;&? ms'-Mfrm . -TUESDAY MORNIXGrAPRIL 1922 ; THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON ... 8.V t i cnuMmxn Asraxxuncum .', Kt H wwrdt Par tshis s s ; Three taosnioa Oa wk (six laeartioas). One asoatk Sis miUi' contract, per .30 18 II mtiV son trsct, pes- aao lie Minlmam far y advert it. 85 . NORWICH UNION FUIXS INSURANCE 8(CTETT Tblelw , Roland Burghardt Reedtient Agent 871 Bcate St. FOR - , MONEY TO LOAN ' On Real Estate) - T. K. FOBO . (Orer Lmdd Bub Bak) FOR NEW TODAY WT . f 1 utmm . T V Art Itf. aaJUiu inuii ruini aai nui m a tity daUrarad. BMekMrrtas, black I cape, carraata, gooaaborriaa, grapM. I logaaberriea, raapbnrira, aaparagaa,! rkabark. Ward K. RicAardaaa. I rU KALE BIX KUUM BUNUALUW. f2(H)0 down, baUaca 35 per month. 1A0S Chemcketa atract. 111 FIVE ROOM HOUSE COMPLETELY tn ut in, wita itrepiaeo. ua paroment. i Eaat aaar achoota. . Prire to mora aow to $250. Bocko Handrieka. 205 I U. S. Bank Bldg. TO TRADE CHEVROLET BUG AND . g-apsod Harley for light car. Phone eraainga. S5F2. FOB SALE 8,000 .POUND EXTRA I good taam. R. C. ShopardL' Phonal 63F14. TOR RENT GROCERY AND C0NFEC- tionery. 925 per month, 987 Booth 12th atreot. . BARGAIN 8IX ROOM , HOUSE, ONE- balf blork from Htate atroet earltae. . Prieo 92000. Terms. Kraeger, Oregon j Bldg. Phoao 317. L FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING APART meat, firat floor. 1784 State. WTHITE LEGHORN CHIX 13V4 CENTS ... . -. . V.L I tn, -r . - -I.- - BUILDING LOT FOR RESIDENCE ' mai s : A UL . J Tc'r "1.5'" Mn.V"-oV..r 9650 1U.L. , .IT.nHMoki, 205 II. H I Bsnk Bldg. DON'T ' DELAY - TBUBINO TOUR tw..h.ld Made. The- ara nauallr the : first to-Buffer ia s fira. Wo inaure t thorn at aamo rata aa dwelling. Three yesra for two annual preminma. Staod . ley Foley, agents. Phono 847. . LOST PACKAGB OF LETTER8 AND papers. Reward for restrs to Statea- , maa office. . ;."-. NURSE ' : HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. 449 North High. :li APARTMENT HOU8E FOR " SALE . Tnia sets 15; wall located and mnit aelL wltk raaoaabls torma. Backs Hendricks. 805. U. 8. Bank Bldg. 500 PER MONTH-YOU CAN llAKE ssoo er month ana mors acting as i territory manager for eeetcra factory manafactnrmc bicl clsaa article, sua- inesa aaar to handle, pleasant and dig nified. We -help yo to get started. laTMtment of 1500 and n depending oa territory. Only klgk el aaa men with pood - references eonaidered. For par ticnlara write A-SO." Statosmsa. KETTED GEM POTATOE3-1.25 PER kondrod. . Phoas 81F19. CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS AND CON- rrete building, located in town near , Baiem, paya good amaeaas. faauu. Thia is- worth iareatifatiag. . Winnie Pettyjohn " SSI VA State St. Phone 584 V5 EMPLOYMENT r -j ii... . FEMALB . it, i i . NURSE HOSPITAL' EXPERIENCE! 449 North High.' - - -- - WANTED AT ONCE MARRIED MAN to work oa farm.1" 228 Orejon Bldg. Phono 254 or 632. WANTED FOUR 8TEADY MEN TO work in hop yard. Roi E, Simon. ' Phono 59F14. ' WORK WANTED ON FARM .BY MAN and wife" - Bert. Winemger, 220 , Koona atreet, Baverton. Oregoa. WAMTEIW XHXRGETle TOUNG MAN who kaa kad . axserienee sellisg life . ' ' a - . , . . . I I - utsaranoa, iie-t w mrm rt-n. b abl t dsvot kl oatir tins, sad I bo ambitions for advancement. Mastl kave the oonrege to present . bosiaesa preposition to .merchaats aaa preiee sioaal mea. Answer bt ymr wa hand writlnc sutlns aca. edaeational aaali fieatioaa. xportoae aa aollcltor, eu I Adfreea "I o ai.-maieaman oni . ICAXB AMD rBMAXJi . - - vt t mv-rvrvnnnn pat, STEADY t ' 'rr 'm. , rr.n.7 wvia '- r"i WANTED" - MEN AND- WOMBT8 TO take farm paper auaaertptmna. m. bwo o propoertioa t tkght people Address ' the Pacifie Uanseatesd, Ststesataa Bldg Malenf. Or. " ' " " "' personal: MA88AGB AND EXERCISES btkam cabinet, ladies only. Mrs Rath Brown. Swedish grodeat. 903 Ongot Bl-s Phono 889. 4 v THE BLIND MAW I AM 80METIME8 ssilod- -koesnso ef my grsst interaal la window sad porck klinds. - I do earry the , beat window aad porck shades, and desire very bid oa all naw snd rcpUeement Jobs, Mas 0 Bursa. 1T9 N. QommerciaL OET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL papsr published. f ree tor amp Correspoadent, Toledo, Phis. FOR SALE SABT SUPPLIES I PUSH. BABY BUGGIES THE LIGHT, beautiful, eomf vrtable,- moderate price1 kind. Let m explain aomo annu' merit ef Stnrgia Trige an auixey They have maay. Max O. Baren, 179 N. Oommerelal. -' - - - FARht PAPER v . won WANT TO SET THB BEST farm pa par. sand 18 to the Pacific HeesesUod, Salem, Orogw, for a thro month,' trial sabocriptiona . Maatior ' this ad - CANARY BIRDS FOR BALI CANARY BIRDS AND - BocMsrewS waits boss cn ewiii aw . Mr. - A. Beaaott. 13SO. T advertls sew atora. Csgt LOVE BIRDS 98 PAIR pad anpply lUt fr. Import od Rollers our specialty. E. B. FLA KB 17 State; Sal- r; CARPETS AND LINOLEUM CORK i CARPET PRODUCTS AND CJN yoleam are pniaiue aero to too ., KITCHEN CABOrETS ;M.DOUGALL KNOW8 THE KITCHEN seblnat asm from A to Z. H brought an ik. WftT FIRST kiffb flat hitch ..KiHat in America. Th aow Me - aateaug today. aer, iroaei315 8 oommereial 8t Is, Aaa for one er ' ' entitled. Permanent Llnoleam Fmora Ied - "How to Cere for Lino Ion m. lev O Baron. 179 KP fl imareial. '" Imnttall i meryel. Get mr priceo aad I o. , Bar. .179 N.- ContmorclaL - .2 T. - t.. it - nn t?a M. f -1 - mervle! " i D-el - Un - PHeeIfiffl lri. A Il.aiJ 4IO yeilVwJ yt FOR SALE I rnn.rai EGGS FOB HATCHING A SCON A 8. Th hens that Isy yoirr ages. 61 -SO for settiagof IS. Phono 617 or csll 1275 N. Church. FOB POOLTRYM EN 8 HMD EIGHT TWO eent tamps for apecisl three mantis' trial for the boat sad oldast ) tarsal ia the wee. The article aad adver- tiaemouts ara of epecial lataraat to taa poaitry brooder of the northwest. Northwest Poaitry Jeuraal. Ill Oem tarctal Bt Balaam, Ore cam. UVXSTtrCK NINE 6 WEEKS OLD PIGS FOB 8ALE Call 354 or 622. 8 ALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CHICK ens. yuag Toggenbnrg Bala coat. 700 North High. BALE THREE COW8. TWO MILK lag ano ona to freshen aooa. f bona 11F23, roate 1, box 18. asczujui0ui FOB BALE OLD KEWBPAPE&8. 10 eaata a boadla Clrealatwa deparUBoa. OvaAa RttlciniB " w . GLIDDEN 8 LINOLEUM VARNISH AXD Jobaaoa'a Floor Wax. Aak aa tka partiealar marita and parpoaaa of aaek. Max a Bares, 179 M. Comaoreiai, Ra Ian RUG PRICES LOWER 1921 DESIGNS oolora and qoalitiea ara moat gratifying. Beo my fiia diaplay whila it ia oom- p,u. Max O. Baroa, 179 V. Com- mareiaL Salaa. THE HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION and oaa barrelaa. We bay, tell or exchange anything gad everything u the lino of Jaak or aaeood kand gooda. Boo aa before yoa bay or Bail. Bteia keck Jaak Co Remember the placo, 403 N. Commercial BC Phone 83. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" and elaraa other Oregon aonga, together with a fine collection of patriotic aonga, aaered aonga and many old-time favoritea ALL FOR 2fte (8poclal pricee la quantity liu) Eapecially adaptable for echool, comn tna ity or homo kinging. Send for The Western Songster 79 pages, now In Ita third edition. Pnhliahed b - OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY Balom. urt snnn NICE DRY FOURFOOT SECOND FIR w - . . ---- of sfter .office koura 622. OLD GROWTH 19 INCH . I :1 second growtn, 6. FIR 99; 00. Pkoao 1467,. FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD aeeond growth; t It r It la. Fred E. Welle. Phone 1542. 305 8. Church. 18 INCH BLAB AND MILL WOOD J 9.80 par load. Dry planer, weed. 1.68 per Wad. Try Weed Ce. Pheaa 810. FOR RENT APABT-fXrTS FURNiailEp APARTMENT FOR RENT . FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED APART menta. 892" N. Sammer. APARTMENT FQS SENT 199 NORTH CommerelaL ROOM AHD BOARD WARD AND ROOM-130 A MONTH w s en;t BOOIU FOR RENT LARGE FRONT SLEEPING room. .871 N. .High St. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooma and garage. 920. 683 State atreet, Phoao 118J-B ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN, COST 60s UP. 468 BUtO. i SLEEPING ROOMS REASONABLE Lirht. heat, nhone. bath, rarace. Gen tlemea or -married couple preferred. Board if desired. 263 H. High. . ami mm Lm ,1 fltffl UJVIUH SB .... to 93.60 per week. Apartments. Tk Leonard Hotel. aa m v-.t I Pkoao 1903. ' HOMB FOB RENT FOR GENTLEMAN I daatrabl roosi ia mdern kom wttk sii eeaveni'aees. PI ass flv sane sad rafaroaoo. Addroaa 'AJ3'' ears Statee- aOSTl AND FOUND POUND n.iTi.n . rr . WVVn If VAI VfTU iuu.iv- nt v auouai.u- lr0nt erseking. baekliag snd curling ap Get mr leaflet entitled 'Permanent I Linoleum FloorsT"" Msx O, Bursa, 179 N. Commercial. WANTED maoa-uurzoTrs OLD MATTRBS8E8 MADE 0Yx?B I Ossltsl Clry Bedding Co. Phoae is WANTBD FURNrrCRB. TOOLS, ETC. Pkoao 611, : HOUSE WANTED BY MAY 1st. UN- furnished preferred. Address "A-89, cara Statesman. ' WANTED GOOSEBERRY PLANTS; als dried prunes. Ward K. Richard son. . WANTED TO COMMUNICATE WITH owner of thoroughbred Airedale, male. Writ J. P. Smith, Rout 7, box 65, Salem. f ANTED EVEKTTHINO IN HARD war and f ratters. Beet pries paid THB CAPITAL. HAKUWA FURNITURE OO. 881 H. CoamsreUI St. Phoas 941 wmr a wewn ' nrrn mr ri em aa, Xl IsT A WV AnVAW B -aA- ' USM.1AA WA-ct vwawmwna e-rnaan ehiaery. atock. etc. Win buy for esab -or sell ea esmmuawa. rasa in Woodrv. th Aaetioar. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER i AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODBY. THE liveatoek, furniture, real eatate ane tioaeer. Pkoa 611 for sl data Re 1910 N Summer Auto Directory PAtNTiAw . ' - RUSH THB AUTO PAINTER. STATE sad Front atroet. ATJTO.TOPB ATTTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK naraateoeO. 858 Bouts asm. raont 1118. - StAXOATOB SHOPS J t. - 0. BAIR. RADIATORS. FENDERS Bod l ran sired. 444 Fsrry USED OARS FOR SALE METAL DELIVERY BODY. 544 Ferry. 350 FOR QUICK SALE JUST THE Salem Laundry Co, or caU uieeoa TIKES AJTP, ACCESSORIES TONNEAU CARPET--RCNNINO BOARD lianteam; anto oaiat aad enseaei. sisti O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial, Salem. ' 1 DlTNKIKa BOARD LINOLEUM. AUTO 1 rknmt. aat enamel and paint. Max 1 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST j bmites. rin enU aad blow ta. T Hydro-Tors a Tlry. far sat by Yw j . j,r ate, ista saa wntie, puna w. BUSINESS CARDS TRUCK BALE OB TRADE RXO TRUCK. 1911 xeodol. perfect eoaditie. WUI trade for raai aetata, produco or will all om sssy terms. This ta mm exeep tKsally good hy. Il ye wast a tool good a area is or ply immediately Phone or rail. Taa Peoples Cash Store. BATTERY AMD EXSOTBICIAJI AUTO ELXCTRIC1 AK : EXPERT TROU hla akoouag. 318 B. High. Pkene 301. PRE8TO-LITB BATTEBT SERVICE atatioa. Export battery d eericai work. tarrm brae. Pkon 1808 41 OfMlfwL GARAGE AND REPAIR FEEDERS ROLLED SOT HAMMERED. amine Aato Radiator Shop. 119 8. litk street. CAPITAL GAtUttC. BU1CK. STTJDE- bsker repatriag. lit boat Liberty Phoae 88. ACKTII.F.WB WEOLDIHO WELDING AND BRAZING IRON, eteeL braaa, alum inam, bring the plocea. . 837 Court St. Phone 488. Oxo-Gaa Heating Co. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTT Parlor, 110 North OommareiaJ Satreet. Phoae 85A. 0ARPEJITEB CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLANS forniahed free. R. W. Mclatira, 1409 N. Church. CHXHXSB PHYSIO-AM DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diaeaao. 158 B. Higk Bt., pkoao 988. DBUO STORES BREWER DRUG Phone 184. COL 409 COURT ELECTRICIANS SECURE MT FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by hour. At pre-war pricee. H. W. Hatch, phone 18P2J. PIN AN DIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. L. A. Hsyfsrd. 905 Btsta atreet. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN aaaociatioa kaa money as man at a is peresai. W. D. 8a its. secretary -treaa-axer. 908 Sslem Bank of Oommarao. 9200 DISCOUNT WILL BE ALLOWED oa an A-l a 1300 ovfc aeeona mortgage. Hsa not quits four yesra to run. Firit mortgage federal wan. An investor wanting 10 interest abould inreati gsto thia. A. C. BOHRSSTEDT 407 Maaonie Temple . Salem, Oregon 30 TEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pre payment proTUwna al lowed. Wo will finance you for a lees rat f tntsreit thsa sny firm ea Vht sosat. Prlrate money as loaa oa either city or country property. MARSTERS BROS, 411 Oregoa Bldg. FOUNDRIES SALEM IRON WORKS GREY IRON cast mra. draar aaw maeaines, centri Front I fugal pumpa, heavy machinery, and Stats street. FURNITURE STORES rsws r. muuin-w. . worn a mwrvtmrri haad fumitoxs. S4S . commercial Pkon 852. FURNITURE PRICES DOWW IRON bMla- aa: all ateel bed BDrinra. 85.40: cottoa mattreasea. 88; oak dialog ehaira.. 84: all ateel army eota. 93.50; Mas O. Bnren, 179 N. Commercial, Salem. . PAJIOT WOIi NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODEBT I akoD. Jessie McOsne. Tallmaa'a Piano Stars. 131 Sonth Commercial SRESSMAZONQ CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing. Spencer eerseta order. 1 MeOorasek Bldg. en. ,nsi asm T,lBtn TO . V "n X -ii.ji-" , do any aad all kinds of ladies' Ullor ing, ior oi ana new onatomvra. N. 13U St. Pkoao 3085 R. 852! WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HAND work. Call S31-R. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING FOR particular people. Specialty on work maasuiD as wall aa pricee. iut wax Si, Mra. Lee A. Swoapa. Telephone 984. M BSD AMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS makers. 819 State St, Pkoao 987. uim. aiunva nnrasnriTrn lTlol 11 11 1 I BIMCMIH, liRX-BBMaar.n, I40l3TovE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED OT uainiua rmraaxg km vsnl South 13tk. Phone 1834-M. HXMSTnCEQNQ HEMSTITCHING. 848 STATE ST. SIN- gar Bewiag Machine Co. SALEM ELITE HEM STACKING. pWatiag. battona. aUmplng aad aodi work. 338 Oragoa Bldg. Phoae 876 MRS. C. E. MLLER HEMSTITCHING BHIWBI, AIOVU1 ''W Mv' 8alom, Oregon, Phone 117 MRS.- BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH lag, mail order solicited. 175 nV 19tb Phoae 174-M LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 188 8 Liberty street Phona 25. Oldast Urgsat boat. Eatabliahad 1889 I CAPITAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Siality road w slity work, prompt arviea. 1884 ay. Phoae 165. MATERNITY KTXBBINO MATERNITY NURSING WANTED IN private home. Phone 16P4-J MEDICAL I MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 617-W. NURSERY STOCK CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS. ANY . qusntity. Wnrd K. Richardson. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fnita. rnamantala. Csoital City Bar aery Co- 438 Oregoa Bldg. Phono Tt FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD. Back of office. 540 But Bt. Pkoa 1140 M. rOR SALE LITTLE'S IMPROVED Cory's thorniest blackberry plants Heaviest producers aad host flavored Writ for pamphlet sad Trie list. C A. Little. Sevastopol. Calif. PLPMEINO PLUMBING KEP AIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1897-J. 8 no p. 1ST uaasa street. A L. Godfrey. PERIODICALS MI8S GOODHUE TAKES UBHCRTF- tioa far all magasinew Xl B. aita. areeet Phoae 741 -M PAXNTTNG OOMTRACTO&a a l "" r-- PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH aAo'L'reSrU High. ml..-? xx!5, - Pkoao -S4S-J.- . - - , I AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING, PAP- arhangtng, aiaomtntng.' vors guar- toan-J 144 Favry. PERrUatK AND TOILET ARTICLES 1 iiit.TrORJttA PERFUMR OO. EX- trsct. toilet articles. mrs. m 170 South 38rd. Phoa 1338, -BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL ICRS. HENRY LEE FIA-HO, Mil B. Capitol. Pi ieii-w. DOROTHT PEARCB PIABOl Bortk WiBUr. Pko-O B45-J. BEATRICE SHELTOB rlANO STUDIO. S Marie-. Phoao 139. liOLUI STYLES VOICE, PLABO. ait Ccator. Pkaao JOlaR. RAO AND JAU PIABO PLAYLBO 12 nuulMA Walomal ara I. 0. Ulark. 1r. ovmtm MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO ptarar; idaoeaa ail airaaiooa MI Liaortr-i WE8TERB OOKBiMtV ATORT OF MUS IC of Chicago. Praac B. Ckarehtll. rrp raaaautira. DfcaNja cra-tod. 04 ir FalWwa' Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AU breaches Uagkt, dipiomae fraatod John R- Sitoa, director. 1291 Court. Phone . TUBERS JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER Mooro-Daaa O. Ropiooantali-e of Shermaa Clay Co. Pkoao 804. EDWARD WRLP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Lea re orders Will a Mueis Store. TAIXH1N PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, refiaiahing, rebaildiag: player piano expert. Pkoao 1959. 131 Soatk Commercial PiAifoa 8HERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS. 8TEIN waya, Dno-Art. aad othera. Mooro Duaa htuaic Store. Maaonie Temple. aTCSIO STORES GEO. O. i WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, : aewing msckiaes, ahsot maale. and piano (tudaa. Rapairiag phoao- S raphe i aad aewing machisea. sAf tats, Salem. - PRXBTZVO for wrnniNa nrvrrsTTONa akd snnosaeomenta. as Bsrtolsoa, prister. "Y" Bsildiag. I SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK Showesrda that talk. 434 N. Commsr-1 eisl. Phona 846. I S0AVBNOBRS I SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, RA I fuse of si) kinds removed. Cesapoola cleaned. Paoae 167 RESTAURANTS HUB REST AURA NT MOST UASON able prises. Jehasoa-Bscry, 156 B. High CHERRY! CITY RESTAURANT HOME atyls aassls. Good aerrics. State and High.. 1 . ; " 8AVS MONEY VI SATING AT RE3-I tanrsat Bbatairs. 184 tot th Caaitr-1 elal . - FOBBTITORB HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. J Bofiaiaaing aad spaoutorng a apeeislty. Phone 1743. Brown and Groves, 1301 Soatk Commercial. 0TELS OtERBT CITY HOTEL ROOMS AKD EPsJWl tA, - lasjniC8l Wmmwmrt Vllmyciam V K. Depot, Stat sad High nrarKABOs u.mT.i vtT r tea nisnsixni - " ' 4 A ' V rrr . -" - JTT T VVaa-Lrssai - m . sv avaem awaia a mm w. Mederaark Bldt Phono 94 Ladies' Wearing Apparel xmJLINERY HATS FROM 91 UP MRS. a J Grimm. SIP Court BS DAN caret PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE dances. Mrs. White. Pkone 973 J. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLB HOC8B. Ferry. 439 BIN BIN NOODLB HOU8B auey, 40e; puffed rice. 30e CHOP noodles. 80e; tried aoodUa, 80s. 1J 8. Lib- ..a - 1 ' STUDIOS OB LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF feceat in photor raohv. . 14TM. Oom'l SHOB RCTATRINO WILLIAM'S SHOB 8SOP-195 SOUTH Hlgfc. - ' ' STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING 80 years experience. Depot National fence, aiaaa 28 to 38 inches birh Psista, oil and saraiabsa, . tc mg berry and nop hooka. Salem Fsne and Stove Works. 250 Court street Phoae 124.. TAILORS .- - FRANK PALM. TAILOR 211 SOUTH .Hick, corner. Ferry.. mts made to order. Cleaning, preeeing. rpr8 SXeOBD HAND GOODS haad cloth in aad shoes. -Ala d leaaiag, pressing aad repairing. Ce! and deliver CapiUl Exehanga. 842 North Commsrciai. Phoao 1368 W. WB BUY AND 8 ELL SECOND HANI gooda of all kinds, pips fittings, asr aese, collars, collar pads, toola aad chains. Fred Bckiadlor. 868 Cents street TRANSPORTATION BILVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND 0. A M. Stage North Bound Sonht Bound Schedule aad down Read UP Dly. Dly. Dly. tij. Diy. wiy No 5 No. 8 No. 1 No. 3 No. 4 No f PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM 8:00 1:30 8J)0 Prtl'd 10:30 4:00 B:3 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt.Agl 6:25 1:55 6:2.' M:S0 4:00 10: SO Bilvt'a 8:00 1:30 6:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. uv. Bandar only 8:00 p.m. fm. Portland Htagea leave Stage Terminal Portland aad Stoelehsmmer's Drug Btora. suvarton 8ALEM-8ILVERTON JAGB I leaves Lv 8ilvertoi - 1 "ai O. E. Depot - News Stsan 7 :00 a. at. 9:00 o-m 11:00 a.m. . 1:00 p m 50 p.m. 8:00 p.m 8ALEMTNDEPEWDENCB MONMOUTH STAGS Less Salem, O. E. Depot 7:60 am ll00 a.. 5:00 a.m. laeave MoamonU Hotel 8:18 .m 1:00 p.m.. 6:15 pm Leave Independeae Hotel 9:80 a.m 1:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Sevan paaaeagor ear for biro. i. W. PARKER, Prop. Res, rhone 618-3. Bnslaese phone 7 WOOD SAWS I CITT AND OouMTRT WOOD SAWING Pkon 304.- Fiaiier tiros. . WOOD sawing. PHOXE ilSL CITY, country. Ed. Sproed. TRAN 8 PER HAULING MERCHANTS' TRANSFER 15 8. High. Phone 353. - - - . CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER O0-124 SUt Bt. Pboam 8.v Dwtrwtra8 forwordiag aad-atorsaw oar apeeislty . Got oar rates and roraitero- a i. Ws le aaske Mtn trina. Wa handle tha beef em I ' and waod. Call oa a tor Prices . give good saaeearn, ajood - uslltyad ar, 1 good ervicw. laarmef xraasier vw. Pkoa 930. BUSINESS CARDS WAJuaousxs PUBLJ0 WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Btai ee eerytkia( axeapt . ex-ptoai-oa. Apply Fry 'a Drag Bvere. WATZiB SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Uflice. U1 BoaU Coea'l HV Ton per coat diaeoaat om doaaaatio flat ratea paid in adraaca. lis dedaotmao tor abaeaco ec any caaao aalaaa water la ah at off yoor promiaoa. PROFFESIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 933 Btato Bt. Patton Bldg. Paoaa 857. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L, R. BUB- ette at taa Bow OoUeal OoaiDoar. 828 State atreot, opposite La4d sad Bnak Bank.. POMEROT A KKENE JBWKLKRB AND OptometnaU. a as State. CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTORS Dra. Bradford A Bradford Qtadnates and poet gradostea of CAR VER College, Oklahoma City FIRST CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGE ia the WORLD. Tea yeora prac tice. Conaaltatioa and examination free. Suits 918 Oregon Bldg. Pkoao 62A. I DR. O. L. SCOTT. P.S.0- CH1ROPRAO- tor, 414-19 C. 8. Bank Bldg. Pkoae 87; res. 828 R. FHYSICIANS DR. GRIFFIN OFFICE. STAGE TERr mmal building. Specialty: pilea (aew mathod, no knife); female diaeaaea, atomach, nerrouinrst, ronatipatio-, rlieumatitm, drag addiction. 08TB0PATBCICPHT SI CLANS IDRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 806 U. 8. Bank Bldg. - u. stta-A. urn Phyaictsa snd snrgeoa. Kirkarille ldg. Phone, offico. 919 res. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AKD OTHER DEFOR- mttiea of the feet eorreetaa wttnous loaa of time from your occupation. lra. - WSite . and stsraksu. V. b. nans Bldg. DR. JOHN L LYNCH flfTEOPATHIO Pkyaiciaa sad eurgeoa, 808-404 Ore gon Bidg. Paoass, oiiies, lias; res 58F5. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5. Armory. First, third Monday REAL ESTATE BUY HOME FROM OWNER LARGE corner lot, 2 good 8-room bouses; one modern with full baaement; other double house aad partly modern. Ex ralleat investment. Wide paved atreet. Cement walks; close in; easy rented. Addresa P. C. Roaenaerxer. R. F. D, No. 1, Linnton, Or.. V WORTH WHILE ' A corner lot in Richmond, 3350; 850 down, balance by month. Another .cor ner in . Richmond. 8300 cash. 3 room hdftse tnd lot, 54x118, 3 bloeki to ear, for 1350, 9150 down, balance by month. 5 room bunxatow style houae on paved atreet, good order inside and out. Price 92600; 500 down; balance by month. 10 acres, 9 milea out,. 1 acrea bearing prune,, 4 room bense, barn snd wood horae. Prieo $3300; will take houae and lot ap to f 2000. . MILLS & COPLEY 831 Vfc Slate Street . PERSONAL SERVICE When yon want, to find-something ia the way of s nome in town or country, ana do not want to be harassed by a mnl ,inliw Af ,ffn,tM -411 tna what taii want, and In most eases I will pro-1 otrhing; and1 when I d theseHer I records for th current and pre peya. William Fleming, 341 state I vlous year on 'the stock exchange atreet. ; Established 1909. I ,, hrnVn tnrla- when rlenlinx'. ..Trr ...-, r.. vn At 1 U U At--V V-V Cj flAUW DUWIV, A' V --.-L, ,A ...L.- U arn-J n.la-hWViAAl a ns- aawwa s wv aao anvw, e ----- SirdWlrKh'nn No interest. Joseph Barber bon, suo Gray Bldg. Arro Pnrmc n.. r wn ..., well, about so sheep, -one team, one eow, 50 chickens, two aet oi new asr - nesa. two plows? two csltivktors. two harrow, ens mower. . on rake, one -.... 1 All knak-l Ala 14 Kllnthaal wheat 4 ton bar. Let me tell Voo of it a maayothw good' ferturea about Will trade for bo oaa in Salem or Pert land aa first payment. Gertrude J. M. Page 493 N. OotUg atrtet Ull Uiavvap, VUIT W i-lir aaw -aa. arf Wood' Bargains oix room uusnivw, uc. , ,urw "v. 92500.. New bungalow snd ona. acre, UJirwiJll'oo dropped to 3 1-8 per cent line at station, 91500. 20 seres witb stock sad implements, 84500, trade lor h.,,.. an near KddvviUe for house. 1240 acres stock raache, North f?r..rsh.ri& Five room honso snd two seres fori house ia Salem., F. L. Wood. 341 fitaf ateaet. , Wanted, Loans . We have privet money to loan on city or auburba property. Wo have a fin, well od ff? first claaa. If you want to trade, bay or ell see H, L MARSTERS 313 Gray Bldg. Good Buys and Exchanges i8Uc.r,P'Grtoo7br,n,f:r Boat'" We hsvo s bargain in a lot, eaat Iront "reerKr830o",k' 1 10 acrea 4 milea wit, most all ia frait. iT.c8.: value1 " 320 acres whest farm in Idaho, good nminiavt! inu acres in wueat. an fenced with wire. Trad for amall fruit farm. Pric 96500. THOMASON 331 SUf street Good Buys In Houses 8 room bungalow, 1785 South Commer eisl strset. Price 93150. room bouse aear Yew Park school. . Price 91500. Large bam and two good lota. Price 3875. New bungalow, 5 rooms- Price 92a25. Eaay terms. Well built 5 .room bungalow with fire- pJsre, frtg. Prtc 3000. I $fm 5 -,, buncalew, basement. fcrnan t. firewlace. 63100. A real borne. 8 rooms modern, A blocks oot. paved street. 86000 caah. Fairmowut Hill lota, see na for bargains. Raa.r SVtata 'and Fire Inin'in W. H. Grabchhorst & Co, V 57t - State Stm - V U. S; Bank Bldg. First ClasBuijgaloW $3000 j- fs m. . r T wail w " ws rail Kaaentafvt. whace.min-ins. - Own tesviur-ertv snd win aaeriftes Wei their lr 3"oo -r- " ' w-fwm. Terms. S. R. PEARSON 310 211 U. 8. Sank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WOULD TOUt LIKE A GOOD FARM I - lam or amaRt frail, or berry 'traetaf City lata, and lata of ciap koaaea. e may hsTO the oac yow are leoamg iar. see L A. HAYFORD 80S State atroet CITY HOUSE CITY LOT 6. BUfcUA i laws, aaaall aad largo aeraaxa. caaas ta , a far oat: oacSaagee ta rity aad : oomntry. Brown At Mageo, oeor Bas ki a vwra, baste a-s Caimernal. Pkoao 989. Best Buys and Exchanges Phone 970 30 errea. 1H miles out. Take 930O0. Trade anywhere, balance trrme. 150 acres. 10 prunes. 65 grain, 15 mixed crops. 80 timber. 9 room fcosee, good barn, rock road. 7 aules sooth. Oaly 890 per aero; terma. 10 acres, 94 bearing frait, 5 room host a, barn, coon, collar. " Take clear reaid- ence at 83000. 910OO caah. Balance 5 years 6. 5 room atrictly modern bsngalow at 1040 Union atrert. Frwed right. 5 rooms modern.. 1036 Union atreet. $2800; 1600 caak, balance monthly. 7 rooms atrictly modern. 895 North Sammer atreet. Take acre ara oa car line or lota oa Fairmount Hill aa part oar. Wan, 91200 and 91800 loan oa residence. House to rent. S0C0L0FSKY 941 State BARGAIN SIX ROOM PLASTERED nouae. oouta &tu atreet. r rice 91850, 9300 cash balance 920 per lUVUtu. 3 ay -s.s aa-ajg, visava viug. FOR SALE BT OWNER 23 2 5 ACRES near Wrat Woodbara; 5 room part caah. Alto a - amall place for chicken ranch, good butidinga. tor par ticular call or writs Mra. E. Ma lalo. GerTaia, Oregon. 810 DOWN 810 PER MONTH; 880-J to 91000 esch. 5 lota on Cap tol atreet between E and F atre ta ; paved street; all improvements paid. Dav!s A Helman. Inc., Ill Second St., Port land, Oregon. LOTS OF LOTS Over s 100 all prices, sad scattered over town. A few of tbem bargains. Jet ma help yon pktk one. Wm, Fleming, sal state atroet. MR. HOME BUYERTOO CAN BUY A 9 room bsagalow Mas taaa a year old for 9500 lass than I was offered lor It aina months ago. Haa basement, Pstck kitchen, eioeets and aleepmg torck. 81000 will haadlo it. Bos U .lay. 135 Loffello. ANDERSOB B KUPKBT ameeaaeara to Laflar Loflaa INSUBANCB REAL K&TATI BONDS LOANS Oregon Bldg. 408-T FOR SALE 7 ACRES MOSTLY IN fruit, with modern, boon; oa good road and doe to city. One of ths finest poultry rsachsa in the valley. - Square Deal Co. 202 U. 8. Bank Bldg. FOB BEST FOR RENT 6F8. -103 ACRES ON SHARES. Stupendous Total of Over Two Million Shares Rol led Up in Dealings NEW YORK, April 17. All mounted to the stupendous total of 2.050.000 shares and the num- - - - I hmt st 4 Bonaparxi 4 as a 11 a at tperlorl 1n a st? a Dvyattrnvv toduvo S nu VS a aimen: I stons. ..,, a a uiub r as wu taiA cau aui us as- ary scale from the beginning, the volume of buying orders receive over the.Sunday recess taxing the I machinery of the exchange to al- 1 mn, .nnnrltv I m0Bl 118 Capacity, I in the f Orenoon. the turnovel I was on a basis of 500.000 shares arl nour ani thJ5 h-h pressure of activity was only slightly di minfshed in the last half, of the session. Further lowering; of call monej rates was one of several stimulat- i A.n.. Ae , v A a r 1 1 i . ... . . loans openea at 4 per cent DUl I In the open market and 3 per cent I i nri-ate Insna I ln P"l loans, I The sensational elements of the were 'urnlshed by oils that group, almost by common impulse, extending last Saturday's gains by 1 to 3 points. RaUs. coppers, equipments and severs of the independent steels regis tered similar advances, but the entire list became unsettled at midday on Sinclair's reaction of more than four points. Technical conditions, namely tha market's top heavy posit'on and cables announcing a treaty agreement between Germany and Ri. accelerated the reversal much OI Which later wai re- trieved. Steels made little recov- ery, however, these issues coming for fresh attacks on advances I from Pittsburgh Indicating that the coal strike had become a dis tinct influence in that industry Rails, especially junoir issues such as St. Paul, common and preferred, Chesapeake and Ohio, Baltimore and Ohio and Minneap olis and St Louis were proof I against pressure. with coppers and several of the domestic oils I and specialties showing pro nounced strength. The news from Genoa failed to reflect in the foreign exchange I market where all quotations, in eluding British and allied remit j tances rose above last week's closing prices. DailEY POTATOES PORTfiND. April ll.Butter: Prtntj .Uri as.; cob- .it " - , m . - . a. ete. I Portland delivery: EXCHMiGE MARK No.s- 1. sour I rrm m 7- I PntalrtAfi; 'Rnvlner nrlrn Inrals. i other . . . $1; selling price 1.25-.50. . E FAILS TO UST Owners of Grain Too Busy to Trv Any New Kiting the Prices CHICAGO. April. IT. Efforts I to secure at- once big profits al-j ready In feign kept owners of I wheat too busy most of the time J today to try any new kiting ofara Robinaoa. St K. 8waa SU. prices. Excitement over Satnrday's nine cenu a bushel ascent in vai- Honey snd Tar is the best conga nes. gradually subsided and fresh sdlciae I ever vaed. ' . Two bot advances failed to lasU The mar- Ue broke a most sflbboril. llnf ket closed nnftjed. 1-4 to I X-Ie erlBf cough.--; u lootcM pMegm net lower with May at $1.40 1-2 an4 m fM 0OrMeneM to L.40 3-4 and July 1,24 3-4 to .,nn. tl.vn7- iv., ,.)-. rn- 1.25. Corn lost half to 8-4 cents and oats 1-8 to 3-8c. In provisions, the finish was unchanged to 5 cents higher. Much nervousness among wheat traders was shown during the early part of the session, opinion cres belru? sharply divided for a while bouae.1.. 7 .-!.- .v -,e.Attn.-l fori" Whether the extraordinary I jump in prices on Saturday would I be followed by a still greater rise or whether a reaction would en- sue. PossiWlity of a huge short- age of wheat here throughout the approaching period for the settle-1 ment of May contracts remained J an acute problem. It soon became evident, '.however, that price up turns no greater than are wit nessed almost dally would tor the time being Induce holders to let go of plenty of wheat to supply all Immediate wants. Holiday slowness of export de mand coounted somewhat as a! factor in easing the strain on th. wheat market, particularly near I the end of the dar. Talk of cur- the day. Talk Of cur- I purchasing for domes- and of lack of Inquiry tallment of tic millers tor uour tsnaeu mnner to onngi about declines at the last A good j AM A. -I At M ' s a Si3d dMTMM In ' th United states visible supply was an-1 nounced. but the effect on the market here was more or less off I set by some additlona to wheat in store here and "by "shipments to Chicago In prospect at Omaha and elsewhere. Corn and oats were ruled by the action of whsat... Adverse weather conditions were of lntuf fldent in-1 fluence to uphold prices Provisions averaged a little hiirhnr in nrirA with tho hnir mar, a m - - " I act. HOI'S NEW YORK. April 17. Hops quiet; state 1921, 20 25c; Pa cific coast 1921,-22 27c; 1920, 18020c. FRUIT NEW YORK, April 17. Evap orated apples quiet; state IS 1-3 20c; prunes unsettled; Califor nia. 6018 l-2c; Oregons 6 3-4 14 l-2c. Peacljes firm; choice 13 15c; extra choice 16 1-2 17c; fancy 19 1-2 20c. REALTY EXCHANGES j Reported by Union Abstract Companj Frederick wl and Mabel r;. Schumann to The Bank of Wood burn, lot 2, block 1, add D to Woodburn, $100. Georgia B. Booth to Jeanette B. Fisher, part of lot 26 Ersld Fruit Farms, $10. J. D. and Mary E. Nairn to Elizabeth Kunkel. jots 21, 22, 23, Ireton Fruit farms, $10. H. J. Richardson to Wm. Krebs, 30. $3 acres Wm. Wood die 9-4-W. $10. J W. J. and Teresa E. Turnldge to Wm. Krebs. 30.63 acres Wm. Wood die 9-4-W. $1. Joseph and Mary Schmid to Louis and Frances Jakubec, pirt of lot 27. Cap Home add to Sa em, $500. Hannah J. Richardson to Wm. J. Turnldge 157.95 acres Wm. Wood die 9-4-W. $10. Hannah J. Richardson to Dav id E. Turnldge 209.31 acres sec. 25 and 26, 9-4-W. $10. Edith and W. II. Lake to Owen Smith, lot 6, sec. 17-9-1-E, $10 Addie and A. S. Davie to Owen Smith., lot 6. sec. 17-9-1-E. ft. Emma Hurst to Claud V,. and Maymte Marquis, fr. lot- 3, block 1, Myers add. to Salem. $1950. Sarah and David McVicker to E. J. and P. Hansen, lot 7. block 8, Turner, $900 ., Eleanor Winntanley et al w-o e ea a a am an. crnesi ana uenna wicaeri sa.so acres l. u. ivener oic i-o-w. ow or. - W as srww $10. H. G. and Alice A. Thurston to Chas. A. and Lula Moody. 5 acrw K Cllhairf TlTl? 7-?..W 11 ft Steve and Maude Roseman North Side Inv. Co., lot 2. block "A" Northside add to SllTerton, $800. Sllverton Lumber Co.. to Lena Robbins RobMnS, 25.77 acres Sec. 21-7-l.K- tlinn " Zi-i l-ti. 11U. . Chrles Kmer to Cr. L. Hlggln- uroisan s r rnu iarmB. i. E. B. Patton et al to A. J. ano Mabel Pauon, 31-100 acre In R. Dickens DLC 8-1-W, ,$18.0. D. L. and Nettie L. Burch to Mary E.. Buckbee, loU 1 and 2, block 2, Cap. Park add to Salem; $1.00. - . :- 4 Fred 0. Ahd: Rosa A. Mahan td CXB. and Edna MarO'NeUl. part of lots 4 and S, block 6. Geo. K - ; iJotres add to Salem. 10 anq .. I Edw. and Nellie Uarr to Uar- Ub O. W&iLs. Uod ta S. reotcr D1XX 7-3-W. $10. ' r Loona ad J. K, Mount to Erneist R. and A. IL ElmiB, lot 4. MUI add. tnSllTrtoo. 9SS0. Northsida 1st. Co- to Steve sod Mkude RoaenikBd, 3.01 acres J. M, Brow a DLC 5-1-W $S00. .: Geo. U. aJ Clara E. Gould to Roy s- t. Biodtt. iou ;,,-wk-:MV IhMtH ltxrrnrd COM Foly8 Houcy , aad ' TAr will check a cold It Uken la time, aad wtll also stop a couch of lose standi ar, ' It promptly giTes re- ilef, soothes snd heals, ' Mrs. Ge ' Albany, N. T writes: '-Foley's stops tickling, throat, helps 'flu' and grip coughs. Sold every where, Adv. - Symofmit af the Aanaa Statement of tka STANDARD ACCIDENT IN SURANCE COMPANY ( Mickigna, December, 1911, made to the Inaaranee CammtaawaVr of the Btato Oregon, pnrsaant to Uw: Aaai of sspiulsVi- - 1 ap . ...9i.50o.ooo.oo xt ,-, Finr- lac the yeari I.9,4l4,043.8J 1B; J'V.r.B.V .V .1. 918.85T.99 93.409.93 income from ether aoarcra received daring the rear. Total tsoome .u48a,lls,UO.8 -v,-?. Dig bnTSeatsnta j Net loatei paid during tka ! .': ' ; year including edjastmeat eipeaaea . .5,1T8,S69.81 DlrldeadaT psid si capital flock dariag the year.. '189.000.00 Commission- .. aad salaries " paid dariag the year . 3,S6?,688.SS laapections (ether than medical' sad -claim). .. 140,095.09 Amount of all other esnea- r--4- 478.908 38 dunrea -r.-W : 874.908 30 Total xpeadaurs .Ii.9.iii,848.8J ,s - " ! A set 1 - ,martst alwel.i.-:..i,85M8.0 Value of uck and bonds . i . "rM vswsi.-- .93.f 40.09 Loans ok martgagra sad eol- lateral, oss-..-..-... 849.913 49 944.633.51 baJT. "wIS Compoittio lUismranes l83.8rt.38 Premiums la CoareS t et- lectioa-written slave Bob-. -,: -t" t cm her 80, 1921 (.,.. I.4B9.783.93 later est aad . rteti - das and . - " ' aeeraea -., ...u . 1 99.093.89 Toial adntllted , i..9l4.3l.osa.ai "a. : - tiakuitkia v ; , OreeaHlfimB fyt up'-1 i& ' pain ., ...,a,i( h,if J Workmen's -jrntaaeeeatiaa - Bmaaaranei Bare a J4c-. , . . ,,rTt W ta..1 v,,. . 14,714.74 Amount af anearaefl ' eiremU . ami an .all sutttnndinar risks K. 8.83S.79.f Due for i- oemmiaatsn . had ,t brokerage -OTf.-dl3.489.4 All ihr UaDi!Ule4..-.--. 4t.9I74l'. . 'V-- ' ?1 f III I II Total lisbltitlss," ehtslv r : ; - . of-, capital, atock of " 81,500,000 '...W---4I1.80.3t4.5l ; BuaUMM.ta Oregon for U Year . ' Net premiatna, rcreivad dar-- rag th yer... f 8I.llt.37 Loeae -paid during tho year . S.63S.91 , Loaaee incnrreA darin the j year ' 8,823.91 , STAaVDiSO ACCIDENT UNSLltANCIfi - t.i' CO.' . . . ; ;! lm W; Bowes. President -V -.' Chrle C, Bowen. Secretary Bututory mMent Attorney for Bervlrt: Art. Trutihay.- Porttand. Ore. - I , SALEM. MARKETS Prices asoted r a i pricee recsived by fa are No rotai prices are give axeept as aotadL 0tsr.sruig.,sL A8. ..,.V v Wheat N. 1 taekad. fl.lt. - Out. fV about 60. - . Vetch and set hay. 81. - ' Cleser-kay, 810 ;4 flAfl Mill ran H teed, 991 ... EO0A BUTTEB BOTTTRFAt Eggs, rstail, 1716. ... Creamery butter, retail. 38-499. - . 8ttril 93e. . ; - a ... -. : rovunt' - " ' . Haas, tight.! 9. , ., - Hens, heavy, 90 33; Booete 14,- 'lOe. PORK, AnTTTOB AJTD.BKEI nogs, .top. 419.73. - ij.' Lmb, son i market, - Top vest, 4 rested. 13. ' .' Steers, f h TVh. , Cow, dm. . , . Basaaaa, 10 - ,f , U as. 47 $7.30. , Naval orange. 7.80. , Florida grapafrait, 88 O 8.t0. Califorats grtne frsH, 94.60 r ViaEYAaLSS - , Swset Bwtkteoa, 8 89 6. , Potatoes, 91. Cabbaged. ' ,v California tematoe. lag, fA0. -Cauliflower, 63. Oregoa Mien, 10. Taraip. 9. Parsaips, 61.50. Carrota. 3. - - V Head Isttae, 30 O 98. Beet, 93 . , . . Data, 18s. -m - Psokeg date, saeo, 64.7. . Figs, 13. -. - Comb honey, es, 84.50. , Cocoaaats, dotea, $1.78. . Strained hoaay. Ik. 1114. 1 Portland Baying Priccf"! . EGOS, POULTRY. MEATS BUTTERFAT FIRM K. 1 rhnrsiaVii cross, 88c f.o.h. Port land; underrrsdet. 83c. EGG 8 STe A DY . Current - raceipta 30 ? , xte; pa's IS 0 .19: whit keaaeries, , 39 wants. daliverad (These ooetatioes ara bsaet inpriesd .sid for th, balk f day'. toiroeeipu by Wsl jobbor sad ei aMrie.) A I I I V K S! 11. 1.1 88.8 - AT A El BR. - .uTBaT nMr bens. 25 1 1 d. liaht. sa s cenu pouaa , i. I . &- - . ! - - - - ' . . , A - , n.- a 1Tat8T1?aTY i I t. .iuitit Choice lixbt hogs. M&2IZttAl?.l& rrade. 10 4 13c; tpmg iambs, pIH . & A , 9nXTg t HATSTEADY ' ' .-TKsV 931 a toa; alfalfa, $19; clever, fit, oat - snd setch. 915; etrsw, 98. GRAIN UNrTTLEI - Track, Portlaad, ia car lots) Wheal 927 - O 823 - ton; barley. 920.50 w 927- .' .:. 'FBTJTF : FRUIT FIRM Applet, extra fancy, 3 9 93 78 hot, faacy, 61.76 2r r- -, 81 49 8-25. . : - VEGETABLES - i v 1 YtflFTABLKS STEADY ! Potatoes Ko. L,I3t 90o; nkma 10.-1, 810 sr 81O.50 ew. Oreawn cab-bags- 3 Vfc f) 8e !!: btwceoli, 91.35 tj 1. 19 crate r"pralpt, JLe lb.; rrt, j I t WOOL--STEADY. ' Coarse valtr wooh 1; CT 181 medium S3 69 S5j fin. 2 3tc . . . .. -. HOPS - - ' HOPS STEADY 1931 vop, ttssdy a II y 30. broilers, 40 cents; os rm wwi, iv , 12 ponadi; dacks, yog whits Phl;a, 37 oenu: deeolored. 34 : Jltf. 17. AO