The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 09, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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    ,rayed - glorified
trusting Innocent
i is sweetness,
and com-
ladonnas of
teauiiiui relation
o he A children
is ana giaaaens
Section of the. Sa-
Uill hold ita next
hesdajr; April 12,
the Educational
y library. There : T
talk on the net- 1
lttes within,
i suggestions for
ImproTing thern.
cd. The problem
a grounds of one'
t the section will
i blackboard and
ne interested Is
.... ... ... , , , ...
I a 1 II ! Ml II I U - I II I I
f Woman'i club
their annual b&n
Tening, April 4.
n acted as- chalr-
tilnmpnt rnmmt'.
Viler, president of
d. Other office
rs. J. Smith, vice
I. Stevens, secre
cLane, treasurer.
jn, club leader.
Mothers' club
V-arnlval at- the
April 28 for the
Sool soap kitchen.
Writers w'll meet
. Nelson Tuesday'
snr;eln-al 4ftO North
age street, IU. H. WUlard. lutoi. Bieh-
p w. r. fltil, D.D, of "Allentown, Pn
no 'who it to Preside it onr lnnnnl eon-
erence to. be bold at DaUaa from. April
S to 18, will be with ma Snnday even
ng te bring (the meaaafe; This, will b
ion . service, with the Evangelical
hunches oa Liberty street sad Cnemekets
treat, and will basin at 1 -30 A vrv
i-ordial invitation U extended to all to
lie present and enjoy Biahop Haifa
K&. . Mrs. L. U. 'Willard, saperinien-
ilest f th i Sandsy school, opens the
Hunday sohooi aon- service promptly at
10. . She aar a on a aid at tha contest mut
tvoik harder or it win have, to treats but
we don't , knew which tide the moans.
K let as sll work harder for Th list
At -11 o'clock a will hava a aev.
4-ice, in which the children will tako the
kreeter part. i They will eras ana render
peeiai mnsifl and tho pastor will talk
o them -for about 20 minute a. Mathara
kadifathara, plaaae area roar childran to
Some to thia aarriea, but yo sra, eor
ially inrited, too. Thero will bo s union
!.E meeting at 6 :80; Toang pooplo,
o simply caanot sf tord to miss this
tneotiag. Soi coma snd then Uy to hear
utanop ttail praan.
Evangelical Chareh Chemekcta atreet.
W. Lanner. paator. Sunday school at
iu s.m. Bt)eiii moiic. tftis Is rslm bun-
flay,. Sarrnon at 11 a.m., anbjoet -'-'Jeana
tnat sung. W.M.S. will nvsat at S cm
i'bero will ba no araning aerrieea,- for
hero will bo a anion meeting at the
'otttga street ETsageliesl eharck, Bishop
Ifil of tha Uaitad Evanaalieal ehnreh.
twU proachi Tho TJJt. will hold tha
monthly business mooting Tuesday oven
fsv : .
r Mo sic week will
lay with special
irctea and' special
the week.
club women wilt
o n weekv Iron .
e spring con?en-
ity .federation
The state federa-
II be held this
k. . . v '
charge. Our school is growing steadily.
We nave toe nomoliko aoirit. Btranaera
alwaya waleoaaa. Jagna devotionai meet
ing at 6:50 p.m. Xoonr pooplo tarited.
Come tnj. Easter mifsl lerrkos this
week. ota tho time sad plan to bo
praaeat. Jnntoe eborch aTery afteraoan
at 4:10. A dale ehoreh each avantng
7:30. Come and bring your friends with
yon. Good nmsie snd helpful meetings.
Seaniinariaa Matboaiat Kniaaoaal
fifteenth, and. Kill streeta. David C. Haa
el, pastor. Serrieee Sanday morning
at ll o'clock snd Sunday evening st
7:30. Sunday school 12 o'clock. Alto
aerrieea every evening except Monday
and Saturday during Paaaion week at
7:30, when tho district superintendent,
Rof. 0. Liadstrom, will bs with u.
lla will eneak on tha oaaaion of onr
Lard- Monday evening April lO, quar
terly conference will be held at tha
homo of Rev. and Mri. HsaaaL Iadiea
sid will moot Thnitioy afternoon, April
13, at the homo of Mra. Wickberg on
Salem height- - On. Easter Sunday we
will dedicate onr new church and will
have service morning, afternoon sad
evening that day. Ton are cordially in
vited to theto meeting.
First Congrerationai Liberty and Cen
ter streets., w. C ttantner, minuter.
10 s.m. Sunday school, with clsstei for
all aires. A crowing school with room
for you. W. I. Staley, snperintendent.
ll a.m. Tate falm Sunday wiu do oo
served as such. Thero will be a brief
sermon on "Tha Messsgs of tho Palms."
followed by the ebservanct of holy com
munion. 6:30 p.m. Christian endeaveor.
S meeting for oil young people interested
In the better things, 7:30 p.m. "What
ia Religion f" the first of a series of
addressee oo this very vital subject.
There will bo good music appropriate
to tho services of the day by a chorus
choir nodes tho direction of Mr. William
McOilchrist. There will bo Passion week
aerrieea on Wednesday, Thursday ' and
Friday evening. Yon will be interested
In them. On Wednesday evening 'Tha
Christ wo Lore;" Tbarsdsy "The Christ
At 11 s.m, Pro-Easter 1
Ordination and iaatailation
of eiders. 7 :30 p.m. Palm Sunday aer-
vn-e. "Topic uoeervatieoe-of Jeans
Paha Sunday. Jsntor C.E will meet
at 3 p.m. and the intermediate and senior
aecietiea at 6:30. Pasaiba weak emwaj
bv tha minister: Tuesday "From Heaven i
or from Men!." Wednesday "Tha Oes-
olat House. Thursday, "The Lsmbl
that Was Slain." Friday "The Savon
Sayings t Christ on the Cross." 7:30
p.m. Session will meet at dose ef eseh
service to receive now members. , Tho in
struction class foro sll childrs of the
congregation who may desire to become
members oi tha church will meet in the
Sunday school room Thursday at 4
o'clock. Parents ere asked to- note this
snd cooperate. .
Capitol and Marion streets Sundsy
school 10 aon.1 Preaching service (Eng
lish), ll a.m. Ko evening service. M, I
Demy, pastor.
Cottsge snd Chomekets atreeta. Rev.
if. Fereshetian. minister. Church school
st 10 sju. Orsded instruction. Class
for adults conducted by the minister in
the study of the hew Testament litera
ture. Devotional services at 11 a.m.
Subject of the sermon "The Courage of
Ignorance. Fsim Boadsy will be ap
propriately observed. Mrs. 'Fereshetian
will sine tho Aria "He Was Despised."
from Uaafel's Oratoria. "Messiah."
Mrs. Fereshtian ia organising a children 'a
ehoir from the scholars of the Chsrch
St. Psnlf s ' "Tho Little Chareh en
Stm Corner, Chareh and Chemaketa
hWeets. Rev, 1L v. Chambers, rector.
.. Lfaia Monday, lloly oaehartat st 7 :ao
km. Church achool at 9:i. All chit
s' idren era invited. Moraine prayer at 11
Subject of sermon 1 "Christ Weep-
linr IWi, Jmiil.m " - 'Tha ohol wilt
Under th following musical program. Lko Wss Betrsysd;"
rTpeessioasi "AU uiory Laud ana tlon-
oiS" Teaahner,. 'Venlta.'' , Gregory;
Glorias," Mendelssohn; ''Benedictos,
,n Gregory; Bonediotus." Resd; "Oh Jes
VnK Thoa Art Staading," Anfield: tenor
iaolo, "Ride on. Ride on," by Scott
( by Mra. C. R. Mubton; "The
1 Palme." Fatira; aeoeaaiasial. "Ride on In
J M,ajesty."; Dyke. Tho church will be
' tHArArataA wlfh rtsTma aa etna tahliai era
Rev. J. II. Buck, pastor. Masses on
Sunday at 7.30. 0 atad high mass with
bleesing of the palm with distribution
at 10:30. Benedict ion follows last mass.
Masses on Monday and Tuesday at 7
snd 8. Lenten devotions on Wednesday
evening at 7:30. Mass on Thursday
snd Friday at 6 On Saturday the bles-
sins of fire. Easter water, the baptismal 1
fount, eta win toanmence at i eioca; I
snd mass follows. Lent ends st noon
frtdsr. "The I on Saturday. Oa Wsdnetdsy the com-
Christ Who Died for Us:" von are I memeration of tho thrao hours of agony
invited to these services. I of our Lord on tha cross will bo observed
C st. noon a enaina at a
CHRIS TIAS I o'clock.. Everyone is welcome to sll
!0- Must cordially invited to .worship With
r ' flu. Thai young people's society will
Ui ; ffSaeet at :30 with Mr. Frederick Aldrlch
as leader, r Tho nsual three-hour service
will bo held on Good Friday with the
addressee u tho "Seven Cries from 'tho
Coaa." The hours are from 13 noon
to S p.m. AU Chrtatiana who deairo
to wstch ty ths cross will bo welcome.
rt TeH Your
a You're Go
to see Polly
the Follies
s - .
an - av
(. Salads
It dress
d sold
jrod,.- -L
ges 3
First Methodist Episcopal State and
Cherah streeta; Blaine E. -Kirkpatrick.
Minister. Claaa'. meeting 9:15 a-m. in
m northwest corner room. Meeting of
the entire' Sunday bosrd, : including every
officer and taeher at 9 o!elock sharp in
tia . Marian Lawrence room,' to consider
soma very Important matters. - Sunday
school 9:43 o'clock, J. B. Littler, super
istendenui Todsy is "Homo Depsrtment
lay." and "Deeiaion Day." A reeord
attendance ia expected, ell 4 resent .last
Sunday. Ws.mast make it 800 today- if
wa hens to win ia the attendance contest
With Corral I isr Everybody eomo far tha
neat two ' Sundays and get the -tsuaaay
achool habit. . Momiag worship 11 e'eloek
Minute Man's address. Pres. -Carl O.
9onay, Sermon by tho paator on tha
subject: ''HU 3riats as credentials. -En
worth Lea rue meets at 0:30 o'clock
Kvearag aervieo 7:30. Big gospel sing.
fVrmon by the paator on tho subject,
"Self or Christ 1 The music will be
specially good todsy. . Special' passion
week services from Monday to Friday,
:80 o'clock. Dr. C E. Powell will be
tha preafhar. Let us make thiSj great
ween oa wtbukvusuv ikwiji
. Leslie I iXethodUt Eplseopsl South Com-
nJI llnra atraata. IT- V Pem-
herton. paator. Sunday achool for Bible
ndy st i5, E. A. Rhoten, superinten
dent. Wait gTSded snd wsU taught clas
ses for you snd yoar children. Come snd
enjoy this! hour. Epworth laagna at
4 :0. ' Vouag people especially are nrred
to attend. Tne meeting ta aurvo wn
interest sad enlhusissm. -Morning wor
ship st 11: o'clock. Sermon subject.
The Stone Which tho Builders Reject
A lUMna tha Head of the Corner."
F-vening meeting at 7:80. aubject. "Tha
Redeemer."! There will -bo meetings jv
. aaantne tha eomlne week in this
.knreh avcant SatnrdsT evsaing. Wa
ihi avanta of tho last week
- a' ' Jf our Lord' a life Wore Hia Death on
Ti the cross. t You are oordially tnvisea to
. . Tf .....j .it kf tha meetinrs. - They- will
r he o( help sad yoa-will bs better fitted
, , ' fe meet life's ceitiee by having fctrength
. , , ether than your own.
' j Jason Leo Memorial Kortk Winter
li hnd Jeffereon atreeta. Thomas Achaean,
pastor. Earl Officor in charge of Junior
li. t. a. thia is Palm Sunday the en
. j tiro services will bo l keeping with the
, spirit of the oay. .mayr wo
, I that the eksllsngs f the Esster season
f will be strong enongh to be the proem-
. A incut thins in tho entire life Of war oom-
. j 'munity todiy. Every fsmily-should find
' I n chureh in which to worship. We cor-
3 dially invite.-thoee who have no chureh
-i. 1 Tk. ..hlrl the enornins: aer-
V Vice at 11 a m; will be "The Mosaaga of
I the Triumphal Entry." la thr eveoine
' at :30; the subject WU be t "Cbrlat
O-ameata oeer js Doomed )City Thia
- I servicewiU bs evtogetat Be.-Of froer
' 1 will preach: to the Junior chareh ,st 11
.SF A.m. Tho roang people slwsys hsve a
- Xl ' ood time, f Sundsy school will onvsns
j ' n : Ta.m. wuk - O, M. Rohertej In
Jl. By iREV. J. B. BUCK
(NOTE One et the best sxposltloa;
t-. ..hi nMiarL both private end
f public, in its vsrions sttitndes, U s-lven
-.u the book, "Two and Two Maks Four."
fSAl.i.... kv RM 8. Color, who la e Moth-
., i' tf ..(un.l ,iTMaiasacl.
I I Wo was comptroller of Kew ork soma
f t " . . namoeratla loader aad an
VJuthoritresi school questions. The book
I will bo plaeed in tha oublio ilihrary as
I loon aa obtainable. an tt ' .well
f 4 worth the time tskea te reed carefauy.,
t. -u.tth.w rtVI wa read ths reason
Christ givoo for changing Bimon'a name
to Peter. 'I'Aad Us asked His disciples,
saying: Whom do nua ssy thst the Son
of ansa is But mey aaiu.
I . t. ..i.. .-A ..harm uf Uliaa. Sad
foe iisvh. - . t .
others Jeremiaa, or one of the propheta.
Jeaus.ssith te them: But whom do yon
aav thst XI am I Simon-Peter answered
Vtii. TkH art Chriat. the Son of
the Living God. And Jesua aaswering
J paid: Bleaaed art thou, Simon Bar-Jons
1 (Simon the son of Joaa), because fleah
nd blood lata hot revealed it to thee.
but My rather who is ia heaven. And
1 lay to thee that thoa art Peter t and
ipon this rock. I will build my church,
and the a-atee of hell ahaU not prevail
'lnMth fihe plsa of CkrUt wss msds
known. Ho wee to leave Church not
chhesalnd Peter wee to bo tho rock
upon whichi it was to bo built. Ho was
toTbe Christ's representstive here upon
lijrth, the first Pope. And from Petsr
SoVn to Pine XI. 261 popes, there is
direct a. line aa from our first prea
idenl. Waahington. down-to Harding now
I- .k. aie. That the gstso of hell
Tint Christian Center and High I ervlcet,
streets, J. J. Evans, paator. Over 600
a our Bible achool last Sunday. We ex
pect more - today, for the interest le
arrowing. A fine program at tho. assem
bly period. Classes with competent in
structors, boys' depsrtment with nearly
100 In. attendance: a fins orchestra: an
orderly organiaation make an appeal to
all and afford opportunity for religious
Drorrets. Come 9:45 o'clock. The pas
tor will spesk at 11 o'clock on "Christ's
Moat Painful Experience." The music
will bo directed by Mrs. Alice Wenrer.
The special number will be given by a
auartet. A junior boys' chorus hss be
come ona of tha particular features oi
tho evening progrsm. "The Door of
Victory," will be tho psstor's evening
tooie. . A real live intermediate O. E.
meets st 6:30. Tho brotherhood snpper
snd offieisl meeting will be held
Lutheran Kant-. Btatsh and Eighteenth
streets. Sunday aenoof at :45
Preschmg service (Germsn) et "10:30
a.m.-' The paster will deliver a Lenten
sermon. Evening service (English) st
7:80 p.m. Bible school-every Saturday
from V to 12 a.m. Ladies aid on Wed
nesday st 2 p.m. Mid-week meeting on
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Divins service
an Good Friday at 10:30 a.m. Every
body is welcome. Ueo. Koehier, pastor.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Mr. snd Mrs. H. E. Caswell, leaders.
Usual meeting thia afternoon at 632 8.
Commercial atreet at 3 o'clock. Alao
at the aame place on next Thursday after-
onlnoon April 13. beginning at 2:30 o'clock.
Monday evening at 6:30. C. F. Trimble, I Tuesday evening,. Bible study conducted
pastor ef the First Christian church at by Mra. Caawell at tho home of Mr. and
DaRaa will bo the speaker.
to and other restores.
Quartet mua-
Court Street Christian- North Seven
teenth and Court streets. How many in
Bible school today I : Come hear all about
the Esiter services snd ear alms. A big
day nlsnned. Be there 9:45 s.m. Jun
ior following communion service. To
day marks tha beginning of tho eecond
and last week of oar pre-Easter meetings.
Splendid interest shown. Crowds grow-
in r aaeh niarht. Great slnflnrt Sirens
Gospel sermons. Subjects: a.m. "Why
I am a Christian." p.
Resentence. Is it Sfaet'
He Horn Again i uuesaay .-ust nan
The BliieaD
By the flow of the inland rirerw "
Whence the fleets ot iron nave fled.
Where the blades of the graTe-grass quiver, ; jTTtl
Asleep axe the ranks of the dead -V
Under the sod and the dew, , " .
v Waiting ;the judgment tUy;
v Under- the one, the Bine, "
, Under tlse other, th Gray.
These in the robings of glory.
3k Those In the gloom of defeat.
All witlv. Uie battle-blood . sory,
la the dusk of eternity meet
Under the sod and the dew,
Waittng the Judgment day;
Under the laurel, the Blue,
Under the -willow, the Gray.
From the silence ot sorrowful hours
The desolate mourners go, '
4- Lovingly laden rith flowers.
Alike for friends and foe:
Under the sod and tbe dew, ,
Waiting; the judgment day.
Under the roses the Blue.
Under the lilies, the Gray,
Mrs. B. M. Scobee, 435 K. Winter street,
will be held at 7:30 as usual. Mr. and
Mrs. Caswell hare beea attending the
council, of work era this past week in
Seattle. Rev. Paul Radar, who eue
ceeded Dr. Simpson as president of the
Christian snd Missionary Alliance, with I bare Alice HOlCOmbe there also
Kev. e. j. tucasru ana otaers nsveirvr.n, a .,. .l. .v.
had the Ssattl. and Taoomn meetings in I " P-1 "e caras on
charge. . I table, and I believe we can keep
the true ' inwardness of this thing
So, with an equal splendor, , 1
The morning sun-rays fall,
With touch Impartially tender, j ex .
On the blossoms bloomlnf; for all
Under the sod . and the dew, f
Broidered with gold, the Blue, ;
Mellowed . with sold, the Gray '
So, when the .summer calleth I
On forest and field of grain, .'
With an equal mnnnnr falleth
Tbe cooling drip, of xain
Under the sod and the dew. a.
Waiting the Judgment day; i "
Wet with the rain the Blue,
Wet with the rain, the Gray.
f ?
Sadly, but not with upbraiding, ''
The generous deed, was done;
In the storm of the year that' are fading.
No braver battle was won:
Under the sod and the dew.
Waiting the Judgment day; ,
Under, the blossoms, the Bine,
Under the garlands, the-Gray,
No more will the war-cry 6ever, f ' w
Or the winding Hyers be red;
They Danish our anger forever.
When the laurel the graves of our dead
Under the sod, and the dew,
Waiting the judgment day;
Ubve and tears for the Blue,
Tears and love for the Gray. ;
. " ' F. M. FINCH, jl
Today, April 9, Is the anniversary of the victory of Ap
pomattox, when the Union forces .were at last, victorious and
the Union was once more safe under the starry folds, of Old
Glory. Today, 57 years later, hand in hand as brothers who
have fought for a common cause on a foreign soil, we realize
'more than ever the philosophy of the poet's:
Love and Tears for the Blue,
Tears and Love for the Gray.
i hJm directly to Marvin, stopjjing
Koaly at hie own old " home . for
some articles-of clothing he needed;'
It had beea a trying experience.
and I did not wonder at the si
lence of either. But Mr. Drake
compensated for them. , He kept
up a running fire of brilliant com
ment upon every topic imaginable,
showing himself conversant with
the work and news of the world
to a marked degree. I don't know
when I have enjoyed listening
more, although I could not but
observe the old' egotistical man
ner which had so annoyed me
creeping through his speech.
I must correct that statement.
I enjoyed listening to Mr. Drake
until I happened to catch Dicky'
First Baptist William T. Milliken, I out of the newsDaDers. which is
muumr. a urn usual tcrricn ua ouir i . . . . , , .
"Death Bed I day April eth. Bible achool at :45. 1 me one imng 10 oe aesirea now,
Monday, "Why I Edward Schunke, anperintendent. The I You can bet Milly StOCkDridge'3
is, vrav lan icdwi ss ssuw sss uisu si. iraus I , . . .
of SilTation." Wdas4ai va'X, I outlined for syatemtHc study f th I iiiir wiu ttuum xuu -uiub yr-
Mia 8Td,, Thursday 'Tho Chief of 1 Bible. Mor&inf wonhpi mt 11, oveninff I Utically down here. Will Quick en-
Cs:.- t W.tali eianava fAs tale I twaaahin as ? Rll UTawh n aaoffiAtl 'Rasa 1
Djaiuirral t?n ru, v an. lf ivji nva ma nuieuiu as e .vv. amvi isiHa bivja saawaaaj mom-
Saturday ana rsunaay.
surprise Friday, 8a-
ran 'Fig Trees." Evening topic
"TheonSh come to terms when they
Volunteers will visit ak-k- ia'the after-1 King Who, Hid among the Stuff." All I gee this. They'll be mighty glad
noon. inwrmmsw vxr 'i - mi lain, unuiuui ui turn . . mm sii. . ..-. ... n n v, a rl
6:30. Evangelistic service 7:30. Yon:l0. topic "The Msster's Invitstion." I to have the indictment quasnea
will find a warm welcome to any. service. I The psator teaches sn Adult Bible class I and the whole thing hushed UD
1 e renin.?. The centxml AHrVociatton mta I uui.avij b yuwuwi. ihcuuctu
FBIENDS r l with this chwh wdnedmy and 1 Stockbridge will be a free man to
! CS a V O.t.aa VatU. Qmitk fTn iaS let in 1 fTsesaaiS A thia OaWShaaJa TJLTA an Aaa A sssW aa - I
elal and Washington - streets, . natnan i tsrnoon sunaay scnocn session conanct-1 c.v.u, j
Swsbb. psator, Sunday, school at :45.1ad by Eev. Geo. H. Young. D.D.. Wed-1 Door ch&n. I don't know what he'll
Junior church at 10:40. Students from Ijsesday evening young peoples session I . ... . . TT. .
tho North PseiHa Kvangeliatie institute I with sddreaa by Mus Lucille Withers of I uu wiiu uis ueeuuiu. nan iuc
of Portland will hsvov charge ot the tSwatow, china. I town is related to his dead wife,
11 o'clock lervice. There Will; be gooet . . I j lVt i, i.a v a
singing. Evening service st 7:30. CJS. I CHEISTIAw SCIEHCE I auu tuey re an ngaiusi uiiu, auu,
0:3O. tisset jveeier, presiuens oi
O.E., Walter Wright aupsr
Sunday school.
tendont of I
I faltered as I
First Church 440 Chemeketa atreet. I nt nnr hs ntie-hr nnf in n hack
AS 11 ajaw Bible lesson, aubieet "Are I . . . . ' ..
Bin. Diaeaao acd Death Real I" 9:45 a.m. I TO nis nome.
Sunday achool. Wednesday evening tes
ttivi.. j w.!..j. ...ana I timonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading
Iiuuisua xricuua, uiaatauw -- - . fc w m, - I l.V-J
snd North Chureh i street, L G. "dl room,.' bboiiio. j. em pie, open every i caugnt XJtcay a asionisneu -
J- "in-"" JLi.. fessiftS. "ah :?.'JJZZ then went on more bravely. "For
Our school wss the largest- last Sundsy I uoo to on services ana to our read
that .it hss ever been: let's make it si"S vv
little larger thia Sunday. We have das
sea for all a sea, come ana stucy tne
Bible with us. Morning worship at 11.
Christian endeavor at 6:50 and preach
ing at 7:30 p.m. Toons; people's prayer
meeting aad Bible class oa Monday st
7:80 p.m. Prayer meeting on Thursday
at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome to our
United Brethren . Seventeenth snd
Nebraska streets. Englewood..- Take the
17th atreet car.- Sanday school lu s.m.
C. P. WeUs. superintendent. 6:45 C.E.
Walter W. Wella. president.. . Evsngelist
Kaw. Mhta Emma Psao has started a
relia-ions eajnpaiss which promises te be
ths most soceesefui, i-evrrsi ina-comroun-4tv
a. Eaeleweod-has over haaV . Msas
Pace, cornea, to ua from maransitowa, jowa.
She' has eeadacted-revival servicee
through . the. Eastern . Sutes vwith good
results. Meetings every vsaisg except
Saturday. . Miss Psse is prompt in com
mencing her -meetings, Sunday 1 la.Jav
and 7:ao.
. First Presbyterian On Church street.
between Chemekts and Center. Ward
Willis Long, minister. Sabbath school
meets at :45 a.m., H. E. Barrett, sop-
Alice's sake, I would like to in-
' vito him here (or a few days until
! he gets himself together."
"Suit yourself," Dicky replied
indifferently, "only he and Drake
will have to share a room."
I flushed at the covert inso
lence of his tone. But Mr. Drake
was . ready with a response, and
either did not notice or pretended
ignorance of Dicky's tone.
"I shall have to return to town
tomorrow evening at the latest,"
he said, "so that difficulty will be
"But you. must be sure to be
here for dinner tomorrow night,"
I said Lillian with the privilege she
always assumes in our home to
HOW THE RELEASE OF KEN- our great delight. "If Madge
NETH STOCKBRIDGE WAS doesn't care I should like to have
ACHIEVED AND WHAT HAP- J Stockbridge and that plucky Miss
Adele Gawiisost'e New. FTiaew of
"We mast telephone Alice, Hoi-
combe directly." I said enthusias
tically. But Lillian put up a pro-
Holcombe together at a dinner
table. They have certainly been
through enough to appreciate a
little decent treatment."
Dicky Protests.
I. should be delighted," I said
persistently tried to prevail sgsinst
church, we hsve ample proof to, all
-a, a.s aMiAVT aincea, a nan hs
J non-Cstholio snd Protestsnl authors have
T ehewa great fairness to ths church; but
it ia alee true that many hia tori ass have
I manufactured biatory to suit their i
! !?'' Is not my purpose to judge them
( v .n.innl to discnmuisto between
V":' A anaUcn. Mnch less do I
j wish to incite recontmUt er even the
snspkion of hatred, for wo CathoUes pray
i rf.a. h.t tha. measnra et Gods mercy
' to as msy be that of onr own forgivsness
k i , .. 'u tpansrreaa scainst us. But
I would oak everyone when somothiBg
wnica would seeas sw w
thst ho would go to the source and learn
tho truth. (The truth is sll tho Catholic
I church wants known, and I can say con
fidently that- the truth will never harm
ter. Adv.
Tha Komaniat err arainst Protestant
iam is thst it leaves to the individual I testing , hand.
certain rigaia oi moral cnoice m naneiii t jn. 1,1 . rt I
of eonaeiaace. While aeekinr to inform I UV, " "' uj """"b w
him and educate his conscience, Protest-1 this tO gO OUt Of here tonight.
Ld"." inTerm. .Tpersonsi ,Z -he said. "I don't trnst the tele- with truth. Then I turned to-Mr
aponaibiiity, perseasi relationship. Rom- lphone wires. And tomorrow Al-1 Drake, all my hospitable soul ou'.-
iJltu.;&-t to-Mr. Drake, raged. by Dicky's curtness
Divine win: which, it true, must b I you and Madge and I will go over I "You simply must be at that
inreiuoie. else tno wnoie ayatem ia uerir 1 . ... ... , 1 . 1 . ,, , 1
1 a tne aiatrici siiorne; a. uiucn 1 uiuucr luwuixuw uitui, 1 asm
Some nave thought that from the Be-1 with this. I ll also have Jane I earnestly. a east of honor 01
n.i!itSrvniMe7 brought in he's under Mr. Stockbrldge's release minus
The first representative Christian to er-1 surveillance, it anybody shouM the man who set him free would
?"r;:ZZA happen to ask you and when he's be a Hamlet-left-ont-sort of af-
Koman chareh. 4 confronted with, the whole, thing, I fair, don't you think?
Homaaists ssy taat. quarreling everi,. jfA-vr.t.Ma.e will nn Wa bnwAd laiirhinp-lT hnt with
Sjawwvasws as.Bs v nat aaw w w-ajas.aaais f w w wv.-
gin by holding his false Imprison
ment against him." .
"Who's holding.! anything
against anybody?" Dicky demand
ed indignantly, N"Good-nlght! I'm
going to my own room in my own
home and read; Of all the crazy,
footless stunts. So long, you
bunch of filberts."
He swung .out ofr the-room as
he spoke, and. the glimpse
caught of his face showed me, that
it was dark, with annoyance or
some- stronger feeling. .
But when the next night and
the dinner hour finally arrived
after, one of the most exciting
days I had ever spent, Dicky was
himself again, a most royal host.
as he always is at his own dinner
table, and to no one did-he show
more impressive courtesy than to
Allen Drake.
Kenneth Stockbridge, pailid
from his long imprisonment, and
with an expression of unreallza-
tion on his face, showed only by
his eyes the relief from torture
that, the clearing, of his name had
brought '.hint;;. He waa silent
throughout the 'Whole meal, rous
ing, himself only. to. answer, such
questions as were asked him. ,
Alice Holcombe from the other
side of the table watched him an
xiously. She herself was radiant
with happiness at the release ot
the man she loved, yet I saw that
his demeanor worried her.
We had been through much
that day, she and I. Lillian and I
had brought her the news early
in the day and had taken her with
us to the district attorney's office.
There Lillian's prediction had
come true, and the order for the
release of Mr. Stockbridge had
been merely a formality, and one
that we were able to execute with
in short order. And we had bun
dled him into the car when he
was finally set free, and, brought
.eye in V moment when he had for
gotten tq mask' bis looks." And
the glare lie cast upon me was
enough to make Indigestible the
most wonderful dinner in the
(To be continued)
tjaf ayette Lliniral - Sprir.: v
If yen are suffering' frets rhemmathrm,
srte eead diathesis, goat Bright' s disease,
dmheteav diseases el the nausea ayatom -aud
tho ekia, we eaa euro or relieve yew.
Hotel and Cat Urea. Ask foe la formation.
xvomanists say mat . quarreling ovezi irfct,
ralisioua beliefa ia a sin: and that they I ivennein
oo it, lor they hold the so-eaiied i doubt come across with the truto i a toucn 01 tne impresstveness tnat
Jie 01 I incasi ei lansi, OI Mli..i. nwlAl.1lw liMilan an I alwava Invoata tiio maMAV
Catholic Tradition, that has been believed I "c " w h"""-" , I J -
long." ' ' - I 1 aon t aon t need so natter
What's the reason Madge has I tng. an argument." he said In a
to be mixed up in this mess?" I low tone. "Your mere wish isr
Dicky demanded truculently, sufficient for my stayiHg.
"Isn't- it bad-enough for her- to- be "Per ray part," Interposed
named in this damnable scrawl?" I Dicky dourly, "if you ask me 1
everywhere, at all times, snd by sll."
This fat paraded aa' the test of Romanist
belief, and unity and Catholicity. .
"Predeetinatiouiam" ia aa important
point ia religious belief; bat there are
two sides to the question. Spits' ot their
boasted unity, many books have beea
written oa both sides, by Romanists. In
this age-long quarrel, each "sect" has
proven tho other "heretic." The fight I he took up the dead woman's let-
an! and shook it f iercely "with-
called np at tho Council of Trent; but I out her trotting down to the
ins aiviaion among ins meoiwrs-was sol , ,,
throatanino that thev evaded a deeiaion. I jail a
And yet, oa a problem ao vital te any j "Not to the Jail, Dicky. Lll-
one-way luterpretatiea, arpenoa taw souls I
ef bait tha world! - I llan-correctea.
The quarrel beguo isoo years sgestmrr 'i do not myself see the ne-j grimly. "And as it happens, we
SI. Xmsniirecia - hVv. ceesity," Allen Drake began, but didn't ask your advice. Dicky
think it's rotten bad taste to have
dinner celebrating that man's
release from prison. After all.
that dead woman was his wife,
you now.
"More's the pity." Lillian said
It isn't a formal dinner.
sects hsve armed for
some ferns of Free Will: while the Donvl Lillian cat him short While Dicky I bird
aTiTSSi rJU glared at him.. t little one. Just your family, Sk-
aido has hsd support from "the Fathers.' h ; I bridge and Miss Holcombe. Allen
infallible pope has ever to teu Madge's Suggestion. and.-tne. And don't you call a
which is final. Some hsve - seemed te --. - scheme of mine rotten bad taste
fmbi."opr.i!Iosi bo?i?;tahttnkk ""'a Just because she is men- or I'll hold your head under the
succession. . . I tioned in this that she must got pump. .That poor devil has suf-
Adv." v R-JAii3 irHl3.i there, she said, "I'ln- going towered long enough- Doa't jou be-
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