THE OREGON ffTATRfntrA TT SAEEM. OREGON FRIDAY, MORNING, APRIL 14, 1922 j- f : CI;: Qte&on Slattsnaan Bats so wrn'l Om week (sis Insertions). lima Mat 8ts months' eeatracs, per It MiiM sttBtmam for eay adva NORWICH UNION fTTlB INSURANCE SOCIETY llelMB, Roland Burghardt fieoidcnt Agent. 871 UOe St. - MONEY TO LOAN : -v. on RmI ClUtt -.'L ; - T. K. FORD ' (Over Ladd ABosbBaak) ' NEW TODAY PATRONIZE TOUR NEIGHBORHOOD grocery, 0 Vmtk Fifth street. Wn Sroci Qroccry. Phono 139S J. ; progressive ev erb e ari no straw- Berry plaats. 91.1 per hundred. Lets ' f txrrir all summer. Will beer this year. Wsrd K Ricbsrdson. $3500 FIRST MORTGAGE. OS DAKO ta Hrm, will aebanga for atodora hama f equal alaa. , i. D. Polar. Phoaa 147. : " ' ' '! DIRT FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL 1792W-1 after aix p.m. MUST SELL MT BUG FOR CASH road robber, aawlr painted; extra. No oealeia, ,C. Andfrton, Marios Gar- FOR SALE 5 GALLON WEIR JARSi or Itoao erocaa, wita iita; aaeiut ir - preterviar tt fmita. etc. 91 each. Call at affiee af North waat Fruit Pro aueti Co 399 South Commercial. FOR RENT HOUSES. BEE KRCEGER. ,Oragoa Bld(. . BARGAIN 0BOCERY STOCK AND FIX tare. See Kraeger,. Oregon Bldg. THE McMINNVILLR CO. WROTE OVER 924,000,000 inaursace during 1921. A substantial testimony of tho merits of its policy. Stsndley 'A Foler, agents, - Bash Baak Bldg. - Phoaa 347. MODERN FITS ROOM HOUSE IMME ' diata possesskoa; 96OO dowa, balance t 125 a month. Price 33400 An other at 32525. and 9500 dowa, hsl aaea 925 a month. New aad modern. Immediate poaaeaaioa. 9420O cash tabea m wonder brand new with every, thing. Appraised twice (or 94500. Fur asee, fireplace and cement -basement. Becke A Hendricks, 305 U. 8. Bank Building. , , LOOK HERE IF YOU WitNT TO SELL year business or your building, or your lease, write BPS 342, Baiem. . COOKED FOOD SALE SILVER BELL - circle. Neighbors of Woodcraft, cooked .food sale at Salem Hardware company. April 15. . Best Buys, and Exchanges 5 room modern bungalow, paved street. 9230O. terms. - . 1 room house, 4 lots, barn, fruit, macad am street. 92000 ; Cash. S room modera. basement, paved street 4 blocks from capitol. ; 92900, , 9600 S room strictly modern .bonrelow, four blocks from cspitol, paved street,' good nno. SSSSO Terma. - 20 acres, close ia. Take trade anywhere si firtt paymewt. S seres to rent, hooae to rent. S0C0L0FSKY 841 State- r - vnw Bil l t ACRES MOSTLY IN fruit,; with modem home; , oa good "road and elbte to elty. Om of- tha . I iaeat wraHrf ranches la .tha' -valley...,,.. ; . , . Square. Deal Co. Vtoa U.' 8. Bank Bldg. i ' Good Buvs and Exchanges Six. rooms, part modern, on paved street 'rar lins... oooa ooy tor tio. nr. k... . taln in a lot. east front .aad concrete, walk. 1 block from State atreet tot'900.- ', . ' 10 acres 4 miles ont, moat all In fruit. Price 330OO. Trade .for . cheap land "aear ' same' vaTuO. 'jV ' . 920 aeree wheat .farm la Idaho, good tuildings: Jiao.acrea In wheat,, all fenced with wire. Trade for small trait form. .Price IMOOr. THOMASON -'' " 33 1 State street ' EMPLOYMENT rXMALB NURSE HOSPITAL XXPERIENCEI 449 North High.- FOR TRACTOR PLOWIKO PHONE 9F9 . Ersest Brsnh. .- j- -' - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PLANS and specifications are ready for resid ence for M. O. Blair. Esquire of F. A. Legg. architect. . - WANTED BMEROBTTC TOONO ; MAN "rSi klT kl ..oartoneo aalllas' life lannaaa. atoeks or advertlaUg. Mast iV able to devwto hia entire time aad bo ambltiomi ier sdrsneemeni. Mast hove the ooovagw to preeent baainaa. propoaltma to merchanU aad Pvoee iionaT men. Answer InFW, d, writing, stattog ago, ,0fl "" fleatWns, ospormaoo ao solicitor, ete AidTOse 'I SI.'" Stateaman offtco lAAXjf AMD rxatAXJi wjiarrvn MEN AND WOMEN TO take fans paper ssbeerrptmns. A good propoeition to tho right people. Address the Feci fU Homestead. Btsteeman Bldg :. alwi. re - PERSONAL 11A8SAGB AND EXERCISES STEAM eabiaas. Iodise ooly. Mra.Rta Brown. Swedish fradnato.- 903 Oragoe) smosj Phono SM. '. THE BLIND MAKT t AM SOMETlMEc ..iia k-.. af mv sreat interest i .i.Mnw and DOTCh blinds. I do CSIT) k. kaai window and porch shades saw deairo very macs to ' new aad repUeomeat Jobs. , Max O ' Bureau 179 -N. Commercial- GET MARRIED BK3T MATRIM0N1A1 Kii.ut rrao - for t sump traoanoadent.' Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE BABY SXTPFUES r Df.on suit ctnfJOlES THE LIGHT beautiful, eomf wUble, moderate prieac' kisd. Let me expiaia .... f fltnraia earriaeea and salkey Thev have many. Mas O. Buren. 179 . ;" K, CommermaL - " - FARM PAPXB it vnrr win Tfl rjrT TBI BE81 farm paper, send loo te tho PaoUl. Maanaataad. Salem. Oregon. Of 9 thro months' trial snhaeriptions MenUw CANARY BIRDS POR BALI CANARY BIRDS ANI oodiarood white Scotch collie paps Mrs- E, A. Bennett, obono 1390. LOVE BIRDS P4TW -To advertise new store. Cage and supply list free. Import od Rollers oar specialty. E. B. FLAKE 379 Star. Pal- CARPETS AND LINOLEUM CORK CARPET PRODUCTS AND CON ml com are soeclslited here to the lim it. Aak for one esch of our circulars entitlct. ' Permanent Linoleum Floors FOB JSALE HJ- amrD TWO- tieameau :r.t.,T.fte.!ff L KTrtV3-..kTd?r ' northwest. BUTCHER CABINETS ' McDOUGALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN . .cm llliai Sign elms kiteb- J" hoet in America. The aaw Me WoogeU ia a marvel Get ay prices aad O. Barea. 17 N. Com "ar' lll, -" LTVXaTOCR. XICE FULL-BLOOD DUROO PIGS FOR o cacn. John II. Scott, 22a vgygon mag. Phone 854 r 622. ROSCXLLABBOUS NETTED GEM POTATOES 1.25 PER hundred. Phone 91F13. rOR SALE Bb TENOR SAXOPHONE, ailrer pUted; aav. 9115. pbona 1671 K fTain(t. . POR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 ata a BBaaia utraaiatlaa Aapartiaaal Orasaa Stataaaaia. GLIDDEN'S LINOLEUM YARNISH AND Jobnaaa'a r'loor Wat. Aak lha particular nariu aad parpoaea af aaob. : .. Max O. Baraa, 1 19 H. CoDimarcial, . oaiam. RUG PRICES LOWER 1923 DESIGN!) aolors and qualities are moat gratilytDC. 8o my fine diapla arhila it ia com plete. Max O. Baraa, 179 N. Com. aaarcUI, SaUaa. THE HOUSE OP HALF A MILLION ad oaa barfaina. Wa hay, aall or axcaaago aajrtbing aad avarythixg la tha liaa of jaak ar aeoead haad goeda. Bao at hefora ton bay aa tall. Staia hock Jaak Co, Remtmbor tba plaeo, 403 M. Commareial St. Pkoao 629. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" sad alevea other Oregon songs, together . with a fine collection of patriotic songs, sacred songs and many old-time lavorites - r ALL FOB 356 (8teelal oricaa ia uuaatltv lota) Especially adaptable for acbooL eommaa- ; ity or homo singing. Send for The Western Songster T9 sum, now la its third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS 8. Commercial 8t. Saiem. Ore WOOD FOB BIG FIB, SECOND GROWTH OAs r ash wooo. Phone 77F3. N ICR DRY FOUR FOOT SECOND FIR wood, 99; 16'iach, 97. Phone 354, of after effico hours 622. OLD GROWTH 18 INCH FIR 98; 4 ft. second growth, $8.00. Phone 1487. . - FOR BALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD i maple, second growth aad old nr. 4 1 ft. or 19 ia. Fred K. Walls. Phase 1542. SOS 8. Church. 18 INCH BLAB AND MILL WOOD 98.50 per load. Dry planer wood. 89.50 per load. Tracy Wood Co Pboao 630. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOB RENT IN NORTH I . Commercial. - FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT at 60 Union. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED APART- meats. 393 North Summer. BOOMS FOR RENT LARGE FRONT SLEEPING 9T1 N. .High Bt. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED Ysomi ana garage, eau. . ooa o street. Phone 1133-B ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN, COSY: 500 up. 403 Btate. ' BOOMS POR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; llrht. water bath furnished: aiso iMAia rooms. 92.50 ner week. Cot- tel aoartmont. 843 N. Commercial. CLEAN. NEAT BLEEPING ROOMS, 9 to 99.60 per wees. . aparwwow, The Leossrd Hotel 354 M. Front Phoaa 1903 : ' HOME FOB RENT FOR GENTLEMAN desirable room in modem some wivs an eoavenleaeea. Please five name sad ret eroaoo. Addroas "Lt aaro SUteo- LOST AND 1 FOUND rotm KilTHIl A WAY TO KEEP LINOLEUM from cracking. DucKiing ana ewirai v Oet my leaflet entitled "Permanent Linoleum Floors." Msz 0. Buren, 179 K. Commercial.' ' WANTED MascnuxABzoTs nt n uiiprvaSRES . sT IDS UVZm n.nisai oitv Badamc ua raeaa WANTED PURNITURS, TOOLS, ETC Pkoao 91X. - a tiKv-n wvwirrTaTNa IB HARD- ware ana rarairero. neas pneao THE CAPITAL HARD WARM 1 rnRvrrnRf CO. - 989 H. Commoreial Bfc. rtwA Mi wivrtn rrrnwrrnnsL TOOLS. MA ahlnarv. stock, etc. Wul bay for sash ahlaarv. stock, etc. y for Phono or sell on commission. Woodrv. the Auctioneer 111 -I BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONXEE kOCTlONEER P. K. WOODRY THE livoetock. fa mi to re. real eat aao - twaeer. ' Phono 811 tor Ree 1910 W Snmmer datea Auto Directory PAIBTABaf RU8H THB AUTO PAINTER STATE Bin ftsjih . e Biu-ea. ATJTO TOPS AUTO TOP TJPHOLSTERY WORK gVanteeoO. 153. Booth Mta, ; Phono 1139. ' RADIATOB SHOPS l. 0. BATR RADIATORS. FENDERS TtAdiea ronslrotl ae rmrrr .USED CABS 950 FOR QUICK SALE JUST THE I AUBREY H. CLARK-PAIjmNO. PAP . . .. . . - t... ro.4w. I k. t.iumi.liif Work raar faT tia-ht deliver or bu. Chev ut .hauia. , See Colonel .iimateo. Salem Laundry co, or ea v a gsrag. TRUCK FOR SALE OB TRADE REOTRUCK imi mAmi .narfee OOSdltlOw. ? WiH trade lor veal eeUto. pvwdaaa or ' 11 IM. Tbla U 0 0X00- ' tieaally toed bay, M Ton. want aroeJ ISteS ZZ av. blmAm'm fi-mm StM or n i ow - BATTEBT AND EIXCTRICIAB 4.UTO ELECTRICIAN ; EXPERT TMD - bte shootiac 319 B. Hih. Phone 303. PBESTO-UTB BATTERY 8EBV1CI station. Esport natory ni ..w W.w-U Ureal. Pboao 1909 , Court ' ' Statesman Brina Results BUSINESS CARDS TOES AKD ACCESSORIES TOSNEAU CARPET RUNNING BOARD liMlrua; aula paint and naML. Maa O. Barea, 119 S. Commercial. Salem. RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM. AUTO carpet, ablv enamel aa4 paiat. Maa O. burce. 17 N. Commercial. 10.OUO MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST eteae krmwi, rua nu aad bloweata. Tbo Hydro Torea Tire, far aaU ay Yew Part store, Ifta a a 4 Lectin, paoae 9. GARAGE AMD RtOTATB FZKDKRS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED. ItJelem Aata Radiator Ska. 119 8. l4ta street. CAPITAL GAltAtta BUICK. 8TTTDR baser repairiag. 179 Boat Liberty. Phone 88 ACETTLEHE WELDINQ WKLDINU AND BRAZING IRON, atet. braaa. alaatiBBaa. bring tha piarea. 837 f'onrt St. Pboaa 4M6. Oza-Gaa Hfatinc Ca. BEAUTY PA BLOBS ROW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 Karta Camairial Batrvat. Phoaa 959. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLANS foraiabed frao. B. W. Melatira. 14U9 N. Churek. CHXMZSB PHYSICIAJI DR. L. M. HUH CUBES ANY KNOWN diaeaee. 1S3 8. Higk St pkaaa 393. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT Pkaaa 194. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hstch. phone 1202J. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON PABM LAND. L. A. Hayfr 90S State street. MARION-POLB, COUNTY FARM LOAN aaaoeiatioa haa money to maa at ail pert eat. W. D. Smith, socretary-treaa uxor. 303 Salem Baak of Oommeree 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pre payment provisions al lowed. Wo will finance yon for s less rate of ia tares t than any firm ea the coast. Private money to loan en either elty or country property. MARSTERS BROS. ' V 411 OrgoB Bldg FOUND EIES SALEM IRON WORKS GREY IRON castings, drag saw machines, centri fugal pumps, heavy machinery. Front and Bute streets. FTJENITURE STORES FRANK; P. RICHTEh NEW, SECOND haad furs it are. S4V M. uommerem' Pboao 453. FURNITURE PRICES DOWW IRON i bads. 96: all steel bed springs. S5.4U; cotton mattresses, 98; oak dining chairs. 94: all steel army cots. 93.5U: Mas O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial Salem. I NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODERv shoo. Jeaaie MeCune. Taiimaaa Pisno Btore. isr wonts tmmarcai. DRESSMAKXNO CARRIE FISHER DBE53MAKING, I deslmlng. Spencer eorsets to erder. 3 MeOorsack Bldg. THB ADSITT3 ARB PREPARED TO do any sad an kinds of ladies" tailor Ing, for old sad sew ens torn srs. 953 M 13U St. Phoaa 3095-R. WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HAND work. Call 631 R. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING FOB Darticnlsr people. Specialty os work massbio aa well as prices. 1079 Oak 8t. Mrs. Lee A. Swoapo. Telephone 884 MESDAMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS makers. 319 Bute St. Phono P7. MAUD 8IM0N8, DRESSMAKER 1710 Bellevue Bt. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, T(r South 12th. Phone 1B84-M. HEMSTITCHQNO - HEMSTITCHING. 548 STATE ST. IIS ger Sewing Ma en me ue. SALEM ELITE HEM STITCH IN a pioatiag. buttons, stamping sna neeoie work, B88 Oregon Bldg. Phono 379 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEM STITCHING Stamping; braicing; band embroidery, buttons. Boom 10, over Miller's store. Salem, Oregon, Phone 117. MRS. BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH ing. mail orders solicited. ITS . its Phono 174-M LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPAKT. S Liberty street. raoaa sa. "ao8 largest best. Established 1999. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Snality work, prompt service, izoe Ireadway. Phone 165. MATERNITY sTTJRSPrO MATERX1TY NURSING WANTED L private home. Phone laa-a-j - MXDIOAIi MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phono 517-W. 1TURSERT STOOX Q) l i . - I I I CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS, ANY quantity. Ward K. Richardson. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. uapitai yaj nnr - aery Co, 429 Oregon Bldg Paoae 75 FRU1TLAND NURSERY SALES YARD Back of office. 540 State Bt. mono 1140 M. - - FOR 8ALE LrrTLrJ'S IMPROVED Cory's thoraless blackberry piaau Heaviest producers snd best flavored Write for pamphlet and price list. C A. Little, Bebastopol. Calif. PLUMBINO Pt rrvnrxo kkPAIBIXG AND OOII work. Phone 1397-J. Baop, 1ST uiwi street. L. oodfrey. PERIODICALS IITM OOOPHtTS TAKES ."V.n , tiong foratt magasiaes. S51 8. 17th. street. Pboao 741-M. PATBTZBO CONTRACTORS PAINTINO AND DECORATINQ HIBH class work for penieniar .ow. Brssdon, contractor. 995 horth High Phono 645-J. - - 1 orhaacinc. kalaomlninf. Work jptar- nnteodu - Terms reaaonaaia. 3035-J. 1484 Ferry. Phone . PERFTJMB AND TOILET ARTICLES tracts, toilet articles. airs, awrw, 170 South 33rd. Phono 1334. PRlNIlfO FOR WEDDINO 1KVTTATI0BB AND ..aaaaMneala. aaa Berteleon. Printer. i . r, , . SIGHS 1 ! 0-, w g ncK J CNtON BOB CO.1058 WnHnca Skoweards tha Sola. etat. Phone 349 SCAVX30ERS SALE M fC A YENO EBS OARBAOE. XB- fuso of all kiada re eleeaed Pboa- 1"7 R?rl"-th2v Chtdfhd fi Chissifled Ads, In Tha BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL MRS. HENRY Capita Fh LEE PIANO. isi?-w. llil V. DOROTHY PEARCS PIANO, Narth W la tar. Pbaaa liS-J. 167 BEATRICE 6HELTOX rIANO 8TUDIO. 945 Maria. Pkua MOLLIS STYLES VOICE, PIANO. 959 Caata. Phaaa 2016 K. . RAG AND JAXZ PIANO P LATINO 12 hwaaaa naraaiaaa. Wilwaaa Ta- r. B. Clark. Mix. 444 btaU. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO tlavar; daaeaa all aer aaiaaa. 957 N. .ibartf . WESTERN OOK&KatT I TORT OP MUS IC f Chicago. Fra K CkarckOL rep raoaUtia. DiphMjaa graalad. Odd- raiiowa Biag. 8A1.KM CONSEKYATORT OP MUS10 AU braackea taagbt. dioaaaaaa fraaUd J oka R. Sitaa. iinctat. 127 Caaxk. Pboae 6. TUNERS JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUBER; Moara this a 0. Rapraaaautio 01 SberBiaa Clay k Ca. Phaao 5ti9. EDWARD WELP ZXPKRI ENCED piaa taaar. Laaaa cn-dara Will 'a Musi3 Stera. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR 8HOP Taaiac rafiBisbiag. robaildiag; player piano expert. Pboao 1659. 131 Soatk Commercial PLuroa 8Himaw ri,Y A ro pt'mos wwrw 1 ways, Duo-Art, aad others. Mooro tma Music Store. Maaeaie Temple. KUSIO STORES GEO C WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grsphs, sew lag machines, sheet music, sow sueao etttdMa Hepoiriog ' aaoaw graphs sad sewing machines. 43 State, Salem. 1 REST AO RANTS P HUB RE8TAURANT MOST REASON able prices. J oh neon Barry. 159 8. Higb. CHERRY CITY RESTAURANT HOME style meals. Good eervica. Stale aad High. SAVE MONEY bt EATING AT RES tauraat Bps la Irs. 186 South Oemmer-t eial. rVKNITO BJS B09PITAX FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO ordr. Refiniahiag and upho is taring a aposialty. Phoaa 1743. Brown and Groves. 1201 South Commercial. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS AND hoard. Loach eonater. Opposite O. E. Depot. State and High. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IN8URANCE company. J. C. Balch, agent, room 6, McCoraaek Ride Phone 96. Ladies' Wearing Apparel M1LLDIEB1 HATS FROM 91 CP Orimm 619 Oourt A MRS. 0. A dancinw PRIVATE dances. LESSONS IN ALL LATF Mrs. White. Phone 979-J. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONO NOODLE HOUSE. 499 Ferry. BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP suay, 40e; puffed rice. 30e; noodles. 30c: fried noodles. 00e. 1H9 B. Lib erty. - STUDIOS OK LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF fereot in obotocraohv. 147 N. Com'l SHOB REP AIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOCTP High - STOVES AND STOVE BXPAIBIMO 3TOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence, aisea 20 to 29 inches sigh Paints, oil sad varnishes, etc, Vegas berry and hop hovks. Salem Fence aad Store Works. 960 Court street Phone 124. TAILORS FRANK PALM. TAILOR 911 SOUTH Higb, order. corner -Ferry, Suits made te Cleaning, pressing, repairing SECOND HASP GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing snd shoes. Also d dossing, pressing snd repairing. Call aad deliver Capital Exchange. 942 North Commercial. Phoaa- 1868 W. WE BUY-AND SELL SECOND HAND roods of ail kinds. dIdc fittings, bar aeaa, collars, collar pada. tools and chains. Fred Bcbindlor. 359 Ceatei street ' ' TRANSPORTATION SILVERTOX MOCTNT ANGEL PORTLAND 0. A M. 8tages Sonht Bound Schedule North Bound Read down Read op Dly. Dry. Dly. Dly. Diy. Dly. No 5 No. 3 No. 1 - No. 3 No. 4 No fl PM. PM. A.M. AM. ,PJf. PM. 9:00 1:30 9:00 Prtl'd 10:30 4:00 9:80 4:05 9:35 10:05 Mt.Agl 9:25 1:55 6:25 4:30 4:00 10:30 SilvVn 9:00 1:30 6:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. " Lv. Lv. Lv. Sunday only 9:00 p.m. fin. Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Portland sad Bteelebammer a Urns snore, etitverton SALEM 8ILYIBT0N CTAQB I a.i. Silvonoi 1 o. E. Depot Hews Stand 7:00 a-m. 9:00 a m 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m 8ALEM-TNDEPEXDENGR MONMOUTH STAGB Leave Salem, O. B. Depot T :0O a.m tl:0O a.av, 5 :00 p.aa. Leave Monmouth Hotel 9:15 a.m 1:00 p.m 6:15 p.m. Leave Iadependeace Hotel 9:90 SJn. 1:15 p.m., 9:80 p.m. Special trips by spnointmest. 8evea passenger ear for hire. J. W PARKER. Proa. I Res. rhone 615- Business phono 7j TRANSFER HAULING UPITAL CITY TRAN8FER CO. 12i State St. Phoaa 999. Drntktiag forwardiag end etorano our specialty Oet our rates. WE MOVE. STORK AND SHIP H0U8E bole) goods. Our specialty la plane aad furnituro mo vine. We also make eonntrv trios. Wa handle the host coal and wood. Call on us for prices. We five good meaaare, good quality sad Phono 93C. WOOD SAWS I CITY AND UuuNTBT WOOD SAWING. Phone 3049. Fisher Bros. WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1131.' CITY, country. Ed. Sproed. WAREHOUSES PCBUC "ZtT-.V I . " . rw.. aim 1 piosivou. twr'T r --a - WATEB SAIUS WATER. LIGHT POWKB CO offica. 901 Sooth Cm'l St. Ton nor coat dieeoaat on domostte flat rate paid In advance No deductions for aheeneo e? say esoeo nnloss water hi abut off vume nremisee Statesman Bring Results PR0FFES10NAL CHIROPODISTS . 3. POSTER CORN DOCTOR. 13) Stata Mi. Pattaa BM. Pfcaa. 6T. OPTICIANB GLASSES PITTED BY DR. U R. BCR 4tt tml taa bww Optical Capaar, 925 SlaU (trtMH, appaaMa La.'4 aad buak Baak, POMEROY KEENR Uptaawtnau aita JEWELERS AND Stala. CHIROPRACTORS IR. O. L. SCOTT. P.8C. CHIROPRAC Ur, 414 19 U. S. Baak Bldg. Pkar 97; rea. 828 R. CHJROPRACTOR- Dra. Bradford A Brad fa rd Giadoalea and poit gradoalva of CAR VEK Collvga. Oklahoma City K1RST CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGE in the WORLD. Tea year prac tice. Coasaltatioa aad eiamioaliua frao. Buite SIS Orcroa Bldg. Pboao 526. PHYSICIAXS DR. GRIFFIN OFFICE, STAGE TER Uilnai building. Specialty: piles (near method, ao knife) ; female diseases, stomach, aenronsaess, constipation, rheuiuatiam, drug addrrttoa. OSTEOPATH3CPHTSICIAJI9 DBS. WHITE AND U. 8. Baak Bldg. MARSHALL. 409 DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Pbyaieiaa aad sorgaoa. Kirkseilla graduate, 404-405 U. S. National Baak Bldg. Phone, office, 919 i res. 614. BROKEN ARCHES AND OTHER DEFOR mities oi the feet corrected without loss of time from your occupation. Drs. White snd Marshall, U. S. Bank Bldg. DR. JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phyatciaa aad surgeoa, 40S-404 Ore gos Bldg. Phases, office, 1994; res. !trS - LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERAN 8 Camp 5, Armory. First, thfr-a Monday a REAL ESTATE wanted TO lease from7 OWNER Le" "TK '! r"h s.p'lu" WORTH WHILE A corner lot in Richmond, 9350; $50 dowa. balanee by mouth. Another cor ner in Richmond, S300 cash. 3 room house and lot, 54x128, 3 bHcka to car, for 9350, ft 50 down, balance by month. 5 room bungalow style house on paved street, good order inside and out- Price 32&U0; $500 down, balanee by month. 10 acres, 9 miles out, 7 acres bearing prunes, 4 room house, barn and wood boisc. Price S3:iOO; will take houho aud lot up to $2000. MILLS & COPLEY 331 State Street PERSONAL SERVICE When you went to find something in the way of a home in town or country, and du not want te be harassed by a mul tiplicity of agencies, tell me whst yoa want, and in most eases I will pro duce it. If I do not, it will coat you nothing; snd when I do, the seller pars. William Fleming, 341 State street. Established 1909. TRADE FOR A 20 acre aurbrrban home if you have a good Salem bouse or a country gen eral merchandise business. 1 Or if you hsva s 5 or 6 room house to -trade into a 10 acre orchard on hard surface road. See Wm. Fleming, 941 State street. ACT QUICK ONE nALF BLOCK. NO rock, no overflow, in good neighborhood. Good building site. Price 9750, terras. 915 down, f 15 per month until paid. No interest. Joseph Barber A Son, 200 ,Ursy Bldg. FOR SALE FIVE ROOM MODERN COT tsge, furnished. Garage. Price 92300. Phone 875 J. First CJass Bungalow $3000 vuuiw (uhiivii v u im a .avau ,mi,. grounds. Paved street, cement wslks, fall basement, furnsee, built-ins, etc. Owner is leaving city snd will sscrifiee their 93800 property for 93000. Terms - S. R. PEARSON 210-211 U. 8. Bank Bldg. WOULD YOU! LIKE A GOOD FARM I larre or small! fruit, or berry tracts I Citv Tots, and lots of city homes, we msy have the one you are looking for. ttee L. A. HAYFORD 805 State street CITY HOC8ES CITY LOTS. BCNGA lows, small aad large eereaga, loee b aad tar out; exchanges ia elty aad eesntry. Brown. hi area, over Bat tek s vcto, Bute sad uommoreuu. Paoae 359. 1 MR HOME BUYER TOO CAN BUY A 0 room bungalow less than a year old for 9500 leas than I was offered for It aiao mouths ago. Hae basement, Dutch kitchen, eloeets aad sleeping porch. 91000 will handle It. See it tody. 135 LoffeUe. ANDERSON RUPERT Baeeeaaers so Latter A LnflM INSURANCE REAL , ESTATE BONDS LOANS Oregon Bldg 406-7 Wanted, Loans We have private money to loan oa elty or suburban property. We have a fiso, well improved ten seres to irsde for city property, l his u first class. If you want to trade, buy or ecu sea H. L. MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg EASTERN PARTIES HAVE PLACED with me tor quick sale, some very de sirable farm lands acquired under fore closure of roortgsge in the Butherlin valley. Suitable for -aubdivision into small farms or msy' be run as one large farm. Call or address A. C. BOHRXSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple, Salem. Oregon PRICED TO SELL 9 ROOM BUNOA- low on psved street, corner lot, 83 by 150 feet; modern convenience, gsr, ace, en street car line. 92650. Mast be sild within two weeks, Winnie Pettyjohn 3314 State street GOOD BUYS 100 acres all good farm land and ia crop, sa all house, fair bsra. all farm implements and stock goes with place. Owner reservm crop. Price 913,000. Located 5Vs milee south of Independ ence. iVz acres. 5 in 4 year old prunes, all plowed snd pruned, loraten v mues soatk: a barsain at $1650; easy terms. err-'B all plow land, located near state talk srocads. Price 91300 cash. 6H acres, 4 acres in bearing prunes. H acre bearing logins, some straw oer ries and raapborriea. 9 room hoase. bara; located 4 miles out oa Sdvertoa road. A bargain at 94 10O cash. ; Real Estate aad Fire Iasuraace VV. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 875 State St. U. 8. Bank Bldg. LOTS Of LOTS Over a 100 nil prices, and scattered over town. A few or tnem nargains, iex i was a iurcner iniinence iownra no k-P T,u P'k 'w"..ri"lB'lnTJtnrn in the market. Inasmuch I as jori FOR SALE THREE ACRES IMPROV- ed; aoaso fruit; tailc to ear liaa aa State street. Taraua. Katies, Hefl Btiffc. 50 Acre Farms New 5 room house, goad barn, splendid ell, stoat au ahrep, aa Irasa, aae roar, 5u cbirkeas, two set of araj kr uasa, toa pUs, tare celtivaiura, toe barrowa, ao aiowrr, one rake, oue aragua, 10O bcakel oata, 15 baakol brat, 4 ton bay. Let soe tell yoa 04 it's many other good features about this place. Italy 6 at ilea from 8atem. Will trade fur bouse ia Sairm or Port land aa first payment. Gertrude J. M. Page 42 . tot tare atrret Wood's Bargains Six room bungalow, new; threa lots; 92300. New bungalow and one a-r. 925UO. New buacalow, 125o. , 'ia rom house aad ona acre oa Electric line at statioa, 915u0. 20 acres with stock and implemeata, $4500, trade for bouse. 90 acres near Eddyville for house. 1240 acrva stock ranch. North Dakota, for valley ranch. 193 acre farm aear Sherufaa for Canada farm. Five room bouao and two acres for house- ia Salrm. F. L. Wood, 341 State street. FOB RENT FOR RENT 103 ' ACRES ON 6F3. SHARES. PUPLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF XORTII FOURTH STREET FROM THE XORTII LINE OF HOOD STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF NOR WAY STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem deems it expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve North Fourth Street from the north line of Hood Street to the south line of Nor way Street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, h "tein iub Direct tuiersecuons me i expense of which will be assumed y the City of Salem, by bringing said oortion of North "Fonrth Street to the established grade. constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said North Fourth Street with a six inch Portland cement concrete pavement in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Com mon Council oa the 3rd day of April, 1922, now on file in the of fice of the City Recorder, and which for greater certainty and convenience and a more detailed description thereof, are hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council h eran declares its nurnose and Intention tO Bilks lha nhnvo H.,IVa i -.waa-.-w UVUt VVU 9 lit provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. By order of the Com mon Coun cil: EARL RACE City Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice is April 5, 1922. NOTICE OF TI1K IMPROVE MEXT OP NORTH SKVEX. TEENTII STREET FROM THE NORTH L1XE OP MD STREET TO THE SOUTH LLE OF MARKET STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common council of the City of Salem deems it expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve North Seven teenth street from the north line of "D" street to the south line of Market street at .the expense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty. except the street Intersec tions, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem by bringing said portion of North seventeenth street to the estab lished grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of North Seventeenth street with a six-inch Portland cement concrete pavement in ac cordance with the; plans and speci- aa. ao " ' ucations tnerecor which were adopted by the Common Council on the 3rd day of April, 1J22, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and -which for greater certainty and convenience and a more, detailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. By order of the Common Coun cil: EARL RACE. City Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice is April 5. 1922. E SEEN fj HAT European Purchases Strong Including Millfon Bushels of New Grain CHICAGO, April 13. Big ex port business helped bring about a sharp advance today in the price of wheat, the market closing strong 2 to 3c-net higher, h Mi $1.33 to $1.34. and Jnly L2S to 1.23 . Corn gained to c and oats to He In provisions the outcome was unchanged to 10c lower. - European purchases of wheat today were estimated at 1.500, 000 bushels. Including 1,000.000 bushels of new wheat. The fact that tomorrow would be a holiday with all grain exchanges, foreign -A I I -f J , uomwuc. re-mamian; ciuocu, REAL ESTATE mny 9picoltors Who had bn thev felling , sid apparently were unaruitng to tare tne riskt of rxissiblf burprise dTelopments before Monday with only a brief time on Saturday tor any need protection obtainable through baying. .... Report 9 of thousands of acre) of wheat drowned out by floods in the middle west were given a good deal of attention anions . traders, and as a bullish factor were supplemented by continued uuiltuiiuic itvi auiivca iiuui some sections of the southwest, especially the western third of Kansas. Hither quotations at Liverpool counted also as a stlm u'us to buyers, notably during the initial dealings here. Action of the ccrn market and the oat market showed sympa thy with the wheat advance. Cash demand, however, for the teed grahu proved slotr. Downturns in the value of hogs had a depressing effect on pro vision values. FRUIT. NEW YORK, April tt. Ersp orated apples, dull and easy; prunes unsettled; peaches,, quiet. DAIRY TOTATOra PORTLAND, April 13. Butter, prints extras. 35c; cubes extras, 31c; prime firsts, 30e. Butter fat. Portland delivery: No. 1 aour cream, 34c. Potatoes: Buying price, locals 7yc at $1; selling price, $1.25 st $1.50. REALTY EXCHANGES 1 I I Reported by Union Abstract j i f iimnanv I R. A. and Lclha L. Harris to (liaee O. Stevens 90-100 acre in J. L. ParrUh die 7-3-W, $10. Miller B. and Delta B. Hayden to Herbert I- Stiff, part of lot 6. block 5, Reed a addition to Sa lem, $10. Emanuel and Mar a Ol'vottl to Mt. Angel Creamery ft Ice com pany, lot 4, block 2. M. Butala'9 ad to Mt. Anel. $t0, George and Mary Boeckman to Katharine Mey-rr. lots 1. 2. Block 2. May's add. to Mt. Angel 110. George and Mary Boeckraann ti Katharina Meyer, lot 5, Par I v,n tracts. $1500 1 t. HI Hi A A. KUSSeil to Rex I, Reduced Round Trip Fares Tickets on sale daily on and after April 15. Return limit seven days after sale. - Oregon Electric Ry. To and From Portland Albany .. Corvallis $2.75 -..u.laS 2.03 ....;.......3.90 Eugene Forest Grove 3.40 Harrisbur? . Hillsboro .... .2.90 3.10 Junction City .... . .3.15 Woodburn ..... .95 Proportional round trip fares to and from all oth er stations on the Ore gon Electric Ry. where the one way fare is 30 cents or more. Oregon Electric Ry. J. W. RITCHIE. Agent Telephone 727 . Going East? " If so, have your ticket routed v THROUGH CALIFORNIA "The Sunshine and Open Window Way" ' A Choice of Routes - l Convenient Schedules ; ' Liberal Stopover Privileges Through Sleeping Cars Observation Cars 'Every part of the service contributes to the Traveler's Comfort ri r Stop atSan Francisco and Los Angeles, world famous, and beautiful cities. For further particulars,' ask 'agents or write SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES' ' HueeU. part of lot 2?. Sllterton North, $160. Emma O. and A. F. Uag to Kdlth L. Allen, 10o acres Saa.ord Stephens die -2-W. $10. W. E. and Harrlcx Xtarden Hanson to Mae Wright lot 1 and IS! 1-2 lot 2 Whittaker add. to Sa iem, $10. ' x .: . ,j TercUie rJarditttoN darl A. Berchem. 10 imtvA,L Pratt d;c 6-J!-V, 32 MdO. u , a ftna m. a. stapleton to p.,,,., a Whlte, p.rt of lot 22. Grabenhorst F. F., No. S, $10. ikitiuiM Cuiu.'dt Savinss bank' to A. C. U. Herry. trustee. 4S.S1 acres Je e II. Adauis donation land cla.ta, J-2-W.. $1. CharU-s end Etta Gehlen to E. D. and Lizzie Alexander, part of block 1. Stay ton. $10 and other considerations. f v ', 1 I SALEM MARKETS Prieos ejaoted are waatessve and an prieea roraiveo hv faimi is Na ratal aev-ea are given eaeopt aa Bated. Oata. milUag. not, e&e. Wheat No. t sacked. 31.13. . Oata. feed, about 50e. ' Votch aad oat hay, 913. Clover hay, 91ft t 913 914, Mill run mill feed, 931 BOOS, BUTTSS 9 BUTTlBFAl Eggs, retail, 17-I9e. , Crean.ery bu-trr, retail, 89 49. Batterfat, S2c . POULTBt Hens, light, I Sc. lleaa, heavy. 93a. Koostora, old, tOo. MRS. MTTTTOB ABD BB19 Hogs. top. 110.73. Lamb, aoae ia markev Top veal, dreased, ISe, Steers. T i 14. Uw" rBtrrr. Baaaaas. lOe. : Um ma, 99.90 & 97.50. . Navel oraagoa, 97.50. Flr Ida grapof rait, 99 O 93.3ft. ; Csliforaia graoe fratv. 94 90 VBOBTABLBS Sweet potatoev It O tt, Potatoes, -31.8$. ' Cabbasr. 4c Catiforaia tomatoes, lag, . Cssliflower, 13. Oregon oatoaa, 10s. - M1 Taralpa, 9S. - ' Parampe, 99.90. Carrots, 99. ' 11 Head lettuce, 99 O 94 SO. Beets. 13.80. j L-. II 1A I aVATBal, ITOaV MOaVt Datea. a Package dates, eoee. 99.79. Pigs 13 Comh honey, ease, 99. ( Cocoaauta. doaea. 91.75. Straiad Honey lb II He. y Portland Buying Prlcci;,!,, EGOS, POULTRY, MEATS BUTTERF AT STEADY . it No. 1 ehurainff eream, SSe f.e h. Port land; naderg-rades, 83e, y i r EUUS- D1EAUI Current recelpte 30 O 31ei pallets. IS t 19e: white henneries. 33 cents, V delivered. (Theee Quotations are bea4 priced paid for the bwlk of day a receipts by ay local louners ana ereamenea I LIVK POULTRY riRM t fLoss commaiaioa) Heavy heas." 35 lb,: do. litht. 31 eaau pouad; 191 V broilers, 40 c ots; old roosters, 19 M I3e poua": ducks, yeaac white resins. 27 eenu; do colored. S4e J stags, He. Tsrkera. No. 1, dressed, 97 t see. DRESSED MEATS STEADY (l4s commission ) Choice light hr, 19 V O lie; undergrsdes, 13 i I4e; vesC top grades, 14 t 14He: under trades, 10 as) 18c; (prlag lambs, pal if ea, 80 31e. . nsi arii aiuu . . HAYSTEADY (Delivered Portland) Valley Tlmoils 919 a ton; Eastern Oregon Timothy. 919 a toe: alfalfa, 919; clover, U; oat sad ' vetch.- 91; straw, 99. . - GBAIV UNSETTLED . T r (Trsck, Portland, ineer lota) WTieal 91.33 de 91.30, . Coerae grains oats 984. Raetera yellow eora, 930 SO - 04 937.50 a tea; barley, 929.59 937.50. - FBTZT - ' FRUIT riBSf - -f! Apples, extra fancy, 93 & 12.50 bev, fancy. 9175 ti 93; cookers, 91 if tl. - VEGETABLES 4 n - ' VEGETABLES STEADY PoUtoes No. 1, 75e 90e; ealens. No. 1, 910 O 910.50 ewt. Ore eon rale bin tU O Se Ib.t broeeolL 9L8S J rl..0 crate ; parsBipe, la Hi.; oarrela, - - WOOL - y. - WOOL FIRM Coarse valley weot, IS (f 19s; medium 33 0. 25c i fine, 35 9,37c. ' BOPS . HOPS 8TEADT I Oil eeon. a lead at IS 41 tAo. Bring Ui Your Eggs J We are paying 18c : cash for Fresh Eggs Today. ' ' ,k i . i "s '''' Damon Grocery Co. 899 N. Commercial SL v Read the Classified Adv a Dining Cars John JL Scott, General Pasener Ascr.t tt : il is r .. i r , f 'i t i i'4 "1 'ITow to Care for Linoleum.