The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Tim oiu:go;i STATi-C:
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nil AnT
County Treasurers Are
V; Limited in Securities!
; County treasurer are ot ta
t Sorted by law to accept from
bank'e designated by them as de
posit or lea of county fundi secur
ity In the form of bonds executed
by personal securities, v This fa
according to an opinion sjlven by
Attorney, General 1. '.H Van .Win
kle for Wvy Stipp, district attor
ney for, Clackamas county.-
The reason fcr. the Interpreta
tion is that the surety bonds au
thorized to be accepted f in ucn
eases are' specifically, designated
by the statute as bonds executed
by dqly authorised surety, com
panies as surety,
. ft. Is explained In the . opinion
that a county treasurer, acting un
der, the, depository , law 1 exon
erated from responsibility for the
safekeeping-, of .saciifnnds and
furnishing the security for the
safe-keeping of the funds as pro
Tided by law, i But if he accepts
other securitio-instead at tboje
required by law, he and his bonds
men are responsible.
A Ventriloquist Novelty
Novelty Songs and Dances
.' i.-.'y, In - . :
A Piclurization of The
Olden Golden West
"V Matinee 25c Evening 35c ,
Free Candy for the Children every Saturday
a . .a v . v and Sunday Matinee -? .
Adele Oarrlaoa'a New Pha off
New Attendance Records
Everywhere Are Looking
H for Masterpiece
"Foolish Wives" bids faif to
establish new attendance records
over the entire country. The
picture Is now in its seventh week
at the Mission theater in Los An
geles and it fourth week at the
Imperial theater, San Francisco,
with no apparent abatement in
attendance. In San Francisco It
is said that the opening week
grossed somethting like 7SO0
more than any picture that has
ever played the house. During
these low cinematic times that In
crease would prove a very satis
factory gross by itself to a num
ber of houses. "Foolish Wives"
comes to the Grand Sunday for
five days.
Read the I Classified Ads.
S I A, L S !
Big Line Ladies? Pumps and Oxfords in Black
Kid prid Patent Brown Calf and Brown Kid, all
leathers,all siyles, hundreds of pairs to pick
from, regular $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00, Friday and
Saturday Only
; - ' i, ,- ... ..j .. . ... ' , :.. . . . . -.
Lien's Dress Shoes and Oxfords in brown calf,
all the hew la&s, ail widths and sizes; big line to
pick from, $6X)0 to $8J00-Friday arid Saturday
Only, ,
4 ' X'
Lien's Work Shoes, regular $5. 00, value in a black
Elk work shoe with double sole, a wonderful
bargain for Friday arid Saturday :
0(Aer good values all ov er the store. See these low
priced high grade shoes tarid you will buy them.
If t j-4 -t s t 4 f y ?
Hanan Shoe
BaD BaadBbots
526 3tateStiextto
The speech Harry Underwood
made to Lillian was one which
could not neip hut anger a wo
man furiously, leave her with no
lingering letting of duty or re
morse toward the man who made
it. As. Lillian jumped to her feet
and crossed quickly to Robert
Savarin's side I wondered curioui-
ly if it had not been carefully
planned for just that effect.
"You beast!" Lillian said as sh
passed him, and Harry Under
wood smiled mockingly at the
"Come away at once." Robert
Savarin spoke tremulously yet
authoritatively as she reached h's
side, and without a backward
glance they turned toward the
footbridge. Alice Holcombe bad
slipped away in (he opposite di
rection a few minutes before, but
as I started to follow her, Harry
Underwood put out his arm and
blocked my way.
'Why the haste. Lady Fair?"
he asked mockingly, "I'm not
the plague, although you thintc
I'm. next door to it. And I want
you to know before I vamoose out
of here for another spell of wan
dering that most of that spiel to
old Lil was pure bunk. There
ain't no pulchritudinous female
watting for yours truly, and 1
hold Lil higher than any other
woman in the world except one.
But that ingrowing conscience of
hers would never let her make
that old "pappy guy of an artist
happy as long as she thought I
needed ar. So it was up to me
to convince her that I didn't
Savvy ?-
I "I Could Have"
There was that In his voice and
manner which showed his con
tempt for the frail physical en
dowment of Robert Savarin. Har
ry Underwood, splendid, virile
animal, with the stupendous con
ceit common to his type, could
not understand the attraction
Robert Savarin's wonderful gen
ius and royal heart had for a wo
man. There was a certain touch
of unselfishness In the, thing he
had done, however, that made me
feel more kindly toward him. Af
ter all, he had fulfilled his prom
ise "to clear out of Lillian's way."
"Just one thing more,, little
girt." , His voice was devoid or
all mockery1 now, and held a note
which I had heard In It only once
or twice, before. "My job around
here now Is finished, that Wilsey
Won't bother you again, and I'm
goin' to fly the coop for f urrin
parts. But don't mistake your
Uncle Dudley. I have ways ot
keeping track of you, and if the
Dicky-bird isn't square with you
I'll wring his neck and steal the
cage myself. Or if you ever need
me In any other way I'll be on
the Job. Oh, girl, girl! Why
didn't the devil let me find you
years ago? I could have made
you care. I know It."
Taken by Surprise. . 1
Before I knew what he was do
ing he had caught me to him,
kissed me fervently once then be
fore I could wrench my hand free
; to strike at him he released me.
pinioned my hands, held me ' at
arms' length and looked down at
me with the old mocking light
and something else in his eyes.
"The Dicky-bird ought not to
grudge that to me," he said. "I'll
warrant he snatches one or two
himself. Good-by, Lady Fair. Be
good to yourself."
I walked back to the house
slowly, trying to compose myselt
so that no one should guess the
bizarre nature of Harry Under
wood's farewell. As I neared the
house I met Robert Savarin, pale
i and agitated, coming down the
path, evidently in search of me.
"Dear Mrs. - Graham." he said
abruptly, "will you pardon me U
I go to town for a few days? 1
I think Lillian should be left
herself for a little. This has bon
a terrible shock to her."
, . "I think you "are wise." 1
agreed, "only there is on thins
you must do first, and that is to
assure her of your unchanged and
undying affection. Otherwise she
might imagine that the brutal
declaration of her husband that
be did not want her might have
changed your value of her."
"Horrible!" He stared at me
in terror. "You don't think she
could Imagine that?"
"I don't think so." I returned,
"but women are curious creatures,
Lillian has been through a terri
ble strain, and I think she would
be helped and comforted if she
was reassured, of your love just
'"I will go to her at once." ha
said, starting off hurriedly, and 1
knew by his very haste that he
had been asinine enough to an
nounce his departure to Lillian
without any explanation, imagin
ing that he was being especially
adroit in a delicate situation by so
What passed between theni. I
of course, don't know, but when
I next saw Lillian she declined
dinner., and shut herself up i
her room until the next after
noon; her face was calmer, hap
pier than I had seen it for a Ions
while. She made no reference to
either Harry Underwood or Rob
ert Savarin, but handed me a tel
egram when we found ourselves
alone together.
"Will arrive at 5 o'clock this
afternoon. '
(To be continued)
President Griffith and Other
Salem Members Return
from Convention
Chorus of Eighty Voices
Feature of Performance
The high school chorus of 80
voices will be a feature of the
musical comedy to be given to
night by the musical department
at the senior high school. "Paul
Revere" Is considered an espec
ially taking musical comedy. It
is being given under the direction
of Miss Lena Belle Tartar.
Under a civil service rule just
promulgated, veterans' wives and
widows are made eligible for post
masters throughout the country.
And why not? They will be just
as efficient and honest as the
men and it requires a woman no
time at all to read a postal card.
George Griffith and wife, and
a few other Rc-iarians returned
to Salem Thursday from the in
ternational district convention at
Vancouver. B. d.
"It was th& biggest thins ever."
said George. "They scratched
off every word in the dictionary
except Hospitality, and they hired
an orchestra on every block to
play on that one string. They
certainly did make it an interna
tional love feast. They had autos
for everyone of their 2300 visit-
ins? delegates, all the time they
were there, and they shanghaied
every duffer who even looked as
if he wanted to walk. And they
fed 'eni gosh, how they fd 'em!
I'll never forget it.
"They sure don't need forts and
gunboats and wire entanglements
and treaties to keep such good
fellows as the international Ro
tarians have proved to be, on
both .sides of the line. There
isn't any line any more! It was
the finest convention bat any
one ever attended."
.. C. Miles and wife, who were
part of the Salem delegation, went
on up to Alaska, to be away for
about a month. Some others ot
the locals stopped off at Seattle.
' Established 18C3 ;
'T ' ' " " .- ."' .' . . ,
TJJencral Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. in.
President Harding has set apart
a "Be Kind to Animals" week."
That ought to be good for the
Democratic donkey. It has been
kicked about something awful
since the damp fall of 1920. The
Republican elephant seems to be
all O.K. Los Angeles Times.
Is a necessity to health at all sea
sons. No better time for blood
cleansing than now, and the one
true Spring Medicine is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
j '
Ladies1 Hats
.... ,-v -
A new shipment just in by express to be shown today
for the first time.
Hats a'bloom with new flowers. They're here in every
possible variety and colors. , .
From $2.98 to $7.75
r Our Prices Always the lowest
1 ' -"-. :.'. r i- - .
ale & Co.
Commercial and Court Streets
Take m Glass of Salts to Flash
Kidneys If Bladder Bothers
Eating meat regularly erentual
ly produces kidney trouble In some
; form or other, says a well-known
authority, because, the uric acid
In meat excites the kidneys, they
become overworked; get sluggish
clog up and cause all sorts of dis
tress, particularly baskache and
misery In the kidney region; rheu
matic twinges, severe headaches
acid stomach, constipation, tor
pid liver, sleeplessness, bladder
and urinary Irritation.
The moment your back hurts
or kidneys aren't acting right, or
if bladder bothers you, get about
(our ounces of J&d Salts from any
good pharmacy; take a table
spoon in a glass ot water' before
breakfast for a few days and your
I kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts Is made from the acid
of grapes and lemon-Juice,' com
bined with 11th la, and has been
used for generations to flush
clogged kidneys . and stimulate
them to normal activity; also to
neutralise the acids in the urine
so It no longer irritates, thus end
ing bladder disorders. '
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone
makes ; a ; delightful effervescent
lithla-water drink which millions
of men and women take now and
them to keep the kidneys and
urinary organs clean, thus avoid
ing; serious kilnej disease. Adv
m t am I . a
That's the kind of a service you'll find at this
store; the newest suits; Norfolks, sport clothes;
4-button coats. Every good style is here. Also
the fine quality that makes clothes wear longer
and saves money for you.
have put new fabrics and new coloririgs into
Beit spring models. They're different; they
put new life and spirit into you. Get into new
Spring clothes now the cost is low
. i
1 i