' -THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OTLT!nfWi WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 22. 1922 r I I I t fc!; Ortflgg gfatgcittw tjssmn Asrnnszxmt prt fegnrtwa "M insertions - - , reek (U Uaertieas). 9 $ So JOe t . months' contract, per lSe .5 atha' neatreet. Mr use 13 itisiataai lot aay advoTtieeaseal, SSs . - NORWICH UNION fCt3 IXSTJTIAKCK SOCIETY ! Ttiebon. Roland Barehardt CaU Aceat 871 Bute St. C . MONEY TO LOAN On BmI KiUti . T. K. FORD ' (Qref Ladd Bash Ban) NEW, TODAY BLACKBERRY PLANTS CORY AND . Barkank Thorniest, Himalaya, Kitta ' tinny, Mammoth, Evergreen, any quan tity. Wtrd K. Richardson. TO BALE TWO COWS, ONE FRESH. 171 lie. CommereinL GET TO TRADE WORK -TEAM AND HAR- - ....i kAArm.. "kit modern t room home with two : lsrrn lois la lawn, garaen ana iron. . i Onent basement, - furnace. . Pries I 5600. and listen, $1000 down and 1 balance at $29 a month and the in uml 5 pereent, yes percent. Becks , ; Hendricks, 805 V. 8. Bank Bldg. 13100 BUYS A SEVEN ROOM HOUSE ; , ea Sort a 6th Street. for real bar- i (alaa, ae Kraega Oregon Bldg. WANTED SINGLE" MAN FOR GEN- , ml firm work. BtU waget and i- i AX A Art - f . permca. Aoureaa .. n.-n, . car ,' ' 8tataiaa. . fOB RENT ,R00M MODERN COT- taga, with fireplace sad hot water fur- ar.- t'afnrniihed exrept 2 ga ((otm, 35; locate.', at North 16th lft. Want. Brcks A Hendricks, . 305 U. S. Bank Bldg. : AVta MECUANIC8 WE HAVE AN ewtjlent loeatioa ia heart ef eitjr; enlr f laeenanira ef exceptional merit eonaid- tred. : "Auto," care Stateamaa. 1 STENOGRAPHER CLERK WANTED , W seed good combination experi ( ted atcnogrspher rlerk. . St-adr work, fsmale preferred Write appli cdlofl in ewn hand-writing, stating (peneace, glTing refreneea, ago, mar ri of single. , Address ,P. O. Box - ays, Salem. " FOE RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, v HQ .Cnrt St. " ; I THE .MeMINNVILLE CO. HAS AMPLE i resenreea' to meet all claims. Fire t knees - paid promptly. Oet your f ire r insurance -with them at LOW COST. Sundley k Foley, agrnu, Bnth Bank Bldg. ONE NEW 13-9 SINGLE DISC KEN ' tacky drill, S75; 6 T enltivater with . lever and gsuge wheel, 6.50; 14 inch i " 2-bottom Oliver (ang, slightly used, 1 350. H. Pohlo A Son, Salem. Orfgon. I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ON A FINE J tract rinse in on pavemeat aad a s I , room Juingalow with garage ia East I i Salem. If ou rent now and have state I I lota or part cash see one of these f ; before you shoot another rent In the ; river. Prices $3500 and 13300. Becks ilk Hendricks. 205 U. 8. Bank Bldg. I YOUNG WOMAN WANTS COOKING I , downstair work, adult family. 118 Oat. Phona 837.- ' i PORTLAND AND" SAL.EM STAGE CO. - will have stages returning from Porl , land after the verfonnaace ef Chicago Grand Opera. For informal ioa call I 698 697. . BIX . ROOM BUNGALOW ON N. COT- I Uta Street, bis three besutifal bed- j rooms, breakfast room, all ono en 7 1 flev. Tee fruit trees. - eaat front, i; - fTMO. Beautiful home on Court Ht. ; Complete in every - -detail, 912,000. t Aaother beautiful home aa Court Bt. ; ipielont gronndi, at $10,000. One ol two lota, on I t - oe oest aunt nouses, iwo m, ' galows for ya to choose from. House f nd corner fol on N. Commercial St. i 4)3000.. GeVtrnde J. M. Page, 492 N. ; CetUge. LOTS WANTED ON PAVED STREET. north of and within two blocks of State street, between 16th and 21st streets. 3 f,C Bohrnstedt, 4y7 Matonie Teaple, Stlem, Oregon. i . TIMBER I will aell SO srrea of first class wood land close : to Pacific highway nnd v Salem, will rood lorrinr shack for . S4jOO: asooa cash, balaaee at 6. , If U want to make, aome jnoney just , invrttigate thia place. . Arthur:!.: Petersen V '829 Oregon Bldg Good Buys' and Exchanges , vvi wuj w " . inn im, aAi' all in eron. all slocked ; aait aMinlntMMl and rood bolidings. Will trade for rooming house or small farm. f We have a bergain a bouse of 6 rooms, i - . modrra exrept baaement, paved street. 5 blocks from capiioi. - .THOMASON 881 Mi Bute St. - GOOD BUYS 7 room Dlaatered bouse. Urge lot with garage, fc block from paved atreet and ear line. $SOO down will handle. ' Price, $2900.. . - 'yV" . ' 6 room house en pnved - street nn ear line, with garage, paved walka. Price - SSlao. St too d-wn will handle. S fine lota on Fnirmeuut HilL Price ft I Jon nu terms . 5 room modern buncalow. fireplace, fnr nace basrment, pavement, near State kn.t. Price S4830 rash. H Real Estate & Ffre Insurance . 'W, H.Grabenhorst&Co-r 373 Siath St. . V . U. 8. Bank Bldg. FOR. RENT-S ROOM MODERN BUN ' a t . a SV O ...lk " ! 'n i l v v Winnie t oiiyjuiin M-y-i ini trtrvi in ivrnvTi m n n r - , , nlli Ri.i. fit . r Phone S3 t. 5 , WANTED We have a buyer for a 5 room modern . bonte. Must be on goe atreet; a Is" some - improved small tracts to trade for--city, property. - . Good eastern Oregon firm for Salem :TH0MAS0N.. - ; ' -, . ni4 Btate Street " f EMPLOYMENT.. RELIABLE MARRIED MAN WANTS work Bookkeeper or manual tabor. -356 lJnion w- uruaer. , , WANTED UARMED'v MAN , ON farrh. ' House and garden plot furnished. Good wages and ataady work. Phone- 6F3. . l...ranol Stoeki T aV adfertialM. Maaj hkt. mtim aasiro uai . . i lM,iiL Sf mk! I hsea the na.race to nreaajit beaineaa i. prepoaitina to merenaasa ao wr!.grVutht,M .i ;."! iiMtMu aciMriaapa aa aoiieisor. A'reea "I No 81 piiutnn oiiio. - EMPLOYMENT SCALE AID rXMALS WANTED MIX ABD WOMEB TO " "r puper suosertptieee. A im4 Ba Wm? Ore HemeeW.4. sTetesmas Bids YOUNO MEN. WOMEN. OVEH 17 vs vrs ii i ii ac KnTPrnrnatit ttiwft - Tn v n una iriJn?"thI,r' wrlu fop fT list jPlt,on BO,r Pn. J. Leon- r.?.V J!VU service exam- Sncto'nl D ?-". Bldg.. Wash- WANTED SALESMAN OR SAI.KS. Insurance companies In the world, want high clan salesman or saleswoman for Salem. Must be ' w cnaracter and have good general eaucaiion. wt rive com Pete course of training-. Address , urummond. Marlon Hotel. PERSONAL MASSAGE AND EXERCISES STEAM eabiaec ladias only. Mrt. Rata Browa, Bwadiah gradaata. 102 Oracoa Bid Paeae 66a. MARRIEDBEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp wirnpgssni, eieao. vase. THE BLIND MAN" I AM SOMETIMES eauee Defease of my great interest in window and porch blinds. I do carry tn oeas wiaoow and porch shades, and desire very much to bid on all new and replacement jobs. Max O Korea, 179 N. Commercial. FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TOR 8ALE WELL EQUIPPED OAIl age en Highway in good locality. Good ,7rig business; easy terms. Dwight Peterson, Bhedd. Ore. BAST SUPPLIES t PUSH BABY BUGGIES THE LIGHT, beaatifuL comfortable, moderate priced kind. Let me explain tome unusual merits of Stared carriages and talker. They have many. Max O. Bnren, 179 N. . Commercial. 1 CARPETS AND LINOLEUM CORK CARPET PRODUCTS AND OON golenm are specialized here to the lira it. Ask for one each of our circulars entitled, "Permanent Linoleum Floors" and "How to Care for Linoleum." Mdx O. Buren. 179 N. Commercial. CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS AND pedigreed .white Boeteh eeuie Mrs. S. A, Bennett, phone 1330. LOVE To advertise new store. Csge , and supply list free. Import ed Rollers oar specialty. - E. B. FLAKE 273 State. Salrm BIRDS 95 PAIR FARM PAPER OP TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST f am vsner. lead 1 5e te the - Paeif ie Homestead, Salem, Oregon, tor a throe months' trial abscriptioae Meatioa thte -ad - KITCHEN CABINETS McDOUGALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN cabinet game from A to Z. He brought out the VERY FIRST high clats kitch en eabinet in America. The new Mc Dougall is a marvel. Oet my pricet and terms. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com mercial. POULTRY FOR SALE TALOUSE GEESE EGGS. Phone 50F24. J. C. Millett. EGG 8 FOR HATCHING AN CON A 8 The kens that lay year egg. $1.50 . per setting. Phone 817 or see Cooler's Urocory, Church street pOULTRTMIK BEND XIGHT TWO coat stance for asocial three months' : trial for the beat uad oldest ionraal fas she west. The article and advor tit em ants are of special interest to the . poultry broaden of the nerthwstt Northwest Poultry Journal, til Com mertl 8t- 8alom. : Oregoa. LTVR STOCK FOR SALE FEW PURE BRED DUROC yonng aows. mono mra. MlSCELLAJrsOUS FOR SALE NETTED GEMS. BURBANK and Garnet Chili potatoes. W. 11 Kgaa, Gervais. Phone 8F11. FOR 8ALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a bandla Cirealatioa department. Oregoa Btatoaaara. GUDr)EN.g LINOLEUM VARNISH AND Johnson's Floor Wax. Atk us th narticular merits and purpose! .of each Max O. Buren, 179. N. Commercial, Salem. RUG PRICES LOWER 1922 DESIGNS colors and qualities are moat gratifying See my fine display wnu n w com pleto. Max 0. Buren, 179 N. Com merciaL 8alem. FANCY NBTTTED OEM POTATOES for sale at 31.75 per 100 ion. aenv ered. These have been selected for shipping stock snd are extra nice. Clifford W. Brown. Phone 115. N. Front St. l housb of half a million I na barealna. We bur. Ball or exchange anything aad everything In the liae of junk or second hand goods' Bee ns before yon buy or sen. Btetn bock Junk Co Remember the place, 403 N. Commercial St. Phone 628. Snd elsven other Oregon songs, together with , s fine collection of patriotic songs, sacred tongs aad maay old-time favorites , v ALL FOB 25c (8oecltl prices in quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school, commas ity or nemo singing. Send tor The Western Songster 7 pages, now in its third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 21 8. Commercial St. Salem. Ore WOOD FOR GOOD VALUE IN WOOD PHONE Jndd, 108F3. ALL KINDS WOOD SOLD ANDREW Mgee,.14S Ceater. FOR SALE CHOICE DRY FIR, DEUV - oma. torao.au. e.none ,0.. I " aenaarttw. - " ' ' . I FOR BIO FIR, SECOND GROWTH OAF ma -" . r-suia an iia. . -,-.- . 4 1 OLD GROWTH IS INCH FIR $8; 4 ft. noeoaa growvn. eo.uu. s-aene 1487. NICE DRT SECOND GROWTH FIR wood. John M. seott, sxa vrefon Bldg. FOR BALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD maple, second grewia ana oia iir. ft. or 18 ia. Fred K. WoUs. Pbeae 1543. $05 S. Church. ia twrru ftlAB AND at ILL woou SS.BO Mr HWI. ry piawer .wore. 98.80 nor load. Tracy Wood - Co Pbwa $20. -' - FOR RENT APABTXXXTS APARTMENT FOR REST 2 ROOM . Phone 634-. " . " FOR RENT 'MODERN FURNISHED apartment, -rhone 124. S55 Marion atreet.-"-- ' l .-,." M " T'- "l'" tin a nv,H . . I FOR REfiT -TWO ROOM APARTMENTS 1 133 Center. Inqaire 447 Center. APARTMENT FOB WCNT-W BURTH sw. i - . . . FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT st 5V0 laioa. Fhone 5C7 d, FOR RENT APAlTMXJTTa FOR RENT THREE ROOM FURXISH- d apartment. First floor. 1047 S. Commercial. Phono 1168 J. FOB RENT 8UITB OT TWO LARGE rems wuh privau beta, will be vac ated seea. Ala separate room. The Alaxaadria, 100 Chemeketa St. Pbaas 120 ROOMS ARLINGTON HOT EL CLEAN. COSY ; oue ep. aex state. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, wood, lia-ht, water and bath furnished. Reasonable rates. Cottel Ap'ts, 343 1-2 N. ConVL CLEAN, 5 EAT 8LEZPIXQ ROOMS. IS to ft.SO per week, Apartmeata, $S The Leonard UovoL tS4 U. Proa Phaae 1M03. home for rent ros oektlzman desirable room la modern borne with all eeavaaieaeoa. Please give name sad rxreaee. Address "A3." care Statea- XOOaf AND BOARD LARGE bard. DESIRABLE ROOM 224 N. Capitol. WITH LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST BETWEEN SALEM AND Woodburn, bicycle saddle. Re turn to 1620 Court St. Reward. LOST GREY COMB WITH BLUE utone settings. Return to 274 N. Summer. Reward. rOTOD FOUND A WAY TO KEEP LINOLEUM from cracking, buckling and curling up Get my leaflet entitled "Permanent I.inol-nm Floors." Max O. Buren. 179 N. Commercial. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRH8SE8 MADE OVER Capital Cuy Bedding Co. Phone 19 WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC. Phone 511. WANTED FURNITUBR. TOOLS. MA ehiaery, stock, ete. Will bay for cash or sell en commission. Phone 611 Wood r J. the Auctioneer. WANT TO BORROW ABOUT 31800 from prfvate parties. Good secur- itiea. Call 724 North High. Phone 940-W. ANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware aad furniture. Beat prices paid THR CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRT. THE I liveatock, form i tare, real eatate anc twaeer. Phone 811 for sale dates Res. 1610 M. Bummer Auto Directory rAJMTi RUSH THE AUTO PAINTER. STATE and Proof streets. AUTO TOPa AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK guaraafoeeo. 558 Booth 12tA. Phonal 1126. RADIATOR SHOPS J. O. BAIR. RADIATORS, FENDERS Hodiee repaired. Tmm BATTERY AND ELECTXICIAJI AOTO ELECTRICIAN EXPERT TROU- blo shooting. SIS N. Uiga. i'hont 303. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY gPRVTfw station. Blxpert battery aaa eieetneai work. F arris Bros. Pboae 1803, 41S Court. USED OABJ FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. FORD in good running order, 3125 cash. 1940 N. Front St. TRUCKS FOR BALE OR TRADE RE0 TRUCK. 1921 model, perfect conditio. Will trsde for real estate, produce or will sell on eaay terme. This is aa exsep tionally good bny. It you want a real good bargsia apply immediately Pboae or call. Tho People's caah store. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES TONNEAU CARPET RUNNINO BOARD linoleum; anto paint and enamel. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. Salem. RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM AUTO carpet, auto enamel and paint. Mail O. Burea, 179 N. Commercial. SMTTH-WATKIN8, 147 NORTH HIGH, risk, Bilverton Cord. Hood extra ply tireas. Everything lor anto. tO.OOO MILE- GUARANTEE AGAINST stone bruises, rim cuts and blowouts The Hydro-Toron Tire, for tale by Yew Park store. 12th and leslie. phone GARAOB AND REPAIR " FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED Salem Ant Radiator Shoo. 11$ 8 13th street. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, 845 Ceater. Phone 890. CAPITAL GAKAUE BU1CK. 8TUDE baker repairing. 178 South Liberty Phone 89. BEAUTY PARLOR NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Commercial Ss treat Phone 95t. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUH.DER. PLANS furnished free. R. W. Mclntire, 1409 N. Church. CHINESE fHTSICIAM DR L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 158 8. High St, phone 388 DRUO STORES BREWER DRUO CO, - 40$ COURT Phone 184 FINANCIAL MONET TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. L. A. Hayford. 805 State street. MARION-POLK COUNTT FARM LOAN association has money to toaa at six pnrceat. W. D. Smith, eeeretary-trees nrer. $0$ Salem Bank of Commerce. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit nlsn. pre-Dsrment provisions al lowed. Wo will finance yon for n lest rate of interest than any firm on the eoast. Private mover to loan on either city or oouatry property. MARSTERS BROS, 411 Oregon Bldg. SaJSOTBIOIAHS SECURE MT FIGURES ON W1RIN0. By contract, by boar. - At pre-war wricM. H. W rlatrh. phone IT44-W. FURNITURE STORES FRANK F. KlCUTEH-t-NEW. SECOND band furniture. 849 M. ComnsorcUl ; Phone 453. FURNITURE PRICES DOWN IRON - beda. 86: ell ateet bed aprinrs. $5.40: cotton mattresst. 88: oak dining chairs. $4: all steel army cots. 83.SO: Max O. Bnren, ' 179 N. Commercial, Salem.- : ' ' - - ' Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS ru&XlT'JU B0 SPIT All ruxsrrruRx repaired or made to er&n. Befiaiaaing and apbelateriag a asoeialty. Pboao 1T4X. Brown, and Groves, 1201 Sooth Commercial. HOTELS CHERRY CTTY HOTEL ROOMS AID board. Laaeb covater. Opposite O. E. Dope. StaU aad High. ivsirRAjrcx MUTUAL B EKE FIT LITE INSURANCE company. J. C. Balca, eg sat, room A, Mrl'oraera BI4r fhoae Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAD50 CARRIE FISHER DBESRht AJUNQ. daaigaiBg. Spencer eerseta to order, 2 WcUrnaek Bldf. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do ear aad all kiada ef ladies' tailor ing. for eld asd aaw easteners. 52 N 12U 8t Pboae 3485-R WANTED PLAIN 6EW1NO ASD HAND work. Call 31 R. t MRS. 0. JEPSON MODISTE; S567 Oak. Phone 929 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER LOCAT ed ia Highlaad at 3446 HasoL Pboaa 1851 J. MESDAMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS aaakers. 219 State Bt. Pboae 937. MAUD 8IM0NS, DRESSMAKER BeUevae St. 1710 RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, lit South 12th. Phone 1824 M. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING FOR particular people. Specialty on work manship at well at pricet. 1073 Oak St. Mrs, l.ce A. Swoape. Telephone 94. HEMSTITCHING 8ALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleatiag. buttons, stamping sad needle work. 329 Orea-oa Bldg. Phono 879. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING. Stamping; braiding: hand embroidery, buttons. Room 10, over Miller's store. Salem, Oregon, l'hon- 117. MRS.- BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH ing mail orders solicited. 175 8. 19tb Phone 174 M MILLINER! HATS FROM 91 UP MRS. Orimm. 519 Court St 0. A. FANCY WORK NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODERY shop. Jessie McCnne. Tallmaa's Piano Star. 121 rWitith Commercial LANDSCAPE AMD PRUNING IUFER BROS. LANDSCAPE GARDEN ers and expert pruners. Graduates of colloget of tlanding and 15 years ex perience. We guarantee satisfaction. Phone S1. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8. Liberty street. Fhon 35. U.dest largest best. EatsbiisheO 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY quality work, prompt service. 1364 Broadway. Phone 105. MATERNITY NURSING MATERNITY NURSING WANTED IN private home. Phone 1 K94-J MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pbons 517-W. NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LINE TREE8 SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nor aery Co., 426 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 75 FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD back of office, larxe gooseberry plsnts. Owing to countermands I have about 2UOO Italian prune tre-i, 4 to s feet grade. 540 State street. Phone 1140M FOR SALS LITTLE'S IMPROVED Cory s thornlesa blackberry punts Heaviest producers and best flavored Writs for pamphlet and pries list. C a I.iHla fiahaatnnot Calif. r FOR SALE WILSON AND TREBLA awKvw n ,nl. IfMn i n in.rt.il Tarda t t- nr 1000 Stemmed readv to - v- r T It Rha llMrna Phone 22F21. FAXNTTNQ CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. L. D. Brandon, contractor, ooo ,4urta uiu Phono . 645 J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING, PAP erhana-in. kalaomining. Work guar anteed. Terms reasonable. Phon 2035-J. 1464 Ferry. PLUMBING pLDMBINO REPAIRING AND COI1. ,. vv. . i Qt. i otw.. inn,u. work. Phone 1397-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. u. Godfrey. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUB SCRIP tieaa for all magaxinee. 351 8. 17th street. Phone 741-M. PERTUMS AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX tracts, toilet articles. Mrs. Meyer 170 South 23rd. Phone 1224. PRUfTuro FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AN1 snnougeaments, sea Bertelsoa, printei Y Building. SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICb Showeards that talk. 424 N. Commer cial Phone 64 SCAVENGERS . iALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuae of all kinda removed. Cesspoob cleaned. Pnono 1S7 RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able prioea. Johueon-Barry. 159 B High. CHERRY CITT RESTAURANT HOME stylo meals. Good service.- State one High. SAVE MONEY B t aATING i AT RES tanrant upstairs. 183 South Commer rial. NOODLE PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 4S9 Ferry. BIN SIN NOODLE H0U8E CHOP aaev. 40e: puffed rice. 20e: noodl 30e; fried noodles, 60e. iu 8. Lib erty. 8HOB REPAIRINO WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH Hick - STOVES ANO STOVE XXPAIRXNO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience, iiepot National fence, sixes 28 to 38 inches high Paints, oil and vaniahea. etc.. loa;a berry aad nop novka. Saleaa Fenef and Stove Works. $50 Court street PHoee 14 SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND ksad cloth isc and shoes. Ala d cleaning, preaaieg and repairing. Call and deliver- Capital Exchena-e. 842 North Commercial. Phone 1 3 fie! W. WE BUY AND 8EI.L SECOND HAND gooda of all kinds, pipe fittiaca. bar roliarav naxiar paaa. ImK chains. Fred Bebiodlec. atreet. STUDIOS SSJSi BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LAUNER PIA50. SIS X. l iia. x-naae loos-w. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. 133 1 , CspiteL Pkeae 1017-W. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL credits givea. 33d 171-W. N. High. Pboae MINNETTA MAGERS VOCAL. DERBT Bldg. Friday aiteraooa. "Sataxdar. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN tractwa. Pbeae 334. DOROTHY PEARCE PIAKO. North Winter. Pbeae 345 J. S7 NELLIE MULRXY STONE -373 LeaUa. Pbeae 151-W. PIANO. BEATRICE SH ELTON PIANO STUDIO JSaraoau Fhoave 13M. DAN . F. LA5GE5BER0, VOCAL Derby Bldg. Pboae 2079. MOLLIS STYLES VOICE, PIANO. S59 Caator. Pbeae 2013 R. MATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRU menu. 1572 State. Phoato 1156 R RAO AND JAZZ PIANO PLATING 13 lasso as gaaraateed. Watermaa I ra te m. p. B. Clark. Mgr. 444 State. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO L layer; daacee all oecasioaa. 357 N. iberty. WESTERN COSSattT 3TORY OP MUS w of Chicago. Fraa t E. Churchill, rep reeeatative. DiskMo gran tod. Odd Fsllows' Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY CP MUSIC All branehea taught, dipiomaa graated. John R Sues, director. 1287 Court. Phone 2. TUNERS JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER: Moors Dunn C. Representative of Sherman Clay Co. Phono 606. EDWARD WF.LP EXPERIENCED piano toner. Leave orders Will's! Music Store. TALLMAX PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuning, rafinishing. rebuilding: player piano expert. Phone 1859. 121 South Commercial PIANO; SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS, BTKIN wsys. Duo-Art, and others. Moore Do nn Music Store. Masonic Temple. MUSIO STORES GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet muiic. and piano studies. Repairing phono grapha and aewing maehiaoa. 4S2 State. Salem. DASOXNQ PRIVATE dances. LESSONS IN ALL LATE Mrs. White. Pboae 273 J. TAILORS FRANK PALM. TAILOR 211 SOUTH High, corner Ferry. Suits made to order Cleaning, pretsing. repairing. TRANSFER HAULINa CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Pbons 983. Dial. o ting forwarding and storage oar specialty Get our rates. WE MOVE, 8TORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specially it piano and furniture moving. We also make country tripa. We handle the beat coal and wood. Call on ua for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930. TRANSPORTATION SILVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. A M. Staeet Sonht Bound Schedule North Bound Resd down Resd up Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. No S No. 3 No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 No 6 PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM. 6:00 1:30 8:00 Prtl'd 10:30 4:00 8:30 1 8:05 8:35 10:05 Mt.Agl 8:25 1:55 6:25 1-8:30 4:00 10:30 Silyt'n 8:00 1:30 6:001 Ar. Ar. Ar. ' Lv. Lv. Lv. Sunday only 8:00 p.m. fm. Portland! Stages leave Stage Terminal Portland and Steclehammer t Drug Store, Bilverton ..,..,. Trs-n,.,. om.nv saiiaM-Biiif i,niua oiaua I I -eaves , Leave I Sajcm BllVOriOD 0. B. DepOV Newg 8Und I a. no . w. I I . W B.m. v.vu 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m 8ALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Lesvt Salem, O. E. Depot 7:00 a.m 11:00 s.ir.., 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.m. Leave rndependenc a Hotel 8:30 a.at. 1:15 p.m, 6:30 p.m. Special tripa by appointment. Sevea passenger car for hire. J. W. PAKKElt, Prop. e. rhone 815-J Business phone 7 WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING SPR0ED BROS Phone 1131. CITT AND OUUNTRI WOOD SAWING. I Phone 2040. Either Bros. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND I Ferry. Stores everything except plot ivee. A pply Fry's lng more WATER HALF.M WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. I Office. 301 South Com'l St. Tea vn cent discount on domestic list rates paid in advenes. No deductions fori absence or any canto anient water ill that off your premises. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS . K. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 822 State St. Pattoa Bldg. Phone 95T. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P.S.C CHIROPRAC tor. 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828 R. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. BRADFORD and Bradford: graduates aad post graduates of the first chartered school of Chiropractors ia the world. Ten yean in practice. Consultation aad examination free. Phono 626 Room 319 Oregon Bldg. Q8TE0PATHICPHYBICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 506 U. 8.. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad surgeon. Kirksvillo graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office. 919. res. 614. I nB ,n,,w . T vvrw nurrnpiTmr Physician and surgeon, 408-404 Ore - goo Bldg. Pboaea, off tea. 1894; res. I OPTICIANS I GLASSES PITTED BY DR L. R. BDR- dette at tha Bow Ootical CompnT. 823 State street, op pot it Lndd nnd Both Bank. POM F. ROT A KEEN E JEWELERS AND Optometrtata. SSS State. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED 8PANI8H WAR WCTEBAN8 Camp 5. Armorv. First, third stood art REAL ESTATE APARTMENT HOUSE THAT WILLI lem (contract). $138.50. maoe you 2U per eea oa your iron And xam M.r .ffico work. 359 Orator I Corner lot and house oa North Commer cial. S300O. . s- ..j i-i. ainno smsU. jpay men t down. bTt'd. T 'iTr 491 N. itltage atreeti REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER FINE FARM; 35 acres in crop; 3O0 will handle la vesugate this uick. Adireu A-dl car Statesman. MftUBOME BUYE3V tOO CAN BUT A room eaagalew lean Una a year eld for $500 lees Una J ass atfored for it aiaa moathe ago. Has baaemeav Datcb kitchen, emeete aad slepiag porch. 11000 will aaadle it. See it todM. 1SS LeffeUe. FOR SALE Vim modern banralow ef 5 rwms and full baemrnt. Fine all modem home of 7 rooms, also 5 room partly modern at oalv 3L200; all ia sooth Salem Square Deal Co. 202 U. & Bank Bldg IDEAL Aa ideal little bungalow, beaatifnll lo cated and tavttoutcBt, pv6 ttrtet, close to ear. to school aad ehnrch; full basement. A bargain if half rash. S WM. FLEMING 341 State St. WOOD'S BARGAINS ahout's acres located near Kair Grounds, one and half acrea I.oeanberries. few young trees. 32250. Ten acrts gotd land close In. $1250. 320 acres Alberta well imriroved: trade for acreage or home in Salem. Five room house, paved street. 31350. New bunga low, 1Z50. t.ooriot.in nicnmona iA ftSA Two a-ftod lota West I two BTOoa iota w est ftJmAt development, in the textile 34750. P. 1- WOOD. 341 state. 3 1000 BUYS A 7 ROOM Lot 50x157. This in a good buy. See Krueger. I Oregon Bldg. j 87to BUYS A SMALL HOUSE IN North Salem. f'JOO rash. Balance like rent. See Krueger, 309-309 Or ejron Bid;. ' FOR EXCHANGE MANITOBA IM i proved farm, lfeo ocres: good 5 room house; well, barn aad other buildings. 20 aTej uniler cultivation; all fenced. i mile to town and railroad. For Iiou&e and lot in Halom or Portland, or farm land in- Oregon. A. Srtaieve, 742 E. 13th. Portland. Or-. CITT HOUSES CITY LOTS. BCNOA lows, small aad large acreage, close la ano far out; exchanges in city and country. Brown A Magea, over But ick's sWre, State aad Commercial. Phone 859. Wanted, Loans We have private money to loan on city or suburban property. We have a fine, well improved ten acres to trade for city property. Thia is first class. If you wsnt to trade, buy or s-1l tea H. L. MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. WORTH WHILE i . 6 room house on paved ttree.t in good condition: bath, electric lighta, concrete walka. A splendid buy. Price 92500, terms. A fine 8 room strictly modern home, dote in on psved street. 37500. 53 acres on psved highway, all in culti vation; fair buildings, close to town. Price 88000; go-!- terms. 0 teres near Salem on psved road, well improved, to trsde for Salem property. MILLS & CUPLtY 831 H State Street 6 lots, small house, city water. South Salem ; good garden land ; a snap. aiooo: aioo cask rat tine rent. Joseph Barber & Son 200 Gray Bldg. Soldiers' Loan Will buy SH acres near Salem, finest of soil, partly in fruit. 7 room house. other buildings Immediate pouti ti'in. l me show yon tnit ana otners.i price $4000. will take house up to 82000 as nart. S. R. PEARSON 210 211 U. S. Bank Building Best Buys and Exchanges Finn building lot in south Salem, lot 8, block 15. in O. H. Jonet sddition. 97041 j room bocse, 4 lots, bearing fruit. 82000 half rash. 7 room strictly modern bungalow, near state capital. (.1300 cash, balance like rent. )U8 acre dairy in Linn county. Will take ramh in Marion or Polk county ss piirt par bouses and 2 rsncht's to rent. Money , ivau. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State 42 ACRES LEVEL LAND. 12 acrea 11 1. tivated. young orchard for family use. r, acre in peaches, in Rood condition, hnut 4(1(1 rordi mher 2 well. room house, n-t finished; barn, milk noue, etc., o neau cows, l horse, sow and pigs, wsgon, bark, cultivator, plow. cream t-panior. etc., well located on good graveled road close to paved highway. Price S6500 cr will trade f'r city property, value of about 3-j0o I irt payment $2.K. See L, A, HAYFORD 305 State St. A GOOD ORCHARD BUY I mutt tell a close in A. No. one orchard in a few days now, at it bst to be taken care of and owner can't do it. If open to buy aee me by all meant. I have a genuine good bur. WM. FLEMING 341 State St. ANDERSON RUPERT Baeeessora to Laflar h Laflar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406 7 Oregoa Bldg. KKAIi KSTATK TILXSFKRS R. R. and N. M. McAdam to I A. E. and Harriet M. Chenoweth, land in M. L. Savage DLC 7-S-W $10. R. R. and N. M. McAdam to A. E. and Harriet M. Chenoweth. 22.73 acres, M. L. Savage DLC 7-3-W, $10. 4 Frank and Mary Simon to W. H. and Bernlce East, part of lots 1 5 and 6. block 7. Pleasant Home add to Salem. $1900. Christian and Jennie Grabed W. J. Lenfoot. half acre in B. S. Bonney DLC 5-1-W. $1. Chas. H. King to C. V. Murray, 100 acres sec. 21-7-1-E 3000. K. N. and Christina Torresdal to Morris Thomaa. .43 acres S. Tucker DLC-6-1-W, $10. J. J. and Ida Seism to Robert! Mrs. Dilley read a paper on "Thel $,7.T3 a tm: btrley, $28 Q $29.59. Seism half interest in 20 acres S. Simmons DLC 6-1-W. $1. R.. J. Hendricks and Abrams to W. H. Hend-?rton. . block 2. Cardwell add to j.i v v .-j vanrv t nn I "a Cy J. Iape lotto P. Miller. 29.59 acres, sec. ,27.6-2-W, $lv. - j A. D. Pettyjohn to M. L. - S: 1 J? Salchenberg. 30 ..ere. 12-8-4-W (contract) $3O0. and stock nine is ni Transactions Fall Below Mil lion Mark on the Ex change Yesterday NEW YORK, March 21. Aid from a score of avorite issues. In which bullish activities agaiu were a striking; feature, trad ng on the stock exchange today wf. uncer tain and obviously . professional and transactions fell below the million share mark. Pricw were most uneven In Ihc final hour, when the rat for rail loans gradually ro to 4 1-2 Pr cent, as against the initial quota tions of 3 1-2. Stocks such as liethlehem Ste?l and Publ'e Senrica of New Jersey, owe! their consisient strength to good financial state ments. These favorable incidents va nffaa n m A a ,a . Anrm and lather industries and the call suspending work in the coal !rainc on April 1. Movemenis of seasoned or r'P resentatTve rails, steels and equ p. ments were unusually narrow. Motors as a Rroup were firm to strong, but oils and affiliated Is sues showed a very definite one. Sales amounted to 000.100 shares. Dealings In tho foreign ex change market were unusually light, being made up largely of nritish. French and Dutch bills. Sterling rose slightly over yesirr. day b highest rate. All con at. al re.mitUnco were moderately j lower. I ES Decided Turndowns in Price Result from Lack of Ag gressive Buying CHICAGO, March 21. Decided down turns m the price -esulied today chiefly from lack of -any aggTesslvj buying. The market I rlosed heavy, l 5-8 to 3 3-4 net lower, with may 1.34 3-1 to 1 34 7-8 and July 1.17 7-8 to 1.18 Corn lost 1 3-8 to 1 7-8 and oats 1-2 to 5-8 a 3-4. In provlsicna the outcome varied from un changed figures to 22 a 25 lower. Sentiment in the wheat pit was more inclined to the bear side thin for tnma ri.r. ...I -if ... ' " - - the most part the selling vas of only a scattered short. ith the United States vible TfLlJV"' '! - P, v.i.ic i n v. I ana with the vorld available uv hie n Ply also showing an ncreaSe. iXjtXTnJSi course of pricer continued down-I pricet sre givea except as noted. - grade. Slowness of shipping call weak ened the prices of both corn nd oats. t rovis.ons. taken as a whole I WCTC lower in line with ho"S. FRUIT " i r.VJp- I orateu apples. few Offered. nlnnes nuiet- onrli. 41' '""'" 'ixi.uai, ""-uca urm; raisins OUleT. DAIRY If rTATOKS ruKTLAiND, March 21. But ter: Prints e.ras 39c; cube ex tras 3r.c; prime firsts 34c; butter. rat, Portland delivery: No. 1 tour cream .iK 41c. Potatoes: l'uying prices locals 90 a 1.00; seiling price 1.23 a 1.75. SHERIDAN NEWS . SHERIDAN. Or.. March 18. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaleck ol the telephone force.spen t Wed nesday and Thursday In Salem. Roy Graves was a Portland vis itor thia woek. The Oregon Growers Coonera- tlve association will hold an all day meeting at the I. o n v hall in Shrl,l.. ,rj j-. March 22. The meetin will he s n at io o'clock a. m. Picn c lunch will be rerved at noon. M O. Evans, C. I. Lrwts. J. M. Cllt- iora and others will be present, alsti Mr. New house manager oi the Clark county. Wash.. Growers. The people of Red Prairie country are fighting to have I ! Dallas-Wallace 1 ij n a u aj . aaa ati mvs I road serve their community, The local zranee will hold an to all-day meeting in Sheridan Hat- urday. March 20. A Grange din ner will be served at noon. Tho Farm Bureau will join in the onen mcetinr h,l. . . M. . . . l.ij ine woman a Muay ciuo neio Its last meeting at the home Mrs. Cora Robinson March 9. of I History of Cuba " followed by an I other of equal value by Mrs. Carle W. Phillips of Reilvue on "Monks lot I and Suoerstt'ons'. and another Sa - by Mrs. Etta Mark on "Th Vlr gin Islands." Mr. and MM. Joe Hlnshaw are Ihe parents of a new boy born Friday. The Sheridan schools won third nrlxjt in the eountv con tret of to Oregon prodnt t labels and would hare don much better asd UeTi started ax the same tlmt oUr schools began the wofkv ButTor some reason they were two of three week., tehlnd. ; The Sheri dan Study club gave a local Pri to the rooms gathering the great est number of labels ot Orrfon : products, and the prises were awarded to the fourth and tirt gradis on Friday, March 1? l the grade school entertalnmett. Mrs. r. M. Dicky Is in Hooa River, called thero by the illness of her daughter. Mrs. Lew Fhort ridge of Port land is visiting In town. Lyman Jones Is a bustneas visi tor in Salem. . : C. J. Thompson has moved to The Dalles. Mrs. P. B. Sackrtt attended the meeting ot thci Daughters ot the American Revolution In McMlnn Til'.e Wednesdty. Mra. 3. W. Dewley Is la Oswe-t (o at the home ot her daughter. Margaret Chapman of Stay! on spent the weak-end with her mo-' ther hero. D. F. Doherty Is working in Grand Ronde. Circles two and three will hold a cooked food sale at Ivle Payne tt Keas store Saturday afternoon, March 18. Oalie llanna of Portland spent Saturday and Knnday with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hippie. Wadi Pattee sold h!s home here and will remove h's fam ily to The Da Ilea, where he bar worw. - V'- '; Mrs. looe Darling of Michigan who has been spending aome time with her mother, Mrs. J, M. Chapman, leaves today for her eastern homo. . Orders have been recelred to clear th groind for aa oil aor- se station t b errctod her. TO Oregonian truck, wnicn carries early morning papers from Portland to Tillamook was d'tched near Butler Monday morning. The wreckage caught fire and was wholly deatroyod according to report from that, place. The ''Merchant of Venice" films shown at tho Grand theater under the Auspices of the high school were largely attended at both show abd th student body will he richer by quite a sum. Prof elsor Whitney visited Sher idan Wednesday and attended the' rehearsal of the local chorus ana was wrlL pleased with the pro gress mads under the d'rectiou of Mrs. Agnes llennett and other helpers.. There are now about 60 boys in the chorus. While Roy Grave was In Port land this weik he was unfortu nat in having a wheel knorkec I off his car bv another ear atrlklni tt. ' j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Prltchet anl Mr. and Mr 8. R. Hull of Gastoi spent Wednesday at th Oliver Grlsham home. Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results A I SALEM MARKETS I 4 Prices quoted are wholesale sad Oats, miliian. aoi so a Wheat Ke. I, sacked, $1.18. Otts, feeA 45a : Vsteb sad sot 1st. $1$. . Clover hay. $10 a 11. Mill run mill feedV $39 P $3T. BOOS, BUYTa BwTTBBFAT Eggs, retail, 171 Sc. Creamery butler, retail, 83 40c. - POULT As Hens, light, 18e. Hens, heavy, 20 22c. K waters, eld, 10c v PORK, MUTTOST AMD SIPJ x Hogs. U lltie. Lamb. 12 13c Top ve.1. 13 tj 130. Perk, dressed. 14c. Steors. V 99 So. . Bulls, 4 & 4He, ' - FRtrrra , Bannnaa, $V(n Lemena, $6.50 $7. Navel oranges. 46 t $6.25. Florida grapefruit. $6.50 0 $7.50. California ttpo fruit, $4.50 VtaETABLES Sweet potatoes, $a O $, Potatoee, $1 80. Cabbage, 4Ho Caltferaia tomatoes. Inf. $4.80. Canlif lower. $2.35. Turnips, $3. Parsnip, $3.50. Oregoa oaieni, $, Carrots. $3 Head lettuce. $3.30. - Beeta. $3.56. Celery. 9159. bATti, FI0S, lOITf Dates, lee. - - Package dates, aaee, $6.19. !, 18e. Comb bonef. ease, $5 Cocoaauts, deten. $1.75. Strained honey, lb. UU. t 1 Portland Bavins Prices EGGS. POULTRY. MEATS UNSETTLED ERRATIC 1 churning cream. 38tt4e Portland; undergrades, 354. I N - 1 Jc. Finns FIRM Current receipts IS if 19c; pulMs. 16 17e; white htnuenet. 31 tt Z2e, letiverod. (These notations are baa tA. on prices Ptid for the balk of day S rocoipts by local ibbr na4 1 ersamertes.y LIVE -.POULTRY WEAK (Ias eommiiiawol Hesvy hens, 28 Sic lb.: do, light. 30 t tic pound; 1923 broilers. 48 4 SOe; old soostera, . I2e pound; dncka, yonng waite-Peklns. the j 17 eenta: do colored. 34 cenuj tun, 1 a . k at J a en mf rvh JLaa I lis. xuraeya. ree.1. r-w. w f iRKKeTcD MEATS WEAK (Less eemmiMion) Choice lifM l4 .0 lief nndergraCes, 12 t? c; veal, top gradcfc 13 14Vc; nndrr- HAY STEADY - . fDetrvered Portlaed ) Valley Thwolhy. 31 -4 91 a tea; Eoetors Oreswo Ties-. Mki. SI 0 ft. 819 a tear alfalfa. 914; elovef, $11; at I aad vetch. $15; strsw, ii! raaas. snov wm in " ".oifvi.viB ot J (Track. Portland. I ear loul Wheat f 1.34 CP $1.3- Coarse graiavs Oaa, 121 -A 9SSi Fulcra yellow rem. - j - '. FttLMT VlRM u. I Apples, extra laacy. x ? 93.8 v r-fr. ZXifTZfi VEGETABLES ffTEADT ' i Potatoes. No. 9c99i.90; en Ion a. No. V, 87 est! Oregoa cabbage Sfe V 3c ib ; breCceO. $1.75 4$ $3 rrale -partnipa, 1 lb.ieerrtr, le t lk lb. . .. WOOL - , . WOOL STEADY Coarse valley vast, IS f le; oradtoat, 2 4o 21es fino. 24 0 35ei Ess Urn Oregon 11 w 3ie. - HOPS . ' HOPS 8TFADY t93t cta4- g Q te Us Etatewnaa Classinid Ads