I V 1 V Seventy tight, members and guests sat down to the Klwanla club weekly dinner, at the Mar lon, Tuesday noon. It was an nounced that the attendance eon test with the , Rotary club is al ready , on ; and that the fellows who stay away and lose the din ner .for their club - whichever club It laare the ones who will hay,e to , pay. Xpr the dinners for the whole crowd., ; The contest runs for six more weeks. Dr. C. W. Sonthworth presented briefly, the case for the Rasstan relief ; work a Jjelnk ! carried on through, the Friend's church, TheC attendance prizes were won byi Harwood Ilall, a set of bronze book, shelres. and a special Gillette razor outfit, . that gro tesquely fell to Lee Canfield, champion barber. Some delight ful music . was given by an In strumental (rlo: Dr, Roy Burton, piano;; Miller Bevier, flute; and I. VW Writen, violin. It was en thusiastically! jfcncored. V Fred Williams, chairman of the stale pablie service commission, who recently announced his inten tion of retiring to private life and refusing to ask reelection, gave a thoughtful resume, of tho trans- portatlon problem that made a j profound impression. It is here given In full as masterly study of the situation that confronts Oregon : .! " "I hate great regard for Thom as Jefferson -even though be was a. .Democrat and think, be was a Vitamincs and Your Blood . , ,t . ..... ,.- An abundance - of :- vltamlnes. so necesxary tor the proper nutrition of the body, results - from taking Hood's garsaparilla either Just be fore or after eating. . Thin medicine -' aids dlKtlon, promotes assimilation, ' converts ALL THE GOOD IN YOUR FOOD Into blood, bone and tituiue. and is of great benefit for humor, erup tions, catarrh, rheumatism. , that tired feeling and run-down, condl . tions. It is pleasant to take; v Re - V1JA - lixes . the Blood and "bullda tin the whole system. It ttrae provide an abundance of vltamlnes. gives the lips and checks the hut U health, brightens the ' even, give vljror and' vim. This i the testimony ov thousands in letters voluntarily- written. m A BIG ' I FIRST PRIZE $200.00 ' - T - -' A V . ' ' And Twenty-seven Other 1 2 3 4-1 5 8 7 I 8 I 9 Rearrange the figures In Che above square in Such a manner thai - they will count IS every way and rend us your answer, together .with your name and address, and it it is correct, we will at once mail you full particulars of one simple condition that you must ful fill, together with an illustrated prize list. This condition is very easy and need not cost you one cent of your own money It is mere ly a matter of securing two annual subscriptions (91.00 each) to THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the oldest and best weekly farm mag azine published In the Pacific Northwest. HOW TO REND YOUR SOLUTION Use only , one side of the paper that contains the solution and put your name and address on the upper right-hand corner. Three Independent Judges, having no connection with this firm, will award the prises, and the answer gaining 250 points will will take the first prize. ..You will get 100 points for solving the puzzle. 40 will be awarded for general appearance, style, spelling, punctu--'aflon. etc.. 10 points for hand writing, and 100 points for fulfill ing the conditions of the contest. s The announcement of the prize winners and the correct solution will be printed at the close of the contest, and a copy mailed to each person sending in a solution. This splendid offer will only, be good till March 31st, so send In your, solution right away now to Puzzle Contest Editor, States man publishing . Co., , Salem. Oregon. y FIGURE PUZZLE PRIZES $300.00 In cash...., 1st prise ; 50.00 In cash.. .. 2nd prize 15.00 In cashv. . 3rd prize 10.00 In cash, ... 4th prise 2.00 In cash. ... 6th prize 1.00 in cash, . . . 6th prise - 1.00 In cash... 7th prise 1.00 in cash....' 3th prize ' - 1.00 in. cash. ... 8th' prize' 1.00 in cash.... 10th prise 1.00 in cash. .. 11 th prise 1.00 in cash.. ..12th prize 1.00 in cash.,.. 13th prize .1.00 in cash. . . .14th prlzse . 1.00 In cash. ., .16th prise 1.00 In cash.". , ,16th prize IM la cash,.. 17th prize 1.00 In cash; ...18th prizes THE OREGON STATESMAN, wonderful man. His sayings are not only logical but prophetic, but I think be was wrong when he said "When a man dedicates him self to public office he become public property," for when a man takes public office be is a politi cal football, so to speak, and he gets kicked, cuffed, batted, fouled and forward-passed until he doesn't know whether he is on a gridiron or on a field of battle. Situation Confusire. "I must confess that the ex perience Is very novel but very trying at times. In fact, I am so confused at times that I feel like an acquaintance I have back in western Iowa. At times he im bibed. When he imbibed he stayed in town late. As a safe guard for transportation he had a pair of faithful old mules. It happened this night it was kind of minty and cloudy when he started out. The street which he took when he went out of town came to the fork of the road, one road going southeast and one going southwest and at the fork of this road stood one, solitary, lone, old oak. By this oak ran a sort of a blind" road leading to the pic nlc grounds. As the mules came to the fork of the road they kept on going towards the oak and fi nally landed the tongue slam bang against the tree. The team backed up and the driver ran up against the tree the second time; backed up the third time, urged his mules to go ahead and the third time they ran against the tree with more force than the time before and on the bottom of the wagon box he rose to his knees and in supplication said, "My Lord, my God, deliver me safely for I am lost In 'an im penetrable forest." It was all the same to him whether it was that lone tree or whether it was a for est ana perhaps that is the way with me. Perhaps I've been but ting up against the lone tree and Imagined, in my confusion, that 1 am lost, , . , . 4 , . :, Destruction Is Easy. 'But speaking seriously. It is always easier to demolish than to build and what you want to hear and what interests you is what the duties of the public service com mission are. . "It was formed In 1907 with ISIS CASH PRIZE Cash Prizes Totalling $300 1.00 la cash. .19th prise 1.00 in cash.,.. 20th prize 1.00 in cash . ... 21st prize 1.04 la cash. . , .22nd prize 1.00 In cash.... 23rd prize 1.00 in cash.... 24th prize 1.00 In cash. .. .25th prize 1.00 In cash.... 26th prise 1.00 in cash. . . ,27th prize 1.00 In cash. .. .28th prize T0TAl4 $300.00 CASH Only" two" annnal subscrip tions to THE PACIFIC HOME STEAD are required -.to com pletely qualify your entry la the - Puzzle Competition. t SALEM, OREGON the solitary duty of control and regulation of railroads and rail road rates. In 1911 it took over the public utilities and the name In 1914 changed to public service commission. This branch has de- roloped marvelously and to great and growing extent, vlt includes light and power, telephones, wa ter, heating and the street cars. In this modern day and age a per son of moderate means may avail himself of all these utility advan tages and I daresay there is no? a person present but that is a pa tron of at least one of these utili ties. That being the case, each one of you is interested in the pub lic service commission and its du ties. The public utility is dif ferent from an industrial or manu facturing plant. A utility can'l discontinue service at its own pleasure and say perhaps tomor row will bring us better returns than today but must give you con tinuous service night and day and there is no other and better way of guarding public relations than regulation, both for the utility and for the patron. Railroad Scale Important "Third. The next part is the railroad scale department and while this is not large or ponder ous, yet now important it is to us people living on the Pacific coast that our weight should be correct and bow much difference it makes to us when our emu lations and expenses are based on a transcontinental haul. For that reason it is highly important that the weights be very exact aiH pre cise. Fouith. The grain and hay inspection department. We will probably within the next year handle between forty and fifty million bushels of wheat in addi tion to thousands of tons of hay and courser grains. Further it is the duty of the department to su perintend and to inspect cargoes of raw products, such as cocoanut and rubber, coming into this coun try, and this alone Is a large de patment. functioning In the mat ter of sampling, grading, and the weighing of products of this great state. Fifth. The jurisdiction of grade crossings and the separation of grade crossings for the pro tection of the health and safety of the traveling public. Our jur isdiction extends to the question of location of grade crossings and the apportionment of costs for the cost of conustuction of-overhead or undergrade crossings as be tween the municipal, state and railroad authorities. Boom Franchise Loaded On. 'Sixth. Is the log boom fran chise which goes to the rates, rules and regulation and franchise rights for the floating, booming and rafting of logs In the streams of Oregon. : "Sixth and last is to my mind the most important. I refer to the motor and truck transporta tion for compensation on the pub lic highways. v Cheap, efficient transportation, goes to the life of any community, state or munici pality. This question of highways and the vast expenditure has not only been precipitated but mar velously developed within a space of the last five, years. It has grown enormously. We will have spent, in a short time over forty million dollars in the construe tion of payed highways, taking in that great Pacific highway, run nine from the Canadian boundrr line to the Mexican boundary. We have incidlnetlly and perhaps through necessity resorted to the motor truck during that time as a possible avenue of escape and relief from conjestlon for the so lution of the transportation prob lem, with the resnlt that highways have been subjected to transpor tation .grief for which they were never constructed and which they never can stand. We are wearing them out more rapidly than we can build them ana maintain. them. The penalty Is bound to be heavy and it is up to you and me to protect these highway because we built and we are partners in them. You can't destroy my In terest without destroying your In terest and eventually the rebuild tng is going to fall back on the most numerous individual who is the . most common, ordinary tax payer. The question then before us can be concretely stated in i few words: 'Can we economical ly make railways out of our high ways? It we do, who pays the penalty? Highways Need Protction. "We have a wonderful system of paved highways in the stat of Oregon and probably as fine aa any In the 'United States There are trunk roads and par allel the transcontinental lines In each direction. People of the state of Oregon who voted the bonds pay for them. We have made the Investment and it is up to ns to protect this investment It is likewise true that we must protect the means by which we get our products to the consumf tng markets of the United States and the world. I refer, of course; to the transcontinental - railroad lines. I say this fairly and par tially and unmoved by any self ish interests and as facts with out an expression of opinion but upon t which . premises you can base your own conclusions. "The interstate commerce commission and v the supreme court have said that the railroads are entitled to fair returns after deducting- thair operating expen ses, taxes and depreciation. That being the case, are we not 'main taining; competitive meana of ; transportation and tpaying the expenses ; -and upkeep of bota methods. We must pay the tax es and as a matter of course the railroads must pay for their up keep. We must pay for the high ways and maintain their upkeep and this will increase as ths use to which the highways are plac ed, becomes the greater. We do not mean by thJs that the trucfe transportation is not a wondertal means for relieving congestion and it is not useful and economi cal to a great extent, but'what ' want to point out is the loss which may result from an abus2. CVxts Analyzed. "The operation of any trans portation vehicle and its success or fa'lure depends upon two ele ments the mileage and the load factor. Load factor means, or course, the percentage of which the actual performance bears to the possible performance. In other words the actual number of ton miles which a truck does perform in its relation f ,s " possible number of tori mile which it could perform. It prob ably costs in the neighborhood of 23 cents per ton mile to ope rate a motor truck. Granting this is the case, that it costs la cents per hundred for terminal expense bf the railroads, then for each ton you would have $3 for terminal expense or $6 for both terminal expenses pr ion and 25 cents per ton mile with no term'nal expense, would make he truck carry 24 miles befor-j th railroad could operate more economically than the truck then4 it the point of 24 miles the 'ruck would become more expen ivo and the railroad more eco nomical. While this is perhaps rather uncertain yet it is ade luate enougji for the purposes mentioned here. Then the truck is economical from the standpoint of operating expenses perhaps for 24 miles, providing the publ'c or general taxpayer can keep up and maintain the roads. "The truck has come to stav and the truck salesman and tho truck manufacturer is interested to see that it maintains its per manence and does not become parasitic growth and the truck manufacturer therefor must stu dy it from the standpoint of sta bility and 6ver a period of time and that means that five or 10 years from now is as Important to him as the present. "Truck transportation can ' be of great assistance to the gener al public and to the railroad as It will serve that want of bring ing products from the farm and field across the country to the transcontinental stations and in that way the railroads and the trucks will coordinate and be oi great means of developing the country but I am not so sure that there will be any great good come from competition between these two forms of transporta tion when there is such a broad field for both of them if , they will only work In coordination and the public can only cooperate Tomorrow You Will See With Your Own Eyes THE UNBELIEVABLE AND after Read with the icea In view that we will not .favor one at the expense of the other. "So country can ever be greater ' than its transportation eficienc-y and economy. Th must always be borne in mind and again I must rail your at tention to that old epigram. adopted by a man long sine,? j aeaa, out wno wisely saia. J ones pays the freight.' We want to cut the maintenance of our nign ways as much as possible anti preserve them for prmanenc? and in order to do that we have got to give them the fullest pro tection without injuring those who have a vested interested in them. Of course one way of re ducing the demand for transpor tation is by cheaper and more dispatch by railroad freight transportation. The solution ot this problem will be the solution of our general transportation problem." PUY IS MR Most Costly Play Ever Pro duced to Be in Salem For Five Days Perhaps tho most distinguished cast ever assembled for any kind f professional theatrical enter tainment is that which appears in "Foolish Wives," the costly pho todrama which comes to the Grand theater for five days start ing April 9. And the wardrobe ex hibited in the picture is without doubt the most expensive ever used in any photoplay. When Erich von Strohoinj was filming his famous Monte Carlo promenade scenes at Del Mnte. he required some three or four hundred extras for atmosphere. The common or garden variety of extra would not do for these scenes, and von Strohelm was at his wits' end until someone was inspired with the idea of giving San Francisco society an unusual outing and at the same timo help their pet charity at that time the Children's hospital of San Francisco. So negotiations, were opened whereby Universal presented the Children's hospital" with a check for 5000, society had its unusual outing, and von Stroheim found the atmosphere for which he had been so feverishly searching. The names of these aristocratic extras are all in the Blue Book and social register, and their ag gregated wealth is sufficient to stagger the average mind. The clothes, furs and Jewelry worn by them is not the usual motion pic ture flimsy, but the very finest from the choicest marts ot the world. 1 DLL! Eafft))01)(olD: TWO FULL PAGES OF SENSATIONAL PRICE REDUCTIONS WILL CONVEY TO YOU THE REAL PURPOSE OF THIS SALE Everyone Knows the Business Conditions have beerA I decidedly unfavorable to Salem merchants due to an I ancertainwin Our Buyers Have Returned and Are Now record purchases of spring the Circular at You Door WEDNESDAY MORNING, 8 POSTDFFICES IDE ELIMINATED Redne, Marion County, Is One That Has Recently Ceased to Operate As shown by the oficial post of'ce bulletin, eight postoffices in Oregon have been discontin ued. ' One of these is In Clarion county, the office of Redne. a timber camp in the foothills, near Detroit. Hereafter all mail for that point will stop at De troit. The other fatalities are: Dolph and Hemliwk. Tillamook couijty; Eden, Coos county: Krall and Peel. Douglas county; Three Pines, in Josephine coun ty, and Westland, Umatilla coun ty. Only four new ofices have been added to take the place of these eight dead ones. The Salem office is believed to be one of th biggest paying money order ofilces in the west, at least, during the tax-paying and the au'jo-license season. The state instructions that demand ral money instead of doubtful checks for state licenses, nam? the federal money order as on; form of money that is practical ly riskless; bo' the licensers send in their money orders, by hun dreds of thousands of dollar? during the license-buying sea son. The money is still coming in steadily, for new car licenses, St. Jacob's Oil stops any pain, when your back is sore and so lame, or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a sma'l trial bottle of old. honest St. Ja cob's Oil at any drug store, pour a little in your hand, and rub it right on your aching back; and by the time you count fifty the soreness and lameness i3 gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the pain right out and ends the mis ery. It is magical, yet absolute ly harmless, and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica, backache or rheuma tism so promptly. It never dis appoints! Adv. HI! BACKACHE! RUB LUMBAGO OR STIFFNESS AWAY UNIMAGINABLE mm merchandise from all great MARCH 29, 1922 for motor cycles, and for chauf-1 feurs and for car transfers. The armloads of money orders com ing down from the state house almost daily, contain the regu lar stock sizes: The 2 5 -cent driver's license, the dollar trans fer fee, the; motorcycle license of $5, the Ford car for 1 15. and then on upward for the bigger cars. Some run as high as 1 5 or $60. The Salem office might have been suspected of patting on a bargain sale of money orders last week, for the last few or ders to close out the half-mil-l'onth order went more than a day ahead of the time predicted. Almost 300 have been sold on the new series, at the rate ot about 150 a day. Ladies' Skirt Specials For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Artistic plaids and hidden stripes in shades of blue, brown, black, white, navy, etc Materials are pru nellas and velours. They are divided in two spe cial groups for your choosing. Extra Special $5i88 Extra Special 3-88 Our Prices Always the Lowest Gale & Co. Commercial and Court Streets u market centers in the United UN mm . iuuuuuy pains,- neuralgic, 'I sciatic pains, hea'dache, backache anil all other aches . are ' quickly re lieved byt : t ' n - - Dr. Miles' Anti-Palnffls Contain no dangerous, habit forming drugs. Why don't you i i Ask your 'druggist ;li States