c THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALE1T, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 23, 1922. Li? BUT O ft HUSB1I Adele Garriaxm'a New Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE mi t twrnn 4ha WHY LILLIAN DEMANDED A CERTAIN ALICE. ANSWER FROM 1 am aahamssf t onnfoit that t watched Allco Holcombe' facj as Vreclr as did Lillian while we waited for her i answer the ques tion Lillian had asked con era in z Kenneth Stockbridge's possible interest in some woman other than his wife. ' I had long "wondered whether or not she hat! the Ion or herself whltilt Kenneth Stock bridge had ao sternly suppressant, so long kept r.ecret. As I water ed 1 her and compared her lace with the pictured counterfeit which I had found inadvertently in the principal's desk, I thought with a swift little pans of pity that it was well the man tvho lored her could not aea what rav ages sorrow for him had made upon her face. "My thorny Bwe?t rose," Ken neth Stockbridge had written across the face of that photo graph and had locked it away, as he supposed, safe from all human gaze. Yet Fate had willed that I should see it, and it was a cer tainty that poor MUly Stock the frenzy which bad led to her death by her own hand or anoth er's 1 Was sure. It seemed alwos an imposaibil.ty that Alice h?rlt should be in total ignorance 01 her old playtaaie'd entli:i '&ts concerning her. Hilt inl-(MiiH1n -a It SPT:lf'U. read in her ace as Lilliun put tu - question that the had no siispu ion of the truth. There was hon est negative in her eyes as sU answered: "No, I do not think thre was anyone else." . r "Did Mrs. Stockbridge ! kno t her husband did not love her? " Lillian Reasons Aloud. "T think she sis.ectjd it " Ai ice Holcombe replied, -although Kenneth by word or look never gave her reason to do so. In fa-t. I I have often thought he was kinder to her because he did not Inve her than u nil hi have ber. COLONIAL RANGES The kind that will use as little fuel as anv range made and will do the bak ing to the queen's taxtc. Every, one raaranteeed to do iust a we $av or the range js ours. Prices are much lower than formerly. Can now sell! you a good range! for J4&7fo"$5G oner with white,, gray or blue enamel $69. We can save you dollars on ranges. Another shipment of John son Brothers English Din aerware received today. Those beautiful walnut pe riod Chamber Suites, dust oroof construction, ribbed waxed finish, are certainly the last word in fine furni- tare. DroD in and see : ' .i :C.:; ' llr li.il:. ujciu ii a. red j uicutuc to show such merchandise. ffU ATTD17DP lniiltlDLUi , - - AND - ' - v r CHAMBERS 1 - lf An n TOT bridge had found it the last Helmed to be on his guard she came to the sctioolhouse. That the discovery of her hus band's love for Alice Ilolcombe was th? thing which drove her to BREAK CIS COLDS WITH BED PEPPER Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. Break up the con gestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in Just a short time. "ned Pepper Rub" is tho cold remedy that brings quickest re lief. It cannot hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tight ness and drive the congestion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down Into colds, congestion, ach ing muscles and sore, stiff joints relief comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rnb you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the con gested spot Is warmed through and through. When you are suf fering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore mus cles, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Itub, made from red- pep pers, at any drug store. You will have the quickest relief known. Always say "Rowles.' Adv. AT SKAGGS constantly." "Of course." Lillian assented, absently, as if her thoughts wer.; elsewhere. "Mtb. Graham tei'.s me that she had sent to a sanitarium by her "people several times. That would strongly ind cats insanity, incipient if not de veloped. Did you fver know whe ther at those times she was an gry at her husband. revenpf u' against him or cherished the idea of injuring hrself?" !'Both," Alice Ilolrombe r turned. "Her whole idea seemed to be to hurt herself in some way and to blamo him for it. She was always declaring that he kicked her or struck her, and she woulrt show the bruises to prove her statement. Then afterwards sli would weep, beg his pardon le fore everybody, and show h"w clearly without doubt that she had been lying. And now h ;r people are using those very inci dents, distorting them against Kenneth." "One More Question." "Ah!" The exclamation breathed by Lillian was so low that I hardly heard it. As I glanced at her her eyes were glit tering pin points, the lids narrow ed as I had seen them only when she was ferreting out a difficult trail. Did she ever tell you these in th" house with hr :f !t had I It guarded by twet ty iron-bound j boxes," Lillian tunnr- nn ! "It sj the onlv uly thir.r :u tt;' wh-i-j busings. Hut let's fr-e til ! these troublesome questions : you've been a brick. MU - Ho!- j combe, and ! thank yon. an 1 '. turn our .jtU tuiost to . . Wilsey. alias Ceor? Hridtrhauiiy! alias John ilainbr.dgv." j 1 1 o ! .:ii.iait d i j Thi M;n Wan Kv';iTri , John Gr;::j. 2. .13 Jackson Ave..) New Orleans. La., writs.;: "My Sidneys wer.; weaic and had a( jreness and dull pain p.crcss r.iy j ,A"k. I felt i i!l .m l languid ! tud my kidneys didn't act rieht. I began taking Foley Kidney Plus md they Ftun put my kidneya in I SOUIIU iichiiii luuuiii jii. - . cy Kidney Pills help tns kidneys j ,-id the system of ac us and wasts 'hat caure !aneno.j5, backache, sore muscles, swolleu joints and rheumatic pains. Tonic in effect, ?uick in action. Sold everywhere Adv. NEW LORD CHIEF JUSTICE. 1 - a Weather Does Not Change Agents' Responsibility! Weather conditions do not fre?: rmp!oyir:cnt agents of their re- ; rIMtiisibility to work.-r. r.ccnru to an opinion oT Attttrney General 1. 11. Van Winkle, written ;or C. II. tii-am. stut - la.jur c-u. missioner. The statute reitiiffd employ agents to issue to applicants who have paid Ihe permitted fej a re ceipt condition that the fee Ehal be refund' d if upon aj pii' at.o::' is person at the ilra.e to which h ia directed, 4nd to the person whom he is directed, or his ag'n'. the applicant fails to get employ ment It is not nrmissahle. ac cording to the opinion for the em ployment agtit to stamp upon tho face of the receipt a further con dition reading: "Not r';iionH:til for transportation if job is can celled on account of weather con ditions." Tho opinion holds also that when an employment agent h;t accepted a fea from an applicaif and issued the receipt required by law and the applicant is retusea amployment upon presenting him- ihings and afterward confess the I self because the camp is unablo 467 Court Street - Salem 1! SUGAR CORN 8 cans 98c STANDARD TOMATOES 5 cans 73c CRISCO 3-Ib can 59c 9-lb can .... $1.69 SPERRY DRIFTED SNOW "Tested Eery Hour" The highest quality flour made in the West." Free de livery on this flour. By the Sack .....$2.35 Phone 478 falsehood?" sh asked presently urten." Alice Holcombe re plied. "You can remember them dis tinctly, conld swear to them it necessary?" "Yes, but oh will I have to" She stopped, threw up her head bravely. "Please forgive my weakness," she said. "I I am not quite my self. Of course I will do any thing that is necessary." "That is better," Lillian said gravely, for across her Taco had crept a tinge of the disdain sne reels ror raltfTlng. "And it 's more than probable that you will never have to appear In court. ?owr one question more, and we can turn our attention to a more important subject. Do von know what familiarity Mr. Stockbridge had with ooisopi?" She knew all about them," Alice Holcombe replied. "Her uncle is a druggist, and she help ed in the st or a when a girl. But she attempted to poison Kenneth and herself on one occasion, and they have carafnlly guarded hr access to poisons ever since. Ken neth kept his photographic stuff In an iron-bound chest, padlocked, and she was never allowed alone in her uncle's establishment.' An other relative la a physician, and he warned his fellow practioner? In the neighboring villages, so that she could get no prescription with poison in it anywhere." "Nice asinine stunt of your friend keeping photographic stuff to operate becausa of heavy snow fall, this does not affect the nu bility of the employment agent to refund the amounts covered in the receipt. It is held that the agent becomes civilly liable tor the repayment of the fee and for the return of the transportation to and from the place- where the applicant is sent. No exceptions are provided in the law. liitrv ' fit'. . . ' . i..- . - I Mrs. Judge King Would CaU City Chcrrydale i i i Mi) It! JZL 2 'I- frs. L. Myrtle King, wife ot Judge Will R. King, now of Wash ington, D. C, and former member of the Oregon supreme court. writes The Statesman, suggesting that the new name of West Salem be Cherrydale. "I would suggest Cherrydale. writes Mrs. King. "Of course i like Kingwood.' and besides. I own a lot over in Kingwood park." Lawrence G. Wilson of Dallas suggests the name Chilllcothe. 1 Bieaklhal(o!dT6& M tarn. tmr nim wt. D..i. m W mmmt lb. m i Sir Cordon Hewart has just been appointed to the highest jndieiaj post in England, and it is rumored the King will soon confer a peerage on him. He was formerly a journalist. Last Time TorJav NAZI IV3 OVA and Rudolph Valentino in "CamiHe." Tomorrow, Alice Lake in "Over the Wire." T IBERTV 1- Theatre 1 COATS & Ladies' Coats and Suits that come direct from the New York arid Philadel phia fashion centers. You can absolutely be certain that the styles are correct. COATS $9.75 to .... $35.00 SUITS $12 JO to ... $45.00 SUITS Gale & Company Commercial and Court Streets-- Work Clothe mems AT A WORKMEN'S STORE ; S It's our aim to cater whole-heartedly to the WORKING CLASS OF MEN. AVhen you buy here, you are not only assured of lower prices but a guarantee of satisfaction with every purchase. We" carry union-made and standard lines of goods. Merchandise we can proudly recommend and guarantee. Buy where your friends buy and get most for your money- Here's a List of a Few Necessities for Every Workman , Men's Canvass GLOVES 9C White Cambric H'CHIEFS 5C Men' Cotton WORK SOX 9e Heavy Chambray SHIRTS 69e Men's Heavy Cotton SWEATERS 95c Men4 Heavy Tan W'RK SHOES $2.69 We carry IL D. Lee's union made work clothing. Peter's "Diamond Brand Work and Dress Shoes. Mil ton Goodman Triple-stitched Shirts. (( TSlEiJSflwII1 1)F Best Dictionary Ever Printed--Conbuns Practically AU ' EncIish Words in Daily Use Thousands Never Before in Any , Dictionary Supplied at Nominal Cost to Readers of tho! ' OREGON STATESR1AN ' new : Universities Dictionary PARTIAL LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS , 22 Dictionaries in One ( poslto tomic weignts The Automobile Aviation Baseball PERCY W. LONG. A. M Pn. D., Harvard University Atomic Weights CLARK S. NCRTKUF. Ph. D., Cornell University JOHMC. ROLFZ. Ph. D.. University of Pennsylvania Commerce and Law. FOFiV? i IMT A M rl,k;, I Football : a ? " MORRI3 W. CROLL, Ph. D.. Princeton University GEORGE J. HAGAR, Editor-in-Chief Usefal.Facts and Guides Found in This Bock Special Dictionaries of. Wirlen Telegraph Classical Abbreviations .Words of Uke Most Common . Abbrevia- Meaning . tions Of Tachfcng . 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