... ... THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 7. 1922 a: w CLixxmzii ABmnmnni r wwrdt 1 Par taMrtara Tkre Insert Om wMk (lix insertions). Oa awtk l Six miUi' contract, per n 15e 11 months' MBtraet, per 1' Minimum for say B4rtimat, , , - t u so xorwicii union i FTtlE INSURANCE 80CTETT i TUelaom. Rolauxl Barfchrdt fUwJdent Acenfr 871 8ttU 81 MONEY TO LOAN Ob Rsal Estate ; T. K. FORD ' ' (Over Ladd Bosh Bank) NEW TODAY PATRONIZE TOUR NEIGHBORHOOD grocery, 2095 North Fifth street. WU terwood Grocery. Phono 1395-J. PROGRESSIVE EVERBEARISO STRAW berrjr plants. $1.25 per hundred. Lota of berries atl immr. Will boar this year. Ward K. Richardson. a COMBINATION FOLDISO COT AND ., table; trade for aait ease today only. Mttdd. 734 Mill Street, r FOR REST THREE ROOM FURSISH- ed apartment ; first floor. -293 N. Hammer. ..." ....'. ' , i SEW GRAND PIASOS 3550, TERMS. , f00 relues. Tatlman Piano store, : 'ill; 8.j Commercial, t 1 FUR PALR OR EXOIIASOE 10 ACRE8 land, improved, with ftonto; clot in. ' Oao lot West fUlam. cheap. What hero yea. 7U0.N. llicb.. ! , t FOR SALE 8M ALL HAT CUTTER, 22 wiacbwter.; 700 M, High. ' BAROAIM FOUR LOTS JUST NORTH ef tato street. Price. $250 See K meter, Oregon Bldg. , ; SEWiPIASOR, 9275. TERMS. . valors. Tallmaa r.ane store. Commercial. 9450 131 8. FOR RENT HOUSE CLOSE IS.I AL80 . apartment, furnished. 700 K. High, , IIOOSIKR SCHOOLMASTER TONIGHT. Urand theatre. 8:15. TlekeU 64e. Benefit American Legion Auxiliary. - V, WHY SOT GET YOUR FIRE IN8UR- inrt at minimum cost With the Me- , Minnrille Co. So assessments aad i ; prompt payment of loss-a. Htandley . i roley. agents, Bush Banh Bldg. 8IX MEN WANTED TO HOE HOPS Btola MeNary farm, four miles ; north l 8a lorn. .. LOST ON NORTH SUMMER STREET er, pocketbook, Lesre at Statoamaa on ice. at i FOR RENT 5 ROOMS, FURNISHED. , : 764 It. Itiga atroet. FOR RENT TWO ROOM HOUSE 2030 N. Cbareh.. Phone l0O-w. Also leatn- cr sulky for sale. MODERN FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW. With large ..floored attle and i cement uasemeni. i.rs fwn u n.Hva, enable construction throucthont and bread new - with every thine the bosk FnrnaraT and f ironlare. Owner must move and baa dropped price to $4400 over all; see tnia. terms " a Hmk ! Beeke Hearicaa, 80S U. .8. Bank I building. - . t i aiaBmeemmeeiBmmBsaamaBamsmme .... swv a a t inn. tv I ,UA" C-aoo" 261 Caemeketa 8t. . Phono I 999. ROSE BUSHES MADAME CAROLINE i TesWut- S5c etco, delivered Saturday. , Phono 1141 M. BUNQALOW IN SOUTH SALRM GOOD v street, east front. 6 rooms, modern. 0 i foot lot for only 9500. 1 Some terms. Ben F. West, 370 State- St. FOR ; BALE ' MILCH GOAT. 1720 C'hem"keta street. ; , i - -Vnfc RENT FIVE RO0M USFURNISH, ad t aDartment. Close in. 465 Centr. 9350 DOWN ON A 160 ACRE RANCH; an irm in enltivntioa. part ia crop. r L.l.nce in timber and pasture: house. hsra. Price of place 950OO. . Bea F. , -West, S70H Htnte Ptreew - . FEMALE FO TERRIER STRAYED. Finder pleas relura to 1000 a. vnp- tr.ST TtlTYS AND EXCHANGES 7 room house, barn, coops, 4 lota, lota of fruit. 1800 cash. . rooms modera, S kU. on Fairmount Hill; finest view oa the hill. W'iiWt . ai'Jdrt r.h knlsneO 8. 5 room modera bungalow, built in, gar . ac. paved atroet. 92375. 91375 cash. A mom mmlrrn. rood location, close In; i f u... " i 7 r in rood condition: large tot, Ji rn"VVl,: . . . acz. rm.iAmwrm inanred lor SZUUU. 9 room modera house to rent at fu per month. r ' BOOOLOF8KY A ' - i ... 841 State . tvivrrn kW F.XPERIKNCED GIRIf t for reneral housework . 693 North Lib- ! wrty atreoL Phone 1351.. WANTED TWO MEN TO WORK ON tmllia In hoo yard. i. oan'jn. Phone 60F19. .y- - v -'. rnn tnnA ITS REAL HOME OR IV- . ...!.,.. ' niii 7 roods liome. north; liToahlo and decent. . Now rente for tit in tax. 640O to handle. Becke A Hendricka, 203 U. B. Bank ' : building.: ; -;'- -' 1 BPKAKIXO'OF TRACTS DOES LOCA - lion mean anything to yout l 4 acre ana mile from Salem. Room for front ' one to ten borne. it es. pavement through -i aiMiO: terms, i- Another" of 4 acre wlln bearlng fruit and berries and small, fair nuucinrs. one urlle frtnt Salem, soutn. !'" ; Vmim at:tnn . Thru of lo acre one mile east. $320O to 84000. No buildings. , Terma or n u miw ut railroad, close to a town; 5 acrea of tbla in 7 year old U.rim nrunes. Price 83200 now. 10 acres two mil's from Liberty store on , fin road. 8 and l ooanng iri and berries, at 82200. J I BKOKK A HENDRICKS, V . ' 205 V. 8. Bank Bldg. I GREAT SACRIFICE a . an ,)DW I... Sl J . Wmaining 1 holdings of Fargo Orchards company a splendid Inn. Under eal- tivation. ny aiie trarta. or 100 acrea tn body.; aiso maenmery w.ro.w, Oa Oeeron Electric. 24 ! north of Salem. Inquire Clark js Storn Fsrxo, trregon; or noresa ,ew. 4'lsrk, Aarora, Ore, Route 8. LOTS OF LOTS Over 100 all prices, and eeattered over i.m a row ai tnera narains. iwi . k.i. von nick one. Win. ricming. sit Kt.ia atreea. " ' t tm irnrn I.OTATED 8 MU.ES TROM S.l.am on.naved road: 73 acres Culti- rated, balance timber nni pnature. ono k. If mile to town and high ache!; -Id house, creek, aprtng and well. 8U0 an icre: 11500 down, balanc eaay tern a. Will take some traae. Winnie Pettyjohn ?. " ? ; .331 'A - State - atroet '"PERSONAL SERVICE Wbn: you want t find aomethlng in the ; wsy of n borne in tow or country, and ; di not want to be harassed by a mul tiplicity of . agencies,, tell me what you w.nl .ixl ia most CSUCS I Will PrO- : dnrw It. If I do aot, it willcoat you no thine; and when I do the fcr pays. Vitlism Fleming, 841 State a'reei. r.HwaiiiiRncu Classified Ads. 'n The . ' ' r ' t EMPLOYMENT MARRIED MAS WANTS POSITION OX fsrm. Can grj reference. Address route 4, bos 65 B. RUS8ELL WINDOW CLEANING CO. 1 House cleaning and fanitor eervire a apeciaity. Satisfaction guaraateed. Phono 1003 J. WASTED AT ONCE MA3 WITH TRAC tor to plow about 40 acre aandy loam '" toil, sic field; near Independence. P. O. Bos 485. Salem. , Phan 577 iu vBBincaa aowui WANTED KAEKOET1C TOL'NG MAS who haa had . esDorieaee aalliaa Ufa insurance, etocke or sdverttstag. Meat bo abto to devot his oatiro tuao sad bo ambition for dvtement. Mnt bar the ooarago to proaoat oasiaeaa propositi to arcate aa preiee aional asea. Aaawer ii roar owa hand writing, stating age, docatiol guali . fieutiona. axoeriaae aa solicitor, ete. Addreee "I N SI." Statesms office. malx aid rtauiM WASTED MAS ASD WIFE TO WORK - on a farm. Phono 581. WASTED MES ASD WOMEN TO tako farm paper anbsertptioas. A good propootttoa to tao rifni mo pie. sunn the Pacifio Ueai loateaa, Bisi Bldg Aalam. Ore PERSONAL MA88AOK AMD EXIROI8E8 STEAM cabinet, ladiaa only. an. Rath Brow. Bwediah rradiuto, 102 Ortgo Blif. Phono 65. THE BLIND MAW I AM 8OMETIME8 called boeaoao of my great interest in window and porch blinds. I do carry lha best window and porch abades. and deairr very aiaeh to bid oa all new aad revlaeeiaeat Jobs. Max O Bursa. 179 M. Commercial. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL ' paper published. Free for stamp Correspondent, Toledo, Ohio. for Sale BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD OPENING FOR ONE HALF TS terest in garage. 9 3 CM) will handle it. Address "A-S0," care Btatesmaa f BABT SUPPLIES I PUSH BABT BUGGIES THE LIGHT, - . . A beaatifuU comforUblo. moderate pneM kind.' Lot me explain some annsnaJ anerita of Stnrgia carriagtte and aalkeys. Tboy bare many. Max 0. Baron,' 179 N Commercial. FARM TATE IF TOn WANT TO GIT THX BE81 farm paper, aaad 15a to the paciiM Homeatoad. Balem. Ore roe, tor a three tenths' trial subeeripstoas Meatioa thit ad CANARY BIRDS FOB BALI CANARY BIRDS AND pedigreed white Scotch oeilie papa. Mra. R. A, Beaaotu ohoae 1180. LOVE To ndrertiao new store. Cage aad supply list free. Import BIRDS ed Boilers oar epoeinUy. E. B. FLAKE 279 State. Salem 95 PAIR POULTRY FOR SALE O. A. C. AND TANCRED 10 day old chickens. BZS A. iiaa ltreL . . ,. "... POULTBYMEW SEND JE1GHT TWO . ni.! three mouths' ttM foT k, beat and oldeet 1 unreal i oao a 1 1 J . J.H IB in vmw i a ri.ciea ttaomentt are of apeeial Internet to the nou I try breeder ef the northwest. Northwest Poultry Joaraal, 911 Com srcial St. Salem, Oregon. . CARPETS AND LINOLEUM CORK! CARPET PRODUCTS AND CON ft7ZrZr?& "Alan Mean O. Buren, 179 jN. Commercial. KITCHEN CABINETS " UrDOL'OALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN .cabinet game from A to Z. He brought out tbe VERT FIRST hirh elasa Klten- en eahiaet in America. The new Me Doagall is marvel. Get my price and terms. Max u. narea. ii a. iw snercisl. , y LIVESTOCK . - . FOR BALE GOOD COW, FRESH. Phone 92F15. . ' . FOR BALE RED POLLED BULLS. two : thoroughbreds and oao grade. Phone 67F8. aaSXJxOXABBOOS ' - GOOD DIRT FOR NOTHING IF HAUL- ed at once. Phono 1908 K. , ' slightly used victrola AT A I barxaia 1 bargain for cash. Pa perfect condi- ! tioa. 160 o. lain otreei t ion. 160 S. 1511 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. If eeau a buadla Circalauoa aeparwneat Oregon BUtaanwst. GLIDDEN'8 LINOLEUM VARNISH ASF Johnson's Floor Wax. Ask aa t particular merita and purposes of aoi Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercia Balenr. .' ; - - RUO PRICES LOW EH 1923 " DESIGN? colors aad qualities ar most gratuyiag Bee my fins display whue It i com nlcto. Max O. Bur. 179 N. Com morcial. Salem, . .. TIT a HOURS OF HALF A MILLION and . one earraina. We key. aell t exchange anything aad everything la the lino of Junk or aeeoea nana gooo Sao na before roe bay or sell. Stela bock Junk Co Remember th pise 409 N. Commercial Mt, rbaa 62S. if Beautiful Oregon Rose". sad eleven ether Oregoa eoaga, togethei with a fine collection or patriots eoaga, sacred songs aad many old-time favorite ' All. FOR 25 ra.ta.U1 r,riM Im aaentlte lotnl rEspeeially adaptable for acBooL teaan ity or some singing, fund for The Western Songster 78 ptge. now In ita third edit iqa. t'eoiisnea oy OREOON TEACHERS MONTHLY tl. R Commoreial St. Balem, Ore WOOD FOR GOOD VALUE IN WOOD PHON Jadd, 109FS. 1 B,Q y I R. SECOND GROWTH 0AI Mk wooO. rboBo nra. BAVB MONEY BY CALLING 854 OR r' after ffie haura, 6aJ, when yo wn .wood. m.rt CKOWTII ' 16 ' INCH rnt 88- 4 ft. second ' grovrtb. 86.06. Phone 'v 147. : -X port SALE BEST GRADE MILL WtKJI naaia seonno iww mmv - It. r IO ta- rrwe a. ea,;rw . 1843. ' 80S 8. Chnrch. , IS INCH SLAB AND MILL- WOOD 98.60 per load. - Try planer w . 88.80 per Wad. i Tracy . Wood Oa Pbon 5J0. FOR .RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOB RENT 889 NORTH Commercial. I rOlt RENT -r MODERN FURNISHED anartment. - Phone la'JA. 65 Mario " atreet. ,.; - " - FOR REST TWO AND THREE ROOM furnished apartments, reasonable, cen tral. Phone 742. ROOMS IFOU REST LARGE FRONT SLEEriU FOR RENT ROOMS ARLINGTON HOTEL CLXAS. COST; mm ep. sz HUM. FOR REST LARGE FROST HOUSE- koeping room. 160 Court atreet. CLE All. MEAT MI.KKPISG SIOOMb, SI to 99.50 per week. Apartments, $5 Too Leoaard Hotel. a4 . froal Phoa 1801 FOR REST HOUSEKEEPING AND aleeping room. Woed, light, cater and bath furnished. Reasonable rates. 943 North Commercial. Cottle apartments. HOMC FOB RENT TOR GENTLEMAN desirable rows ta modera horn with all convenience. Pleas fit aame aad refereac. Address "A.B." csra Sute- LOST AND, FOUND POUTTD FOUSD A WAY TO KEEP LINOLEUM from cracking, buckling aad curling up Get my leaflet entitled " Permanent Linol-am Floors." Max O. Baren. 179 N. Commercial. WANTED hfUCELLAJTEOUS OLD M ATTRSr88ES MADX OTER Capital Cur Beddiag Co Pboae 19. WASTED TO BUY DRY OLD FIR. Call 1756. WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS. ETC. Phone all. ANTED EVEKTTHINfJ IN HARD- ware and faraitere. Beet prieoa paid THJC CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNITURE CO., 3SS H. Commercial St. Phone 947 WANTED FORNTTCztK. TOOLS. MA-! tusery. etock, ate. WU1 hay for cash or tell oa commissioa. Phone 611 Woodry, the Auctioneer BUSIKESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY. THX livestock, feraitare, real oatato auc tioneer. Pboae 511 for asle data. Re 1610 N. Summer Auto Directory FAUTTtA RUSH THE AUTO PAINTER. STATE aad Front streets. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERT WORK fsaraateoodw 659 Soata 12th. Pboae 129. RADIATOR SHOPS J. O. BAIR, RADIATORS. FENDERS Bodies repaired. 444 Ferry. USED OARS FOR 8ALE AT A BARGAIN 1921 Dodge torring car, at 990 Santh 12th. TRUCKS JL. FOR 8ALX OK TRADE RE0 TRUCK, 1921 model, perfect ooaditioa. Will trade for real oatato, produce or will ' aell en easy terms. Tbi ia aa excep tioaslly good buy. It yon want a real ar call The People's Cah Store BATTERT AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN : EXPERT TROU ble sbooting. 318 M. High. Phone 90S. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE tatioa. Expert battery end r'sctncai work , Jam Bro. Pboae lsos 41 Oourt. ' TIRES AND ACOESSORXES T0KSEAU CARJ'ET RUNNING BOARD RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM, AUTO carpet, at. to enamel and paint.' Max O. Buren, 179. S. Commercial. 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINS1 atone bruises, no cuts and blowouts The Hydro-Toron Tire, for sale by lev Park store, 12th and Leslie, phone 9 : PARAGE AJTP REPAIR "INDER8 ROLLED NOT HAMMERED tHIem Auto Radiator Shop. Ill I 12 th atroet. CAPITAL GAKAGX BUTCK. 8TUDE baker repairing. 179 South Liberty Phone an BEAUTY PARLORS SOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Coarmarelal Satreet . CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLAN furnished Ire. R. W. Mclutir. 1409 N. Church. OBXXESS PHYSICIAN DR. L M. HUM CURES AST KNOWN disesse ' 1.53 S. High Rt. phone 988 DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO 401 COURT Phone 14 ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRINO By eoatract, by hour. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, pbone 1202J. FINANCIAL MONET TO LOAN ON- FARM LAND L. A. Hayfarrf Q5. State atroet. MARION P0L& COUNTY FARM LOAN association haa money to wan at ai pereeat. W. D. 8mitb. secretary trdaa urer. SOS Salem Baak ox Commerce. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAI credit plan, prepayment provisions SI lowed. We will finance yen for ! rate of interest thaa any firm oa the coast. Private money to' loan oa either city oi oouatry property. MARSTERS BROS. i 411 Oregoa Bldg. - ) FOUNDRIES 4ALEM IRON WORKS GREY IRON caatinn. dear saw machine, oentri fursl pomps, heavy machinery. , Front end State streets. 4 ' FURNITURE STORES fRANK P. KICHTEfc NEW.- SEOONL band raraitur 849 N. Cmmerci- Pboae 459. . J urxituRE PR1CE8 DQW! 1ROS beds. 96: all steel bed spring. 95-40 cotton, mattresses. 98; oak. diainc chair. 94; all steel army cots. 93.50: Ma O. Buren, 17( N. Commercial Salem..- j rPRNITTTRB HOSPITAL riTRWITCRR REPAIRED OR MADE TO erdVsr. Rafiaianing and pholsterlai enoeUltT. Phone 1749. Browa aad Orewes. 101 Sonth Cowtmereinl. : '- . ' HOTELS . " THERRY CTTT HOTEL-ROOMS AM- board. Loach eoaator Uouoette f W .rwnes fttste trh INSURANCE I MUTUAL BENEFIT ' LIFE INSURANCE company J. V. Baen, agent, room afeOoraaeh Bid. Phono 99. : Ladies1 Wearing Apparel MILLINERY HATS FROM 81 CP MRS. Ortmas 510 Oonrt Rt a a I Read tho Classified Ads.1 Statesman Bring Results BUSINESS CARDS MTU SIC AX. T MRS. HESRT LIE PIA50, 1111 X. CapitoL Pboae 1017-W. ' DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. North Winter. Pboae 345 J. 197 NELLIE MULKEY STONE PIANO S73 Leslie. Paoaa 7S1 W. BEATRICE 6 HELTON PIANO STUDIO 345 Marioa. Pboca 1299. MOLLIS STYLES VOICE. PIANO. 959 Ceater. Pheee 1010 R. RAO AND JAZZ PIASO PLATING -12 leeeoaa gaaraatood. Watermaa era tern. F. B. Clark. Mar. 444 Btata- MISS MABI.E SHEPHERD PI1KO t layer; daacoa aU ibeny- 157 S WESTERS COS&JsatV IT0RT OF MUS m of Chicago. Fraac X. Churchill, rep ' reseatabve. Dipioi a graatod. Od" Fellowa' Bldg. SALEM i CONSERVATORY F MUSIC All branches taught, iomae greased John R. Si'a. director 123T Court. Phone 2. TUNERS JACK MULLIGAN PlATfO TUNER Moore-Dana C. Representative o Shermaa Clay A) Co Pboae 506. EDWARD WE LP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Muai3 Store. TALLMAM PIANO REPAIR SHOP - Toning, refiniahiag. robaildtag; player piano expert. Pboae 1659. 121 South Commercial. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS. STEIN ways, Duo-Art, aad others. ' Mooro- Dimn Music Store. Maaonic Tempi", MtJSXU STORfc GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PliONO graph, tewing machines, sheet muaic aad piano stud'e. Repairing phono graphs aad aewing machines tate, Salem. DAN CIS O PRIVATE dances. LE8SON3 IN ALL LATE Mrs. White. Pboae 273 J FANCY WORK NEEDLEWORK ahop. - Jessie ASD EMBRODERT McCons. Tallman'g.8" leave eiage lermmai roruano aaa Piano Store 191 Bontb Commercial DREBSMAKXNQ DRESS AND COAT MAKING REAS onable rates. 1625 S. Church. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer ooreeta to order. 2 McCornaek Bldg. THE ADS1TTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladies' tailor log, for old and new customers. 853 M. 12th St. Phono 2085-R. WANTED PLAIN SEWING ASD HAND wcrk. Call 631 R. FIRST CLA8S DRESSMAKING FOR particular people. Specialty on work manship aa well as price. 1074 Oak St. Mra. Lee A. Swoape. Telephone 984. MESDAMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS maker. 319 State St. Phono 997. MAUD SIMONS. DRES8MAKER 1710 Bellevn St. wwuia as i a. a uvua nvrnw tm. HSMETITCH1HO I HEMSTITCHING, 548 STATE ST. MS- gar sewing Machine Co. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. pleating, button, atampiag and aeedle work. 829 Oregon Bid. Pboae 979 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHISG Stamsin: braiinr: band embroidery. buttons. Room lo, over Miller's store. Salem, Oregon, Phone 117. MRS.- BRECKENR1DGE HEMSTITCH ing mail order solicited. 17S 8. 19th Phone 174 M LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8 Liberty street. Pbon 25. Oldest largest bast. Established- 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. MASSAGE MASSAGE FOR ALL NERVOUS DIS- esses. Room 3, Cottel Ant. MATERNITY NURSING MATERNITY NURSING WANTED IN private home Phone IRU4-J MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone RI7 W NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nar- aery Co., 42 Oregoa Bldg. Pbone 75 FRU1TLAND NURSERY SALES YARD. Back of office. 540 Slate St. Phone 1110 M. FOR SALE LITTLE 8 IMPROVED Cory's tbornlesa blackberry plants. Heaviest producers and best flavored. Write for pamphlet and price list. C. A. Little. Sebastopnl. Calif. PLUMBINO I PLUMBING kkPAIRINQ AND COtl. work. Pbon 1397-J. Shop. 137 Union street A. Ia. Oodfrey TING CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH clasa work for particular people u U Brandon, contractor. 865 North. High. Phon 645 J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING, PAP- erhsncmg, aIsomintng. Wrk mar an teed Terms reasonable. Pboae 2035 J. 144 Ferry PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES 8UB8CRIP- tiona for all msgasine. 951 8. 17th. atreet. Pbone 741-M PERFUM AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. Ex tracts, toilet articles. Mrs Meyer. 170 Sonth SSrd. Phone 1394 PRiNTnro e-OR - WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcement, aee Bertomoa. printer. V Building SIGNS JNION SIGN CO. SIGN8 WITH KICK Showesrds that talk. 494 S. fjommer ctal.s Pbone 546 SCAVENGERS AI.EM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuss ef all kiada vmvo. Oatpoola cleaned. Pbone 167 i RESTAORAJrTS IUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON ble price. Jehnaoa Barry. 156 B. Hih "3H1TRRT C1TT RESTAURANT HOM ft etyl meals. - Good eervice. State aaC Ilich. 4AVE VON FY fcil RATING AT RF8- Uuraal uptatr. 185 South Coesmer eial . - NOODLE PARLORS e. i WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE 4S9 Ferry. . - , IK : SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP ana. Oe: BMRfff e rw. ztre: noomea. aoe: fried anodlea. 60. Its 8. Lib erty. ' ' ' ' " ' --- - ' - Classified Ads. Jn The BUSINESS CARDS SHOE KXFAIXIXQ WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 18 SOUTH Hia-h STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF few-iit ia nheisareohv. 147 N Oota'l STOVES ASD STOVB REPAIKINQ STOVES REBUILT ASD REPAIRED 40 yeare exporioac. Depot Nsttunal fence, ainea 26 to 29 iacnoa hib. Paints, oil aad Varoiahea. etc- locaa berry aad bop beoaa. Sateaa Fence aad Stove Work. 250 Court tree. Pboae 124. TAXLOKA FRANK PALM. TAILOR 211 SOUTH Uiga. corner Ferry. Suite made te order. Cleaaina. pnssinr. repaii tag. SECOND HAND GOODS hHIQHEST PRICES PAID FOR 8ECOVD aaad clothing aad shoe. Also de clean inc. pressing aad repairing Call aad deliver Capital Exchange S42 North CommercisL Phono 138 W. WX BUY AND 8 ELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittiaga. kar aeas, o liars, collar pads, toots aad rhaiaa. Fred Scbiadlor 256 Oeater tree TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Pboae 9S. lat. 'Sating, forwarding and. atorage oar apeciaity Get our ratet. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOU8R bold goods. Our apeciaity U piano and furniture moving. We also make country trips. We handle the beat coal and wood; Call oa na for prices. We give good measure, good qaslity aad good bttico. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930. TRANSPORTATION SILVEBTON MOUNT ANGEL T PORTLAND CAM. Stages ' . Sonht Bound Schedule North Bound Read down Read ap Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. No & No. 3 No. 1 a No 2 f0- 4 No 6 PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM. 6:00 1:30 8:00 Prtl'd 10.30 4:00 8:30 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt.Agl 8:25 1:55 6:25 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silvt'a 8:00 1:30 6:00 Ar. r. ' Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Snnday only 8:00 pjn. fm, Portland Bteeieasmmer s unm more. oiinr SALEM 6ILVERTON ..AGE Uave Leaves Salem Silvertoa O. E. Depot Newt Stand 7:0O a.m. 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8ALEM-INDEPENDFNCB MONMOUTH 8TAGB Leave Salem. O. X. Depot 7 :00 aja 11:00 a.K, 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:16 a.m.. l:0O p.m, 6:15 p.m. Leave Independene Hotel 8:10 a.m.. 1:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment.-' Sevea passenger esr for hire. J. W. PARKER. Prop. Re, rben 615-J Bnsiaess phone T WOOD SAWS crrr and uountrt wood sawing Phone ?A4rt Fisher Rro WAREHOUSES PUBLIC VTAREHOU8E FRONT AND Ferry. - Stores everything . except ox plosive. Apply Fry't Pm Star. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO Offica 801 Sosth Com 1 St. Tan pet cent discount on domestic flat rates paid ia advaac. li dedactiona for absence o? Any cause anlee water ia 'hot off yoor pramisei. PR0FFESI0NAL CHIROPODISTS A. 3. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 922 Bute St. Patton Bldg. Phone 957. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY, DR L. R. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Company 825 State street, opposite Lac aad Bath' Bank. POMEROY A) KEENE JEWELERS ASD Optometrists 88 State. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P.S.C, CTTI ROPRAO tor. 41419 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phon 87; res. 828-R. CHIROPRACTORS ; lra. Bradford A Bradford Qisdustcs and post graduate of CAR VEll Oollece. Oklahoma City FIRST CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COI LEGE in the WORLD. Ten years prac tire. Coimultstion and examination freo. Suit 318 Oregon Bldg Phone 52. OSTEOPATH! CP HT8IC1AN8 DRS. U. WHITE AND 8. Bank Bldg. MARSHALL, 60 DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATH H I'hysirisa and anrg-on. Kirkavillr graduate, 404-405 U. S. National Ban Bide. Phone, office. re. i DR JOHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon. 403 404 Or gen Bldg. Pbonea. office, 1894: res F!t LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VsTTERANB Camp 5, Armory. First, thrJ Monday REAL ESTATE 50 Acre Farms New 5 room house,- good barn, splendid well, abont 50 sheep, one team, one cow, 50 -chickens, two set of new har ness, two plows, two cultivstors, twe harrows, one mower, one rake, one wuron, 100 btihel osts, 15 bushel wheat, 4 ton hay. Let me tell yon of it's many other good features about this place. Only 6 miles from Salem Will trsde for house ia -Salem or Pert land as first payment. Gertrude J. M, Page 492 N. Cottage street. SPECIAL If you bare a house to sell with 9300 essh down and $15 per nionja, we hsve the hiiver. " Mr. Sldier if you have a house snd yonr loan we can sell you a good furm close to Salem, fnllv efirippei-. . THOMASON 33H Slate Street. 30 ACRES GOOD LAND. 15 CULTIVAT- eo, itaianco pautnre ana some tunrcr. familr orchard: well, small bonw, barn SKisto, root bouse 18x24. chicken house. Apart oi pise now mi civk " potatoes for 5 acca. Place it located l act- cnccV i;iuc ctpeusc oi I jh iue tiwn rxcuange loaay ae on c od road. Price 85.0O0, cash. ( the abutting: and! adjacent proo-1 turned the vast dimensions of the attMlO firm l; A. HAYFORD 305 State St. ' GOOD BUYS IT acre -fruit tract on pave highway, south, logana. prunes. Btrswberrie, bnildines. Price 911.50O. , Will ac cejrt Salem, reid-nee up to 93O0O. 8 ro'm nmdera dwelline 4 bkwks from Ladd Rnsb bank: a fine bom and a snap at 9WM cash. ' 5 room boagalow ia good condition, with firctlaee. t rns, oa paved atreet. Price- fS.VKt; 9C50 down. 820-aeren, 85 acres ist fait wheat: old house fair ban, rstimnt-d 15,000 rord of slaadin, fir timlier; . a ' saap at f per aero, wear eiarem. Real Estate and Fire I :V.H. Grabenhorst&Co., ' . - 275 SUte Street Read the Classified "Ads. REAL ESTATE ' J First Class Bungalow 3000 Choice lecatioa blocks frm state beW. rroaads. Paved street, cement waUs.tw fall hasceaeat. faraace. bailt-tas. rtc Owaer ia leaving city aad will sacrifice their 9S80O property for fStXH). Terms. S. R. PERSON 210 211 C. 8. Bank Bldg. GOOD MODERN 7 ROOM HOC8E AND S fine lots with plenty o( fruit oa Fast Sob HilL Good borne close ht at 92100. Square Deal Co. 202 f. S. Bank Bldg. BAtWiAl.V ltH ACRES NEARLY ALL in rait its I Kin. six miles east of Salem. Price 9200 an acre. One fourth cash. Balance easy tem. W. G. Kraeger, 20d-209 Oregon Bldg. WOOD'S BARGAIN Four room bouse, corner lot. oa car line, PUtrtJ. New six room bnntalnw with three good lots. 92500. Strictly mod' era sik room bunrslew on pared street, close in; better in vest igste. lipase aad. with stock and equipment, trsde for bouse. Smslt horse aad two lots for quirk sale only 9350. F. L. Wood. 341 , Stale street. TO TRADE RESIDENCE AND Busi ness propertv in Seattle for Salem prop erty. Ors F. Melatyre, 405 Masonic Traple. Phone 577. Wanted, loans Wo have' private money to losa on dty or saburbaa property. We nave a fine, to trade for 1irt clu weU improved tee acre e.ty( property. Tbi. . It you want to trade, bay or aeU ee H. I . MARSTERS 312 Gray Bldg. city Houses cttt uots. bunoa Iowa, email aad lax ecre.ra. -iose ta anc far oat; exchange i city and co a try. Brows AM ago, over Ba tek'a sw-t, ' State aad Commercial. Pboae 659. MR HOME BUYER TOO CAN BUT A 6 room bungalow losa thaa year ld for 9500 less thaa -t was fferd for it nine months ago. Has basement, Dutch kitchen, eioaete aad aloopmg porch. 91000 will kaadt it. So it fcdy. 125 Leffelle. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS for sale at bargain prtcta an easy terras. A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic' Temple Salem, Ore. ANDERS O A RUPERT Sdocsssors to Laflar A Laflar INSURANCE RIAL K&TATX BONDS LOANS 406-7 Orga Bldg. WORTH WHILE We have s client who wishes to buy a house in Salem eoating not more 4han $2000; haa 9500 cash to psy dosra and will pay balance in monthly pay-nienta.- Have you a house to sell ia ht will A fine lot, concrete tidewalk. Only $300 A good farm, very cheap on pared nigrt- wsy. Will take gooa city properij ud MILLS COPLEY ' 331 V State Street FOR RENT WILL RENT PART OR ALL 150 ACRE 8 on ahare. Buildings, some equipment. Addrea ,A-7." care Statesman. PUBLIC NOTICES XOTTCK OP THE IMPROVE. MENT OP NORTH FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTH i iv w.- -va urtrtft OTtlPlTT Tfi THE SOUTH LINE OF NOIt- " . . " A .. .v.. divine a uc.cu, Common Council of the City of1"" r'""" " 7"' SalAm rlooma it exnedlent and hereby declares Its purpose and nr ihtention to Improve North Fourth Street from the north! line of Hood 3treot to tho south line of Nor way Street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property. except the street intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing aid portion of North Fourth Street to the established grade. constructing cement concrete nrbs, and paving said portion of said Noith Fourth Street with a ,lx inch Portland cement concrete pavement in accordance with the Dlans and sDecifications therefor mon Council on the 3rd day of April, 1922, now on Tile in the of fice of the City Recorder, and which for greater certainty and convenience-and a more detailed description thereof, are hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof The Common Council hereby declares its purpose; and Intention to make the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. By order of the Common Coun cil: . EARL RACE City Recorder. ' Date of first publication of this notice Is April 5, 1922. :OTICK OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF NORTH SKVEN TKKXTH STREET FROM THE NORTH IJNE OF MD" STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF MARKET STREET. Notice Is hereby Common council Salem deems it expedien hereby declares its purpose and Intention to improve North Seven teenth street from the north line , Qf rj" street to the onth line Of . I ir..l,-l . ii.. erty, except the street Intersec Hons, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. by bringing said portion of North S-entfnth utront tn tha oetaK.1 Over 7 A laaiiae eonroil h'r heal ll.t, wrlo Ml...lw.,.t't . wo and v.. ija ...i. WHVICW UI AMI ia!!, BjSlU portion of North Seventeenth street with a six-Inch Portland cement concretA inavement in cordance with the plans and speel- flcations therefor which were rst number of separate issuea ever .AtA V.-'tt,. .,..11 nn - fh lnt f A nril -lao w v. now on file In the office of City Recorder. and which creater certain tv and convenience trolling factors, namely accumuia and a nioro detailed description tire s'sns of financial, industrial ls:1 r.Pi iirs;f ,t i Itherepf, are hereby referred to "and commercial revlrAl, Tbesa and made a part hereof. ,";,?': '. ... v A,tA tr "; Mwv.wr. proTement by ana tnroaga loe Street ImproYement Department of the City of Salem. - By order cf the Common Coun cil: ; ' . - EARL RACE, City Recorder. Date of first publication of this noticels April 5, 19J2v EALTY EXCUAMJES Ueportcd by Union Atelt-act j lunpany Mrs. E. A. Piatt s to Matt'o Mayger, land in town of Hubbard S50.- ; ,. . ; " Mrs..nell and W. R Milan to Frances A; Mercer; lots li and 14 block . DonaTu, flO. , G. V. and Ada Y. Pyera to R. W. and A. R. Uenry, 4S.063 acTC in Luner die 3-3-W, $1. Stay tort is tate bank to E. C Down ng, landh sec. 10 and 1-9-1 W, $2400. J. L. and EWie Calvert to Ruth E. Calvert, block 19, Ilubbard. 1. Ruth t j, an(J Elvie A. Calvert, block 19, Hub- bard. i. J. A. and K. Bernard I to Ern est E. Moore land lu V. Tresley die 7-3-W. 10. , . Ernest H. and E. A. Moore to W. T. Jenks, land In IX Tresley die 7-S-W, $10. Wm. M McGilcriat. Jr., 'et ux. to P. J. and A. W. Johnson fr. lots 9 and 10, block 18, Npb lllll annex to Salem, $1. D. G.. Drager et al to City of Salem, 12 by 114 feet In A. K. Waller die 7-3-W, $1. Mat'ida L. and John D. Ander son to. Ella It and J. N. England part tot 18 Ewald Fr'u t Farms, $1. " ' More or Less Unfavorable Crop Reports Received : from Southwest CillCAQO, April 6. Wheat av eraged moderately high la pr.ee today owing more or les tiv un favorable crop reports tframj the southwest I and to firmness of The I quotations at Liverpool, close here! was unsettled at 1-1 cent to 1 3-8 cents net gain, w(th May 1.30 1-4 to 1.30 3-8 and Ju ly 1.18 7-8 to 1.19. Corn f'nish- ed 3-$ to 1 1-5 higher, oats up 14 to 3-8! cents, and provisions varying from unchanged figures to 12 cents decline. . According to a prominent ex pert the w nter what crop south will show a rapid deterioration II 1 .,. .,,. i m. . Jlewl UBUB'- !v,lu BUCB BU op'P' .tl.t(Ao . an1 -V- ""V""T. ,7-ZZ with the Liverpool market failing to reflect yesterday's weakness on this side of the Atlantic, the mar ket here tended upward at the I opening, and displayed evident power to rally from subsequent breaks. Increasing- storage , oil wheat here, however led to a de cided' setback at one t'me in Ibe price of May delivery, which went 1 , i . i i .. i .. . . . lu iuui ii cent ur Prei w.m io cenis over earner in we.weeK. Estimates were rurrent tha Kngland would " taki tl.&00,000 bushels of Canadian v hat weekly for the next 13 wrtkt Thera was talk also that Germany had about completed a large credft In j Argentina to purchase grain and meat. - : Wet weather was , largely re sponsible for upturns in the valuo of corn and oats. Tho seaboard advised that a fa th mount both J of corn and oats had been dfspos- - 1 ed of for export. Provisions lac krd support de- rpite higher qiiotaton& on hogs. Smallness of provision Ehiprucnls from here compared with a year pgo was a weakening-factor. EOODIVH ' MADE- BY WHEAT I881RK Bby given that the Sales at ExtVeme Gains of iUK &?J4Z& il Of the City of 1 fn Pnmtcr Arrrrrfifnto ioI2c pound; docks. yag whit l'e it expedient and 1 10 rOlfUS ARgregaiC iit J u; -er 94 m; .u. tsuncn ot snares NEJV YORK, April 6.-Trading I ii ....i. a--. - I hect'c days of the world ; war. Sa!e8, at extreme gains of 1 to I po'nts, aggregated j " l,75,uo I shares. !:-. i I . a man I IMttMjr lUBLKUVi;! lei i. ww aaa. I years were established. Virtually a!I classes of stocks were carried nr - 1 forward bv the1 movement, which probably comprehended the .lrs 1 tradixl tn at thin center. I - The name ranBCS ' which -:r ;-gav - the momentum to im ibw t s for past few weeks are again me ton iaiat lew i trolLng factors, namely 'accumula mr most clearly expressed by th keen inqoiry tor new cnderaiaud- Ings, domestic and forelxn; stesd expansion of iron and steel t higher price and marked shown by railroad earnmrSj ; v Steels, motors, equipment ar.d j ols, .were the conspJcuou fea nrcs of the day.-but ratl ship pings chemicals, leathers, tet U'.es, tobaccos ad ntllitic helped .. to swell the enormous turnover. V Selling for profits such a j n exltably accompany such a cweep ing advance, made a. pronounced v Impression upon price !n the last hour, the realising movement be ing attended by an advance tn rail money from .4 1-1 to S per cent. -United States Steel closed at a slight loe and other steel ahd ; related Issues suffered - corres-' pondtngly.:? f- ;'""; :- ; i , ' On the other hand o'I., espeo- , tally Mexican and Pan-Amerlcnn petro'eums. Market Street railway preferred and pr'or preferred, United RallwAy investment anJ several of the rails notably Read ing and Texas and Pacif ic rose, to the day's hlgtiest figures. .The very irregular courr-C 'ot foreign exchanges to wh'eh Ital lian and German rates wero the only striking exceptions, wm as cr.bed In large part to the de niand made by England on , her rormer allies for Interest ra men la on war loan Eastern Eur nnean rate vera rlrra on tho SUC- I cei of the Cmho-Sloaklan loaa.t in the South American groups, marked weakness was ahowii by Argentine gold and paper rales. DAIRY POTATOI-a '.TORTLAND. Or, ? April . Uutter: Prints exirat 3ic; cubes, extras 31c; prime flMts COc. Dat terfat, Portland' del 'very: No. 1 sour cream 34c:i:-;f -f i' .Potatoes Buy!nR: prlco. locals 1 selling pr!c 1.25 a l.Ktn- : VTiy should not President Har ding be a friend of the farmer? He no doubt remembers in tb lean days of the Marlon Star when he exchanged subscriptions to his paper for country produce and an occasional load of wood. And In th winter .."ye editor' was re membered with a basketful! of country sausage- And it waa real sausage, too,, not the stuffed saw dust varlety.Excb.anFe. a ; Fine for Lumbago ; Mustcrole drives pc!n sway and bring in its place detidou. soothing comfort. Just rub it ia gently. It Is dean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Get Musterole today at your drug store. 3Se aad 6$c 1 ttDca; noettai aire, j.uo. . dc. i tut irtATi muairVKu riaiLK J I SALEM. MARKETS I Peieaa auot.d M WWeaaM 4 S orioa "rwceive. by farmer. N tut price, ar. gtve. exeept a aoteo. I - Ilatf. ajailltnaT .BtaltL r Wh-t No. i 8l.ll. Oata. feed, about AO. Vetch end oat hay, 816. Clover hay,- 110 n ' 913. -Mill ro mill feed, ill, EMS. RUT f KB atOTTKRPAY Eggs, retail, I7-I6c. t rraroery butter, retail, 38 39a, Butterfat, 86c, pOOXTBs- ; Heua, light, 18c. . . Hens, heavy, ,20-33. RMstora, old. Oc. - PUR. MUTTOB) SJSO SSXS Hogs. 11V4, tP- - - i " Lamb, none ia market. Top veal, dressed. 14. I Steer. T fit Ytfce. t . .. . Cawa, 44. -- Bananas, 10. . f Im aa. 3M 0 87.50.' Navel . or aaaes, 7.50. . -Florida r a(-e r it, 90-S0 O 17.50. CaltforttM grsp traA, t. v " .-w., . ktaiTAkixs . i Sweet ttatea. 5e O 8. ' Potatoes, 91.26. Cebbag-. 4. ' t. Cslifomis tomato, lag, .0,, Caalif lower, 93.50. Caaliflower, 89.35. Oregoa oa Mm, 10. Txraipe. 9. Paraaipa, 99.60. Carrot, 13. Head lettuce, $8 0 16.50. ' Beeta. 99.6. , iyt Celoryc &0- DATES, F10S, 0ST Data. 16. ' , ' ' Psckag dat, ease. 86.79. , Fig, lie- - Comb honey, r, 96. ' Cocoanuta, dosen, 91.75. StraiW boaey. lb; 11 He. . i rortland Iiuylng rricesi , ' " 1 1 EGOS. POULTRY. MEATS BLTTERFAT WEAK ; So. 1 churning cream, 9 5c f..b.-lorV land; anderrradr. 83e, . . KUU8 UNSETTLED Curr-nt receipts. 1 W 91c: pullets. 18 . 19c; white bnenes, 39 cents, leliv. red. Thee -osettn er bae price paid for the bulk f dar a i-ocaista br local iebbers and ereamertee. I AO vJ . - - . - (Lea commissia Heavy "" " He. Tarkeys. . K-..1. drej 87 t 9. UKKHsLli air. a i o n fla. eommiasioB) Caoie lbt be, 144 15c; adergmc'os, 19 V e, ieaL tTo rrsdes. It t 14: endei- J f,e"e; p""f . ) HAY STEADY, (Delivered Portmndl Valley Thotby. 916 a ton; Es storn Oregoa Timothy, 919 tat alfalfa, $I: tUru oat aad -vetch. $1: straw, 98. , , GRAIN ITS SETTLED . , if Track. Portia.' l ear loisi Whaat tt 41 H tt 35. loan grama - is I .2 (it -934. Easter fellow f corn. in I . i I . " . " . . nturr . , v -f,T-.il I tmlM. . uvy. 63 0 HM bwi faecy, fi.75 !r7rr l 25 I VEGETABLES STEADY ! ZtJZ' m! ir lh.; breeii. i-.r 1 paraaipa, t 10., carrots, a w 7 , " WOOL ' i WOOL FIRM - , . - d; - s3 w 3-M. llo , w iic , - J - 1 imps-Ki kipt n I i. 1 ' I - rcom. y'l N. l!i;h t.