1 UlilJA 1 UiLlGriiiAla liirii s f i I TO ELECT: Jl If Directors- to- Represent Sa lem Will Be Chosen at ' McCornack Hall Today -at 1:30 will be fceld the annual- election of tbe Oregon Grower Cooperative association for tbe Salem district to elect di-1 rectors to- represent Salem on tbe general directorate' of the associ ation. The meeting will be held in ; McCornack ball; - ; Ieal . advisory; committees . for each' 'of the crops- grown Jn .the local district will be 'elected ; . tor apple, pfjars, ' cherries, berries, and whatever tbe association ban dies in quantities vTheso special ists wll be ehoseA froth the ranks of the growers' themselves, men familiar with local conditions and capable of riving authoritative advice on every problem of grow ing and handling. Prof. Cv I. Lewis is to address the meeting on his recent visit to the national 'farm congress, called J1 -President Hardin at Washington This was one of the most j-emarkable meetings in. the history ot ' American agriculture, and every farmer Is urged to at tend and' hear at first hand just what was done and what Is to be done for tbe fanning interests by congress. Professor Lewis went oh a market investigation trip. and he 4 brings back the. results of this trip in a vast' fund of In teresting information as to how Oregon stands, or could stand. In tbe national markets. '- ' . ;Tber 8alem district for the Or egon, growers extends from-Hub bard on the north to the Santlam river on the south, and from Stay- ton and. Sublimity on the east to Hopewell in Polk county on the west), fit comprises at present t about 370 members, but more are coming in steadily. , FIGHT STAGED DURING MONDAY COUNCIL MEET (Continued from page 1) account ' for this In onentlnar bt pense items and t want to say that outside of a few planks and a tie or, two, the Southern Pacific has not spent a cent in improving this line. . . , , "The management of the street railway line has asked mnch and conceded nothing In return. Five years ago we had Seventeenth street all aimed no for navinr. The railways refused to pave with us and the proposal was lost.1 We nave a narrow street out there. Only 12 feet from curb to car track. The company's voles stand out five feet-in this small street space and the company has even refused to move the poles back to the curb line.; ;;. "The company's own report dis closes, substantial revenue gains during the last . three years. In the revenue total was $88,600. In 1920 ; it had , Increased tcr 1 1 2i C 8 2. The operating expenses show startling . in or eases despite the fact that the city council' has co- 30 Gut i S2 iw - m International 8-16 three-speed kerosene tractor This is the lowest price fWrr thp lowf ' The Inteimtional 8-16 Dut is coinrjiete with ah throttle wim6T. -MUZ nu 1 . frtrJv j - ' AtlOc9 r VUJm A regular P 4b O 2-furrow mold- vf.-4' board' or disk, plow free with International 8-1 fl tractor. If now own a suitable plow we will Substitute a tractor disk harrow. . o ... a iuiiuw yiwvf. vii t A rA a " a !ii 1 vracLur win ue $ivcu ? ? -.VUV 210 Stkte S'treet-Salem; Oregon operated with . her company, fvby lighter equipment, and one-aan caf.openafpt.,,'r-n fher -. peas wrfs4,fi0tf iMreasiagftA More. Fartv Demanded , "V!y does the. company fait to provide os wjth more facts?" Why has it not given us a statement of revenue and expense for the last Six months of 1921? There is every reason to believe that with increased business due to opening of canneries, berry packing, the state fair and the holidays that these last figures would tell an other story." Arising to a point of personal privilege, Mr. Glesey asserted that the question 6f" granting conces sions to the street railways of Sa lem was of vital importance to every citizen of the community. StatrmmtA (Challenged "Mr. Suter has made several unfounded statements and has gone into detaif concerning con ditions. In h's own locality, Seven teenth street." said Mr. Giesy. "He has said-nothing about the thousands of dollars which the company must vpend on State street, and in other improve ments." Alderman Hal D. Patton told the councilmen that they should consider well before acting upon the company's' request for fran chise changes. "If we break down he fran chise under wilch these roads operate we Imperil the rights of future generations of citizens," asserted ,Mr. Patton. "This city is expanding and the revenue of the company Is increasing. Bear this In mind If we open the way to an attack upon this franchise, we will never recover , the lost ground." ,t . Alderman BauragartJier stated that he favored granting 'a few concessions toi the street railway. He asserted that the foinpany would carry it case to the public service commission with the claim that the city council refused to aid. ' . Majority Report Beaten P. I Utter, chairman of the committee, told , the councilmen that Superintendent T. L. Bill ingssly of the local lines, had dis played a spirit of "Well, what are BED PEPPED HEAT Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching Joints. It cannot hurt you, and It certainly stops that old rheuma tism torture at once. - When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Rjed Pepper Rub and you wfiThate the Quickest relief known. Noth ing has such concentrated, pene trating heat as red peppers. Just as soon as you apply R-sd Penner Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes It warms the sore spot through and through. Pain I and soreness are gone., . tv-:r" i Ask. any good druggist for a Jar; of Row lea Red Pepper. Be sure to get the genuine, with, the name Rowles on.xeach package.' Adv. : . - n.j. 3 ENDS RH EH ran Price of Intefnational 8-iB And aP&O 2-Furrow Plow .. ever quoted o n' this tractor. ;;", "t r:'.7r-HWMlMyu cver raaae.qn. tne, international 8-16. i not a stripped tractor, pared dawn to make a price saontioi lujis, una the,. vou i.T' ..i. mjllJ' mc ixwuc tcxriiis, eaun larmer o r r c r t o-iuiiuw r, os J piow. it . rOinr in, Ai hnat If f 'only alter he became convinc ed that we wanted details, did Mr. BilHngsly submit his requests for a 6-cent fare and the other Items," said Mr. Utter. The majority report, urging re jection of the railway's proposals was defeated by a vote of seven to six. Mayor Halvorsen voting against the report when the coun cil vote stood six to six. Those voting against the reDort were: Baumgartner, Gfesey, Marcus, Schunke,, Scott and Wenderoth. May llob L'p Again. Members of "the council predict ed last night that the measure would be resurrected at a special council session, which has been called for Wednesday March 29. snoum me franchise proposal be favorably acted upon by the coun cilmen it will be embodied in a measure to be voted udod at a soe- clal election. These councilmen were present at Iaat night's meeting: Scott. Suter, Wenderoth, Jefferson, Moore, Giesy. Baumgartner, Mar cus Patton, Vandervort, Schunke. Utter. TCRNKR KYS TURNER. Or.. March 18. Mayor I. L. Robertson who has been quite ill for two weeks is now able to get about. Charles Kansom of Aumsville, has been on duty in the store in Mr. Rob ertson's place. Mrs-. F. C. Gunninar has been in Salem several times this week to care for Mrs. Gunning 'Smith and huBband who are sick. R. D. Gray drove to Corvallis Thursday. Mrs. I. E. Putnam is SDe.ndine the week-end m Portland. Mrs. R. M. tfiser and Miss Uay Davis, teachers, spent Saturday in Salem. Earl Bear returned from O. A. C. Thursday lor spring: vacation. R. L. Harader, mail carrier at Woodburn. recently called on old Turner friends. Mrs. J. p. Lyie is home from Portland and entertained, a few days hor cousin, Dr. Morton of Wisconsin. Will Gray and wife of Corval lis and Richard Gray of Portland are spending the week-end witn their father and sister. County Superintendent Mary Pulkerson and Architect Pugh of Salem met withr the school board Wednesday. It is hoped that work on the new school building will begin in a few weeks. -On Saturday Miss Haael Hear entertained Jplln Scharef of John Day, he being one of her senior pupils. Mr. Scharef has been at O. A. C. since last fall and is on his way home. Miss Marie Durfee spent Sun day la Turner. Federal. Prohibition : " ' Agents on Campaign MIAMI, Fla.,. March 20 Forty special government asents. divid ed Into eight flying squadron of nve men each, acting under the personal direction of Col. L. G. Sutt, acting federal prohibition director, launched a wide prohi bition cleanup campaign today from this city. The raiders work ed rapidly and by nightfall had covered a territory of 20 square miles and had seized liquor in 25 places. FREE yon: Price P Now $830.Q0 f. o. b. Salem in. aCTt lower Ie"le Platform, onutes. . inis eauiDment. Harvester Company's Ex ceptional Offer Effective February 3, to May 1, 1922 The Harvester Company maKes mis special offer to apply on all new Interna- a a tionai -8-16 tractors pur uxiasea rry its dealers on 1922 account Each farmer purchasing one of thea Tn. ternational 816 tractors 1 for delivery on or before .vumjwuiy aosoruieiy WHO DUTChasp 0 Tifn rviiaW a auau Savings to State Claimed and Interest Earnings Declared Larger HIGHWAYS ADD TO CASH Treasurer Would Extend General Fund Law to Meet Lack of Funds A Development of the state htgn way and irrigation district finance program of. 1919 has caused the cash activity of the state treas urer's department to he treblet in volume and detail, according to the annual report of O. P. Hon state treasurer, covering the year 1921. By way of comparison the state treasurer shows that in 1918 re ceipts of the department totaled 110.503,177.61 and disbursements $10,027,882.65. while in 1921 the receipts were $34,378,560.62 and the disbursements 135,580.464. 98. During the same period the report says the number of funds created by the statute increased from 132 to 231 and the bonded indebtedness of the state increas ed $29,405,123 while the interest on tbe bonds has Increased $717, 704. 4C. Policy Defended - "The following comparisons of cash periods will reveal at once the continuance of my policy or maintaining low cash balances and maximum investments and deposits out of all funds under my control," cays Mr. Hoff. "dur ing the year 1918 the average dally balance in the active state depository, on which no interest is earned, amounted to $2348;- 357.62 while the same balance during the year 1921 was reduced to $34,743.06; $6,40.4(r in in terest was earned on the differ ence In balances by being depos ited in the inactive depositories which pay 2 per cent. "During the year 1918 there was an average monthly .balance in the industrial and ' segregated accident funds of $2, 371, 3X2. $0 and these funds earned1 during the year $68,708.98 in interest. During 1921 the average balance in these funds was $4,565,640.78 which earned $2 03,9 83.34 inter est. If the same plan of invest ments followed In 1918 had been followed in 1921, the interest earned in that year would have been only $132, 264. 78, "thus proving that my policy in hand ling1 these funds increased then earnings for the year $71,718.56. Inheritance Taxes More "Inheritance taxes collected during 1918 amounted to $195. 643.02 while $321,924.09 was col lected In 1921 or an increase of $126,281.06. Strict property ap praisals and investigations has been responsible for much of this increase, the appraised Value of the property of estates so Inves tigated having been raised 889, 891.27 during this year and $20, 026.10 additional tar collected, besides an indirect Kain difficult to estimate due to higher apprais al resulting from this policy. "A comparison of the fees and tax collected end -Interest earned by this office for the years 1918 and 1921 discloses an increase for 1921 of approximately $350.- 000. It is true that a vastly larg er amount of cash has been hand led through this office during the past year than that of 918, but most of thia money has been de rived from the sale of state high way and other bonds of the state which is. almost Immediately dis bursed and on which practically no inttrest is earned. To take care of the increase In funds han dled by the office of state treas urer, I have designated 78 addi tional state depositorits, thus serving 73 more localities -wttti state money. There were 135 state depositories in 1918 and 216 on Deotmber 31, 1921. lw Change Advocated M!n addition, when the general fund was exhausted in 1921, and warrants drawn on this fund were required to be' endorsed 'not paid tor want of funds.' after which endorsement the warrants, under the law, drew interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. I made arrangements with the Salem banks by which these warrants up to $500,000 were carried without cost to ther state, for nearly four months, thus saving "the state $5,683.25 in interest and saving the payees of the warrants any discount The law creating the general fund thould.be further extended to avoid the necessity of endorsing state warrants for lack of funds. . .. . "The total of savings aitd In creased earnings resulting- from the policy outlined about, am ounts to mora than $103,800 for the year 1921, and for the three years of my administration, aver ages $86,000 or a total of more than a quarter of a million." Man Carried on Sled 12 Miles For Amputation GRANTS PASS, Dr.; March, 20. In order to bring a patient here for treatment. Dr. E. J. Billlck. lo cal physician was today: forced to get 25 men, to assist him. The patient, a miner, John Apple; was injured while blasting on Alt house creek. - The men carried the injured man on a combination slad and stretcher more than 12 miles the greater portion of which was impassable for a horsej. and covered with eight feet of snow. Amputation of Apple's left leg above the knee, was found nec essary at the hospital here. Wiggins Pays Visit to La Creole Rifle Club Doa Wiggrins of the Salem Rifle club drove oer to Dallas Sunday to see some of the LaCreole Rifle club members or that place. He reports that they are using the county fair buildings for an in door rifle rauKe for small salibre arms, and that they are showing fine in tores t in all kinds of rifle shooting. They have an outdoor range also, which they invite the Salem riflemen to use at their pleasure. The local rifle club ex pects to take up with this offer this seoson and join with the Polk county shooters in a number of interesting matches. It Is now claimed that exercise will kill germs. But the trouble is to get them to do so. The aver age germ is considerable of a liz ard. BIG WOOL LOT ISBOSEO OF Pacific Co-operative Wool Growers Report on Re cent Business Some intensely Interesting fig ures have been made public con cerning the operation of the Pa cific Cooperative Wool Growers, a farmers organization operating throughout Oregon. It is not at present a big association, but its figures seem impressive. The association, wth headquar ters at Portland, has sold a little more than 700,01)0 pounds of fine and i, medium grades of Oregon wool, and has handled a little more than 900.000 pounds of eoarse wool, the pools for which have not yet been closed and set tled for. For the fine wool, the average price secured was 24.15 cents, while the medium brought an average of 22.5 cents a pound; and the-coarse wool, except braid classification, 21.5 cents a pound. These figures are impressive compared with those received by tiutside growers, as -shown, by questionaires sent out by the as sociation to unorganized growers who have sold. Not all have re ported, of course, but the reports received show that the unorgan ised growers have sold their fine wool at an average of 12.5 cents, their medium at 15.5 cents, and their coarse wool at 9.5 cents. This difference In favor of the or ganized grower Is even more marked .perhaps, than any shown in the fruit business before the Oregon Growers' association came Into the field and boosted the selling end of the farmers' game. "We have about 100 members In Maricin ounty at this time," said J. J. Thompson, of Macleay, local representative for the asso ciation. "We ought to have more, and on this selling showing we really yexpect to get ever pound of wool In the Willamette valley. If a man raises wool for profit, he ought to get It and if cooperation has saved the orange and raisin business of California, and the prune and berry business of the Willamette valley, it ought to do as much for the wool grow er. From this showing, it is doing even more for the wool grower than it ever did for the fruit man." According to the shipping fig ures tbe port of- Tarragona In Spain sent 115,000 gallons of its wine to America last year as against 70,000 the year before. The value of this export was al most twice as great. They do not exactly explain how they get the stuff Into this country, but possi bly they use a shoehorn. MONEY FOR YOU Look around in your attic dr store room and you will find long-forgotten articles, useless to you, but very useful to others. Turn these articles in to cash or exchange them for something useful. ; A classified ad. in the Statesman win tell hun dreds about it. ' s- You can telephone your ad, PHONE 23 service r Erroneous Ruling on Irriga tion Districts Attributed To Commission IMPRESSION CORRECTED Opinion by Attorney General Supports the Statement Made by Brumbaugh Ex-service men in eastern and central Oregn are bfiui miiled by articles appeariug in their local newspapers relative to the appli cation of the state bonus and loan law to lands in bonded irrigation districts. Captain II. C. Brum baugh, secretary of the ex-service men's state aid commission, said in a statement yesterday. A pur ported ruling of the commission is mentioned in the articles which are said to be entirely erroneous. Mr. Brumbaugh's statement is supported by an opiniou yesterday of Attorney General Van Winkle. . Service Men Misled "Ex-service men of eastern and central Oregon are being misled by articles appearing in their lo cal newspapers discussing a pur ported ruling of the commission in regard to" lands in bonded irri gation districts," said Captain Brumbaugh. "These articles are based on an entirely erroneous report that the commission has ruled that bonds issued in an irrigation district con stitute a first lien on land in the district, and that it is therefore impossible tor the owner of such land to comply with the law re quiring them to give the state a first mortgage on the property a security for the loan. For this reason the report goes on to say. the commission will not accept such bonded property as security for a loan. The articles also quote the attorney general of the state as the authority behind the com mission in making such ruling. Law Plain on Subject "These newspaper reports are utterly without foundation. The law is plain on the subject, and specifically excepts such liens in stating the requirement as to the first mortgage. The attorney gen eral has never been asked for an opinion on the subject by the com mission,, and states that he has never rendered such an opinion. To make such a ruling as has been reported would be illegal and In direct contravention of the letter and spirit of the law. "There has been no discrimina tion against lands in bonded irri gation districts and that same will be accepted as security for the loan. As a matter of fact, orders for apprasial of lands in bonded irrigation districts have been sent to the appraisers, which would not have been done If there had been any question as to the ac ceptability of the security." EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE ' Mexican Isle As seen by one of the Salem bunch. Referred to by the Sat urday Evening Journal of March 19. Editor Statesman: As one ot the Salemites referred to in the Capital Journal of March 18th, I want to call attention to a few of the misstatements in that article not that I feel It would have a great deal of influence with peo ple who are familiar with this so called newspaper's attack on dif ferent projects, but to those who read such misstatements who mty know its attitude. Now as to the Island being pic tured as a Garden of Eden, and that all an investor had to do was to sit in the shade and enjoy the fabulous wealth that a bountiful nature had spilled in their laps, that statement seems too ridicu lous to answer, and needless to say, was never made or pictured as such, bat was found just as stated by Mr. O'Brien as undevel oped to a great extent. As to Salmites spending $50, 000 there I cannot say, but 1 for one feel as though what money. I have spent there I will come near er getting, value received out of than one who spends his money for a so-called newspaper that continues to misstate the facts to the general public. ' The statement that the excur sionists found but 300 or 400 acres slashed for clearing, and only a fraction of this cultivated. Is about as near the truth as many of the other statements. Mr. Pur vine has slashed, or had when we were there, between 600 and 700 acres alone. Another company from the Yakhna valley has sev eral hundred, acres slashed and part under cultivation; and there are several other Individuals who have quite an acreage cleared and In crop, and can truthfully say I ever saw such crops as are grow--fog -en h-islftBd at thfat Mm. -The Echegurans. another company on the1 Island, has "hundred of acres la eoeoanuta; and cbntray to the statement" in the Capital Journal as to their not startrnjr to bear be fore they were eight years old. many of the trees that are five years old hare nuts on. As to the island's exploitation extending over a term of 10 years, that I understand is also false, be ing started about the time of the war. and of course delayed on ac count of war conditions. Tbe price paid for land Is ISO and if the same land was In this country it would sell readily at $1000. No cows or tnilk, he says, on the island, and there are thous ands of head of cattle. It's true there are very few cows milked on the island, but they are then, and they give milk the same in Mexico as in the United States. Title to the land he emphasizes as questionable: The Salem crowd had an attorney with them. Ifc was given a letter of introduc tion by Francis J. Heney to a man by the name of BooHlas. who is a lawyer, a graduate of Harvard, i and was a member of Carranza's cabinet at the time he (Carranza) was president of Mexico. This man was asked as to the title of these lands, and he assured the attor ney from Salem that there was ab solutely no question as to their being able to hold the title to same. Yes. the island is covered In places with brush. I should say close to two-thirds of it. the other third open prairie and covered with grass of different sizes and colors, and this too will have to be plowed the same in Mexico as It would be it situated near Salem in order to get it Into crops. The water level, he says, is re ported by settlers on the island as 12 feet not four as represented. Almost as near the truth as many of the other statements. I ex amined many different wells on the island myself. The deepest one I found was about nine and one-half feet to water. Most of them, however, were from four to six feet. The morning 1 left there we were out In the car yes, an automobile, on some of those ter rible roads spoken of. We put down a test hole for water, and were glad to find It at less than four feet, for this particular wa ter was on my land. As to its taking six days to make the trip from Los Angeles to the island as set forth in this article of the Capital Journal, we were actually on the train two and one-half days and three nights from Los Angeles. As to the roads being impassa ble three months of the year I cannot say, but I feel quite sure that is in parity for truth with most all the other statements, as this itf a very sandy soil and I feel the rain would naturally make it better instead of Impassable. As to there not being any mar ket for anything grown on the west coast of Mexica, or anything to sell from there as the piece In the Journal reads I will give you a clipping taken from the Nogales paper of February 14 issue, and allow yon to draw your own con clusions as to the truth of that re mark: Heavy Tomato Train Arrives from RaifrBla ? "Early yesterday afternoon, one of the S. P. de Mexico locomotives chugged into the Sonora yards from the south, a string of 27 re frigerator cars trailing behind loaded with tomatoes from Slna loa. "The train Is the second within the past four days from the Los Mochls and San Bias districts. Aft What's What's the use extolling on the snperiority of a product the public is f nllr aware of 7 For instance: when you want a particular job of printing dona right and promptly something you will not trust to the ordi nary workman you bring it here. : You bring it here for the reason yon are assured of superior service; yon are as sured your work can be handled as you want it handled; you are assured Oh! what's the use? 583 Eifltec One 23 The Statesman Publishing er being Iced here, the train was shunted p4it on the 4naln Hoe .nd shunted away; northward, early "Most o the- cars will be diverted-to eastern markets some going to- CalMernla.- Inspector at the border- stated yesterday that the cars In the tomato train con tained the beet quality of the fruit that has been imported so' far this season." Frank I Purvine did voueh for ' the island and since I have seen it I will also vouch for Purvine, as every statement he made to me I find on close examination Is abso lutely true. Jn fact. I know it to be a fact that Mr. Purvtne'a own children are paying for land there at this time, by taking so much a month out ot their salary to ap ply on what Frank Parvlae ad vised them to buy.: Does, It look , reasonable that 1m wonld advise his own children to put their hard earned money in It-If he did not feel it was a good. Investment, and had a future; and Is it not rea sonable to think such men us Pur vine, who is well-known in and near Salem, who' has made a suc cess of his own business, and will advise or allow hla own children to put their money In this to gether with his own money? It it not more- reasonable to think his judgment would be better than some disgruntled pessimist who Is seeing nothing but the dark side of everything as it seems to be some people misfortune to do? I am only one of the Salemites referred to but I think they were all. as free from, any hypnotic state referred to as I feel I was. and as to our investing $30 per acre la this land, I guess the most of us made this money, without the learned Editor's advice, and nat urally feel we should be allowed to spend some of it in the way. we please and without being held Up to ridicule and sit Idly by and have the facts misstated In most every particular as has been done In this case. A. I. EOFF. We have read the above letter of Mr. Eoff and will Touch for every statement he has made as being true. - -,;..-' L. TOWNSEND. J. a RIEGMUND, C. M. ROBERTS, D. o. drager; Jack Johnson Is to appear An "Uncle Tom's Cabin," but not 'as Tom or Simon Legree, but as one of the crap-shootlag snpeifl In the levee scene. Down to hla level at last. v ' lllllll 'W: Mil ... i . ,m . . -. fc,. , TUGRktbsMnOMaBmn. lrs tli ImU, itf tt Um waut ai ua4r. m, i imtMMt m mfo Imu lfT JUr mm 'I mmtit. nW .?,mrZ TV r mmd Nemo Hygletue-FaanlM Ismtftute t20 Eart lUk SL, Nw Yark. Dp't Ml the Use Company m - ffll w w ' v i 4 '4 s ', -J. ... i'.w'V'J f'VVl-3 - I