The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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m Auto Driver Ualnjnred
No one was injured in in auto
aCClun UKuiiiuj cbkiusj near
Commercial and Union streets, ac
; cording , to a report 'filed at the
police'ttation by Charles II. Vin-
fcent. .Mr. Vincent stated that lie
was driving north on Commercial
street when he struck a car driv-
en by E. It. yVoods who was tra-
ellng west on Union street. The
frame of the Vincent car was
f bent. .
Pool try men to Meet .
; N An Important meeting of the
Marlon County Poultry, assocta
tion. Is to be held at the Salem
Commercial club, Saturday after
noon, March 25,.. beginning at 1
o'clock. The poultry business In
dlst church of Salem. The visit
ing couple were guests of Mr. an"!
Mrs. E. T. Barnes, of Salem at a
dinner party Tuesday night. The
date happened to be the anniTrr-
Marion county has languished far
behind that of many other coun-so the anniversary of the Avison
ers, who earned a decision
over the southern Invaders. Mrs.
Sackett has lived for 31 years in
Oregon and has put her entire
family of three boys through Wil
lies of the Willamette valleya. but
within the past year or two it has
taken a very great growth, and
the association is the result of the
increasing interest. A number of
excellent new flocks have been
started, some of which w-ill be
represented by members in the
Saturday meet.
Vonr Own V
Converted into beautiful read
ing lamps. Surprisingly fratify
ing results. Salem Electric Co.,
Masonic Temple. Phone $1200.
Lafayette Mineral Springs,
Tf ar (offering from rbewnatlrm.
tre aeld diathesis, root. Bright' disease,
diabetes, diseases ( the aeYvons system
and the skin, we esa eure or relieve you.
Hotel sad CotUces. Ask for Information.
Hartman's Glasses
George Alderin "Files
George D. Alderin, of 1240
South Fourteenth street, yester
day filed with the recorder Q3
declaration of candidacy for
councilman from the seventh
ward. Mr. Alderin is proprietor
of the West Fur company and is
well known in this city.
Nominating Petition Blanks
Secure them at the Statesman
(legal dept.) upstairs. Adv.
sary of Mr. Karnes" birth, and al-1 lamette, or will have done so.
when the two boys. Vernon and
Sheldon, finish with the class of
1915. Mrs. Sackett took the Or
egon Electric for her home Tues
day afternoon.
wedding. The two familU-s have
for a number of years celebrated
the joint event by an annual din
ner at one of the homes.
Su.sph iou Character Reported
Patrolman Troy Branson v as
called tno Nineenth and Stele
streets last night where a strang
er was reported to be acting in a
suspicious manner. The officer
reported that no dangerous per
sons were in the vicinity.
Everybody Weh.ine
At the O. A. C. Salem club
dance at the Elite hall Wednes
day night Adv.
Wheel Stolne
H. P. Drake, of 1020 Center
ztreet, yesterday reported to the
police that his bicycle had been
stolen Tuesday night from the
curb near the Statesman office.
People Cse Swift's Fertilizer
Because it makes them money,
See C. S.
Bowne or phone 353-
Wear them and see (M nvr Rwovcr wheel
Easier and Better I Patrolman Farrent succeeded
iuesaay in restoring a sioicn ui-
cycle to Its owner when he
brought in a wheel that had been
left on Church street. Karn Wil
bur of 1770 Broadway street,
called at the police station and
claimed the wheel as one he had
reported stolen several days ago.
Auto Mechanics
We have one of the best shops
In -the city for one or t .vo men
This will bear investigation and
must be closed at once. Phone
666. Adv.
Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon
SAVE $ $ $
by baying yonr hardware ' and
larmlture at The Capital Hard
ware St, Furniture Co., 289 No.
Commercial street. ' Phone 947.
We pay highest price.
We buy and sell everything
We tell for leu.
118 Getter fit. Phone S98
I Former Pastor Visits
Rev. Dr. R. N. Avison and wire
1 came from Forest Grove Tuesday,
for a two days' visit with Salem
friends. Dr. Avison was for 10
years pastor of the First Metho-
Cars Radly Damaged
Ed Kennedy yesterday reported
to the police that while
north on Commercial street he
had been involved in a collision
with a car driven by E. Seymour
Mr. Seymour was attempting the
turn east on Ferry from Commer
cial street when the accident oc
curred. Both cars were consider
ably damaged it was reported.
Salm Prunes Attractive
Three of the four Portland men
who attended the Monday dinner
at the Commercial club, took
home with them 10-pounf"troxes
of the famous Mistland prunes.
the big 20-30's, the biggest and
fanciest prunes in the world.
They went down to the Oregon
Growers' warehouse, saw the
fruits being handled and prepared
for market, and plunked down
their good coin with the remark
that it was a privilege to be able
to buy such products they didn't
know there was such stuff any
where in the market.
Bargain Dance Tonight
Society Serenaders, Auburn
Hall. Everybody welcome. Adv.
Hits Parked Car
Fred Steiner of Salem route 1.
reported yesterday to the police
that whila making a turn on Fer
ry near State street he struck c
parked car belonging to Dr. W. G.
Morehouse. There was no dam
age, Mr. ateiner.
Lewis May Sneak
Professor C. I.' Lewis, who yes
terday announced his intention of
leaving Oregon and going as edi
tor of the American Fruit Grower,
in Chicago, will probably be the
speaker at next Monday's Com
mercial club luncheon. Professor
Lewis has spoken at two or three
meetings since his return from
the east, on marketing and busi
ness conditions. The -sound busi
ness advice that he has gathered
from his tour made for this pur
pose, is reckoned to be of priceless
value in Oregon, and the Commer
cial club wishes to be sure of get
ting it before the people at one of
the biggest business luncheons in
the history of the organization.
The calendar says spring
S -w
So will the weather clerk please
take notice.
"Whenever a new book comes
out, 1 read an old one," said
Charlea Lamb. Good suggestion.
though one should not overlook
all the new ones, either.
"Over here Socialism Is opposed
to a standing army through fear
that such an army may be used to
put it down; over in Russia it fav
ors a standing army for there it
is necessary to have a standing
army to maintain it," remarks the
Marion Star, the newspaper of
President Harding.
Some leading Frenchmen are
growing synical. If America wants
money that the allies have man
aged to get from Germany, round
ly declares the Paris Matin, let
America help collect. No less
pointed is the suggestion of the
semiofficial Temps that the Unit
ed States might either get its
money direct from tserraany or
ratify the treaty of Versailles.
Great Britain proposes to the
allies a division of the German in
demnity into two parts, one of
$11, 000, 000,000 which would not
be collected if the United States
should remit the equal sum owed
to it by the allies, and the other
including all the rest. The propos
al bears a family resemblance to
the suggestion which has several
times been made that the United
States accept German bonds in'
lieu of bonds of entente countries.
emplifications of bandaging and
first aid.
Harry Scott Is to haxa charge
of the games for the evening; to
give some idea of what scout lead
ers can do in keeping up lue inter
est in their troop work.
The attendance at the lirst
meeting, a week ago. was 25. and
it is expected that at least 30
leaders will attend tonight.
G. Alfred (Fred) Pchoraaker.
who is employed by the American
Railway Express company in Port
land, at the Union depot, came up
Saturday evening and spent Sun
day visiting with his mother. Mrs.
Henry Schomaker, and friends.
Blaine McCord. Justice of the
peace for Woodburn. transacted
business in Salem yesterday.
Paul Folquet. of Woodburn,
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
France is the land of Mr. Fol
quet's birth, but he wishes to be
come a citizen of the United States
and is initiating naturalization
proceedings through the office t
County Clerk U. G. Boyer.
With Her Own Company
' Pictures taken on the stage
under supervision of Miss
Lovely with Salem talent.
A Classified Ad.-
Will bring you
will buy anything you have
to sell
Loganberry and hop wire
for sale
"The House of Half a Mil
lion and One Bargains'
,402 N. Commercial St.
Phone 523
Marion Da vies
Wyndham Standing
"The Bride's Play"
a buyer. Adv.
Tent Is Forsaken-
According to the story whicii
he narrated to police,. Orvin Mo
lin, 17, is a tent dweller from
Turner. Orvin did not occupy
his tent dwelling last night, as he
was taken into custody by Patrol
Everybody Welcome
At the O. A. C. Salem club
dance at the Elite hall Wednes
day night. Adv.
Jones Estate Closed
County Judge Bushey yester
day signed an order approving the
report of Agnes Jones, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Harrison
man aeonm Vhit aftor hi re- Jones. In a second order, Mrs
norted neouliar action had at- Jones is appointed guardian of
tracted the attention of passersby
on State- street. Molen was held
in the city jail, pend'ng investi
her two minor sons, Ralph and
Everett Jones. The final report
on estates affairs shows distribu
tion to the following named heirs:
Agnes Jones, widow; Ralph R.
Jones. 14. son: Everett N. Jones,
club 18. son, and Lay A. Jones, son
Everybody Welcome
At the O. A. C. Salem
dance at the Elite hall Wednesday all residents of Gervais; Inez J
night. Adv.
Bicycle Claimed
- Maurice Klinger, 459 State
street, yesterday appeared at the
police station and claimed a cl
cycla that wa brought in Mon
day night by Patrolman Branson.
May. daughter, of Moro, Oregon
and Earl T. Jones, son, of Wasco,
We carry the Simmons
steel beds, the best bed made.
We do not carry the "just as
Amist Nature. There are times
when you should assist nature. It
is now undertaking to cleanse I good" kind but the real ar
your system u you win taice i
Hood's Sarsapariiia the undertak-1 tide. They are lower in price
ing will be successful. This great I
medicine purifies and builds up as I today than they have been fo,r
notmng eise aoes. Aav.
Indian Love Sons
Second Scout Council
Will Be Held Tonight
five years.
ung for Brtmawick
fharles Hart and
j Elliott Shawj
And on the other side', a
A stirring darky melddy
Tonight at the Y.M.C.A. hall.
will be held the second of the
series of Boy Scout councils where
the scoutmasters and others ac
tively in or training for scout
leadership, are taking an advanced
course in. the business of scouting.
Scout Executive Zinser will be
the principal speaker tonight, to
tell of the mechanism of Scout or
ganization. H. J. Eberly, deputy state for
ester, is to speak on fire preven
tion and other matters of fores
try. Dr. E. E. Fisher is on the pro
gram to give some practical ex-
- .'V- :
Our expert optical ex
amination will acquaint
you with the true condi
tion of your eyes,
Phone , for, appointment
204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce BuUdlog
Oregon's Largest Optical
Institution ,
Phone 239 for appointment
r : i : : K
will relieve that cold
pronto. Hundreds use
them because of their
effectiveness. ,
Drug Store
Sole Agent Garden Court
135 N. Com!. Phone 197
Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
Cash Bail Funishel
Johnny Shatter, of Gervais.
yesterday furnished cash ball in
tbe sum of $750 for his appear
ance? in justice court at 10 a. m.
Friday, when he will be tried on l
a charge of stealing automobile
accessories. Officers claim that
Shaffer stripped tires and equ:p-
mpnt from a car and sold it. He
Shaffer was ar-
LYONS In this city, March 21,
Norman Lyons, age 19 years.
Body at RIgdon's mortuary.
Simmons Springs
in fabric weave or those soft
downy coil, either in single or
double deck. After spending
a night on one of those splen
did double deck coil springs,
you get up in the morning
feeling at peace with all the
world of course you should
have one of those built up
m -
W -9
- X- i
rr. wh l
in yi t,C;i. t urxrwt
Horse in Custmly
Dr. Andrews, a cent of the State denied his guilt
Humane society, last night took rested by Stai Traffic Officer l
into custody a black horse that I M. Brown
is said to have been treated in
an inhumane manner most of the po;, Estate A raised-
winter by beine left In a lot ex- v t. vnnn Rn F Shields
posed to the weather and without I and Brazier Small yesterday re-
sufficient food. This was on south ported to County Judge W. M
Commercial street between Lln-Bu8hey an appraisement of real
coin and Washington, but the I an(i personal property in the es-
ownershlp of the animal has not tate of Harrison Doe. Tha inven
been definitely determined. The torv includes items to the value
DODGE At the residence, east of
Tile Factory, March 20th. Mrs.
Stella M. Dodge, age 50 years,
widow of the late Charles A.
. . . . . 1 If! 1
I . uouge, moiner oi lue misses
Wanda, Margaret and Marie
Dodge, Mrs. Altha Brown and
Louis Dodge all of Salem and
Mrs. Minnie West of Camas
Wash. Funeral services will be
held Wednesday, March 22, at
2 o'clock from the Rigdon mor
tuary, concluding service City
View cemetery.
Not stuffed, but built up cot
ton felt or kopok, beautiful
ticks and at very attractive
animal has been given shelter in
Andrews' barn, 420) South Com
mercial street.
of $8000.
So is I lorn
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Farmer
Meeting Deferred- I are receiving the congratulations
The Womans union of the First! of their friends on the birth of a
Baptist church will not meet this
week on account of so much sick
ness. The next meeting will be
announced later.
son, Raymond Lfee, yesterday.
RUTHERFORD At the residence
240 North Church street, March
20th. William A. Rutherford.
age CG years, husband of Alice
Rutherford. Funeral services
will be held Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock from the Rigdon
mortuary, concluding service
City View , cemetery.
Owing to a Current Rumor-
That we are soon to leave Sa
lem, I wish to state we shall re
main here indefinitely. We have
sold our residence but we shall
soon take another apartment and
I shall remain in practice here.
Dr. W: L. Mercer. Adv.
GRAND to-night
Joseph G. Kelley
Lucille Schulmaii
And a Wonderful Supporting Cast
The Gorgeoua
Cecile j v
Heart of
the Joy
The" age "old, yet ever new- question of Love
. powerfully presented
- r ' --y PRICES:
Seat Sale Wednesday, 10 a. m.
lst 3" "and last 7 rows floor-and entire balcany. . , .f l.oo
Lnet 4 -.row orchestra .V ,'IM
Ralieril not Teservou .
. -Add 10, war tax
Attends Debate Here-
Mrs. Fred B. Sackett came ov
er from Sheridan Monday night
to attend the debate between Wil
lamette and Redlands (Calif.) un
iversity. Her son Sheldon Sackett,
was one of the Willamette debat-
Cowboy from
Pendleton, in
Comedy too
MARION H. H. Romnes. C. J
Holway, Frank L. Mowry, Mr. and
Mrs. P. B. Sibley, A. D. Sansman
Tbeodore Esefalar, C. Dewey
Brown, A. J. Gibson. F. W. Watt,
C. Shamon. R. P. Williams. D. J
McGIIl. Ruth P. Adams, N. W
Scott, E. E. Pollack. John C. Les
lie. Portland: W. W. Ball. C. F
Ehlmon, Edw. Montell, J. W. Jew-
ett, Seattle; A. R. Nichols. J. W.
Smith, Corvallis; Geo. W. Gill,
The Dalles; E. J. Simmons, J. R
Moulsbey, Everett. Wash.
BLIGH A. M. Potter, E. L. H.
Morris, T. E. Wilson. A. C. Brac
ken. Portland; W. C. Garner, J
F. Steiner. Mark A. Poulsen. Sil
verton; Mrs. Louise Zazni, Mrs.
Angela Grotto, San Francisco.
TERMINAL Eugene Dooley.
Spokane; W .F. Ripke, Portland;
R. C. Hageltine.
Kemp's Fun Show
and Wedding on the
. Stage :
GILBERT John J. Gilbert, died
at home in Newberg, Sunday,
age 85 years. Survived by his
wife, three sons and four daugh
ters. L. M. Gilbert, Salem; D.
J. Gilbert. Mrs. M. P. Elliott,
Mrs. E. M. Mlnford, Newberg;
Mrs. J. C Pinkerton, Mrs. Rob
ert Flndley, Los Angeles; J. G.
Gilbert, Damascus. Ohio. Fun
eral services at Friends church
in Newberg, Wednesday at 10
.5feaa4 Malo Quarfef f N
dUMLiir inc. xAir
New April Records
2194-Granny Fox Trot ( Young-Lewis-Akst) Bennie Kruo
ger s Orchestra. . .
Doo-Dah Blues Fox Trot (Rose-White) Bennie Krue,
I ger's Orchestra
IfLiri 7.p
219-On the Gin 'Gin 'Ginny Shore Fox Trot (Leslie-Doii-
aldson) Bennie Kruegera Orchestra , . .
1 Carolina Blues Fox Trot (Ringle) Bennie Krueger'3 .
1fUn 7fv. s -
21Sf3 Three O'Clock in the Morning Waltz (Terriss-Robledo).
Carl Fenton's Orchestra '
Indiana Lullaby Waltz (Terriss-Kendall) Carl Fen
. ton's Orchestra . . -
lfVin. 75c -
217 Eddie Leonard Blues (Stanton) Tenor and Baritone
Isiliy Joes, Hirnest nare wun vyan rcnwua vin.
I Carolina Rolling Stone (Parish-Young-Squires) Tenor
Al. Bernard with Carl Fenton's Orchestra. '
lfVin 7.rif
2L37 Coaxing tlie Piano (Confrey) Ragtime Piaho Solo
Zez Confrey . ;
f Greenwich Witch (Confrey) Ragtime Piano Solo Zez
We will gladly play any of these records for you ;
IVIoore-Dunn Music
Masonic Bldg.
State and High Streets
467 Court Street
Labor is Represented
at Grassman Funeral
GRICE Mrs. Martha Grice died
at her residence 3 miles north
west of Salem, March 19, at the
age of 60 years. She leaves her
husband. L. Grice, five daugh
ters: Mrs. L. L. Cannoy of Sa
lem; Mrs. James Best of Salem,
Mrs. Chas. Schwartz of Salem,
Mrs. Alba Martin of Aumsville,
Mrs. Robert Adams of Salem;
one son. Ammon Grice of Sa
lem; also 6 grandchildren and
three brothers in the east. The
funeral services will be held
from the Wbb & Clough mor
tuary Wed. March 22, at 2 p.m.
Interment will be made in the
City View cemetery.
A delegation of Portland repre
sentatives of union labor came to
Salem yesterday to attend the
funeral of Charles Grassman,, late
employe of the state industrial ac
cident commission, and once a
leader in nnion labor circles in
Portland. Those who came were
C. M. Rynerson, editor of the
Portland Labor Press and repre
senting the State Federation of
Labor: G. A. von Schultz. Port
land Central Labor council; R. A.
Willicon, . Building Trades coun
cil; Joe Reed and Arthur Burns,
Metal trades; Frank . Hannan,
Bridge and Structural Iron Work'
ers: A. W. Jones and W. fL-Tttfc.
gerald. Cigar Makers;' II. J. Flem
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmers
" Leading Morticians
silk dresses:
You cannot buy the materials and make them at home at this price.
Quality Merchandise . Popclar Prices
Where It Pays to Pay As You Go 1;
ing, clgar maker. (, vi