THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1922. t i etiisxnzs ASYnnmmrrs : ; Bat yor wwrdt Pa haortkt t Thro tnaertioas ft Oh week (U lertiaa) ,0m atoath .104 a mtrwt, POT 11 months' ontmet, per M le Minimum far nay edve at. SS NORWICH UNION FIRE IXSTOAXCE SOCIETT ThieUott, Holand ot OarghArdt Bealdettt Agent 871 State St. : MONEY TO LOAN r, On Ewtl EiUU T. K. FORD (Over LswM Bosh Bank) NEW TODAY SMALL FRUIT PLANTS ANY QUAN tity. ueuverea. zjieekoerriet, black cape, currants, gooseberries, trapes, loganberries, raapberriss, asparagus, rauoeru. nra jv- jucuarasen. LOOT. SUNDAY AN OLD FASHIONED Tieadeat cola earring with black en emeL Findrr pleat return to Rogers i'sper .o. Mwin. FOR SALE 1920 BABY OVERLAND. i Phono WM-W. . ' $5000 BUYS A STRICTLY MODERN , baflfalew in eouth Salem. See Kroeg or, Oregon mot. mono zit. FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED , 5 room cottage at 635 North 18th. ' 30 a month. Can at nta teaman bus loose office, or phono 23. L RETIRING FROM RANCH CROP PAY- . l a meat ouy cnerrj ana prnna orcaaras from twirr. Phono 11F2. CALL THE MeMINNVILLE CO. FOR year neat lire Uiaaranca It ia aound, lev: eoat and unfailingly fair in ita adjaatmenta. Hundley A Foley, agents. Boah . Bank Bld. WANTtI YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED , Sreraan to taka fall charge of kitchen. Bofereaera required. Phono 840. WILL BENT ON SHARE8, 200 ACRES, 160 cnltiated, large barn, ailo, large crahary, water ajtrra, boose. All oqaipment and alock ta oa place. Ren- . tar to purchase one half of equipment, aboet $2000. W. H. Orabenhorat , Co, 275 State St 200 Acres for Sale All choice plow land in. crop, on good - read, new strictly modern V room bangalow, electric light plant, preaaare : - water ayatem'; modern large stock barn, eaeda and garage ; 4 acre of f rait, ber ries and ante. Property all hog tight wired. $175 per acre; $15000 cash, ' balance long time.' Ineeatgiate this Arthur E. Petersen 229 Oregon Bldg. $400 EIGHT PERCENT MORTAGE FOR aale.i Phone 677 or see A. C. Bohrn etedt, 407 M atonic Temple. SOLDIER BOSL'3 BUY Will stand appraiser's valuation. Two ID U date bnaaalowa. See me about these two. Any property yon buy an il der the ntsn should sUnd appraiser a Varuatioa. , WM. FLEMING 841. State St. f: : J 4 JRoom Cottage - PI aalered And atcelr furaiaheeT. water ta kitchen, good wood shed, on pared highway, short walk from atrcet car. ' 1 aero land. $15001 aome terma. It'a a bargain. - So - me at one if yon waat a good hm. ; PETERSEN . ? 229 Oregon Bldg. ' c . QpOD BUYS r . 10 arree sowed to oata ; fine orchard or berry land. Price $1250. $10O down. baiaac 910 per moatn, interest 070. Bii room modern' bangalow .near state house. Price $4830 catn. 0 room house aad line lot; pnee sieuu; $30O down, balance eaay terms. Kw banealow 6 roomer. $2700; $500 down, balance eery terma. Several flue tu tiding lota on rairmouni Hill. Be as. Real Estate aad Fire Insurance W, H,.Grabenhorst &Co. ; 875 State St. - U. S.'Bank Bldg! ABSOLUTELY AT A; SACRIFICE j A five room bungalow, the more casn i aown me lower tne prrew j line m acre orcnera; siso ror special hi reasons. . For information see 841 auto e. EMPLOYMENT1 rzacAXJa YOUNG WOMAN WANTS COOKING dowaeUir work, adult family. lie WANTED ENERGETIC TOCNO MAN a. who ha shad oaporieaeo eolliag Uf e laearaao. etoeke or advortiaiag. . Meat k. Kkia -t imii hla antlr time aad bo ambitiawa for advaacemeat. . Mast have the aouraga to preeeat beeinees preposilioa to enerchaata and profee aioaal men. Aaawer la your owa hand writing. eUtiag age, educational annli 4 floatieaa. eaperienc aa solicitor, . "te Adreee "I No SUf BUteemen omee MALE AMD rXMAIX f WANTED MEN AND. WOMEN TO take farm paper eaberrtptha. swoa Brorjoaition ta the rich! peoalo. Addreee th Pacific Homestead. Suteemea Bldg ' ' Kaloea. Or , PERSONAL MASSAGE AND EXERCISES STEAM L eabinet. ladies only. Mrs. Bath Brown, Swedish graduate. . 103 Oregon Bid. . rnoa a as. 'GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for aump I ' Correspondent. Toledo, Ohio. . 't r "THE BLIND MAN' I AM SOMETIMES - celled bocaasa of my great intereal ia window end porch blinds, I do carry tha haf .window' and . oorrh ahade. i and ' deslrt very much to hid en all t new- and renlacenMat job.: Max O. V Hnrea?, ITS N. Commercial. - FOR SALE . v BABY SUPPLIES i Pfsir hart RtTGGIES THE LIGHT, i kBiifui Mmfnetmhle: moderate Priced hiad. Lt as .expUia soom waosaal 1 merit ot Stnrgia eerriagee aad ealkevs 4 Thev have many. Ma O. Buren, 179 I N, ; Commerciel. - ' FARM PAPER il WtT WlKT TO GET THE BES1 frtn paper, lend 16 t the Paeiflc V UemeeUaA Salem. Oregoa. for a three r koFiiii' trial eabeoriBtiwas Meatioa i thin ad - ' - ' ' - CANARY BIRDS OR SALE CANARY BIRDS AND aAiuu whita km tea cento BrsE. A Bennett, phone 1380. I i 1 flVr To advertiao new store. i-.V" V L and aupply lUt free. I Cege mport- ed ltollera onr specialty E. a . FLAKE S7S State. Belrnv PATH t';3" C!:in:d Ads. FOR SALE CARPETS AMD LDIOLEXm CORK CARPET PRODUCTS AND COS- goieum are specialise; bcra to tha lias ifc . Aik .f' f ireulars a titled, "Permanent Linoleum Floor" !?" Ha.w Cr r Linoleum." Max O. Buren. 179 N. Commercial. XITCHH CABINET McDOUQALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN can inn pni l mm A to Z. lis broach! out the VERY FIRST high class kit'h jn cabinet in America. Tha new Me Dougatl te a marvels Get my price aad "" M U. Buren, 179 X. Com mercial. k PIANOS CLEARANCE BALE OP USED AND discontinued atjrlea, piaoo aad player pianos; Fischer, Stsinway. Schiller. Ho bart M. Cable, Lester, Norria A Hrde, Merrill, Kohler A Campbell, Grinnell Bros., Kohler A Chaaa and other fine makes to select from. Littlo monthly pay menu. H. L. Stiff Fnrnitura Co., iano department. POULTRY WHITE LEGHORN CHIX HATCHING Wednesday. $12.50. W. R. Baker. Pbon 68F2. POULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eeat atamoa for anaetal ih nnilu' trial for ta boat aad oldeat jeurnal la tha weak Tha articlea aad adver tiaomaau ar of apeeial interaat to th powHry brooder of th aortawaal Aortnweot fonltry Journal, 111 Com torclal St. Salon. Oregon LITESTOCB FOR SALE FRESH COW. 44FH. riioxE FULL BLOOD DURQC SOWS WITH piaa lor tale. Alao a reKiaterec. Iioar Phone 254 or after office hourt 622. aCXSCBIAAMOUS FOR SALE 1000 GALLON TANK AND windmill wheel in good shape and 30 ieet or pipe. Friee $40; 255 S. 15th, FOB SALS OLD HEW8PAPERS. 10 con is a nanaie cirealatioa department. uregoa BUUiaun, A DISK. GRAIN DRILL AND OTHER farm machinery for sale. Will sell on approved security. John II. Scott, fii uregon oiag. GLIDDEN'S LINOLEUM VARNISH AND .Johnson a Floor Wsi. Ask ae the particular merits and purposes of each Mas O. Bursa, 179 N. Commercial, eaiem. RUO PRICES 1X)WER 1922 DESIGNS colore and qualities are most gratifying ' See my fine displsy while it is com plete. Uti O. Baron, 179 M. Com merrial, Balem. THE HOU8K OF HALF A MILLION aad one bargains. We bay, eell or exchange anything aad everything in in two or junk or eecond hand goods 80 as befor Ton bar or aelL Stein bock Junk Ca Remember the place. u-a xt. commercial Kt. Phone 621 and eleven other Oregon songs, together wita a lino collection of Da trio tic Bongs, sacred gonga and many old-time laverttca ALL FOR 25e (Special prices ia quantity loU) Especially adaptnlo for school, eommna tty or nome atngtng. Bend for The Western Songster 76 page, new In its third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 21 V 8. Commercial Bt. Salem. Or WOOD FOR GOOD VALUE IN WOOD PHONE Jedd, 108F8. FOR SALE CHOICE DRY FIR, DELIV area, for $0.60. Telephone 1018. FOB BIO FIB. SECOND GROWTH OAt i rw (ana. OLD GROWTH 1$ INCH FIR $8 4 ftS second growth, $8.00. Phone 147. WOOD FOR SALE NICE 18 INCH and 4 foot second growth fir wood Phone 254, or after office honra, 622 FOB SALE BEST ORADB MILL WOOD maple, second growth and old fir, 4 . ft. or IS in. Fred E, Welle. Phone 1642. $05 g. Church. IS INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD 83.50 par load. Dry planer weed. $8.60 per Wad. - Tracy Wood Oo Phone 620. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT 889 NORTH CommerciaL CLEAN-TWO ROOM APARTMENT Telephone and bath.. Phone 634. FOR RENT 5 ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, close in. Phone 1040-K. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOU8EKEF.P- ing apartmenta. 1695 SBginaw. Also 1109 Oak. Phone 1733 J or 659 W. FOR HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS aee- Mr. Pnrdy at the Oregon Bath House or phone 540. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED FRONT room end kitchenette for bouseke-p-ing. Ground floor. Water; light end phone. Mrs. Eugene Preacott, 541 Mill street. FOB RENT SUITE OF TWO LARGE rooms with private bath, will bo vsc sd aooau Also aaoaraU room. The Aleaaadria. 1080 Chameketa St. Phene 1SSO. ROOMS FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. . 160 Court. ABLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY: 60 up, 40? BUM. CLEAN. KEAT SLEEPING BOOMS. $8 to $8.60 per week, apartmenta, a Th Leonard Hotai. S64 M. Front. Phono 1803.- HOMB FOB RENT FOR GENTLEMAN deeirable room in modern noma witn an eonveniencee. Pleaae give name and reference. Addreat "AJ." ears SUtea- maa. - ' - - . LOST AND FOUND FOUND- FOUND A WAY TO KEEP LINOLEUM from cracking, buckling ana eurung ep Get my leaflet entitled "PermeLent Linol-nm Floors." Mas O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. WANTED macntxLAjrEows OLD. MATTRESSES MADI OVER CapiUl City Bedding Co. Phono 19. WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC. Phono 5.11. WANTED TO RENT THREE ROOM apartment or amall modern house for elrferly coople. Mail details to U. L. Keiman, S71 Court St. WANTED FURN1TURF. TOOIJ3. MA ealaory.eteek.eU. Will bay for eaah or e-ll oa eommieeioa. Phono 611. Woodry. th Anetionaor. ANTED BYERTTHINO IN HIED ware end turn Her. Beet price paid TUB CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 385 H. Commercial St Phono 94T BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY. THE livestock, furniture, teal aetata aae- tioaeor. Phone ail tor a ate flat Rea N ''"ftll'rTiFellwt" Head tho Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory PAIKTjJW RUSH THE AUTO PAINTER, sad Trout streets. STATE AUTO TOP ACTO TOP PPHOL8TEKT WORK ptriamih- H Booth 12th. Phoae 1126. KA8XAT01 SEOPI O. BAIB, : RAD 1 A TOEA. FEEDERS Bodlo repaired. 444 Ferry. TRUCKS FOB BALK Oat TRADE KBO TBCCK. 1921 model, perfect eoaditma. Will trade for real estate, prodac or will eell oa oaay terma. Tki ta aa oaoea tUaallr good bay. It yon want a roaJ good bargaia arply immediately Phoac or call. The People'e Cah Store. - BATTERY AJTD EXXCTRICIAX ACTO ELECTRICIAN EXPERT TROU bio shooting. 319 . High. Paoa 208. PRESTO-UTK BATTERY SERVICE Station. Eipert battery end r'eeirtca. work feme Bros. Phono laoa. l Court. TIRES AJTD ACCESS0XIZS TONNEAU CARPET RUNNING BOARD linoleum; aato paint and enamel. Max O. Bursa, 179 N. Commercial. Salem. RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM. AUTO carpet, at. to enamel and paint. Alas O. Boron, 179 N. Commercial. SMITH-WATK1NS, 147 NORTH HIGH. ruk, giivertoa Uord. noon extra ply tirese. Everything for auto. 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST stone brniaea. rim rata and blowouts The Hydro-Toroa Tirs for aale by Yew Park store, 12th and Leslie, phone 9 GARAGE AKS REPAIR FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED. Salem Auto Radiator Shop. Ul 8. 12th street. AUTO BEPA1B SHOP L. MILLER. 245 Center. Phone 890. CAPITAL GAKAUK BUICK. BTTJDE- baker repairing. 178 Beath Liberty. Phoae 88. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Setreet. Phone 958. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 'PLANS furnished free. R. W. Mclntire. 1409 N. Church. CHUTE SB PHYSI0IAJT DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 168 8. High St , phene 988 DRUG STORES BREWEB DRUG CO. 406 COURT Phone 184 ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices. 11. W. Hatch, phone 1202J. FINANCIAL MONET TO 'LOAN ON FARM LAND. L. A. Hay ford. 805 Sute atreet. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association ban money to waa at sU percent. W. D. Smith, eecrotary-treaa nrer. $09 Salem Bank of Commeree. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pre-pay ment provisions al lowed. We will finance you for a lest - rat of interest than any firm on the eossL Privsts money to loan on either city or eountry property. MARSTERS BROS, 411 Or-ron Bld FOUNDRIES SALEM IRON WORKS GREY IRON eaatmgs. drag saw machines, centri fugal pumpa. heavy machinery. Front and State streets. FURNITURE STORES FRANK F. KICHTER NEW. SECOND band furniture. 849 N. OommercUl Phono 452. FURNITURE PRICES DOWX IRON bods, $6; all steel bed springs, $5.40; cotton mattress a. $8; oak dining chairs, SI; a'.l steel army cots, $3.50; Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial, Salem. - FURNITURE HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO ordor. Refinishiag and apholstering a apecialty. Phone 1742. Brown aad Groves. 1201 South Commercial. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL BOOMS AKD board. Lone a con a tor. Opposite U E Depot. Stete end High. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J C. Belch, agoot, room S, Metiornaek Ride Phone 94 Ladies' Wearing Apparel MILLINERY HATS FROM $1 UP MRS. Orimm 610 Oonrt St. FANCY WORK NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODERY shop. Jessie McCun. Tallmaa'e t1at Store 191 Sonth Commoreial DRESSMAKING CARRIE FI8HEK DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer eoreeu to order. MeCoraark Bldg. THE ADSITT8 ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinds of ladiee' Uimr ing, for old and new customers. S52 N 12th St. Phon 2085 R. WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HAND work. Call 631 R. MRS. O. JEPSON MODISTE; 2567 Oak. Phon 929. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING FOR particular poople. Specialty on work raanship aa well as prices. 1073 Oak St. Mr. Lee A. Swoape. Telephone 98 4. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER LOCAT od in Highland at 2446 HaaeL Phone 1851-J. MESDAMES SCOTT A CIIA8E DRESS makera. 219 StsU SL Phon 937. MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER 1710 Beliovae Bt, RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 Boath 12th. Phono 1834-ht. DRESSMAKING WANTED EXPER1 enceL ropy any picture. $12 for ene pier- dresses. Embroidery extra. Mrs. Brrnrelfrnn, 252 X. Cottage. Phone 1709-W. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING. 548 STATE ST. JIN ger Sewing Machine Co. SALEM ELITE HEMSTrTCHJNO, pleating, buttons, aumping aad needier work, szv uregoa Jiag. rssss a 1 MRS. C EL MILLER HEMSTITCHING Stamping; brsk'ing; hand embroidery, . bntuns. Room 10, aver Miller'a a tore. Sarees, Oregon, Phone 117. MRS.. BRECKENRIDGB HEMSTITCH ing mail orders solicited. 175 8, 19th, riwtee 174-M LANDSCAPE AND PRUNING IHFKR RROS LANDSCAPE GARDEN ere and expert prendre. Gradaaten of collage of eUadiag aad 15 yexra ex- perionre. Wo guarantee aatiaiaction, . Ih'.ra 551. BUSINESS CARDS XUSICAX FRANKLIN LA USER PLAN 0, 17 th. Phone 1009-W. MRS. HENRY LIE PIANO, 1121 V. Capitol. Phoae 1017-W. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL credits given. $38 Ji. High. Phoae 1971-W. MINN ETTA MAGERS VOCAL. DERB1 Bldg. Friday afternoon, Satnrday. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN atnrtjoa. Phono 834. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO, 281 Kortb Winter. Phone 245-J. NELLIE MtJLKEY STONE PIANO 873 Leslie. Phone 751 W. BEATRICE SHELTON PIANO STUDIO aiarwn. r-hot 1299. DAN . F. LASGENBERO. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. MOLLIS STYLES VOICE. PIANO. $59 Centex. Phone 2018 R. MATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRU menu. 1572 Stau. Psu 1156 R BAG AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 12 leeaone guaranteed. Waterman aya tem. F. B. Clark. Mgr. 444 Stat. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO Player; dances ail occasion. 267 K Ul iberty. WESTERN COSikstV 1TOBT OF MU8 e of Chicago. Frae ( E. Cbarchtll, rep reeentativ Ditioiias granteA Odir Fellows Bldg. SALEM CONSEKVATOSY I f MUSIC All branehf tsught, eipaa granted John K. Hi:, director. 127 Court. Phone 62d. TUVEBJ JACK MULL1UAN PIANO TUNER; Moore-Duan C Repreaenutive of Sherman Clay A Co. Pbon 606. EDWARD WF.LP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave order Will' aaoflO S7VI, TALLMAV PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, rofiniahing. rebuilding; olarer piano expert. Phon 1659. 121 South Commercial PXASOa SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS. STEIN way., Duo-Art, and others. Moore Junn Music Store. Masonic Temple KUSIO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PtAVOfl nnniiA f raphe, sewing machines, sheet music tr-tX1" . Bpairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 482 citato, Bal-m. DAN CIS O PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE airs, n D lie Fhnn. 9T.J LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 138 8 Liueny street. Phone 25. Oldeet mi. uiaouanao 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work prompt service. 1264. Broadway. Phone 185. MATERNITY NURSING MATERNITY 'IMtSING WANTEn IN private hom-Wai'hone iadi i MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51T-W. FAINTING CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH wra ior particular people I. Ji Brandon, contractor. 865 North High Phon 64S-J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING. PAP erhangUMt. kalsomining. Work guar Terms M.u..kt. Phon. in f erry NURSERY STOCK JJl.AtK TIPS AT 82.50 PER nunareo; u per thousand. Mistland .-artery io., j ncepcndencc, Oregon. IRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD -In o. . c ,?rw Poo'cberry plants. o40 State Su Phone 1140M. TOMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL .ornamentals. Capital City Nur aery Co.. 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75 FOR SALE LITTLE' 8 IMPROVED ' iuoruiess Diackberry plants Heaviest producers and best flavored Write for pamphlet and price list. C. A. Little, Sebsstopol, Calif. FOR SALE WILSON AND TRirnt. atrawberry plants from inspected Yard st S3 per 1000. Stemmed, ready to plant. J. B. Peterson, Sbaw, Oregon, PAPER HAKOINO BEST PAPER HANGING and up. Phone 1806M. ROOM, $3.00 PLUMBEIO PLUMBING KKPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Shop, 127 Union a. u. ifOQirev. PERIODICALS MISS GQODHUE TAKES 8UBSCR1P tion for all maraiines. 251 8. 17th street. Phono JT4t-M. PERFTJMS AND TOILET ARTICLE flT CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO EX trscu. toilet articles. Mra. Meyer ..i. puf ,org. ynone IZS4. PRiNTnro rwrs wtuiu.NU IN VITATION8 AND ?PJr.n,l:em?nM Berulson, printer Y Building. SIGNS 8rGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICh onowcarae foal talk. 424 N. Oommar run. t none oeo. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE man i aii sinae removeo. Ceespools ihb.. r itfFDe in I RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON price, joanson Barry. 169 8 uign CHERRY CITY RESTAURANT HOME siyte meais. Hood service. StaU aa! nign. SAVE MONEY Bt EATING AT RES taorant npauira. 185 booth Contmer eta 1. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 439 eerry. BIN BIN NOODLE HOU8E CHOP auey, 4'e; puffed rice, 20c: noodle. ue; irieu nooaies. ooe. JU) 8. L erty. SHOB REPAIRING WILLIAM S SHOE 8U0P 195 SOUTH 1-1 irn STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRIKO STOVES REBUILT ANL REPAIRED 40 year experience. Depot National fence, eiae z to 18 inchee high Pant: rants, oil aae vaettsbe. ete loa-a rry end Hon hovk. Salem Fence nd Steve Worka. 250 Court street rM 124. SEOOVD HAND GOODS niOnEST PRICES PAID FOB SECOND hand clothing aad aboea. Alao de eleaaing. preaaing aad repairing. ' Call aad deliver Capiul Exchange. 343 Aorth CommerciaL Pbon 1368 W. WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAN ewode of all kinds, pipe fitting, har . ness. ewilara collar pads, tool aad , chain. Fred SchindUr. , 25$ Center a Read the Classified Ads, BUSINESS CARDS, STUDIOS DK LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF ferent in photorraohv. 147 N. Com' I TAILORS FRANK PALM. TAILOR 211 SOUTH if eor"r Ferry. Salts mad te ordrr. Cleaning. nra ia g. tro iring. TXAXSFEB EAUlirO CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER m.22t Sute St. Phone 98$ DisL Sating oretrjiaf d uu mm nui. Get oar rate. WE MOVE, STORE ASD SHIP HOUSE boli goods. Our specialty ia gpiane and- furnitnro moving. We tlx -make canntry trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call oa as for price. , We five good measure, good quality end good acrvica. Larmer Transfer Co. PKone 03O. -TEA SPORT ATI OH SILVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. A M. Stages Sou tit Bound Schedule North Bound Read down Read np Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. .-o o o. a 1 . z o. 4 o 0 PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM. 8:00 1:30 8:00 Pit I'd 10:30 4:00 8:30 8:05 3:35 10:05 Mt.Agl 8:25 1:55 i6:25 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silvl'n 8:00 1:30 6:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. ;Lv. Sunday only 8 :00 p.m. In. Portland Snages leave Stage Terminal Portland and Sto.-lehaoimer'a Drug Store, Silverton 8ALEM SILVERTON 8TAGE ' Leavee Lv Salem Silvervoa O. E. Depot New 1 Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:00 ia-m. IJ:0 a.m. 1 :00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGS Leave Salem. O. E. Depot T:00 a..nt. 11:00 , 6 :00 p.m. ieav Monmoutn Hotel 8:16 a.m., 1:00 p.m.. 6:15 p.m. Leav ladependenc Hotel 8:80 a.m. 1:16 p.m., 6:80 p.m. Special trips by appointment. seven passenger car for hire. , i. W. PARKER. Pron. Re. Phone 615 J Bnaine phon T WOOD SAWS CITY AND lAu.NTKT WOOD SAWISQ. I-none S046. Fisher Broe. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Stores everything except plosives. Apply Fry'e Drug Store. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, 801 South Com'l St. Ten per cent discount! on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deductions for absence or any causa unless water is shnt off your premises. PROFFESIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. i. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 122 State St. Patton Bldg. Phone 957 CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P.S.C.. CIIIROPRAC- tor, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828-R. CHIROPRACTORS lr. Bradford tf Bradford GiaduBtcs and" post graduates of CAR- VElt College. Oklr-hoaia Cit FIRST CHARTERED CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGE in the WORLD. Ten years prac tice. Consultation and examination free. Suite 316 Oregon Bldg. Phone 526. OSTEOPATHICPHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 606 8. Bank Bldg. U.- DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and eurgon. Kirksville E? sduste, 404-405 U. S. National Bans ldg. Phone, office, 910; ran. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physicisn and surgeon, 403-404 Ore foe Bldg. Phones, office, 1894; res 8F5. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR detre st the Bow Optical Company, 825 State street, opposiU Laid and Bush Bank. POMEROY A KEENE JEWELERS AND OnUmetriata S State LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5, Armory. First thi- Mondays REAL ESTATE UR HOME BUYERTOO CAN BUY A 6 room bungalow leas than a year old for $500 lesa than I waa offered for it nine months ago. Haa baa-m-nt. Dutch kitchen, closets aad sleeping porch. $1000 willhandl it. See it today. 125 Leffelle. TRADE FINK PLACE, 2'i ACRES mile from Salem; all cultivated- good aoij, first claia 5 room bungalow, las teref', electric lights, built-in, pood liarn, electric lighted poultry liousr and lrK4er. Price $3500: terms $2500 down, or will take in house in Salem up to fZoO'l. balnnce time ti. S, R. PEARSON 210 211 I. S. Bank Bldg. WORTH WHILE 105 ACRES ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 40 acres in cultivation, some good timber, fair building, stock and equipment go with place. Price $85 per acre. WiU take acre trade. Good terms. MILLS & COPLEY 331 State St. CITY HOUSES OITt LOTS. BUNOA Inwe, small and large acreage, rinse it. and- far out; exchangee ia city and country. Brown A Mag, over But ik'e atrve. Stat and Commercial. Pbone 659. A GOOD ORCHARD BUY I iust sell a close in A. No. one orchard in a few days now. as it hss to be taken rare of and ownr can t do it If open to buy see me by alt means. I hsve e genuine gond bnr. WM. FLEMING 341 State St. ANDERSOM A RUPERT Saeeetaor i Lsflar At Lsftsf INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406 7 Oregoa BWg SPECIAL A good farm of 100 acres close ia on pared highway, V3 ia cultivation. 20 acres in crop; balance pasture and timber. This place is all stocked snd equipped; hit fair buildings. Owner will take some rity property ! first payment; balance long time at 6 per cent. It will pay you to look this over. THOMASON j 3311 State Street. 13 ACRES LEVEL LAND, 13 acre CUL- .fiveted. young orchard for family use, ' 3 acre in jtearhca, in good condition, about 400 rerds timber. 2 wells. 4 room bouse. aO finished; barn, milk boose, etc, 5 head eowa. 1 horse, aow end pig, wagon, hack, cultivator, plow, cream a parstvr, etc- well located oa ., gd gravel-d road close to paved highway. Price $650f or will trade t-r city prenertv. value of about $2500 . First payment f 5300. See : L. A. HAYF0RD - - 805 Ststt t. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOT ON N. 15TH NEAR Marion. Phone 1453W. FOR SALE BY OWNER MODERN FIVE room bangalow. near school and car line. Phone 1201 J. FOR SaLl GOOD HOME AND 12 LOTS; 7 ROOM hoEte aad 3 lots: 5 room house aad one acre; all welt located asd priced Square Deal Co. 302 V. 8. Bank Bldg. Wanted, Loans We have private money to loan oa city or suburban property. We have a fine, well improved1 ten acres to trad for city property. This is first claaa If yott waat to trad, bny or sell see H. L. MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. Woods Bargains New bungalow, $1250; new 5-roora bun galow, paved street. $3200; 2V acrea with horse, barn end orchard, $2500, or will trade; good car t trade for acre age : 5-room house to trade for small place; 100 - seres good Isnd on pave ment, $63 per acre; two acres with small house to rent; six-room house, close in to rent. K. L. Wood, 341 State. Best Buys and txenanges 20 acre, 4 prunes. 8 in grain. 8 rather open timber pasture, running water, pared road, mil s out, 12700, 2 3 rash. 40 aerr in Hsvuville soction. 10 acrea 10 years old, 2 acres rhcrnrt, 2 years oll, i. od m new ( room liangslow, ire I!are. electric liirht. listh. toilft. elec tric service paid for v3 year, new Itarn. coops for IHOO Ymx. 5"K hens, a home to your taate. Mut b? tern to be appreciated; all stork anJ equip ment goe. Price ia right. Are you interested ? 20 acres cloa to Salem. Will take bonds at par (or equity. 8 room house to rent. Want $1600 loan on $ tUOO residence. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State LOT8. SMALL HOUSE. CITY WATER, South Salem; good garden laad; a anap. $1000; $100 eaah rest like rent. Joseph Barber & Son 200 Gray Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE Bringing big dividend)., for sale. Have M-vera I farms well located to tradr fori Salem or Portland property. Sec me about loin. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage St. BUY FROM OWNER 20 ACRES 1 miles from Salem or 30 acre at Anma viTle. Will sacrifice on either place. Will tak- bonds at par fur equities. 95 N. Summer St. Phone 970. NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, $2700; Caah 8500, balance 825 a month. 5 room bungalow, close in, basement, fire plsc, built-in feature, garage. $3500, good terma. 6 ro'MU modern home on State street, fire place, well built in, corner lot K0 ly 150, variety of fruit, garage, $5200. Winnie Pettyjohn 331 V State St. Phone 531 FOR SALE TWO SMALL HOUSES IN North Sal in. I .arte lot. On psved street, clote in. Price $1500. For reel bargaina see Krueger, Oregon Bldg. SPECIAL If yon want a good six room house, at a bargain, with $150 down and 815 a month. See THOMASON S3IH Staf St. TOR RENT VILL RENT PART OR ALL OF 150 acres grain lsnd for 1-3 share. Some equipment. Address A-74, care States man. PUBLIC NOTICES HAY BID INVITED Th3 undersigned will receive sealed bids up till 5 o'clock p. m., Monday evening, April 3, 1922, for the purchase of 15 tons of baled grain and vetch hay, crop of 1921. The city reserves the right ta reject any or all bids. EARL RACE, City Recorder. V(M)I IDS IXV1TKD The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 5 o'clock p. m.. Monday, April 3, 1922, for the purchase of 150 cords of large body fir wood or large second prowt I fir wood, to be cut from live timber. To be delivered at the City Hall rot later than Septem ber 13, 1922. Right reserved by city to re ject any or all bids in the interest of the city. EARL RACE. City Recorder. Xotkc of the Improvnnent of North Hixtecnth Street front the North I.lne of I) Street to the South IJnc of Market Street. Notic" i3 hereby given that the Common Council of the City of 3atem deems it expedient and hereby declares its purpose anJ intension to improve North Six teenth street from the north line of D street to the south line of Market street at the expeuse of the abuUinK and adjacent prop erty, except the street intersec tions the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salcni, by bringing said portion of North Sixteenth street to the established grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of North Sixteenth street with a six-inch concrete pavement in accordance with the plans and specifir-a tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council on the 20th day of March. 1922. now on file in the office of the city recorder, and which for greater certainty and convenience and a more detailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described iui provement by and through the Street Improvement Department By order of the Common Coun cil: .EARL RACE. City Recorder. Date of first publication of this notice is March 23. 1922. Classified Ads. in The Statesman Bring Results E IS Few Selected Are Immune So-Calbd Favorites Show Reaction NEW YORK, March 27. Only a few selected issues vrf-re Im mune from pressure in today's moderately active and lower ntock market. So-called favorite re acted one to three polnU, and soma lesa popular antl more spec ulatlve shares suffered create; losses. Signs of weakened technical po sition and gTeater discrimination on the part of the investors to gether with a falling off of public interest provoked an extension of bearish aggressions, especially . In steels, equipments, oils, motors, supers and kindred specialties. - With tha progress of the ses sion, rails of the investment type as well as junior transportations were singled out for. sporadic at tacks. Partial recoveries in tho last hour were due to bidding up of chain stores and merchand fin issUOS, tORCther with short C0VCT- ingg in sugar and low priced o'ls. Sales amounted to 775,000 share. Incidents ov.r the week-end fa vored both sides of the account. The number of idle freight earj was further reduced, when rail road centers reported a cheerful tone o?er the trnd of business. Copr)ers and the general meta market continued to ignore I he increased foreign inquiry. Call money held at 4 1-2 per cc-nt until the final hour, the rate then easing to 4 per cent. Relaxed country wide monetary condit'eni were' een in th lower rediscount fixed by the Atlanta federal re serve bank. Foreign exchanges were more sensit've to the further collars') of the German remittance, th mark declining- to the smallest fraction above 29-100ths of on cent. Sterling fell 1 (3-8 cen'e under last week's final 'quotation and the wholo range of continent al bills reacted 2 to 17 pent Holland. Norway and Denmark be'ng (he most heavy. E i Assertions Made on Board of Trade That Big Acreage Will Not Yield CHICAGO. March 27. Asser- tions that 800 000 acres in Kansas would not yield half a crop did a good deal today to bring about nigner prices ror wheat. ine market closed unchanged at 1 T-8 to 2 3-4 net gain with May 1 ii 7-8 to 1.33 and July 1.18 5-8 to J -1 8 3-1. Corn finished 5-8 to i-8 a 1 cant up and oats 3-8 to 3-4 cnts. 11 provisions, the out come varied from -0 cent decline to 5 cent advance. Before the advance In the wheat market took place, much, weakness In prices was shown, the result chiefly of a decided setback ol values, at Liverpool. The ex tremo decline here amounted to as much as 10 5-8 cents in noma cases compared with top figures last week. Subsequent buying was bared partly on opfn'ons that liquidating sales were at an end for at least the time being. Lorn and! oats swayed with wheat. An unexpected decreaso in the visible supply of corn wac a late bullish factor. Provisions overaged lower with .hogs. HOPS nkw YORK. March 27. Hops qu:et; state 1921, 23 a 30c; 1920, 18 a 20c; Pacific roast 1921, 24 28c; 1!2(). 20 a 22c. FKIIT NEW YORK. March 27 Evap orated apples irregular; state IS 1-2 a 20c. Prunes rm'rt; Califor nia C a 18 l-2c; Oregon C 3-4 a n Peaches f!rm; choice 13 3-4 a 14 l-2c; extra choice li 3-1 a 1"j 1-4; fancy 13 1-2 u zo 1-2. UAIRYPOTATOES PORTLAND. Or.. March 7 Mutter: Prints extras 39c: cubes extras 36c prime firsts 35c. Hut terfat. Portland delivery: No. sour cream 38 a 42c. vrcam jo a 2C. Potatoes- Rnvin e-- t -i. v ? ,!"y,nS Vr ce locals l.w a 1.20; selling price 1.40 a 1.50. NEW CORPORATIONS Articles of incorporation hava K . , " . been filed by the First Presbyter tan cnurch of Waldport. having """ w eativv. i ne incorpora Inra nu 1 a r. x- r. u , J, ' wejurge, Murphy and W. A. Parnons. Oth er articles have Jien filrl i iol lows: . .... . Knappa Cooperate Telephone association. Knappa, t Clatsop county; incorporators, M. E. Nel son. E. E. Hufstater, Antoa Pe tereon. J. 11. McPherson. James Elliott, George Sold;' capitaliza tion. $1500. . -.; H Li restock Investment companf. Portland; incorporators. Alice M. Madden. E, K. Edmonds, H. L. Newcomb, capitalization. $1(00. Vis coa Products company, rort s IS Ml SUES SGflF! BOOSTS n land: Incorporators, J. XI. Keenar, Thomas Fuller. II. M. . Isaac, capitalization, 5000. Western Depesdo Salcty S!S nal company, Portland; Incorpor ators. Peter Lorsntien, Oliver An derson. J. E. Culllson; capital?xa. tlon, 150,000. Portland University of Sanl practic, Portland; incorporators. Dr. Osborne J. Cotrman. Dr. Rob ert A. Foster. Dr. Irene M. Uur pee; assets, $50. Stat Association of Sanlprac tic Physicians. Portland; incorpor ators. Dr. Osborne J. . Coffman. Dr. Robert A. Foatr, Dr. Irctt M. Burpee; assela, $50. Resolutions showing an In creaas in eapttaliaatioa from 125- 000 to $35,000 were filed by th Silica King Mines company. Resoltulons ot. dissolution wer filed by the following: R, C. !-. ment & Co., Inc., Marshfleld; Eagles Cigar company, Albany; Thompson Sales company. Port land; Church and School Publish ing company, Eugene. ; r Good for That "Fin," Coith 4 For quick relief from th wear ing coughs that ' hang on" after the grippe or Influents, take Fo ley's Honey and Tar. Mrs. K. D Drake, Chllds, Md , writes: "Af ter an attack ot the flat that left me with a severe cough nothing seemed to riHero me U! I tried Foley's Honey and Tat. wVech I can highly recommend. It ts al so good for croup.' whooplns cough and colds. It pots sooth ing, healing coating over the In flamed surfaces, cuts the phlegm, eases hoarseness, clears the ; sir passages. Soli every wher. Ady. s'.s Picture of Fran von Hochow look as if she deserved better lack than marrying a former gal ser. MONEY FOR YOU Look around in your attic or store room antl you will find lontF-forgot-ten articlea, useless to you, but very useful to others. Turn these articles In to cash or exchange tnero for something useful - A classified ad. in the SLatesman will tell hun dreds about it, ' ; ' You can telephone your ad. PHONE 23 SALEM MARKETS V I Pricee quoted ere wholesale and on icae received hr farmer N rU( I ri prices ar given except ee noted. Hats, milling, net, bi to oue. . . Wheat No. 1 hacked, $1.12. I 1 Oats, feed, about. 50c ' Vetch aad oat Say. IS. . . Clover hay. 810 e It Mill run mill feed, f 31. sou a. butts a a , arrrTXKTAT Eggs. reUiL 17-lSe. Cream, ry bnlter. retail, 40 41c. Butterfat, 88-4 1 e. POUlTBs Hens, light. !. Hens, heavy, 20 22e. Roosters, old, inc. POR. MUTTON AND BSTO Hogs, HUe tip. Lamb, none in market. Top veal, T to 9 o, Itv. -Steer, 5tri 64e. Cows, S to 5. FBUTTS Bsnaaas, 9t4 Lemons, T S0 fa $7.50. Navel Oranges, n i $6.54. Florida $8.S 4 $7.50. CaiUoruia crap fmH, $4.l0 VEGETABLES Sweet pot,e. $ Q 8. l'otator. f;-S. Cabbag, 4c. California tomato, tug, $4.50, Cauliflower, Kin, Canliflow t, $2.35. Orezoa onions, 10c. Turnips, $3. ; Parsaipa, $3.50. Oregoa oeiona. Sc. Carrot. $3. Head lettuce, $6 Q $8.50. Boot. $3.64. Celery. $l.ft0. DATES, FIOS, BOBBY Datea, 15. Parkag datoo, ease, $6.71. Flm He Comb honey, caee, $6. , Ccannts, doseit, $1.75. v Straiaed bonoy. lb. 11 He. t 1 Portland Buying Prices EGGS. POULTRY. HEATS BUTTERFAT ERRATIC No. 1 churning cream. 18ttIo f.ob. Portland; undcrgradea, 15 38c. t EGGS STEADY Current riTeipt 19 f 2e: pnlleU I IS tv 16c: white henneries. 22 W 2' It"' X ,1. l?. - 1 receipts bv local jobbers and eretrta.) 1 n''ZVTru U I ft 24 lb; do. light 19 o pound; ft 3e In; do. ligei 1 f? ivv pw t?22 broilers, 48 $t 50c; old rs thettu pound; ducks, young wbiu kins, 27 eeenur do colored. -ta cu; si I .Tarkeys. No. l.djrsaod, 87 O 50c; old roosters. Pe- sta gs. Turkeys, No. 1. dreaaod. 87 O See, UKfcS.'it.U m tA J O ta (Us eommisi'ton) Choice light toga, 1114 & l&c: undergrade. 12 j I4e; veal, ten grade. 134 ( 14c; under- gtadee 10 f 1 3c nt I uu unwtjji HAT STEADY dk a. a en .a a v V tl tPl.iLd I tueiieereo rortiana j vaiiey i wr, - 1 ai.i u tit . to.: Eaatera irg Ti-v 'J? ri.Jf .5. 'XL'r.ZlV - 1 iui cheat. si. e i. t I . .. JKA1X EASIER Trr j,nTXUtl4. , rar lots) WSeM - li.23 6t $t.2t. rn rrains Oat. - lt W;- Kasten yellow eorfc, $1.26 tgi $25.50 a ton; barley, $28.50 tjr 9. : rBxrrt , FRUIT 7M Applew. extra fay. $3 Q $2.50 box; fancy. $1.75 : Ttk.Zl l ILS-' VEGETABLES - . ' VEGETABLES HTEADT Potatoen. No. 1. 0cj ll.f)9; onions. No. 1. $7.50 t $6 cwt: Oregon cabbage, 3 ai 8c lb.: broccoli, $1.75 t $3 crate, parsnijis, le lb.; carrots, 1 HjC lb. '-.Vi'.'v Oi.--- WOOL FIRM " Coarse caller wool IS f ! wednnn 33 tt 25c; tine. 35 27e; Kaileiu Uregwa Id J) " ;-. 1TCVO H0r; i-l i M'T - ) f.