THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 6. 1922 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON s r s n ' t- ; 1 : 1 , : : ... - . I- BBB. ,BV a SBf - aBaSH BBBW BB,BBaBBBL H ammm , nnrn r i i i in i i &v UKtbuirtLtbinib C1TYNEWS1N BRIEF Fre Dance . - v- Aubura hall tonight. Adv. iflate the price product. of the finished Hatter Tumbl Creamery Gutter has taken , a tumble-this wetk: until it Is quot ed as low as 35 cents a pound in some of the bargain stores. .This however, . Is , below the. standard price, though the market has fal len t'erf materially, so that the old price ot 41 to 4 5, cents, cur rent only a few days ago, is a thing of the past. . Spring grass has come to increase the produc tion of milk and New Zealand and European butter comes to de- Jack Cafe ' 163 S. Com. SL A good place to eat. Tables : and counter. AdT. Free Auburn hall tonight -AdT. TOM MIX "Chasing The ' "Moon" Veteran Meet Today ' The Marion Cfcnnty Veterans' association is to meet today at Woodbunt, for its regular annual session at that place. A. C, Hn del son, prominent in -the Grand Army. Is the president ior mi term, t ' The association , , meets three times a year. In Silrerton, Salem and Woodburn, and Is made up ot the soldiers of all the American wars, with their wires, sisters, and othr womn folks. A numbr.of Salem people plan to attend. Used Washington Frank Sheehan, of Salem, yes- terday deposited ISO bail for his appearance in Justice court on a charge of driving his car with a 1922 Washington license. It is charged that Sheehan is a resi dent of Oregon. His hearing will be set at a later date. Judge G. E. Unruh announced. Many Oregon residents have discovered that a Washington license may be pro-! cured at a saving of about 50 per cent, it has been reported. M JESS Ell HELP IS 1 10 CS't r t Amnn . Poor Families, Chan ties Report SMnMii i rerv nrevalent. New eases are belnc brought to the Fitted at Tyler's Drug Store by! attention of the Associated Chari- an expert In the business. AdT. ties every day, but funds are prac tically nil. according to ur. nouu, dominating FetWo Blanks Morris, vice president and secre- ' Secure them at the Statesman I tary of the association (legal dept.) upstairs. Adv. Iet'g Co, Tomorrow Night Discharge Filed Albert E. Mons oi Amany, yes terday filed his army discharge Grand theater, 8:15. Hoosier I certificate showing that he enter CoTiAAimaator Admission. 50c. 1 A t ha United States army. June Tomorrow CHAS. -RAY' .. iu - r ' "R.S. V. P." AdT. ; . , - 12.50 uaj your irioici and get ahead of , the summer rush, also the anticipated adTance in price.- 5 loads 16 inch about 85 'per cent fir $12.50. Chas. K. Spaul.i:ng Logging Co. AdT. Clear Store Change Hands ,v.The Terminal Cigar ; company which was formerly owned jointly by Willianson and Wilson is now owned solely by A. Williamson, Mr. Williamson having purchased the Interests ot Mr. Wilson.. y . . Tjaree Easter Babbits, 10c The Ace, Masonic Temple. AdT. - v 24. 1918. He was 32 years oia at the time of entry into service and served tin the United biaies until time of discharge, May is. 1919. . . UarTkmnld'a Farmer Almanac V At Tyler's Drug store. aov. Estate to Appraised John Thoma, Everett uaraner and J. W. Mayo, appraisers oi J.'E. Sloper estate, yesteruay rt- ported to County Judge Busney an appraisement ot property val- ued at $2419. Drew, was emphatie " . over the phone. It might be remarked that for some time previously the queen of the stage had failed to answer her telephone . am sorry, but I never talk to newspapers." "Never?" "Yes, never. Besides which I am very tired and am resting." That was all. Perhaps Ethel 'Barrymore Is above talking with reporters. Maybe so. She has played during her life, more than 42 years, most of which has been spent on the stage, with such well known act ors as Henry Irvine and others and likely she thinks her career cannot be hurt by not talking with "newspapers." Ain't it fortunate all of them are not only big and great but Just a little human as well.' ill CUT RATES Round Trip Fares to Cost Less After pnl 15, is Announcement' "We need all kinds of women's and children's wearing apparei and we can use more groceries, TV Mnrrta atated last nlcht. "We have enonah money to pay ou March bills. We hope to have nniifh to oar our April bills, but that remains to be seen. There is much sickness and new cases are hmnrht to our attention every day, persons who have not neeaea help before, but our resources are limited." Recent, contributions were an nounced as follows: First Method ist church, $5, and W. C. T. U., $5. ' Feels Like New Woman "I was a sufferer from kidney trouble for several years," writes Mrs. Arthur Demulle, R. F. D. 1, Orasmere. N. II.. "and suffered so much 1 felt completely lame all Since I have been taking Wanted to Secure S1600 loan for three years on $4000 Salem residence on paved p j " Kidney Pills I am not so street. Adv. Phone 970.Socolofsky- Johnny Knows! Every time ' DadJ send3 " Johnny to the corner for a jJaper Johnny ; comes back with an . . i . - ' . 'v : , Boys Captnred Twd boys whoraped yester day from the stats training school were-captnred and return ed to that Institution' last night. according to a report filed at the police station by. Snperintenaent W. U Kuser ot the school. Seniors Win Oratory fv senior class of the nign school wna -victorious yesterday when the three classes of the high school met in the annual nloca oratorical contest: waru Southworth was the seniors' rep- gold everywhere. Adv. resentative. Bernice Muivey, re presenting the sophomore class. ivil second place and Lois Mv hnrir acnea au AS J tiniA and my eyes were all a blur Now I can see fine and feel like a diffemt woman. Since I have taken two bottles, of Foley Kid ney Pills I don't have that tired feeling. I can do my own work - . t t aAsii1ta now. lney ormg TURNER NEWS . vf a nAinv.a iAUio nswer. ! ruuucr- . ir""r wt Innior Wanted at Oleson-Rookstooi i reuows, 173 s. Liberty. class, was awarucu Auto Exchange, AdT. A ClAMlfled Ad Will brinr Ton a buyer.- AdT. Away People Vm, Swift's Fertiliser Because it maaes msu """- See C. S. Bowne or phone tbl AdT. I Ira rrr n .Vfafnerrian Ralph Rime waias Away . Itui inrtl VV6W Ralph Kline, ot the state scnooi -"T -olcott na9 l8811ed a for feeble minded, eiopea irom r-'V"; ' the governor of that place last night accord Ing to ?ttlt5I to Ore- a report illea at me ponce i TOmi.m t Qherrell. Who l Ralp1? is a perseryeringeloper W. from the school, naving oeen cap- w " Pat Keeean iured and returned after a simi- of larceny. Officer Pat Keegan lar episode several days ago. . is the officer who ,wTO be sent wt I'aui in la iui 'V-" ' ,. . alleged thefts ot snerreu UUI" And why? Johnny's -wise ' lie knows where to find ' The Junior Statesman Turn to Page 4 x TURNER, Or., April 4. G. A. O. Moore and wife spent the week end at Mill City. , Mrs. I. L. Robertson and Mrs. A. E. Robertson spent Saturday In fin 1 Am. v Mrs. W. T. Riches went to Port land Friday for a tew days visit with her sister Mrs. t;iara vu. mack. ,' , Jolin Watson Jr., has reiumw to U. ot O. after spenaing nis BRUSH COILEGE Mrs. John Schfndler and daugh ter Helen, drove to Portland last Wednesday and returned home Saturday. Frank Mipes made a business trip to Woodburn last Thursday, Mrs. J. L. Oliver and daughter. Margery, spent the week-end In Salem, visiting relatives. J. K. Sears of Salem Is spend ing the week at th w- D. Gors- line home. The Brush College Helpers met at the home of Mrs. Charles Smith last Thursday, and busied them selves tielng a comfort. Mrs. Charles Park of Salem was a welcome guest of the club. Walter Mills, son of Mrs. Kun- Kel, Is seriously ill with' pneu monia. Born To Mr. ana Mrs. F. C. Ewing on March 28, an eight- pound girl, who has been named Margaret Helen. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Crawford last week. The home of William Crawford was burned last Wednesday morning. Nothing Wai saved ex cept the piano, eewlng machine, and two chairs. The fire was raniaH hv a riofnrHva film V D. A. Hoag bought property last Saturday one mile west of Monmouth. Frank Ma pes is kalsomining the W. D. Gorsline home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dempich, from St. Paul, Minn., are visiting at the Jake Singer home. They have bought a 20-acre fruit tract near Salem. They will live in the house recently vacated by Jack Olson until school closes. Their two children, Barbara , and Joe started to school last Monday. Byron Harritt died last Satur day evening, another victim of in fluenza. His father was one of Oregon's pioneers, and Mr. Har ritt was born here, December 22, 18S4, spending his entire life in What has long been predicted as the old established transporta tion companies' next move In the passenger business, is announced from Portland, in the new sched ule of the Oregon Electric, to cut passenger rates of one and one-1 half times one tare rate ior an round trip tickets, beginning AP- nril 15. A cut ot only three cents, rromi S2.78 to $2.75. has been made in the Salem-Portland rate; but the time limit has been extended to 8 days., This time limit prevails for the sale of all round-trip tickets costing above 50 cents. The rate goes Into effect April 15. a week from next Saturday.! At i definite'y announcea inai the cut is made to meet the com petition of the stage Jinea. No change is made In one-way fares under th's announcement. and no change is made in the fam ily and school commutation tick ets sold for short-distance rides to Portland, which have always I sold at a low rate. It Is understood that both'lhe Oregon Electric and the Southern PaclTc lines, that cover ao closely the same -terri tory, have Joined in the cut. They operate as far south as Eugene. HIPPODROME FRIDAY-SATURDAY tyc&V All New Show Sunday :"Tji f BLIGH THEATRE First Grade Occupies New Siiverton School SILVERTON. Or., April 5. ( Special to The Statesman. )- Three rooms of the new school ' building which is under construc tion at Siiverton have been com pleted sufficiently to be used and are now occupied by the first grade. It Is expected that the building will be ready for use about May 1. It is probable that all the grades will, then move in as they are so crowded In their present quarters. A WISE METHOD IF you have taxes, insurance, dues organizations, etc that amount f ixed, sum each year, why not estimate its amount in the aggregate,, divide it into twelve parts, and each' month Mle posit one-twelfth i to your credit in' a Savings. Account at this Daniel Thus you .avoid worry, and possibly barrassment. or the borrowing Of mon ey at a high rate of interest to settle your debts. .Think it over. '' for j , 4 - 7 POWER . Is the result 1if confining-and directing energy along some certain channel, v u one expects to succeed in life he must di rect his talents and connne some special object. :- - v This is iartlcularly trde. of the business world. ; While no field offera greater opportuni ties ta the properly tramea young person, . mere chance for the untrained; man or woman to succeed. ; ' ' Begin your' business training now. , Let us tell you aoout mo revival of business which Is due this summer and the Increased opportunities that wm resuiu Write or call. Capital Bnshess' CoDege C v. Salem, Oregon Hartman's Glasses ,n money Talue to bout ,8' services from Terwllllger home school tically every one in the neighbor- Friday at 2 p.m.. Rev. Mr. Mllllg- an officiating. Burial In Lee cation at home. 1 TAn fnlomsn and Wile II tended the county Parent-Teacher thls community. His friends were .t in c.i.m satnrdav. Mrs. al those wno anew mm. ocnooi Ora Bear also attenaeo. w" 2 r" Lihor. The San t lam sunaay kuu uj cc. - r" 7.. . . ..u , th Turner i nooa aiicuucu uu uuc. wuuu. convention held at the Turn r TulyZ7Zl .p tal Blanks- J tTuccess both in numbertand He was laid to rest in the zena v"v . j. BtatAaman OI-l . V -.w. ii.,i anaakers cemetery, among ine.uuww. W-- JT M au. isiaie nmah Pol ore ent Kuser ot me s 1 oTi Wnltney and Mrs. J 1 1 M n r. MTO 1 .IHI . . I . ... . ' : . j i. KBTOi v - - I niivor vlaftoH arhnnl last WPPK. r Oettlnr ready tor way oay " nrdenf of the annua y--' -A --;r DIED . ATCHINSON At Portland. Or., April 4, 122, Merribel Margar et, wife of Charles E. Atchln son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hebel of -this city.' at the age of 22 years. Funeral ' Mission cemetery. 1 V' Easier land -Better HARTMAN BROS. Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon Songs Are SAVE $ $ ware Commercial street. the-Vpi7;t-ot the Willamette J- "0V tU'C verslty student body at the pres- Thj next meeting will be at Me- m w"a " r . ent time. Campus eommltteee. hama ln Juiy. . Harvey Stanton of Salem work leaders and many Jolin Watson and u. u. " t last Wednesday with her li.j. onmmittees are aiio.ij wpm in Kaiem sunuaj. I ' . . , , c.n. - I UlUUa v. Z - . IJ" w " . mnin.F luri. L.UUH OUlllu. by Bisi rmr hrdwro sm latest idea is the learning oi WiU Moore and famuy return RoBie Krall is out of school. furniture it The wp - the freshman giee on6. ed from saiem r nua. .'..L imf ferine wik a bad attack oi A tiwrnltnre Co, .no. ,a durinE the chapel penoa Rev. R. L. Putnam ana - rnoM v. minnteg time u QeToieu were ud irom oaiem ou; i Threeular Grange meeting i in7 nf o ttnnr. After all have I .amnnn. ' I .m w novf PrfflT ffveninr. ICAIUIU w. , , . . . will UC ucm - . . v been mastered there wm m gruuv The Laates Meinoumi ' Senator Patterson will be present dnriner. iunior week-end, Uietv are making big preparations T dd a o...n."o . i ' .. . vaii at tne i " r.. ... n a and visitors wm naie u "vi"" i ior tneir oaitaar iu . i Mr. and Mrs. w. r. ruuruiu ui tnnlty to hear Willamette's new Masonic hall Saturday, a cii-u Salem were Sunday guests of Mr. .ones I dinner ana evening mmu I aand Mrs. ai n. aieiner. i . . . A n . n nrinui iserreu bi iuuuci v nnhlic is invited. I-nirar " ... .v 1 " ' t IT.V mr,A rm !..( tn all Will Da IUC I kbt. n. X. 1UUWH u o...... T.rll n from Salem Thursday re- coming lecture ni " 1 ""V 2 ,iBlt- - ...til A . t n .. n i vni-Ki L . . f miininv ill, miitiua t . uv . vane oi wiiwiubuo -... i o ; fMUNSOf Margaret Munson died four miles east of Salem, April 4 at the age of 66 years. Ar rangements in charge of Webb & Clough. Funeral announce ments later. LUNDEE? Andrew Lundeen died at 2425' Broadway. April 5, at the age of 79 years. Ar raangement in charge of Webb & Clough. Funeral announce ments later. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. will buy anything you have to sell Loganberry and iop , wire for sale -.'' "The House of Half a Mil lion and One Bargains 402 N. Commercial St Phone.' 523 The I wife M OF i fr ... t aorfea of lectures I ed friends and assisted with ine " . .I :mKr A(Lftnnr monies Sunday school So- given Dy meavu.u, ':--':;',, of wr. and Mrs. iSti'S: Z WcseDaVtment if R. Theissen Friday eveni.g VuT talk on "Vit- and also assisted Mrs, Bond bar ...i... and the uaiancea i The newly-married, the bachelor. the housekeeper, the cooa anu w vill find this an interesting iw ture. SUNDAY URGED urday evening in an Easter party tor the Junior league. Mrs. R. M. Kiser and Miss G. Davis were in Salem Saturday. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS ., , Established 18C3 ? V General Banking Business : Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p.m. . HOTEL ARRIVALS I MARION F. A. oeltman, L. C votu p p. Palmer, u. e.. hamm. 1. F. Krotsic, Harry Lew is!. E. D. CooK. u W. Shepherd, i DALZIEL SEI GUI'S OFFICE New Postmaster General Believes in Following Re-,; ligious Practices MACK At the residence, 597 South Nineteenth street, April S. Mrs. Clara Ada Mack, age 73 rears, wife; of Moses Mack. mother of Mrs. C. W. Pierce of St. Paul, Minn., Mrs. J. IE. Champion of Salem, Mrs. E. S. Bair of Newport, Ore., and Mrs. A. R. Burt of Albany, sister ot Mrs. M. C. Chadbourne of Miu neapolis and ' Amos Colson o Elk River. Minn. Funeral will be held at 2 o'clock. Burial at City View, cemetery. ; , : i SARGfiNT At, a local hospital. April 5. Mrs. Martha Rose Sar gent, age 40 years, wife ot Fred Li. Sareent. mother ot Mabel, Wilma, Lawrence, Velma, Thel ma and Glenn Sargent, sister of John T. and Charles Harmon of Dryden, Ore. L Deceased was a former resident of Nallpee, Wash. Funeral services will be held Thursday, April 6. at 3 o'clock from the Rlgdon mortu ary, concluding service City View cemetery. Rev. W. T. Mil liken officiating. 3T Trunks, Bags and Suitcases at greatly reduced prices. See window display. .Extra special Hand Bags in leather and Craftsman, priced from. ,. ' , : ..." h; vi .k;'h,- .-!.:.' $3.45 and Up " C. S. HAIVIILTON GOOD FUItNITURE,, . ! : French, Geo. G C. Blackroell Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bruntsch, E. J. Present Sealer 0T Weights but he, settled Hall: H. L. Griffith. J. C.McDev- MpasiirfiS Wnuld Be "me ? ?! UIIU ,,ivw.wi ' Labor Commissioner An interesting paragraph ap pears' in one of the recent orders from Hubert- WorJc, newiiy ap pointed postmaster general to succeed Will Hays, goh to the movies. The new executive has I f ESSNER In this city April 4, been less than a month iff office! Deminlck Messner age 37 years. - V The Oregon Statesman New Universities Dictionziry How To Get This "Dictionary - ljW or the Mere Nominal Cost m m -araa.rtriiiA inn uisur- )l AlAUUaS)VMl a- button : ' ' ' ' ' ; 3 98c secures this NEW, authentle Dictionary bound In black seal grain. lUustrated with full pages in color and duo tone, " i i Present or mall to this paper three Coupon, with. ninety-eight cents to cover cost of handling packing. clerk hire, etc , Add for Postage: Mail Up to 150 miles 7e . Orders Up to 300 miles lOe : Will Be For greater dis Filled tances.' ask Post s -, a v master rate for VS 22 DICTION AltlES. IN ONE , t ItL Portland: J. J. Light. Mr. ana I . - a T a IMrs. L.. V. Rex, Kugene; a. Walter. Miss Wesla Woefer, Hub bard: Percy F. Thomas uiymp. Wash.; Leon S. L.yon, v. nw, Seattle. .. BLIGH R. J. Dyas, una r. Dyes, Minnie L. Dyas, BeneTue, inwi ' Wm. . Borrtel. Cottage Rrove: Mrs. R. D. Osburn Dal las: C. Gobonn Eugene: J. i hffer. M. T. Csmpbeii. u. u. Grant. A. Waller, Fortiana; j. i. Reed. Astoria: R.-S. Derrlcr, Asn- land: J. H. Smith. Marion. TERMINAL C. J.FOSter, f his beliefs a long might well judge I from this quotation from an or der relative to Sunday mail 'ser vice? "In view of the atutuae oi a . . a. religious people, supported as it William A. uamei, preset, , .M,,UInn . fr.rmpr resident Of Gold Hill Ore. The body was forwarded today to Gold Hill for funeral services and Interment by the Rigdon mortuary. FUNERAL NOTICES 3 DAYS STARTING (I 7 TODAY Matinees 35c Children 25c Evenings 50c Children 25c War tax included ; ziei, Presem uc- - - ftdltlo .nd KOOd usage. puty state seaier oi wgu together with our belief that . nal ,. Mr9. A. measures, yestenw ' w"t there Is more to this life than "s - tlds will ks held in the Webb secretary m si u dnratlon ' the postmaster general v,,.!, fneral narlors. April 1. as a candidate for tne oiucn u. employes to 4 . Rer. M. C. Wire of am m lonifin yr (i m ihii nuu s . a t , MMa am i - I vutuuiaswuv " - r of factories and n MA practical man for A v & cuinHmf nr fannd in I . ffi.udno - Tin rial will - . m I encuiiili&w ia7 a - AeWDviKr 'uihwwwmb' tor of factories and worsUops. -ommunitles. for Sabbath ob- ,n tha 1.0.OJ. cemetery. a practical i -- - I - , m- 1 lanr.nM Job" ta his slogan. a P"' Thera ls 1Ittie work as pos- he makes the following statement: "To the best of my aniiuy tear- V. Dow. Mr. and Mrs: F. Brercn, lealy and- impartially to eniorce Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee. Mr. and 1 .ir 1... rnminc under the luris- Mrs. H. L. Harmington, Portland; dietion ot this department, and P. P. Boon. Dallas. endeavor at all times to use care- ifnl indement and common wsn . . - a a mm m m 1 " ..a m.- m wa aa Land BOard HOldS NOteS in matters pertaining to . a a at nan .-..' on over seven Millions r naiziei was . candidate for the ..mimtinii aeainst Charles A. State funds represented by out-1 nram .nd was defeated by Gram standing notes neid Dy tne siaie 191g land board on Marcn 31. totaiea .S7.S70.S76.87'. according to statement prepared by George u Brown, clerk of th,e board, in th common school fund is the sm of $6,879,060.87. rural credit fund $444,221. college fund . . In witn f 80,145. ' - , , .... ' Ivt. r infnrmation which the Tne lunas loanea in mo I . " "T . , counties are as follows: K i 10 v SZitr to riti.ena have feel It Is beneath their dignity to borrow fila.705 from the com- tal:wlth .uch vaI IiiiiA 111 from las reponers. eu . ju . ji ajaAA I m av to maaa ne rural creuii IT- ---'r'LL.T,' f.iv . a?na i . " - t 1 Kill BUI I T UU in Polk county, loans from the with-newspapers .The fuUjich ..Vnnl fnni fntal ril RZ-- ITOICB OI Airs. I US3rj u.uinvu Oueen of Staae Scorns to Talk With Reporters vrhnm does the reporter like fM.l - W M M M T I eni I O arsm - TUT1U I ' w m Tha funeral of Mrs. Emily Wel-i sible done in the Salem office on ler wlu be held at w . Sundays. All special delivery let- EBiscopal church. AprU at.f2 ani . nil mom 1 i-c av n . u. Vuaut v v. uu ,ev l k. ia. - - r ... . a v a itlng. Burial 1 will ne ' in iu mntae anvi t n a zeuertt.1 1 w . - a..a ,ervice is fntended oniy ior -"7-Arrangement, in OUt-OI-lOwn cauers w i'.'- r w-hh a Clourh. - who has no regular address tna cn.r - " the postof flee keeps on recorn. The outside lobby of the office IS never closed, and drop letters are always taken care or, nut ior can days and holidays the work is cut down almosi to the Irreduc ible minimum. Yamhill River Bridge , CompletedAnnounced The atate highway commission announces that the bridge over the Yamhill river between White eon and McMinnvnie, on the west side highway, has been compietea and twel between -Amity and McMinnvnie may now use the through route instead of ' the de tour byway of Bellerue, wmcn it has been recessary to u?e for tie" RIGDON & SON Leading Elortidans Webb & Clough Leading Funeral Directers Ep4wva t?---!! ' SSSSfe I aether v - The laU day to they aat at the table in the resunrint where they bad danced together so often, ' ' and knew that thia afternoon together . was their last-There had been goeaip . of the sort no woman can resist. Small wonder ther were diatraiL They wouW hare been more ..".K foreseen the end of the affair which i t ao prominent a part of TT.G-aE. FdDtLO . Adapted tf June llathts from CZisco lia?icz h'ci'cl 1 IRppT,f ATI T)-?"r.r.ric3 Vuhlishcd rreious to this one are out . , r r