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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1922)
THE OREGON J5TATES31AN OREGON RUXDAY "MORNING. APRIL 0.1922 By, MARGUERITE GLEESON - r .... K-: ...:?. WITH Easter Sunday only one week ahead, anticipc -i tlon of the after-Easter so cial activities ig beginning to be frit. . ; The formal m'litary ball which ! sponsored by local and state military organizations will be one of the most elaborate d tha knaann A number of social attain aponsored by club women will fea ture, . post-Easter activity. A large. daneng and card party will be given Easter Monday fry Mrs John Wallace Harbison' commit tee of the Women's club. . Other , benefit affairs will follow later for the proposed ' women's com munity bollding. ... , .: ' ;;. ;,. ..... . . . Mrs. Asahel Bash was. hostess thll . WMlt- fnr Ihk Arlflni Innrli. eon at the" first meeting of the spring aeries. Mrs. William Wal ton and Mrs. Ben W. Olcott were guests of the club. Mrs. Thomas Llvcsley will be hostess for the ' club at Its next meeting. , The Salem Shrine club spon sored a surprise party on Mr. and Mrs. George : Hnbbs of Silverton Friday evening. ' Salem members present Included Mr. and Mrs: George Brown. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Shipley, DrH and - Mrs. J. H. Garnjobst Dr. and Mrs. O. A: Ol son,. Mr.' and Mrs. Z. J. Riggs, Mr. and ' Mr j. v.' Clare Vlbbert, Glen Klles. Mr. and Mrs. David Wright. Mr., and HrsvC."G. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Lover Mr. and Mrs. F. p. Brock, , Grp.ver HIHmanr';Mr.' and ', Mrs'. Frank Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Darby, . Dr. and , Mrs. Wilson H. Darby. Mr and-Mrs. served and enhanced by proper served and enhaned by proper corseting. .': - . ; i r ' .'.! "- -v-;1"-- v v: ' : FroLaw Corsets are designed to render support where It la needed snd .to grant the utmost freedom of movomont. REIJSKA L SWART Special attention to fitting 115 Liberty St The First IteWrTS in Your ' Sprang i Apparel , 1 Purchases i: ;Mi:: ' A Modart Corset will add to the attractive appear--anrf yoa will make tn yoar spring outfit. .May we raggest that yoa Include ft In your very first pur chase and thai it be fitted by one of our expert corst'tleres?, ' , " - Oar collection of Modart Corset is complete In rvrry respect. ver before have we been able to show such variety of styles and new materials. Modart Corsets FRONT .LACED . Morn than a superficial inspect Ion of these new ' models Is necessary to appreciate their worth. The ftelect Ion offered afford the opportunity of Indulg ing In the moist luxurious; or all of the dictates of style may be-had in the lews expensive materials ml the most Tesonabtc prices, :, ' - Ttie daintiness, of these ' new models.' their light nerti, pliancy, their comfort, the clever way In which they are honed With sperUl boning that, retains all Its original restlency will all contribute to your delight when you try the.Jiodart. U: G SHIPLEY CO. Quality Merchandise Popular Prices ' Originators of the PAY AS YOU GO VImYS V. F. Kuhn, Miss Elizabeth Levy. Harry Levy. Mr. and Mrs. Melsb. Mr. and Mrs. William McGilch rist Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilbert. Silver ton folks present were Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. Riestagen, Mr. and Mrs. George ., 3tee3 hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Fish er. ', The Salem War Mothers enter tained with a tea at the Com mercial club rooms Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. John Carson and Mrs., Mark Skiff poured during' the afternoon. Members of the American' legion auxiliary assist ed In serving. I Hortesses for the afternoon were Mrs. M. A. Wallace, Mrs. E. A. Toothacre, Mrs. J. M. Croisan Mrs. Lee Atcheson and Mrs. Rob ert J. Hendricks. Judge John MoCourt spoke to the War Moth ers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey were' surprised Tuesday evening by a number of their friends, the occasion being their 45th wed ding anniversary. ' Numerous gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Davey by their friends dur ing the evening and a large wed ding cake was part of. the sur prise. a ; .The lifts were presented by Rev. J. R. Buck, who congratu lated the guests of honor on their life together and their service In church,, social and civil life. Mr. Davey responded, thanking - the guests for their good' wishes., v : Those ' participating in the.-- af fair included Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor, and Rev, L. J. Derouln, assistant pastor of St. Joseph's; Mr. 'and' Mrs. J. G. Nadon, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. MIckel, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Barr, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ford. ir. and, Mrs. A. Hucke stein, Mr. f and Mrs. 'Albert O' Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eck erlen, Mr. and Mrs.'A. E. Hucke stein, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Le bold, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Haas, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Alley, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Reldy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lane, Mr. and Mra. E. A. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McClain,- Mr. and Mrs. ' Eugene Bel isle, Air. and Mrs.; Robert E. Davey, Mr. . and Mrs. Royal iA. Nadon, Mr. and Mrs. Wets, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kupper, Mr. and Mrs. W. McLaughlin,Mrrand-Mr;-M-. J. PetzelMr. and Mrs. F. Jaskoskl. Mrs. H. Hartman, Mrs. H. Lynch, Mrs. Bach, Mrs. Suing, . Mrs. Prultt,'; Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. George Pattersonr MJsa Lizzie Petsel, M,rs. DImeler, Thomas Brown, P. B. Keaney, O. A Hartman, David O'Hara, Cyril Suing, vDr. J. L. Lynch. . ;: :v.V"r v Miss Opal Louise Brown was married Monday afternoon to Robert Fayne Morley at the home of the bride's mother, . Mrs. A Brown. Rev. Rv L. ' Putnam offi ciated. ..' . . ' ' , J- . ' j Fink and white was( the color scheme used In the rooms. An archway, under which the coupl" . ' " i. .Corset Settlon stood for the marriage service, was festooned with rosebuds. The bride wore heavily beaded canton crepe whi'e ber bouquet was of lilies of the valley, carna tions and maiden hair ferns. Miss Margaret Morely was the bride'r attendant. She was gowned in pink organdy. H. R. Martley at tended Mr. More:y. Winona Put nam was the daintw flower girl, Previous to the service, she sang "1 Love You Truly." XIrs. R. L. Putnam played the wedding march from Lohengrin. An. informal re ception followed the wedding ser vice. . An art basket of pink carna tions centered thq (able is the dining room l-whe'rw!Mrs. 0. A. Thomason, Mrs. F. A. Baker, Miss Hope Gilmer, Miss Mamie von Bebren presided at the punch bowl. A number of social affairs have been given in honor of Mrs. More ly previous to her marriage this week. She is a graduate of Salem high school and later attended the Eugene Bible school. She has been active in church work in Sa lem. Mr. Morely is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Morely of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Morely will make their home at 399 Eighteenth street. Gues's at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thomason. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Morely, Mrs. R. E. MarBters, of Roseburg; Miss Mar garet Morely, of Roseburg; Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Putnam, Minona Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bak er, Mr. and Mrs. Lane Morely. H. E. Martey, Miss Mamie von Bab ren. Miss Beth Morely, of Twin Falls, Ida., Tyler Morly, of Twin Falls, Ida., and Miss Hope Gilmer. The Catholic Daughters of Am erica, formerly The Daughters of Isabella, have selected Tuesday. April 18, as the date for their an nual dance and "500" card party which will" be held at the Elite hall. Mrs. E. A. Thompson will act as general chairman, wi h the fol lowing committees: Decorating. Mrs. J. GI Nadon, Mrs. F. Alley and Mrs. T. D. McClain; tickets, Mrs. A. O. OBrien, Mrs. S. Breit enstein, Miss A. E. Lyone and Mrs. L. Pezel; Music and pro gram, Miss Leah Suing and Mis Gertrude Hartman; punch, Mra. Charles Kupper and Mrs. E. H. BurrelL Card party Mrs. A'. A. Mickel, Mra. James LebolJ, Mrs. James Heenan .and Mrs. Frank Davey. Miss Mary Schultz was charm ingly honored Friday at a lunch eon party for which Mrs. William Everett Anderson was hostess. Miss Schults is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C Schultz, following several years viol'n study in the east. Salem violinists, all former personal friends of Miss Schultz were included in the guest list. Decorat'ons were In yellow with daffodils centering the table. The favors and place cards were also in yellow. The guests Included Miss Schults. Miss Mary Scboettl Mrs. Mary Talmidge Headrlck Miss Marion Emmons, MIes Joy Turner, Miss Elizabeth Levy, Miss Vio'-a Ash, Miss Iva Claire Love. Moundy Thursday will be ob served by the 32nd degree Masons w'th a banquet at the Marion ho tel. April 13. Miss Elizabeth Levy will play two violin solos and the Masonic quartet will sins several numbers. ; -;"::;v Miss Florence Howe was host ess April 1 for a group of friends at an evening party. The affair was in the nature of an Apr 1 Fools party and prizes and favor? came in the nature of -surprises. A dainty supper was served by the hostess at four small tables Daffodils were used about the rooms. ' , .:,s. - M'ss Winnifred Fraxler wrs complimented an informal party Wednesday evening when Mis-' Florence Hardy and Mis3 Edith Hardy were hostesses In her hon or. Miss Fraz'er will become the bride of David Delano tomorrow . ; Miss Florence May Whipple oi Independence and R. E. Becker of Salem were married Wednesday at Dallas. They will make their home on Mr. Becker's farm home near Salem. Mrs. Becker recent ly was graduated from Monmouth Normal school. . , . ;' Mrs. Waldo Marsters entertain ed the Englewood e'relo at her home Friday afternoon. A pleas ant, social' afternoon was enjoyed by more than 20 women of whom 11 were guests. Mrs. S. N. Bas ett will be hostess for the circle April 21. Mrs. Edward Lamport has just recently returned from several months visit in San Francisco. . Mrs. Harry Brumbaugh spent a few days in Portland last week. Miss Jean Bell was in a Port land for a few days visit' this week. , Mrs. William Lytle is visiting with her sister in Seattle for two w to cits .t t Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Miles who spent several days in Vancouver, B. C during the early part of last week while Mr, Miles was in at- Mr,. YtKte Patrcnes, lor Military Bl 4. - if i -'Aa. ''' WV 'if'' ' '' " - - . - tf j S " m,..mir,r, Mrs. George A. White, who the Military ball, April 20, which is being sponsored for the benefit of the American War Mothers by local and state mil itary organizations. tendance at the international Ro tarian convention, will go on north t. to Alaska returning the last of April or early In May. Mrs. M. E. Seymour of London, England is a guest at the William Bell home. Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson returned home last night from Pendleton where she has been v'siting for two weeks. She will leave the last of the month for the east. Charles Kay Bishop will accom pany her east. Mrs. M. Vernon Parsons and little daughter, Verna, of Eugene, were guests this week at the home of Mrs. John Maurer and have re turned home. v Mrs. F. L. Purvlne has just re turned from Seattle, where she was called by the death of he? stepfather. While In SeaUo-tsbe visited with Miss Helen Hogae1 and Mrs. J. C. Million. She has been gone for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Kerr of Eu gene visited at the John Maurer home early in the week. r Mrs. Charles H. Powell of Van couver, Wash., is a guest of Mra. W. E. Wilson. , ' Miss Adalaide V. Lake, society editor of the Capital Journal, left last evening for Seattle where she will spend a week's vacation. Mrs. Molly Brunk will substitute for Miss Lake during her absence. Frank E. ChurcU.ll presented a group of his pupils in recital, at h's studio in the Odd Fellows building, Thursday evening. Rela tives and friends were the guests of the evening. - The following Jrogram w-as given: Mountain Stream ........ Rohn Frances Dirr" , ' Angela Serenade . Smith Anna Mclut're Japanese Lanterns -'. Keats Eugene Itvelle Dreams of Happiness .... Lange Thelma Flake The Mill Wheel Kroeger Mildred Irager ' My First Violet Benr Helen Trawick Valse Napol'taine : Hinguet : Gladys Albin At Twilight X . HuhUr Marie It'Iey Tam 0'Shaner ........ Warren Helen Walcher To Spring .. .... Goanod Edith Mckry Masurka .. . .j Smith Lola Schulz In .tha Village Keru Fern Johnson Second Valse . . .' Godard Rosalind Van Winkle Rondino ... Kre'.sler - Helen Richar-dson Language of the Flowers. . BerTson . Kenneth Mosher Charm of the Night .... .Dennee Dreams of the Past . . . .Devaux Loraine Hogg Thoughts of Thre .'. . j. . Wenzel Martin Andermn Valse . . . Jackson Od'le Mathews Romance - . . . .Millergram Margaret Smith Valclk . , . Mokrej3 Evelyn Churchill Good work is being done at the rehearsals of, rCf-ation." which U to be given at th? May festival. This'clasa is steadily growing and arter Easter many of the .singer who are now preparing for Easter services,; will be able to attend. The musical people of Salem, as J5 it fT whole, are putt'os Iaxthxtfii4 -aw v II .iM... i ""ir m , is one of the patronesses for best efforts to cooperate In every way. The classes In the nearby towns are rehearsing regularly and are greatly Interested in helping to make the festival a success. With the large chorus, assisted by the Symphony orchestra "Creation" bids fair to be a great musical treat. , CLUBS AND WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES ! , ' "Americanization as the Immi grant Sees It," will be the sub ject of a talk by Prof. C. N. Pa nunzlo before the Marion County Federation of Women's clubs in Aurora April 20. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, 4 head of the women's protective division of the Port land, police department, will be another speaker. Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, instructor In the history of art at Willam ette : university, spoke Friday be fore the students ' at Silverton high., school oh the "Charm of Fine Manners.' : The fourth-A class room under the direction of Miss Emma Kra me, was awarded, the attend ance picture at the meeting of the Highland Mothers' club last week. Lincoln and McKinley mothers were Invited guests at tbe meeting and later refresh ments were served by the hos tesses. Chorus numbers were given by pupils from the . fifth and sixth grades. The club plans to give a carnival April 28. '"' ' - Reduction of taxes and the commission form of government will be discussed at the meeting of the Women's Republican Study club tomorrow.; Mrs. C. P. Bish op will entertain the club at her home. i DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES TAFFETA SILK DRESSES The Cool Weather Has Left Us With Too Many TAFFETA SILK DRESSES ! ' Mere Is Your Opportunity - Prices: $12 48 $1 9 75 $24 75 ?347S Delegates to Club Meeting Are Chosen Delegates to the Marion Coun ty Federation of Women'a elaba were chosen . by the Salem Wo ! men's clnb yesterday. The fie women who will represent the Sa-j lem Women's clab are Mra. A. F, Marcus. Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, ' Mrs. John W. Harbison, Mra. William MeGilchrist, Jr.. and Mrs. William Everett Anderson. Reports of two committees which have been active in secur ing their quota for the women's community bailding were read. Mrs. William Brown, whose com mittee sponsored the Olde Tyme ball, reported having accumulat ed more than 9150, while Mrs. Charles' K. Spauldlng, who has given but one of five, of a series of bridge parties,' reported more than $50 in her fund. Nominations for officers for next year were made at yester day's meeting and others may be made at the May meeting. Dele gates for the state federation meetine were not chosen since thel official call for the convention has , not seen sent out. . The Business and Professional Women's club will meet Wednes day for supper at 6:30 in the .club rooms in the Unitarian church. The Missionary society of the First Christian church met Fri day afternoon for their regular meeting. Mrs. J. C. Perry was program, leader. The progrom consisted of readings, music and talks. Mrs. J. Drummon, a for mer missionary to India, spoke on conditions there. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. J. May, Mrs. Thomas Brunk, Mrs. S. C. Stone, Mrs. Bert Lacey and Mrs. J. Penny. The women of the Jr son Lee church will hold a cooked foodi sale soon for the benefit of the, church. ' A number of Marlon county women were among those elected 10 memoersnip in me norae ecuu- omics honor society at the Ore- gon Agricultural college this week. Miss Hazel Bursen. one ot the seniors chosen Is from Mon- mouth, but was telegraph editor! of The Statesman a year ago last summer. Miss Anne Hobart of Silverton and Miss Ethel Rogers ot Wood- burn were junior girls chosen at this time. Miss Rogers was a member of the women's varsity debate team last year and has taken an aetlve part In student work this year. Other girls chosen were Evelyn Jennings, Ellen Dahl; Portland; Elizabeth Hughson, Corvallis; Zella Steele. Creswell; Mildred Forest, Inglewood. Cal.: Edna Readen, Gresham, and Elizabeth Elisabeth Seymour of Forest Grove. Great Interest Is being shown in the living pictures to be given in connection with the May festi val the last week in May. The program of 12 pictures, reproduc tions from famous paintings. Is under the direction of Miss Eliza beth Lord and Mrs. J. M. Clifford. One of the most beautiful, as well as one of the tenderest and most touching of the pictures, ta Raphael's "Madonna della Sedia. from tbe Florentine school of tbe 15th century. It is said that near the city of Florence, there lived about the year 1500, a pious old monk. His home was a poor hut, standing in tbe shadow of a huge oak. This tree, and Maria, a little maid who brought him food, he called his two "daughters." One springtime a great flood carried bis house away, and to save his life, he WHERE-THE-PAY-AS-YOU-PLAN-HELPS YOUR BANK ACCOUNT GROW . -hi llcnday , ' Photorraphic e section of Salem Arts , league, in Gun- sell 4V Robb studio. Highland Mothers club, 3: SO. at school. . Women's Republican Study dab. Mrs- C.; P. Bishop. -Tneaday, . Etokta with Mrs. Teter E. Graber, North Church street. Junior Guild with Mrs. Joseph Baunigartner, Center street. Y.W.CvA, board meeting, association rooms. Wednesday Civic Arts section of Salem, Arts league, library. Business and Professional Women's club, Unitarian church club rooms. 6:30. . ...... . Barbara Frlechle Tent, Daughters of Veterans. . -S " Ttinrsday ' Y. M. Mothers' club, with Mrs. C S. Hamilton, 2D0 North Front street. - Friday Jason Lee Homa Mission- ary society. , ' climbed the old oak tree. After "daughter,"' Maria, found hint there when she came to bring him food. As a reward for saving his life, he declared that great fame would come to bo'.h the girl and the tree. - , Some years later Maria marked a cooper, anad the big tree was cut down and made into oaken casks. . . -"' . ' 'r A tew years passed, and one day Raphael, the great artist, who waa roaming the .country search ing tor a new an J different type of Madonna, ' chanced to pass tha house of a cooper. In the door way were grouped wife and chil dren, and Raphael saw at once that his model was found. Hav ing no painting materials with him, he seized a piece of charred wood and sketched on the end of a fresh new cask the appealing little group. The model for the Madonna was Maria, who had fed and cared for the old monk, and the cask was made from the atout tree which had saved his life. This drawing was the first draft of the K,,,,, painting which for 5C0 0ara naB been -known and'loved a8 the "Madonna ot the Chair." And this was the way that the two "daughters" , Of -the good m0nk became famous. . The painting Is now in the Pittl j galleries, Florence, and Is circular I in shape, like the first I made on the end of the cask. With an Inspired Intuition Ra- fir ; 1 cits Maxola t EcsTotk X impuoD Paprika 3 tabteoon Lcsoft Juloe or Vinegar Add wall mlxad MMoninc to ccs. wtta ra Icbo uic or i bctt well, i (pooo MaxoU t tits nm tu mistars thicken, after wUch tba Mania auybt (Med iwra rapidlr. Tfcia wfaii Wao iuicm or vinegar wko awwry. Tha whit of ecg mT b bcatca Miff and folded ia Luu S . v. CLUB CALENDAR MMuuuuiiJUii L.-Vi 1 ' "" "" ' ' : phael has portraycl Eionnei j motherhood and trusting innocent childhood, ; Hero Is sweetness, i sympathy serenity , and a com- ; plete ' understanding , between .... k mother and child. - This is one of the Madonnas c Love, and the beautiful relation of the mother to - her hildre stirs the emotions and gladdens the heart. The Civic Art auction of the Sa lem Arts league will hold Its next meeting n Wednesday, April 11, at 7:30 p. m., In the Educational Room of the city library. . There will be a 'general talk on the nat ural scenic beautlea within ! city of Salem, and suggestions for retaining" and Improving them made and discussed. The problem of laying but the grounds or one of the members of the section will bs placed on the blackboard and discussed. Anyone interested la Invited to attend. :: i - . The : Mjll City Woman's club w.i id rirt nf their annual ban- quU Tuesday evening, April 4. Mlsa Hendrlcson acted as chair man of the entertainment commit tee, Mrs. J. Kahler, president ot the club, presided.' Other officers ' of the club are Mrs. J. Smith, vice president. Mrs. J. Stevens, secre tary;; Mrs.; J. McLane, treasurer, and Mrs. J. Allen, club leader, : . : COMING CLUB EVENTS The Highland Mothera clutt will sponsor a carnival at the lirghland achool April it for the -benerit of the school soup kitchen. The Modern Writers will meet with Mrs, J. C. Kelson Tuesday evening. - ."'-i' ;. '"'' ;, V '.' Salem'a Better Music week wilt beg'n next .Sunday with X special music In the churches and special, programa during the week. Marlon county dub women will meet in Auroro a week" frora Thursday for the spring conven tion of "the county federation ' of women's clubs. . The state federa tion meeting will be held, this year In Tillamook. . ', - Sh-h-h! Don't Tell Your Wife". You're Go las to see Tolly of the Follies Salads Mazola-made Mayonnalie keep longer without separating. Salads made with Maxola French dress Ing :or Mayonnalae have a distinc tive taste. MazolaU used in lead ing clubs, hotels and dining cart throughout America and sold by grocers everywhere in pint, quart Ji-galloo and gallon cans. TTRT7T7 H'marar n net Cook Book of 64 pages. Write Corn Products Renntnc Co4 Depart nt A. Arao, IU. it