v Cy AKOUEIUTil OLEESON mm which- has been' done jy pewing and millinery and eafly sprloe will be shown at the "fashion show to be given today In the Commercial xlub rooms; Smirh-llugheg vocational ; ed ucational classes wh ich have been under the direction of Mrs. F; 12. Barker thW winter will dis play their work, r 1 ' The women who hare taken the pony orgs STARTING SUNDAY IBERim Theatre Ji- work this winter, according to Mrs, Barker, include office girls, teachers and ' housekeepers and bomemakers. ' A few have come n from the surrounding districts to take the work. Talks will be siren both after noon and evening by nutrition experts, and Salem women who are interested in. food study and its field are especially invited to attend. The show will be ooen both afternoon and evening The hours will be from 3 to 6, and rrom7:4S-t6 :3f in the even ing -r-- Oregon Agricultural College, April 13. llisa Ruth Young of Hood Itfver has announced her engagement to J Carlton Shanks of Dallas. Miss Young is a sopho more in home-economics and was a soloist with the Madrigal club during their spring tour., Mr. Shanks is a Junior in electrical engineering. ,V " The music department of the Yew Park school,' assisted by the physical department w-ill give a concert Friday, April' 14 at 2 o'clock. 4The publIS,"especlallr the patrons of the school, is invited to attend. Following is the program: . Song, "America," school;, song. i. ' " 4 ' ' "Boy Scouts," fourth A and WU. B boys; song. "Chickadee Talk," fourth A and fifth B class; song, "Sweet Nightingale," fourth A and fifth B girls; Shoemakers' dance, first and second grades: song, 'The Homesick Lowlands." 4 fifth A girls; song, "Now, Robin', Lend to me Thy Bow," and "The Month of March," fifth A class; song, "The Sturdy Blacksmith," fifth A boys; folk dance, "The Children's Polka." first and sec ond grades; song, "Old Black Joe," fchool; Highland fling, Le one Davidson; song. "Marching Song." and The Fisherman's Prayer," sixth grade boys; song, "The Race." and "Tree Top Mor nings," sixth class; Swedish folk dance, upper grades; song, "Apol lo's Cows," and "Dance of the Fairies," sixth grade; girls; song. "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall." school. Five delegates, to the county federation of women's clubs were ehosen by Etokta at the Tuesday meeting. The delegates are Mrs. Richard Erixson, Mrs. F. L. Mil ler, Mrs. A. J. Bick, Mrs. Guy O, Smith and Mrs. F. N. Toothacre, Mrs. Mason Bishop, treasurer of the Marion County Federation of Women's clubs, will also attend. Btokta will meet, with Mrs. Richard Erixson May 9, at which time officers for the coining year will be chosen and delegates to the state federation convention in Tillamook Will be selected. " '"" . Among the Salem folks attend ing the Kriesler concert in Port land . Wednesday, evening were Miss Bern Ice Shelton, Miss Eliza beth Levy. Delbert Moore, Leon ard Chad wick, Cecil Deacon and Cyril Buel. Mrs. Ben W. Olcitt has as her house guest her aunt, Mrs. C. R. Moss of Los Angeles.. Qualify- that's the Reason for the ever growing popularity of Albers Flapjack Flour. .Makes light, tasty hot' cakes. ' Order a Package Your Grocer Recommends Albers quality, a i .1 a Vflv JL XV UI; 1. 'Cmflvlty aenitrt cyliadrieai coa ttixnr iosurtM tbflutr mtmitticm, . sample of Albers Flapjack flour. J. L. Busick Sons. ' C M. Roberts. Roib Grocery company. Lebold & Co. ' ; r B. Eshelman. Ha user Bros. (Sporting Goods. Strenjrrh comes f rem well dl-j Kested and thoroughly assimilate ed food. Hood's Sarsaparilla tones the digestive organs, and thus builds ap the strength, if you are getting "run down." be gin taking Hood's at once. It gives nerve, mental and digestive strength. Adv. r r-r- . Feels like a Xew lTonraw 'I was a safferer from, kidney trouble for several years." writes Mrs. Arthur Dernulle, R. F. D. 1. Grasmere, N. H.. and suffered So much I felt completely lame all over. Since I have been taking Foley Kidney Pills I am net no lame. My back ached all - the time and my eyes were all a blur. Now I can see fine and feel like a dlfternt woman. Since I have taken two bottles of Foley Kid ney Pills Idont have that tired feeling. I can do ray own work now." They brins quick results. Sold everywhere. Adv. Style Show Will Be Held At Commercial Club Rooms Dnrine the oast rear the state ooara for vocational education has been active in promoting narti time and evening classes in Sa-f Iem and vicinity for instruction in dressmaking, and millinery. Thes classes are orranized In CTOBM vrafrir frnm 19 tn VS isemDers and at tne present . time 20 such groups are receiving this instruction or have aireaajrin pleted their coarse. The instruc tor' in charge la Mrs. F. E. Bark er. well known to the city, and the organization ts supervised by Director E. E. Elliott and Misl Martha Davis, .supervisor In home economics for the slate board foi oratttoal" education. For the purpose of demonstrat lag the success of this work; the women enrolled, in the classes are arranging for a style show wbiea will be given next Friday. Apri? 14. at the Salem Commercial club looms. ine aispiay wtn na in charge of several committees on arrangements, program and en tertainment. There will be mn sic and an address on "Nutrition and Dietetics" by Miss Bernice Vfait of the department of hoase- hold arts of O. A. C. Refresh ments will be served to visitors. APPLY SIC TEA Look Young!. Bring .Back .Its Natural Color, ioi fchd . S ; Attractiveness ; t, -1 Common garden sage brewed in- to a heavy tea, with sulphur add ed, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dirk and luxuriant Just a few applica tions 'will prove a revelation . it your hair ts fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store, all ready for use. This is the old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other ingred ients. While wispy, gtay. faded hair is not sinful. w all desire to re tain our youthful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so natural ly, -so ; evenly. You Just dampen a -sponge or soft brash with it end draw this through your hair. taking one small strand at a time; ty.?m6fning all., gray halrshave disappeared, and after another ap plication or two y'bnr hair be comes beautifully dark, glossy eoft and luxuriant; Adv. "MIK'HIM E IKE LliJIOU SA1 Flapjack Jack Is Busy Boost ing for the Albers Bros. Milling Company Six "miners" staked out their claim and pitched, tent in Salem j grocery store windows this week where yon may see them busy preparing breakfast of flapjacks over glowing camp fires. 1 The "Miner" represents Albers Bros. Milling company's trade mark and. while entirely me chanical is doing a most human etnnt with remarkable precision. Charles O. Stevens, representa tive of the Portland branch which Is one of the eight mills on-the, coast, says the "miners" will ap pear at the following stores, where also yon will receive a fl FLAPJACK JACK Si Hie little Things that Are So Necessary to Complete that Smart Touch to the lister l Gloves, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs Umbrellas, : bags, Girdles, Hair brnamenis, Beads, Blouses, Silk Sweaters, Corsets, Silk Underwear The Newest of Filmy COSTUME Are Here in Abundance And with everything you buy here goes the guarantee of satisfaction, always. O 1 i-. J tl TTTT nunc Mose MiladyV focK wants to be damtfly clad m the newest elf filmy i tiBc hose--well does it deserve a place on ' primrose paths this spring. You must have new hose" on Easter day. ;'-V' Women's " Thread " Silk hose, black, white brown and nude, a pair..$1.00 Thread Silk hose in Black, navy and brown, a pair 51.25 Thread Silk hose in black, white and brown$10 - Fancy , lace stripe and embroidered clock, silk here at $3.45, $3.65 and $3.98 a pair. Also Silk Hose for- chil dren in black or white. . Newport Service hose . No. 5300, pure thread silk, lisle top, in white, brown, navy and black, a pair . ... $2J!5 Gordon's Pure Thread . Silk hose in gray, navy, " white, brown and black, a pair - U... $2.48 Kayser's pure thread silk hose in gray, black and;,, brown, a pajr,,$2.95 $3 Gloves; the Best Makes Only v Are Here These petite affairs of costuming come truly into their kingdom at Eastertime, for what is an Easter day costume withdut fresh gloves ? Kid Gloves at 2.25, $2.95, $30, $4.00, $4i5 pair Si3c Gloves at 98c, $1J0, $1.65, $2.00 $2.25 pair Chamoisette Gloves $1.00, $1.35, $2.00, $2.25 paid jjjr'""J "M"V''' t'lTvn Salem Store" 466 State Street Portland Silk Shop 383 Alder Street COURT STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Cor. N. 17th and Court) Tonight 7:30 The Boy Evangelists A. TED GOODWIN, Evangelist HUGH McCALLUM, - Singer Friday, Saturday - and W Sunday Special Easter Pageant ' tm-rw ww Cnnitnv 9 a avacumi. uuiiuut 9:45 A. M. Decision Service COME Th chief attraction mIW douhtlesH be the display ot garmeata and millinery made . by the rarious classes. .The exhibit mill b open to aM persona iatereste4 from S to 5 on Friday atternooft and Irom S ti 10 during: the evenlnCj LADD B BUSH, BANKERS Established 18C3::i5 'V- General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SAME PRICE v 11 HMHBWMal aVHBnsaBBBBKBBaBB&Sa ' " )) For over 30 years II Ounces for ma . j .' . t . i . .. j .... . . i , ' - - i i QJJ: USE LESS than of higher !ric; wa&Sfi'; r MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT BY, THE GOVERNMENT 'ii',T : j- . - . . - . . , i ' , - :-; i . v' i Tomorrow Emdo This Great QqIo ..A Just one day left! Just one day In which to secure1 . Will you ;let one day stand between you and the marv the famous jRed SUr Oil Stove on the generous sale ?us efficiency, the uiiriyaled convenience f terms; to end for all time the wirt and muss of your pOMP! wood or coal range, the smell and smoke of your inefficient oil stove! L Wonderful New Features 1 v New Reduced Prices Never has the Red Star offered more than it does now Splendid new features have been added to these remarkable oil stoves. The Red Star is a finer range than ever before. Yet, with all these added Improve ments, the Red Star now costs less. Greater values than these we have never known. - Don't miss them. Star. You may never again have such an opportunity 'I Pi $1000 Dowe Puts It In Your Kitchen ( II II J,- .... Think of it! For only $10.60 down you can have a genuine Bed Star for your, very own. . You can begin to use it at once. And while you are enjoying the wonderful cooking results which it produces, you can pay for it in small amounts that you will never feel. j Could there be a more generous offer than this ? Re- member, Red Star prices have been materially reduced,' And now $10 down will secure for you one of the new, perfected Red Stars at the. new low pttcel " Detroit r Vapor ,'. IBIL STYMIE Cooks Anything a Gas Range Can Cook Come in and see this finest of all oil stoves. Learn why it can do anything that a gas range can why it bakes and boils, roasts and fries as per fectly and as quickly! ' See the famous Red Star burner, with its double ring of flame and the intense added heat of its red-hot, Sy2 lb. metal burner. Learn how it MAlh OR -BRING THIS COUPON II. Ii. STIFF FntXITFRR CX) :.f- ? Will yoo please give ine-fr FREE demonstra tion ot tbe Red Star Oil' Steve In -my home on day - -.. ,: - ., This, places me under no obligation whatsoever. Name , Address transforms gasoline or kero sene into gas and burns it like a gas range. No wicks or wick substitutes; lights with out stooping. . ' . : Come tomorrow. Bring only $10 with youl This is abso lutely your last ctlance! Don't miss this great- opportunity. COME TOMORROW! i v 4 J A 4 -i