THURSDAY MfurinKfl APRIL 6, 1922' THE OREGON STATEST1AN, SALEM, OHEGON Call On Vick Brothers for ' Overland Oakland Paige Villys-Knijnt ; Mason Tires Veedol 03 Vick Brothers Quality Car "rTlaiiteirSlcri l7orti G Gray DEPARTMENT STORE Successors to W. W. Moore Dedicated to Stimulating Our Present Industries And to the Establishment of New Ones . f The Way to Build Up . Your Home Town ' Is :': to, .Patronize Your Home People . Tfie Surest Way to Get More and Larger Indus tries Is to Support Those You Have v 177 N. Liberty EL Balera, Or. f ' " - - , ; : -V--- j , . . . ... ... , ; l : : : : : 1 ' .. 11 1 . 1 1 ' , v . u Eat a plate a day , . . VEATHERLY ICE CREAM 4 WiERCUP'ICE CREAM CO. P. 1L Grezory. &kt. 240 Sonth Coruaerdal Street 4 v Salem This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made possible by the advertisements placed on these pages b,y our public spirited business men men whose untiring efforts hve bluilded our present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater and yet greater progress as the years go by. Wly tin Wttt lwmd TniVla wUt ChlrcynrtU .WO Swm U Cum Your Health Bepnt When Yen Phone 87 for" an appointment DR. O.L.SCOTT P. S. a Chiropractor Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p, a, DRY-GOODS- itEADY-Td-TEAR ' ;; FURS , CORSETS V : 1 46S BUt 8t.: Thone STT HIE SM TELEPHONE SYSTEM HIS H ID 15 IB A STEADY m 0 1 LOCAL CALLS , : HAVE DSD TO HLV FIFTEEN THOUSAND DAILY Salem Has the Distinction of Having Connected with Its Telephone System the Largest Number of Farm Phones of Any Exchange on the Pacific CoastThere Are Sixty Employees of the Salem Office, with a Monthly Payroll of $6020 Started in May, 1884, the Growth at First Was Very Slow, But It Has Been Rapid in the Past Few Years Industry a Vital Part of Business and Social Life of City- BjrW.H. DANCY . The history, of the growth of the telephone. Industry in Salfm is en : intarestins end , progressire etoy. , a ",:,:".",.,-: c ". , ! : ; - The first telephone wes Install ed in May, 184, eleTen year aft- er the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. The first central board was located tn the. off ice of the Western Union Telegraph , company. Tnis was a magneto switchboard with a Rapa city of 50 lines. The outside plant Eyes Tested A &ane$ Fitted cl trsun ctfnUy ta4 froBBr HartmanBrosi Jewelers and Opticians Salecv Orcjon Your 'Clothes . , Witli sal Wry fcT. Skvtag - f Uwm- j SalcmtLaundry any . '- e(i,i 136 Liberty St.'; Phone 25 oyi?co. Croon Haadlis, Btop Han. dies,-; Papt rings, Tenl Testes, all Ki?ss oruara wood lupdics r nianaiae ,.: turcd by the Oregon-Vood Products Co. '.Weitr'EaScia CapitalCity Laundry Quality tad jScnice '- Fhont-lCS ICING'S FOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY ' Dcnydratcrs.and Canners ; Oregon Fruits and Vegetables Salem Portland . The Dalles Oregon 1 Wiring jFixtares ; ' -f.!atdas . Electrical Appliances Salem Electric: , ; Company H it' electric,, come t ilasonlc Temple. Phone 1200 MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Land FIRE INSURANCE oni , i Your Bulldinffs REAL ESTATE LA. HAYFORD 305 SUte St. SALEM 'OREGON Our efforts will be to assist in every possible way tbe develbpnent of tbe farmland berry industries of this '-'i 'Y't valley . ; ; OREGON-PACKING COMPANY A JA01 dT Embalmer to care for women end - children is a, necessity In all funeral home. We are I the only ones tarnishing such terrlce." f-'-i ..,.:.:; ...:..u,:0-r.--v.;:C'r !; Terwiiiger . Funeral Home i 77ft ChemekeU BU Phone 724 BJLLEM. OREGON Uonunibhts and Tombstones TfcU to U jMaMe wwrka . Big Stock' on Display Capital n?nur:;ntal SS1S Ctoa'l .OpwmH C fry UacsSafea ; by periencfe4; Swiss ' Cheese 1 ' SwisT Cheesa. 'v ' ' Cream jtrtck Cheese ' i Limbcrcr Chccss Order from-.the factory or . . f rom; jcont .fTocer Zzlzn CL:::b Ftd:ry , ' Phone S1FU Ci :-,Tfl x:':m tcwoi res 2. We ear? Che following' lines of PAINTS, Bherwin Williams Co. end Base Hueter Co. ' . v AIM - - ,4 f ETerylhlng la Bafldlng . ' , SUtectal Falls City-SaltnLcnber c::'j:; Ccaay-;s:ii;v lJ B. Kelsay. Mgr. , 249 8. I2tn Bt. " Phone S 12 Dixie Health Bread " Ask Your Grocer G. SATTERLEll Aucnotm Phones: Residence, 1211 Office. 1177 8ALEM 5 r : : OREGON W At Ovt AAw Tw BCWtoM W raw 9tlf thn. Mrira ( .adlboa dotlart a rw to tk AairyM ( tkla mcUm tot Ulk.., ' : . 'I ' . U 'Waul ' Batu vr:;i . .'.4 v 1- .-.i ,.--n . IT Kate r 4 SMtot tova ia tt , . vryiar. tlARIOIl CREAT.IERY r:!:.., C.3. k-cna 24SS BETTER YET BREAD It Satisfies . - U4de By.- : LIISTLAND BAKERY 1 2th and ChemekeU , Order iron your grocer was almost entirely single wire or grounded sj-Btem and the ' wires were s rung principally on build ing and on Western Union poles; in only a few cases did the Tele phone Company supply its own poles. The growth of the exchange was very slow; in January, 1886. there were only 25 subscribers connected. In 1890 this had grown to 11 5-and the central of fice was moved to the corner of State and Commercial streets, and Dr. Lee Steiner, now superin en dent of the Oregon State Hospital, appointed agent. Under his super vision the exchange growth was rapid, and in 1898 the central of fice waa moved to 282 North Com mercial street. In lsuu the exchange had grown o 287 stations, and in 1905 the central office was moved to its present location, 170 North Liberty street. At the same time a new five section. common bat tery switchboard waa installed and some underground and aerial cable supplied in the down town section. i enoa oi juipia urowin There then began a period of rapid development; in 1910 there were 2401 stations In service, in 1915. 3324, and at the present time 4480. Long distance serrlce was first established in 1898 with line to Portland and the next year the first long distance Une ,, .. - , , r y,,, ., . . tti-xsf " " - " ' " ..... 1 r r B P if! Salem Central Telephone Office Building With Part of Force - i - - ' 7- . w-- - l I - . , I ,,, . '4'. ' f . .. -: ... - ' : ' ' . 1 . - , , .. ...... - . -. . south was completed through to San Frarfcisco. At the present time 31 tool circuits are connect ed with the Salem board, giving service to all points on the coast and making connections' with toll lines reaching British Colombia points and the entire eastern aec- The Salem Telephone- Switchboar d with the Operators at Work Seamlcjj -Hot Water Bottles and Comlination Syringes Guaranteed Not To Leak ! Prices frca $1 up Brewer Drug Co. 4 OS Court SL Thone 184 tlon of the United States. Largest on the Coast , Salem is situated in the center ot a large farming area and jhas connected with its telephone sys tem, farmer lines from a section with a radios of nearly 20 mites from the center of the city, sod these lines carry 1070 farmer line subscribers. This rural tele phone development is a distinct advantage to Salem from an in dustrial standpoint. Salem has tho distinction of having connected with its telephone system the largest number of i farmer tele phones of any exchange on the Pacific Coast. ' ; : :. The central office operators handle an average of 14.919 local calls per day and an average .of 534 long distance calls. . Home Partners -( There are, CO employes of the Telephone Company in Salem, and many of these are partners in the business, having subscribed for a total of 180 shares of telephone stock. Accompanying this article is a photograph showing the (central office building with a portion of the operating and maintenance forces grouped at the entrance, also a photograph of the switch board with operators at work. Salem can well be proud, of i's telephone industry; the employes are local people from Salem homes. The-Telephone Company has a monthly payroll of . $6020 here. The telephone plact al ready represents an investment of $350,000, -and the demand for, additional telepbraes require constant additions and .betterments.'- '"' ' " . , j ' ; The telephone service H good, the employes courteous, the per manency of the pay roll hre is unquestioned, and the Industry is a vital part of the business and social life of this city. The Com pany extend3 to all its patrons a irai oltice. The manarer. wil1 upon request, arrange to have visitors shown through. ' the switchboard rooms and tfie oper atlon of the equipment explained- cordial invitation to visit its ern-TA. Wood, where they plaa tomki trai office. Tho Minimr -m I.. . . w meir Home for some time. ' : . Johnnie Schiffener of Corval Us came o?er Friday to Tlsit few days with his brother, Fred . Schifferer. . , v v .. ' .- ' William Butrke announced tbe other day that he had engaged Canker Gry. of the Turner State bank : and . Tearl liassler, editor of the Turner Tribune, to pick his loganberries. ! - . - " ' ; Jim Wood and wife of Salem spent Suuday here . with" F. H. Wood. .,;,,x1;-: ;,,..:' W. J. Hadley and family and Iran' Hadley and wife attended the Sunday school convention in Turner Sunday. "Mr.-and Mrs. Frank Chapman and L. E. liennis were in Saler Tuesday en business. The pie social and the play given by the young folks here on Saturday night Was very success ful, netting them about $16. The house waa full, as parties from Salem and Turner and the neigh boring districts rwerefoutl' ' ( t; Dr. Mary : Staples-, -who has been in California for about four months, returned home 'Wednes day. Mi, "and Mrs. William Jones have, broken up housekeeping and moved, in with their nephew, i