The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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i - i f
Vick Bros. Enthusiastic
Over Early Spring Sales
In spite of the bad "weather, or
; ;the past week, Vick Brothers are
I making. tales daily, baring sold
six new cars and seven used cars
during the week. New car bay
era are:
Willamette Grocery company, 2
V. D.-Sloper, Palgfe Ardmore.
Nelson. Brothers, Paige Olen-
I Ull 1 I
-'.'" . . , . 11 " . J , II .. JM ,
W t - . ik - I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 M Ml L I i
i -
fpHE remarkable
i-- durability- of Art-
f. craft ; has' caused- as
mnch comment by
'i satisfied . owners ; as
fasArtcraft's beauty'
.among its1 hosts of ;
tcraft Tops are Indl
idasXrt designed for 25 -makes
of, cars. Priced at
$X39iaitaUed plssjrat
tax, l e,b. Cleveland.
For Sale By :
Walter E. Grunert :
254 State St. ;
Salem, Ore. , ,
r;- -!2&w & LL-j
' if ...inn -- -- r- " - ""p , i - -- j',
I , - f i ir- , r , T, , I , i m ft ptwmitn ii my mk
brook. .
A. C. Fink, Overland.
William Flttke, Overland.
The Nelson Brothers sale dem
onstrates their good opinion of
the Paige car as it is their second
Paige car.
"The outlook was never bright
er for our business,' said Oeoige
Vick. "We have moro prospects
than we can call on. We attri
bute this partly to the ner bed
rock prices on our complete line."
Second hand cars that have
teen slow sale during- th winter
months are beginning io sell rap
idly. In fact the desioblo second
hai d car is now ready oale.
Harbison Cleveland.,
Ford Service. Station
Dodge Brothers Executive
Establishes General Ad
vertising Service
An announcement of interest,, to
local advertisers and others who
are familiar with the unique pub
licity methods employed by Dodge
Brothers' motor car manufactur
ers, has Just "been made in Detroit.
George Harrison Phelns. for eight
t I years uiieciur ui auieiuaiug iui
Harbison & Clevelahd, who re- rjodre Brothers, has organized his
cently opened an auto repair shop own company and will henceforth
at 320 North Commercial! afreet conduct a general advertising ser-
have been., appointed 'by the! Ford TCe under the name of George
company as, an authorized- Kord Harrison Phelps, Incorporated,
service, station. Although this A1thmfcrVl tWik om manv win
been.-n business Just one ,n functlonlpg on April 1. Mr.
sir diea of "personal ser- PhlB w, hA an .d.
pany will make its entry. The
staff personnel, it is expected, will
be revealed shortly before Mr.
Phelps relinquishes his title as di
rector of advertising for Dodge
Brothers on April 1.
1 A commodious building at 110
Rowena street, Detroit, now be
ing remodeled, will be given over
entirely to the new enterprise.
: Will . the. battleships be turned
into aliasing fund? '
firm has
week, their
vice" seems to have made a pop
ular hit, with auto, owners for
i Phelps will be retained in aa ad
visory capacity by Dodge Bros,
Under this arrangement he. will
and Rim Parts for -all Can
Free Expert Advice .
. 1 S 0 South' High Street
their shop floor is crowded with LontInue to direct the adverUslng
cars needing repairs,, i,, , tumt nnA . ,-
BnwA flmA 1 nr rt Vila oHAnHnn trk
Belgium recently, had. the firtlf. oo,y. .
train robbery in its history. It has I . fc'
hart a nnmhWr of hot littl wan. PhelP8 na ocen, entirely
and adventures with - pickpockets identified with Dodge Brothers
I afnA (not firm Ho era n fno mann
have not been, entirely strange; " ; " 7'"" "
but until now the Brussels, express farture of automobiles. Back of
has, been immune, from bandits, that however," says Automatic
Now the Belgian folk will . be lay- Topics in speaking of his new un-
lug, it tQ Jtbe.Amerlcaq lijms., " - 1 rSZ ' Z
merchandiser. Prior to going to
Detroit he made himself known in
the east, where he was for some
time in business for himself,
both in Boston and New York.. As
a boy, just out of college, he went
to work in the first garage in
Worcester. Mass. Later he bought
the garaga and from this time de
veloped rapidly into larger and
more Important business under
psychologist and a practical and
successful writer." He is tremen
dously resourceful and this facul
ty should stand him in good stead
in his broader activities."
In view o Mr. Phelps', promi
nence and reputation for origin
ality, unusual things are naturally
expected of his organization, a It Is
understoojlhat he has completed
negotiations for the. . services of
several of the .recognized, leaders
in the advertising , profession to
assist him lq handling the Dodge
Brothers and other- national ac
couuts wttalwWcfe tbe,-
1 , .
Rouble Cable Base tTires
Federals are winning favor
because they stand the test
of service. Become a Federal
user and you'll be a Federal
booster. We carry all sizes.
Tire Service
Katty-Kdrner Marion Hotel
Four-Cylinder Cars Are the Biggest DoUzr-forrDoUar
Value in Motor Car, Circles
No Buick has ever created such a furore in motordom as has; the 1922; fourcylinder
car. , - , -
The best proof of an automobile's value is obtained through the owner. Parchasef
of the new Buick four-cylinder models marvel at the performance and economy of their
cars. "
Most owners of Buick four-cylinder cars are getting from 25 to 30 miles per gallon of
gasoline; v
It will pay you to investigate this wonderful Buick. The equipment indudeauAlemlte
Lubricating system Delco ignition Exide battery high-mileage automatically heated
carburetor Velvet multiple disc clutch cord tires and many other patented and dis
tinctive features found in no otner car at these prices:
Touring Coupe Sedan '
$1095 $1495 $1595 .
War Tax Extra .
Phone 220 Salem, Oregon
,1 -i V
' - : . :
1 1 ampjijiok.i:,'.:
The comf ortable riding quali
ties of the Overland can be
compared , only- with those of
higher priced carp, for its
spring base is 130 inchealong
longer than the wheel
base of most large heavy cars.
Its 27j-horsepqwert njoto'r ?
drives theOverlandf arthercfi
a gallonof gltlteany bthier
car. Ojraers rexwt 25 miles
is comrjapn; t
Touring ?55Qi Roadsjer 550j Coupe
850. S4dan JB$5i i A &Tte&
, Well, Known 3Iakes ,
0000 Mile Guarantee.
OverUnJaAly$ S Goodlnttstment, 9(ow tAc Qreatest fuiqmbile Vatue in cXmericq t
25 miW per gaSost. . . Tik4z Vtathr vanadium stael tprinp . , . 130jncK tpring taw rtkl ccantbH 27
braka bwaapowat , . . 8aaml i aH-atad body . . . Finish, anamd, buktd 450 dfteea . . . Tranamhaion, tfaiar
apaed.. . Foul aafa, adjuatabla brakes .. Auftrlits, aUctric aurter afd .lights . . . Electric horn on Maarhig
whaal . . . 6tawart-Wamar
on data . . . Realon-man tap... DanwwaMar riaaa, dm carrtar.
Hi;h Street at Trade
n.' i : I , .
2 9x3 Nonskld. , 98.9$ ,
5 n.O Mnn.VM W K'
nuuiu i
32x3 KonakldV . . . ..120
31x4 Nonskld 13.05
32x4 Nonskld .15.40
33x4 Nonskld .16.40
34x4 Nonskld. 17.20
36x4 Nonskld .29.50
32x4 Vi Nonikid .2lSO
33x4 Nonskld .24.50
34x4, Nonskid .24JSO
3 5x4 Non&kid ..... .25)0
36x4 Nonskid JZ7JM
' 35x5 Nonskld. .. . ..24.50
War Tax Included
8,000 Mil Guarantee
30x3 Nonskid .$18.05
32X3' Nonskld 1T.95
31X4 No nBki3..... 18.60
32x4 Nonskid . 23.50
33x4 ' Nonskld 24.25
34x4 Nonskld 25.00
35x5 Nonskid SSLSO
Other sixes in proportion
War tax included
. The Largest Stock and As
sortment In Salem
Large Bayer Small Ex
..! pense
Too, Get the Bene tit ,
j Commercial aad Cows fits.
' - f SAIiOI. OKE.
.. " ?.
There axe times When it is necessary to use your car between
midnight and morning, hut if i t-s locked up in argarage whick;
does nop stay "open all night' t
You're Out of
Our garage is open 24 hours every day. This is just one of our
"Service" features. -
We carr a complete line of accessories ior allt makes oi K cars.
Goodyear Tires and Tubes. " T
Labor charges now reduced to $125 per hour.
Speed and courtesy are foremost in our minds when serving
235 S. CommerciaLSt.
Phone 362