The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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. t
i 5
' r
it -
. Issued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial SL. Salem, : Oregon ' ;
.(Portland Office, 627 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic
527-58 , .
i The Associated Prega is exclusively entitled to the use for publi
cation of all newt dispatches credited to it or sot otherwise credited
la this paper and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Ilendricks-..................... .Manager
Stephen A. Stone . . . . . . ...................... .Managing" Editor
. Ralph Glover . . . .. ....... ..... . ... . . . .". .......... . .Cashier
Frank Jaskoskl ,r. ... . .Manager Job Dept.
- Business Office, 23
Circulation Department, SIX
Job Department, 682
- Society Editor, 10$ " ,
Entered at the Postoffice In Salem,
v C. I. Lewis, in his recent extended visit throughout the
East, found many encouraging pieces of news to bring home
to the fruit growers of the Salem' district.
He found Oregon walnuts and filberts in high favor, with
demands at high prices for more than can be supplied at the
present timej or in the near, future. v v
He found in the markets of the big cities that Oregon
boxed apples and Oregon pears stand well
j That Oregon berries are favored all over the country
i In fact, that there is scarcely any limit to what this land
of diversity and country of opportunity may do in supply
ing to the consumers of constantly widening fields the fruits
and nuts and vegetables in various marketable forms which
we produce here either exclusively or to better .advantage
than other sections. K , : V - :)
U Mr. Lewis found, too, that, while a good deal of pioneer
ing has already been done in the marketing of our products,
there is a great deal -yet to be done
That there. must be more advertising ,
''. And more attention to grading and packing and supplying
the, things we grow to the ultimate consumer in the attract
ive forms that will give them greater favor with the vast
consuming public and. in consequence, yield better prices and
profits to the growers here. '
; Mr. Lewis found that it will be necessary to widely ad
vertise Oregon prunes, for instance, and to persistently tell
ia the printed page of. the superior qualities 'f our product;
and to carry this campaign, to the retailers. U:
California growers have brought advertising to a high
degree of success, and they have no intention of ceasing their
campaigns of publicity. - ' 5 k-.f r p ? j-
The messages "which Mr. Lewis is leaving with our grow
ers before taking up his work in the East, with headquarters
in .Chicago, will no doubt be heeded and acted , upon. f.
. We must grow the besti. we must pack the, best; put aur
products in the best marketable shape
And then we must persistently tell the world. Not once
or twice, or spasmodically, but all the time, every year, and
throughout the years. Keeping
! M luccessJ
The outlook is hot, bright fori the; broccioli crop of the
Salem district. There will not be a great deal of broccoli of
first quality to ship. The season was against our growers.
While the Roseburg district will ship the largest wop ever
.grown there, on account of the increased acreage, the Wil
lamette valley will have to mark off this year as largely one
of failure for the broccoli crop. It is a pity; too bad that the
first large planting could not have been as successful as the
smaller plantinfs of the year before. But many growers will
go ahead, convinced that, most seasons, this is a good broc
coli country.,- ,-.v :-; r. v :,';' '. -
More and more like spring.
- .
Coming out time tor candidates
is still on. f :r ';
' Lillian "Itussell has prepared a
lecture on 'How to Lire a Hun-
Copyright, 1023, Associated Editor
l :
These are poems written by
White Eagle, famous Indian ;
rider of the Sioux and Creek '
tribes who writes fonhe Eoyi
atd Girls Newspaper. . '
' ! Summer Near '- A
ITra pretty flower coming tip. '
Um white man calls him buttercup
I'm sad shines warmer every day.
Big warm blanket him. laid away.
Pony him shed him winter coat.
Heap glad trills in um song bird's
tnroai: .
ii. jr,'!,; nThe Papoose ' 'J- ',
Um papoose in big happy way
He laugh an' run an' play all day
Out on um prairie rnnnln' round,
Rollin' um puppies on up ground:
An now on out where grass grow
mica r
ITa chase nm howling with tm
stick!- . ' -'
Him black: eyes bright with keen
: desire, t
For pot of meat Is on nm tire.
- urns m
"Ain't It funny," Inquired the
talkative cousin, "aint it funny
tow kid3 change?" , -
"I d-T if it is cr not. Every-
t ' lor -t it? V.'hy
1 42,;- ; "
Oregon, as second clasa matter
everlastmgly at it will bring
dred Years, But few women will
ever acknowledge it. t i
Victor Berger is going to run
for congress a rain on the Social
ist ticket In Milwaukee. He has
the habit. Who opened the sar
cophagus? . ,
Oregon growers of prunes and
other fruits have got to advertise
The Blggt Little Paper In the World
was going to .tell you about how
Chuck Dickinson changed an aw
ful lot.' See," Chuck and Dave
Henderson were awful . good
friends." but different as' the dick
ens Dave used to read book aft-
r book, and stay home on Satur-
lays, even, , to read, sometimes.
)ut Chuck never read anything
he didn't just have to. . - ; 1 .
"But that didn't ever stop,
them from being the best kind of L
irienas.' iney nsea to latce nixes
together in summer, and they be
longed to the same Scout bunch.
nd monkeyed. around together a
lot. . . .
And almost all the time Dave
vas trying to get Chuch Interested
in reading. He'd tell him all
abont different books and Chuck
would listen to him like he was their skill In finding sheep. The
orta crazy, or something. Y'see. j dog goes over the drifts with his
Chnck wasn't much Interested in . n09e close to the ground, and lis
any of that kinda stuff, but liked J tuning all the while very care-
in Ti l Jt w nHKHDAii a nri tptitiii n n
umereni minga. tie was great on
. "But finally Dave talked Chuck
nto reading a "Tale of Two Cit
ies," which. Is a book by Charles
Dickens, D'Ja ever read It?
Y'ought to, 'cause It's awful good.
It tells us about a fellow that was
s'posed to be a Duke or some
thing back In the davs before the
French ; revolution, but wouldn't
do It because he didn't think' the
French nobility treated the com
mon people right, so ms went to
England, and got a job teaching
people's , kids French. He got In
an awful mtup. " but ' was saved
from being hanred by a fellow
who looked V just like him; bu
who was a sort of a bum. And
there's a lot of other peop'e
mixed up In It. and It sure Is on?
of the best books I ever did read
I ''Yes. bnt what's that got to do
with Chuck and Dave?" inquired
the other boy. , ': '
J "Oh, yeah:! Well, atter reading
this book. Chuck gojt so he didn't
do anything much but read; and
he talked about books to Dave bo
buch that Dave got sick of read-
r-- rTtia" row.
more. It Is not sufficient that we
ourselves know we produce the
best. We have .got to convince
the . great consuming public, and
keep them convinced. -
Chile has just shipped 12.000
crates of grapes to New Yorjc and
more are coming. Modern trans
portation' methods are making
every day in the year a harvest
day. Mexican tomatoes are now,
in the Salem markets. f
' ' W S '
'.; The- United States government
is now taking a census of the bees
of the country. Only one bee will
be found in the Salem district
where there should be a hundred
or a thousand. -
It is reported that ilary Gar
den has been suffering this week
froc fainting spells. Coming so
close after, the report that the
mayor of Portland, Ore. , had
kissed her. folks will wonder.
Los Angeles Times.
Daily Divine Service to Be
Held at Oregon Theatre
at Hour of Noon.
Every day, next week, "Passion
week." from 12:15 until 1 o'clock
divine services are to be held In
the Oregon theater commemorate
ing the week before Easter, with
its resurrection and hope for a,
redeemed world. The services
each day are to be preceded by a
15-minute organ concert, to which
everybody is Invited.
The 1 ? services themselves are
held under the auspices of the
Salem Ministerial union, backed
by a group of laymen of the city.
Some business . man, a sincere
worker for church progress, is to
serve as chairman for 'each ser
vice. The meetings are to be ad
dressed by the city pastors, as
Monday, April. 1 0, Rev$vJ j f
'The iWork otjthaledeemerj;
Tuisday, April ;Xl: fcey? jiti
F.femberton Leslie Methodist
church 'Kinship With the Redeemer.'-'
. . - '
" Wednesday, April 12 : ReT.
Clayton ' Judy, Central Congrega
tional church, "Following the Re
deemer.' Thursday, April 13: Rev. Chas.
Ernest Powell, The Worth of
the Redeemer."
Friday, April 14: Rev. Ward
Willis Long, First Presbyterian
church, "The Victory of the Re
deemer." Special music Is to be provided
for each service," In addition to
the opening organ concert. The
series is offered especially to meet
the time requirements of business
men, .who might take this little
time to attend a specially arrang
ed rervice where they can reach
it so readily. The invitation is
general, however, to all who will
attend from anywhere. ,
The Kidneys and the Skin. If
the kidneys are weak or torpid,
the skin will be pimply or blot
chy. Hood s Sarsaparula strength
ens and stimulates the kidneys.
and clears tho complexion. By
thoroughly purifying th blood U
mn ken rood health. Adv.
i ;
' When boys in more temperate
climates are playing marbles and
hunting for their old baseball bats
the boys In the Scotch Highlands
may still be helping dig out the
, buried sheep. ,, f r, ..'
In the north of Scotland it
snows a great a1, there being
nearly as many snowy days as In
Iceland. After .a night's fall of
snow many sheep' are buried in
the drifts and have to be due onL
I . Hsre Is where the sheen does
are useful Soma of them become
famous over a whole district for
rru--. i
I tun, i( ucu lie ouvd a uui ir:x
sneep, ne aectaes j on-ine exact
spot beneath which' it Is located,
and then he begins to scratch with
all his might. The men who ac
company him turn In and help dig
out the buried animal.
: The shepherds also carry long
poles, and, walking In a line, they
push their long poles through the
snow to hunt for missing sheep.
An experienced shepherd can al
ways tell by the touch of the pole
the difference between the wooly
coat of a sheep and the heather or
moss. The hunting with the pole
Is a very slow way, however, and
is only used when many sheep are
lost and the doys are all busy and
unable to handle the job them
selves. i Hunting for sheep is always an
exciting business In the High
lands, and every one joins in. The
man who owns a good sheep-dog
Is always willing to lend It to his
neighbor who has lost some sheep
In the great drifts. . . .
He Got It v -1
, A business , man advertised tor
an -office boy. The next morning
tvpr -were som85!) lnrs in-line.
Adele Garrisoa's New Phase of
Harry Underwood reached Lil
lian's side Just in time. The mo
ment's, respite given her by Al
Allce Holcombe and me had enab
led her to dodge to the other side
of Jake Wilsey, but be had whirl
ed and in another second the load
ed billy would have descended up
on her head with all the force of
a desperate murderer's arm be
hind it. It never did descend,
however, for the arm was fraught
in Harry Underwood's powerful
grip, the billy twisted our of his
hand, and the man himself flung
to his knees.
He was. strong and powerful,
however, and as desperate as a
cornered rat.' He clutched at i8
adversary as he was falling, and
the next minute the two men wera
locked in a catch-as-catch-can
"Get out of here, g'rls," Harry
Underwood called out as debon
airly as if he had been dancing a
fox trot, "and give m'e room to
swing this cat by its tali."
We lost no time in obeying him,
passing Robert Savar'.n as we did
so, who stood just in the doorway,
watching the struggle wtth fold
ed arms. I knew by bis face hat
of the two men struggling in com
bat he would almost rallr sec
the victory go to the desperado
who had attempted Lillian's life,
than to the man who had made of
it a living hell.
Lillian's voice sounded faintly
in my ears as though it came from
a long way off, and yet she was
stand ng very near me. I turned
to her and was just in time to
catch her as shei Bwayert toward
me. She was perilously near
swooning, she whose pulse? rare
ly wavered from thfir steady reg
ajar beat. For' a moment
thotight she had fainted, but in a
moment she had whipped herself
back to consciousness.
Their Greeting.
Let me s't down." she whis
pered with lips from which every
vestige of eolor had drajnvd.
"There on that tree stump."
Alice Holcombe and I half led.
half carried her to the stnmp
close beside us, and it was there
a few seconds later "that Harrv
Underwood dragged the man
whom he had just pummeled intc
"He isn't a very pretty sighl
for ladies, Lil," he sa'd. eas'iy.
"but such as he is I mak? you a
present of him. What do you
want done with him? Shall I boil
him in oil, or throw him in tiie
This was the greeting of hus
band to wife after all the misery
that lay between them, after Lil
lian's sacrifice for him. But it
was distinctly characteristic c-i
the man who towered above her,
holding with one hand the thor
oughly cO wed Wilsey.
Lillian looked up at him. with
bloodless face 'and despairing
eyes. A man of duller percep
tions than Harry Underwood
would have seen how terror-
stricken she was at the prospect
of his coming back into ber l-fe
Edited by John H. Millar
the applicants when his stenog
rapher handed him a card on
which was scribbled:
"Don't do anything until yon
see me. I'm the last kid In the
line, but I'm telling you I'm here
with the goods."
now. Why, and What
What do whales live on?
.. .The big whalebone whale has
so small a throat that it could
not swallow other fish. Its food
consists of little life-forms found
In the sea, as sea butterflies. The
toothed whales . eat any living
thing they can catch.
Fresh (excitedly): "Father, I
passed Shakespeare today."
Father ( absent-mindedly) : Did
he speak?"
Visitor (to negro farm hand):
"Why burn that grass? You'll
make the . meadows as black as
you are."
Farm nana: 'Don t ' worry
about dat, dat grass will grow as
green as you Is. -f ,
,., . TODAY'S rrzzLE.
iThe following groups of letters
may be arranged to form words
and these in turn will form a
word square: Kett, aven, reve
part... . - . . - - '; - .
-Answers to . ystenJay's: . CoTo-
B .
But her twisted lips smiled brave
ly, her voice was controlled.
Harry Underwood's Statement, j
"Thank you, Harry," she said
easily. "It was touch and go with
me when you happened along. And
yoa might as well let the man go.
Yon know" what to exiec-t don't
you, if you don't keep your
mouth shut?" She addre-sd the
man sternly. flf you doubt my
ab lity to keep my word, you
migm impress tnia upon your
memory. , '
She drew the little insignia of
her rank in the service from her
dress and held it for a moment be
fore Wilsey's eyes. Into the man's
face came astonishment, fear and
"Gee!" he said expressively.
"Exactly." Lillian retorted.
"Kow go."
Wilsey scrambled to his feet
and slunk off down the . path.
Hairy Underwood remained
standing beside Lillian, watching
curiously. At one side, Hobert
Savarin w'th the bitterness of
death in his face, watched them
with eyes smouldering with wrath
and humiliation. I could guess
his anguish at being compelled to
stand aside, an older, weaker
man, while Harry Underwood res
cued the woman he loved from
"It strikes me, old girl, that
you aren't swooning with joy at
see'ng me." he drawled at last.
Lillian raised her eyes to his
"You are welcome Harrv." she
(aid slowly. "And I f will sVck to
what I wrote you. If if yoa
wish to begin over again if
you want me, I will do mv jhare "
Her hpsband shot a glance of
gratified malice at the artist to
whose ears the words must have
been torture. It was the first in
timat on I had that he knew who
the other man was.
"Lord love you. girl," he said
loudly, "I don't want you. nor
you don't want me. I believe 1
did write some such mush when
I was holding hands with Old
Man Death over in France There
were a lot of s'milar death-bed re
pentances about that time. But
well s'flce then not to em-barra.-s
vou bv .contrasts, but
there's the plpplnest peacherino of
a dame about half your age. just
waHing t'll the judge cuts in two
that de&th till - you part thin
chaining you and me together,
when she will become Mrs H.
Underwood. Esq.,- No. 2.
"So, my dear Lil. I'd advise
you to cut It quick, and, reward
Hh interesting rink over here
with the soulful eyes, whose
hands are itching to strangle me
thV minute." 5
(To be continued)
; SILVERTON. Or.. April 5.--
(Special to The" Statesman.)
ftev. George Henriksen van aiiwf
o Portland Tuesday evening be-
rauye or tne serious illness of
Chester Goplerud, who is at the
Miiwaniie sanitarium. Rev. Mr.
Henriksen returned to Silverton
this morning and reported tha
Mr. Goplerud was slihtiv im
Mr. and Mrs. Neils Hiorth anrl
children arrived at Silverton from
Los Angeles Tuesday evening.
They are visiting at the M. J.
Maisen home on Paradise road.
. Mrs. O. Hatteburg and Mrs. Ml
T. Madsen entertained the Trinity
Ladies' Aid society Wednesday
Miss Marion Chase entertained
at a card party Tuesday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Helped Her Mother Wonderfully
In these days of "flu," coughs,
colds," croup and whooping cough,
it Is well to know that every year
there are used more bottles of Fo
ley's Honey and Tar than of any
other cough medicine. Mrs. S. L.
Hunt, 515 W. 6th St. Cincin
atti. Ohia. writes: "Foley's Hon
ey and Tar relieved me of a- hack
ing cough, tickling in the thraot,
wheezing and pains In the chest.
It is helping my mother wonder
fully." That's why druggists re
commend Foley's. Sold every
where. Adv. '
April 5 and 6. Wrdnmda nd TTinri
I dy Joint mnctrt of Willarartta noiver
I litr fle rlnbt. Wall r hall.
to b ri-ii at Sil' rtcn by Flaymaker
or nnvrrion men arnKl.;
April 7, Friday Iebat rtetwH"!! Wil
tatctt0 UaiToriity and Denver UaiTer
ity. .
April 7. rnday "Hmmot School Mu
ter, prearnled by Uiaa l.nlu Wallon'i
sludrnta rnler dirertka of Amrrican
gion Aaxiliary. j
April 7. Friday "Panl Rere" to
he preantad by Salem kigjb echool antic
April 8, Saturday County Odd FeUowa
meeting at AumiTiiif. ;
April 10, Monday1 Willamette nnter
aily ehapel. Prof. Fake, "Vitaminra
and the balanced di"t, S p.m.
April 12, Wedneaday Coaniy rommu
ity club federation m-eta in Salem.
April 14. Friday Laat day on which
candidates for tale fficoa may fi! with
aerr-tary of atnte.
May 12. Friday Coneert by Mary
Nohulta, rioliniat, Urand tbeatre.
April IS M 31 "Bouvr Mom" weak
IB Salem.
April IS. Sunday Zaater.
April IS, Tnetday WiHney Boyt'
Cnorni to ting at Chriatian ebnreh
April 27, TfcnnMay lOOth anniver-
aar of birth of General V. S. Grant.
Kay 1. Monday W. W. Ellawvrtn.
noted editor and literary man, to add res
Willamette atudenta.
May 4. S and . Cherrian Cherrinco.
May 13, Saturday Jontor wook-oad
ntertainmeni at O. A. G. ' t
May 19. Friday Primary aledtlom.
May IS, Friday Open heme, aeianre
Copartment of hijrh school.
May 20. Satnrday Marion County
achool athletea meet.
May 26 and 27, Friday sad Sararday
If ay FeattTal. Oratorio Creation Friday
ia armory; being pictures Saturday nicat
Jans S. Monday Track nsek Wil lam-
sits and Pacific University at Forest
Jim 14. Wednesday Flaf Tay,
Jans IS. rrida
Jnaa S9-80, Jsly 1 Convention mt
Orpfsa Firs Calais' asaselausa at Marsk'
JalT aa4 4 Van Jar an4 TnasiaT.
Stats eonvatioa f Art'iaaa at Ws4barni.
- Septssaber - IS, - - Wednesday Oregon
UstlMdiat rontrr mttta In Balm. c
Septanshar tt. t aa IS Psodlstom
revad-na. . .. . , ,,.
' Brpfmhor t . S faiernslvs Orfon
Stats Fslr-vf-. ' ?:-.- ! :
Nortmbr T, . Tneaday -Gnml !
Miss Helen Moore, a Salem girl
who is attending Oregon Agricul
tural college, is t temporarily act
ing as secretary ; to the dean of
commerce because of the vacancy
cansed by the death of Miss Ma
bel Robinson. Miss Moore is al
so carrying on her class work and
will be graduated from tne col
lege in done.
Mr. and 5f rs. A. J. Anderson
just returned from a trip to Cali
fornia and Mexico.
Mrs. R. B. Goodin returned on
Tuesday evening from San Fran
cisco where she. visited with her
Sister, Mrs. Kennell and other
relatives. ,She has been gone
three weeks. j
Miss Gertrude Morton, school
librarian, and Miss Ella Deyoe.
part-time , assistant librarian at
the Salem public library, are both
ill. Serious concern is felt for
MJfS (Morton, who is suffering
from her third attack of influ
enza. Miss Deyoe is also a part
time teacher at the Grant school.
Miss Carol Dibble; has returned
from Palo Alto, Call., where she
has been taking dramatic inter
pretation at Leland Stanford uni
versity. ,
The mothers from - McKinley
and Lincoln school are being es
pecially invited to attend the
meeting of the Highland Mothers'
club this afternoon. :
i.. . i
Officers will be chosen for the
coming year at the meeting of the j
Baptist Women's Missionary soci
ety Friday. It will be an all-day
session. ' j
The W. R. C. Aid society will
hold an all-day quilting party in
the armory this afternoon.
A group of young people gath
ered at the home of Miss Lucile
Thompson Tuesday evening to
meet her cousin. Miss Florence
Sutherland, who is visiting from
Portland. Several of Salem's ac
complished musicians were pres
ent and the music was enjoyed
by all. Games were played and
refreshments served at a late
Those present were Rita Reld,
Lillian Jaquet, Margret Alden
Edna Vogt, Rose Lhindler, Flor
ence Sutherland, Lucile Thpmp
son, Claude Burch. Carl Jaquet,
Gordon Ramstead, Francis Young
Floyd Horton, Roland De Sart.
Carl Sneider, Delmar Bond, and
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson.
Highland Mothers' club at
school house, 3: SO.
P.E.O. with Mrs. William
Hughes, Hansen avenue.
Baptist Women's Mission
ary society, all day session.
Jason Lee Aid society
business meeting at church.
Missionary department of
Women's Union F.irst Con
gregational church, at church
Salem Women's clnb.
The Famous Song Bird Saw
"Foolish Wives" While
in Portland
When Llna Cavalier', famous
song bird of the Chicago Grand
Opera company, witnessed. "Fo1-
ish Wives" in Portland recently.
she expressed herself as belnr; de
lighted with the picture. Througn
an interpreter she vouched the 'n
forma,tion that she thought the
photography and Ught'ng nomms
short -of marvelous and that tech-
n caliy the plctur was perfect.
"Foolish Wives" ccmes to the
Grand Sunday for a five-day en
gagement. This film masterpiece
is tb$ first million dollar picture
ever produced. '
Salem s
announces that it has secured as shop' foreman Nr. Henry Miner who for the past
few months has been associated with the Elgin agency. Mr.' Miner has had eighteen
years' experience in the auto repair business and we can cheerfully assure our natrons
that he will continue 16 give the same exceptional service that has always charac
terized our service. -.V.:'"' - ' ' -
.Associated with Mr. Miner is Mr. L. O. Petersen who for the' past'three "years has
been employed by MitcheU Lewis & Stovebeen employed by Mitchell Lewis & Stave
: 5
Mrs, L. writes:
-l am conrinced there U a difference ia
baking powder. I have been wing any
bid powder for ten year but my cake
are 100 per cent better tince I bought a
can of Royal Baking Powder. I .recom
mendit to any housewife who thinks she
knows all about cake making with any
''- kind of powder.w
Absolutely Pare T - :
Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste
. - ; ' ; i; " :r ; . - . .
Send for New Royat Cook Book-llf FREE
Royal Baldns Powder Co, 130 WillUm St, New York
N , ;
Starting : ' ,
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