CIBXTOXATIOM ATaraga for March, 1V22- : SandaJ'onl l..U.,'"6855 Daily and 8udr 5483 Arra for aiz aaoatha aadiag Jebraary 24. 1W22 i - w tux cxtt or uozu a4 rar f Varies mm foik Om(1 - arly. rrrybedy raada . The Oregon Statesman '. TBS BOaCB . Sunday n1y , j ' r 5591 Daily u4 Sunday T SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 7. 1922 PRICE: FIVE .CHNT3 . - t"- v . ., . r ft 4 4 nir nnn mnnTitlT, ! ! , 'I nnnllin llinni Iff ltf in AlTrirmifi Trifllllt flI I m IT Case Containing Fortune in Precious Stones Nabbed When Left for Moment by Maid in Rest Room. HIGHWAYS PATROLLED v BUT CLEW IS LACKING Complete Description of Lost Valuables is Furnished By Husband i" SAN JUAN CAPISTItANO; Cah, April 6. -Madame Galll-Curcl, opera linger, was robbed here to day of Jewell and valuables which she said were worth $45,000 when two, girls fled with the Jewel case which had -been left by the king er' maid in a cafe , rest room. The singer and. her party had stopped at San Joan Capistrano for lunch.' I i.'"''': :-'- ''r:-: The linger, her. Ausband, Ho mer Samuels, and the maid who had been In charge ot the Jewel , case, departed at once! for Los Angeles to aid In the search, for the rlrls. after first telephoning the facts to the authorities thereX and at Ban. Diego. Ban juanap- Ittrano ls-the usual midway point for automobile parties bietween San Diego and Los Angeles rf Seturch I Dlftlcnlt 5 j The traffic is almost entirely by automobile and frequently ar riving and departing stages, . as well as scores pt private cars, make It . difficult to determine which, way. or by what conyey i ance the girls fled after commit- tlngthe robbery. Mr, Samuels telephoned a com plete description Of the lost Jew els to the sheriff's office at Santa Ana and also notified the officers at San Diego and Los j Angeles. These three counties Immediately sent out patrols on all roads and el watches on .trains along the coast routes. , .," Case Suddenly Disappears According to Mr. Samuels, he. Madame Galll-Curcl and; the lat- ter's maid, Mrs. Mae Hendrickson were traveling by motor between I.oa Angeles and San Diego and stopped here tor lunch. While trnveiinv thA Jewels were en trusted to the maid. She stepped Into the rest room In a cafe here, .laid the Jewel case down for a moment and then realizing what she had done, returned to get It. It wai' Kone. -v-;, , i . ,:,".,:. Mrs. Hendrickson said -there (Continued on page ) RIGHT WORD OFTEN IS HARD TO CHOOSE ' r ; : Inability to choose the rigM word often Places a speaker in an embarrassing position. Many business men lose much raluable time because they find It difficult to express what they want to aay " wpien. they Oictate their orreH ipondence. i Greater freedom -and accuracy in , speaking and ."writ ing can be acquired by ptudylng a dictionary. A few minutes de voted to the study of, words and their meaning; each day j will in a short time Tesult la great benefit- to any one who will put that practice to a test. v f f The1 New Universities Diction ary being , offered to readers of this paper is particularly j adapted to aid those who wish to, acquire greater familiarity with the. Eng lish Uucuage. . It contains all tna newrwords which have como commcn and proper use in recen yean. Its'detinlUons are simple and accurate, making It possible to choose words that: wiU best serve the urpose t of - correct ppeaklng and "writing. Many of the new words that have been lironaht 'into use through each specialised actuates as war. avi ation, golf, ; baseball and other forms of sporU have been con veniently classified lu supplemeu iary dictionaries. DOZEN WRITERS ON RECORD AGAINST DAYLIGHT SAVING AND GIVE - THEIR REASONS Farmers Continue to Oppose it One Thinks It Wonlrf Give Too Much Time for Joy-Hiding Another Thinks v Trend of Times is Toward Normalcy For neltlng docks ahead. AgaJiiiit . . . . . . . . ...... 12 Out of 14 letters received by The Statesman, in response to a call for a vote on daylight saving by setting the. clocks ahead one hour during Jhe summer, 12 of the writers are against it and two for . It. The five who cast their votes this morning are all forninst the scheme." The Statesman will be glad to print the expressions of any oth ers who have convictions on the subject. : , ' ' Pots Things Oat of Plnmb ; Here are, the latest letters on the question: ' Frank O. Baye, Salem Com plying with your request for our opinion on the daylight saving scheme: We do not approve of it. It throws things out of joint, so to speak. The producer and the busy housewife are all crowd ed ' to the limit. Why add any thing more to the load they carry No, if anybody wants to save any thing, go after the profiteers. - f One-half of Its authorfzed capi talization or 150,000, has been secured by the Willamette Valley Flax and Hemp association,' and the corporation is now a legal en tity, ready to do business. At the directors meeting yes terday j action was taken ' to star; the corporation in active work. The purchase of the Rickreall mill, eloator and power site for $2050 "was authorized, also, the purchase of the Turner flax plant for $5,500, after it had originally cost $9,000. These two plants are to be put into shape for hand ling this year's crop. The work is to te started at once. The adver tising for hlds on tearing down the old Rickreall buildings, ready for the new plant, will appear Sunday. ' IUg Acreage Contracted x - The corporation now has con tracts for 1035 acres of flax for this year. Most v of these are for full five years. Seed is in sight for CO more acres, that some early comer can get on contract. After that the prospective grower will have to find his own seed, v The ; temporary organization, that has worked faithfully to pro mote the enterprise, was made permanent. - . , Will the defense introduce new evidence in the trial of William Rodgers? Will Mrs. Rodgers take1 the stand and reveal . incidents cul minating in the crime for which her husband now faces trial? , - j Rogers has been held t in the Marlon 'county jail for, the. past four: months on a charge ( of as sault with a deadly weapon. Ho was indicted by a Marion county , grand Jury after he had seriously wounded Patrolman W. W. Blrt chett of the loeal police force. December 4, 1921. , . I One Hangs Jury ; At his first trial Rodgers es caped conviction through the dis agreement of the jury, one mem ber standing -for acquittal while 11 voted Preconviction The re trial was under, way at 2 o'clock yesterday, when the new Jury was sworn in. , . ' - The case has attracted much at tention because "of reluctance of the defense to permit the appear ance of Mrs. Rogers on the wit ness stand at previous hearings. According to police officers fam iliar with the case,. Mrs., Rogers had appeared at the police station FLAX ID UP H 10 v READY TO 00 BUSINESS ROGERS' HE IS POSSIBLE WITNESS IH ASSAULT TRIAL They are still numerous and Or egon has her share of them, Sa lem not excepted. Idea Hailed Foolish Mrs. DeForest, Independence The jdaylight saving plan looks to me like someone wants more daylight for himself, and has not the will power to get up himself, so he wants the clock put ahead so everyone will get up'and then he will have to. It looks like a foolish Idea. The hour's sleep in the morning does one more good than two In. the evening. Confusion Objected To D'. M. Calbreath, Monmouth Daylight saviing by setting the clocks ahead one hous Is too ab surd to think of. In the spring and summer we have from 10 to 1 6 hours of daylight to use as we please. The farmer as a rule uses all ot it to good advantage. Changing the time will cause con fusion in making connections with trains, and might cause seri ous damage. And about the time we get used to it and the days (Continued on page 6) The officers are: George W. Eyre, president; D. F. Eastman, of Aumsvllle, vice president; W. J, Denham of Turner, Charles W. Eyre of Turner, E. T. Tldd - of ltickreall, George . M. Hoyser of Salem and E. T. Porter of Anms ville, directors. The directors prevailed upon A. C. Bohrnstedt of Salem, who has served as voluntary secretary and booster, to accept the permanent appointment as secretary ; and treasurer.' He will have his of fice at 407 lasontc temple In Sa lem. ' 'fv" ' ' ' Will Pay As It Goes , While the corporation has se cured the legally required one half of its authorized . capital Btock, and can now do business, it is planning to proceed on a pay-as-you-go plan, and will go no where except as it has the money in sight. It needs some more cap ital for a revolving fund, and plans to sell a little more prefer red stock to Salem and other busi nessmen and investors, to pro vide the working capital. . It is felt that In view of the importance of the Industry to Salem, and its safe . business promise the stoct must have a larger sale here. t j f- several times prior to . the shoot ing of Birtchett and had asked Chief Mof f ltt for protection, as serting, that her f Husband ; .had threatened her life and had at tempted to destroy personal prop erty belonging' to ; her. On the afternoon of the shooting, Rogers, while under the influenced liq uor. Is said to have followed his wife to the residence of relatives at 960 . Highland t avenue. .-. Here he Is said to have created a dis turbance, which . led to the call ing of police aid by airs. S. Baker, a sister., . Divorce Threatened "I found Rogers in the house," said Patrolman '. Brrtchett yester day while on the witness stand'. "Mrs. Rogers was also in the room and she said to her husband:, r I tell you. Bill ; I am. through with you. ! I don't Intend to live with you another minute, , and what's more, I am going down in the1 morning and sue you for . a divorce'." : . i Mrs. Rogers, according to court room : attendants, - has displayed much .uneasiness during, the tes- (Continued pn page ) 'III III. I I II II (inillllH I IV I IV 1 IIIIVIHII' I II I III I I III I I II IB- h h llllh m imji lvuuvijyujiiiU r a mi j 1,111 r I. IS HALTED BY HEAVY SB ( I ! V Drifts from Tree to Five Feet Deep Bring Steam Shovels Into Play in Big Timber Districts. r ILLS CLOSED DOWN BY LACIC OF SUPPLY Spauldings Neew Few Days to Finish Operation in Black Rrock Camp Scooping out the snow drifts, three to five feet deep, with a steam shovel on the roads, and then grubbing out each individual log by hand so that it can be reached by hauling teams, ie the unusual April condition ot some of the principal logging camps in Marion and Polk counties. , A,8team shovel Is at work open ing the way to the logging camp of the .Willamette Valley Lumber company on the Lucklamute river. The snow has been heavy enough to shut off all log supply, and the millhas been closed down for lack of logs. The company's mill is at Dallas. Spaulding Camps' Cloflfd t - Heavy snow has also shut up the Spaulding Logging company camp at Black Rock, &n' the. tim ber tract adjoining. This camp, however, is now being opened by one side of about 35 men. They will have a few days work; to fin ish the 5000-acre tract, when they wil move the logging machinery and outfit to the Grand Ronde, In Yamhill county, for future use. The heavy snow caught the outfit and tied it up for the winter in its present location. D'fficulty In getting logs for the Mill City mills, has led to c curtailment of production there. The snow still persists, weeks past the usual opening of the woods. A shortage of logs is reported al so from the Silver Falls Lumber company, at Siverton, the main supply coming from the higher lands where the Bnow still lays heavily. The company gets It logs now from the lower lands around Mebama. Small Mills Inactive Almost no activity has bee not ed in the small mills, that pro duce railroad ties as .their princi pa output. It was announced re cently that one or two of the mills would reopen7 but some of them are still under the snow, and others are still waiting-' for con tracts that will make their opera tion' possible. The Cobb & Mitchell mill at Valseti is running two shifts, the only mill In the middle Willam ette Valley operating that near capacity. This mill. th Its log apply, is located at an elevation of only about 1,000 feet, and has no snow. The Willamette Valley and Spaulding holdings, adjoining and overlooking it, have been snowed under for months. The Foster mill has been closed all winter. It belongs toan eastern outfit .wiht a chain of retail yards, that the high freight rates and the limited eastern demand could not keep running at thtls end of the. line. . ,j- Bnlldifes Situation Good ; The exceptional proportion of approximately 25 per cent of all the cut of the Spaulding Logging company mills, for local consump tion; still prevails. The local building situation looks exceeding ly good, even though not many large buildings have been as yet contracted, ; The King's Products big dehydration plant addition, for f rulta and vegetables, , is the biggest contract let up' to the present time, though the demand for residence materials continues unabated. Of average normal times,, the ; Spaulding company has expected , that - from 7 to 9 per cent of its cut will be used at home, but the 25 per cent propor tion has been maintained here for a number of months.- FROM POSITION IN THE DALLES THE DALLES, Or,.' April 6.-t-( Special to The Statesman )--Robert L. Kirk's resignation as superintendent of city . schools here was asked for and 'accepted by the school board arch 13, Reasons for the board's action were neve given publicity, .al though there has been friction between the officials for over a year. y .: Kirk never. made a public state ment about the ' matter, and effort was made by the board to smother the whole affair. .' Kirk is. still in The Dalles and it Is expected that he will go into business here. Kirk was formerly principal of Salem high school. From here he went to Springfield where he taught tor a time, and later went to The Dalles. Hundreds Cheer When Slay er of Ohio Attorney is; 1 Acquitted by Jury , NEW-YORK, April C Miss Olivia M. P. Stone,. who shot and killed Ellis G. Klnkead, former corporation counsel of Cincinnati August 5, 1921, tonight was ac quitted of murder by a 3ury in the Brooklyn supreme court. Hundreds of men, and women gathered outside the courtroom cheered repeatedly when the ver dict was announced, while those In the crowded court room ap plauded. " , The defendant, In contrast to her highly nervous condition throughout thetr'al, received the verdict calmly. s "Miss Stone," Justice Aspln wall said, "twelve reputable citi zens have said, you are 'not guilty under, the law, I therefore dis charge you and you are now a free woman." ' Miss Stone was led to an ante room by her attorney and two ma trons of the Raymond street Jail. She looked 10 years younger than she did when she appeared on the witness stand a few days be fore. Women spectators in the court room showered her with flowers. "I'm the happiest woman now. I can go where I please. At last the suspense Is over." ED y W. G, Evans, Who Came to Oregon in J857r Dies at Home of His Son W. G. Evans, 89 years old, prominent throughout the state as ouie of Oregon's early pioneers, died early last night at the home of his eon, Dr. John C. Evans of the state hospital staff. . The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday from the Rlgdon chapel. He had been 111 about a month. Mr. Evans was born in Tennes see January 20,183 J, and moved with his people to Arkansas when a child. He crossed the plains to California with Colonel Cauth orn during the California gold ruch. , 'He came north to Oregon in 1857, and had since lived here. ; Mr. Evans married : Letltla Savage, member of an Oregon pioneer family. . She lost her life in ; a railway accident near Sa lem a few years ago. i' v i " Mr1. Evans y was . the father of seven children, three of whom survive.. - They., are Dr. John- C. Evans of Salem, D. H. Evans of Rosebnrg, and L. P. -Evans of Portland. ' . ; . - Mr. Evans had been a member of the Evangelical church nearly au his life; ; ; . MISS STONE IS GIVEN FREEDOM ED PIOUE PASSES 1 II kaflllll WlllaaabU aaaf SltlHolsE Whisky , Bottle, Charges o! Graft and i Personal En- r ity i Make Southern Dele gation Unhappy Family. GARNER . EXCORIATES DEMOCRATIC COLLEAGUE Thomas Blanton, Object of Attack, Not Present During Fiery Speech WASHINGTON, April 6.-Fof the third, tiae; within a year the house was thrown into an uproar today, with Representative Blan ton, Democrat ef Texas, the object of attack., ; . ' t . .:. - In. a fiery 10-mlnute' speech. Representative : Garner, dean ot the Texas delegation, declared that Mr. Blanton was as "comropu a liar as, evr spoke a word of English In this country." Mr, Blanton; however, was not there to hear the characterization as he left the chamber at the outset of the verbal attack, after shouting that he would "hold the gentle man personally responsible" to me if be calls mej a liar." Standing six feet away, Mr. Garner had held up his hand dur ing the confusion asking for or der and requesting Mr. Blanton not to leave.--" .But, responding to a clash of the speaker's, gavel, the sergeant-at-arms rushed In to prevent what appeared td be an open break, when Representative Summers, al so of Texas', sitting on the front row, Btarted. toward Mr. Blanton, shouting "You know you are a liar." 'H- '-4-: ' ' f The trouble started while Mr. Blanton, In denouncing a newspa per report ot a speech he had made recently In Texas, declared that members could not I defend "these measley itemB of petty gTaft," referring to mileage and funds allotted each session to members for stationery and -supplies. Mr. Blanton reiterated what he had said in the house in January, when, armed with a bag of articles from the stationery store, he produced a ! whiskey flask. Mr. Garner, objecting to this line oB argument, insisted the impression Mr. Blanton In tended to construe was that mem bers got these things at taxpay ers expense. ' Rules Too Restrictive SUrting out with the stat3 ment that the world Is full of "all kinds of liars, the artistic liar,, the iaartistlc liar and the common ordinary liar," Garner, his face flushed, declared that the man he had in mind "would de stroy his only family In order to accumulate wealth or to place himself forward irom a political standpoint" : And then speaking, as he said, for , the Texas delegation, he shouted that "we hang our heads in shame and humiliation when Blanton of Texas is referred to as our colleague.'' He spqke, too, he added, for the entire Democrat ic party" when he declared that "we look upon him as a liability and a distinct injury to our par ty.". ' "It. I could only suspend tbe rules of the house," Mr. Garner said, "I would say what is In your hearts, if the rules did not pre vent, I would say what 431 mem bers believe at this moment that Thomas Blanton of Texas, is a disgrace to the house of ; repre sentatives and ought to be kicked out." . ;V.V';. -; '. Blanton Returns . .'After Representative ' Mondell, of Wyoming, the Republican lead-1 er, had made a general reply to Blanton's charges as ;"ton petty graft" with the declaration that he could epnnt one finger of one hand'' the, number ot house mem bers who' would stoop to graft, petty or otherwise." the , excitement-subsided. Y V T A moment later Mr. Blanton re turned to his seat, and within 10 minutes was making points of or- i . . - .(Continued on page f ). EAVE; LEWIS fItt Official Accepts Presidency of Narcotic Instituts Xn'll Headquarters in Seattle Recent Improvements zt ; Oregon Penitentiary Are Attributed by Goveracr 01 cbtt to Retiring Head LOUIS COMPTON Nearly $900,000Taxes : ; Received at Court House '. i' ". 11 . f; j i'"..' n.. -'' Marlon county taxpayers . have contributed close to $500,000 In cash as their' first half 1922 pay ment on taxes. :f The whole coun ty tax roll for the 1921 taxes, due or payable on April 5, is $1,685. 93S.92. Last year, a little more than one-half, of, the total amount due, was paid by the due date, April 5. One-half of this year's toUl would be $842,968.48. It is believed that the .checks still in the mails, or in the tax collectors' hands, in letters as yet unopened, will bring the total receipts up to the full $900,000.- Out of all this sum. only $130 in gold was rtceived. . ' CHILD KILLED "BELPASTj, April C.A 9-year-old child was killed tonight In the. New, Lodge road.' A swarm of children j were playing in the street when; a riHe shot rang out and the child; fell dead. There la no clew to the assassin, PICTURE PUZZLE IS AID TO KFFJCIEXCY Will Give Exercise to Brain and Help Pay off HorV gage at Samd Time Want "to be a regular fel low, a convincing talker, a peppy salesman, a memory marvel a social success, or . any of the other things that the correspondence schools declare to be the last word in living? ? .r Tv , ; Well here's your chancel . - And ia addition you make so much money that the ' chap In the magazine ads, who thumps the table, looks you in the eye'j and says critically -Ninety-five dol lars an hour," win be noth ing but a' poor plodding pi ker! - Here's the secret: . Turn to the page with the picture and tackle The ' Statesman's prize picture puzzle. Climb on the men tal trapeze; take a work out In , the - mental gymnas ium. .. .Exercising the old. hobbl ing brain, this will do It more good thaji a new gland' grafted on the comatose. . Crippled cerebrum! It will brighten the per sonality, give wit to the con versation, put enthusiasm H nto 'your buslnes weep the cobwebs 'out of the brain cells and inoeulate you with -k the germ ef social grace. 7 'a In ' addition you - have a f chance to swell the savings' bank account or " make the next payment on' the mbrt ' gage with prises offered to .the puzzle winners. ' Hop to It, and hop fast. . Louis IL.Cornpton, warden of the state penitentiary, yes terday submitted to Governor Olcott his resignation.' to be come effective May 1. ZIr. Compton resigns to becoraa president, of the Hamilton Narcotic institute, with head quarters in Seattle. ; Governor Olcott announced that J. W. Lewis, present dep uty warden, wilt be appointed warden and that Eugene C Halley, now principal keeper, will be the new deputy. Comp ton; in his letter of resigna tion to the governor, recom mended that Mr. Lewis be his successor. ' v. , v . Mr.1 Compton was formerly affiliated officially with tha . Salem , Y. M. C. A., first as physical director and then as general secretary. He left this post for war service in Franco where he held the rank of first lieutenant. He was wounded and gassed in action. After his return to Salem ha took up anew, his work at the Y. M. C. A., but on July 1, 1919,-was appointed by Gov ernor Olcott as state parcb officer. This position he he! J during the time that Dr. R. , E. Lee Stelner was temporary ' ncu ui me pnson. ompxon became warden - February 1, 1920.- ' r: ; Governor Olcott expressed re gret at losing the 'services ol waraen compton,, and attribute many improvements at the prison te his ability as an ofttcial. V Promising Field Ahead ? i "I deeply regret severlnr my connection with the state peni tentiary and the present adminis tration,? said Warden Compton In making known his resignation. 4'1 also deeply regret leaving tie state of Oregon. . For some time f have had under consideration this new connection- Iil Seattle with the Hamilton Narcotic Insti tute, a $600,000 corporation, or ganized for tbe purpose of 'the treatment and cure ot narcotic addicts. ' "I became particularly interest ed in this work when Governor Olcott inaugurated his campaign in the; Pacific northwest against the use and sale of narcotics and have followed Its development very closely. . I believe. In my new field, a great work can be done along this line, and It is on ly for the reason that I feel great, er accomplishments can ' bo brought about in this new field that I finally determined to leave my present position. For tho past week I have been in Seattle perfecting improvements in con nection with the new institute and will devote my entire time to that work. The new corporation has exclusive control of the. handling of what we believe is a definite cure s for the narcotic evil and I am satisfied it will work marvel lous results." XGovernor Makrs Statement . : (Governor Olcott expressed keen regret at Warden Compton de cision to lesve the prison. , "He has effected some wonder ful improvements at the Institu tion,' said the governor. "The physical plant and the morale of the men both have been developed to a great degree under bis' man agement and I am deeply sorry to see him leave. Mr. Lewis Informs me that the ssme . organization and policies maintained nnder Warden Compton will be contin ued under the new management. The prison management, both as' to its Internal workings and the mall number of escapes during Mr. Compton's handling has been exceptionally good and s deserves warm commendation." THE WEATHER: Friday, fair; 2 moderate west winds.