The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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,.-,.. ........ ..-..-..... - i ...-. ........ (
-t - 1 . , w. J ... ....
. . ....... . A
that's the Reason
for, the ever growing
popularity of Albcrs
Flapjack Flour.
Makes light, tasty hot
cakes. '
Order a Package
Xour Crojcec,
" Albers quality
. By marguerite oleeson
, .The music committee ot the Sa
lem Womea's club ia in charge of
the program for tomorrow's meet
ing. Miss Dorothy Pearce U
chairman ot the committee. Two
numbers by a double quartet win
be a feature of the program.
"Breezes of Springtime," Brans-
combe, and "Go Down Moses".
Burleigh, will be the numbers
given. Mrs. Harry Styles will
sing a group of solos. Miss
Pearce will be accompanist
.Today :
Women's Missionary: socie-
ty of the First Presbyterian
church at church. 2:30.
PMrf Phrirtlnn rhurrh Mis-
.sionafy society.
Baptist Women's Mission
ary societyrTdl day session.
Jason j Lee Aid society
business meeting at church.
Missionary department ot
Women's Union First Con
gregational church, at church
Saturday ,
Salem Women's club.
pjis rat
Rev. Charles Ernest Powell
to Assist at First Meth
odist Church
gram for the day as arranged by
naitnr- Tttrr Jnhn Mpm KtHBOD
Members ot the double quartet Lh.nht. nf Portland, district sntv
are Mre. Ada Miller Harris, Mtes I erintendent, E. E. Gilbert of Sa
Hilda Amsler. first soprano; Mrs. hem. r. mp. Hertzler of Port-
C. B. Webb, Mrs. Harry Styles. land nd Re- n. s. Roederof
second soprano; Miss Gretchen Salem.
Kramer, Miss Marie Schwab, first Quite a number of letters will
alto; Mrs. Ward Willis Long and be read, which hare been written
Mrs. A. J. Rahn, second alto.
oilicers ror the coming year
will be nominated at this meeting:
f II If D
CmfuIIy tttUd cyi'orfrci eon. ,
ttintr iasurta tbsolutt auitatioa.
Millinery Department in rear room
' -.:-.':' v:'.,..-,:.. :'Yt: ' ' -:. '
Better, Brighter and Best assortment erer shown
here. See the biggest line of ladies' and girls hats.
The beautiful flowers, fruits and foliage A won-
derful assortment of . high class merchandise. Visit
this department Very low prices. Expert trim-
Imported Organdies
i" :-' i ....
Beautiful shades, two
grades; medium and high
grades, . : . J,
Dotted Swiss
Lawns, Nabisook, Gaber
dine Duretta v Cloth,
Pique, Dimityr Keach
Goth, big assortment at
popular prices.
Percales .
Big assortment, three
grades- '
32 inch Ginghams at 25c
Romper Cloth at25c
Berkeley Cambric at 25c
36 inch Indian Head 25c
Lonsdale Muslin at J 0
Bleached Muslin at
15c a11 IZViC
T ? Standard Merchandise at Low Prices
240 and 246 North Commercial St.
A Few
, :hIt
From the Latest Lists of
That Will Surely . Please You
for the occasion by former pastors
Abe Welty was a visitor yes
terday at the home of bis dangb
while delegates to the state con- ter, Mrs. Robert Rooney, who has
ventlon of the Oregon Federation
of Women's clubs will be chosen
at this meeting also, according to
Mrs. William Everett Anderson
president of the club. The feder
ation will convene in Tillamook
May 30 to June 5. x
Other members of the music
been on the. sick list but is kn
proving clowly at present. Mr.
Welty also visited his brother.
John WTelty. Although Mr. Welty
Is over 80 years old seems to
be in good health and does sot
mind to walk a. mile or two.
Farmers are beginning to farm
Following the series of inten
sive spiritual effort that . havo
been put forward in the First
-. -.
Methodist church this winter, a
week of especial spiritual service
is to be observed. Passion , week,
the week before Easter. The
church feeU.that it is fortunate
to command the services of the
Rev. Charles Ernest Powell, a re
turned missionary who is now liv
ing in Salem,, as a representative
of the home mission board ot the
He has had unique experience.
He was with the Intrepid Dr.
Grenfell, in Labrador. The Gren
fell-Powell story is an epic ot
ger and deadly old. He was for
several years with the Indian
rnmtnillp. nr .hloh 111.. Pearce HOW quue a 191 01 oau which
Is chairman are Misa Lena Belle sowed in low land last fail.
nas 10 Do resowea again, aiso me
killed some wheat
which was sowed in .clover sod,
Tarter. Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn. Mrs'
Ada Miller Harris. Mrs. Harry P1?? haTe
Styles, and Mrs. John J. Roberts.
The aocial committee for the
afternoon is composed of Mrs. R
E. Downing, Mrs. H. srGile, Mrs.
E. L. Tillinghast, Mrs. ' Seymour
Jones, Mrs. Mark Skiff.. Mrs. K
B. Goodin, Mrs. Arthur Moore and
Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner.
Miss Cornelia Marvin, state 11
brarian, will leave within a few
days for the east.
which has to be resowed. This
with the regular spring work and
about a month late to start with
will make a very busy spring for
the farmer of this neighborhood.
Tumalo District Offers
Its Plans for Approval
Approval of plans of the Tuma
She will be lo irrigation district is requested
gone for several -peks, -which
will be her first vacation In more
than two years.
Of the 13500 asked of Salem
residents by the local Y. W. C.
A., only $2321.50 had been raised
last night and of this more than
of the state engineering depart-
ment. A dam across the Des-
chutes river is proposed for the
diversion of water into a feed can
al and then into Tumalo creek
from which an irrigation system
has been constructed. Also.
dam is to' be constructed at Cres
cent Late for the storage of wa
$400 had Veeif contributed by
mmWa nf ttiA hoard of dire, ter. Bonds of $550,000 have
tribes of Canada, as missionary.
He, has seen all that there is in
pioneering in the . ' land of the
midnight sun and the long hun
ger and dealy cold.' He was tor.
six years a missionary in India,
where the Bengal tiger and the
cobra and the elephant and the
even more deadly caste system ot
mankind have their homes, and
he has developed some of the
most faultless English, along with
the clearest, most logical thing-
Ing, that has been the pleasnr ot
anyone'to hear anywhere. It 1
a university . highbrow series and
also a series for the laborer, the
business man. the skeptic, the
earnest believer. . "Logic on
Fire" is the way one famous law
yer hear terms his speaking. ' He
traveled for two -years for , the
Centenary church movement, as
one of lt most trusted speakers,
and visited 44 states of the un
ion in that time. ' ,
i A Russian by the name of Ra
kofsky Is becoming prominent la
that country ' What a man ' he
would Jbe to act as delegate to the
Genoa conference.' .
ffRQUP - - '
II - Spasmodic Creep Is freffiient?7
Dar 17 ILZimJm Umi
1 IF
over 30 years
Ounces for ggl
tors. oeen voiea.
Disappointment was expressed
last night by members of the
board regarding the returns from
the campaign.
According to Mrs. W, S. Kin
ney, member or the nortnwest
field finance committee, who was
recently in Salem, an association
can not be self supporting since
the nature of its work takes it
in,to public service work, which Is
not self supporting.
High School
Seniors to be
Club Guests
10 Days
Is Only
Our Store b a bu$y place iHtxs clayi
with women shoppers planning and boy
ing their Easter Wardrobe-
Lovely new Spring Suits, Coats, Dress
, Skirts, Blouses, Gloves, Hosiery,
Neckwear, Umbrellas and various other
accessories to complete (he Easter Cos
; ;.. . t ... v
. ? , ' j, , 1
7 eerfollf reuatet
(On the''Ginl'Gin Ginny Shore (fox trot) ;
( ' ? . : ' Benriie Kruger's Orchestra
(Colonla Blues (fox trot) Bennie Kruger's Orch.
Smilin' (fox trot)- Green Bros. Orchestra
fsnmpwhere in Nanles (fox trot) All Star Trio'
(Three o'clock in the Morning, (fox trot) "
75c (Indian Lullaby (fox trot) Carl Jenton's Orch.
18865 (Cutic (fox trot). ' Whiteman's Orchestra
75c (Lonesome Hours (fox trot) Whiteman's Orch.
Check the Records you wish td have and call at our
store where ' you are! assured of a complete. stock and
prompt service. ? '
Oregon , Agricultural College,
Corvallis, April 6. Plans for a
&lem high school senior excur
sion to the college were discussed
at a meeting of the Salem O. A. C.
club Wednesday night. Ila L.
Spaulding, Nan W. Putnam,
Frank Deckebach and Madison
Nichols were appointed to make
arrangements for the excursion,
r No definite time has been de
cided upon, but the high school
seniors are to be brought here
some 'time other than Junior
week-end' so that they will gain
a knowledge of the real work of
tho" different departhents on the
campus and find-out, just what
the school has to offer to them.
PRATUM, Ore., April . The
reylval meetings at the Methodist
Episcopal church here are being
well' attended. So far 10 pastors
have taken part in the work. The
church will be dedicated unincum
bered oh April 23, as the last bill
was paid yesterday.
The following are in the pro-
Try Grandmother's j Old Favorite
" Itcclpe of ; Sage Tci 5 f i
We must reduce our enormous stock of pianos, player pianos and grands, to retain the agency for. old standard makes of pi
anos that we sell, it is necessary that We buy a certain amount of pianos from each manufacturer yearly-ur orders are t&
ing snipped we are 'already overloaded, therefore the only solution for us is to sell our present stock at big reductions and
more it . ' ' ';r,v - " '
Extra Special Btgais
We are making extra biff inducements for Friday and Saturday We just unloaded a car of pianos and we have another car ihat. will, be
here Monday, and as we stated elsewhere in this ad. these are comirf in on as when we are already overloaded. Therefore it Is tip to j
us to sell a carload of pianos Friday and Saturday or pay demurrage on the car that will be here "Monday until we can make room for -it;
so we have decided to make drastic reductions for Friday and Saturday, and make room for the car that will arrive Monday. There- rjv
fore, if you ever intend owning a fine piano be here Friday or Saturday -never again will you have such an opportunity. V jisk ii
$5.00 Down
VV .
-1' A
s anv Piano or
Then the balance in very easy weekly or monthly payments to suit your convenience
"if f
Almost every on knows ; that
Sage Tea and Sulphur, pfoperly
compounded, brings back ti e na
tural color and lustre to the hair
when laded,' streaked or gray
Tears ago, the only way to get
this mixture was to make it at
home, which is mussy and Iron
blesome. Nowaday by a iking at
any drug store tor "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound" you will
get a. Urge bottle of this famous
old recipe, Unproved by th-s tddi
tion of other Ingredients, at
small .cost. . :
Don't stay gray! Try it! No
one can possibly tell ' , that you
darkened your hair, as it does it
so naturally and evenly. You
dampen a sponge or soft brush
with It and draw this throisgh
your hair, taking one smaff strand
at a time; by morning the gray
hair disappears, .and arter anoth
er application or two your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy
ard aractive. Adv. "
fe I
l'f n
1 Thi3 used $500 "Mahogany Piano
$5 Down, $1.50 a
T r r
This beautiful slightly used
player piano with bench and 10
rolls of music,
$5 DOWN, $2.50 A WEEK
$425 Piano
450 Piano
475 Piano
500 Piano
550 Pianol....
590 Piano?. .....
625 Piano.
750 Piano.7
' 383
4 25
. 595
A Personal Letter From
I wish to say to the "public that the pianos we are olfering dnr
ing this; great sale are the same standard high grade lines that
I have sold for years; they are the finest that money and brains
can produce and I give the same guarantee with these-pianos that
the manufacturers give because I know they are quality clear
through. I do not know of any dealer in the country who has
ever made such drastic reductions on standard make piano that I
am making during this sale. They; are all stan dand makes , that
yon will be proud to own and I am mighty proud to sell. .;
You can buy these fine pianos during this big stock reducing
price cutting sale for as little money as you would pay, for just
ordinary pianos. - , "'
$600 .Player Piano.-.
.700- Player Piano
750 Player Piano
800 Player Piano.
850 Player . Piano.
900 Player Piano
1000 Flayer Piano.,.
1650 Player Piano.
It tloes make a difference where you
Established 1878
Ask your bank or any, commercial
agency as to-my responsibility.
432 y-State Street - Salem. Oregon
- f'
For forty-three years I have guaran
teed arid stood back of every sale
- ... 'V 5.;,;. X,i-, ;r -J
made to the public and I am always
here to make good, ' Reliable Mer
chandise for less money?-A -'. :