The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Supreme Court . Holds That
Husband of Mrs. Farrin
Was Employed Man
. The supreme court yesterday
held 'that Mrsv Vlroxjna Farrin of
Msltnomah county la entitled to
receive adjusted compensation
from the state industrial accident
commission' because of the jacci
dental death of ber husband while
in the employ of .Partnele & Son
I it Lincoln county. ' ' " j i '
Mrs. Farrin filed a claim with
the commission on behalf of her
self .and Infant child., This was
contested by the state commission
oa ground, that Farrin was not
in the employ of .the company at
the time he was killed by an ex
plosion. A Jury in the. lower
court found that he was In the
company's employ; and this is up
held by the supreme court in an
opinion written by Justice Brown.
Other .opinions were: '
D. O. Tracy vs.' Simon Juanto,
appellant; appeal from Lake coun
ty; action to recover damages for
alleged tresspass. Opinion by Jus
tice Rand. Judge J. M. Batchel
der affirmed.
. ; D. O. Lebb, appellant, vs. Or
lando 8. Peabody; appeal from
Multnomah county; appeal from
Judgment in ' action to replevin
automobile.! Opinion by Justice
Harris. Judge J. P. Karanaugb
affirmed and case modified.
, George E. Larson vs. Sarah Lar
son, appellant; suit for divorce.
Opinion by Chief Justice Burnett.
Judge J. U. Campbell reversed and
case dismissed.
J. A. Vanderflute. appellant, vs.
Portland hallway Light and Pow
er . company, . respondent and
George Wiener, defendant; ap
peal from Multnomah county; suit
to recover damages for personal
Injury. '. Opinion by Chief Justice
Burnett. Judge W. N. Gatens
affirmed.;-::" r ', -
State vs. Ingersoll dismissed. ,
. Edwin W. Kirkpatrick of Port
land admitted to bar on probation
on Iowa certificate.
. ; I Special Contests ior .
' jLadies and Children
. Vaudevffle Friday ' ; .
Dr. F. L. Utter5 Files
His Candidacy for Mayor
Dr. F. L. Utter, one of Salem's
three candidates for mayor, Sat
urday filed his platform and of
ficial declaration with City Re
corder Earl Race. Dr, Utter 1s
the last ot the three to file. The
other two candidates are John B.
Giesy and H. H. Vandevort.
Dr. Utter's platform follows
Smaller Amount in Premiums
' Paid in 1 92 1, Barbers
Report Shows
000. ; Thomas Jt. Petch of Med-
font Is attorney In fact for Ore
gon. . . ..... . , " . .. .
A permit also was accorded to
the United States Hoffman Ma
chinery corporation of Delaware,
capitalized at $1,250,000. U. M.
Cole of Portland is attorney in
fact for Oregon.
.A general decrease in the busi
ness of stock fire insurance com
panies in Oregon during 1921 aa
compared with 192.0 is shown in
the annual report of A. C. Barber,
state insurance commissioner.
The total amount in premiums
of the stock fire insurance com
panies for 1921 was ?6, 800,564.
Losses ' aggregated S3.729.233
If I am nominated and elect-land the loss ratio was 54.8 per
ed, I will, during ray term of of-Jcent. The decrease in premiums
. . i
lice, demand efiiciancy, economy, I for 1921 as compared with the
cooperation, in all city depart- previous year was $2,921,724 and
ments. My sole object will be the increase in losses was 1471.-
lo serve tbe best interest of the Oal
people by. seeing that alt city de- rne decrease In fes returned
partments function and that the to the 8tate am0unted to $33,944.
cost oi cuy government is reoucea In 1920 the fee returns from tne
to a minimum. I do not favor .,ta
Io w sv tuc uou auto vuiuyauica
amounted to $106,544. and in
the salem Street Kallyway com- ,92l tne amoUnt was $72,603.
iany, me result oi wnicn wm e i it. thA tntnt nromSnm.
to shift additional expense upon nf . m,Biianprt mnn
the taxpayers of this city, as well
as to jeopardize the franchise! 05- 329
rigaiB wnicn now exist, i suau
was 12,680,433 and losses were
Comparisons with
thA nrovintla TMr havm nn at
Uml I mm 1 . hi AnVAWAA-MAn nalr I
,.w -- been made
ins cooperation oi me ponce no-1
partment, pledging in return my
loyal support to them.
As a slogan after his name Dr.
Utter will use the words, "No in
terests but the peoples Interests.'
4 M:
That New
Easter Hat
Is Here
A b a great variety of "
patterns from which
to choose
Here you can select the 'season's newest model at a
price ;wh!ch is' reasonable.
. I I II I 111 II 1 1 1 11 1 I
I I I I II I II II . -x
Before You Decide, Come In and See 0m
y'yv: Display ,
Youll like the hats and the prices
Salem Variety Store
,iiis. mm
Cut This Out It is Worth Money
Cut oat this slip,, enclose with
Zc and mail it to Foley & Co.,
2S35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. ML.
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kidney Pills for piins in sides and
back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation, bilious
ness, headache, and sluggish bow
els. Sold everywhere. Adv. .
Pioneer Oregon Woman Suc
cumbed at Home North
of Salem Tuesday
Articles of incorporation were
filed here yesterday by the Ore-
Don't Disregard a Cold &on "n, Juineg corporation or
" I A A. A A.
Foley's HoneT and Tar will "ae urove, capitalized at $1,-
check a cold if taken In time, and tne incorporators are
will also ston a coneh of lone George w. McQueen wtmam H.
standing. It promptly gives re- Vsiranuer ana jonn . uoiaen.
lief, soothes and heals. Mrs. Ge- uiner aruc,es ver aa lot
neva Robinson, 8 S N. Swan St., lows:
Albany, N. Y writes: "Foley's UBay neese company, inc.,
Honey and Tar Is the best cough yrue foint; incorporators, Cnrts
medicine I ever used. Two bot- Non. F. L. Lundy, A. R. Dav-
tles broke a most stubborn, ling- enport; capftalization, $4000.
erlng cough." It loosens phlegm Cochran Construction company,
and mucus, eases horaseness, Portland; incorporators, T. H,
stops tickling throat, helps "fla" Cochran, T. L. Cochran, Gordon
and grip coughs. Sold every- Weygandt; capitalization, $100,-
where. Adv. 00- ,
Peninsula Foundry & Machine
BrOCCOll Harvesting tO M., H. Morrow. W. A. Bennett,
Begin in Valley THIS Week George J. Perkins; capltolizatlon.
Broccoli harvesting- is beginning s&uuv.
In the Willamette valley thi3 t. i Turnoun, inc.. rortiana;
week. It is reported that the Incorporatons, T. U Turnbull,
Quality is excellent but the size Jesse G. Warrington, Ralph A.
of the heads Is somewhat smaller Coan; capitalization, $5000.
than last year. The cold weath- Hellenic Americanization lodge
er has held the crop back, delay- of Coos Bay, Marshfleld; Incor
tng harvest more than a month la- porators, Nick Slavenites, Nick
ter than last year. : Konldarls, Jlmm voos; assets,
That broccoli cannot be grown $100.
well on low soil has been proved! Oregon Hardwood mills. Port-
by this past season. Practically land; Incorporators, Ernest I
all of the crop on the low land I Townsend, C. W. Yotfnke, R. H.
was far more severely Injured Jonsson; capitalization, $10,000.
than that on the up land. I A permit to operate in Oregon
All ' of the second grade broc-1 was Issued to the Simmons Prop-
cbll is to be canned by the Ore- erties, Inc., Delaware corporation.
gon Growers Cooperative assocla-1 F. E. Bleeker of Portland, Is at-
tion, which will probably net the torney-ln-f act for Oregon.
grower considerably more than by I , Resolutions showing a decrease
selling on the open market. in capitalization from $50,000 to
Mr. and Mrs. James McGulre
and little daughter and Miss
Agnes Morgan motored to Salem
Monday afternoon. .
I Charles Waltman and W. H.
Baughman were Silverton busi
ness callers Thursday.
A few Of the farmers have dis
posed of. their potatoes.
: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beer en
tertained a few of their friends
Monday evening, the day being
Mr. Beers' birthday. Those pres
ent were Miss Agnes Jefferson,
the Misses- Alice and Agnes Mor
gan, Mrs. Frank Myers. Miss
Maude Beers, Chester Jefferson,
Virgil Morgan and Mr.' and Mrs.
Robert . Beer. The evening was
passed in music and ' conversa
tion. A delicious lunch was serv
ed by the hostess.
W. H. Stevens is still on the
sick list.
The farmers In this community
are complaining of the lateness
of the spring work, owing to so
much rain.
Anton Fiau purchased a new
Ford car one day last week.
Mrs. Johnson, ' Mrs. Archie
Wiesner and son , Wayne visited
Mrs. George Vinton Thursday.
Edward Deffenbaugh ot Albany
Mr. "and Mrs. George Dunn, Mr.
and Mrs. Raligh Dunn motored
to Salem Saturday where they at
tended Apostolic Faith revival.
John Baughman of Woodburn
visited liis brother. Winter
Baughman, Friday of last week.
Wednesday evening Mr, and
Mrs. Raleigh Dunn entertained a
tew of their friends. A pleasant
evening was spent playing games
and music. Those present were
Miss Maude Beer, Miss Agnes
Jefferson, the Misses Alice and
Agnes Morgan, Chester Jefferson
Virgil Morgan and Mr. and Mrs.
Raleigh Dunn.,
Mrs. Sallie A. Reynolds, widow
of Dr. J. Reynolds, died at her
home north of Salem at :2J
Tuesday mofniag. April 4. at the
age of S4 years. Her death fol
lowed a very 1 brief illness of an
gina pectoris.'
Mrs. Reynolds was the daugh
ter of John M. and Delia A. Tues
dell and was born near Beverjy
Ohio, December 18, 1837. She
was married April 13, to
Dr. John Reynolds of Beverly.
Ohio, with whom she cams from
Ohio to Oregon fn 1874. and from
that time until her death resided
at Salem, where Dr., Reynolds
was in active practice of medi
cine until a few years before h&
death which occurred in June,
For the past few years the fam
ily home has been on the fruit
farm north of Salem. Mrs. Rey
nolds' life was always a quiet
homekeeplng one, devoted to her
husband and children. She was
member of th Methodist KdIs-
copal church, and' was loved, and
respected by all who knew her.
Mrs. Reynolds is survived by
two sons and two daughters:
Lloyd T. Reynolds. Miss Mrv
Reynolds, and Mrs. J. O. Ooltra
of Salem, Or., and John W. Rey
nolds ot Portland.
IVI orb dacha wbthaibwhead
M - melt and tnbate tbe wpt
; Kaf oury'g Monthly Dollar Sale
Kafoory's Monthly Dollar Sale
u ,
Kaiourys Monthly
olflsiir Dslv
Hundreds ot Bargains
Main Floor and in f
. : ; Downsitairs Store
$25,000 were filed by the Falls
City Canning company ot Falls
Standard Construction company
of Portland; incorporators, H. A
Hamish. T. H. Mallory, Edward
Miller: capiUlization, $8000.j
Barstow-WHliams. inc., rort-
f, 17 UJUatlamUttJYwlM land; Incorporators, Horace H.
Barstow, Annaoeiie isarstow anu
Frederick J. Williams, Addle M
Williams; capitalization, $5000,
Eugene Hospital. Eugene; In
corporators, William Kuykendall,
P. J. Bartle, N. E. Winnard, w.
B. Neal. M. G. Howard, C. D
Donahue; capitalization, $50,000.
The Great Western Mining com
pany ot Medford, capitalized at
$300,000, filed articles of incor-
norations fcerte yeeterdar. The
incorporators are Richard W. Tur-
pin, Clyde C. Clark and B. F
Lindas. Other articles tiled
were: '
Home Savings & Loan associ
ation. Enterprise; Incorporators,
W. F. Savage, George F. Cheney,
A. R. Thompson, W. J. Ortman;
capitalization, $50,000.
A permit to operate In Oregon
was granted to the Southern Or
egon Gas company, a California
corporation, capitalized at $250,-
-' : i
k Salem Store ;
m State Street
Portland Sfflc Shop
383 Alder Street
Kaf oury's Monthly Dollar Sale
Kafonry'8 Monthly Dollar Sale
v -vit
" .AVI
Reduced prices on
Utah Coal
Special prices on extra
good Ash wood wHIe
We are unloading cars.
-. . i
Sfefc. -Wj cwrr- tra cur
-Tr nrl fir WOOd
iXSUf U - "
at all times. '
Phone 930
they have been In training, fot
this service, so the chance is
right at their doors. The demand
for good men, at good salaries
and with flattering opportunities
for helpfulness in building bet
ter citizenship, are sduch Chat it
is believed that a much larger
class will take up the secretarial
training next year than did for
1922. The Willamette course is
open only for members of the
senior class.
Apply Sulphur m Told When
Your Skin Breaks Out ,
Any breaking out of the skin
on lace, neck, arms or body is
overcame quickest by applying
Mentho-Sulphur. ; The pimples
seem to dry right up and go away.
declares a noted skin special Is
Nothing has ever been found to
rtake the place of sulphur as
pimple remover. It is harmless
and inexpensive. Just ask any
druggist' for a small jar of Men
thorSulphur and use it like cold
cream. Adv.
h a Mfsttonr, bloated doa.
acK. Food doe not aoomL
k m a tooTc of autarr. cam
paa bekUng, dtzziom and head,
q Tba pmoa wkh a Ud om
houU be MaSedwkk abuuag lea
TUBttemedywaaclBpoa) Am
Kaisft el stooMch. eandi dw blood,
aklBcaavgoatdMcatanhal poms
aad tfreegtKea every bodily hsictioa.
q Tka Urge amber ei people wko
a he sgccearfuDy awd Dr. Kartsaa't
Umem me&ma, mrnraix mU far afl
ralirrhal rrmrTitinm, nlfrr Ihe Hiumut
poonbla eadotaeawal far
nsomrirTT Tass :
Dearest Darling Didn't
Get Miss Mabel's Letter
, ?
There is some good friend who
will not' know what a "galorious
trip" his Mabel has been having,
unless he locates the lady herself
or finds the postal she wrote and
failed to address before she drop
ped it into the Salem postoffice
The card is waiting for someone to
claim it.
There Is a whole sheaf ot post
cards there waiting identification
It isn't at all strange that most
people who write of their livers
and their lovers and their other
intimate family affairs, on po3t
cards, should address the "read
in " side of the card only as "Dear
Daddy." or "Dearest Darling," or
"Old Kid." or some such imper
sonal name that the whole world
that stops to ' read all the post
cards, wouldn't quite recognize.
There are so many daddies, so
many dearest darlin's, so many ol'
kids, that if the; rest ot the name
isn't on the address Bide ot the
card, even the omnipotent post
master can't be exactly sure which,
one a certain card should go to.
For instance, there are close to
4,000 daddies and , 4.000 dear
mothers tributary to Salem, and
even more than that many, ol'
kids. The postoffice department
provides no fund to decide Just
which one has a friend of a fam
ily named Bill or Myrt or Dad.
The camouflages of the first
names, camouflage the signatures
also and many a ream of postal
cards is love's labor utterly lost
Anyone who thinks that Dad or
Bill or Mary is pretty stingy in
answering may learn why from the
unclaimed letter piles in the Sa
lem office.
at 98c a yard are the best buy you can make.
36 inches wide, a highly lustrous silk finish
doth suitable for dresses, waists, skirts, etc
Comes in a wide range of colors including
blacky whiter rose, copen, ecru, coral, plum,
brown, etc., 36 inches wide, yard.
" 98eV;;. '
" '1 . "... . . ' - :
- .v?'-'J'; i'y-'y
f Oar Prices Always the Lowest .
, Commercial and Court "Streets '
sols cvcwvwHCRr
Willamette Continues
i Secretarial Training
Because of the gTeat demand
for trained Y. M. C. A- secretar
ies, Willamette university, will
continue this year the course of
fered during 1921-22 In associa
tion secretarial training. The work
is done through the supervision
of Claude A, Kells, of the Salem
Y. M. C. A., and IS a very compre
hensive, complete course In the
psychology and the handling of
youth. Splendid practice is giv
en In the volunteer service at the
local Y. where all the young men
of this year's class have put in
much time.
Recently the Portland Y snt
a trusted agent down to Secretary
Kells. to get a line on two goo 1
workers from the Willamette
class. It Is quite probable that
two of these young men will go
to the Portland organization, af
ter the close of school; at least.
they have - the opportunity, and
A Haven for
All Thrifty
Is Bargain
Basement Day
25c to 50c Shaving Brushes
Badger color bristles ; ebony
and rosewood handles. 7
Now only .............. iC
Value to 50e Leather Pocket Books
Different styles to select from.
Black and brown A
Now only 7C
15c value Ladies Hair Nets
All shades, in cap and 9a
fringe style. Now only . . 5 C
Men's and Boys Wool and Wool
Mixed Caps
v Values to 98c. Now
only, each
Men's Siits:
for EASTER .
This sale will be glad tidings for: those men
who want! to loolc well dressed for the Big Day.
touched the crest of perfection as far as style,
workmanship and quality is concerned Your Fa
vorite Patterns and your desired weaves are now
$30.00 Values
$37.50 Values
$14.25' $19.85
Boys' All Wool Suits..
With 2 pairs of Pants.
Ladles' Fibre Silk Hose
Now only, pair
35c Bottles Floor Oil
Now only ............
33c Carpet Beater
A good substantial''
. muscle maker
Now only
aker 5r
Bis Rolls ToUet Paper
A sanitary, good grade
of tissue. ; - Q
Now only jC
Children's 25c IIoe
Now only,
pair .
Ladies Fine Gauge nose
Now only Q
pair C
Many Other Big Specials
Are Now on Display
. . "' ' " " - r ' '-'--.. ..'.' - ' . ....... , .' : . '' - i : .t' A- . (
i w
i t