The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Only. $80 Received at Office
, of Marion County Col
' lector So Far ?
In collecting more than half
the total first payment of taxes
for Marlon county, and all the
lull-payment taxes that hare come
In, tbe county tax collectors bare
gathered In gold to the amount
of how much? You couldn't
guess it in a week I -
",'Onl7..85-7-four 120 gold pieces
and one'gold J5.
' There was a time when, practi
cally no money. was good here, ex
cept gold.-The 'early flies of the
Statesman carry adTertlsements
of i'rold scales" - .as part of the
regular equipment of every store
and place of business. They did
not want, anyothef. money than
gold in the John Day times, when
the gold mines of Idaho and of
eastern Oregon were pouring a
flood f of ,7. golden treasure an
through-Haa west; And gold was
plentiful hardly a quarter of a
century ago. Gold could be found
in any store, and at the banks he
could load it up by the cart-load.
Back of that, however, " there
was aday when the people didn't
use gold hey traded beaver
skins and hams aad day's Work
entsy Mr. and Mrs. A. Le Van. j
-Miss Gladys Roberta ame, Jat
Friday from Silverton to hejp her
nttot," Mrs. a W: GHnnghamu'dur-
Ing the serious illness of Mr. Gil-lingham.,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Utley and
Dr.and Mrs. Blodgett were Sun
day -visitors at Oregon City. '
Mrs. P. C. Ewing's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Raber, of Wolf
Creek, are visiting at their daugh
ter's home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGuire
of Portland, were week-end visi
tors' at the A. Le Van home.
The following persons from
Portland were week-end visitors
at the John Schlndler home: Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Mitchell and son;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson and
son; .Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Krash.
Mrs. Ada Keyt and daughters, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Andersan and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woelk,
Frank Voelk, Wilson Cook,
George Easter, and Jack Mitchell.
Mrs. Bowie and son. who lived
In lhe George Bayer house,' have
moved to Salem.
Joe Hadespek lost three hams
and a' keg of vinegar by thieves
last Sunday4 night. Others Jn the
neighborhood have lost fruit and
Fred Ewing spent last Monday
afternoon visiting the school.
Mrs. MaVy KVOn'fias spent the
week with her nWther; 'Mrs.
Emanuel Schlndler, at Mountain
Voorhls Loose attended a "hard
timet' party at' Liberty last Fri
day evening.
Jake Singer will soon , begin
carpenter work In Salem with Mr.
Ingela. V ' :
Th Sweet Briar club will meet
Burnett, McCourt and Rand
All Candidates for Re- ,
publican Nomination
ly ot the opportunity gives him at
Willamette, regretting only that
his class duties have left him too
little time for; prosecuting the lit
erary investigation work that he
ieels is his mission. He win re
main at Willamette through the
Brief platforms, all identical
with the exception of a tew words
added to one of them, were sub
mitted by Chief Justice George
H. Burnett, and Justices John
McCourt and John L. Rand, who
yesterday filed with the secretary
of state their declarations as can
didates for nomination-by the Re
publican party for the ' olfices
they now hold.
The platforms read as follows:
"Support the constitution of tne
United States and the constitu
tion of the state of Oregon, and
will faithfully and impartially dis
charge the duties of a justice or
the supreme court of the state
according to the best of my ability."
Justice Rand adds these words:
And I will not accept any ether
office, except judicial offices, dur
ing the term for which I ' have
been elected."
The Drojrram which was riven !
by the women at the North Howell
school house ' was well attended
and the three-act comedy played
by six women was greatly enjoyed
and applauded as were several
other numbers. A delicious free
lunch was servide at the closing
Dallas Man Chosen to Fill
Vacancy Caused by Re
signation of Moore
r 77'.
DALLAS. Ore., March 21.
(Special to The Statesman) At
last night's meeting of the Dallas
city council that body elected C Ms already active, having been re-
p,ri nnTi uitii snnit . X. Bilyeu to fill out the unexpired sponsible for the recent organiza-
to represent Marion county for
its stock judging team at the Pa
cific Int?rnaticnal Livestock ex
position in Portland, his team
winning first prize.
Homer has been hindered in
his work by not being strong phy
sically. He has done odd jot
around the town during the
school months. In the summer he
has worked on berry farms. The
last two summers he has cared for
a heard of hegs owned by Cass
Nichols, now making the show
circuit with Mr. Nichols.
In 1921, he was not able to go
into club work, because he was
not living where he could care
for a pig. This year, however, he
thA shooting juurelated .to .Hitler
is.that she, took the pistol Jroia f,
her JmiOiagi hag to show ;hW. (Tjl
m. mm irt aw ttm f k '
and cows and" Pigs, but they did
not have money: One. old-timer' in Wednesday. March 22. with Mrs
the Willamette valley, who went p. H.H6rtehV"
from here ' clown to,. California Alta'flheav who is staying at the
When the big 49 excitement wasiAl Stelner home, apeht the week
on, sent a "buckskin 'bag full of lend in Salem with her mother
gold back to his wife and family 1 Mr.- and Mrs. Ed Loose were
uncle, Carey Dunn, of Labish Cen
Miss Maude Beer has been vis
iting a few days with her sister,
Mrs. L. A. Sawyer of Silverton.
Marlon Bateson died at her
grandmother's, Mrs. Ben Watkins,
Sir Auckland Geddes to
term of Floyd D. Moore, who re- tion of a purebred Chester White
signed at the last previous meet-1 hog club in Marion county. He
Ins:. Kr. Biyeu was formerly alhas purchased a purebred sow
momhpr nf the council, bnt hisi from Mr. Nichols to use in his
office was made vacant when he! club work.
moved from the Gail hotel, of "I hare been in club work Tor
wheih he was proprietor at the! four years and have found it to
vnnl Marrh 15. i?p1 hnni time ol noiamg tne omce on me te a gooa ming 10 aeeop
rminril Mr. Kiiveu was not ores-1 mhit:nn or dovs anti Kiris.
ent at the meeting but will take mer says. "Besides being a
his office at the first meeting source of profit and enjoyment. 1
night in April. have found it educational. The
The council transacted several J prizes offered in club work are
other important business matters, enough to induce any boy or girl
paying off installments of several! to join one
improvement bonds. They were
Near East Relief Appeal
Does Not Fall on Heed
less Ears Here
on I
a years.
W. H. Stevens is reported
the sick list.
Ralph Patterson of Salem vis-
ited at the C. S. Morgan home
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Dunn were
Sunday dinner guests at the Les- als0 compeiied to take in four Willamette Debaters Will
li Dunn home of Parkersvilln l, . ... IlletlllCUC ucueuci O mil
i pieces ol iiruiierijf m mc na;ici, mm m. w II
Miss Alice Morgan, who . has cberry and Birch street Improve- Meet Denver UnVierSlty
been suffering rrom a severe at- ment district, the nroperty owners
tacK or quinsy is aDie to De out refusing to pay for the assess- According to announcement of
with her friends.
(ments incurred when the street Virgil Anderson, forensic mana-
Mrs. J. S. Coomler, who had was improved with gravel maca- ger at Willamette university, the
hen snendinz a. few Havn In Sa.
Be Guest at Portland lem, returned to her home Wed
Sir Auckland Geddes. British I Mrs. Clarence Morgan and
ambassador to the United States. I two children. Miss Agnes Jeffer-
Is to be the guest of the Portland son and Miss Agnes Morgan were
Chamber of Commerce at a bis: Tuesday visitors at the C. S. Mor-
dinner, Tuesday. March 28. Thtss gan home.
dam. University of Denver, Denver, col.
The proposal to improve the! will meet Willamette in debate
macadam streets in the city was April 7. The question to be de-
brouKht ud by R. S. Reason of the bated is "Resolved. That the
street committee and way and I Union shon should prevail in I isn government
means will be figured out before American industry." Willamette! Lat?r, alter being marooned at
W. E. Rambo, one of the Ore
gon state committee for the Near
East relief, who has been in Sa
lem for the past week, announced
Monday that the contributions
had already run well in advance
of $4000. A number of church
and business men's committee
still have their reports to make,
and some personal campaigns to
Mr. and Mrs. Rambo went to
Constantinople in September of
1919. They crossed Asia Minor
by way of the Bagdad railway, and
spent eight months at Narounic,
in the mountains near -Alexan-
dretta. In charge of the German
omhanaee and school with 200
The place was surrounded by
Turks, who riddled the orphan
age with bullets, but fortunately
killed no one. A thousand French
troops came to their relief, and
took them to Adana. near Tarsus.
There they were joined by an
other 100 children. Again they
were besieged by Turks. Finally
the children were sent to the Is
land of Cypress, in the Mediter
ranean, and cared for by the Brit-
schoot-mate,,- In attempting:
unload the pistol,
it was discharged.
unload the pistol. he stated tbaCi
Coldness of White Men s
Makes Japanese Suicide
YAKIMA. Wash.. March 21.
Despondent because of the pros- j
pOCt He WQUUl uuv ue mi .
. J t V VtVlma Inln'l
reservation, and it la alleged be-
cause xtt growing coldness on the,
part of white neighbors. Kuaakt-
chi Sujlnuma. a" Japanese near-?
Mabton committed suicide yesier
day on the ranch which he had .
leased for some years and where i
he made hla home
After writing a note expressing
a wish to Join, its parents and
other ancestera and where t
there was no color line, Kumakt- 1
chi shot himself in the head with; i
a shotgun. He leaves a widow. '
Olcott Announces Appoint
ment of Judge to Succeed
J, P. Kavanaugh
the next meeting of the council (will uphold the affirmative.
for making these repairs. The Tn tne debate with the Unlver-
wlll be practically his only stojp Mrs. Sylvia Baughman and sis- streeta are badly ln need of .re" sity of Redlands Willamette won
anywhere ln the northwest.
and I ter, Mrs. Raleigh Dunn, called on
ihA DAnAMAa ma, mm I wm ln 4a I W T7 t 1 1 J ttf. J J
.U...C1U, l" wnaw Tisiioro 01 mr. ana 1 make it a big event. A letter from I Mrs. Clarence Morgan and two
sell ir or hock U or in any way waiter Pearmine at KaU. the Chamlrer of Commerce to tie children were Friday visitors at
w.u iiiicu u. DO luo Miicnei oicn 01 anaw was me Salem Commercial club, asks for the J. B. Blerman home.
mwipw uw wn v Aiy w ia s.u. ni w wnger wwuy., , all who might care to go from Mr. and Mrs. Winter Baughman
inis jn genuine uncie aam i m. v,. rars jinu lauuij wi inguu-1 here to send in their names were Sunday evening callers at
goia com 19 no,io,pe KOpi as a tain- view- -wwnr visitors -ai tne ihrough the local club. Manager the Fred Dickson home.
. 1 ' m a m ill win - a. r -i I I
souvenir, nowever,,ior au mai uirrana uuisn nomertasi ounaay. Duncan Is lining up a number cf Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, who have
Is so ! exclusive. It i,.to go the! . Those Whtt'were sick with ln- men who emect to eo to honor I hn visiting thAir danrhtfr. fr
reRuiar.way 01. an vuunur mva- nueuia aro hi louirvs., reiei i tne distinguished Englishman,
eys, and if. anybody In, the valley I Krall, Lee GlbBon, Mrs. Byron
ever sees iV agaln. when paper Is I Harritt, Archie pwing and sons
bo mucn nanuier, u is iiaeiy mai i uonaia -ana Aivm, ana mrs. uii
hell have to go. to " the United ver Whitmey and son.
States treasury to do so
Kxartlr 200 tarnavera umn fnlw '." '
v mi iirnTnii iiriiin
with their offerings Saturday, and OILYtniUN MtWO
208 6n Mondar. The clerks e- l - -
th. toll n r.n nn tn inn - SUAERTON, Ore., March 20.
w r W I j mt ' mi A
day, by the last week before the r"" 10 ine
taxes become delinquent, April 5
pairs and If left in the condition by a two to one decision of the
in whih they now are all sum- hudees. Denver comes with a rep
mer the chances are that by next j utation of making a good score In
winter they will be beyond re- the mountain states. Willamette
pairing and will have to be hard has a Btrong team in Sheldon Sac-
surfaced. I kPtt. Robert Littler and Robert
The council also ordered city I v0tSon
Chief of Folcie O. P. Chase to op
T1 .. M V. 4 f t. ml-
en up x lumu Diicci iu me auuiu 1 li " 114
part of the city. The street nasi OflUgyie-Uppiliy lb nil,
been closed for some time by per-
who was one of the big, outs tan d
ing figures ln the bastness admin
istratlon of England's part in lh
World war. The dinner reserva
tlons list at $2.50 a plate.
Frori nirbann anrl familv lpft I
i Saturday morning for their home fon who taught they owned the
Ill kJCdlUC.
Male Student is Sought
A ' number of Silverton young
folks attended the basket social
Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire
and two children called at the
Johnson's Sunday afternoon.
Articles of incorporation were
l filed here yesterday by the Ore-
Help Associated Charities I WOODBVRN NOTES u- SSS
WOODBURN. Or.. March 21. of J250.000. The incorporators
All Kiwanlans were urged, at I Chanter J.. P. E. O. held its (are Nenumbra Kelly. A. A. Muck.
Kiwanians Are Urged to
at the club luncheon Tuesday annual election Thursday, March I A. W. Richards, Seid G. Bach, F.
nOOn. tO give a line Or tWO InllC t thi hnma nt Mro nOrlV MkR W n XfT!11an and
.I , I W r ... . mm. m I " w BAV V uviuv A.a as o f 4itvMv ll , m uv4Tiai4i
I niguc . oy oneuuauer i tnelr newspaper advertising to thel Landon. The following officers I s. B.Martin.
11 1 vbtt ran 1 w nam ruir Tmwr sir 1 im w aa: a a s -1 w 1 l m . . . . -
I . . ' - ABiociaieu nurmes iuuiti pro-iTWO elected: Mrs. Arrette sim-i utner articles nave been iuea
. Ira Fisher spent last Saturday tor Point school where the social 1gram tnat ls prepar9d Iormons, president; Mrs. Kate Lan-ag follows:
in Salem as the guest Of hla il- "8n- 4iu8iui rendition at the armory, Wednes-don, vice president; . Mrs. Flor-1 Broadbent Creamery company,
terIra Eart.J'arrlpr. . wore iob ute 01 oawew. .uw- a,y efening, March 29. Tie pres- roce Butterfield, recording secreM Broadbent, Coos county; incor
. TM romont urtnge meeu aeit s "? lent organiiation 01 tne associatea tary: Mrs. Ella Hall, treasurer, Dorators. W. T. Warner. J li
Saturday at Oak Grove. , . . e n In. chariUes in Salem, it was stated.Mrs. Helen Sadlr, corresponding Luttrell, W. L. Bell, L. Lackey,
W. C, RigES and son Of Taco-1 ", Misa Marlon Chase enterUlned had nception in the KlwanlsBecretary; Mrs. Ethel Moore, S. W. Warner; capitalizaticn.
ma.1 who afe friends of E. E. 1 party at we nom oi mr. auu i club and tbe ciul was urgea to guard and Mrs. Edith Love, chap-1 18,000
nshef, win arrive this week to rs. wuuur ecow oaturuay nnsui.. support the movement.
look for a hns run. I Cards and dancing formed, tne
" Evelyn' Munaon, "Paul aid, Blllle I evening's amusement. The rooms
Gibson and Francis Olson - are were prettily decorated in tne sac
back fn school after heinr'ill with I Patrick color: scheme. Those
influenza., 1 present were Mlss Marlon Chase.
The Parent-Teacher association Miss Cora Satern, Miss lme
Cash and Realty Bequests
Made in Thompson Will
iam. 1 B. sneen & 001 company,
. . 1
Miss Blanche Mourning has re-1 Portland; Incorporators, W. A.
turned-from a visit fn Idaho and
is with her sister, Mrs. Emma
Bidwell. east of town.
Friday evetlng Mrs. Robert
Riethmiller, C. A. Sheppard.
W. Pindell; capitalization
Riverside Lumber company.
Portland; incorporators, H. C
Lake, E. D. Barber, J. H. Ogden;
capitalization, $20,000.
ewport Natatorium company.
Cash beaneata in the sum of I
held the regular meeting . last I Madsen, miss Kstner iarson, w-1 15 .500 are itemized In the will dred club.
. . . ' '''' T ' . I . M m. . . . WW 1 J I I
maay.t Jn spite or the rain andler 1011, jonn uarvon, narwu of JO Cephas Thompson as flledl St. Mary's Guild met at the
sickness a large audience was I Larson and Victor Madsen. with County Clerk U. G. Boyer, Ihome of Mrs. J. L. Storev Tues
present. : mien Qorsiine, an 1 m wr TOfw" wu u yesteraay. Mr. Thompson died dar afternoon ThA momhr re vwnort- inmnfnr., m u aj.
I hll. A , a.f A.f 1 a. ii . I V a 411 - turn mama lima fa a ffaln I tr a aAa r . I I '
inin graae . girv toia mat tne I " w uiuo.vuio juarcn n, i2z, in mis cuy, leav-1 working for the Easter sale. Thel bey, P. G. Gilmore, C. o. aHwk-
school was In need of play equip-I able to be out. ling an estate consisting of much. I hostess was assisted In serving! ins; capitalization, $25,000
ment- a a result a collection and I p. na . anaur real and personal property. J by Mrs. Lyman Shorey. Those Notification of decrease in cap-
BUDSCTiption amounting to ll enteriamea , numoer 01 menus neai property and cash pro- attending were Mrs. H. L. Gill, italization from $75,000 to $45-
was taken, and , the. association I at their nome at a dinner party i visions are made to Sherman W. I Mrs. Franh Wolf, Mrs. H. D. Mil
gave $10 from its funds, making I Sunday. Thompson, son of Jo Cephas
a total of 121. It was decided to Dr. G. C. Bellenger of Salem Thompson.
m. . mim m I a. mt . m. A. . t . 11. I mm .
cut oown air tne lir trees on the l was caiiea to duverton tne ianer i ne iouowing bequests are
school ground, and to do Bomel part of the week by Mr. and Mrs. I made: to Nettie Reynolds, a niece,
much-needed' ditching. W. M. I L. C. Goplerud because ot the 111-1 Salem, $1,000; to his grand
btnitn or Salem was the speaker I ness of their sen, Chester, vnester j daughters, Aline Thompson Kllts.lmann. Mrs. Galbraith. Addltion-
of the evening:' He gave an1 in-1 ha been sufferfng from pneu-lof Vancouver, B. C, and Lululal guests wero Mrs. L. Shorey.
structlve talk about the county monla for about four weeks. Mr. I Thompson, of Salem, $2,000 each, I Mrs. E. Cowles and Miss Muir
ANN ARBOR, Mich., March 21
Co-eds and male students of the
University of Michigan today are
combing Ann Arbor in search of
the "man who has never been
kissed" identified as William D.
Ogdon, of Toledo. It was Ogdon,
the students say, who has aroused
the entire student body and pro
fessors by his recent article in
the University Daily, charging
that "snuggle-tipping" and "pet
ting" are rampant on the campus.
Meanwhile the student so much
sought has disappeared. He has
not been seen at his fraternity
house for several days, In fact, not
since the article was published.
and fraternity brothers express
the opinion He has secreted him
self to escape possible injury at
the hands of irate university cit
izens, v
President Marion Leroy Burton,
when asked if an official investi
gation was contemplated by him
" 'Snuggle-upping is a phase of
eollege life of which I am ignor
ant. I consider beneath the dig
nity of a university president to
discuss such a thing."
Adana, and being besetged by a
Turkish force for a number of
Weeks, they escaped by auto to
the Mediterranean Sea, where an
Arab sailing boat, and an Italian
steamer took them back to Con
stantinople. From there, they
were sent to Baroum, to care for
5000 Greek refugees. Fully 15,-
000. of these stricken people died
of hunger, exposure and disease,
before the remainder could be
taken away to safety.
Following this tragic experl
ence, the Rambos have been lec
turing and working for all these
suffering people who are the play
things of war that they do not
themselves make or have the pow
er to stop. They have been speak
ing at a number of churches fn
and around Salem, and Mrs. Ram
bo spoke Monday at both the sen
ior high and at the Washington
junior high school. They went
from Baker, Ore.,to serve in the
Near East, and the terrible suf
fering they have seen determined
them to return to America, the
only financial and sympathetic
chane- left In the-world, to save
the unhappy Near East nations
from practical extinction by star
vation. ,
National ' and Internationa
Affairs Discussed While
in Los Angeles
ler, Mrs. Osmar Wolf, Mrs. F
Poorman, Mrs. Keith Powell, ath Falls.
Mrs. L. M. Bitney, Mrs. H. M.
Austin. Mrs. K. V. Nicklin. Mrs.
Allen Proctor. Mrs. Fred Have-
000 was filed by the Williamson
C I River Logging company of Klam-
Assistance of Lepers
Asked by Governor Wood
unit. Mr. and Mrs.' U. Lehman I Goplefud who is a sophomore, at to Dorothy Thompson, a niece, of
and Mrs. AI Stelner were appoint-1 Willamette university will be nn- Salem $500.
ed delegates lo attend tbe Parent-table to return to his studies this 1 The remainder of the estate Is
Teacher meVtlng -held in Inde- term. ' 1 to be held in trust for Sherman
pendence next Saturday in connec- Miss Clara Brendon and Miss Thompson, the income to be
tlon with the local teachers' in-1 Agnes Olsen spent the latter part plaofd at his disposal, during his
M'i' t .' r-t- -.-.. , M. i .ul nr I lifotlmo Should Mr Rhorimn
U& U1H DU m DUVULI.I. fcV U . 1 - - - ... -'"' .. ..
mtUrit m 1
.pw. , , , t.f T,....,. , ,
".. lira. Mltchel of Portland Is vis
Itlag her niece, Mrs. John Behind
ler.- -.-. ,-
... Mrs. Wayne Henry became ser
ously 111 as the result of after et-
fects of Influenza, and is now In
at Portland. ' . f " l. ' 1 Thompson die, the estate is to be
" Mr. and Mrs. Theodore John- converted into cash and divided
turn and son Alfred have returned I into equal shares as followsr To
from a several weeks triD to Ne-1 Aline Thompson Kilts and Lulu
braska and talifornlar 'J Thompson, three shares each; to
John Conrad has remodeled his uorothy TRompson, one share; to
a critical condition at the Deacc- home In Oehwr Addition so that It Grace Sherman, a nieco. of Salem,
ness hosnltal.. Ln rnnfilm two a Dart ments I one snare, ana to KODert Kounds
Mrs. Arnold Smith was hostess I each mnnlstinr of five rooms. nepnew, or Miiiton-on-the-Hudson.
last Fridav for th Rrimh rnllarnl rii Wmdm'i Social Science I- two snares; others who are
Helpers. The afternoon was spent I club of Silverton has endorsed the
In needlework, alter which re-1 candidacy of George Hubbs for
f reshments were served. St. Pat-1 state senator.
rick was remembered in both the Louis Andol is ill with the grip.
decorations and refreshments. I F. F. Rahn, who has been ill for
Oscar and Fred Meyer, who I about four weeks, ls again but
have been spending the winter at I E. P. Webb is reported as being
the .coast, have returned to their I seriously ill at his home.
named as benificiarles of the es
tate are Dr. Ralph Sicher, of Port
land and Julia A. Byhee. of Portland.
Literary Work Planned
By Professor Panunzio
.Miss Ruth Te Van, who Is at
tending O.A.C., is visiting her par.
Year's Highway Program
1 112,21 CSrV
(umm Huxnm riiX. im ml
. .... ..
CffiCCtSTS EYtmm
"The Distribution of Immigra
rion" win naThina K. tfe a
ot Be Outlined Soon book to appear from the pen of
- .i-iwtor. C. N. Panuntio. of Wlllam-
The 1922 highway construction I tte university. He plana to leave
nrorram will ' be v outlined and I V mamette this year, though he
I w - - . . , 1 . .
numerous delegations heard ' all "n een elected by tne hoard to
'Chapped hands
(soothes and heals
th rernlar meetlnsr of the state succeed himself for another year
highway commission which will I e pians to rinisn up a manus-i
be held ln Portland Thursday of cript that he has been working on
this week. x . ror some year Pt. giving a
Delegations are expected to bejrPh story of the Immigration
present from Jackson, Douglas prooiem, ouiit on nis own life and
ane, Benton. Gilliam, Union and experience. Also, he plans to
wasco counties, ana pruap i - mo uiumm
from some bthers. Including many Uarls. and then go to Milan,
county court members.. Most of tn industrial center of Italy,
them will present their ', desires nere mere are some remarkable
relative to the construction of io-oial problems to study5. In the
cal road construction n which the I cooperative, seml-communlstlc
respective' counties are partid- wor and factories.
r.o.tmw ! "And I want to do some fiction
The commission will open bids) that has been worrying roe for a
tor the construction of highways Hong time." he said Monday. ."It
. . - ..d..iaj iiwill De nased on the exnerienron
!rf !? zrsz? f French ; ,,;.s nraffiH a u tk-
UOU.uuu. inese w in iui t r t,i ou- - 0. w,mwwhiw nuo, in 1 1 it;
, Ing. macadam. and bridge, bujld 1 w tnis countir. Statesman Rrinn O,,!
ine. iTOiessor rauunno speau mgn- ?:"y; wuii
The next meeting will be March
28 at the home of Mrs. II. 1).
Mrs. J. P. Gnyer gave Mrs.
Frank Wolf a birthday party Fri
day. March 10 at her home on
Fourth street. Mrs. Wolf who
has remembored so many of her
friends with beautiful birthday
cakes ablaxe with lighted candlc3
thi8 time was given one of these
cakes. Those Invited were Mrs.
r rank Wolf, Mrs. K: V. Xicklin.
Miss Blanche Monrnlne. Mrs.
Marine Cochran. Mrs. J. L. Hal
ler, Mrs. Charles Dean and Mrs.
E. Bidwell.
Mrs: E. E. Settlemeter gave a
dinner to the Past Matrons club
Wednesday evening at her farm
home at the south edge of town.
The members attending were Mrs
McCord,. Mrs. J. M. Poof man!
Mrs. F. W. Settlemeler. Mrs. Ly
man Shorey, Mrs. L. Lawrence.)
Mrs. J. Richards, -Mrs. H. Over
ton. Mrs. Conner and Mrs. Ebb
ert Scott. As three of the hus
bands acted as chauffeurs they
were included in the invitations.
. Mrs. L. A. Beckman was a de-
lirMflll linctaj. YI J .
-- "xokm iwanesaay to a1
number of her friends. Five ta
bles of five hundred were rlirt
Mrs. H. M. Austin received first
prise and Mrs. F. K. San ler thp
consolation. The guests were
Mrs. Blaine McCord. Mrs. J. M.
roorman. Mrs H. M. Austin. Mrs.
H. L. Gill. Mrs. Eugeoe Courtney,
Mrs. Fred Evefrden, Mrs. Robert
Scott. Mrs. J. F. Steelhammer.
Mrs. H. D. Miller, Mrs. L. M. Bit
ney. Mrs. Allen Proctor. Mrs Os
mar Wolf. Mrs. T. K. Sanderson.
Mrs. R. L. GuiES. Mrs. Vred Have-
mann. Miss Heritage. Mrs. J. W.
Sadler of Aurora. Mra Melvin.
Mrs. Cleaver and Mrs. Brown of
it, Wins Honor at Live
stock Raising
LOS ANGELES, March 21.
Herbert Hoover, secretary of com
MANILA, P. I., March 21. merce, discussed national econo-
After an inspection of the lerer I mles and International affairs In
colony at Culion Island today, I an address to local organizations
Governor General Leonard Wood I today during his stay here with
transmitted an urgent appeal to I the Colorado river commission. Ho
the people of the Philippines to Ideclared .business throughout the
assist the lepers by donations of I country was improving, and point
clothing and reading matter. Gen-e(I to the four-power treaty as an
instrument for bringing about
world peace.
The secretary's jiroKram for the
day included a luncheon of the
Los Angeles Chamber of Com
merce, at which he was guest of
honor and a gathering of women's
clubs, where he also spoke. He
then went to Pasaeena, atiere ho
Upon being advised yesterday
by Judge J. P. Kavanaugh, mem
ber of the circuit court for Mult-,
nomah county, that he Is resign
ing his office. Governor Olcott
announced that be will appoint in
Kavanaugh's place Judge George
Rossman of the Portland munici
pal court. Judge Kavanaugh will
become a law partner of Jay Bow
erman. . - h ..- H
"Judge Rossman has no knowl-
edge of my intentions tn this re
gard, and I have- discussed the
matter with him ln no way," said 1
Governor Olcott. "In fact, I do ,
not know whether be will accept
if the appointment is tendered
him. v i
"jHdge Rossman Has made an '
exceptionally splendid record aa
municipal judgo in Portland. " L . s
believe hint iminently equipped to .
carry to the circuit court bench
fairness, ability, Integrity and a ;
capacity for hard work,' bo essen
tlal in the trying Judicial -duties t
on that bench. J sincerely trnst
Judge Rossman wfil ee his way I.
clear to, accept: thli appointment (
as his tjuaHficatlons are such as u
I believe will make him a valua-;.;
ble man la the work of thf fi
" 1
f i
Muratore and Cavalieri
.Welcomed in Portland
PORTLAND, Ore. March 21.
Mayor George L. Baker today for
mally welcomed Luclen Muratore,
tenor, and hla. wife, Llna Caval
ieri, first of the singers to arrive
for the grand opera session to be
opened here tomorrow night by
the Chicago Grand Opera com
pany. A special train carrying other
members of the company, bound
from Helena, Mont., to Portland,
was held up behind a slide ori the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pal
railroad today, near Henderson,
Mont. A
era i wood also instructed the
health department to speed up
preparation for bettering condi.
ba em YOUth, DV Stmkin? TO tlons fn the leper colony.
a I w . ... . :
ja a reami or oenerai wood's
Instructions, extra doctors, nurses
and supplies will "be rush-ed to
Cllion by a special steamer next
Thursday. They will be sheltered
Mabton Minister Faints ,f
Suddenly While Fishing
YAKIMA. Wash.. March 21.
Rev. O. Huston.- pastor of a Mab
ton church, failed to return last
night from a fishing trip along
the Yakima river, but staggered
Into hjs home this morning and,
told that he had' rafnted suddenly
while fishing, narrowly escaping
falling Into the river. Regaining
consciousness about 9 p. m., he
was so dazed that he wandered
about until daylight.
"If at first you don't succeed,
try, try again."
As a faithful advocate of this
motto in his four years as a pig
club worker, Homer Bray of Sa
lem stands as one of - the most
successful boys' and girls' work
erB in the state.
Young Bray began his club
work when he enrolled as a pig
club member in 1917 at the age
of 12. Although his pet took no
prizes at the state fair where he
exhibited it. he continued his
work the next year undiscourag
ed. That second year the pig that
he entered proved better than the
first animal, taking fourth prize
The following year, the pig he
showed at the state fair, proved
so much better than the first that
he took second prize. That year
in tents loaned to the Philippine I and Mrs. Hoover were to attend a
government by the United States
army as houses are not available
on Culion Island.
Out of 5,000 lepers onlv 1T.00
are receiving ..treatment, accord
ing to General Wood, who stated
that provision must bo mado for
treatment of the entire number.
reception given by Mrs. Robert J
Burdette, prior to the departure
late tonight for Palo Alto. Cal.
At the Chamber of Commerce
luncheon, Mr. Hoover said he en
tertained "high hopes of a reduc
tion of costs of government and
of a definite step towards tbe ptr-
The colonv contains 500 children I manent peace of the world with
under tz years. I rauuwugn in me senate oi
the treaty." To the club women
the secretary said: "I have no
fear that this treaty will not be
Eugene Ku Klux Klan
InterrUDtS Salvationists ratified by the senate."
ciarea at tne luncheon industrial
and business conditions in the
United States were, decidedly on
EUGEXE, Ore., March 21.
Three- white-robed members of
the Ku Klux Klan interrupted a
meeting of the local Salvation
army at the hall here tonight and
the spokesman presented a parse
te upgrade, having successfully
passed "the danger point of de
pression last July."
he wa, aTmember Vf the stock- f '3i Cpta,n L' S' Anthony, at
judging team selected to represent
Oregon at the Interstate fair at
Spokane where teams from Wash
lngton, Idaho and other states
competed. Hia team won first
place as northwest champions.
Homer, who was then 14 year old
being the high-scoring individual.
The management then permitted
him .to enter a free-for-all con-I
test for boys 16 to 20. From the
the same time expressing the ap
preciation . of the members of the
Klan for the activities of the Sal
vation army. The clansmen left
Immediately without waiting for
the thanks of the army leader.
Schoolgirl is Shot By
Girl Who Carries Pistol
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Mar,
21. Edrie Atkins. 12 years old,
a pupil of a local grade school.
was shot in the right leg above
the knee shortly after noon today
by a bullet from a 25-callber pis
tol in the hands of Katherine
Hoffman. 14 years old. a elaaa-
NICE, France, March 21. Wil
liam B. Ivnds. whila Hrtvlnc with
or v . his wife fnrmpr Prinr. T,ni, I ,u ne ALKins girl, accord
-J ""J wu emerea xne coniesi. i - i . ,nr.rln,.:A. .
Homer won first nlace. m an rnoiiie toward Monte lit" .,.".; " u ai me
- , , . . .... ... . .lir i ii i iiiii.'
. - . ii. arm vnna v mi i i r nyv wiin .., i.vz .
i n rj.'ti, (wo nogs, that easuyi . ' . iuviuci
took first place were entered ry macn,ne onven ny Mile fevr?
Homer at tbo fair. The iudees.1 ine car OI lDe "encn woman fell
who placed the nies eat that hia lo feet ravine and Mile
purebred Chester White barrows fevr was injured.
were as fine as any animals shown
fe'l ; .'Pcad tbe-Qlasslfied Add 'miii
The shooting which occurred in
the cloa room of the sixth srade
class room, was the result of an
accident, according to an explan
ation of the affair given Deputy
enenir rrank Bigler by ihe Hp ft
Vean Gregg Wins Game
With Colored All-Stars
STOCKTON, Cal., March . 21.
Vean Gregg, former pitching star
of tho Portland club, who predicts
he will win 30 games for. Seattle
this season, turned. in his .first
win at the training camp today
when he blanked the Colored All
Stars, 10 to Q. ;The Indians score
nine of their 10 ' runa .In", the
fourth inning In which WIsterzti
hit a triple' and a double and
Shulte a double and a single. !
Score R, 11. K.
Seattle .10 12 0
All-SUrs . . ...... 0 4 1
Gregg. Jacobs and Tobln; Mc-
Nalr and Pullen,
neuralgic, sciatic
pains, headache, backache and
all othef aches arc quickly, fe-1
ueved by p
Dr. ftjilcs' AnU-Pain,Pilss . ;
; SContain'' no dangerous- habit!
forming Migs. Whv don't jfeo v ! : i'.. r