The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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CroflgJng Allowed
v The public service .commission
In an order issued yesterday, writ
ten by Commissioner H. H. Corey,
grants to Morrow coony author
v lty to construct a grad-s cossing
. over the tracks of the Oregon
.Washington R allroad & Naviga
tion company near the town ot
Boulder, i The crossing' will af
t lord an exit from that' territory
for hay transported by vehicle to
eastern Washington towns. The
- county ; proposes to construct a
. road leading from the ferry larid
ing on the north side of the rall
, way tracks across the t racks to
' connect with the Columbia Itiver
highway on the south aide of the
Big Egg Show
C..A. Warner, living on route
5, Salem, brings In to The States
man a Black Minorca pullet egg
measuring eight inches in circum
ference the long way, and 6
Inches the other. It weighs just
a shade less than four ounces.
There may be other hen's eggs
as big, or even bigger, but they
do not come to mind.
Agricultural college will speak to
day on foods and nutrition at the
fashion show to be held In the
Commercial club rooms. The wo
men of the Smith-Hughes voca
tional educational class will be
those whose work will be shown.
, : -S in .
Also v
Jack's Cafo
1C3 S. Com. St. A good place to
eat. Tables and. counter. Adv.
first IrcMbyteriaB Church
The closing Passion -wek ser
vice will be this evening af 7:45
o clock. These services have
been of great interest, and spirit
ual uplift to all who 'have given
Christ the pre-eminence in their
lives. " Mr. Long's closing mes
sage will be on "The Seven Say
ings of Christ on the Cross," in
terspersed with music and prayer.
Solo, "Calvary," by Mrs. Ada
Miller Harris. Mrs. Long will al
so give a message in song. Ses
sion will meet at the close of the
service to receive new members.
A cordial welcome to this service
is extended to the .public.
Automobile Auction-
Saturday night at Oleson-Rook-
stool Auto Exchange. Adv.
Cause - more sick head
aches, more nertous break
downs, more physical wrecks
than almost any other one
ailment. . These : delicate
mechanisms are often de
ceiving; a competent optom
etrist can tell you their true
Don't wait too long be
fore KNOWING! the true
state of your eyes.
OPTICAL CO. -204-211
Salem Bank ot
Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest Optical
' institution ' ,
Phont 239 for appointment
Service Today
A three-hour Good Friday ser
vice, will be held at St. Paul's
Episcopal church today from 12
j noon td 2 "o'clock. All Christian
i people who desire to watch by the
Cross are invited. Come at any
time, during; the three hours and
retire during the singing of any
hymn. Addresses in the -Seven
I Word from the Cross."
Phonograph Record-
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv.
Fashion Show Today-
Miss Bernice Walt of Oregon
Individual Meat Pies
On Tues. and Wed.
1000 Center' St corner 12th
- Hartman'i Glasses
yggsjy Wear them and see
Easier and Better
. nAKlolAN dKUj.
Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon
SAVE $ $ $
: Ik ft Hat . i m m . ;
by bavins your hardware And
furniture at The Capital iiaro
ware Furniture Co, 285 No,
Commercial street. Phone 047.
wcxb sev
"1 went to a
swap social tha
other night. Ev
ery body wu tap
poed to brins
oaething they
didn't need.
Most of tfca wom
en bronght their
On min
ute essay
on health
by O. L.
Scott. D.
Few people know how to
relax. The first essential Is
that you get the weight off
the spine.' Lie down on your
back,. stretch the arms one
after another, then reach as",
far downward with the toes
as possible. Then let go
with a sigh.. -
When there Is pressure on
spinal nerves at any point
along the Spinal column with
Its many nerve openings,
there Is an irritation which
prevents relaxation the
complete restful, relaxation
of sleep. Such pressure
causes disease.. It Is the
work of the chiropractor by
chiropractic spinal adjust
ments to remove such causes
of disease, i '
Chiropractic spinal adjust
ments remove the cause of
diseases of the head, throat.
lungs, heart, stomach, Jlver,.
pancreas, spleen, : bowels
and the lower organs.
Ton can nako an appointment
,for your health ' aake by telephon-
ins 87,
obpopook cdmccts
rmssuBE on snuAA
i snvts m disuses o
will buy anything you have
v . ;,' ' to 8ell
Loganberry and hop wire
, for sale
The House of Half a Mil
lion and One Bargains"
402 N. Commercial Si,
Phone 523
People TJse Swift's Fertfllarr
Because It makes them money,
See C. S. Bowne or phone III
v t "
Manndr Thursday Observed- "
laundy Thursday was observed
last night by Scottish Rite 32nd
degree Masons with a banquet in
the Hotel Marion. ' Speakers of
the evening included Judge John
L. Rand, Oscar Hayter of Dallas,
W. Newman of Manila, P. I.
Judge George H. Burnett presid
ed at the meeting. Miss Eliza
beth Levy pave several violin 8f
lections. The ceiemonial ot jz
Ughting . the candles will be ob
served at the Masonic temple on
Sunday evening at 9 o'clock.
Cars Oiled and Greased 73c boor.
KIng Bartlett, 229 State st
Good Friday Services
Mr. Muston will sing, "The Cru
cifixion" at the Good Friday ser
vices at the First Congregational
church this evening. Dr. W. C.
Kantner, the pastor, will be the
speaker, his subject being "The
Christ of Calvary." The hour Is
7:30. .
Nominating Petition Blanks-
Secure them at the Statesman
(legal dept.) upstairs. Adv.
Student 111
Anna Lavender, student at Wil
lamette university, is confined to
her home with an attack of ton-
sllitls. Miss Lavender is a mem
ber of the Beta Chi sorority.
Chrestos Initiate
The Chrestophilian Literary so
ciety of Willamette university
held Its mid-term initiation Wed
nesday night. Three pledges
walked over the glassy sands and
tasted of the bitters during the
reeular weekly meeting. Carl Jo-
quet. William Walsh and William
Ashby were .the pledges initialed.
oaM aaaaaMaaBaaii-awMBBiBaa
A Classified Ad.
Will bring yon a buyer. Adv.
Girls Will Debate-
Two Beta Chi sorority members
will make a trip to the College
of Puget Sound to represent Wil
lamette in debate tonight. Miss
Lorlei Blatchford and Miss Lou
lse Joughin are the members.
Powell Addresses Students
Charles Ernest Powell address
ed the student body of Wlllam
ette university yesterday during
the chapel period. He urged the
students to think deeply about
their doubts and to doubt their
An Easter Sale--'
Of cooked ftfod. aprons and
fancv articles will " be held Satur
day by the Woman's Alliance of
the Unitarian church at Welch's
Electric Store, 379 State street
Watch the Liberty
Tomorrow and Saturday
a wfeta
f vf
ST fo aa
la with ant
tfeaxg. '
'AIMS ( '
a V.
&2 i
Dr.O.L. Scott
414-13 U. S. Bank BWff.
Phone 87
A moufh organ, a dollar
bill; -a pepper box, and a bit
of luck of theIrishV started
Terrance Giluley on the way
to a fortune and a wife.
Every body who liked "Hold
Your Horses will revel in his
newest comedy. 3 ?
News and Comedy
iL Theatre : 1
Polly of the Follies Sunday
Clares Will Debate
The senior and sophomore
classes of the high school will
clash today in the interclass
championship debate at 1:30
o'clock in the auditorium. A
lively contest is predicted for the
seniors who are experienced de
baters are meeting: an unusually
strong team for the sophomore
class. Prances Ward, senior lead
er, because of sickness, wili be
unable to lead her team ana Ar
thur Montgomery will lead the
upperclassmen. .
Larky asserts that he traded 206
acres of Benton county land far
the Yakima property.
Unitarian Easter Sale
Of cooked food and fancy artf
cles at Welch's Electric store to
morrow. 37 9 State street. Adv
Fire Loss Estimated
The total fire loss In Oregon
icr the month of March, accord
ing to a report of A. C Barber,
rtate fire marshal, was f ?75.TS0.
Kires causing losses of 10."03 or
more were: Medford, bakery and
ether business' houses, $12,060;
Oregon City, garage, ball tnd
apartments, 1168,000. Shedd.
business block, $1S,00C.
It is Heartily Commended by
Men and Women Signing -Public
The County Clerk's Office
Will be open each day for tne
registration, ot voters. except
Sunday, from 8 a. m. until 8 p.
m commencing Friday, April i
until registration closes April 18
1922 at 5 o'clock p. m. Adv.
MARION-.-M. M. Page, P. V
Williams; B. W. Wilson, F- E.
Pitts. A. A. Hale. D. W. Landes.
D. E. McClean. C. L. Lindsay, C.
E. Moline, W. S. Pard, Hugh Bel-
ton. Lane Gordell. T. T. Petty. K
H.. Cross, Lester Slchel, Leonard
Kaufman. P. G. Knox, Portland;
P. J. Kelly, Helena: Charles
Boyd. J. M. Clarke, Seattle; A.
S. Thompson, J. Greene, Los
Angeles; A F. Mavlty, Bill ngs
BLIGH Mrs. Frank Chance,
Gcodland. Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. F
T. Rice, Camp Lewis; A. Feilfr.
A. Osborn. D Filler, Ponald" c.
B. George, Bremerton; O. Pnyd'f
Talbot; P. J. Ulich, Loi Anteies;
J. VIck, B. M. Dnrant. W. n. An
derson. F. W. Gilbert. Portana;
Douglas Kesllnjrburr. Lincfhi,
Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Eiran
Welter Roes, Fall Creek.
TERMINAL: G. B. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jensen ard
caughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mora a.
Oeorjre Hotchkiss Street and J. T
Wallace, of Portland: Mr. and
Mrs. EL H. Foster and E. E. Wal
lace, of San FrancUco: J. A. Don-
eyhue, of Spokane.
F. G. Stickles of Lane county
was a visitor from Eugene yester
day on business connected with
the extradition of a prisoner from
Ontario, Canada.
John - Farrar, assistant post
master. Is nursing the place where
he had two questionable' tonsils
removed this week.
Don't Disregard Cold -
Foley's Honey and Tar will
check a cold if taken in time, and
will also stop a cough ot lsng
standing. It promptly gives re
lief, soothes and heals. . Mrs. Ge
neva Robinson, 88 N. Swan St.,
Albany, N. Y.. writes; "Foley's
Honey and Tar is the best cough
medicine-1 ever used. Two bot
tles broke a most stubborn ling
ering cough." It loosens phlegm
and mucus, eases horaaeness.
stops tickling throat, helps "flu
and grip- coughs. Sold every
where! -AdY.j" : i.
Cooked Food Sale
At Stiff Furniture Store, Sat
urday, for beautifying lawns at
Lausanne hall. -Adv.
Judge. Raee Decline
City -Recorder Earl Race an
nounced yesterday ,that he would
not be a candidate for mayor at
the primaries, May 19. petitions
asking Race! to announce himself
had been circulated for several
Kids and Kiddies Under 12
There'll be a special 10-cent
matinee Saturday at 10 a. m. at
the Oregon, showing Wesley
Freckles" Barry in Booth Tark-
ington's "Penrod." Adv.
Many Licenses Issued
April promises to exceed March
In respect to the number of mar
riage licenses issued In v Marion
county. To! date. 20 permits have
been issued, while only 24 nuptial
blanks were made out during the
receding month. Licenses were
issued April 12 and 13 to M. J.
Anderson, butcher, of 263 South
Hleh street and Anna Baer. of
883 Mill street; Edward F. Rich,
clerk and Mrs. Pearl M. Mills,
both residents of Gates. Or ; Er
nest Smith, farmer and Mamie
Campbell, S33 Center street.
E. It. Flake, 273 State
For Easter lilies. Adv.
Bank Gets Verdict
A jury In department No. 1. clr
cult court, yesterday returned a
verdict In favor of the Benton
CourJty State bank In the bank's
suit against A. J. Latlty and om
era. The action wai for recovery
on a promissory note, the verdict
being for $1005.20. -which sum
Included principal and interest ai
8 ner cent from Jul7 31.
Attorney's fees : of S75 are alo
rasessed against Mr. Latky.
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
Adv. . . :; : v-.
Lafky Sues Johnson '
AlbCrt J. G. Lafky has Instltnt
ed suit In circuit court against A
J. Johnson, alleging that Johnson
misrepresented the acroig3 of a
Yakima farm.! The farm contain
mly 140 teres, It is alleged, al-
"The Man's Shop" Will
Have Its Opening Today
, "The Man's Shop", the old Ka
foury men's furn'.shlng store on
State street, now owned by WU
ham Zosel and Ellis Cooley. is to
hold Its formal opening today
The store has been completely re
modeled. The firm haj put in
one ot the finest display fronts in
Salem, and throughout it has been
made into uelightful, modern
place to shen.
Special music Is to b orrerea
today as one part of the reception
The store has never cloned 't
doors, evening during the remod
eling, but now the proprietors
feel that they are readr i invite
their friends in to see ihcra. in a
store that icaily approaches their
own ideals of what a store shouia
be in a good business city like
Salem. ; s :
Nervous old lady Will
train stop at the terminal?
Conductor I hope so; there'll
be an awful smash is she doesn't.
VTe respectfully commend to
the voters of Marion county. Or.,
for nomination as one of their
four representatives. Mrs. Fannie
Kay Bishop. daughter of the late
Thomas Kay, one of the most
nighly respected of Marion coun
ty's pioneer families, and the wife
of Hon. Charles P. Bishop, who
served Marion county as state
senator in former years, and now
one of her most enterprising and
conservative business men.
Mrs. Bishop is first of all a
faithful wife and mother and if
elected to the position of repre
sentative in the state legislature
she would be ever mindful ot the
effects of proposed legislation up
on the home and the youth of
the state and would firmly and
efficiently battle for the highest
and best interests of her constitu
ency, from a moral and domestic
She has long taken an active
and influential part in party, so
cial, civic and public affairs,, and
has established a reputation for
persistency, firmness, discernment
and high standards that com
mends her to the thoughtful and
substantisl element among the
voters. She Is possessed ot a keen
analytical mind, has a large ex
perience; a wide acquaintance, Is
courteous and yet fearless when
cbnfident of the right, resource
ful, industrious and direct. She
is the kind of a representative
who would support legislation
only for the reason that it ap
pealed to her judgment as best
for the constituency she repre
sents, and would honestly and en
ergetically oppose legislation that
did not commend itself as being
for the public welfare.
Mrs. Bishop's slogan: "I will
make an honest effort to relieve
the overburdened taxpayer,"
sounds the clarion call to all who
believe that taii have grown
into excessive and burdensome
levies, and all who believe in this
statement should rally to the sup
port of Mrs. Bishop. She is
thoroughly familiar with the
weaknesses of the present system
that h caused these burdens, is
an uncompromising foe of extrav
agance in public expenditures, fa
vors the abolition of useless com
missions and a practical consoli
dation of the administrative
branches of the state government
and is insistent that special funds
should be used only for the pur
poses for which they were created
tt purpose no longer
maintains, that the fund be dis
continued and tax levies decreased
George H. Alden,
Seymour Jones,
Paul Wallace.
Juliet M. Lord.
Mrs." Richard Cartright.
' Helen M, Southwick.
J. N. Smith.
Dr. H. C. Epley.
Mrs. Ida L. Niles,
Marie Flint.
Ronald C. Glover,
H. C. Bramtjaugh.
Down in Mexico jobless men are
allowed to ride tree on railway
trains. But the trains are so slow
thst they are likely to be late for
anything in. the way ot a job.
-Fine for Lumbago
Musterole drives pain away sou
brings in its place delicious, soothing
comfort. Just rub .U in gently.
It Is clean, white ointment, made
with oil of mustard. Get Musterole
today at your drug store. 35c and 65c
in jars and tubes; hospital sue, S3. 00.
Funeral services far the late
Johanna Datzman will be fro .a
the Terwilliger Home oday at
3:30. Burial in Catholic ceme
tery. r-
The funeral of Mary ,!unann
who died April 11. at 932 North,
Sixteenth, street, will be he!U at
the German Lutheran church on
Sixteenth and A streets, on Fri
day, April 14, at 3 p. m.. Rev.
GroBs officiating. Burial will be
in the City View cemetery. Ar
rangements in charge o! Webb &
Webb & Clougb
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmert
Leading Morticians
Ws pay highest pries,
W buy and sell sverythtng
Ws sell tor leas.
Fbeae MS I
US Center St.
o. b. wniisM c.
1S4S Tint At
Boat, BMttto.
Largest mill hi tfe wsst sallinc 4irS
( ths anr. Saves oa sQ siiddlsmsal
v . Caicfcsa Bafeas: Bask
to wM y-S5" tick. SO, A ton
olffaraat aisaa la stack for prompt sais
stsai. Ckicksa Boaaa Skylit
y 40'V Prtea elated $3. TkJa
is ' tfta sis raeaarasndad by Wtra
Waahiattaa Kxpruat SttUos. Orsart
tilled promptly.- . ;
- rtr Doers
Tirm crasa paaal Soars. S faa I ! W
S feat S Uekas. at aaek f a
Oon paaeJ dears, st aark S3J7
klaaay eheerfslly rsfaadad If sat sat
hfiad. Writ far' fraa fllastrstad raUlac
Ko. S. Coataina kvlpfal hint for ro
kodalias tka aid koaa or plaaaiac tk
A Wild Western Picture
with Injuns too
Matinee 25c
; Evening 35c
, Continuously Daily
i 1 ft
I) Jl 7
Solve the Problem, I : ii
. . -.,,.:....
. These paints are logically the paint for
Oregon weather. Manufactured by a coast
concern which understands coast 'conditions,
they, include only those ingredients which
will hold up afrajnstpregon rains,-; 7 -
Two coats of Bass-Hueter paint will not
only add good looks to your place; it will
double the life of your buildings. f
, We can furnish you with all colors and
Doughton &, Vlarcu
. 1 .: m
23G North Commercial Street Phone 639
1 1
as invisiDie styie m.
Hats Not the style 6ft
ie, oricolbir
yet a part of them all J
The style that is felt
and sensed rather than-!
seen. It is
the influence j
of super-quality.
You will find it in our;
new riats ror oonna
Priced from $3.00 to $7J00 .'
and other reliable makers
1 Salem
Wboleh Mills
; C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor ;,
: Watch the - Liberty -
' scnted as a 200-acre holding, wr