The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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n v yi ! i
Mr; nd Mrs: in h. vande
VORT celebrated their 27 th
: wedding anniversary laat
night by opening, their home to
the Flinch club's more1 than. 30
members. Jt, was' also Mrs. Van
devott's 'blrthdayv anniversary.
The bouse -was prettily decorated
with ' dark plriK" caTnalonr Mrs.
f upon t a s t i n g
F ' - w V
" , v , V l-i'-i iifa
Price assisted the hostess in senr-
lns dainty refreshments! " " "
The Flinch' club has been ltf er-
istence for more than 20 yean
bat has' not met for more -than
two years. It formerly met once a
month. LAst nirht'a meetlna was
in th nature of a reriTal of the j
old organization... - Flinch was
played by the guests during the
erenlnsr h6urs.
Thev members of the' dab in
clude besides Mr. and Mrs. Van
derort. Mr. and Mrs: W. c. "Win-
slow, Mr. and Mrf. O. Ev Price.
UG. Holt. Miss Berrl Holt. Mr.
and Mrs. U. O. Borer. Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Barnes. . Dr. and Mrs.
M. C. Flndley. Dr. and Mra. H." J.
Clements, Dr. and Mrs. H. C.'F
ley, Dr: and Mrs. B. Ii. Steeres, I
Mf. and Mrs. F;r A' Gegge, Mr.i
and Mrs. R. R. Jones, Mr, andj
Mrs. E. B, Millard, Mr.; and Mrs,
J." A. MUla. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Baker. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kirk.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Swafford. Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Miles.
Mr. and Mrs. Orler LeMngwell
are receiving the congratulations
of their friends on the birth ot a
daughter. Vidian ' May. who -was
born -March 22, Mrs. Leffingwell
was formerly Miss ViTlan Brown.
Mfsa Margaret Beattie of Ore
gon City and Miss 'Lorena Cool-
idge of La 1 Grande spent a few
days last- week - with Mrs. L. T.
Harris.- Thy hater gone- to Ore
gon' City: where they will spend
tuts been reached at Kafoury's . 1
f .
Bay Now, while" as soriments are complete.
Salem Store Portland SUk Shop
; 466 State Street, ,v383Alder Street
1 1
' Siepaver
Work-Saver , . , , Jyon-an-Saver
The'HQOSlERlnM.bJen r entahle ioJ-sentl
to many a mnthenin thil part of; the, country.
It is np wsv iob to take ;
haye to go about yonn yrprk inJoe; 4if hcnlt, Io
fashioned way.put with a HOpSIERyorj get
done in a jiffy;c?Ybu;fveCso:many;step
yourVork is io'grcatly. cnpllfiecl that yon real
ly enjoy your family, even at the end of a busy
da , . . .
! :Si1 OOiDelurers
4 your Hoosier
and wii jW"iret ft; y lS kHn ri!.
reoiar of proved improvement. ..There is nothir.K ''
eoold bar f build that will oavoiyoa mxrlj tine
d onorry. A otacl 6Knmtrti f UOOSIER 8
luporior rTsngniKrat win mmtw jv
...! C. S. Hamilton
Violinist to Play at Asso dated Charities Benefit.
v. ,h,.-
y If i 00 -"- f- : .
i j v y - - v "y ' . f
" : - - 1 4 W ' I . . V, I
. -V TV ;- ;. j ' ? x J v if f. ': I
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- f -f V - ftV't 'wi.t m ' l
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Xb yj If A ,-f . . a;-:.-- ft
1 .'.tfy r. - y ' II )
Ti -, . sr. r rsLz II II
Approximatey $1300 casb has
been paid in to the '.Associated
Charities fund since the campaign
was started in the. earay winter.
Of this, about 1300 was turned
oTer by 'the churches, 1200 by
iPrtrate indlridnals. and $10Cft by
lodges and various eirie societies.
This money has been extended.
about $200 for paid; helpers.
$1000 for groceries, $100 to $150
for shoes, and $150 for nurses.
In addition, about 5000 gar
ments have Deen received and
distributed to approximately 1000
people in 200 families. Other
donations, net listed in the bought
and paid for groceries', are 100
gallons of canned fruit. 1000
pounds beans, 1000 ; loaves of
bread, 100 sacks of potatoes, and
25 sacks of flour. Between 600
and 700 pairs of useable shoes of
all kinds have been received", 100
overcoats, 50 suits, and 7 b wo
men's coats, besides other un
classified garments in large num
The March bills are estimated
at dose to $350, and it is be
lieved that at least $350 Will be
needed for April, after' which
spring work will open so that not
ranch need wil remain for general
charity. But these two months
bills leave $600 unprovided for
The biz charity concert set for
Wednesday night at the armory.
every detan "of which is being do
nated. Is hoped to bring In enough
funds to clean up the year with
nobody in Salem suffering for
ment which ia belrifir invert tomorrow eveninstfor the Salem Associated Charities. Mrs. Gol-i food, tiothea, ; shelter, fire or
die Jreterson wessei oi rorxiana vnu ne boioibi xor . me Bveuiinj, owujr owuti Uu
This concert will not have any
'overhead." It Is all given. The
printing, the musical talent, the
armory rental, everybody who can
help. Is doing it without price.
The sale of tickets np to the pres
ent has' not been nearly as large
as hoped for. A full house will
amply take care of the Associated
Charities finance for the rest of
the year.
About $1500 Paid in Since
Organization Entertain
ment is Boosted
priatlons," is Lis slegant His
platform reads: ? i -
"Work for tie redaction of tax
es, boad issues and appropriations
or public funds: for more equita
ble distribution of the tax bur
dens; I advocate fewer laws and
such laws as are based on justice
instead of special privilege. 1 fa
vor the public school system and
the higher educational institu
tions, but believe they should be
more efficient in service and
more economically administered.
believe there is urgent need for
better farm to market roads
which" will serve agriculture, the
basic Industry of the state.
Ooarteay of Portland Tologram.
Miss Elizabeth Levy, local violinist who will play at the popular concert and entertain-
Cook Patton will assist with individual skits.
their vacation from the univer
sity of Oregon.
Mrs. W. E. Anderson returned
Sunday evening from - Portland
where she attended Grand Opera
last week. . .
' I. .. .- - ... '
Miss Laura Pratt of ,CorvalIis
was the guest of Mies Lena Belle
Tartar over the week-end. '
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brandt, for
mer residents of Salem, ' visited
with friends here over the week
end. - . . j
I Miss Gladys Sargent spent the
week-end with her parents in Eu
geneT ;; ' 1 :
Miss Anne Murray visited Sun
day with. Miss Miriam E. Ander
son at the T.W.C.A. :
Mr5, and Mrs. W. 6v Fowler have
returned to Los Angeles;; follow
ing- two weeks visit V with Mrt.
Fowler's mother, Mrs. Christine
Ackley. Mrs. Fowler was formerly
. ,$TOUlDF0n
DecausB it's made in the
most careful and scientific
maimer from absolutely
pure materials that remain
pure in the baking and ir
sure wholesome; healthful
food.' ' - -
Cecauso it possesses the
greatest leavening power.
Because it isnotaflEect-
ed by- time or weatherit -
never loses its strengto
ind never tails, u ; v
Because itis
nomical you save when
yott buy it and you save
when you use it
These, are a few of the
reasons why Calumet . is
the standard baking pow
der -the choice of millions
more being sold than
of any other brand.
i . i . -.,.....-
Try it always buy itH
xour grocer can supply
" ,X.SX-.''.f-i .'3.' - ; ;
MIbs Esther Ackley. Mr. and Mrs.
Ackley made the trip by car, com
ing through in four daya.
' . '.
, Mrs. F. E. Barker spent yester
day in. Portland where she visited
the Girls Polytechnic school.
f - .
. Miss Nan -Putnam returned to
CorralUs Sunday evening follow
ing her vacation which was spent
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Putnam. . .
, Mr. and Mrs. John'McNary will
entertain the Merry-Go-Roiind
club at their home this evening.
; ' t .''u...-;.v
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Littler and
son, Robert, and Mrs. E. E. Up-
meyer are spending a ,few days at
Mrs. Grpver C. Bellinger wUl
entertain the West Central circle
at her home tomorrow. The meet
ing! of the West Central circle was
postponed front the regular 'third
Wednesday when the other circles
met... r
Mrs. C. A.'Pirk will resume' her
Bible' classes this afternoon.-" The
Epistle" to the Hebrews will be
taken np. The classes meet at
Mrs. Pratt's home, 1485 Chem
eketa street.
. f ':"Z ;;". "i :
:g fd'.
1 A Mti 4 caa Cafttatet ctalM foB
1 d vs. SooM bmkiaf powdare eeaae ia
Grert. A mother and daughter
banquet was held later in the eve
ning. The banquet was prepared
by the T.W.C.A. and the members
of the Hi Y club. They also serv
ed, according to Miss Anderson,
who was present for the banquet
dregori Club
I Women Meet
in Corvallis
Stockton of Sheridan
Candidate for Session
Cscsfif ussi CL;::rca
T4tousao4a of Mother have found
MOTfin ours snirr rnxczs
an execnent rowdy for cbildmi
ooa.r4ain!n'o( llrdactcs, Colda,
Conatipatiou, ITniirjia. Sloro-
acn Tfoaotes asa Bowel urcguiart-
oea. xnew powoera
are easy and picas.
ant to tax and x-
celkmt rsaulta jT"
ara accorof4tsb- j r
ed bv their use. f '
yean. . 17"."'!'
aMbf ' "k
dera .
tl,T 5 -
The lateset threat is to pro
duce a moving picture that has
no love scenes. It would be a
.a l i t ' 3 a. w a. m
(uw uui nit nanuerwiiBiM n. . i . i-.rf! j ij.
Dane out of the cast . - neau U13. UldSSIIICU HUi.
CORVALLIS. March 2T: The
i'date of the state Convention! of
Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs was changed by the etecu-
tive -rboard of the" federation
which met here last week. The
board set the date for the con-
yention. which will be at tUla
inook this year, as May 30 ' to
June J. The club bulletin which
was off the press last week gave
the date for May'v to It, which
was changed '- on recommendation
of the board.'1 " ." ' - r
The executive "board was- enter
tained while in Corvallis by Mrs
Ida B. Callahan, president of the
Oregon State Federation, by Mrs.
William Jasper Kerr and Mils Ara
B. Milam, dean of the school rt
home economies at the Oregon
Agricultural -College. w j
Business faketf up by 'the board
included the consideration A of
amendments to the. constitution
and other routine business.
R. V. Stockton of Sheridan has
filed with the secretary of state
his declaration as a candidate tor
the ' Republican nomination for
representative in the legislature
from the 13 th representative dis
trict, comprising Yamhill county.
"Reduction of taxes and appro-
HE Modern - Writers- section
of the-Salem Arts league
I - was - entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. aBr-
ton, Saturday evening. Miss
Lahra Pratt of Corvallis, one
of the three original members of
th Modern Writers section three
years ago, was a guesi oi nonor.
The Gulf eBtween' a short
story by -Miss Pratt, was one of
thei features of the program
Poems contributed, by members
included "Stars," by Miss Renska
Swkrtz; "The Souls Escape,- "My
Heart's Castle. and "Harien-
quin. by Mrs. J. C. Nelson;
"When Tierrot Left Me Yester
day,", and "England," by Mrs.
Gertrude Robinson Ross.
The evening was later given
over to a social hour in honor of
Miss Pratt. Mrs. J. C. Nelson was
to have entertained the section
this evening but because of .the
vacation at the university this
Week which makes it more con
venient 'for Miss Minna Harding
and : Miss Laura ' Richards, they
will .entertain the group at Lau
sanne hall this evening.
HIRTY-SIX girls were taken
-"'into rthe Girl ' Reserve 'club
5 in Stayton Friday by repre-
Bentatives of the Salem corps. The
Salem officials going over were
Miss Miriam E. Anderson, general
secretary of the Salem Y.W.CJl,
Miss Josephine Bross, advisor of
a Junior , high school corp in .Sa
lem, Miss Louise Findley. Miss
Florence DelL ..and " Miss Helene
W Vtt MuSJ hi tSTthfoat aid
hlf "basttbx)roaghly.wit--i
0 C
' I r) 1- fir : v
"jJ JJ iiii'c)
10for5cX W
"melts in your mouth," (Mi ' .
tJien you get theidele' '
tabled guin . ceito-V--'.-vA wr :4
i And with WrigleyV thre old :-r ,7l J;'
standbya also afiordinK frtendlyl C . teeth, throat, breath ap-...-.Vx
petite ;and digestion. ytpy
SoVhing, thirttuenchirifr1 v
Making 'the next cigar CirX
cut mis Out It Is Worth Money
' ' to Ton. ' t-
Cut out this' slip., enclose 'w&h
5c ;nd mail it to Foley - k Co.,
zajo eneuieia Ave.,.unicago. liL.
writing your name . and address
clearly. Tpus wUlVreceiye In, re
turn, a trial package containinx
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs, colda' and Croup;.' Fo
ley Kidney Pills for pain in side
and , back; rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments;
and Foley Cathartic Tablets. !
wholesome and thoroughly clean
sing cathartic for constipation,
biliousness, headaches, and slug
gish- bowels. Sold everywhere.
Ady. ..... . . .
Woitaen are urged to limit the I
length of talk over the phone in
southern California, which is our
idea of a- useless suggestion. i
m Angeles Timea.;' f-
" : .
,' ' Today
i- Bihle class. Mrs. C.
Park, 1485 Chemeketa at. .
Modern Writers section, at .
Lausanne hall, S o'clock -
,v .. Wednesday t
West Central circle. First
M. E. church with Mrs. Gro-
yer C Bellinger n ;, - - 1
- Katnrday , . . ..
1 W. R, C. corps meeting..
MM ii tkas ft Cnmn. It's 1
WAsmtiM, aal mJr -wJti
"ra saiitaa eat a"v Eats.
"Mr, Ma. mJJrmmm mmd
Portland Flouring Milling. Co. announces to the pnb-
He. tEat not a carton of Olympia Cereals or sack '
of Olympia floor or feed on Band in Ihe Olympiad
mill at time of fire last Wednesday will beissuea by
as to dealers or through other channels find iti way
into the bands of our highly valued patrons.
And; furthermore beginning Monday morning, we
shall be in a position to dehver absolutely fresh stock
of our foil line of Olympia products.
,. '
,- .. . , , .-
: Thank You
t MiIls: cdivlPAiviY
f .-. j .... .. , ..: .
Portland, Oregon
As tf'sf-
! IS m. B
1 Net
Kmbo Hr a tsuk-Faalwn Iastitot
1 l.; . . .
; 13 oa. cans iaateao of