The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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' 4
)t Cgkggtftt Statesman
Issued Daily Except Monday by
V 215 S. Commercial St., Salem. Oregon
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i , 627-59
; The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the nse for publi
cation ot all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
la this paper and also the local news published herein.
K. J. Hendricks Manager
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TELEPHONES: , Business Office, 23 :
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Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter
. .... . -, v.- ' .
big men out of office. That may be true-at times. But is
not a mediocre official who faithfully serves Ms people a
more valuable man than a political giant who betrays them ?
Under the convention plan the people 'were 6ften betrayed.
This occurs less often now because an official who must look
to the people for support naturally keeps his eyes open to
their interests.
The defects of the direct primary may be easily seen and
usually they may be guarded against without trouble. The
defects of the convention plan were often concealed behind
closed doors. Always the hidden danger is the one most to
be shunned. The people will not give up the direct primary
even if politicians would like to have them do so and even if
we do have a man in the white house who is ready to turn
back the clock.
4 balance is afforded by the con
tinuously high and stable rates ot
exchange for both sterling and
"There is a widespread belief
that trade throughout the United
States will continue tb expand
until most plants will be again
working at normal capacity."
of his wife will sometimes fight
like an Indian on behalf of his
neighbor's pup.
Here and there voices are being raised against the direct
primary and in favor of a return to the convention system.
The following editorial from the Salem Statesman is tyoical
of the thought along this line. I
- In his Lincoln day utterances President Harding
, ' expressed, his abiding faith in party governmet. He
found that a nation had its best and most perfect ex
pression through the medium of its political organi
zations. He urged a return to the days' of the party
conventions. Said he: "I have faith in the collective
vision of the convention; I believe in the collective
judgment jot the party." The preferential primary is
the most cumbersome, costly and usatisfactory meth
od of nominating candidates that has been devised
and has few real defenders left. When a candidate is
dignified with a nomination made by the chosen rep
resentatives of a party as assembled in their selec
tive convention, he has something behind him. '
The above is from the Pendleton East Oregonian of a few
days ago.
The whole of the argument is admitted
As argument.
It has a familiar sound; and The Statesman has often
said that the direct primary will likely stand some time in
Oregon, because many people in this state have a lively recol-
ection of the abuses of the convention system ; the boss
But there is a good deal of piffle about the great advan
acres of the present direct primary system, and about the
great progress made under its workings; and the objections
to this cumbersome and expensive system do not come "chief
ly from politicians." It may be as truthfully stated that the
contrary is true. A good many politicians who have secured
preferment under its workings think it is a good system
. , 1 1 " A
And a great many people wno are not politicians agree
that it is an expensive system; and nearly every one will say,
if he speaks his honest sentiments, that the contents ot the
bottle belie the wording of the label; that in actual practice
the net results are no improvement over the old system, on
the average as faulty and objectionable as the old system
was in its workings, and would be again
And no one will deny that the direct primary system
which we have in Oregon is a great deal more expensive to
the taxpayers than was the convention system, or would be
that system if there should be a return to it.
And there is a strong desire on the part ot most ot tne
people of Oregon to get down to brass tacks in the cutting
. . ... i a i i..
out ot ail possiDie excessive cnarges upon ukj puuuc lunus.
The working out of the general desire for more econom-
True enough', a candidate named by a convention has
"something behind him." But too often it is merely the
sanction of a boss or bosslets representing a ring or cliaue.
not the voters of the party, the convention system was
abolished in favor of the direct primary because the conven
tion plan was found subject to gross abuse. The direct pri
mary also has its drawbacks. But in the main these short
comings are not serious when the well known benefits of the
primary plan jare remembered. Objections to the direct
mary come chiefly from politicians, not from the people. The
average voter is not complaining because he now has a direct
voice in the selection of party nominees.
It is a glorious mistake for anyone to think the nation
finds its "most perfect expression" through its political or
ganization when those organizations are in the control of
men who operated under the convention system. In the old
days'of the convention plan standpatism was the order of
the day. The direct primary opened the door to prom-ess
Look back and you will observe that practically every big
forward step taken in the last generation came as a product
oi the direct primary. The direct election of senators, equa
sunrage, the federal reserve system, the abolition of the sa
loon; the farm loan act and other, measures too umerous to
mention all came after the direct primary gave the people a
stronger voice.not only in the election but in the selection o
mert'for office. There was no agricultural bloc in the old
days. The big eastern interests dominated absolutely. - Men
of independent minds ready to serve their people regardless
of regularity never reached the' halls of congress. If now
and then one did he was regarded as a freak and was made
powerless. The situation is now different and the direc
' primary is the key that opened the door.
The irreat benefit of the direct primary is that it makes
public officials responsive, not to political bosses but to the
Now that the new silver dol
lars are coming into circulation
we are learning for the first time
that that good old slogan. "In God
We Trust." has degenerated to
"In God We Trvst."
I suppose we should be thank
ful that on the other side they
didn't likewise make it "E Plvrbva
Vnvm" and "Vnited States of
America." But can anybody sug
gest a reason for this nonsense?
There are supposed to be twenty
six letters in the English alphabet,
and nobody objects seriously if
the architect of a monument or
building chooses to label it any
old way that suits his own ideas.
If he does not like the letter U
he can drop it and use V. But
when it comes to coins I protest
against juggling with the alpha
bet. We were saved from the brok
en sword, emblem of defeat, by
public protest. It seems to me
quite as offensive to label the
coin "In God We Trvst." because
we don't trvst, we trust. James
Watts in New York Herald.
It looks as if Bryan will be in
the senatorial lists in Florida, In
spite of the fact that he declined
to contest for" the nomination.
Friends and admirers are doing
the contesting for him. They are
already circulating the petitions
which are being signed by the
voters of Democracy. The virus
is ia the blood and Bryan can no
more resist being a candidate than
he can go without food. It looks
as if Senator Park Trammel will
have difficulty in succeeding him
self. For that matter, the pro
gress ot Bryan win not be un
Trammeled, either.
to Salem Friday to attend the
Sunday school convention, return
ing home Saturday.
Mrs. iHlda Haling of Portland
spending a few days here witn
her mother Mrs. Caroline Dray'-
M. H. Wilson and J. Thomas
and family in Salem Friday.
Mrs. F. A. Wood spent Satur
day afternoon in Salem.
, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunfce
have a baby boy. They are at
the home of M. Fliflet.
The FHtlet family are- all hav
ing their second attack ot enflo-'
em. .- - - -
Taif A physician. Then begia
I "etaexoicy" treatment with
Oner ijhidtiimjmn IW Ve-rfr
Under a new ordinance in Den
ver the reckless driver of an auto
mobile is banished trom the streets
for six months. If he disobeys
the sentence or comes np a second
time the car is impounded for
ninety days at the expense of the
owner. This should be very ef
fective in reducing the terrors of
traffic. Nothing tempers a care
less driver so much as to bar him
from the highway or take his car
away from him.
The builder's contract for the
new Biltmore hotel in Los Angeles
will call for more than $5,000,000.
Now they are making a water
proof suit that will permit the
wearer to float Indefinitely with
out fear of exposure. The Inventor
spent two whole nights floating
around among broken icebergs in
a temperature of 26 deg. to give
the Invention a fair test and was
ical methods in the administration of the public affairs of
. . . jr-V ! 1 i i 1 A? I
every kind m Uregon may oring aoout tne reorganization oi Tnat wU1 De the greatest construc-
the direct primary system, or possibly a return to the con- tlon permit the coast has yet
vention system known. Even New York will sit found smoking a cigar when pick
Rut The Statesman has little hope of this m the near iu- lin and take notiCe of a,- ed up in the morning. It is claim
ture; SO long as there are SO many people like the writer inl000 building. Gotham has several ed that the garment can be put
the East Oregonian who have "kidded themselves into tne hntPi- more imposing, but that is on in thirty seconds and that a
belief that the direct primary system is the panacea for most iargeiy because .the building laws puncture does it no harm, if all
Of the ills of progressive government there place no restrictions on ship passengers were equipped
And SO this discussion IS hardly worth the space It takes; h i ht ln Log Angeles, with a iwith these suits the hazards of a
or the work and pains it would require to carry it on at any llmltati0n 0f Qf 150 feet, it is vir- Titanic disaster would be notably
great length. tually impossible to carry a build- lessened.
Does Not Cost As Much As Mill-run
Its price is $28.00 while the price of Mill-run is
from $31.00 to $34.00 per ton.
Has Superior Feeding Values
An actual
Notice the analysis in comparison.
chemical analysis shows:
Protein Fat
Albers' Dairy Feed 13.9
Wheat Mill-run 12
At j
Protein is the essential factor in determining val
ues of feeding stuffs. Protein makes milk. Reck
on fat as energy values. Fibre is waste. There-1
fore buy protein and fat. ' . ,
A moderate amount of fibre is necessary to give
bulk or keep the meals apart. v 5
Albers' Dairy Feed is palatable because it con
tains molasses, with Mill-run, oat by-products and
cocoanut meal. The mixture in Albers' Dairy Feed
supplies the variety needed by the dairy cow. :It
is better than Mill-run at the same price.
We offer it at less.
210 State Street, Salem, Oregon
"Maine went.
Governor Kent."
hell bent, for
Among other foreign entangling
alliances is that ten billion dol
lars they owe us.
Discipline must be maintained
at the penitentiary. That is the
first law of such institutions.
Is there no California Whittier
to write an "Ichabod" on Hiram
Johnson's disertion of the state
in his vote on the four-power
treaty pact? Los Angeles Times
After all. West Salem may re
main West Salem. But the resi
dents over there will have to ad-
It means free government and free government islmit that they have a wide choice
good Americanism. There are those who believe that the I of new names, and many appro-
direct primary brings mediocre men to the front and keeps priate ones.
ing more than twelve or fourteen
stories. The Biltmore hotel in
i New York which is a part of the
Following are excerpts from the great system in which the new
current weekly financial letter of house is affiliated is twenty-six
Henry Clews, the Wall street au-ptorles In height. The Log An-
I eeles hotel would have been as
momy: J"
, , , . i massive naa tne reguiauon? per-
iuerC ua uu "" Untied. As it is. it will be one of
ward swing in the volume or tne notable hotei8 of America and
building permits issued, over and I therefore of the world.
above the increases already noted
during the earlier week of the
year. Productive capacity in
automobiles, particularly in the
truck branch of the business, is'
even more fully employed than
heretofore. . . . Equipment com
panies continue to keep far ahead
of last year in their volume of or
ders, and are now reported prac
tically back to normal.
"The fact that our foreign trade
relations are in the main more
wholesome in spite of a decreas-
Popright, 1023, Associated Editors
The Biggest LltUe Paper la the World
Edited by Joha H. Millar
i? Party
Mrs.' McOovern was having a
surprise birthday party for the
twins, and Peggy, who had been
called In to helpr being one ot the
"bunch, was having a bard time
keeping' ; the i secret. She could
hardly wait to see the twins' eyes
almost pop out' ot their heads
when they opened the dining
room door and saw the group ot
boys and girls and heard them
atng out "Happy birthday l"
Peggy and Mrs. . McQvern had
Sa, - " lc-
long conferences in which they
made their plans and Peggy was
Bare she was having as good a
time planning it as she would
have when. the. party really hap
"It'a going to be the best party,
Mother," said Peggy as she came
Into $he kitchen, whs re her moth
er was just starting dinner. "It's
to be a 'bluebird for happiness
party, you know. There's going
to be a basket ' full ; of pretty
paper flowers In the center of the
table, with bluebirds cut out and
pasted around ths i basket and
perched on the handle. And
there'll be bluebird paper napkins.
men we're cutting - aome differ
ent kinds of birds out of some old
wallpaper . we dug up and mount
ing them on heavy paper. Well
suspend them on strings from the
celling in the living room and din
I - riwi, and the rooms will look
i s'rs fill ot 'fij-ius birds."
"It sounds as though It would
be lovely," said her mother, as
she took another peek into the
oven. -
"We're going to play some new
games, too," said Peggy. "There's
'bellman,' for Instance. It's differ
ent from the regular tag.v Every
one Is blindfolded except the one
who is 'it.' and he wears a string
ot little bells around his neck.
Then every one In the room tries
to catch him. Who ever gets him
Is it"
"Another game tne bunch does
not know Is the 'hindrance race.'
About half the people are sent
out of the room. Then one of
them is called back in and shown
a row of upturned chairs, books
and pillow, which he is told to
observe carefully. Then he is
blindfolded and told to walk
across the room without stepping
on any ot the objects. As he
starts, the things are quietly tak-
pn out of the way in front of him.
Iti so funny to see, him hopping,
and everybody yelling 'Look out'
and cheering him on. Then the
bandage is taken off and he helps
fool the next one."
"Birthdays are always 'good
times for parties," her mother
said. "I used to know what flow
ers and stones belong to each
month, but I've forgotten."
"I have It ln my memory book,"
said Peggy, and she ran in to get
it. She was back in a minute.
"Here It is: 'January, snowdrop
and garnet; February, primrose
and amethyst; March, violet and
bloodstone; April, lily-of-t he-val
ley and diamond; May. iris and
emerald; ; June, rose and agate;
July, poppy and ruby; August.
sunflower and sardonyx; Septem
ber, morning-glory and sapphire:
October goldenrod and opal; No
vember, chrysanthemum and to
pat; ; December, .... holly and tur
One of the big breweries in Los
Angeles is to be converted into a
cotton mill. Maybe they saved up
a lot of foam. Old-timers say the
foam on a glass of beer used to
strongly -resemble cotton. The
breweries of the nation are about
all in use now and many of them
are employing more people than
they did in the old days. The
range of their present uses runs
through a long list from ice
cream factories and creaseries
and woolen and cotton mills all
down the line to churches. The
W. C. T. U. recently held one of its
big meetings In the offices of what
was the great Busch brewery at
St. Louis.
"Water!" yelled some one on
the other side of the road. Eric
picked up the bucket and hurried
over. "Sorry to distrub your roy
al highness," said the man, with
an elaborate bow, "but walkin in
the park makes me thirsty."
Eric flushed and said nothing.
It was not the, warm weather and
the long hours that made the job
of carrying water for the road
gang hard for him. They all knew
that he came of one ot the best
families in the town, and though
many of them secretely felt admi
ration for his desire to make
money for himself, they taunted
him because he was not one of
His politeness irritated them.
"Sir! Sir!" they mocked him.
They called him absurd nick
names. Some of them even threw
dirt In his water bucket when his
back was turned.
Erie wiped his forehead. The
air was sultry. He was tried out.
"Water!" yelled a burly young
fellow, not mudh older than Eric.
Eric hurried over. He set down
the pail. The young man edged
toward it, then with pretended
awkwardness, lost his balance aim
stumbled against the pail. Eric
grabbed it, but not before it was
half spilt. It was a long way to
the water supply. Eric calmly
picked up the pail and upset it
over his tormentor's head.
Work stopped, as the victim
howled and stamped, pulling oft
the pall jammed over his" head.
Eric stood quietly by. "Ill show
you fumed the oy, once he was
free. He" took a step forward,
but Eric, with unexpected swift
ness, shot out a hard fist.
Eric stooped over and helped
the bewildered fellow to his feet,
"I beg your pardon for losing my
temper,"" he said politely, and h
quietly picked up his pall and
walked pfr t ..... J
. The iaea called him "the young
f uc u&n I ATC
ru now lu i j
S0S yf
gentleman" after that, but
meant it.
They are having an entangle
ment in St. Louis. The council
by a narrow margin recently ad
opted an ordinance which would
permit the dogs garnered at the
city pound to be turned over to
the vivisectionists for scientific
and experimental purposes. Nat
urally, this arouses the opposition
of the tender-hearted and the
friends of the dog. No man who
loves his Towser is going to be
patient while solons are laying
plans for the carving ot canines
in the interest of science. A man
who would be dumb in the defense
Gross and Net Prices
Editor Statesman.
Wool figures in an article pub
lished in your paper today are in
teresting. Why not publish the
facts? Your figures are gross and
from them should be deducted:
Freight. 65 cents per 100 aver
age; selling expenses, sz.oo per
100 average; niterest for eight
months (farmers did not get mon
ey until eight months after ship
ping), 1.50 per 100 average;
cost of joining, 25 cents; total,
This leaves net prices as fol
Fine, $19.23; medium, $17.60;
coarse (not including braid).
$16.60; (more than half of all
valley wool is braid). Braid
(judging from sales made and
prestn market), $9; cotted (judg
ing from sales made and present
market) $7.
This Is a grand average of
$13.89 for all grades. This is 7c
less than farmers are getting in-
stead of 7c-more.
How does this compare with
23c average for all grades re
cently paid for 25,000 pounds of
wool sold at Scio at public sale
by farmers? Their selling expense
was one-half cent per fleece and
they d jiot hire any high priced
manager at $6,000 to $7,5000 per
Salem, Ore., March 21, 1922.
Rearrange these groups
uitte proper worus, lueu. arrange i MmpBr ia ffrand opera. Portland.
March 24, h riday W illametto nnirer-
tne woras so
word square.
Answer to yesterday's:
lyn. New Orleans.
tnat tney lorm a
Two soldiers went into a res
taurant in the Near East and said
to the waiter: "We want Turkey
with Greece."
"Sorry." said the waiter. "We
can't Serbia."
."Well, then, get the Bosphor-
The boss came in and heard
their order. Then he said. "1
don't want to Russia, but you
can't Roumania."
So the two soldiers went away
r resale: Mother, can a person
leave parts of his body any
Mother: "Why. John, what a
foolish question! Why do you
John: "Well. I heard my teach
er aay he. was going to California
for his lungs. ! ' ' .
I want to take out some
surance." - - rt
; ! "Fire or life?" -
"Both. I have a wooden leg."
titr spring racation becina.
March 27, Monday Marcs term of
court begin.
March 27, Monday First day of
March term Marion coonty circuit court.
March 31, Friday "Mrs. Templa'i
Telegram." Snikpoh Dramatic society
play at tno nun scbmii.
April 7. Friday "Panl Berera" to
b presented by Salem high school music
April 12, Wednesday Connty commun
ity club federation meeta in Salem.
April; 14, Friday Last day on which
candidates for state offices may filo with
secretary of state.
April 16 to S "Better Matte" week
ia Salem.
April 16. Sunday I aster.
April 18. Toesday Whitney Boys'
Cbrns to sine at Christian chnrch.
May I. Monday W. W. Ellsworth,
noted editor and literary man, to address
Willamette student.
May IS, Saturday Junior week end
entertainment at O. A. C.
May 19, Friday Primary leetkm.
May 19. Friday Open house, science
cfrxm-TH oi nign school
May 26 and 27, Friday and Satvrdav
May FestiTal. Oratorio Creation Friday
la armory; living pictnres Saturday icht
Jane 5, Monday Track meet, Willam
etto and Pacific University at Forest
Jnne 14j Wednesday Flat? Day.
Jo ne li Friday High achool graduation.
joaa zv-so. July 1 Convention of
uros) rra cbicis association at Marak-
JsJr I and 4 Monday and Tuesday.
8 la to eon vention of Artisans at Woodham
. Beptembor Si, ja . and J Paadletoa
September S5 ZD inclusive Oregon
State Fair. . t , " ,
Kswabst T, Tnosiay Qeaersl lao
A. E. Kunke has been confined
to the house he past week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hadley went
City of
; 6 Gold Bonds
Ta4o reoersl obliratioa bonds
Usard: for water and street im
provements, and maturing aerially
1923 to 1942, yield the investor
They are income tx exempt and
are secured by all the taxable prop
erty in this substantial city situ
ated in the most fe.-tilo section of
the famous Grande Konde valley.
Circular on ropiest
Wm. McGflchrist, Jr.
Resident Representative
Clark, Kendall & Co.,
Room 209 United States
National Bank Building
Salem, Oregon
n m
Brunswick Records
La Bohetae Baeconto dt Rodolfo (Rudolph's Narrative) Act
I (Puccini) Tenor, in Italian ..Mart Chaanlo
MswMMi Ah! Ftiyes. Douce Image! Depart. Pair Vision Act;
ill. Scene 2 (Msuenet) Tenor, In. rem-h .... Mario Chamloo
La Boheme Addlo (Farewell) Act III (Puccini) Soprano, in
Italian Florence Knatoo
Carmen Habtnra Uve la Like a Wood Bird) Act I tBlaet)
Soprano. In French Kloronco ICaatoa
Andrea t'hraler Nemlco della Patrta (Enemy ot His Coun
try) Act ill (Ulordane) Baritone, in Italian. Giuseppe Danla
Otetlo Credo (lagoa Creed) Act II (Verdi) Baritone, ia
"Un Olueeppe Danlse
uiAA I RJom' IHsaeo Part I. From the Music Drama "Salome"
VS2 S 'Ktr"" ...Itlchard Strauae and Kymphony Orchestra
" I Salome's Dance Part II. From the Music Drama Kalomo"
I t Strauss ...Richard Strauas end Symphony Orchestra
1SO01 1 Sp-rins- Hraa Mendelssohn) Pianoforte Solo . Leopold Oodowaky
XA ) Toe Flatterer (La LuMaJeva) (Cbamlnade) Pianoforte Solo
1 ., m Leopold Oodowsky
f 8fflBd Masorka (Lo Meaetrler) (Op. II) (Wicnlawskl) Violin
1W5 ? X - V. -i."-i -'i--L Bronlalaw Huberman
IJM Meiodle (Op. si. No. ) (Tachalkowsky) Vtolln Solo
, i Bronlalaw Hubennaa
eana f "SUace-l Selection (Puccini) Concert Band
iuS ... , , Veaaella's Italian Band
IM I Tcm Selection (Puccini) Concert Band
, m Veaoella's Italian Band
!!' I roxta; Mano (Confrey) Ragtime Piano Sole.Zes Confrey
7Se I Greenwich Witch (Confrey) Ragtime Piano 8olo..Zes Confrey
The Great Awakening- (John tone-Kramer) Tenor. Theo. Karle
Bocsvuae (Test hemacher-D' Hi rUelot Tenor Theo. .Karle
f C"
? M
Onward Cbriatlaa Soldiers (Sir Arthnr MullWaai
.,., Collegiate Choir
Kork of Ages (Toplady-Haatlnga) Soprano and Contralto
Marie Tiffany and Kilsabeth Lennox
Song of the "5Iua On" (Robertson-Rhys-Herbert) Baritone
.... . Richard Bonelll
Boiling Down to Kle (KIpllnit-Germaa) Baritone
Richard Bonelll
Eddio Leonard Blue (Stanton) Tenor and Baritone
Billy Jonea and Ernest Hsre with Carl Kenton's Orchestra
Cart, Una Railiag Stone ( Parish-Young -Hqulrs Tenor
ai Heritira with Carl Fen ton's Orchestra
nsaav (Younsr-Lewls-Akst l Baritone u.
April Showers (Dt riylva-hilvers) Baritone. Saxophone Obll-
gato by Kudy Wledoert Ernest Hare
am mr Loa 1 8terllnr-Mor Vnn Ttlii- Rtrn1 cw.r.
Lalawaaa LsUahy (Wblte-titsrk) Tenor and Baritone
Charles Hart and kUllott Shaw
Son of India Fox Trot (Rinsky-Korsakow)
Rudy W iedoeft's Callfornlaaa
Gray Mora Fox Trot (Oaell-Ward-Mtandiab)
,v , Rudy Wiedoefts Callfornlans
On tbo "Gia Cla 'Glnny Shore Fox Trot (Leslie-Donaldson)
,, , . . Mennle K rue Kefs Orchestra
Carolina Bines Fox Trot (Rlngle) .Bennle Krueger a Orchestra
r iurr uiiars ia roe aierausg -waltz (Terrlsa-Robledo)
Indira Lullaby-Welts (Terr-Kendalf, 0Mnt
1 Carl Fentan'a rtM-taM
Jost a Little Lore Soag Fox Trot (Toang-Lewls-Cooper)
Isham Jones Orchestra
My Maanmy Knows Fox Trot (Do Costa-Jerome)
. Isham Joust Orchestra
Cranny Fox Trot (Toung-Lewls-Akst) . , ,
. Bennle Krueger'a Orchestra
Doo-Dah Blocs Fox Trot (Rose-White)
Bennle Krtrt'a ftrfhaatr
Cood-Bye Shanghai Fox Trot (Johnson-Meyer).
., ,, , . Carl Fenton'a Orcheetra
WuIIo MlaanJ Breams Fox Trot (Egan-Whltrng)
Carl Featoa's Orchestra
This is an exceptionally good list and we suggest that
you call and hear them as soon as covenient.
Check the records you wish and mail this ad. to us.