THE OREGON STATES1IAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL, 8. 1922 i 1 - ' " , I - i ' . 1 l r ?LJsSSBfi - . f" v-- - r : i V -.zssr- ji Perftim&ls Jit Home -: VIolptM ptaS lard equals an x- qulsite prfum that may be eas ily" and Ineipenslvelr ' made- at bonae.-. Th tiolets or any pine Bwwt-ceivted flowers, may be used mg-wnen tirey V in an e; aregafhered in th?" mom leh tney are fresHwi: "h'' ifm oro' put nf'nnt o lavor'fif ,fc ; blossoms an'lnrn tbick'ls Waewl i'n jar anu cuirreu with a layer of fresh, 'pare Iaf lard. Several 'layers of f lower and lard are alternated. ' After this mixture has stood for tvo or three days the Jar , is set In a pan of hot water, 'until the lard baa melted jyst enough 30 St will separate from the flowers The lard Is thn drainedOff .and mixed with an equal part of alco holl When the lard has solldl ried ifltHs Brimmed off from th? alcohol and a fragrant prlnme ! liie resultl' "' , r Read Mhe Classified Ads. ?v CLOSING OUT Our biiiUiri has been sold and hence we are forced lo close out our entire stock of high grade GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE V1. This will give roanyt a Salem family opportunity to save creatiy on srocerles. 5ee us at once as .we must move . . 1 . this entire stock in a hurry r HIGHLAND GROCERY Phone' 496 746' Highland Avenue Foods idMaUe Baby Thrive Reef juice caa e one of the earliest articles of food, after milk, flven to the baby. There is no great food, value in beef jnice. bat it Is helpful in slightly stimulating a delicate infant or in' preparing the way for other foods. I Usually ft Is given as ear ly as five of six months of age. lieef Juice- mut be -given at first; in i small dones. only one to two teaspoonfuU ,at a- time and dluted with an equal amoant of water., - .This may be gradually worked up to two ounces. , Various Mmt Broths are Gool Clear broths made from mut ton, beef, veal or chicken may be used1 at the age of ten or eleven months.' Two ounces may be giv en as a first course at dinner. Ttve England character by a new ao- FLOUR CEREALS FEED 7 chief thing to remember aboat clear broths of this kind is to re move every particle of fat and to cook them thoroughly. For a child of eight months or I so. it is well to thlcKen tne ciear broths with rice, barley or arrow root and vegetables, as more nourishment is added. At first give only the broth, later strain ing in a little of the vegetable pulp and cereal. ' Foods For Older Children XI ilk soups and vegetable purees have more food value, than t8 clear broths and are best for older children. .The most common xf these are cream of spinach car-, rots, peas, beans, celery, potato and asparagus. These are -V best ones to use for children from 4wo years to ten years agf. After that time .cream of .corn, cauliflower and tomato may also. be allowed Another valuable set of 'soups for growing children are those made from lentils, legume flour and aov beans. One of these soups with bread and butter. cup of weak cocoa or a glass of milk and a cookie or a small piece of gingerbread make a nour ishing and usually well-liked sup per, for a child of three years to ten years of age. As the child tbor,' Robert L." Duff us. - For too CbUdm ' "Heroines of History and Le gend," stories of women of all races and times, especially Inter esting' t girls ef Jnnior high age. edited by Elva S. Smith. . 'The Boy Scout Book of Camp fire Stories." edited by Franklin K. Mathiews: "Brother Eskimo," exciting E- kimp adventure, told by Alan AL-livan. Mora That Must Be Told." a definite exposure of conditions and 'problems in the various coun tries since the war, as the author believes them to exist It in writ- tea by Sir Philip Hamilton Gtbbs ia his distinctive style. Personality," studies - in , per sonal development, by Harry Col lins Spillman Better Business English, "by John Matthews Manly and John A. Powell Rovinr EaatfandT' " Roving West ttimpressiomrot a liter-! ary man in his travels in India, Armenia and Japan, Edward Ver- rall Lucas. - I . "The Meaning i of Service," by Harry Emerson Foedick. "Tea-cup Reading and the Art of Fortune-telling by Tea Leaves" by a Highland seer. "Emergencies." issued by The Mutual Life Insurance company of New York. 'i;v" Accident," Issued by tbe Mu tual Life Insurance company of New Yore - ' '.'. Poisons-Remedies." issued by the MutnaKJUfo insurance com pany of New York. 'Care of Invalids." issued by the Mutual Lite, Insurance com pany of New York. "Oliver Cromwell." - another short story by the author of "Ab- . i . i.- .... ... -... . -. - (, i C raham Llpeoln," John Drinkwat-f tfOdric, the Forester. a story er. !1 -j for feoys similar to - Ivanboe' tn tima ana interesi, : ty uernara 7eCIDEDLY we want Cl'you to compare the flavor of OLxiviI'lW grows older a larger proportion of soup may be given than when he was only three years old. Rolled Oats. end the economy. HOUSEHOLD HINTS 1! r m 0 S u":T r.-.ff-- 1 i EVERY DAY EVERY, MEAL No Matter -What Else You Serve Mak6 Sure There's Plenty of rvn n ncr? .' , I. I 1 f . AT YOUR GROCERS j t Baked by ChcirylCity'B This Superb bread Has Won Its P lace On (Jood Tables AH Over Town Always The Best For the housewife, as well as for the efficiency expert in the in dustrial plant, there is a shortest and best way of doing everything. J The housekeeper is applying this labor-saving principle; when Bhe cuts canned pineapples before taking it from the can by placing a knife inside the rings of pine apple and cutting through all the slices at once. ' ' If food scorches it should bej emptied Into a clean pan which should be set in cold water. This' will take away any scorched taste.; Water ought not to be poured in a kettle in which 100a nas jubi been scorched. Instead the ket tle should be set in a pan of cold water for 15 minutes. This will partially loosen the food particles and the utensil may then be put to soak. 4 After taking a cake from the men tlira tfiA nan hnttmnaiiftt 1 7V ' el which has been wrung out of cold water. This will loosen tba cake from the pan. Egg yolks may be kept for sev eral days by covering them! with; water, milk, or olive oil. Whites of eggs can be more easily beuten if a pinch of salt is added. There is little danger of may-; onnalse curdling if the salt, pep-, per, mustard and lemon juice on vinegar are added to the beaten egg yolks before the oil is mixed in. ,Wet newspapers torn up ind scattered over a carpet or a bare floor will v aid in keeping down 1 dust while sweeping. In removing bedclothes from a bed each cover should be removed separately? This does away with lost motion In making up the bed QUALITY AND QUALITY For Cash Saturday Only FRESi MEATS Fancy Veaf and Lamb Beef Steaks. Beef to BoiL .'l Beef to Roast Choice Corned Beef f Hamburger 'Pure Pork Sausage..... Tickled -Pork Dry Salt Pork . .... Fancy, Breakfast Bacon .... Swifts Premium Hani . Barton's Sugar Cured Ham.. Pure Lard, 5 lb. paili.. Pure Compound 5 lb. pail All kinds of cooked meats, boiled ham, chipped beef, etc. . ..15c and 20c ...X-8c to 12y2c .10c to 15c i 1 ' ; ' ' 1 5c .. e-"''WV L -20c ...f ....l.. -16c 2 . "7 Ij 30c to 35c :...39c and 40c Zl.ZZ.ZZ.rZ75c . ....... 65c Th. American "Novel,1 the story of the- novel from the days of Cooper. by.Carl Van Dorea. ? "The ' Legacy," the story of -a woman, by Mary S. Watts. The Key Note," by Clara Lou ise Rumham. r "Nobody's Man.- by Edward Phillips Oppenheim. v For the Chlldresi "Sword of Uberty." the atory of the American and French rev olutioa, with' Lafayette a ehtl character, written for Junior and high school readers, by Frank and Cartelle Hnthins. I'Trlnce and Roter of Cloverfield Farm." horse and dor atorlea for little readers, by Helen Fuller Orion. " ! ' "Roand Robtn,M expeiieneea of a camp of young Americans, told by Abbie Fanrell Brown. . Marshall. i"'i : Cat This Oat It ta Worth Money Cat but' this" slip, enclose with 6c aM jnall it. to Foley A Co., 2S1S -Sheffield Ava., Chicago, 1U.. wrltrng your ; "nam and address clearly. Yon trill receive In return, a trial package ontalalng Foley'f Uoney and Tar "Compound for eosgbw, eolda an tronp: Fole-f Kidney Pills tot -palna la aides and hack; rheBmatUBV,backach kid? nay And biadda-esilmenti; and Foley Cathartlo" Tablets, a whole? aomt and . 'tbxtroaghly eleansrng cathartic tor constipation, bilious ness, headacke, and alugglsh bow ela. Sold avervwhere.T-AdT. . . j "; i Read the .. Classified tez We Handle Swifts Goyercsient Inspected ! - ; v: Fyeslt and Cored Meats . T , We pay cash for poultry, eggs veal and hogs YEW PARK STORE MEATS AND GROCERIES J2th and Leslie Streets j . - --.i Phone 9 Free Delivfry Purity I AT THE UBRARr Quality I Cleanliness BAKE-RITE RECIPE -lit 'llW ijf' ' ,.' C7 .hi, j Strictly )Fresh Butter Best Of Flour , Best oi Flavors Combined by the Best Bakers Try Are E Today! BAKE -RITE SANITARY BAICERY 45f State Street t : r T a Ncw Jlooks ."The New England History," from the discovery of the conti nent by the Northmen, A. D. 985 to the period .when the colonials declared tbair IndeDendence. a D., I776r . an Interesting old work published in. 1357, written by Charles W. EHiett. The set la presented to the, library by Mr Mark Poulsen. 4 rc. "Employment Psychology,, the methods of selection, training and rating of employes, by mental and trade tests, by the observation and impression .methods, discuss ed in detail by Henry C. Link The author arrives at a practical combination of employment meth ods which should interest both employer and employed Enduring Investments, the outstanding statistician of ie country. Roger Ward Babson The author appeals lor invest ments in the shape ,of human coula and happiness, and for the Christianising of . .education, and industry "How and Why . Stories,1 a col lection of negro folk tales, inter esting for the atory .teller and for the .student of folklore, written by John Casper Bxanner. "Fish Cookery." six hundred recipes for -the -preparation of fish, shellfish and other acquatic animals,. by Evelene Spencer and John ?i.- Cobb. . f "Representative' one-act . ,play3 by -British and Irish authors," a collection 'of twenty well onoscn modern plays, edited by Barrett Harper Clark. " 'Life of Jean Henri Fabre, the .life ot the French scientist told with many delightful passag es fr,6m his town writings ot bis experiences. The biography is written by a kinsman, Angustln Fabre. , "Dr. Tom O'Shanter." the story of a .college' girl and ber dog by Mabel . Louise' Jtobinson. "Messer JMarco Polo." y J3onn "Roada Going South," a story Choice Round Steak Fancy Sirloin Steak r 15cIt. Milk Fed Veal Steak ' 20! ,J- Sugar Cured Picnic Hams - 20c ih- Umeco 25f Delicious Leg of Veal Fancy Creamery Butter 35' lb- Fancy Fresh Northern Halibut 20c lb- Our Own Make Weiners 15' w. 1 ; Fresh , Sausage Why Pay Morel dget market mi Originators of Low Prices . 351 State Street NOT IN THE COMBINE n - -V" Fcr Lett It rr iwmm 173 S. Commercial -vs -tPhone'1421 Be amoM the thrifty, ccssdsvra -tyitb'jrcd'cta; get ns ccnfaied with fkt jidi 3ft;VjkaV4:. ing only old cows and ether law i!Itr cc-t s. ; A- Freshly Ground HtidKi. Jhkk Rounds Choice Pork to RoasLJi.Xl,ir.iAl- Our Own Sugar Cured CrtkUt CCQa-..,-i..--,-3 Cc Our Own Sugar Ccred fla -.:4.,.3Cc 11. 1 " 'lV' ; It costs yoa less to trade at thd mi jmUt VDollarDdes'lts Duty i 1. ' tl .. if , Ri 3 "Groceries of Quality' a "i4 Safe Place to Trade" -' - - t - fj -.- I ; j . 'ARMOUR'S TAHMIAMS 1 i Everybody Is acquainted wltfc tlie ReU aixerAlaed '.'Mw J am" featured In the tnagaiines. To back .np thin ,advertling Armours must keep up the quality ot their product and we be lieve there is no better ham -put 'up anywhere than Armour's--SUr Hams. Armour's atakf their reputation as jpackera of this brand of hams. Have a ham .for Easter.-i 0 p t pquU . .each. .............. 5 a tA'iQ iP9tn ' CAXXEO GOODS . . 1 f i r: ;. It is Just between seasons for canned fruits and'vegeiablea' very little fresh goods on the market and a good supply pf t canned goods on the pantry shelf takes a lot of worry off the mind of the housewife. -.' ' ! ; '-"' 10 CANNED GOODS DEAL t Our plan of giving a discount ot 10 In assorted lota of canned goods has worked so well that we have decided to continue, the deal. Assort a doxen from the list below taking three of a kind, add the single can price and take oft ten percent. , D. M. Extra Peas. : . . . . .9 .23 D. M. Special Extra..... i .SO D. M. Petit . Pols ..,,.. S5 D., M. Crosby Corn J20 D. M. - Tomatoes. "JBO D. M. Small- Asparagus ' TipsV..;:i.. ........ 5 D.'M. Asparagus Tips, - square, tins....,.... .45 D. X. Asparagus, Mam- j . moth Stalks..., , . . . A& J3. . M. Salad Points . . . . . O Onarga. Corn fy , 3 ,D. M. Epinacjh ..... . . , 4S3 D. M. Saner Kraut... . Jta D. M. Hominy..,,..,.. 4SO D:ll. Pineapple, 2 tt 1... t .S3 D. M. Pineapple, 2s.....' D. M. Pineapple, Is. ... . Mission Pineapple, 2.. D. M. Peaches. s &o D. M.' Apricots. . . ... . . . " S5 Mission Grapes. v. . . . . . ' o Tea Garden Orange r Marmalade........... : AO Tea Garden Orange, No. 5 Tins..... . 1JOO Tea Garden Preserret . O Solar Pineapple;.....,. ; .20 D.'M. Bartlett Pears. . . A3 Suprertfe Lagan berries. Q Supreme Blaek Raspber- I ' - rles. . 45 ' California Honex pintgp. ,- A3 i CaUfornla' Hoae(i flnarti . . JH.. 'i-l'Li;. - 1 1 - -I ........ ", A v LIBERTY BELL CANE AU JlATi "f,1,1. , .GaUona 415 Half GaUons 75c Quarts 4c ; WATiait GLASS FOB PRESERVING EGGS ? ' Gatlona 05c Half 'Gallons 50c Quarts Oes V " r , CROWlf FLOtJIt ' ' " " . At Today's Wholesale Price S2JSO per sack ' -; - CAKES For Saturday a full line of our home made takes, the quality of which is known by all who have tried them. , Angel. Sun . shine. Prune, Chocolate, Cocoanut, Mocha, Jelly Roll. r Phones 1885-6-7 : v No charge f cr ds'Jvcry of New England Uf and 9i New if. t J -.'