THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1922 I a! t' t ! , ' Ut6 H Writ j..-'-" Per Insert ion v - Three insert leas Ou week (six ilsertioa. Oa sseath .. ...JO Six Mitki' eeatroet. Mr two 18o 16 month' aeatreet, pes' nae 18 Miaimam far nay ad t,88 ? ; NORWICTI JJtI03f ruin ijiStjtiance sociktt TblelMm, BoUavd Brghjtlt ReaddyMii Agent 8T1 BW St. MONEY JO LOAN On Real EiUU ' ,"' 17 K. POBD i' -(Over Ladd Bub Baok) If NEW TODAY! FOB BENT LARGE FRONT ' HOUSE- ; keeping rooms. 160 Coart street. BLACK CAF RA8PBERRT PLANTS Camberlaad, Monger. Plaaa Farmer. X Any aaantity. 85 for 75 eeata, deliv ered. Ward K. BichsrCsoa. TO REST 8 ROOM MODERN HOU 8 E. , Farneee, fireplace, gee.-: $35 a -month. Lfll loaaa; bow vacant. Becke xia- JMriefcs, 80S U. 8. Bsak Bldg. 8100 DOWlf, $10 PER MONTH BUTS 10 acre all plowed aad aowod: fia V orchard or berry land. Price $1250. W. H. Grabankortt Co, 175 Stata FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED apartratBt. Phoaa 1634. 65S Marioa .ttraot.i'- ' . ;' MARRIED MAN WANTS POSITION ON (arm. Caa gW rafaroaeoa. Addreaa routo 4, boa (2B. , . WANTED AT ONCE MAN WITH TRAC : tor to plow a boat 40 acre aandr loam ' tolL ktro. field;, aoar Indrpcttdonra. V. O. Boa St Batata. Pbona S7T dariag BBBBOaa aoar. 500 DOWN $35 PER MONTH BUYS A nw five room banralow nar achool. So aa about it. W. H. Orabeakorat Co'875 .Suto atraot. : , LA ROE VIEW LOT 87 and U feet BY 130. Paremeat ' aad eemont walk. iMtk. Priro ttlOO. Aaotber al Kair- aioaat ' at $650. 1 Waldo Park B'ar tale bonae. aoiTrrallr and hi arboot. I Beit and ekeapeat f iao realdearo lots - ia i Salam. With everything paid and 4S0OO'bniIdinc rmtrietioa. $1000 to $1300. Berko Uaadrtcka. 20& V. b. ; Beak Bid. , FOR SALE ' RED POLLED BULLS, two ' IboTAnghbreda " and one grade. ' Phono. 7y3. . I . WHEN YOU INSURE WITH THE Me Minn viHo Co.'yoa get prompt aerriro at luw tusi'., tin sit, maaaiey A Foley, agents, for coat of your next ' policy.'' "FINE RA8T . FRONT. BUILDING LOT en Fairmount Hill. Price $05O. W. H. Gralienherst Co 275 Bute St. BARGAIN lOO ACRES NEARLY ALL in rnltWatioa, sis mile eaat of Salem. ' Price $200 aa acre. On fourth cash. .. halenr easy terir. W. G. Kraeger, aoa zuu uregoa mag. SIX MEN WANTED TO HAUL HOPS ) Stols k MrNary farm, four miles north e pf Bslem. ' - . ' . . MR. SOLDIER IN HOUSES ! OR LOTS i we ran show yea "lots" for less. W mak It our partrtulsr business to list I sr sell property that muat move. " Reck . Headricka. 205 U. 8. Bank 1 Building. f . GOOD DIRT FOR NOTHING IF HAUL- d at one. , pnoao lPoa-K. i , WOOD'S BARGAINS . FOUR ROOM itn eorn-r lot. on rar line. $1100. KeW s!g room bunealow' with thre - good lota. $2500. Strictly modern sis room bungalow on pave- atreet. cloae " in, better- investigate. Hoi a and lot to trade' for sereage, 25 cr"B witk . stork and equipment; trade for hooae. , 8mal! house aad two lots 1 for quick sale only $350. , F. L. WOOD. FIRE IS8URANCE WE ARE PROUD f our two companies, old line, that have 'stood the test of time for 114 veers. We woald like to write yours ' now. "B-eke Hendricks. 205 U. 8. Ban Bldg. WANTED TO -Call 1756: BUY DRY OLD FIR. GOOD MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE AND 3 fine lots with plenty of fruit on Eaat Nob Hill. j ' Good borne cloae In at $2100. - Square Deal Co. 202 U. 8. Bank Bldg. f First Class Bungalow $3000 Cheicd location 6 h locks from state boos ground. Paved atreet. eement walks, full baaemont, furnae bailt-laa. etc Owner is leaving city sad will sscrifice then- $8800 property for $8000. Terms. ' S. R, PEARSON , 210 211 U. 8. Bank Bldg. LIST YOUR HTU8E WITH 1MB I , kavp clients who arei ready to buy gooii homos " that are priced right. Wmnierettyjonn ' 331 tt State street - t I ; . GOOD .BUYS '.', -17 sere fruit-tract on pared highway, am'thv logans. - prnnea, atrawberriea. bulldinr. Price 8II.5O0. j Will ae ; cept -Salens sld'e ap to $3000. 8 re wn 5 modem, dwelling 4 blocks from ldd Biih bnh: n fin homo and a snap at-60OOO ask. - . t S loom livngalow in good condition, with fireiJsc. two Wat os paved street. Price $330O; $650 down. 820 acre. SV arree in fall wheet; old bis fair bum; eetimat-d 13.0UO cord of .Handing fir' timber; a snap at $6 per acre,. near Salem. I Real Ktte end 'ir- lnsnrnco W. H. GRABEXHORST CO, - 375 Stele Street t i EMPLOYMENT. rcMAxa WANtED UNENCUMBERED WOMAN for' housework, etc.. Must live nt hi ' st'tvtkjn. school for: blind. Phone 21 tfirtrr, , tr.-rr-n-rs MALE RUSSELL WINDOW Cl-EANIKG Ca i Hons- cleaning and janitr . service s . oporislty. Satisfaction guaranteed ' Phon 1003-J. 4 .; - , '. : - ' J WANTED ENERGETIC YOCNO MAN who has' had ' aiporteaeo Sllmg llf. tnaaraaao, otocks or ad vert is lag Meat k, mkla aa daweto kin entire time saC bo ambitkrna for. advaaeomoai. Mast kav the oonrag to preaeat tssiaeo propeoltioa to merchants aad profes ion si mea. Anawor in poor owa baad . wrftfng. atating age, edueetieaal quali f) cations, sxporiene as solicitor, et A4-?tw "I No 8L" 8Utoma offlee ACALR. AJTO WANTED MAN AND WirE TO WORK . on s farm. . raona oo.- i WANTED MEN AND WOMEN T ..k. f. eaaw nhecrtcttona. A goo So Una. Ore. PERSONAL MASSASB ASD ."4 EXERCISES STEAM rsArneV , Udios only. " B'S,,,J; ftrmfc.-FB4",M 1 Phono 658. THE BLIND MAX" t AM SOMETIMES alloA bocaea of my great interest In windrtW and porch blind. I do'esrry l. i.. i,Iw and aoreh shsdes. . -1 vw, . . I dLir eemr much to bid a on new and replacement lobs.: Maa Rnren. 178 N. Onmmercial ;i tho Classified Ads. PERSONAL GET M1RRIED BEST MATE1M0NUL paper pabiiaaed;. Free for stamp. Cerreepeedent, Toledo, Ofca. FOR SALE Bumrzss orpoETwmss GOOD OPEXISO rOK OXI HALF IN- terra is garage. 930O will handle Jt. Addmi "A-0," ear Statesman. BART SUPPLIES vitbit lit nnrtTa ra ttnirp besatifuL comfortable, moderate priced kiad. Let me explaia mm aaaual mania al Starr, ia carriage an 4 alky Thar hsv many. Max O. Bursa, 178 m. Commercial. TAMM TATZM IF TOD WAIT TO OR TH BUI farm apex. aand 1S So the Faeifi Hiaimil, Salaam, Oregon, far three m oaths' trial snbecripwea Meatiea tarn so CAR ART BIRDS FOB SALB' CAXARY BIRDS AJTD pedigreed white Scotch oallio papa. Mia., E- A. Bennett, pboao 1280. LOVE BIRDS 5 PAIR To advert U saw a tor. Car aad supply list froo. Import- ad Rollers oar specialty. B. B. FLAKE 878 SUt. Salens POtTLTEl FOR SALE O. A. C. AND TANCRED 10 day old chicken. $28 N. 22nd. street. POUUTRTMIN SEND EIGHT TWO- eaat tempo for special three, seenta, l trial for the boat aad oldest oaraal ta the west. Tko article aad advr- Uaementa are of special iatereat to the pooitry aroeoera ei u aortaweat Northwest Pee I try Jearaal. Ill Com martial St. Salem, Oregoa. 0ABPZTS AND LINOLEUM CORK CARPET PRODUCTS AND CON golaum are special ixed bero to tba lis it. Ask for On acb of oar circulars entitled, "Permaaeat Linoleum Floor" aad "How to Care for Linoleum." Ma jO Bviren, 170 N. Commercial. KITCHEN CABINETS McDOUGALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN cabinet game from A to Z. He brought eat the VERY FIRST hixh rleaa hit-h- ea cabinet in America. The new Me Dongall ia a marvel. Get my pricea and term Mas O. Buren, 170 N. Uom mereial. " UVESTCCR FOR SALE GOOD COW, FRESH. Phone -S2F1V aUSCEI&AJrEOUS SLIGHTLY USED ; VICTROLA AT A bargain for -rash, iti perfect condi tion. . 180 S.N 15th Street. IFOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, t ernte a bundle Circulation department Oregon Stataam- m. FOR SALE TWO GOOM FARM 1IOR- ses, weight about 1300 lbs. and 1500 lbs. ' Would take good cow as part pay; alae two good tract rs (Runtley and Ruse 11) 12-24 sise. Good 14-inch Oliver gang plow, farm wagon, 8 foot binder, all in good running order. Call at 1483 D Street. ULIDDEN'S LINOLEUM VARNISH AN Johatoa't Floor Wsi. Ask as lb particular merits and purpose of one " Mas O. Buren, 1T9 ' N. Commercial gaiaus ' RUG PRICES LOWER 192S DESIGN. onlora aad aualitiee are moat gratifying. Bee my fine display while it is com plete. Mss O. Buren, 179 N. Com mercial, Salem. ' THE HOUSE OF HALF a MILLION : and ot bargain. - We, sell ot ' eaehang aaything aad every tk lag in . tk lino of tank or aecoed band goods Baa aa bfor you bay or sell. Steis bock Junk Co Remeaiker th place. 402 N Commoreiel It. Phone 821 "Beautiful Oregon Rose rhoae 63 S. II- and eleven other Oregon eonaa, together with a fine collection ef patriotic songs, snored songs sad man old-time favorites - ALL FOB SSe - t Special price in quantity lets) Eapecislly adaptabl for acbeoL oommua Ity or homo singing Bend (or V The Western Songster 78 pages, now iui It third edition Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 21 S. Commercial St. ' Bslem. Ore WOOD FOR GOOD VALUE IN WOOD PHONE Jadd, 108F3. FOR BIG FIR. SECOND GROWTH OAF or ssh wood. rVoao 77 TS. r :- SAVE MONEY BY CALLING 254 OH, after office hoars, 62'i, when yon want wood. OLD GROWTH 16 INCH FIR $8; 4 ft. second growth, $6.06. Phone 1407. r-OR RALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD , maple, - aenoad growth aad eld fir. 4 ft or 16 in rred E Well. Pkeae H42. 8 8. Cbercb. 16 INCH 8LAB AND MILL WOOD $8 60 per lead. Iet' pianer w-cd $1.58 per .load, Tracy Weed Co r Phen 520 ' FOR RENT APABTMSVTS tPARTMENT FOR RENT $88 WORTH Commercial . i TOR .HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS always call phone 540 or 1020. . FOR. REST TWO .AND 'THREE ROOM furnished apartments, reasonable. ra trsL Phon 742. J ROOAta ;;v OR RENT LARGE fKOyj SLEEPING room. 871 N. High Kt. . ARUNHTON HOTEL CLEAR. OOOt . 80 ap. . 468 SUt.' 70R RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. . Phon 2056-J. -a STRICTLY MODERN FURNISHED room for rent; semi-private bath, guist parlor. 720 North Commercial. 1LEAN. NEAT BLEEPING 6UWMS. $k to $3.60 per week. apartment. $8 Tko ' Leonnrd BotoL 54 M. . Front Pboao 1808. ' - TOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING AND sleeping room. Wood, lights,, water and bath furnished. . Reasonable rstes 8434 North CommerciaL Cottle .'. apartments..: -! ..- ,.' BOMB FOB BENT FOB GENTLEMAN deairable room ia modra homo with all . aeBeeojeneew.- Pleeae give name' aad reference. Addraaa VA3.' ar Btotoa- LOST AND FOUND LOST montha old. Brown with white mark in ire. If fowad call Cart D. Gabriel- eon at 83, or Charlea K. Bishop at 1673-W, and receive reward FOUND i FOIIND A WAY TO KEEP I from cracking.; buckling aa LINOLEUM aad cor I ing ap Get bit- laaflet-entitled "Permatenl Linoleum Floors.'' .Mas O. Barea. 179 N. Comeaereiel - -- WANTED arucBUJurrsoirs OLD MATTRfrfREN MADB ovgB WANTED ICfXELIJUrcOTXl WAitTKD rrjBsrrcRB. Tooua. xto. -Bae ota. ANTID ETEXTTHINa IS HARD waro and tnritr. Beat prices paid tub capital, hardware FURNITURE CO. ' 285 V. Commercial St. Pbeae $41 WAXTE& SMALL. HOUSE TO REST. Call after hour f 2 p.m. Pkeae 1229-W. . WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, MA chiaary, atoek. ote. Will bay for eaafc or aU oa oommioaioa. Pkeae oil. Weedry. the Aartieaeer BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER P. X. WOODRT. THE Uvestoea, raraitaro, reel tiaaaar. Pbeae all fes Res KIP M Bammer Auto Directory FAnrTiaW BUSH THZ AUTO PAINTER, aad Front streets. STATE AUTO TOPo AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK gaaraatooad. 5 Soatk ltta. Pkoae 1126. BASIATOB SHOPS . a BAIR. RADIATORS. FENDERS Bed lea repaired. 444 Ferry. USED OARS I FOR 8ALE AT A BARGAIN 1921 Dodge torrinr car, at 990 Buth 13th. TRUCKS FOR SALE OH TRADE BjsO TRUCK. 1921 aaodel, perfect eeaditiea. Will trade for real aetata, produce r will tell oa aasy terms. This in am axecp tieaally good buy. It yea want a real good bargain apply immediately Phone or call. The People' Cab Store BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROU ble booting. 216 N. High. Pkon SOS. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE etatiea. Expert battery eod eteetnoa. work F arris Bros Phone 1806 i Court TIRES AND ACCESSORIES TONSEAU CARPET RUNXING BOARD linoleum; ante paint and enamel. Mai O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. Salem. RUNNING BOARD LINOLEVM. AITO carpet, atto enamel and paint. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Commercial. 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST atone bruises, rim cuts aad blowout The Hydro-Toren Tire, for sale by Y Park store, 12th and Leslie, phon 9 OARAOE AMD REPAIR "FNDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED stolem Auto Radiator Shop. It 3 8 litb atreet. CAPITAL GAKAUR BUICK. BTUDE baker repairing. 178 Booth Libert) Phone 8 BEAUTY PA.LORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTT Parlor. 110 North Commercial Satreot Fhoaa &6. ' CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLANe furaiabed free. R. W. Mclntir. 140V N. Church. CHINE SR PHTSICIAJf PR L M. diaease. HUM CURES ANY KN0WK 158 S. High St., phon 283 DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG Of Pbewe 184 405 COtTRI ELECT RI01ANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by hour. At pre war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1102 J. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND L. A. Hayfard. 80S State street. WANTED TO SECURE $1600 LOAN for 3 years on $4,000 Salem residence, on paved street- Phon 970. Soco lofsky. r MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN eeaeeiatton hae money, to loan at six p-reeat. W. D. Smith, aeerotary-treaa- SOS Balom xtaak ot uommeroo. SO YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL oredit plan, pro-payment provisions al lowed. We will finance you for s leaa rate of interest tbaa any firm en the "- coast. Private money to losa oa either ciVf oi country property MARSTERS BROS. . ' 411 Or-son Bldg FOUNDRIES SALEM IRON " WORKS-MJREY IRON I castings, drag saw marhim-a. eentn fugal pun pa, heavy machinery. From and Stale atreeis- FUEMITURE STORES FRANK F. KiOHTEh NEW. SECOND band - feroiture 84 -N Com mortal Phone 452 e'URXITURE PRICES DOW IKO.N beds, $6; atl steel bed springs, $5.40 cotton mattress s $8; oak diuint chairs, $4: ell ateel army rota, $3.50: Max . O. Buren. . 178 N. Coimnercial Salem. FURNITTJRE HOSPITAL VRNITITRF. REPAIRED OR M AOS T- ord-r. Reftniahintr snd ephaletoria. S specialty Phone t72 ' Reirwn aa Oroves. 1 2 I Sonth Commer.'tl - HOTELS CHERRY CTTY HOTElc ROOMS KP board Lear-h tmanter Opvon V 8? ' Oepot ' " State' and High IN80RANCB Hl'TnAL BENEFIT LIFE IN SURA NO company J C. Batch, agent, room a .MVWaerr . Bldar. Phone S Ladies' Wearing Apparel ktTLLTJfBRl HATS FROM $1 UP Grimm. 819 Court MRS. St a a FANCY WORK NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODERY shop. Jessie MeOuue. . Tsllmaa't Piano Stem 11 Sooth flemmoreial DBXSSMAKINa DRESS AND COAT MAKING REAS enable rate. 1625 8. Charch, -a. CARRIE ' FISHER- ' DRESSMAKING , deaiming. Spenee corsets to order McComack Bldg. - THE 'AD8ITT8 ARB PREPARED TO de ear ana- all -Wade-of- ladies' tailor lag, for old and new ewatomera. 853 n i3ta at raoa gans-ts WANTED PLAIN BEWIBO AND HARD .. arerk. Call 631-K, -. - FIRST CLASS DRESSVAKINO FOR narticular people., Specialty oa work : nxanahia aa well aa pricea. 10TS Oak ' St. Mr. Lea A. Sweep Telephone 984 MESDAME8 SCOTT CHASE DRESS- skere. 818 State Ba. -Pboao PIT MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKEB XT18 . Bellavas St. RPTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKEB, $ era a. rae.W TL eaaa WAf I kaTnall A 4f btl. ST ttrwai om --. Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS MTJSICAI. MRS. BESRT LIE PIANO, X1 J. CapitoL Phone 1017-W. DOROTHY PEASCS PIAS0. ater. Pheae S4W. 1 Kertk Wi NELLIE MULKET STONE PUSO. $7$ Lealia. Phone 751-W. BEATRICE SHELTOS PIANO STUDIO. 45 Marioa. Phoaa n. MOLLIS STYLES VOICE, PIANO. $5S ceater. Pboao 3018-K. RAG AND J AAA PIANO PLAYING 12 laaaeaa caa ran teed. Watermaa sra tarn. F. B, Clark. Mg. 4 State. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO t layer; danc aii eccasieaa, 37 a iberty. WESTERN COESiRf AT0BT OF HUE m of Chicago. Fraac E.'Ckarekill, rep reaeatatrve. Dipietiaa graated. OdJ Fellowa' Bld. SALEM CONSERVATORY CF MUSIC All branches taught, dipiomaa graated Joha R. Sivea. director, 1237 Ceort. Pbeae 43. TUNEEJ JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER Moene-Dua C. Repreaeatative o Bbormaa Clay m Co. Pboao o. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piaae tuner. Leave orders Will's . Music Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tnningv rafinishing. tobaildiag: player piano expert. Pkeae 1650. 131 South Commercial PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS, STEIN ways, uuo-Art, and outers. Moore Pnnn Music Store. Masonic Temple, KUSIO STORES GEO. 0 WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing maehinn. sheet musii end piano studies Repairing phone graphs and sewing saerbinea. 43' State. Salem DAMU1NO PRIVATE daarea. LESSON8 IN ALL LATI Mra. While. Phone 378 J HEMS TIT CHI N G HEMSTITCHING, 548 STATE ST. SIN ger Beving Machine Co. SALEM ELfTE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttona. atampiag aad needle work. 829 Oregon Bide Phone BIS MRS. C. E. UI1J.ER HEMSTITCHING Stamping; braiding; hand embroidery, buttona. Koom IO, over Miller's store. Salem, Oregon, Phon- 117. MRS. BkECKENRIDGK HEMSTITCH ing mail orders solicited 176 S. 19th Phone 174 M LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 8 Liberty street - Phone 25. Oddest largest best. EstablwhecJ 1H89. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phon 185. A MASSAGE MASSAGE FOR ALL NERVOUS D1S eaacs. Rwin 3. Cottcl Apt. MATERNITY NURSING MATERNITY NURSING WANTED IK private home Phone 1894 J hfXDICAX. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 817 W MURSEBV STOCK MONGER BLACK TIPS AT $2.50 PER hundred; $15 per thousand. Mistland Nuraery Co, Independence, Oregon. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALr frnita. ornamentals. Capital' City Nor sery Co, 426 Oregon Bldg. Phon 75 FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD Back of office. 540 State St. Plion 1140 M. FOR SALE LITTLK'S IMPROVED Cory'a thornless blackberry plenu Heaviest producers and best flavored Write for pamphlet and pric list. 0 A Little SebsstopnL Calif. PLUSfBIHO PLUMBING KE PAIRING AND COIl work. Phone 1397-J Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey PAINTINO CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH elaaa wark for particular people I. l Brandon, contractor. 885 North Higb Phono 645-J. UBREY H. CIJIRK PAINTING. PAP erhunging, nlaominlng Work gnar anteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 2Q5 J 1464 Ferry PERIODICALS "dlSS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP tiuna for all magasiue.. 251 8. 17th street Phone 741-M PERFUMS AND TOILET - ARTICLES ALIFORNIA PERFUME CO EX trsrta toilei articlea Mra. Meyer. I7Q South 23rd Phone 1224 PRXRTlirO OR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ennoMui-ements. see Bersrlavn. priater Y " Rnilding SIGHS NION SIGN 00. SIGNS WITH KICK 8hewr.ards th talk 434 N Oommer isl Phone MA SCAVENGERS ALEat SCAVENGERS - 4IAKHAOE. KT fuee of all kio1 removed. Oeeapoeta nan-d Phon I "7 RRglAU RANTS l. B D L-CVM , .in lb . . ..-nn A . ...... ' able oricea Jeheeaa Ram ISO R High KERRY CITY RESTAURANT HOME sl le weala Ofod aervw-e. State an'' Hih iAVE.MOKET eti tauraat npetaira. etl fcATINO AT RES 165 Buatb Oommer- bTOODLB PARLORS VA HONG Perry. NOODLE HOUSE. 489 8IN BIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP snay, 40c; pnffed rVe, $Oc; eoodl. 20e; fried noodles. 60e. 149 8. Lib ertv SHOE ' REPAIRING WILLIAM'S 8HOE SHOP 185 SOUTH Hit STUDIOS OE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DTP farevit in pKotoeranhv. 147 H Ohb'I STOVES AND 8T0VB REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence, sise 26 to 88 inches high. Paints, oil aad vaenieheo. et Vhcoi berry end bop bewaa Bal-aa Fewce and Stove Works. 856) Court street, Phono 124 TAILORS FRANK PALM. TAILOR-II SOUTH High,, corner Ferry. 8uite msde to ' erder. Cleenlnti pr-eaing. repairins- 8E0O1TD HARD GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clotkiag aad ebons. - Also d cleaainc proaaing aad repairing. , Call and deliver Capital Exrhanco - 843 : North CowimereiaL Phoaa 186$ W. . m snv ltn T1.1. amioriwn HAND - geoda of all kinda. pipe fittings, bar-1 sou. oollara. collar pads. tool, pod chain. Fred Bchisdior. X56 Ceslerl Street. BUSINESS CARDS TEAXSTER HAULXXa CAPITAL CUT TRANSFER CO. II Bute St. Phoae 88$, Disb abating, torwardiig gad itoraga 6x gaaeialty. uet oj WE MOTE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- now goods. Our specialty la piaae aad faraittaa meviag. Wo alee make eewatry trip. We handle the beat real and weed. Call oa aa tor pricea. W give goad measure, feed oaality aad good srrviee. - Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930. TRAXSPORTATIOa 8ILVERT0N MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND CAM. Stares Senkt Boand Schedule North Bound Read down Read up Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. No f Na. K. 1 So. S No. d No PM. PM. A-Mw A.M. P.M?PM. 6:00 1:30 8:00 PrU'd 10:30 4:00 8:30 8:05 3:35 10:05 MrAgl 8:25 1:55 6:35 B:30 4:00 10:30 SUrt a 8:00 1:30 :00 Ar. Ar. Ar. Lt. L. L. Sunday only 8:00 p.m. fm. Portl aad Stagaa leave Stag Terminal Portland aad Steclebammer'a Drag Store, Silvertoa SALEM SILT XRTOH ..'AGE . Leave Leevea alm SUvanoa O. E. Depot - Hews Stand 7:00 a-a. 8:00 a,m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p J. SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem, O. E. Depot 7 :00 a.m. 11:00 n.nv. 5:00 pa Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m, 1:00 p.m 6:15 p.m. Leave Iadependeae a Hotel 8:80 a.m. 1:15 p.m, 6:30 p.m. ' Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger rar for kir. f. W PARKER. Prep. Res. Mione 615-1. Basineas phone 7 WOOD SAWS CITY AND OouwTRT WOOD SAWING r- Phone 2048. Fieher Bros. WAREHOUSES t-UBIJO WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Storea everything oxrept na i plosives. Apply Fry's Drug Store WAXER j SALEM WATER, LK3HT A POWER CO Office, 801 beutb Com 1 St Tea per cent diacoaat On domestic flat rosea paid ia advance. No deductioaa fur absence or any cause aaleas water kt sbft off yoHr premises T PROFFESIONAL CHIROPODISTS V J E08TER CORN DOCTOR 81U State Jit. Pattoa Bldg. Pkonvl(7 " OPTICIANS GLASSE8 FITTED BY DR L R BUR dette et the how OutH-al Ooiupeny, 825 State street, opposite Lad and Buah Bank POMEKOY a kEENE JEWKLEhU AXD 'Opuimetruita 3MM 8t1e CHIROPRACTORS OR. O L. SCOTT. P.8.0, CHIROPRA0 lor, 414 IS V. S.Bank Bldg. Peon. . 87; rea 828 R. CU1KOPRACTOKS ' ' Drt. Bradford t Bradford Gta.luatea and pout graduatea of CAR VKtt Oollege, Oklahoma City FIRST CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGE in the WORLD. Ten yeart prac tice. Consultation and examina'ioa free. Suite 318 Oregon Bldg. Phone x52d. OSTEOPATHIC? HTSICTAJI 8 fiRS V. WHITE AND MARli 8. Bank Bldg. 806 OR W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATH IC Pkyaiciaa and surg-on. Kirksville grnduat. 404-405 U. 8 National Rank Bldg. Phon. office, 919: res. 614. DR JtHN L LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phrsieian and surgeon, 408 404 Or goo B14 Phone, office, 1804; re LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS ". Camp 8. Armor? First, thl Mondays REAL ESTATE Soldier Bonus Buy Will stand appraiser's valuation. Two up to dat bungalows. See m snout these two. Any property yon buy un ' der th plan should stand appraiser's valuation. WM. FLEMING 311 State St. 50 Acre Farms N'ew 5 room house, cood ,barn, splendid well, al out 50 sheep, one team, one cow, 50 rhirkens, two set of new har aeas. two plow, two cnltirators,' tt harrows, ne mow r, one rake, on vatnn. IH) brshel oats. 15 hiiahei wheat. 1 Ion bay. Let me tell roit of it's many other rood feature almnt thia plat-e. Only 6 mil from S'lem Will trade for house in Salem or I'ort and u lint payment. Gertrude J, M. Page 432 N. Co! Use street "SPECIAL If you have- a hone to sell with $:!()" cash down and $15 per month, we have the bjirer. Mr. S ldier--if yon have a house and yonr jlosn we can sell you a good Urii. close to Salem, fnllv eii ipp-. THOMASON 331 M Stat- Street Absolutely at a Sacrifice five room brtpesHw, the more rash ' A lwn the lower the prire. A fine 10 nero orchsrd : also for special rssaoDt. For in forma' ic A e WM. FLEMING . 341 Stste St 30 ACRES GOOD LAND. 15 CUT.TIVAT' ed, balance pasture and iW timber: fmil; orchsrd: well, small honee. bam 80x40. root hoose 18x24. chi-ken house A psrt of ptar now in crop and seed potstoes for 5 acr s. Place is located on rod road. Price $5,OOOt- cash. 810OO. See L. A. HAYFORD v 305 Stat St. BARGAIN BEAUTIFUL SEVEN ROOM n-odern lmn:low, Fairmount hiH. Price Se ns for real bargains. W. G. Kraeger, Oregon Bldg. . WANT OFFER ON IXTS NON-REStD-ont wanu offer on SalcV lota, pav-d street. Will give any reasonable term. See Mr. Kinney today at Mar . ion hotel. SNAPS, IX BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES V PHONE 970 5 acres, all cleared. logans. 4 coops. '4 miW from Salem. $1.2 SO. 8.82 acre, all cleared, ine hearinc chcr riea. miles onL 8l.8oa essv terms. 33 acres, 25 cultivated, good improv-- w'rnta. S milea from Salem, paved real. Will ex-hans-e feci well improved 10 acres. Frice 88,500. 12 acre, all n-rirable. Cameron COtliBty, Tfexae. Escbaage for r-goa ranch. Prit-e 63UQ ner acre. This joina a If Ml . .m one of the finest dairies in Marioa ceeoty, stock and eoripment. - Vw auulm S room kovae. barn. silo. K.t f .nil Price 83S.OOO. Will teke- OTwattee dairy or fruit ranrk aot n o nan Phetae at oer office. Oldsmobilo 8, practically new. to exchanre r lor ncreage or for cean. rnce S acres IV, Btilra fmm Kalem, ready to pot ia P'? , Q0C0L OFSKY . OViLfUUUf Ol I 811 Stale Street . REAL ESTATE WAXT TO RE XT ABOUT MAY JOtk with eptiee to bwv. S reeea aaeden keese, with latnre let or two where 1 may bare garden aad rkickeaa. Mast bo in good condition and reaionaU . Send full details witk photo if pes - aibie. Addreaa E. McB.", care o Oregon Statesman. TO TRADE RESIDENCE AND Busi ness property ia Seattle for Seleea prop erty. Ora F. Melatyre, 405 Maaeni Tmplo.- Pkeae 577. Wanted, Loans We kave private money ta lean aa city or suburban property. We bare a tiae, wu urprored tea acres ' to trade for i ctt7 aroporty. Tk is first class. ! If yea want to trade, bay or sell aea H. L. MARSTERS SIS Graf Bids. CITY HOUSES CITY LOTS. BUN6A lows, small aad large acreage, ttoe ta and far out; exes sage ia city aad oeaairy. Brown A Mecee, ewer Ba- tHt's w-o. State aad Coauaereial, Pboao 859. WANT J3ALEM HOME I CAN SELL TOcr houiie in SO days if price and ! MR HOME BUYER TOO CAN BUY A 6 room bungalow leas than a year eld . for 6500 area Aea i wee offeree far it aiae Maths ago. Una Dnk ,kitch,a7 em.ta tto ia, I porch, siooo win haadla it. So n ' ed-y. r 125 LoffoUo. ers that delivenes on May con- . . - " ' ! """"i tracts In Chicago wonld be much (larger than had heretofore seem- improved and unimproved farms for sale at bargain pneta aad ay , term-. r o u J J Ai vi puillllilfUl or. " 407 Maaonic Temple . I AKDERSOft A RUPERT Saccoaasrs to Laflar A Lafiar INBtlRANC.E REAL ESTATB BONDS i LOANS 406 7 Or-ga Bldg. WORTH WHILE ' We have a client' who wishra to buy a in Salem coating not more than V $2M0 '; ha $."VJJJ cash to pay down ana will pay uemurr in nwiimi; n.ent. Have you a bouae to sell a Only $300 ' A fiue lot, concrete aidewalk. A aood farm, very iJieap on paved high way. Will take g'oa city property m trade. MILLS & COPLEY 331 4 Plate Stre-t FOR REMT WILL RENT PART OR ALL 150 ACRES on ahares. Building, some equipmenL Addr- "A-" ! care Statesman. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF JfOUTII FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTH LINK OF HOOD STREET TO THE SOUTH; L1XE OF NOR WAV STREET. Notice is hereby given that-the Common Council of the City of Salem . deems Lt expedient and hereby declares ; its purpose snd intention to Improve North Fourth Street from .the north line of Hood Street to the south .line of Ndr- wsy Street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of, North Fourth Street to the established grade. constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of saiu oua, rouriD oireei wua a six inch Portland cement concrete pavement in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor Vhichi were adopted by the Com mon Council on the , 3rd, day of April, 1922. .now on file in the of fice of the City Recorder, and which for greater .certainty and convenience and a more detailed description thereof, iare hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention !o make I he above described im-, orovement by and through the Street Improren'Pnt Department of the Cify of Salm. " By order of the Common Coun cil: EAR!, RACE City Recorder. Dnte of firpt publication of this notice is April 5, 1922. iNOTICTi OK THE IMPROVE MENT OF NORTH SEVEN TKFXTH STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF -IV STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF MARKET STREET. Notice is hereby Riven that the omii.on council of the City of Salem deems It exnedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Improve North Seven teenth strert from jthe north line f "D" street In the pouth line of Market street at the expense of fh! abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street intersec- Hons, the expense of which will City of Salem. be assumed by the by bringing said portion of .North Seventeenth street to - the estab lished grade, constructing .cement "oncrete curbs, and paring said oortion of North Seventeenth i street with a. six-inch Portland cement concrete pavement In ac cordance with the plans and speci fications therefor) which were adopted by the Common Council on the 3rd day. of April, 1922. now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which for greater certainly and convenience and a more detailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part" hereof. , - The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Im provement : by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. : By order of tho Common Coun cil: ..y-X, " EARL RACE. City Recorder. Date ot first publication ot this notice is April 5, 1S22V c Read the Classified Ads. i3 PRICE Prospective Liberal Ship ments to Chicago from k0maha Have Effect CHICAGO, April 5. Prospec tive liberal shipments ot wheat to Chicago from Omaha and other primary markets did a good deal today to brine about s material decline In wheat prices here. The close was unsettled 1-4 to 2 3-8 cents net lower, with May $1,297-8 to 1.30 and July LIS 1-8 to 1.18 1-4, Corn finish ed 1-8 to 1-2 6 5-S cents down, oats unchanged to 1-8 1? 1-4 cent off, and . proTlsions at lac to 81 jjecllne. With reports current that 79 carloads of wheat were comins to Chicago from Omaha and with ad ditional, shipments In view from . , , I. 1 . . - - "V f""' " w" generally assumed by wheat trad- ed probable. Throughout the ses- sion, the ellect was to increase selling pressure on May and even- toaiiy to weaiten July ana sepiera- ber. although at first the. late .(months showed gains on account I of unmet uncertainty over- cron conditions In pans of the winter territory. . , Slowness of export demand for wheat was a subject of much com ment. The only new busiuess with Europe .announced today was in Canadian wheat, 400,000 bushels. Domestic m ill ers, too, were ap parently purchasing wheat on just a hand to mouth basis. . Despite wet weather, corn and oats averaged lower in price with wheat. Gossin was In circulation about oifcrings from Minneapolis ad DultUh,-where Stocks both of corn and oats were reported heavy. ";'' ? .r- Higher quotations on hogs gars an up urn to tho provision mar ket. : " :' -r ;, ; -. :rf- : Trading is Firm But Dull in Intermediate Period . Wednesday NEW YORK, April 5. Stocks were little more than steady at the outset' of today's session, firm but dull during the intermediate period and active and strong In the final hour under the Impetus of a broad inquiry for standard rails and equipments, short cov ering urgently. Funher liquidation for pro nw accounted for the' uncertain tone of the morning, although several ot the speculative favorites then registered new maximums for the year, notably oils and motors and shippings. ' Coalers led the belated demand for rails, New York, Ontario and Western. Lehigh Valley, Reading and . Chesapeake & Ohio scoring advances of one ' to three points The rise of these Issues was note worthy from the fact that early rumors in the financial district touched upon a possible suspen sion of operations at steel centers, because o fthe coal strike. Oils were the dominant features of the early, trading, especially secondary issues. Equipments came forward with the rails and steels were carried upward by the movement especial ly United States knd Crucjbl. There with Am srican and Bald win Locomotives. Cast Iron pipe. WeslinKhouse. General Electric. Studebaker, Chandler. U ah Cop per and American Snielt!ng consti tuted th chief .issues of strsnsth. closing at gains of 1 to almost 3 points, tfa'es amounted to 1,150,- 000 shares. Money conditions eaed, all the day's call Joans bejns made at 4 per cent wl'h frer offerinus of 30 to 90 day funds. Brokers re ported fewer long time loans however, for which the rtneut 4 3-4 per cent rate prevailed; Although another cnt in th British '"bank rate w is predicted sterling -erchanCff r"ec'ed from yesterday's rally and a'l the allied remittances were lower. German marks were firm and tha Dutch tato strengthened, I but Spanish 'jLLi tiiowsd distinct weaknfss, DAIRY IttTATOES ; PORTLAND. Ore , April 5. Butter: Prints extras. 35c; cubes extras, 32c; prime firsts. 31c, .Dutterfat. Portland, delivery No. 1 sour cream, 3 le. ' . - Potatoes: Buying trice. locals $1; selling price, $1..'!5)$1&0. .... ? I. , FRUITS NEW, YORK, .April 5 Evapor ated, apples scarce; Prunes Irreg ular; peaches firm. ' . r;''i .','"' ' REALTY EXCIIANGEii lUported py Union Atetracl f ? Companj . . 1 Rollin K and AIIcr II Page to John H and Anna Sharpy lot ' 4 Orchard .Park addition to, Salem 10. f ..v---.,- G F and Mina SUrk to R J and Ada A Stane. part block 14, Cap ital Parlr'addition to Salem, $10; t. B "K and Lizzie M Bornhoff to HarryJI Bornhoff. lots 7 and 20", block 1. Ogles addition to Wood burn, $10. Roy snd H'en E Bonannon to fvitiin and J K Frobmader, north half lots 3 and 4, bloc a,, wat- nut Grove addition to Salem, $10. -W A and Myrtle E Rccrca to Rosa P lleTae, lot on l"th street, Salem, $10. f " V J R' and , Mel Is Campbell to C M and Nettle Fry, lot 2. block 11. Yew Park addition to Sales. $350. ; Arthur L and Elsie L Sertber to Q & and Clara E Gould, lot S. block S. Pratt RddiUoa to Sa-, lem. 910. Anna K DeVTltt to Chester A and M E Downs, lot On South, Hlrh street. Salem, 1 10. Walter W and Martha McCor nsck to Bank of Commerce. 2-1 T . Interest tn lot 1 and north half lot 2. block 89. Salem, $8821.92 George M Grilley to Louisa and Clolilda DeGnire. lot 1, block 4, Boise's second addition to Salem, $1400. :, ;'-Vf- ; - - , S E Roth to Tom Brown. 1.x acres section 10-5-t-W $25. Ernest P and Marjoris Moor tb Oral E and E A Moore. 7.09 acres In section 4--2-W $10. t William A. Stewart t al to Irene Scott. 20 acres Ann Wood side's donation land claim, 7-2- W 810. ;-- Clarissa E. Garner to Lor Car er Keeley, west half lot 1. blk. IS. North alem. and 40 acres in 6-S-W $1. : Carrie J and Cor M Talklng tqn to Sheppard P and Emma It Hale, lot . block 81. North Sa lem, 95Q0. L E and Mary Swenwold to O A and B M Thompson, SO acres and.25.88 acres in 9-9-W.. 91. George W and Lydla K Watt to Sam Adolph. east halt lot 17 Sunnyslde Fruit Farms, $1. , S M and 3 J McFarland to Sam Adolph, east half lot 17. Sunnjr- side Fruit Farms, $1500.. George W and C riband to U W and Lois M Scott, lot 10. blk . Bo'ne's second addition to Sa lem, $10, John and Mary Schwab to At betl JOberecnrVr, S.8T acres II Cleater donation land claim, 6-1- w.. $3225. ; Samuel l.ndl to Mrs Franco Folley. 9.46 acres In A SUnton donation land claim. ' 7-2-W., $100. .'...v:: :t,:'- - ' , 11 and C HaMwlsr to Jacob and Bertha Q Ganow, lots In Sil ver Falls city, $100. Southern Pacific to Get 2000 Steel Automibile Cars The Southern Pacific comparty t has askecKfor bids on the corv structlon or 2000 i Ingle sheatheilj steel superstructure v automobile , cars 'Of 50 tons capacity, to b used on Ha Pacific system, ac cording to an announcement to-. k n.riii Mrformipk . ircnp-i ' ral supcrlntfsndent of moLJveporw er for the railroad." ; These cars which , will be tho ; , most mcdern type ot au tomobil , cats, will be equipped with doa ble ; swing end doors and stag- . r gered side doors having 10 feet clear opening. V"' .:; "-! .'.;. According to McCormlcR Xln Southern" Pacifie now baa tlOT", . automobile cars In use on Its Pa cific , system and the new order.' f will be. the largest, ever placed by ; a: western railroad for this clari of equipment. . " . , ' " SALEM MARKETS. V Prices ouowd 4 ar waeeesai a Jt a'l .rices reeeiee nv formers -o sew, trH ar given except aa noted. Oat, milling, net,-o.-. , Wheat Ko. 1 sacked, gl-l. Oats, feed, suoat 60. - Vetch and oat hy, 16rf Clover bay, 610 81i. Mill ma mill feed, 1 . - BOOB, BOTTEP OTTBRFA - ' Eggs, retail, 17-18. - 1 Creamery better, retail, 1 58 88. Batterfat, 8c 1 Hens, light, lc L8 'fa-ewar f 8. fit as '.-.... ' I f lITeeBVa 8 , m ' waaa R.rtktr, oW, In.. POkL MUTTOBl AMP SRI "8 Hogs. tlA. top. Lamb, none in market. Top real, dressed, ltta, ,- Sleers. 7 6 m. Cows., dtte. . I Bansnas. toe. - U o. 8 '.0 ' 87.60. Kvci vrase 47 50, .J r .oris gisfclruit. 86.SO 4T 67.80. , Caliloreia krai fmit, 8 b k.USTAaLE8 Sweat imUi'-e ae fs 6. , . Potatoe. tt .'ti. ' Cabbag , 4e. v ' ' ; CaliforHM tomatoee. Inf. e.08. Caotif lower. 8'i W. . Canlillow r, 6a. j ' ' Orejon oniwna, lOo. ,- T-raip. 8a i'arsnipa. 6'i AO : Carrot. 68 5 Head lettnea. 18 O 88 SO. Beet. 18 . Oiory. 81 M OATX.S. ri. Stomal? ' Uea, . to v ' y Hack ego date ease. 678 ! ' . . . ; -, - - Comb honey, caae, I. l'o ), doaen, 61 7V Strata huoay lb HVkS. ' 5 Portland Buying PrifCt POOS. POUlTT. MEATS BUTTERFAT--WEAV Si. 1 chnrning crenv as f o b. Fort land; ondergrsdes. !.,-, EitiS UNSETTLED s Cnrrent receipt 1 cent:5 pellets. 1 eenu, whit bennerle. 32 cent, deliv-rod (The owsetiont sr be 4 oo pric pd for the bolk of 4v s roroipt by local Johbers and creemertes LIVE POULTRY STEADY -fles commiaai' Heavy neoa, 7 6 23 lb do, light. 19 & 20 peend; I533 broiler. 48 W 60. ; aid (i(&12c pooad: dneka. yonng wkit Pa kin. 87 eeeale; do celered. 8 ej Ura. 17. Terkeys, No. I. dreaaod 87 80 Dttl.SikD U EATS WEAR -(lss eommiaaion) Cholca light boga. I4U ISc; endergre'!. IJ 4 ''! real 'top grades, I f Id Vfcr : oader.. grades. 10 6t 1J; SPrtag Umbo, pell ... ,o V Ang : - HAY STEADY -(Delivered Pertlaed) Valley ; 816 a fonj Ea stern Oregon Timothy, $19 a tons nlfalfa. 8t: clover, 14; eat and ve-h. 13: straw. 81. . - GRA IV UNSETTLED (Track. onlaed. to ear toef Wheet f 1 23 if 11.86. Coarse gfeios oat. 8:3.50 8SI 30. Eastern yellow corn. n SO 4j 827 a lea; barley, titd.&O 1p 29' . FRtfrt --'- T",..;.;. 'r FRUIT el RM "'" ; f- Apple, extra fancy. 12 O lt0 ' fancy, ii.ia -neTe. v. . EG ET ASLC S VEGETABLES STEATlV rotat -e o 1, I5e t 9rtcj onions. Ko -1. 81 6? "810.50 rwt, Oregon ceMe S'k c lb.; broccell 81.35 t 61 i erate; parsnips, le lb.; carrot. I it l lb. WOOT. WOOL FIRM Coarse valley wool 18 He; media m z u j itors KrEAnr 183l ,t,d, ,i 16 0 ics. CeDltal City Bedding vo. mono