The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Western Union special service.
Adv. ;
"Sew V.raml IManon, $..0---Tems.
$800. values.! Tallman
riano store, 121 S, Commercial.
' Adv.. '-k-
for lunch and breakfaft on the
way. - , ; . . . .
DrlvVfl to Pendleion j
Ir. and Mr. W. II. McCormack
'of j Pendleton recently drove
. through to Pendleton from Sa
lem in less than 12 hours, -which
Is considered considerable of a
record. They were on their way
i home from California and left
Salem at 5 o'clock in the morn
ing, arriving in Pendleton at'4:20
In the afternoon, having stopped
Don't Fall to
"Paul Revere." the musical
comedy to be presented by high
school chorus at 8:15 tonight in
high school auditorium. Tikcets
on sale at Will's music store.
- In i .
"R. S. V. P."
AISO. - . J
TheRaln Maker"
Jack Cafe
163 8. Com. St. A rood nlace to
eat. Tables and counter. Adv.
Woukl Ixx-ate Car
Salem bollen have hrn Inst-ni.
ted by Portland police that infor
mation is wanted concerning an
Oaland touring car bearing Wash
ington license No. 64 660. This
car has a damaged gas tank and
has engine No. C-S-3033.
Fereshetbui to Speak
Rev. Martin Fereshetian of the
Unity church will speak before
tha meeting of the missionary de
partment of the First Congrega
tional .Church Women's union.
The women of . Central . Congre
gational church .will be guests
Hostesses are Mrs. John Bayne,
Mrs. E. E. Blatchford, Mrs." Rob
ert Duncan and Mrs. F. D. Kibbe
Dam-e, 50c, Tonight-
Elite hall.. Ladies free. Adv.
Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on aDDllcatlon.
Dance, 50e, Tonight-
Elite hall. Ladies free. Adv
Boxing. Mt. Anirel Coliee
Seven big bouts, Mt. Angel col
lege -vs. Columbia University, Sat
urday. April 8tb, 8 p. m. Ad
mission, , 75c. -Adv.
Ben "heeler Arraigned
Ben Wheeler, local chimney
sweep, was yesterday arraigned
in local. Justice court on charges
of non-support. Ilia hearing will
be resumed today at 10 a. nv
"Navvy, if yonr
wifa can't cook
nd yoor 'diges
tioa U all shot,
mrt rhironrsrtie
apiaal adjust
ments for - your
stomach, ret jronr
looa irom a res
laurant aad kcp
yonr wtfa for a
One min
ute essay
on health
by O. U
8cott. D.
Dull Headaches Put a
Brake on One's
ability t work and think aa tha
dull form of beadaenes - mat ara
an iavariabla accompaniment of
inartivo bowels and indigestion.
Tki. .hwin vti MnditEan 1 mtmnci
to ehiroprsotie spinal adjustments.
Tha ratiM Ii'pmnri" spinai
nerve to tha lirer ana storaacn
uiil whan thiK nmnn ia remove!
neaun xouowa.
"P tew.- -rears" I suffered from
doll headaches. For a long time I
had very inactive bowels and indi
gestion. I was or-rous ' a good
deal of the time and had a weak
back which would bring on
drawing aensatioa along Iba spine.
At present, after having a course
nf .).. kirnr,rtifll aninal d-
justments, I - csb ear my .physical
! tatter. Mt headaches
hare left mo, aad my nerves are
in much better condition. j.
iiMli rklMtinflui I Research
Bureau, Statement No. 130711.
Tm .n m,V, An antwilnlmenft
for your aeaun a ui oy wepuou
ing 87. ,
aaaoHucK attorn
- scrves M PISIASCS of
,THt roanmmouMS
. slEQIKl
m whoa
rSlephOM .f
mi , lot mm
aisna. '''
Is vttsnl
aarg. .
L inwu .
Dr. O. L. Scott
'. Chiropractor
414-19 U. S. Bank Bid,
Phone 87 l :
Baseball Scores
Gray Belle receives daily scores
of all Pacific coast teams through
TRY oun
Individual Meat Pies
On Toes, and Wed.
1000 Center Sf, corner 12th
Sidewalk Writers
Police ascertained yesterday
that the names of three boys had
been filed in connection with ihe
inscription of questionable mat
ter written on a sidewalk on south
Twelfth street. -
Ins of the Women's Missionary
society of the First Baptist church
in the church parlors today.
White cross work begins at 10 a.
m. Luncheon at noon. The af
ternoon will be spent in the an
nual business meeting with elec
tion of officers for'' the coming
y"ar. All are invited to be present.
Auction Sale
Tomorrow, 900 Trade street;
furniture, range, heater," etc. See
page 6 for particulars. Adv.
Two Candidates for Gover
nor Record Declarations
With Secretary
Buy your winter's wood now
and get ahead of the summer
rush, also the ant!cipated advanc
In price. 5 loads 16 inch about
93 per cent fir $12.50. Chas. K.
SpaulTng Logging Co. Adv.
Florists to Sleet
The rtgular meeting of the Sa-
torn PtAfal aAriorv will Ka Vl ! fl
vm a i v s a a, owvivij n iti v, j - - .
this evening at 8 o'clock in the j of tne peoTiie ana aiscnarge ouiies
Commercial club ropms. Col. E. imposed without, fear, favor or
Hofer will rive a talk on what ! prejuaice; no secret Boeriiu-i.v
L. E. Bean of Eugene and
Charles A. Hall of MaSshfield,
candidates for governor, filed
their declarations with the secre
tary of state yesterday.
"Income tax on wealth untaxed,
reduce property tax; abolish com
missions, reduce expenses," is Mr.
Bean's slogan. His platform as
submitted to the secretary of state
"Faithfully carry out the will
E. R. Flake, 273 State
. For Easter lilies. Adv.
People Use .Swift's Fertilizer
Because it makes them money.
C. S. Bowne or phone S63-
Breyman Pays $100
A. Breyman. said to be a Port
land leather salesman, paid $100
in city" court a- a result of his ar
rest Wednesday niht by Tatrol-
man George White on a charge
of possession of intoxicating liq
uor. Breyman failed to appear
In police court yesterday and for
feited $r0 which he had deposi
ted with Sergeant Ralph Davis
when a Dint of moonshine was
found in his possession. Brey
man was re-arrested yesterday by
Patrolman Walter Thompson and
was fined 50 by City Recorder
Earl Race
is to be done with the gardens
this month. Anyone interested in
flowers is invited to attend.
X- nr Tianos Q27
Terms. $430 values. Tallman
Piano store, 121 S. Commercial.
Hartman's Glasses
Wear them and see
Easier and Better
Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon
Bargain Dan
Elite hall.
Nominating Petition Blanks-
Secure them at tht Statesman
(legal dept.) upstairs. Adv.
SAVE $ $ $
by baying your hardware and
turnttare at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co. 283 No.
Commercial street. Phone 047.
Professor Bond Here
Prof. E. A. Bond, head of
mathematics In the Bellingham
normal, was in the city for a brief
visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. R. Bond, 1351 North Cot
tage street. Professor Bond has
Just finished his 15th year as in
structor and business manager of
the normal.
"The Hoosler Schoolmaster'
Under Direction of ,
' Lulu Rosamond Walton
' Friday, April 7 8:13
Benefit American Legion Auxiliary
will buy anything you have
v-'r ' ;: to' sell . V'
Loganberry and hop wire
"' for sale - ..
The ilouse of Half a Mil
; lion and One Bargains"
. 402 NJ Commercial St.
Phone 523 ,
Washington Official Here j
Percy F. Thomas, assistant di
rector of the department of licens
es in, the automobile division of
the state of Washington, was here
yesterday conferring with Sam
A. Kozer, secretary of state, rela
tive to the motor vehicle fuel tax
laws in this state. The state of
Washington has a straight tax
of 1 cent a gallon on all gasoline
and distillate sold in the state,
modeled after the Oregon law of
1919. That state has not put on
an additional tax on gasoline as
was done in Oregon in 1921.
50c, Tonight-
Ladies free. Adv.
ISaseball ami Long Walks
Are delightful there days, but
a year from now they will be only
a memory. Begin shorthand next
Monday at the Capital Business
College and' next year you will
have a good place as a result oi
the time spent. Adv.
Bargain Danoss Every
Friday and v Saturday . nights
Elite hall. Ladies free. Adv.
A Classified Ad.
Will bring you a buyer. AdT
Mission Workers to Meet-
There will be an all-day meet
" . v '
W pay highest price. , ,
We boy and sell everything
, W tell lor less.
115 Ceatr St. Phone tM
Few people realize how
many ailments commonly
attributed to bodily disord
ers are directly the result
of defective eyes. Hundreds
of cases have proved this to
be the case. '
The first thing, then, in
striving for regained health
is to make sure your vision
is correct. ,
, 204-211 Salem Bank of
y Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phone 239 for appointment
Hearings Are Datel
Two more hearings have been
dated by the public service com
mission. On April 11 the com
mission will conduct a hearing
at Glendale on the question of .an
industrial spur track for the
Standard Oil company. On April
13 a hearing will be held at Kla
math Falls concerning a South
ern Pacific railroad crossing,, at
apply practical business methods
in all state business;' favor abol
ishing; commissions and substitu
tion of cabinet form of govern
ment, thereby cutting out dupli
cation, waste and extravagance;
favor income tax to reach that
source of wealth now going tax
free, applying taxes collected
thereupon in reducing property
tax: maintain educational facili
ties under strict supervision of
expenditures: oppose land owner
ship or contcol by Orientals; op
pose issuance of further bonds
or increase bffetate's debt; oppose
further increase of motor or gas
oline tax."
Mr. Hall's platform follows: !
"Administer state affairs in in
terest of all people; reduce taxes;
urge budget system; substitute
departments for useless commis
sions; Improve marketing facili
ties; aid farmers credits; equit
ably adjust automobile taxes, us
ing gasoline tax for highways on
ly: treat fairmly employer and
employe; further good roads, par
ticularly farmers' market roads;
favor compulsory attendance in
primary school grades, and teachr
ing pure Americanism to all pup
ils ; oppose "Japanese land owner
ehip or control; and strictly en
force the, laws."
William M. Stone of Oregon
City filed for the Republican nom
ination for state senator irom
Clackamas county. One plank in
his platform is opposition, to fur
ther appropriations to the state
fair, international livestock show
and Northwest Tourist association.
He also would restrict institutions
of higher learning to the revenue
derived from the millage tax.
Second Appearance of -Clubs
Are Successful
A none-too-largft but thorough
ly appreciative crowd attended th
second concert given by th Wil
lamette glee clubs at Waller halt
last night. It has been a stren
uous week in music and enter
tainments circles and not every
body could go to everything all
the time. But they turned out to
hear the Willamette singers. Aa
two of the most enjoyab con
certs that the university has yet
Some interesting figures were
tiven out yesterday regarding the
new stage and curtain in Waller
hall. The stage itself with Us
footlights and wiring cost almost
$160 and the curtain $250. These
two muah needed improvements
were paid for by the dramatic
section of the university turning
in the money it has amassed dur
ing the year about s0. and ine
men's glee club coming, in with
$330 cash, the excess receipts
from its 1922 concert, tour In
eastern Oregon and Washington.
The presentation was made at th
Wednesday nitht concert.
The fcurtaia is a straight draw
screen, and not a drop that can
not be removed. It b been sore
ly needed for many years.
etc., pursuant to that provision
authorising refunds of taxes .on
such liquid fuels as are purchased
and u.Sed for purposes other than
in operation of motor vehicles
upon the pubi c highways.'
, A woman, who waa defeated in
her political campaign as a candi
date for .mayor ot aa Iowa city-
new makes charges that her op
ponent use4 money and liquor t a
defeat her. This stuff has a fa-
,u " Tv.liH. umi to be
Read the Classified Ads. J a sciiess game, after an.
Today and
February Distribution Ahead
of That of January,
Statement Shows
Four v;
of the
"Paul Itevere"
A musical comedy, will be
eiven by the high school chorus
in the high school auditorium to
night at 8:15. Tickets on sale
at Will's music store. Admission
35c; reserved seats, 50c. Adr,
Rudolph Valentino
And .
Alices Terry
Adapted by
Jane MaOiis
From the Novel
By '
Blasco Ibanez
: "
Harbingers of spring
Auto campers are arriving.
In the management of the pris
oners, Lou Compton has made a
splendid superintendent of the
Announcement that women are
to wear their skirts and gloves
longer doesn't interfere with Sis
ter' Lou. She says she has worn
those she has as long as she pro
poses to and that settles it. That's
long enough, tfeaven knows. Eas
ter is coming, too.
m S m
The indications are that the
non-nnion mining centers ire
rpeeding up;v that if the coal
strike lqfets long enough the busi
ness will all be transferred to the
non-union mines. On account of
short sighted leadership of the
walkinz. bosses, that very thing
is happening ia many industries
throughout the country.
Stale Senator Charles Hall of
Marshfield wa3 a Salem visitor
Clarence Bayes of Salem was a
Portland visitor yesterday, mak
ing the trip by motorcycle.
Mrs. J. A. Richardson of Fort-
land is visiting Mrs. Nancy Dol
man at 533 Center street.
MACK At the residence, 397
South Nineteenth street, April
5. Mrs. Clara Ada Mack, age
73 vears. wifa of Mosss Mack,
mother of Mrs. C. W. Pierce of
St. Paul, Minn., Mrs. J. E.
Champion pt, Salem, Mrs. E. S.
v luir nr Npvnon. ore., uuu im.
A. Pv. Burt of Albany, sister or
u M O. Chadbourne of MIn
noanniu and Amos Colson of
Elk River, Minn. Funeral will
ha held at 2 o'clock. Burial at
City View cemetery.
; -I:
. Y 1
And The Garden
You'll have to have to hurry or it
will hardly pay to plant your little
honte garden. . And when you get
. to work you're pretty sure to find
that ' - W-
You Need Garden
: Tools
That's where we can help you. We
are prepared to supply you 'with
; the best in garden tools and we
carry "practically everything.
Usual "Doughton-Marcus" quality
. and service. ' " :. , '. -
Remember our complete line of Builder's
Hardware - -
Tents, paulins, blankets.
cots, camp stools, water
bags, canteens, v mess kits
and camping goods of i' all
kinds. , - r '
Overalls, Jumpersj belts
and suspenaeri; canteens,
canteen cups, canteen cov
ers. '
The beat lot of men's O.
l wool breeches we have.
ever had In stock (one . of.
the first Issues). See them
Price $3-30
A good Khaki Breeches
for 93.23 a pair.
Good Corduroy breecnes
for $3.43 pair.
whin cord or moleskin
Breeches for $4.50 a pair.
See our splendid line oi
men's light-weight summer
union suits, from 03c to
$2.50. , ; . -.
Only a few more choice
O. P. wool army Shirts left
at $3.75 each.
, See our men's all leather
.Work Shoes for. $2.00 and
$3.23 a -pair. .
United Army Stores
So. Commercial St,
Tvwa nf Anoetite is also lOSS Of
vitality, vigor, tone. To recover
appetite and the rest take iioou
SarsaparUla, that strengiiic
tha etnmacti. neriects aigesiiuu.
mnkea eatinz a nleasure. It also
makes the blood rich ana pure
and steadies the nerves. Adv.
An increase of 10.213 gallons
19 shown in 'the gasoline sales in
Oregon for February over those
of January, according to a state
ment prepared, by the secretary of
state's office, while the.eale ot
distillate reached a total of 51,
300 as compared with 36,307 gal
lons for January.
Distribution of gasoline in Feb
ruary was an increase of 21,120
gallons over the same month, in
1921. while distillate sales de
clined nearly 30.000 gallons. .
"Receipts ot the state tor Feb
ruary, under the motor vehicle
fuel tax laws, aggregated f 63,-
080," said Sam A. Kozer, secre
tary of state. "Monthly collec
tions and remittances since the
first tax law became effective in
February. 1919. total 11,918,
488.30. OtUhis sum ll.SSZ
236.85 was produced by the law
of 1919, while 1536,251.45 ac
crued under the operations of the
1921 Jaw. Td date. $18,238 col
lected under the law ot 1921 has
been returned to operators ot
farm tractors, motor boats, com-
cercial cleaning establishments.
I ,
Clothes That Help You Look
' Your Best" M
MUNSOX Margaret .Mnnson at
her residence four m'les east or
Salem April 4. at the age of 66
years. She leaves her hus
band, W: F. Munson and three
daughters, Mrs. Carrie Williams-
of Medford, Mrs. A. 1'
Bressler of Fruitland, Mrs. W.
L. Davis of Salem; four sons.
Frank and Alec of Salem, J. O.
and Albert of Hertrand, Net.
The funeral services will be
held from the Webb & Clough
chapel Saturday at 2 p. m.,
Rev. Hassel officiat'ng. Inter
ment I. O. O. F. cemetery.
TERMINAL P. B. Thorgrenms,
6 H. Smallay. E. Neilapd, George
Street. W. R. Barnes. Howard a
rjtnr nianrhfi Richards. Port
land.-'"-'. : . t .
.MARION Herbert E. McRoe.
F. E. Pitts, A. R. Palmer, J. A
Ockwig, Tom Booth, W. S. Parx.
C. E. Moline. A. L. Hungerford
W. C Wells. Mrs. S; E. Lee. 'A
Inglis, C. P. Sawyer. N. M'nskey,
A. Crawford. M. Ledwidge. Chas
P. Savace.- Portland: H. K. Ht
IngS. Stockton, Cal.; E. A. Lewis
Forest Grove; Lisle Brown. Seat-i
tie; Mr. and Mrs. C. hit Shinn.i
CotUge Grove; C F. Bollinger.
Oregon City ; C. E. Allen, Van
couver, Bx C. i
BLIGH B. W. Campbell. Dun
can Zeis, Seattle; Mrs. M Evans,
Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Frank How
ard, Klamath Falls; C. H. Pick
ett, James "Ireland, S. Sadehart.
J. Viclc, Tyree Rodes, Edgar Hutt,
Portland; W. R. Read; Corvallls:
R.v L Wlnther, ; Eugene; VA.3 E.
Skogsberg, Coos Pv; W V.
Hurst, Myrtle Creek; Cromen,
Clatskanie; Roy T. Brookings,
REYNOLDS Mrs. Sallie A. Rey
nolds at her home three miles
north ot Salem, April 4 at the
age of 84 years. The funeral
services will be held from the
Webb & Clough chapel Friday
at 2 p. m., Rev. M. C. Wire of
Newber& officiating. Inter
ment in I. O. O. F. cemetery.
LUNDEEN Andrew Lundeen at
his residence 2425 Broadway,
April 5 at the age of 79 years
Funeral services will be held at
the Webb & Clough chapel. Sat
urday, April 8 at 10 a. m..
Rev. W. T. Milliken officiating.
Interment will be in City View
Very special prices for the
next ten days-
14 inch Plain Bearing.. $8.00
16 inch Plain Bearing.. $8.50
14 inch Ball Bearing $10.00
16 inch Ball Bearing. 0.75
Don't let that lawn get a
head of you and then spentll
a month getting it in shape.
Buy a lawn mower now and
save yourself trouble.
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmers
. Leading r.!criici22j
None better, few as good.
They burn less oil to the
hour and are as near odor
less as it's possible to make I
an: Oil ! Stove. We know.
if you are like the rest of
us, you are tired burning
wood, j Why not buy that
stove now.
467 Court Street
..... ... . . -. t. - .
For Men
$30.00 Values
$370 Values
acq y, " 1
4 mm.; .
7f WW f
mm m
llllllll sa. .
$11 Q 85
ilhe reason why
you should look.
your : best this
spring is this
fact: that you
hare an opportu
nity during ,
this Great Sale
f to buy real cood Clothes at nearly half their value
SATURDAyXt 8:30 P. M.
Shop Where the Crowds Buy
1 " ' - i ,
T Ft. rT-e C"D