The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    - iMaed Dally Except Monday by :? ' .
- 215 8. Commercial St., Salem. Oregon
(Portland Office, (27 Board bt Trade Building. Phone Automatic
The Associated Press Is exdnslTely entitled to the use for publi
cation of all newt dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
In this paper and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks
Stephen A, Stone
Ralph Glorer ...
Frank JtskosM ..........................
.......... .Manager
....Managing Editor
, . .Manager Job Dept.
Business Office, 23
Circulation Department, SSS
Job Department, 683
Society Editor, 101
It there .are snr more Plesio-
saurian monsters seen in Pata
gonia it may be necessary to in
troduce a prohibition amendment
in that country. ?
The house sulcommitteo has
decided to defy president Hard
ing and Secretary -Denby by cut
ting' the naval personnel to 63,
000 men. It was GroTer Cleve
land who regretted ithat be had.
congress "on his hands."
and . wrangled orer untU the at
mosphere la . which they were
achieved is dense with, smoke. A
great many people In this coun
try think that if the president and
his cabinet were definitely respon
sible for all agreements made
with foreign powers the country
would be vastly better off.
Entered at. the postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter
Ten thousand New Jersey! tes
have filed a petition for a modi
fication of the Volstead act. The
way to change that law is to elect
a majority of the members of con
gress In favor of the proposition.
Petitions cut no congealed mois
Editor Statesman:
At t hi la f a ln-mi- T tmpfati t tnoVa a "foxtf einrrrAofinna rr
W DiiMf Mi oVAWMAf WW Wi W aWV V . OJ m va? bivug Wdt
thfl "Wet Salem" matter, and alsn tn nffer n few for
consideration. '
First, I wish to remark that the name, when adopted.
should be suggestive, not from a historical or sentimental
point of view, but from an advantageous or commercial pros- ;;:.', .
This locality is struggling hard to get before the civilized
world through its true merits, and every mode of legitimate
advertising should be availed to put in the limelight our
present and prospective possibilities. We want to show to
the' wide world the excellency of our soil and climate, es
pecially for fruit growing and its adaptation to the growing
of food crops in general. We also need to make plain the
.; possibility and probability of our near and wonderful devel
opment along the line of fruit products. Historical names,
historical achievements and historical incidents and pleasing
sentimentalities, however plentiful or sacred, will not "make
two blades of grass grow where only one grew before;" will
not get , us anywhere toward advertising or development of
our dormant resources. These are matters of interest, and
very useful material for story writing and teaching to our
, people the history of our state, and the instilling into the
hearts of our people the love of home and native land. But
..j! a. 1 x. i e i A
wnat we are neeaini? mosu just now, in ureKoii. .is an ever
living,1. moving, rustling. PRESENT. Neither ville, nor val
ley nor vale; neither hill nor; mountain nor dell or dale, will
vnil us anvthincr from a. development tooint of view. These
am Kanflfnl nrl nnptlml? entertain In ir nnrl exhilara'tinir to
the pleasure seeker. - ;
Bat what the world needs, mostly, from us are carbohy-
drates proteins,' calories vitamines, etc., and where to get
them. ' ' . -;;;-;-;- ' - V; ,
f t . Now, the locality under consideration is near the center,
I if not In the. center; of the most promising fruit district in
r the world for non;tropical iruits,Lwith its specials or logan-
berries,.- Bing, Lambert and Royal Ann cherries, Italian
prunes Crawford Reaches, Bartlett' pears unequalled any
where else; 'saying nothing of bur marvelous apples and a
VinnlfAA' A fee 4Vmto. Titi wriv Tint rail the attention of
-the world to the adaptability and productivity, Jn this dis-
trirt.'to' these sbecialties ? r " '
- No historical names or incidents can dofhis. "Let the
dead Dast biiry its dead." but listen to these reverberations:
; : Prunetoii, Oregon ; Berryton, Oregon ; Cherryton, Oregon ;
Ixgan or Loganton, Oregon; or Peachton or Pearton, and
consider that the oresent West Salem, under, a new name,
is destined to become one of the great fruit shipping centers
of the Northwest." Then why not give her a name which
h will be a living, walking, thriving, driving entity with flam
ing eyes looking toward her future destiny 7 .
. pv--': . . W. T. RIGDON,
: Salem, Or., March 20, 1922. ; -,,
The fortune of the late Senator
Penrose is estimated at $20,000,-
000. And yet he putruore money
into politics than he ever took
out. Few men were freer of mer
cenary motives than the late
Pennsylvania senator.
Uncle Sam is to wind up his
watch on the Rhine and bring all
his doughboys hpme from Ger
many by July 1. This will stop
the increasing of the bill forthelr
keep and services, any way.
The German crown prince has
written a book. Almost every
body is writing memoirs. Freder
ick William's effort will be pub
lished In April and a critic who
has seen the advance sheets says
that the book is very frank and
personal. Most of the blame for
the war and its mistake so far
as Germany Is concerned is
placed on the shoulders of the for
mer chancellor. It seems that the
pr'nee was trying to find peace
quite early in the game and might
have had it but for the kaiser's
acceptance of the plans for un
restrained submarine warfare.
According to his own admissions,
the young prince was orermled
and all bis kindly and benevolent
intentions were brought to
naught. By rights this book
should come out on April 1. Pos
sibly the publishers have this in
cash that Germany pays and hare1
practically Ignored our rights.. ;
Europe is proclaiming its friend
ship for America. Our former
aires have been eloquent, through
their ambassadors and conference
representatives, in their praise of
America. But cash. too. can be
eloquent, especially from a debt
or. Indeed, a debtor who is mere
ly eloquent in words and not in
gold soon fails to charm its cred
itor audience.
We may not need that $241.
000,000 as much as some Euro
pean nations do, but, nevertheless
vre could use It. Whether we act
ually need it at the moment or
not. it is due us and we are help
ing to put international relations
on a sound basis by insisting upon
equity even among friends.
Salem is building more new
homes than ever before at this
time of the year, and the volume
of tfnesh building permits con
tinues strong. In spite of all this.
the house shortage persists. Sa
lem is getting to be quite a city,
and will become more and raorr
But it will be recalled that
when Al Burleson was at the head
of the postoffice department no
body asked him to become the
head of the motion picture indus
try. Exchange.
, The evacuation of Shantung, It gin, on Aprill.
Is officially announced, will ' be-nous? --,
la the date omi-
No, Mildred, the farm bureau
is nothing like the old fashioned
what-not that used to sit in a cor
ner in the parlor.
Candy making is now said to
have developed into the sixth in
dustry of the nation in value and
volume of product. This is one
of the things that may safely be
laid to prohibition.
They are going to send pictures
by wireless. First thing we know
the wireless will supply all our
contacts with the universe. In
a few thousand years It will take
the place of everything from the
grand opera season to a square
meal. . ;
The senators who have been
backing Jn protest against the
use of the presidential power in
making treaties have proven con
clusively to every thinking Am
erican that the real weakness of
our government lies in the fact
that these treaties and the for
eign policy of the nation must be
the sport and spoil of the Ameri
can senate. They must be fought
The European nations are al
ready so heavily in debt to the
United States that it seems almost
trivial for our government to be
haggling over that little item of
$241,000,000 which we are in
sisting shall be paid out of Ger
man reparation' money for Ameri
can troops in Germany.
The point, however, is well tak
en and, our government is not
likely to yield. We are carrying
a considerable portion of the ex
penses for the. police system un
der which it is possible for the
peace terms to be carried out.
Under those terms Germany is
IP make certain payments for the
maintenance of our troofs on the
Rhine, Payments have already
been made by Germany, in gold
aid in kind, but so far this coun
try hai'tiot recerfea;'iro'rra
share. '
As a matter of precedent, f,it
would be dangerous for this coun
try to allow Europe, already
heavily in debt to us, to retain
funds which in reality were to be
turned over to this government
by our former allies with no more
delay than an efficient forward
ing agent would require. ' Instead
of taking that attitude, certain of
our former allies are keeping the
1 ' " '"
Copyright, 1023, Aprinted Editors
The Biggest little Paper la the World
Edited by John H. Ulnar
x. Elsie had to have a tooth pull-
ea. ; one naa puv 11 " ji
: long as she possibly could. A new
' one was coming in, at the back,
it and, the bid one, 'though It was
, loose, did not i seem to ' want to
I let "go Ji i VH V:v
Every one made suggestions,
'"llet father offered, to. get ;out In
a jUfr with. pair pt pincers, but
- Elsie screamed ; at' the very
thought.' "Her older brother told
1 her to tie a string to the door-
knob and put the other end
4 around her tooth, and he'd open
the door for her, but Blsie shook
her head. She, couldn't bear be
' lng hurt, she told them. Why,
1 even' a little scratch on'her "hand
v made her sick all over.
1 Her mother sensibly 'decided
that she should gd to a dentist
and have it pulled out without any
'- toss or . trouble': She was 1 tired
of having Elsie stew' about her
loose tooth, so she made an ap
pointment 1 with , the deqtist, and
:, , told her shV aiusl be there at the
f stated time. ,
' Elsie could think about nothing
else. She never nad been 10 a
dentist before, but she had heard
, all about what dreadful, place;
they were, with all their shining
knives and "pliers and grinders.
At last the day came. Two of
her friends went with her to help
her forget the pain and to help,
her home after the operation. El
sie got into the dentist's chair,
trying to look very brave. The
dentist put his hand in her mouth.
She screamed. "I haven't even
touched 4t yet," he said. "I'm go
ing to put some deadening stuff
on it, so you won't feel It. come
out- Hold still a minute."
Elsie braced herself, while he
rubbed something against her
rum.' "Now." said . the dentist
kindly, backing off and looking at
her, "are you ready to have it
pulled? Be brave now. and try
not to cry." .. . - '
. "All right." breathed Elsie;
"g-g-go ahead." . . "
The dentist laughed. He held
out his hand. In, the, palm lay
a little white object, Elsie's
friends giggled. He had pulled
her tooth without her knowing it.
Elsie's face , was red as she got
out of the chair. She never talks
about her adventure at the dent-
tot B. ' V ''' - - . . ,
The debates now in progress
in the senate mark the conclud
ing chapters of one of the most
momentous incidents in the his
tory of the country. Preliminary
votes indicate that all of the eight
treaties which emanated from the
armaments conference will be rat
ified by substantial majorities,
but the debates have developed
a determined opposition to some
of them. There is given herewith
a brief outline of each undertak-
ng, in order that the reader may
see for himself the scope of the
treaties and judge of their influ
ence on the future ofthe United
States and of the world.
1. A treaty between the United
States, the British empire, France,
Italy and Japan, limiting naval
armaments. The future capital
slflp tonnage of those countries
shall be: United States, 525,-
000; British empire. 525,000; Ja
pan, 315,000; France, 175,000;
and Italy 175,000. No Buch ship
exceeding 35,000 tons shall be
built. Aircraft carrier tonnage:
United States. 135.000; British
empire, 135,000; Japan, 81.000;
France, 60,000; and Italy, 60,-
000. No aircraft carrier exceed
ing 27,000 tons shall be built.
The treaty specifies the ships to
be scrapped by each power, the
method of scrapping, and the size
and number of guns of those re
tained. The treaty is to remain
in force until December 31, 1936,
and shall continue in force un
less one of the parties gives two
years' notice of its termination.
2. A treaty between the United
8ta,tej,,the British empire, France,
Italy, and Japan limiting. the nse
of submarines and poison gas in
3. A treaty between the United
States, the British empire, France,
and Japan relating to their in
sular possessions in the Pacific.
This is the so-called "Four Power
Pact."' It provides that if a con
troverey arises between any of
the parties, the others shall be
called in for a joint conference.
If the Pacific rights of either are
threatened by any other power
the four countries shall consider
what joint action they may take
to meet the emergency. The
treaty is to remain in force for
ten years.
4. A declaration accompanying
the four power treaty to the ef
feet that it shall include the man
dated islands in the Pacific, but
shall not be deemed an asset on
the part of the United States to
those mandates; also excluding
domestic questions from the ef
feet of the treaty.
5. A treaty supplemental to the
four power treaty, excluding the
main islands of the Japanese em
pire from its influence.
6. A treaty between theUnlted
States. Belgium, the British em
pire, China, France, Italy, Japan,
The Netherlands, and Portugal.
relating to principles and, policies
to be followed in matters concern
ing China. The treaty reaffirm
the "open door" policy In China.
It respects the sovereignty and
territorial Integrity of Ch'.na,
gives that country the fullest op
portunity to develop, pledges
equal opportunity for the com
merce of all nations in China,
and agrees not to take advantage
of conditions In China in order
to seek special rights. The treaty
gives details as to how those prin-
c'.ples shall be observed.
7. A treaty between the United
States. Belgium, the British em
pire, China, France. Italy, Japan,
The - Netherlands,' and Portugal.
undertaking to increase the rev
enues of China by making effec
tive a 5 per cent ad valorem cus
toms duty.
8. A treaty between the United
States and Japan preserving Am
erican r'ghts in the island of Yap
including cable privileges. Rat
fied by the senate on March 1st
by a vote of 67 to 22.
' ' : y : By FRED MEYER
175 Pound and Heavyweight Champion Amateur Wrestler of the
' United States
Hidden In the following sen
tences are the names of two Unit-
3d States cities spelled' forward:
"Algernon1. Tenbrook, Lynn, and
David said they would prefer to
have their friends fat,' , new) or
lean, soft or hard." Solution to
- Teacher; What Is a polygon?"
Dni.11' MA lat nirrnt "
-i Incorrect
Sammy: ' "Grandma. can you
help mo with this problem?"
Grandma: "I could.1 dear." but
I don't think it would be right.
Sammy : .i "No. I don,t suppose
it would; but take a shot at it
and see TZTZZzi-; r: r
l Among theT many" effective
holds that may-be secured when
both wrestlers are on their hands
and knees on the mat. is the one
known as the further arm and
further, leg hold. Illustrated on
the left side of the picture.
With your left hand reach In
side your opponent's crotch and
get a firm ! hold on his further
leg. Thrust your right" arm un
der his neck, taking bold of his
further shoulder.
Then, with as. much force as
you have at your . command, pull
the arm and leg toward you. At
the same ! time press forward
against your opponent's body so
that your weight helps to force
him over on his left side.
From the position you get him
into you should have little -diffi
culty in obtaining another hold
that will result in a fall.
, The further arm and further
leg hold is a difficult one to break
from and-the wisest thing for
wrestler" to do to avoid it Is to
be so shitty and " quick of move
ment that It 'ts Impossible for his
opponent to secure the hold.
. ..Another effective hold which
may be secured from the hands-and-knees
position Us Illustrated
on the right side of the picture.
It Is called the bar and further
arm hold.
Both you and ypur." opponent
are on your hands and knees. Slip
your right hand under his left
arm near the shoulder. Get your
arm over bis baeW- ind secure a
firm grip on the right aide of his
body. ' t
Thrust your left arm under
your opponent's chin, and take
hold of his right shoulder. With
the bar hold, which you have se
cured with your right arm, force
your man's left sboutderand arm
up and orer his back. At the
same time, pull his further arm
toward you. .-'"t,
This will throw, him f off ' bal-
ence. Use your-weight, to push
him over on his side.
, By. bracing yourself with your
leftleg as the wrestler is doing in
the picture, you are less likely to
fall over with your opponent, as
he rolls,-which Is the chief dan
ger in this hold. I z
Druggist Says Iadies Are Using
Reciie of Sage Tea and
1 First Flea " (on Post Toastie
box) : "What's your hurry?"
; Second .Flea j
you. : see that
this edge?'!
Hair that loses Its color and lus
tre, or when it fades. turns' gray;
dull and lifeless is caused by
lack of sulphur In the hair. Our
grandmother made up a mixture
of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep
her locks dark and, beautiful and
thousands of women and men who
value that even color, that beau
tiful dark shade of hair which is
so attraclve, nse only his old-time
Nowadays we get this famous
mixture Improved by the addition
of other ingredients by asking at
anv, drg store for a bottle of
"Weyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
1 pound." which darkens the hair
sd naturally, so- evenly, that no
body can possibly tell It has be?n
applied. You just . dampen a
sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, tak
ing one small strand at time. By
morning the gray hair disappears;
but what delights the ladies with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound is that, besides beautifully
darkening the hair altera few ap
plications, it also brings back the
gloss and lustre and gives It an
appearance of abundance. Adv.
At last, a spring day.
Many more of them are due.
The gas attack was shut off in
the United States senate yester
day long enough to do a little bus
iness. The yawpers cannot be giv
en all the time, all the time.
This bunch cannot keep us out
of pace but a little while now.
Fort Valley, tho peach city of
Georgia, has just held a peach
blossom festival, which event will
be an annual one. Like Salem's
prune blossom day. But nothing
can be quite so full of beauty.
Philadelphia's sesqulsentennial
in 1925 will be held at Falrmount
park where the centennial was
Mr. Marconi discredits the idea
that the Antigonish "ghost" may
be a freak of radio phenomena.
LThe creator, of Sherlock Holmes,
who also specializes a the psychic
will be over heft in a few weeks
and might be willing to lend a
band to solving the mustery.
"Big Bill" Haywood, who heads
an I.W.W. group to whom Lenin
has granted a mining concession
in the Ural mountains, is a miner
by trade and an organizer and ex
ecutive, of experience. It will be
Interesting to see how he will deal
with sabotage now that the shoe
is on the other foot.
Xew Books
"The Best Short Stories of
1521," by Edwin J. O'Brien.
"The Thirteen Travelers, by
Hugh Walpole.
To Him That Hath," by Ralph
"Sleeping Fires," by Gertrude
Teiiohers' Reading Circle Books
Principles of Teaching in Sec
ondary Education," by Herbert
H. Foster. '
"The Health of the Teacher,"
by William Eastabrook Chancel
"Danger Signals for Teach
era." dv AiDert toward win-
"Classroom Organization and
Control,", by Jesse Brundage
"Dietetics for High Schools.'
by Florence Willard and Lucy H.
"The Faults of Childhood and
Youth." by Michael V. O'Shea.
"Imagination and its Place in
Education." by Edwin A. Klrk-
"The Principles and Practice of
Continuation Teachers." by C. H
The Project Method of Teach
ing." by John Alford Stevenson
"How to Teach Agriculture.
by Ashley V. Storm and Kary C.
"The Consolidated Rural
School," by Louis Win Rapeer.
"The Elementary School Cur
riculum," by Frederick Gordon
"The Community Center," by
Lydia Judson Hanifan.
For the Children
-A Dutch Boy Fifty Yeara At--
ter," by Edward Bok.
Places -Young -Americans
Want to Know," by. Everett T..
Toml'nson. . '
"Caleb Cottontail." by Harrises
Cady. .
Good for That "Fin" Coogtl
For quick relief from the wear- "
lng coughs that "hang on" after
the grippe or influenza, iace Fo
ley's Honey and Tar. Mr K. D
Drake, Chllds. Md writes: "Af
ter an attack of the flu that left
me with a severe cough nothing
seemed to relieve me ti! I tried
Foley's Honey and Tar, wh'.cch I
can highly recommend." It Is al
so ' good , for croup, whooping
cough and colds. It puts sooth
lng, healing coating over the in
flamed surfaces, cuti the phlegm,
easea hoarseness, clears the air
passages. Soli - everywhere. .
Adr. ' ' '
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
to You.
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mail it to Foley & Co.,
283 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address
clearly. ' You will receive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup; Fo
ley' Kidney Pills for pain in sidef
and back; rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments;
and Foley. Cathartic Tablets,
wholesome and thoroughly clean,
sing cathartic for constipation,
biliousness, headaches, and slug
gish bowels. Sold everywhere.
Ten Logging Camps Are
Put Out by Big Wash
PORTLAND, Ore., March 20.
Ten logging camps on the Kerry,
Ore., line were placed out of serv
ice Saturday night, when a big fill
on the road was washed out by a
freshet, according to information
received today by John H. Dou-
gall. manager of the Columbia
River Loggers' association. The
freshet was caused by excessive
rainfall in the coast range during
the past week and by the melting
The girl who screams when her.
lover tries to negotiate a kiss
often flatters herself.
Marrh 21. TaesCsy Wrestlinc bouti
t bich lrbool g-ymauiam, Balem ti;h
and Cnemawa.
March 31. Tneaday Hiss school Cka-
amoker. .
March 23 to t J Marr Garc lad
March 24. rridav Willametta aeivrr
city priag vacation befiat.
Marr 27. Moadar March Una af
court begin. .
March 37. Moaday Firat day of
alar,- tare Martoa coootr circa H coart.
March 31. Friday "Mrs. TawplV
loiegrea.' Miupott Dramtlia society
vh; mi ma-a acanni.
April .7. rrnlay "Peal -Rararo" ta
ia preaeated by Balem kjg acbool aaaiic
April 12, UVdaeaday -Coaaty common
ity clnb federatioa aareta im SI.b.
April 14. Friday It day vhirk
eaadidates for tut otiicea may fit with
aecTMarv oi ilat.
April IS to SS "Botto Mum" weak
a aiaa.
April IS. Snaday Eaetr.
April 18. Toeaday Whitnoy Boys
wnnrut to am at Christiaa eharrh.
My. IS.- Satarday Jniiior vek-a
amunaut at o. A. O.
May 19. - Fridav.Primarv alaetkn.
May 19, Friday Opes hooao, aciaoc
nartml of hia-h arknal .
, May SS aad 27, Friday aad Batarday
may reanval. Oratorio Oreatino Friday
i emery; livia- pfrtarcd Satarday aicbt.
Jane S. Moaday Track meet. Will
' ctle aad Pacine Vaiveraity at Korea!
Jmnm 14. Wedaaadar Flar TT.
Jane IV Friday High acbool jrradaa-
JaSa ?9-S0. larr 1 Oavvatina
Orcroa ire Chlela' aaaecUtioa at Maria
Jaly 8 aad 4 Monday end Taaday.
8 lata eoawntioo of Artiaaaa at Woodbar.
.September SL S3 aad 33 Poadleto
fptcmber 25 to 30 iaclaaire Orrfoa
pi,w, r a,r. . -.
T, iToiir Qal site.
Wbrlcs like
a Cloclv
CUres Cbldszn&Hozars
J fana. tla at ra
or I Grama aae war.
aaariac Mr. HiTa
trait aad aajaataro.
m. a. aiu. co . prrhorr
5so- v- ? J
Good Shoes
For, Men
Stylish v. new lasts ;and
first quality soles. Spring
step rubber heels?. We
have your size.
Clothing Co.
247 N. Commercial
Aaron Asliu, Prop.
Established J?G8 .' ,
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 s: m. to 8 p? ra. - - ,
.ttERY often a man struggles along,
i not able to see the way out, when
perhaps all he needs is the viewpoint
of an' impartial outsider,- far enough
from his affairs to get the. right per
spective on them. v
If you are troubled over the manage
ment of store or farm; if you need
credit; if you want to go into a new
line; if your accounts are tangled; come
in and talk matters over with one of-
.our officers. ,.
li I i
I tailored
cassiniere i -j
V trotmseffts .-if V; ; ,
b . - a wi aval w jt , . . my 'ssr ' 1 -
d V
j. AH Leading Dealers..." f-
K .. -