The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY ! MORNING, MAfcCH 2$, 1022.
:3 '
lmt Will Filed .
The will of Joel C. Ernst, who
died recently . In; Marion county,
has been admitted to probate by
County Judge W. M. Busbey, who
has signed an . order making
Joseph E. Keber of Mt. Angel as
administrator, v In his will, Mr,
Ernst directed that his remains be
buried at Waterville, Wash., and
specified 'bequests as follows: To
George Cornelius and Hiram Cor
nelius, of Pike county, 'Ind., $25
each; ; to Sanford Jordon, Water-
! Last Tiroes
Norma ' Talraadge
; and .
Harrison Ford
I -.,:in
'Love's Redemption'
... i Coming, Sunday,
f "Fool's Paradise'
vllle. Wash., $100; to Mary Davis
Watervllle, Wash., $100; to Joel
Cyrus Ernst, Coldfield. Nev.. $50;
to William Ernst. Henderson.
partment, and an early decision
Is hoped for, at least from this
end of the line. It might be pos
sible for word to be received by
wire, of the acceptance of the best
bid some time this week.
Rlanket Are'Punhased
Sixteen pairs of fluffy gray
.New Zealand, $50; to O. W. Ernst hi,nkf .,
Seattle, $200. The will directs ..a k
that the balance of his estate be completion of the firnishings of
distributed in equal shares to J
C. Ernst. W. It. Ernst. A. W.
Ernst, A. W. Ernst. Sanford Jor
don and Mary Davis.
Shingle Xail Annoys
That a shingle nail can be the
cause of excruciating pain can be
attested to by David R.; Patterson,
shingler, who had an nnusual ex
perience with one of the little
four-penny nails Saturday. Wnl'.e
shingling the roof of the Cherry
City hotel, Mr. Patterson took a
mouthful of the little iron nails
and one lodged in his throat. An
X-ray examination and a bit or
surgical Juggling were necassarv
before the nail could be removed.
the new Jury rooms recently ad
ded to the third floor of the court
house building. The blankets
were purchased from the Stayton
Woolenmllls at Stayton.
The West Central Circle
Ladies of the West Central cir
cle will meet at Mrs. J. H. Bakers,
545 Court street at 2 o'clock
Wednesday. Automobile will be
furnished there to take the mem
bers to the Dr. Bellinger home for
the regular meeting. Adv.
Boys Invite Danger-
Chief of Police Moffitt has in
structed all city police officers to
keep a lookout for Salem youths
who steal rides upon freight
trains. Two boys were brought
Portland, Thursday and Friday,
and "Jim" wants to see him in
action. Robbin Reed holds the
northwest championship in the'
lightweight division, and is as
fast and resourceful as they make
Whitehead is Postmaster
Announcement recently has
come from Washington thit J. E.
Whitehead has been reappointed
postmaster at Turner. Mr. White
head has held the position for
some time and it is said his re
appointment is thoroughly satis
factory to the people of that com'
that time. Although he as the
first to announce his candidacy
for governor, he has not yet pub
lished his platform but expects ti
make it public within a week.
A Classified Ad.
Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
Old Co. M's Second Annual Ball
Tomorrow night at Dreamland
riink. Ten-piece orchestra.
Installing Refrigerator 1
M. O. Evans of the Oregon
Growers, is spending the week at I ,n th police station yesterday
The Dalles, to assist In the in-1 wnen inex were round on a
stallatkm of a refrigerator andSouthern Pacific freight train.
storage plant at the Growers' sta- I The DS were reprimanded by of-
tlon thera. The Dalles plant is
one of the biggest and most im
portant in their whole series.
'II :Y.-': . . I
rieers and permitted to return to
their homes after promising to
desist from the dangerous pas
If Yon Like Chicken
Come to Central Congregational I Final Accounts Accepted
church Tuesday evening. Dinner I County Judge W. M. Bushey
served from 5:30 to 7. Plates I yesterday accepted accounts and
25 and 45 cents. Also sale of I dismissed state officials in the fol
Aprons and home made candy. 1 lowing named estates: John
Horse is Frightened
H. Baily, of 494 South Winter
street, yesterday reported to the
police that his horse had become
frightened and had run away on
Court street. The runaway horse
and wagon collided with a car.
but there was little damage, ac
cording to the report.
Duncan ia Eugene
Robert Duncan, manager of the
Salem Commercial club, is in
Eugene this week attending a
school for commercial club secre
taries that is being conducted by
Dean Robbins of the department
of business administration, Ore
gon State university. President
J. C. Perry of the commercial
club, presided at the Monday din
License is Secured
Theodore Roberts, of Mill City,
appeared at the police station on
Monday and secured his motor
cycle which had been "arrested"
Sunday night by Patrolmen Put
nam and Branson. The recreant
motorcycle bore a 1D21 license.
Mr. Roberts secured a 1922 li
cense and was permitted to mo
torcycle on his way.
Brown Estate Appraised
The Harry F. Brown estate
has been reported upon by ap
p raisers M. J. Lindhall, Minnie
Richards and John Beckt. Real
and personal property to the, val
ue of $429.60 is inventoried.
Warninz Si ens Sent Out
F: A. Elliott, state forester,
sanding out several hundred
warning signs to the fire warden
of the state which will be posted
for the benefit of campers and
others who are in the timber dur
ing the dry months of the sum
mer fire season. These will be
placed in all the forests of the
state over which the department
has jurisdiction.
Governor Olcott Asked By
National Committee to
Issue Proclamation
Old Company M
Will have their second annual
Governor Olcott is requested to
issue a proclamation calling upon
th people of Oregon to hold ap
propriate exercises in churches
and to toll the bells at a certain
hour on April 2 in honor of Am
erican soldiers, sailors, marines
and nurses who lost their lives
overseas and whose remains have
bean returned to thi3 country, in
cluding the last shipment of 1500
now en route. The request comes
from E. A. Simmons of New York,
chairman of the committee for the
reception and disposition of bod
ies from overseas.
The following letter has been
received by the governor from
Mr. Simmons and it is probable
hat the proclamation will be Is
sued: , "Funeral services over the last
shipment of bodies from overseas
of those American soldiers, sail
ors, marines and nurses who paid
thrj supreme sacrifice Jn the
World war, will be held in Brook
lyn at 3 o'clock, eastern standard
time, on the afternoon of Sunday,
April 2. As it ia intended that
Wei Apr. 5
Floor and boxes ...$3.60
1st 3 rows balcony 3.00
Last 2 rows balcony . . . . 2.50
Gallery (not reserved) 1-50
War tax 10 per cent extra.
The first appearance
has ever made in Salem
40 people 40
.3 special car
Flnt Appaarancs in th Wtst i Several Yaars af Aaaartoa'a
Fgfmoat Actraaa. ,
prwalr """"
parallel ia lb History of fee Jtoericaa
Corner 19 th and Ferry. Adv.
, Your . eyes are ia use. No
chance for rest except when
you sleep. Is it any wonder
that they become tired?
Give your eyes a chance, let
us give them a .careful, ex
amination to determine
' whether or 'notglasses are
204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest Optical
Phona 229 for appointment
J Bids Opened Tomorrow-
Bids are to be opened at Wash
ington, March 29, for the con
struction of the proposed addition
to the Salem postoffice. The bids
will be in the hands of the super
vising architects for the postal de-
iStauffer estate. Louis Webert, ad
ministrator; Fred A. Meeske, es
tate, Minnie Meeske, executrix;
Helen M. Birdsall. estate. H. M.
Birdsall, administrator.
People Use Swift's Fertilizer and personal property to the value
Because it makes them money, Uf $3430 is included in the es-
See C. 8. Bowne or phone 353 It-- n
AuT. I t a Va-v t v Shorv
herd and P. Hltchman. In the es
Money Transferred
The state land board has au
thorized the transfer from the I the service shall commemorate not
1 . ... .
ball this Wtdnesday evening at scnooi iuna interest account w 1 only the 1500 bodies new en route
Dreamland rink. 10-piece orches- the irreducible school iund tneiDut also those of the 44.000 of
tra. A good time assured. Adv. sum of $740 which represents thetneir comrades who came before
net loss to the school fund princwianti now e in the soil of their
Inventories Filed Pal n a'1 farms acquired Dy tore-1 beloved country, we respectfully
Appraisers reports were filed I closure of mortgages, and &ou request and urge that you issue a
yesterday in two estates. Real rrom reoruary 12, iso, to .Marcn I special proclamation to the peo-
, it is sam mat ouiyipie Df your state calling attention
four farms were sold for less tbant0 the event and requesting that
the original loan, and all others I appropriate exercises he held in
for more tnan tne principal oi 1 .11 churches and that bells be I
the loan and in many cases for I tolled at a given hour.
ft V IV I V a
nartman'f UiaSSet 1 IV1" .UUily- tatnn xn vnhr. nronerty more than the net cost to the
WM,ti,flB1 OTWi .J Annur AovacK, or MCMinnvme, " t listed by state, which fncludes the loan, in-
, Wear them Md See was yesterday arraigned in justice l thVU f "0V"T.!i tere!t. t and court cost8.
Arthur Novack, of McMinnville,
IToaia. OTW T?off o-1 u , I Conrad Greiter, T. K. Ford and
uukjivi wiu www ivuu vu a tuaise vi (lusaeaaius i
IntovlMtinp- Hniinr Vnvaclr was I L M. ra, appraisers.
I r
arrested Saturday nieht bv Of fi
rnone lZa5, salem. Ureeon cers Putnam and Abbott. When
aais Ida y cmfwyp cmfwyp cm
SAVE $ $ $
arrested, Xovack is said to have 1
made efforts to smash a pint
flask of liquor. However, the of
ficers retrieved the flask with suf
ficient contents to Berve as evi
dence against Xovack. He will be
arraigned in justice court at 10
Class- Will Iebate
The first of two interclass de-
Loss of Appetite is also loss of
vitality, vigor, tone. To recover
Uiaice UUys UIOCKS I Ra,nnnrliia hat .tronrlhAni
Fred C. Blake yesterday pur- thft Rtoma(h nerfe,tf, dt.Mtion.
chased one block of ground Just I makes eating a pleasure. It also
by - baying yoar hardware smd
fornltnre at ' The Canital Hard
ware ft Furniture Co., 285 No. o'clock this morning.
Commercial street. Phone 947.
"if yea waat a
wholesome, kal
thy mind th
tint' itrp i to
rrappl with and
klil that thine
called mK Vty.
It U a ior killer '
One min
nte essay
on health
by O. L.
Scott, D.
will buy anything you have
J: to sell
Loganberry and hop wire
for sale
The House of Half a Mil
lion and One Bargains"
402 N. Commercial St
Phone 523
i Reed in Portland-
James Reed of Willamette, and
university reporter on the States-
man, is visiting this week in Port
land. ' His brother, Robin Reed,
i is one of the bright stars in tlte 1 Hce Catalog on application
o. A. c. wrestling team that is toiat.
take part In the big northwest
championship amateur meet at I Administrator Named
Joseph Faulhaber was yester
day named as administrator of
the estate of Paul Kronberg who
died in Marion county, March 17,
bates among tne classes ot south of Rural avenue in E. A. I makes the blood rich and pure,
high school is scneauiea ior io- i Rhoten's sub-division. Mr. Blake I and steadies the nerves. Adv
day when the junior orators meet I pians on building a residence ou
the sophomore trio on the ques- tnJa block early this summer
tton: "Resolved: That the Unitea
States should cancel ner aiuea aT.nA (iiief Cominc
debts." A lively contest is pre- Mrs Ena q. Wortman. grand
dieted and few are warranting J cnief of tn9 Pythian Sisters of
predictions as to the
Klamath County Has Two
Seeking Judge's Office
The candidates for circuit
outcome. Oregon will make an official visit judge for Klamath county, the
The debate Is scheduled for 10:30 to Centralia temple No. 11 Tues-13th distric. yesterday filed their
and is open to the public. I day evening, March 28. (declarations at the office of Sam
A. Kozer, secretary of state. They
Lgai liianas i ' . -tlare A. L. Leavitt and E. L. Elli-
Get them at The statesman oi- PFRKfiNA f x lUtt. both r.!it, nr Ki.m.ti,
The Superior Kind
'Ts Test Tnrt TUt
Tor Tear rssuly's Saks'
Phone 725
1 ,
KiikiiawiitaiiMthhlhtMniiriiiiilviiliaajtrttMitif Ulittadl ies.nytiitMiUhit iWafc lif aaiiihM iMiiliilllllliMllliliiliiHiiliiWl Iliii Miilliilliwiisiili mmnj
E. S. Porter of Silverton was a
business visitor Monday.
Charles King, living in the Sil
verton hills, was a Salem vislr secretary of state. They are
George May, local capitalist of
Three new declarations of can
didacy for representative in the
legislature are on file with the
R. J. Carsner. Spray, Ore., for
the 28th representative district. !
1922. The estate includes per- Angel, had business In Salem. comprlsing Gimani( Sherman and
1 :
Often a Bridesmaid
but Never a Bride
Many men came and went
in her life and she didn't
know why. She was often a
bridesmaid but never a
bride. She didn't ! under
stand. But the answer is
Simple. Ker . breath .was
bad. ;. :. :'.V.
An offensive- breath may
be due to several causes and
before action is. taken to be
rid of iu Xnow the cause.
The most prolific, cause of
tainted breath, however, is a
sluggish liver. If the bowels
and the eliminating organs
are active, the stomach can
empty itself regularly and
the breath remain, sweet.
Chiropractic spinal : adjust
ments will restore the nor
: mal activity of eliminative
organs. J :': '? '
Chiropractic i spinal ad
justments are restoring the
conditions of health in dis
eases of the eye, ear, 'nose,
throat, lungs, Heart, stom
ach, pancreas, kidneys, liv
er and lower organs of the
body. ; ."" ''';:':-,'"
. ; f ir , .- - -is.
You can make an appoint
ment for your health's sake
by telephoning 87. v
' - ntssuitoNsnsALv
, ' ' arms m rouses ,
ia wkaa
roa -friapaaa
11 t m sa
ippotav i
la vtUMl
mi-iri nnnrii
Starting Sunday
sonal property to the value ot
about $1,000. Heirs are Chris
tine Kroneberg, widow and two
daughters. Rosalma, 7. and Helen,
4. all residents of Mount Angel.
Monday afternoon.
H. D. Mars, editor of the Jet
Wheeler counties; Glen O. Hol-
man Dalaa fnr lha 1 1th riin-l.
ferson Review, was a guest at .the compr,sng Polk COunty: and w!
Appraisal Madi
O. C. Whitney. R. S. Blew ana
A. L. Whitney appraisers of the
John R. Foulds estate, yesterday
reported to County Judge Bushey
on estate property valued at
Salem Commercial club luncheon
Monday noon.
Walter Banks ot Portland
spent Sunday in Salem visiting
with friends
Miss Agnes Sprague is spend
TomortoV " Thurs day
We pay highest prlee.
We bay and sell everything
We sell for less.
S15 Center St. Phone SOS
Spring Special
Our "spring special ' is a llgnt-
ing fixture bargain that he are
offering complete for $25. Others
as low as $10. Come in and look
over our stock of high grade
lighting fixtures. Salem Electric
Co.. Masonic Temple. Phone 1200.
Dr.O. L. Scott
.. Chiropractor
414-19 U S. Bank Bldj,
Phcsc 87
Sleepy Sam Cody, the
laziest cowboy in Ari
zona, h here shown
eloping with Lulu Fos
tr. the Tjrettiest and
' most romantic girl in
the state, l-uiu nau.
nothing to do with it.
But Sam had his way.
The story of how he
worked himself up to
the point of action makes
the funniest motion pic-,
ture in years.
ni Mlivl u
Cnpid Wins
Cupid made a one strike at
County Clerk Boyer's office yes
terday when a marriage license
was issued to George A. Widener,
a sawmill worker and Anna O.
Johnson, both residents of Silver-ton.
ng a few days In Portland with
Miss Agnes Nelson ot the state
library was unexpectedly called to
Portland Friday morning .
Miss Laura Payton spent Sun
Hav in PrtrtlanH ratnrnlftv tn Ca.
lem to resume her duties in the l""ou x raising
local schools vesterdav mornine. more revenue rrom property now
Mis Laura Richards of Wlllam- raping ua saare oi taxation; to
ette university spent the week-end enact ,aws to prove marketing
In Portland. She will return to iconaiuons ior proaucers. ana win
Salem todav advocate measures to enable the
l ....
Marc Latham of the University warmers ana stocit raisers tobor-
of Oregon visited in Salem Snn-lrow money on more lavorable
m r -, -- ;. ;: .:y-: S I
i3 m
Woman it Named
"That Hadley woman" is nam
ed by Margaret P. Terry, in a di
vorce complaint filed against Roy
don P. Terry. In her complaint
filed at the county clerk's office
yesterday, Mrs. Terry asserts that
her husband neglected his family
and associated with various ques
tionable persons, the "Hadley wo
man" in particular. Mrs. Terry
claims that he deserted her when
he was rebuked for his associa
tions. The couple were married
at Salem September 13. 1916
There Is one child, Leroy Lawr
ence Terry, 4 years old.
Thing Peerless Desuties
dominating Petition Blanks-
Secure them at the Statesman
(legal dept.) upstairs. Adv.
Kcjly Shares Iicch
Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly
of department No. 1, yesterday ex
tended the courtesies of his court
to a visiting jurist. Circuit Judge
H. H. Belt, of Polk county. While
in department No. 1, Judge Belt
occupied the bench with Judge
Kelly during the" process of civil
action being tried during the day
B. Ewing, Oakland, for the fourth
district, comprising Douglas
Mr. Carsner submits no plat
form. Holman's olatform reads:
"Vote against creating new of
fices. Work to put salaries as they
were when officers were elected.
Trim all appropriations."
Ewing presents the following
"Use my utmost endeavor to
day, going to Silverton to spend
his vacation with bis parents.
Ialo Smith has gone to Rose-
burg for a short visit.
Miss Kezel Browne returned to
Salem yesterday following a few
days spent In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Unruh spent
the week-end in Portland.
Working for J. D. fjee
P. K. Feike of Portland, an ex
service man who is working in
the interest of the candidacy of
J. D. Lee for governor, was in thi
city yesterday interviewing local
people, and reports a growing
sentiment for Mr. Lee for gover
nor. Mr. Lee expects to be.In.Sa-
lem on April 4. and will probably
MARION A. R. Innes, J. A
Ockwig, Glen E. Fox, A. A. Soule,
A. A. Hale, Sol Richardson, C. L.
Guminger, Mrs. E. A. Davies, L.
K. Nichols, Mrs. Joe Sandvall, J.
A. O'Neil. E. H. Norman, Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Tate, J. D. Altman,
Frank M. Barrett, C. S. Moon, C.
H. Allen, R. Budlong, G. W. Nolan,
E. O. Locker, F. B. Rayburn, F.
E. Ackerman, W. S. Pain, C. C.
Hall, R., H. Oliver, A. W. Parsons,
E. P. Stewart, Gilbert W. Allen,
R. S. Flack, W. Schuppe, E. M.
Norton, A. C. Spencer. Mr. and
Mrs. FX A. Levy, Portland; Geo
A. Welbur, Los Angeles; E. Wied
er, Albany; W. J. Kerr, Corval-
lis; Geo. A. Hawker, Vancouver,
B.C.; M. G. Bryan, Cedar Rapids,
Ia.; Geo. Gill, The Dalles; Percy
Kelly, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. R
C. Perry; K. M. Murphy, Minne
BLIGH Geo. L. Coburn, Ban
don; J. F. Steiner, Jefferson; Rob
ert Willard. Lebanon: C. P. Pen
nington, C O. Johnson, Eugene;
Paul Petri, Laura E. Joy, Milton
Johnson, E. R. McKinley, W. E.
Green, T .H. Beck, B. A. Sen,
Portland; C. M. Boulder, Dayton;
J. A. Shanks, Los Angeles.
TERMINAL Nora Miller. J. B
Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shy
Ian.. W, D. Whitney, R- F. Alex
ander and E. J. Lewis, Portland.
His slogan Is: "Producers
should regulate expenses; taxpay
ers should control taxation."
KRON Mathilda Kron, age G4
years, at local hospital Monday
March 27, mother of Vicar
Kron, Salem. Mrs. P. J. Chris
topher of Minneapolis. Mrs. J.
E. Anderson of Appany, N.D.,
Mrs. J. I. Wagers, of Salem.
Announcement of funeral later
by Rigdon mortuary.
Quality Pointi
Variiish and Kahomine
Motor Car Finish
dx No Luster
Enamels and Floor Wax
The Quicksale Store
iem on April . ana wtu prooaniy 0-T j .u. Of -make
a" political "speech bere at Read ! the ClaSSmed AOS,
FLANDERS Grace Flanders, of
Chemawa, at the age of IS
The body is at Rigdon's. Fun
eral services will be held at
Chemawa at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
ALIJRO Elbert Albro, died
March 26 at a local hospital.
Age 72 years. Funeral ser
vices will be held at Webb &
Clough chapel Tuesday, March
28 at 10:30 a. m.. Rev. Acheson
officiating: Burial will be in
I. O. O, F. cemetery.
80c Yard
This is not congoleum but a high grade Linoleum that
sells regularly at $1.25 a yard.
in "Craftsman leather' not
leatherette- Special at
Leading Mortician
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert EcLabsers
45-inch plank top, quarter sawed oak with six genuine
leather seated chairs j. --$50.00
Solid oak saddle seat dining chairs at, each . $3.73
Giese & Co.
373 Court Street
Phone 464
Secondhand Goods Bought and Soli