The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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    Xe. 4 Knights Tesipler m4 tkeir laoies ! b.s. Sao'ert of the Isoraiea: "Jains
ill atteaa tot. mil us a ooay. l ut," ( ui acer toe Easter saes-
I Live sn4 to Skill Live Abo,"
First Church Liberty aad Tenter Sis.
w. t,. Kanloer, uainialer. The tester
program o tfali church bf iaa -. with
"''' Worn: an tnstitotioa of the
hurrhjhe enrlr Easter prayer meet
l"f A ' .' '"eo by the Easter
bresk'aat la ekargo el the eadeavorers.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Kierrtees by
the primary department. At 11 am
baptism, aad k ( nabwi with
address by the paster "Eaater ia the
Heart." At Una service a large (mrw
ehoir will sing aa also a Male ooarm.
Tho uusio of this aerriee will include
the proeesstonst "Eaater Bella. by Gel
bel," "Death's Conqueror," by Parka,
and "Whoa Storms Around are Sweep
in . by a male quartet. Chriatiaa En
deavor at 6:80 p.m. At T:0 p.m. a
aerriee of Eaater made by a aerplieed
choir and aa addreaa en "The Kessur-
! (NOTE The writer mM t. ...
glad to leara if anyone baa secured the
1000 offered by Hur Sunday Visitor'
for proof -of the thirteen anti Catholic
atserttons which are often made against
ine enurrn, wa tea nave fteea published
in these artielea a Bomber of timea. They
ore "iliatoraltr of Catholics: tha K. C.
eath; the end Justifies the means; Cath-
vtirs see a to Destroy, toe pnbue schools,
0W.) .' , - , . :. " -', .
aii rreaitsbie historians will agree
that tae X'hnrra. which Christ founded
waa the Catholic church whether they are
Catholie or nod-Cat bolie , "Bet, Prot
estents are sot to add. ;Thonh tha
Catholie ehareh waa the one which Christ
founded, and though it .waa the one
through, i which Christianity waa propa
gated for centuries, and. thoagh, 81. Peter
was the . first . pope and yoa hare the
direct succession as your claim, tha ebnreh
did not' I uma to true to it teaching, but
after one thousand ' lire hundred years
it became ao corrupt and f eU into such
error that it waa neeesaary for strong
protestation againat ita practices; so
Protestantism one cannot ssy A PRO-
TESTA.NT CHUWUloamo , Into exist
anee. '
If this assertion la really trae (with
all respect I say It), then . Christ waa
untrue, lie waa a liar. For we read in
Matt. ailiW 3( His words to His Apos
tles the founders of tho church, "Teach
serve all things whatsoever. hare com
manded too : and behold I AM WITH
vAit art, rriva Tvrv vn TRf rns.
it follows that, if Christ did forsake His
church and allow it to fall into error. He
did not apeak the truth; Ho did sot
remain with it, and all Christina ity ia
false ana most isiu aqt.
reetioa of Jean Valiean." The musical
mnbers will include the following: eolo
"Consider tha Uliaa ' Mr. ftaha- "Tha
To Ieum," by Bock, aaog by the chorus
Jholr; "The Women at tho Tomb," by
waraer, -aang by Mt. Mas ton, and "Us
Lives Again,1 by Parks, the choir. A
eotjial invitation to all
Central Cearravaitaaal XhtaitaaiW .nil
Perry streets. Clayton Judy, minister.
Wo begin the day with a 7 o'clock prayer
aerriee onder the' anspiees of the Young
People's societies. Olive Barnard, leader.
Tho older people of tho chorea aa well
aa toe people of the community are arged
to cooperate ia this aerriee. Banday
acbool and church, a combined eerviee
at 10 o'clock. - A feature of the program
will e tho Bible drama, "Eaater Morn."
The caete made up of Pilate, Lloyd La
Line; high priest, Francis E. Clark; Mary
Msgdslene, Kellis Kinnnnnsn ; Salome,
Maud Htenatrom; Mary, Oladya Fuller;
Peter, Wayao Harris; Jeha Koaald Crav
en, Baptism will be admiaiatered to a
number of children at the morning ser
rice. In tho evening at 9:30 the choir
will reader an appropriate musical pro
gram. Following this the pastor will
apeak on "Our Jtisea Lord," and receive
a largo clam into church fellowship. Yoa
aro cordially welcome to any or all the
services of tho church.
- First Methodist Episcopal State and
Church streets. Blaine K. Kirkpatrick,
minister. Early Easter carolling by in
termediate league, with sunrise devotion
al meeting on the east steps of tho col
lege library, o:80. At tho same boar the
senior chapter will hold a similar meet
ing on tho east steps of tho Capitol build
ing. Class meeting 9:15, Sunday school
9:45. .J. B. Littler, superintendent. A
special Easter program will occupy the
first part of the hour. Wo want 100
of our enrollment present. Visitors are
welcome. We aro expecting the Sunday
school to go over tho 800 mark. - Help
aa to do It. Morning worship 11 o'clock.
There will be baptisms, both of infants
and adults, and reception af new mem
ber. The pastor will apeak briefly on
tho subject, "Prscticing . Immortality."
Tho first week's offering of tho Easter
tithe will be brought in. Special Easter
music, cpwortn Leagues, :30. Baered
Easter concert at 7:30 e clock to be giv
en by the church choir under the direc
won ot rrof. E. W. llobaoa. Thia is
the first concert of "Better Music
Week" and will be a rare mosieal treat.
every oooy welcome. ';
Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal -
ciiicenta ana sum streets, vsvta j. lias
sel, pastor. Eaater Sunday morning ser
vice 1 1 a.m. ' Sermon bv District aimer-
intendent O. F. Llndstrum. Conunuaion
service. Hunday achool at 12, Oust An
oerson. srpertntendent. .Dedication ser
vice st :ao p.m. sermon by J. P.
MeCormick of Kim ha II School of . Theol
ogy. Evening sew ice at 7:30. Kef.
O. E. Kallstedt of Portland will Drench.
Dinar and supper will be served in the
church; eome and slay all day. Bible
study and prayer meeting oa Wednes
day 8 p.m. A hearty welcome awaits
you. .............
ia a Sir Knight and win oenver I aace;
the address. The musical program win
bo as follows: Processions!, --Come Yt
Faithful," by Sullivan; Glorias by Sim
per; Magnificat and Nuao Demmitis by
Simner: "Christ tho Lord is Risen To
day.'.' bv Moaartl anthem. "Come See
the Place Where the Lord Lay," by
K-ade; ant heat, "Scad Out Thy Light,"
By Uoonod; presentation, by Whitney;
Vesoer hvmn bv- Mtebins: suae ia Caa-
terbarv Cathedral: recessional. "We
March to Victory," by Barnby. Ia order the Gosoel "
that oar gweats may be seated first it is . ui,-
requested that they bo allowed to entor Petri. n,r
tae cnr-a first. 1 be younf poopie a so-1
ciety wui meet at o:so with mi, co
ward Stewart as loader.
Jason Leo Memorial Methodist Enia-
copal North Winter Jefferson streets.
Tbomaa Aehesen. pastor. Earl Officer
la eharre of iuator church. The Eaater
apint will bo featared in all of the ser
vices of this ehareh oa tho eomiag Saa
day. Elaborate, programmes will bo held
ia all departments and Jason Loo is es-
Poeting one of the greatest days to its
history. A sunrise service will bo held
at 8 a m. to which young and old alike
are Invited. Breakfast - will bo served
to those who attend st ? son. At 9:45
Monday school will convene with CM.
Roberts in charge of adult ' department,
and : Mrs. Hagemaaa in . charge of pri
mary grades. Alterations Tsave mads
possible severs! new elaas rooms for our
growing school. St rangers and visitors
welcomed wita a warns hand. Junior and
aeaier ehacbea will unite for tho service
at 11 a.m. when a varied ororram of
interest to all will be rendered, including
a messsge by tho pastor. Come and
bring a friend. Big Epworth league
meeting 6:80 p.m. Orchestra music and
a g"od time. A lull bouse ia expected
tn too evening to near the pageant en
titled: "The Resurrect ion of Peter."
also special music by the choir. The
service will be decidedly religions, having
in it a strong challenge to Christian liv
inc. It will if a fitting climax to our
splendid Week of evsngelistie meetings.
Lome ana bring a friend. Frsyer , and
elsss study Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Junior
meeting Thursday 4:15 p.m.
St. Paul's "Tho Little Church on the
Corner." Church snd Chemeketa streets.
Rev. IL D. Chambers, rector. Tho day
will begin with a celebration of tho Holy
Eucharist st 7:80 and another at 8:30.
The church school will anther at -9:43,
Each atudent ia expected to bring their
lenten mite chest. Matins and sermon
and Holy Eucharist at 11 a.m, when the
choir will render the following program
"Wo March. We March to Victory." by
Barnby; "Christ Our Passover," by
Sheppard ; Glorias by Mendelssohn ; Te
ileum by Simper: Intro it, "Angels Koil
the Rock Awoy," by Roper. : Tho com
munion office will be sung snd is by
Simper in E flat. "He ia Risea."-bar
Neaader; anthem, "Come See i the Place
Whore Jesus Lsy. by Reade: presents
tion by Whitney; "At tho Lambs High
Feast We Sing." by Elvey; "The Day
of Ressurection. by Martin. The of
ferings daring tho dsy will be for tho
floating indebtedness ia order to clear
the way for the new church building
fund. At 8 p.m. Do Molay Commandery
and North Church street, I. O. and Ida
Lee, ministers. Bible school at 10
a.m Cliff ton Ross, superintendent. Uur
school t is still growing; it wss a little
larger this Sunday. Morning worship at
cnnatiaa endeavor at s:w ana
preaohmc at 7:30 Dm. Special music
in all tho services of tho dsy. The male
quartette will sing at the eveaiag eerviee.
ooar aoepte s orayer meeting ass moie
stadv oa Moadav at '7:30 Dan. Church
prayer meeting oa Thursday at 7:30 p.m
cordial welcome ia eztoBdeo to aii.
eial and Washington streets, Hathaa ' rrsyer ting st 6:30 sosu Sua
Bwabb, pastor. Bible school n:s. tMl-! .Zf.. a . " r:A' aD-
bv tn emirivM as 11 m CIOCK. 1 - luwuk. ku n o;av
K. at 6:30. Aa Raster Cantata. Eaa-1 we".'Ba" meeting will be ia charge of
ter Aagels," will be rendered at 7 -.30 l!B onaay rcnool and a progTam of mas
n as. h, Kunii K TAvm.tiil Kntn fjott-1 'l wi win e aivea. is ine mrn
bocB. Mildred Norris. sopraaos; Mrs. I ' J I :ock the sermon subject will
Irene Canaingham, Mrs. Bertha Edmund- . T"o Message of the Riaea thTit."
son, sltos; William Wright, Hurl Pear- Pial mnse will bo rendered at Ibis
t.. mnA rtAiLstd I hour. Yi e cordially invite van to . wor-
rmnndson, Carl PembortosC Ross Miles, 'P tli no this Easter Sabbath. If
bass. ! I yoa have no .church home we invite you
I ' ' : ', . " ' '
Mr. Auto Owner
Don't Fdl to CcU and See the New
Adlco Dry Stora
. - Battery
This is something that you have been waiting for. It is a battery that
does away with about 75 per cent of your battery trouble and 50 per
cent of your upkeep cost""" ; i
L Adco Dry Batteries Carry An Unlimited
and if for any reason they do not give satisfactory service a replacement
will bt made. No water, no gases, no trouble, just put it in your car and
forget it (
v Cell and let us explain--:
147 Sooih Commercial Street
t o ,
- i
- .... - w
More Facts: You ; Should Know !
Buick First . Again In Yellowstone Park!
Each year since Yellowstone Park was opened to automobile travel by the U. S.
i Government, more Buicks have made this difficult trip than any other car xcept
Ford.' ; , . V, ' :
The fizures fcr 1921, just announced, show 1871 Buicks passed through the Park
during that season, 41Z more than any oLner make. yi (
Tfift Yellawstcse Park tour calls for every ounce of car performance niiles
awav fresi service for days at a time the car mast never fail. And that is
. . g r n i a.-a J J r --
why each year an in creasing cumner oi xotk ioutisu uepena on dwuu
Buick cars measure up to Buick.reputauW
Phcss"220 Salem, Oregon , ,
Tirv Aurc?.:oriix3 are Dinar, ruia; vjtll euhd jmsr-j
mAPTIST - - :
First Baptist WUIism T. Millikea.
laistcr. There will be short appropri
ate exercises at the Bible school this
nine nnder tha dir-iaa af Mr."
Bchanke, tho superintendent. Morning
worship at 11. Special music: "Par
Across the 8ea of S.lence." Edwards.
Solo by Mr. H. 8. Gile, with ehoma ae
compnaiment. 8ermoat The Heart of
Evening worship st T:30
'The Mara af Yiciarr."
Petri. Baritone solo by Mr. Stevenaon
wnh qasrette accompaniment. "Craci
1r." Faare-Parker. chorus. "Peace Be
Witb Yoa." Petri, by trio Mrs. Thee.
Koth, Mr. Jeoke and Mr. Stevensoa.
4 iv-1 a W oo - .- . v
Highlsnd Pride-. HighUnd Ave.,, ff J
"Ring. O Sine the Bells of Easter Ed
wards, chorus. Eva Roberta, piaa.; Mar
ian fejamoaet vmita. Biiass, "-Ctaaaiag
Rainbows." , Tho installation of the of
ficer in tho two B.T.P.U. organisations
wiU take place at this time. The B.Y.PC
all division will meet: at 6:80. Tonie:
"Citiseas of Two Worlds." Visitors aro
cordially welcomed at oU. services.
Dental Prizes Are Won
By Marion County Pupils
Marlon conntj student winning.
the two - prizes offered by the
Stat Dental association are Inga
Goplerud, sixth grade, of Brush
Creek, and Marie B. Westhof f.
eighth grade, of MU Angel, Mrs.
Mary Fulkerson, coonaty superin
tendent of schools, annoancea.
The girls will receive $10 each
and their essajs will be aent to
Portland : where they will be en
tered in competition with those
Booth Salem Friend Sooth Commer-
Leslio Methodist EoiscoosI South Com
mercial and Myers streets. H. P. Pom
btrtoa, pastor. , Special Easter ores-ram
n all desartmenta af th. ehnrch all
to natte with so. There will ha . Mr-
dial welcome extended to you. You will
enjoy the fellowship sad homelike feei
ng, eo noticeable at all the services.
First Christian Center and Kish Bta.
J. J. Evans, pastor. Agaia our Biole
aeaooi wens aoovo am ouu mar in -1 riAFTTnTTCi
would bo bard to find. Tho large adult R- Bock, pastor. Masses en
clauses sre notable and the constant I -"' Sunday at :30. 9 and a solemn
m,k : .11 j...M.t. iHt ia I nirh mas with sneeial mrnir mil
the programs. The leaders hope for 600 1 f100 by the pastor st 10:3e. Benediction
th.. k rwi.u. A- will K I follows last mass. Everran. both rik.
observed ia the acbool and ehareh ser-1 ol od non Catholie i cordially welcome
Ticca. Tas naatar will aoeaK oa --nei" "
vwvr VI ill nnilfrriivn. . i
Easter anthem by the large chorus on
iraur ssive violin number will bo civen
by Miss Viola Ash, Delbert Moore and!
treval Powers. Tho eveninc program I
will be given by tho girla of the circle
ana triangle clubs of tfte enuren. xt wui
bo in the nature of a missionary play.
presenting a splendid , lesson in benev
olence. Notable featurea of the program
ill be the violin solo and vocal trio
by Reba Powers. Trists Wenger and
loris Hiler. The Christian Endesvor so-
iety meets at 6:30.
Court Street Christ isn Korth Seven
teenth and Court streets. A bis special
Eaater program in the Bible school at
9:45 a.m. Are you roine to be one of
he 330 expected today, lou wm waai
see the besutiful pscoant Mrs. rut
sin is going to put on. It ass attract
On To The I Border Une
( Nogales, Aria., Apr. 8.
Slowly and with occasional In.
ed tho attention all over tho atato since I ',-. tl. j ...
it was first riven at the Oreson Christian wrrnpUona and delays, we are
Endeavor convention at tho armory un moving alone at the rata of ohmit
February. It is to bo given in Vortiand, , " . . .
also. Be there today to hear Ted Good- mllea an hOnr. In crossing
win. Boy Evangelist and his singer. Hugh me mountains We met the Cold
Sre. WS rnio"g"U "veaing reception of anow and hail, a re-
sou will miss someiama; u yoa ao w lerse COnirtSl OI tne DeaOtllnl
near tnem. uomo eariy. i no sueruii . . . .
today will go for benevolence to maintain fruit growing Talley we Just had
orphanagea and old people's homes in the passed through, thence On ward
brotherhood. Volunteers will. Visit the . . .. r. . . . .
sick in the afternoon. Endeavor: inter- DOlI "6! OieaK and barren
mediate 5:30 and senior 0:80. va-l desert Of Ma lava the Sahara nf
m,Trr.'i iieoBTeno California. Nature certainly did
any ana all 'these services. , iR. I Put-1 not do much 'for this desolated
nam, pastor. Btreth of
ii a il - I ww w-av y. HUl a
PRXSBTTER1AM I "The railroads In California are
First Presbytersin On Church street, I in facts .iti, i i
K. rn...l,.l. r.ntee Ward ""- " f w wuu aim-
Willis Long, minister. Sabbath school I lessly drift from place to place
Ll'V, tVYo b--r ahconsciona and nn
a.m. to receive new members sad, bap-J concerned of any objective point
tlam ot infanta, air. Loag s topic ii i aw
,K. n.ntn mum arill Ita '-Tha hlaaaaoe I
v - - - . . I it . . . . .
of the Empty Tomb." The music tori uur biock. is Standing ine J0UT
this service will be: anthem, wapsoog i th .v..4,.t lnn.i. nf
Ys the Uving Among the -Uesdl USibel; I "-s-r, "
solo "Consider tho Lilies," Mauser, by I good Water and With What feed
Mr. Chaa Cone. 've o'eMcav Jsaator I w- took alone- with nn
Vn. Cantata -The Conouerins I W lOOK aUOnig Wn US
King," by Judaoa; "Aad After Thatj - "We finally arrived at Nogales
They Had mockoo. ttim,- .. recitative, oar-1 , ware I immediately eMa
ito aoio: Tha Wondroua Cross." ten-lai,a , were;., -immeaiateiy side
or solo sad ousrtette: "Silver stariight I tracked or marooned on the north
TO-.-'So the tor Unl sttes
quartette; "And tho First Day f the I custom inspection. We hope we
w'mot-tM pnt accross the border
ter and King," tenor aoio; -way see tune tomorrow ror re-inspection
Ye tho Living Among too i-oao, 0ar-iv ., Vfeylcan offleiala Tho mo.
tette: "O Grave, Where to Thyt Vie- lne Mexlcan OlllCiaiS. ine ma-
tpryl" baritone recitative; "The Con-M Or ity Or the people Of this place
oVermg King.V ouartette. No aervtee at Mevlroriio a rllvMlno- wlr.
Ik rhtireh at T:SO n.m. 1 Q. Ulraim I ' - "
Kndeavor societies will meet st the utnai I fence marks the border line be-
&'&!Ztt2r th. United States and Met-
Reservations should bo mass wltn Tina-itcoc. -TWO Wire fence gates ad
h.m Wiloert. a. . ry Ol mo emo, Po- I m t.a .,.. thrnne-h frnm nna
Prayer meeting aa aaaai oa xnora-1 o ---
Bay at ? :ou p.
side to the other. People pass
through undisturbed and nnmo-
Sanday I lested, both flags float respect-
Caoitol and Marion streets.
ocnool s.m. rreacniBB aervree vwer-i., . hot-,. -n
man I and holv communion 11 ajn. jja I
evening service. M. Denny, pastor. " I "Both American and Mexican
church or ood .J "Idlers mingle with the civilians
134 North Church street J. J. Oil-1 on the streets, the former in olive
1 . ...... . OnkJ.. ..hiinl 1 il 1T I . ... ...
;3y';T.';i 7, '.J yo. drab and tne latter in dark nine
pie'a meeting 8:30 and preaching service The, American 25th . regiment is
Brvr;..dT .T.nS,VT:35 'woor- Quartered at Camp Stevens,
dially invite the public to attend any or I quarter of s mile from the city
aU ot tho services. , I an tha Vorlesni sra rsrHsnned
christian sciehcs ' Ion their own side. Peace and
First Church 40 Chemeketa street, i .
At 11 sj . Bihla lesson, subject. "Doe-1 " s.w..
trine of Atonement," 9:45 sun Sun-1 . Dr. Browne and Companions
day school. weonesasy evening tesxi
monial meeting at S o'clock. Reading
nam. 209 Masonic Temole. open, every
oay smii wmhsis- .w b.p ,
LViSa 2. VFJZZ- id o r.a2 ttooseveu nignway nas
Favor of Governmen
rniriaU&a uul Miaaianarv Afiiance Mr. i
Un. H - F. Caaw.lL 2S North Win
ter street, leaders. Usual Sanday after' I
noon services this aiterooon at o.s oooui
Commercial street, at S o'clock. lAso at
the soma place oa next Thnrsday after
noon, April 80, at 8:80 o'clock. Tues
day evening Bible atudy conducted st
the home of Mr. and Mrs, B. M. Scobee,
425 Korth Winter street, by Mrs. Caswell,
beginning at 7:30 o'clock. All very cor
dially welcome to ail ineso serrictra. -
II HlTP.Ii urRV.T' R UTiS k
T.v . B..,!., ahnl at 10
O clock, U. o .Bowman, anpennienaeii.
Ia place el tne regular enuren service
at 1L there will be a special Easter ser
vice and program, junior ana intermea
ists C.E. at 5:80. Senior C.E. at -7.
1. . 1A. A.. Ttrs r!itlS.
ens of Two Worlds" Regular preaching
service in the evenings by tho pastor
on the subject. "The Rood to Emmaaa"
Miii.ncir . bntw anaetine weanvaaaj
:!. . .4ttA 1 ;; U . k. ' . naiaS ta
bo at all these services.
rr,-,iA Hnlkmi ehnrch af Enriewood.
Seventeenth and Nebraska streets. Take I
tho 17th street ear lino. Sunday acnaoi
to m.. , c. P. Wella. suDeriatendent.
8uaday school lesson for April IS "Thai
Love of Joash for God s House." 6:30
Chriatian Endeavor, Walter w. wens,
nMt4nt : hfiaa Oertrnde Chamber tin.
leader. Young people's topics for April
. - . X- .... ' w . . I
Kin Emma Page will have charge of the;
fitn! aarelcea bdth morn in S and OVen-!
ing. This will conclude tho. teriea of
meotinga hold by Miss Pago.
Caitariaa Church Cottage and Che
meketa streets. . Rev. .M. FecesactiaB,
minister. Chnrcb school at 10 a.m. Grad
ed iaatraetiea. Class tor adults in the
af Rcrintarea lad bv tho minister.
Devotional services af 11 a- Eaater
service aad . atagtag by tho ehildrea a
cbohr directed by Mrs. X-Trmiktn.
Subject of tho sermea "Rise .With
Cbrou." Mrs. PereaheUaa wiU offer M
aala. "Hasanaa." bv Graaier. " Mrs. P.
Ureckenridgs at tho, orgsa.
t nvursia f .
.i. w . 1 1 1 1 n w ...
t ... a.... ,ai . Tlrnteenth
streets. Geo.- Kohler, pastor. ' Soadoy
school at :30 a m. Coofessioaal service
at 10:15 Eaater. sermon and aoiy
- Il ... Tha.aaator Will
.. . .m-i ti'i. V. w. f.llrlna
apean - y ",u.i?.w . T"
Among tho Dead. t Special moawr by
the - citoir ana maio yonaria. .
service ia the English language at 7:30
The Roosevelt Coast " military
highway is- favored by the govern
ment at a Tpad of primary impor
tance, according to a telegram re
ceived! by the Statesman yesterday
from Representative W, C. Haw
ley. Mr, Hawley . telegraphed the
information: after a ; conference
with the . chief of the bureau of
public roads. The engineers of the
bureau are said to be considering
the highway from that point of
t ahswa oloniV.vhooii ?MN Satdt '
aoctoreo for rneamatiam ever oiac.
..m. a . I Am .mmv . . KIS waaea aaA.
f Am n . . . MkM, f 'iflMt nsaaev frcelv
for ao-ealled 'eores' and I have road
abont 'Uric Acid' natil I could almoaf
sasia. is. cvM mw -
walk without Dain: my hands were so
sore aad stiU I eoold aot hold a pen
Bat aow I am again ia active business and
comfort. Prieada aro surprised a the
ehango." , Yoa might jast as wait
tempt to pat out a tiro wku wu aa, j
, . . li !.,. I.n aanetlia
M in riu vi wm ,
a 1:1. i.:... V. t.kina traalmant
aaa iih wmuiaM,. .
supposed to drive Crio Acid oat of your
- . - .. ........ i , w 1 . .
btooo sao ooay. - h w a. -fifty
years to find oat tho troth. He
t j i . -aa mf iIm tram rattae
Of bis rhoaaat'iam, other disorders, and
recover nis sirensia ira
Mysteries." .www beinc distributed free
V mmmm. AmmtmkmA mrmT tWOatV
rears to tae aeiensuw awy ,- w-
blo. if sny yeaoer ot f ae
wishes 'Tho laacr Mysteries of Rhea
matiam" overlooked by doctors aad eeiea
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ii. v. m . r - '
No eS9-B Street, HallowelL Maine. Soad
aow, lest yoo forgot r If aot sufferer
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news ana sppsnionj ww ..-.-
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No other Range in Amer
ica does this but a Lang.
Entire Range enveloped
in heat using all fuels
alike, gas. wood or coal.
Guaranteed an even bak
i er and a saving of at
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Send for catalogue
People's Furniture .
271 No. Commercial SU
Salem, Oregon
from other counties. The winner
of the suae prize will receive 925.
The fifth and sixth grade pupils
wrote on "The Teeth and Their
Relation to Good Health while
the seventh and eighth grade pu
pils wrote on "The Teeth and the
Place They Take, tn Health and
Mbs Elizabeth Hanna, grani-
daughter of he late United States
Senator Mark Hanna, living in
Washington, ia noted for her ad
mirable po'se. Her; grandfathsr
had something of the aame
bat they did not call It "poise."
Is It proper for a chimney t1
wear Its last-year's soot?
taTtM-TaaawSalS EIsv S XX'
jgj at lo t M oi 1 ow--wa w
leaOMrawiuOva Carooe tor a '
aaw aaf ! Wa. AaaOartl re r-
pavtaOl 1 aasialor km - "TT. i
ilu will a. ntauML tree aad noetfaid. to a i
Who write to M. aa-aara, .
sJO W.aSaO OS. hmw Toefs.1
For One Week .
April 17th to April 22nd
We will flush crank cases j . f
. without charge. ! te
You pay for the oil, that's all
Good clean oil is the life of your meter. Our
policy is to reduce the cost of riding. Good cil und
a tune up will help.
Personal Service Does the Re:L
Authorized Ford Service. ,
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Harrison & Cleveland
320 No. Corainercial St
, : V Phcn22C3
We use only first class materials and our experience at the same assures
good workmanship. ,
Tops for 5-Passenger Cari.:.... ...l..$20.00 and J25.C3
Tops for 7-Passenger Cars .$22.50 and $27.50
Tops for Roadsters.
Seat covers made to order.
$17.50 and J20.C3
256 State Street
Opposite U. S. Bank Building
Phcss 793
r . , . 1 1 11 , , ' l;
EffUfl IWWWllWWIItllslH ! lim'HtWWTfrT'fj' I'WllffW WW WIHWHWP'rTW HIIW IIIIIWI U'FtlaoaiwaMatoaa piiaaji winajaaiuiWimMW iMWiiaaa.laiiia.WW t
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Touring Car
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(War Price $4350)
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Other Types in Proportion
f. o. b. Syracuse ' ;
Franklin cars are selling today at the lowest
prices in the history of our six-cylinder types, extend
ing as far hade as 1906 with the single exception of
a four-month period in 1916,
Franklin construction and quality of material are
not surpassed in any car made anywhere. .
. Open Day and Night