not quite four years to run. First . mortgage federal loan. An -investor 1 wanting 10 interest should investi "gate this. " A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple - Salem, Oregon 20 YEAR FARM LOANS OS RURAL credit plan, p re-payment provisions al f towed. Wa will fiuaaea von for a leas ' rata of interest than any firm on the eoast. Private monsy to loss ea either eity or - country proptTty. - - " .;. MARSTERS BROS. ' 411 Oregon 1dc. '" EXECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING I By contract, !, by boor. At pre-war prices, it. W. Hatch, pboue 1203 J. FOUNDRIES SALEM IRON WORKS GRET IRON , eastings..- drax -saw machiaea. eentri- t fugal pomps, heavy machinery. Front ' nnd Statu streets. - Read :- the Classified ; Ads. " - - - rrTTTTTOTk V t rT VTTVr' 'A TrTT . Of 1 OOO ' . BUSINESS CARDS rUWTTTTRB ST0IXS rRANK r. xicirr e x e w. bscokd hand fnraitara, . MP tf. laamereiaJ PboM 452. . FURNITURE PRICES DOWsr IRON beds, $; all steel bed springs, $5.40; cotton raattrrsi.e, $8; oak dining chairs, ft; all steel army eota, $3.50; Max O. Buren, 179 . X. Commercial, Salem. Ladies' ; Wearing Apparel FASCT WORK NEEDLEWORK AKD EMBRODSRT shop. Jeasie MeCnne. Tallman's Piano Store. 131 Soath CommereiaL DBJESXMAKTTfQ CARRIE FISHES DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer eorseu to ordar. 2 MeCornaek Bide. the ADsrrrs arb prepared to do nay and all kinds of ladies' tailor ing, for old and new customers. . 852 N. 12th St. Phone 2085-R. WASTED PLATS SEWING AND HAND work. Call 631-B. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING FOR particular people. Specialty on work manship as well as prices. 107$ -Oak St. Mrs. Lea A. Swoape. Telephone 981. MXSDAME3, SCOTT CHASE DRESS-, :makera. 31P State St. - Phone 937. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER 1710 Belleme 8t, HEM2TITCH1NO HEMSTITCHING, 548 STATS ST. tlX Iger Sewing Machine Co. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. ; pleating, buttons, stamping and noedlo ;work. 829 Oregon Bldg. Phone 879. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. 'Stamping; braUMng; hand embroidery, i buttons. Room 10, orer Miller's store, i Salem, Oregon, Phone 117. MRS.- BRECKENRTDGS HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders solicited. 175 S. 19th. Phone 174-M. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 188 8. Liberty street, rnone 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM. LAUNDRY quality work, prompt service. , 1364. Broadway. Phone 165; MILLINERY HAT 8 FROM $1 UP MRS. a A Grimm. 519 . Court St. MATERNITY NURSING MATERNITY NURSING WANTED. IN privste homo. - Phone 1694-J. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phono S1T-W. NURSERY STOCK CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS.- ANY quantity, wara v. Jtuenardaon. COMPLETE LINE - TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur aery Co., 436 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75 FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD. Back of off ice.. 540 State St. Phone 1140-M. t FOR SALE LITTLE'S IMPROVED Cory's thornless blackberry plants. Heaviest producers and best flavored. Write for pamphlet and 'pries list. 0. A. Little. Bebaatopol. Calif. PLUMS IN CI PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1897-4. Shop 137 Union street, a. l. woorrey. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCBIF- tions for all msgasines. , 251, 8. 17th. street, mono vai-ai. HURSINO NURSE HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. ' 449 North High. PAINTINO CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH ' ' class work for particular people., L. D. Brandon, contractor. 865 North High. mon.043-j. - - : . AUBREY H, CLARK PAINTING. PAP i " p , " a. Kaieouunuig. ' yvotk rnar an teed. 2035-J. Terms -. reasonable. Phone 1464 Ferry. PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. Ex tracts., toilet articles. 'Mrs. Moyer, 170 South 23rd. Phone - 1224. PRXSTnro FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, sea Bartolaon, printer. 'Y" Building. : SIGNS UNION SIGN 00. SIGNS WITH KICK Sboweardp that talk. 424 N. Commar eial. Pbons 546. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, RE- ruse or ail kinds removeo. - Des spools cleaned. , Pboue 16T.r RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON- aoie prices. Johnson Barry. J.59 S. High. , CHERRY CITY RESTAURANT HOME stylo meals. Good service, state and High. SAVE MONEY BY EATING AT RXS- taurant upstairs. 18a Bouth Commer cial. ' .FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO erdr. Kermis b in g and aphobuering a specialty. Phons 1742. Brown and Proves, 1201 Booth Commercial. HOTELS CMERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND J board. Lunch counter. Opposite O. E. Depot. State and High. XSSTJRASCB MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE eompaay. J. u. Batch, agent, room 6, : MnCoraack Bldg-. Phone 96. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG Ferry. NOODLE HOUSE. 439 BIS SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP auey. sue; puffed rice, zoe; noodles. 30c; fried noodles. SOe, 1U 8. Lib erty. STUDIOS OE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING- DIF- rerent in pnotoa-renbv. 147 N. Com'L SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. ' STOVES AND. STOVE REPAIRING . STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED an years experience, uepot .National fescs, sites 26 to 28 inches high Ealnta, oil and varnishes, etc, logai erry and hop hooka. Salem Funee and Stove Works. 250 Court street. - mono ix. -. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND -hand clothing and shoes. Ala de : cleaning,, pressing and repairing. Call , and deliver Capital Exchange. 843 - north Commercial. Pbons 1368-W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, . eollaiy pads, tools and f chains. - Fred. Sehindlec. ; t 153 Center street.- - .--' ' " - "" Read - Uie Classifieri - fids.' BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAI, MKS. HENRY LEE PIANO. U31 X. CapttoL FP. IQITW;-- ' V; DOROTHY PEAECS PIAXO, 167 orth W<er. Ptoae $W. . B3EATRICK SHELTON- -rl A NO 8TCDIO. 343 Maiion. Phop 1299. MOLLIS STYLES VOICE, " PLAXO 859 Center. Phono .301 eVR. - - RAG AND JAEZ PIASO PLAYING 12 lessons caaraataed. Waterman sys tem. F. B. Clark. Mgr, 444 State. MIS3 MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO player; daneee, ail oeeaaiona. 157 K. -Liberty. WESTERN CCKSfcKYATORY OF MUS je of Cfeieaco. Frank X. Ckarckill. rep reaentatiTe. Dipkfas traated. Odd Fellows' Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AH branches taught, dipjemaa granted. John R. Sites, director. 1X8T Co art. Phone 625, TOTTERS JACK MULLIGAN PIAIfO TUNER: At oe re-Dunn 0. Ropreseptatfre of Sherman Clay Co. Phono 600. EDWARD WF.LP 2XPERIENCED piano toner. Learo orders Will's Musis Store. JTALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Taning, refnushiag; roboilding; player piano expert. Phone 1058. 131 Sooth Coramrril. , PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS, STEIN ways. Duo-Art, and others. - M oo re Thin n Music Store. Masonic Temple. DANCXSO PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE dances. Mrs. White. Phone 278-J. MTJSIO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS, PHONO-grsphs,- sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machinse. 438 State, Salem. TAILORS FRANK PALM, TAILOR 211 SOUTH High, corner Ferry. Suits made to order. - Cleaning, pressing. ' repairing. TRANSPORTATION P"ARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stago Terminal Salem, Oregon Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal; i :uu a.m. ii:uu a.m. o :w p.m. Leaves Silverton News 8tand: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Salem-Indcpendence-Monmouth Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Terminal: 7 a.m. 9 a.m. il ajn. 8 p.m. 5 p.m. Leaves ilonmoufa, "Monmoath Motel: 8:15 a.m. 1 p.m. 6:1d p.m. Leaves' Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30-a.m. 10 a.m. l:la p.m. 4 p.m. 6:30 We make connections at Salem to all parte of the valley. Extra trips by appointment. J. W. PARKER, General Mgr. SLLYERTON- MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. M. Stages Souht Bound Schedule North Bound . Read down Read up Dir. Dry. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly No 6 No. 3 No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 No PM. PM. AM. -A.M. P.M. PM. 6;00 1:30 8:00 Prtl'd 10:30 4:00 8:30 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt.Ael 6:25 1:55 6:25 8!30 4;00 10:30 SUvt'n 8:00 1:30 6:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. . lv. lv. lv, Sunday only 8 :00 pan. fm. ' Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal. Portland and JSteeiehammer's Drue Store. 811Vrton WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. .Phone 2046.' Fisher Bros. wood -sawing, phone iisi. country. Ed. Sproed. CITY, TRANSFER HAULING MERCHANTS TRANSFER 159 S. High. Phono 252. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phons 938. Distributing, lorwaraing ana storage our apeeiaity. uet our rates. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE . - bold goods. ' Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make country trips. Ws handle tha best coal . and wood. Call oa ua for prices. We give . good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. - Stores everything except ex plositeaj. -- Apply Fry 'a Drug Store. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 801 South Com'l St. Tan per cent discount oa domestio fist rates paid is advance. No deductions for absence or any causa unless water is shut off your premises. PROFFESIONAL - CHIROPODISTS . J. , FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 822 State St. Patton Bldg. Phone 967. OPTICIASB GLASSES FITTED BT DR. L B, BUR- dette at 'the Bow Optical Company, 825 State street, opposite LaOd- and Bush Bank. POME ROY A KEENS JEWELERS. AND Optometrists. 888 State. CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTORS Drs. Bradford Bradford Graduates and post graduates of CAR VER College, Oklahoma City FIRST CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGE in the WORLD. Ten years prac tice. Consultation and examination free. Suite 318 Oregon Bldg. Phone 626. DR. O. L. SCOTT. P.8.C CHIROPRAO . tor, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Pkone 87; res- 828-R. PHYSICIANS DR. GRIFFIN OFFICE. STAGE TER- minal building. Specialty: piles (new metnoa, no knife) ; female diseases. Stomsch, nervousness. constipation, rneumatism, omg addiction. OSTEOPATH! CP HYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND U. 8. Bank Bldg. MARSHALL. 806 DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC : Physician and surgeon. . Kirkaville graauate, h-s u. b. National Bank uix. -jruuuu, ouicev pip: res. Die. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR- mities of the feet corrected without maa ot time from yoar occupation. Drs. White and Marshall, U. 8. Bank Bldg. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC i-nysician ana surgeon, 403-404 . Ore gon Biag. ,1-bones, of nee, 1394; res 63af5, --'' LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS camp s. Armory. First. thir4 Monday a REAL. ESTATE WOULD TOU LIKE A GOOD FARM I larxe or small I fruit, or berry tracts! City lot, and lots of eity homes, we may l have the one you are locking for. Sea L A. HAYFORD , ' ;" 0J5 State streetl tlTY HOUSES CTTT LOTS, BUNG A ' lows,-small and largo acreage, ensa la 'no. la out; exchanges - ha eity and country. Brown A Magee, over. Bus- r " J? .ovate pad Commercial, REAL' ESTATE $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH: $80) to $tlH rvfe. 5 lot on Capitol atreeV lcwe',, n Streets; pTed atretrt; all iatprOTmftita paid. Darts '., it HoJman. Inc., X 8-oiia St," Port lanJ, Orerott. LOTS OF LOTS Over a 100 all pricesi and scattered over . town. A few of them bargains. Let mo help joa pick one. . Wat. Fleming. 841 State - street. MR. HOME BUTE1W TOO CAN BUT A 6 room bungalow lean than a year old for $500 leaa than I waa offered for it nine months ago. Has basement, Dutrh kitchen, cloaeta and - aWepiag porch.. $1000 wiU hap dip it. Sea it todKy. 13$ Let fella. ANDERSON RUPERT ' 8ucsort to Laflar A Leflax INSURANCE ' REAL X&TATB BONDS LOANS 406-7 Ore gnu Bide FOR SALE 7 ACRES MOSTLY IN fruit, with modern home; oa - good road and elose -to city. One of the finest poultry ranches In the valley. Square Deal Co. 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. First Class Bungalow $3000 Choice location 6 bfoCks from state bouse grounds. Paved street, cement walks. full basement, furnace, built-iaa, etc. Owner is leaving city and will sacrifice their $3800 property for $3000. Terms. S. R. PEARSON 210-211 U. S. Bank Bldg. BUY HOME FROM OWNER LARGE corner lot, 2 good 8-room houses; one modern with full basement; other double house and partly modern. Ex cellent investment. Wide paved atreet. Cement walks; close in; easy rented. Address P. C. Rosenberger, R. F. D. No. 1, Linnton, Ore. PERSONAL SERVICE When you want to find aomething in the way of a home in town or country, ana do not want to be haraaaed by a mul tiplicity of ageneiea, tell me what' you want, and in meat eases I will pro duce it. If I do not, it will coat you nothing; and when I do, the seller pays. William Fleming,' 841 State street. ' Established 1909. 50 Acre Farms New 5 room bouse, good barn, splendid well, about 50 sheep, one team, one cow, so chickens, two set of new har ness, two plows, two cultivators, 'two harrows, one mower, one rake, one wagon, 100 bushel oats, 13 bushel wheat, 4 ton hay. ' Let me tell you of it's many other good features about this place. Only 6 milea from Salem. Will trade for house in Salem or Port land as first payment. - Gertrude , M. Page 492 N. Cottage street Wood's . Bargains Six room bungalow, new; three lota; $2500. New bungalow and one aero. $2500. New bungalow, $1250. ' Five room house and one acre on Electric line at station. $1500. 20 acrea with stock and implements. $4500, trade for house. 80 acrea near Eddyville for house. 1240 acres stock ranche, North Dakota, for valley ranch. 193 acre farm near Sheridan for Canada farm. Five room house and two acres for house in Salem. F. L. Wood, . 841 State street. ' Wanted, Loans We have private money to loaa oa eity or suburban property. We have a fine, well improved ten acres to trade for . city- property. - This is first class. It you want to trade, buy or sen see H. L MARSTERS 313 Grsy Bldg. FOR SALE SIX .ROOM BUNGALOW $2000 down, balance' $35 per month. 1005 Cnemekets street. FOB SALE BUSINESS LOT, CLOSE IN price 8,oow. Krueger, Oregon Bldg. FARM BARGAINS FOR SALE OR Ex change. One of the best 80 acre farms in Marion county. Offered at a very low price. Will accept Salem or Port land property in exchange, or sell on easy terms. Salem residences with terms to suit. Lots on Installment without interest. We loan money on real estate. Write fire insurance. List with us for quick sale. Joseph Barber & Son 200 Grsy Bldg. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT 1148 Norway. See owner Box 228 Garden road. Just outside city limits. BARGAIN SIX ROOM HOUSE ON OAK street. Price $2,000. Terms. Krueger, Oregon uiog. Good Buys and Exchanges Six room modern bouse, one block to ear line, bargain for $1500. Part terms. i Four rooms, part modern, close in south. T: 4 a f r fvt sTtTS TOraTYl m-kesT An ntPAil atOvsmait Ma. mf aaaau vw fwv W J jt p VU 0 W A good farm close to Salem oa . paved road. Will trade for business property lilPtf I W TIlFTtianaWI eMtnM Ml fit SB At J i 1 1 or gooa resiaenre in Hsiem. THOMASON 331 State street REAL VALUES 35 acrea on edge of good town, 14 acres bearing fruit, 8 room house, water piped to house and barn, farm partly equipped. $5,000. Will take soldiers Man and soma trade. 3 acres bearing logans near Salem. $1200. Terms anyone can handle. - 152 acre dairy farm fully equipped. Fine registered stock. . $15,200. This is an unusual buy and can be handled with soms trade snd a soldier's loan. o room modern house on Statu street, fireplace, lot 100 by 150, garage. $5250. V 6 room bouse, large corner lot, fireplace, barn. . 82.300. 5 room ' plastered bouse ; bath, electric nsnts, Duut in; part basement. $1500. xsame your terms. Winnie Pettyjohn 331 State atreet WORTH WHILE A revenue property in Silverton, for- nisnea, eloe in; 3 apartments! will bring $75 per month. , Will exchange for 10 or 15 acres near Salem or towards Portland. Price $4500. Will take place $2,000 te $2,500. A good corner lot in Richmond addition. , taii. Anoiner corner for 035u With $50 down. A 5 room plastered bouse; bath, electric lights. $2,000; $1,000 down. , A3 room house and lot-54x123. $330 Mills & Copley ' 33 14 State atreet PUBLIC NOTICES A otic of tho ImproTemcait of North Summer Street from, the , Korth line pf Market Street to Una boutlt lino of : the Fair grounds Road. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Ssalem, Oregon,,, deems It exped lent and hereby declares its pur pose and intention - to improve North Summer street from the north line of Market street to the south line of the ' Fairgrounds Road at the expense of the abut ting and 'adjacent property, .. ex cept the street and alley Inter sections the expense of which will hs assumed by the City of Salem, by "bringtag ' said portion of wM North Summer street to the' es tablished jgrade, constructing ce ment concrete cntbs and paving said portion of said North Sum mer street with a six-Inch cement concrete patemcnt in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, which were adopted, by the Common Council a they 17th day of April. 1922, now on file in the otice ot the City Recorder, and which, for': greater certainty and convenience and a more de tailed description thereof,, are hereby referred to and made a Dart hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement- by and through- the Street Improvement Department of "the City .of Salem. ! v By order of the Common Coun cil: . ' . :r"..' EARLi RACE, City Recorder. - Date of first publication of this notice Is April 19, 1922. SQMEi THOUGHTS ON i SPRING GARDENING (Continued from page 3) - of all the strawberries marketed In the world. - Yet a century ago, in the year 1820, a few wagon loads of Hackensack berries deliv ered twice sv week constituted the entire supply of New York, and a period of . three weeks comprised the entire strawberry season! The improvement made in this single delectable species in a century Is a measure of the possibilities that make the field of . horticulture a never-ending adventure to - the gardener who uses brains. (The above was an editorial in the Oregonlan of Monday, April The. Oregon home -of Mr. Finck was at Aurora. . His father was the director of. the musical activities of the Aurora colony, when Aurora bad the best band on this coast.' Henry T. Finck is the author of a number of books on travel and musical subjects. He has for many years been the dramatic musical critic of the New York Evening Post. He has vis ited Oregon a number of times.) Reactionary Influences j Are Thrown Off Prices Reg ister Recoveries T NEW YORK, April 18. The ctock market , today threw off many of , the reactionary, influr ences which prevailed during tjie greater part of yesterday's ses- tjlon. -Prices in general regis tered extreme recoveries of from one to live points on dealings amounting to 1,475,000 shares. Denials from industrial centers that the coal strie had made seri ous inroads on steel and iron pro duction, ; continuance of ' relaxed money rates and the partial rally of international exchange con tributed to the. Improvement .Hesitancy - characterized , .the initial trading in consequence of renewed selling pressure which was chiefly, directed against coal ers, steels, coppers and several of, the high grade rails, notably Canadian Pacific. Before noon, however, the list ran Into hlfiher ground under the leadership of United States steel. The stoc rose to within a nominal fraction of par,' and the lndepen dent steels - also responded to steady absorption " ' - Motors, equipments., secondary rails, and various industrials com prising the textiles, tobacco, rub ber, . leather and mail ..order groups were again taken, in hand by pools, some scoring . record prices, of the year. At .intervals, when the market was disposed to give way to profit taking, dividend paying rails be came the . sustaining feature, al though advances la. the group were comparatively moderate. Adhering to yesterday's course. all call loans were placed at the fixed rate of S per .cent. Thirty and , 90-day funds were In freer supply and concessions were made on gilt edged merchants' paper. Early firmness of sterling ex change originated in the London market, but the advance here was partially forfeited later. - The Paris remittance .was slightly higher, German marks were firm and Dutch ' bills hardened, . but Scandinavian quotations were mixed. 1; Unexpected High Quotations , iiuiii Livcipuui, I UlClgll Buying is Heavy CHICAGO, April i 19. Wheat advanced sharply9 in value today owing, for the most part toV'tui expected high; quotations from Liverpool; and to enlargement, pf foreign Buying on this side ot the Atlantic- Closinr nrices here, al- though nnsetUed,, showed 2 r 1-8 STOCK V i HAS SEHSATION MsaaMaaBUBsasHaaaBSOBBBaBPs to 3 S-& net gaJnr with. May Ai . 3-4 to T.2 T-8 and July 1.25 &- to i.2S3-4;: Corn finished 1 1-2 s to 1.34 up and oats up &-8 to 1 cent. - Ia provlsionp, tne outcome varied from 1 0 cents- decline to five cents advance. " Surprise over the course of the Liverpool market led to nctive tompetltion Xorwhcat,.ofrcrlng here at the opening, espoclally, as the rise on the British exchange was ascribed, more or. less to talk of a oetterJ outlook for harmony at sthe "TJenoa axronbmic onfr ence. ;:a ; decrease ot nearly, six , miUlon bushels In the amount of wheat on ocean passaga also was regarded as a bullish factor, and there was rossip, ot ? v eerlons drought in Australia. . Indications ..that lorelrncrs were buying wheat here for July and September : delivery tended later to give the market, an addi tional upward swing, and so, too, did estimates current that 1,000,-, 000 bushels of wheat and 1,600, 00 0 ' bushels ' of . corn Jiad - been taken at the seaboard .for.-shipment to Europe. Moreover. 1 S steamers carrying J.BOO,000 buh. els ot wheat are expected to clear from Fort William and Port Ar thur today and tomorrow. Wit aard reports from the northwest attracted some attention also as hreatenlng Increased . dolay to seeding of the spring crop. ? Unfavorable weather, nnd ex port demand for. corn did a good deal to Strengthen prices, of corn and oats. -''- , . Packers selling virtually null!-; fled in the provision market, the. erfect of higher Jp'rlces on hogs. ' f -' - - - "' - - - (" : DAinr-roTATOTRs PORTLAND, Ofrti' April, J9. Butter: Prints extras 38c;. cubet extras 34c; prime firats 33c." But- terfat,; Portland delivery; No 1 sour cream 87c uni.; . '' Potatoes:, Buying, price ; locals. 11.0.;, selling price; J..23 a,i.0. '.- . : . 1,1 . . ... .'" , ,- FHt'lT - fWVYORK, April. 19. Ertp- orated apples barely, steady; prunes' qnleU Peaches steady. Feels JUke v New Woman "I wai n sufferer from: kidney tronbl( for 'several 'years,0 writes Mrs. JArlhur Pemnlle.R;4 T. t). 1, Grasmere, N. IL, 'and suffered so much I felt completely ; lima . all over. Since. I . have been taxing Foley Kidney Pins I am not. so lame." My back, ached all the time and my eyes were aR a blur. Now I can see fine and feel like dif fernt woman,'' Since I have taken two bottles bt Foley Kid ney PUls ' 1 don't have that ' tired feeling. X can do my own wori now.' - They bring quick, resulta Sold ererywhere-AdT. ' 1 ', Chow Tsieu-Chl has been mad premier ot China. .Makes a nolai like & dish of bird's, nest pudding in a Chinese icafe.' I ' . r l-SALEM;. MARKETS Prioea Quoted aro wnoiuaasa and rotat pneoa received pr farmers. ' No prices era eivsa. exeast tie nofad f ,- vats. , mimafc pet, Pde. , Wheat No. 1 saokedV fLll, . ' Oata.. feed about 60s. r -. ; . Vetch and oat bay, 818. - . Clover hay. $10-1 613 $14. ' oVlM run mill fed, SJl. - , f E0O8. BUTTER, .rjTTJ33'AT ' Eggs,' retail, 17-18e. 5 - . Creamery -butter rvttU, 8 $-88e. Butterfst, 82e. . roxrin v . V Hsna, light. 18a, Hens, heavy. S0-a$. .. . Roosters, old, xfe. I Hogs, top. l0.5. T:, Lamb, none fa market, t TP eaL drossed, 18a.. ,; ,., Steers, T Q tH. Zi ': ; 3ows. dHit.' J' ; . ' r f auixa -j , Bananas. T0e.J - - . - . :, ii . : Lemons, $8.60 O ITO. ' . . Navel oranges, $7.80.. .- Florida grapefruit. $8 0 18.50. -: .Callfor-UfMO. .Pojriir0 'Cabbage, de. ' '' - ' California tomatoes, lu, SaAO. : i. Cauliflower, $1. , - a . Oregon onions, 10..' -V - Turnips, , $8. ; ' Parsnrpa, 68.60. ' Carrota. 82. . Head lettuce, $3.50 Beota. 83.6P. O $. ; Celory. $1.60. . Sates, 16e. . 1 Package dates, ease, $6.1. t Tigs. lie. . . Comb honey, ease, $4.50. . . Cocoanuts, dossn, $1.75. . Btrainod honey, ft. llm. 1, V, t Portland Baying Prices 1 1 ' i i - BOOS, POULTRY, KEATS BUTT Ear AT FiRat No. 1 churning cream, 87 d& 3 So fo.b. Portland; undeTgrades, - 86e. . - ' EOG3 WEAK Current receipts H t 20e pullets, ' 18 & 19o ; white, henneries, 28 eenta. delivered. Tbsee ' aoetaUona are base4 on priced paid . tor tho bulk' Mf day's reeeipta by local Jobbers and ereasnorico.) LIVE POULTBT FIRM (Lesi cpmraltsibn), bsvy hens. 25 O 26e lb.: do, , light, 22 . cents . pound; 1923 broilers." 40 cents? old roeewrs, 10 CI 12 pouacV ducks, yeuog; whit Ppkina, 27. eenu; do colored. 24e : tugs, 17s. Turkeys, No. 1. -dressed. Ml i 8e. . DRESSED- hlKATH 8TEADY (Less commission) Choice light hogs, 14 Ml pl5c; pndsrgrsdes,' 18 0-14c; veal, top grades, 18 , 13 He; pnder gradea, 10. Q 12e; spring lambs, pelU . on, 20 21 ' 7 .''.'...,'HAT ABT OXAXhT I HAT FIRM I Delivered Portland) Valley Timothy ' 818 a ton; .Futwa. Oregon ; Timothy $21 a ton; alfalfa, $19; clover,, $14, oat and vetch,; $15 r straw $8. - GRAIN UNSETTLED . (Track, Portland, la ear lota) Wheat $1.23 d $1,28. , Coarse grains oats, 134 .0 $34.60, Eastern yellow corn. 827: $28.28 p tont Parley. $27 J $270..';-, v '-- " '; ' FRTJTT ' .. FRtflT FTRM Apples, extra fancy. 02 . 82.7S box. i-"- VEGETABLES- STEADY Potatoes No.. 1, 75d & 0e; onionr No. 1, $9.50 (i $10 rwt. : Oregon eab bege 3 O So.lb.; broeooli, $IJ5 $1.60 crate; ' parsnips, la lb.: . carrots 1 Q,llie lb.- u : -p; ,- - ; WOOL - fi WOOL STEADY ' Coarse vallry wool, as f 18ej saedluw . , 55ei fine. 25 . O., 17a. . . TT? ART- t.. .x:i- 1 MI 11 r,