The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    r v m
mment -for ' AooocSolked foarSlkleG At the Armory -TFotii&sltf
ATr far VtbrBsry 1023
. Bmrndmr sly ST5S -
Daily ud Basday 6881
.Avmgt for six, Bkoatk radtag Janaary
1. 1923
Bsnoay oalr 5506
Daily. n4 Buday 8108
The Statesman receives the leased
wire report of .the Associated
Press, the jrsatMt and cost re
liable press association li 1M
'.world.. .
""7 I
flllHtK Sli
nrniiin rniiiir
Ur riLlHI TnlVlL TT
Actor Accused by Mrs. Ethel
Clark of Statutory Crime
Committed Against, Her
15Year-0ld Daughter.
$200,000 IS FILED
Recent; Suit by Player For
. Divorce- from Roberta
Arnold Made Known .
LOS ANGELES. March 28.
Herbert Rawlinson, motion pic
ture actor, was made defendant In
a suit for damages of $200,000
that was tiled In the superior
court here today by Mrs. Ethel E.
Clark, of New York, who charged
Rawlinson had committed a stat
utory offense against her daugh
ter, Dorothy Clark, two years
Mrs. Clark and her daughter
re now in New York but their
exact address was withheld by
their attorney, J. K. Stickney. of
Ban Diego, Cal., who said he had
filed, the action at the request of
Mrs.. Clark.';, a;;v ,"v:- ' '
t Girl Only IS tears Old
The asserted -offense, according
to the) fiapers sin th-iuit, was
(committed In New York In 1920
fcrheu the girt was 15 years Id.
- At. that time: It was said, the
fclrl had had a brief experience In
inotlon Picture work. More re
cently. Attorney Stickney stated,
She had been on the' legitimate
ktage In New York. - i
: The complaint I fixed October
15. 1920. as the exact date of the
alleged assault, and related other
purported actions on the part of
t'- Rawlinson Disappears
- Rawlinson could not be located
at his apartments here ' tonight
At the ; headquarters of the mo
tion Picture company which em
ploye him. It was stated he left
Jhe studio early this afternoon.
He recently returned to Los An
rolaa aft or a nrrilftl atmear-
knee" tour in connection with his
latest Him play.
Actor Seoks DJvorce
About the same time it was
learned he had filed suit for di
force here against his wife, an
kctrau known nrofesslonally as
"DnKarta Arnnld. charelna deser
tlon. Some time before he filed
Ills action, it was said. Mrs. Raw
iinson had started a diyorce suit
fn the east, but later dropped It.
Assassination of Soviet
Delegation Is Threatened
RIO A, March 2S. (By,The As
hoclated Press) Discovery o
what the secret police describe
as a well organised plot to as
sassinate the Russian soviet dele
gates to the Genoa conference
while passing through Lativa. re-'to
suited In a large number of ar
rests today.
Among the principles of the al
leged plot; were several Russians
-who were said to "belong; to a mon
archist ' movement making its
headquarters In Germany.
OREGON.- Wednesday rain;
fiesh southerly winds.
. The Salem Cherlan band will
topen the benefit concert tonight
lof the Associated Charities.' ac
cording, to, the decision,, of the
" band members last night, follow
' ing the. invitation , of . Miss Eliza
belli tery-who :1s managing , the
'concert. ' ':. "' ;.' ' : 3
J The program for this evening
An exclusive photograph
in' the library of their country
opportunity presents to relax
$12,000 STOLEN
KELLOGG, Idaho, March 28
A mall pouch containing $12,000
in currency, consigned from the
Exchange National bank, Spokane,
to the First National bank, Kel
logg, disappeared ,from a hand
truck at the Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation company's
station, shortly alter it had been
unloaded from a Spokane train.
F. L. Burton, railway mall
clerk, told Deputy Sheriff J. W.
McDonald that he threw the
ponch, together with other mail
for Kellogg and Wardner, Idaho,
from his car to a hand truck on
the station platform. This state
ment was corroborated by Lionel
Fish, driver of the Wardner mail
stage, and John Htggins, station
Hlggins testified at' a hearing
this afternoon that he hauled the
mail truck, as was his practice, to
the opposite side of the station
where it could be loaded on the
waiting mail stages.
Ed Alho, driver of the Kellopg
mail truck, testified that he failed
rlnd tfte pouch when he loaded
his truck.
"Five men were questioned at a
hearing this afternoon, but no ar
rests were made.
FUNCHAL, Madeira Island,
March 28. (By The Associated
Press) Former Emperor Charles
of Austria, is 'ill with broncho
pneumonia. His condition is se
rious. was completed with the decision
of the Cherrian band members to
take part In It. The first part is
devoted to ; concert - numbers by
Miss' Levy, violinist, and solos by
Mrs. Goldie Peterson Wessel, ot
Portland. The second part will be
featured by vaudeville numbers
Continued on page 2)
of Mr. Lloyd George, with their
place, "Chequers," where the
from the cares of No. 10 Downing street-
SAN FRANCISCO, March 28. The first direct testi
mony linking Roscoe C. (Fatty) Arbuckle with the death of
Virginia Rappe was given late this afternoon in his trial for
manslaughter by Miss Virginia Briggs, secretary to Dr. Fran
cis Wakefield, at whose sanitarium the actress died. She said
Miss Rappe told her:
"Arbuckle took me by the arm and threw me on the bed
and put his weight on me and after I do not know what hap
pened." .With the testimony of Miss Briggs, a surprise witness,
the ?tate rested its case. The defense immediately began
the presentation of its evidence by calling Adolph Juel, head
of the police identification bureau, to the stand.
This is the
first time Miss
Briggs has appeared as a wit
ness, and at the conclusion of
her testimony the defense made
a mot'on that her statements bo
stricken from the record as
hearsay. The court denied the
Conversation Related.
Miss Briggs explained that she
had gone into Miss Rappe's room
on the day of her death.
"She asked me about the
amount of the hospital bill that
would be due," said the witness.
"She said she didn't see why
she should pay the bill as Ar
buckle was responsible for her
being there, I told her that If
Arbuckle or anyone else should
pay the account after she left,
the money paid by her would bo
returned. She. replied that she
was not going to leave, that she
was going to die.
"Then I asked her why she
Only one man has so far an
nounced his candidacy for nomin
ation to a seat in the lower house
of the legislature from Marion
county. He is T. B. Kay.
A number of public spirited cit
izens have been casting about and
attempting to induce some other
suitable candidates to allow their
names to be used in connection
with these places for the good
ot Marion county and the state
generally. , ,
.. A number of people . from the
south end of the county, as well
as the north end. have been trying
to get Hurley Moore of,. Woodburn
to become a candidate. '.They say
.Mr. Moore Is public spirited cit
D Udd IThbM
4 V .
daughter, Miss Megan, taken
Prime Minister goes when
thought she was going to die and
it was then that she told me the
details of the party."
Threat lfnled.
Cross-evam'.ned by Attorney
McNa.h, defense chief council, as
to whether it was not true that
she had telephoned him asking
that Miss Rappe's bill be paid
and threatening that if it was
not, she would tell her story to
the district attorney. Miss
Briggs made an absolute denial.
She also denied that McXab had
told her to give any evidence she
might have to the district attor
ney although admitting that h?
had told her to see that official,
she presumed, about the bill.
"I had some one on the line
while I was talking to you," said
the witness.
"So did I,' volunteered Mc
Xab. Miss Briggs declared that she
(Continued on page 2)
izen, has been a successful drug
gist in Woodburn for 20 years,
and has many friends in that part
of the county, and in other parts
where he is known. He is now
interested in a piano business in
Salem, but his home is in Wood
Another name being mentioned
in this connection is that of Rus
sell Catlin. Mr. Catlin is both i
large property holder and a busi
ness man in Salem, and he is also
a farmer and dairyman, and
would welt represent all the pro
gressive elements. He had not
consented to run; he has no polit
ical ambitions; but his friends are
proposing to "draft him, and get
him into the race.' . -
Five Hours" of Debate on
Limitation' Agreement
Shows Sentiment is Yir-
: tually Without Dissent.
Final Vote on Ratification is
Scheduled for Three
OXIock Today
Five hours of debate on the
naval limitation treaty today re
vealed a virtually unanimous
senate sentiment in its favor and
Tesalted in an agreement to vot
finally upon its ratification at 3
.olclock tomorrow, .
Throughout the day's discus
sion, not a single voice was rais
ed in opposition, although there
were numerous expressions o
disappointment from the Demo
cratic side that the treaty did
not go further in the direction
of both land and sea disarma
ment. Democrats Claim Credit.
Claiming a share of the cred
it ,ror tne reduction actually ac
complished the Democrats at the
same time sought to show that
the whole idea of an arament
conference originated with the
Democratic congTess of 1916 and
finally was forced upon a reluc
tant Republican administration.
Tonight the administration
leaders were predicting that tho
ratification would be nnanimouS:
and that the submarine and poi
son gas treaty would be approved
by a like vote before adjourn
ment tomorrow night. The sud
den sweep of progress aroused
hope in, some, circles that t he
two Chinese treaties also might
be ratified and the whole group
. .
oi arms conierence covenants re
turned to the White House with
senate approval by the end of
the present week.
Debate Devoid of Color.
Debate on the naval treaty,
which began with today's ses
sion, was devoid of the colorful
(Continued on page 2)
Extraordinary efforts have been
made for a big rush to (ret conies
of The New Universities Diction
ary, the book offered by this pa
per to its readers exclusively.
Thousands beyond all exnecta-
tions were distributed during the
"When we set our thoughts
down in written form." savs Pro
fessor Forerst . Lunt, M.A., In
structor of English in Horace
Mann School, Teachers' College,
Columbn3 University, "we are'
without the aids of voice and
manner to make clear what we
are trying to say. Our thoughts
must be understood because tha
relations which exist between the
various parts of our sentences are
clear. If the relations between
the parts of our sentences are not
clear, the thoughts we are trying
to express will not be under
stood." This is Professor Lunt's
introduction In The'New Universi
ties Dictionary to his article on
Practical Syntax," which shows
readers of this new dictionary
how to build correct sentences.
"Good usage, common practice.
society whatever you will has
decided what is good form, what
is proper, in this field of syntax,
ust as it has in morals, etiquette
or fashions," continues Professor
Lunt; "therefore, the man or wo
man who has occasion to set his
thought down in writing should
observe the common practice, the
universally understood rules
which govern the relationship of
words. If he fails to do this, or
if he attempts to make his own
rules, he will be considered with
out the pale of cultured educated
people.. From .this It will be seen
that the ability to construct sen
tences properly is hardly less Im
portant than the power to speak.'
NEW YORK, March 28.
ternationai sports promoter,
of a criminal assault on Sarah Schoenf eld, 15-year-old school
girl, by a jury in the supreme court. The verdict was hand
ed down after the jury had deliberated an hour and a half.
When the verdict was announced, Rickard, Jus face
flushed, went over to his counsel, Max D. Steuer, and em
braced him.
This is the happiest day of
There was some applause when
Population Increase Makes
Extension of Water Ser
vice Necessary
The rapid growth of West. Sa
lem during the past year, has
made necessary the consideration
of a large extension in water ser
vice. The old reservoir, holding
22,000 gallons, and situated on
th-9 hill above the town, is said
to be too small for adequate ser
vice. A new concrete reservoir, to
hold at least 1000,000 gallons, is
proposed for this spring.
The water committee, consist
ing of ayor Bedford, W. P. Lewis
and Earl Patton, with Charles
Ruge, superintendent, is investi
gating the matter.
The population has considera
bly more than doubled since the
federal census was taken two
years ago. A number of houses
have been built during the winter
and it is understood that there Is
to be a real building boom this
summer, as soon as the weather
The council committee to delib
erate on the proposed new name
for West Salem, possibly to be ap
plied to the municipality for post
office purposes, will report at the
council meeting Monday night.
The committee members are Al
derman J. I. Miller, E. R. Woods
and J. T. Hunt.
LEAD OF 14,000
South Dakota Governor Ap
pears Easily Nominated
" Over George Egan
SlOU XT ALLS, S. D., March 28.
Governor W. H. McMaster to
night held a lead of more than
14.000 for Republican nominee for
governor over George W. Egan of
Sioux' Falls, according to returns
from approximately one third of
the precincts of the statee, as com
piled by the Sioux Falls Argus
Leader. Scatter reports from all
sections of the state indicate that
Mr. Egan has carried only three
counties. Moody, Minnehaha and
Minor, and two cities, Sioux Falls
and Rapid City.
With 504 precincts out of 1711
56. the governors majority was
14.786 votes. The totals stood:
McMaster 36,386; Egan, 21,598.
The republican gubernatorial
contest was practically the only
miportant question before the peo
ple for decision, both Democrat
and Non-Partisan league candi
dates belnb unopposed. In Mine
nehaha county, Sioux Falls, one
of the few counties in which there
were contests among Republicans
for the minor offices, the so-called
"minority ticket," consisting
largely of ex-service men, appears
to have won by a large majority
Mary Garden is III
In San Francisco Hotel
Mary Garden, general director ot
the Chicago Grand Opera com
pany, who was to have song in the
opera "Love of Three' Kings at
the civic auditorium here ton lent
was unable to leave her hotel, on
account of Illness. Her condition
which was not believed serious,
resulted- from a cold contracted
while on the way here from Port
land, Ore, .--:'''..
George L. (Tex) Hickard, in-
tonight was found not guilty
my life," exclaimed Rickard.
the verdict was announced.
Itirkard DewUdn-rd.
When word came that the Jury
was ready to deliver a verdict.
Rickard appeared somuwhat i be
wildered. "Have you arrived at a ver
d'et?" asked Chief Clerk Penny.
"We have," replied Albert C.
Hoy. a textile agent, the tore
man. "We find George L. Rick
ard not guilty."
Rickard then was told that he
would be freed under bail, pend
ing disposal of other charges
against him
When court was adjourned,
many spectators shokk Rickard's
hand and court attendants had
difficulty in preserving order.
Rickard was carried almost bod
ily from the courtroom up one
flight of stairs to the sheriff's of
fice, where he posed for photog
raphers. Turning to newspaper men,
Rickard said:
Admits Suspense.
"Thank you all. God, bless
you. You have all been very
nice to me. I've never been hap
pier in my life. Boys, I" have
shot craps for 135,000 a roll and
I was never in any greater sus
pense than when the Jury return
ed to the court room. Did you
see the poker faces they had on?"
Asked by a cub reporter what
he meant by "poker faces," Rick
ard said:
".Why you couldn't read them.
You couldn't tell what they had
n mind."
Rickard then begged to be ex
cused from further comment:
sating that he was too overcome
to talk more tonisht and asked
one of his friends for a cigar.
which he began smoking immedi
ately. When he left the sher
lit s office police reserves and
court attendants were summoned
to keep the crowd movlnsr. He
was given three cheers by the
crowd as he stepped into his an
tomobile to be taken home..
Later Rickard explained that
he played the. $35,000 crap game
wun a man named Car staira in
MOSCOW, March 28. (By The
Associated Press) The first de
tachment of Russian delegates to
the Genoa economic conference
left here tonight. George Chit
cnerin. the foreign minister, la
in the party.
CHICAGO, March 28. Mrs. E.
j. Amen oas oeen appointed as
T IIJ 1 . .
sistant secretary of the Chicago,
Burlington & Qulncy railroad, it
was announced today. Accord
Ing to officials of the road, she
is the only woman In America
holding a corporate office with
class one railway.
Thirty Years of Fun Making Is
Record of Harry Tate, Comedian
Who Has Made Whole World Laugh
Thirty years with the grease
paints and the wigs. 30 happy
married years, with wife and son
to keep him company in almost
every land on the globe where
folks will pay for and enjoy a
laugh, is part of the story of Har
ry Tate, premier comedian of En
gland, who played last night in
Salem with "The London Follies."
It's partly a girl show, with
pretty girls and tuneful voices
and bright spangled costumes
some of them are a la natural to
an almost alarming degree if the
string should break but it is the
Tate personality much more than
the girls that makes it a show.
Tate did not start ont in lite to
be a big man. He must have been
a bunch ot muscle, for he has to
day a grip like a vise, and ? he
rowed with Blackstaff, the most
famous rowing machine v in : the
history of -boating, and be him
Captain Amundsen Reveals
Plan That Sounds Were
Wonderful Than Stranss
Talcs of Jules Verne.
Vast Areas on Roof of World
to Be Studied by Ex
ploring Party
NEW YORK, aMrch 28. .(By
The Associated Press) A fas
cinating as a tale by Jules Verne
was the plan for aerial explora
tion of the "roof of. the -world,"
sketched today In full tor the first
time by Captain Roald Amundsen,
discoverer ot the South Pole.,
Arriving from Norway on .the
Stavangerfjord, the - explorer
plunged at once Into the work ot
organising the expedition which
sails June 1 from Seattle to drift
across the North Pole, an expedi
tion which Amundsen expects will
revolutionize Polar exploration
and provide a short cut to valu
able scientific knowledge.
Expedition to be Different .
The expedition which tails this
time for the North Pole, will not
be ' like, those which have prece ti
ed It, according to Its leader.
Its vision will not be confine!
to. a few miles on either side ot
the Ship, bat from the air it will
be able to take la at a glance ob
jects 200 miles away.
It will not be cut off for years
from touch with the '. outside
world, leatlng friends . and rela
tives to wonder If the northlanl
had smashed .in its icy ; fist the
hardy adventurers who encroach
ed on Its fastness. Instead, It will
talk by radio four times a day
with Washington, and when ft re
turns In three to five years, It will
know what the civilized world has
been doing in Its absence. ; ,.
Cost to be Cat
It will not have spent years
chartering merely a narrow strip.
but with the aid of aviation, will
be able to chart 1,000,000 square
miles, sketching the currents of
the air as well as those ot the sea.
For centuries scientists have be
lieved that the currents of the
North Pole have been responsible
for climatic phenomena la that part
of the world in which civilized
man lives, and ' Amundsen hopes
to accomplish with his airplanes.
In. a five-year voyage, that would
take 40 years, millions ot dollars
and many lives If only a shin and
dog sleds were employed.
It is upon his airplanes two la
number that Amundsen pins his
chief hopes and It was upon one
of them that he focused his atten
tion ai soon as he stepped ashore
today. - - , ;
J- Airships Well Tesftcd , .
HUrdly had he landed than he
had hastened to a conference with
John M. Larsen, a governor ot
the Aeronautical Chamber of
Commerce of America. After lunch
came the announcement that the
larger of the two planes, selected
(Continued on page S)
self has a delectable collection of
cups and medals for his prowess
with the oars. He played Rugby
football; be ought to hare been s
wonder, in this great English
game. Bat he has taken- on
weight with the years; he has
laughed so much that he just nat
urally couldn't help It- The tail
ors who build his trousers nowa
days, put all the big figures first
in marking down his - measure
ments, i ,
The company had 65 people In
the cast last night, before finish
ing the program; some may have
become 111 before now, as they
have been doing In almost every
town In the west, i
"We have left enough players
In the various places to operatize
the' whole west." said Mr. Tate.
"I've been nurse and doctor, and
almost everything. but undertaker
and grave-digger."