4Htt OftECOtt STATESMAN. SALEM, O&BGOH THURSbAV MORKING. MARCH 16. 1922 - Ci Hit Ctt&m SMtzzxx . . Rat per wordi i kNrtlot . It $ So Oa Three iasertloa Om week (lis lasertieae) Dm awoaio an amataa' contract. r ata 15a BOStaV eoatrset, per BM 130 Mlabaaa fee ay adrartmeasoat, S6e NORWICH UNION ' fXHa INSURANCE SOCIETY t ThJebKm, Roland A Borgbmrdt Iteridgot Area 871 State St. MONEY TO LOAN ' On Real Estate) ' T. K. FORD j ; (Qtw Lauld Bnih Bamk) " ' NEW "TODAY FOR BALE LOT 45 BT 133 FEET, ) cast froot, paved afreet. Thia year's faxea !) paid. Phono 1270 R even- na- ;0 REDUCE TAKE TURKISH BATIIS at the Oregoa Bath Hmm. ' . HT OR STOLEN ONE PURE WHITE Spita ml dog. Any peraoa found detaining T harboring game will bo protocoled. Aruall, Statesmaa. r APARTMENT HOUSE THAT WILL v mada yea SO pr eeot oa year aogrj. MAad yoa ca kaep your office work. Corner tot and bous oa North Commer cial, $3000. Jeur room house and two lota, $1800; ' smalt payment down. Several ip load id business Iocs t ions eaa be bought from Uertrude i. M. Fife, 4V3 N. uottag iireoti yOR GOOD BLOOD CIRCULATION Tkt Turkish fcathe at tho Oregoa Bath uouse. TOR . SALE 1918 IIAKLEY-DAVIDSOS - twin atotoreyele, f 80 cash. Phone 1194-R evenings- . pOR RENT FURNISHED A PARTS! EXT at 50 Lnioa. fboni 567-J. LOST HICKORT CASE WITH A BEST 1 1 creot, between Bpaulding a planar ! Stat atreet and A. H. Hteiaer'a rei ' draco oa Roato 1. Loaro at State aun office. NOTHING. BETTER POR RHEUMATISM i taa Tarawa oatna yo BALEOS E QUEEN INCUBATOR, eiertrio aaa lamp brooders; ail la A-1 eeoditioa. M ,rl. Bexrud, Roato 3, oa 1. City. )ST LEATHER HAND BAG OX COT tare between Cnemeketa aad Union Tanday evening. Howard. Ketnra to SUfamaa effie. NEW 1B3 FORD TOURING CAR FOR f.aalo. Call McDowell Market. 173 8 ! Commercial. Jll.ACK CAP RASPBERRY PLANTS i . i . r c vumoeriaau, moriit, rmai xirapr. Aat qnaatitr. 25 for 75 eeata, deliv ered. Ward K. RicksrdsoBi t THE OREOON FIRE RELIEF ASS'N. , is aemag many thousand of people at a LOW COST. It ia for yon, too ' se it. Staadley A Foley, agents. Bash Biak Bldg. Salem, Or. SAVE. YOURSELF AND OTHERS BY learning to a wis at- tho Oregon Bath 1 . keaso. - ' TA5CY -POTATOES FOR 8ALE AT 1 50 f per 100 lb, delivered; alao Netted Gema at 81.73 nor 100 Iba. delivered. 4 irkuA tisw Kmr mA fm ah inn in r I fork and are extra nice Clifford w. Brown, Phoao 115. N.i Front street. J"0R SALE A NICE LITTLE' BUNOA- T biw an rarUna la North Sslem. : Price f mOO; J00 eaah, balance . as. VKraeger, -208- 920 a month. 209 Oregon Tilda. Phono 217. Jl RENT ONE TWO-ROOM APART- Bint. 254 Front St. F0T SALE FARM MACHINERY AND i iiTmvri, vnm avwe w nu wi uswv f - soleadid work horses, a grain drill. 1 disk, harrow, plow, ; baled -aad loos I narrow, piow, -, oaieo -ana loosa John 11. Scott, 228 Oregoa Bldg. 'AMTKD TO RENT 4' OR ' 5 , ROOM kooae with bath. fneasshed or unfur- kkl with -vardem natck roaaonable. Ikoas 219, betweea 9 aja. and 5 p.m. TKY OUR MANICURIST AT THE( ORE- (Qji.oaia aouae. - . I t i ' k ri I .oa.Ha a aj.mi- La OlHavnVtvt I UJ ACRES 6' ACKB!1 JJIAIM tirhcat, oae-hatf of which geea with the Otia half-mile - to a(at ion and achool, 8 rail to Sslem. Rich Waldo Hills tails v. v" v..Z ... Hon I it A.' C. BOHRNSTEDT tip lliraiPl". '; t-iT-"v I mvi atsaoaio lerapie SsleW, Oregon --WOOD'S BARGAINS v JUme "and lot, pavod street close to ear line, fiaau. wow, naagaiow, Yea acres bearing loganberriea. ; with VMiildinrs. take koase part pay. 920 eree x Alberta, trade far farm or city property. House ia Portland for 8a Uia.. Fir acres close ia cheap. Good firm. 820 acres. $63 par acre. Eighty aero timber to trade for kooae. r. L. Wood. 841 State. - s. ' - FARM BUYS 04 acrea. aalo or trad, good land with ! anrna timber. 2 streams of water on place. i arm' for $3000 ; 52 acres la crop. $2000 eaah will do aomo buaiaeaa with , SEE DARBY nr;ib' Listoa 484. Court St. r nnv iriiror nvrtt rent. 100 aero farm, crop rent. 600O boy a 7 room houa with baao- ment aad furaaco, oa paved eiro . restricted district, - terms. Might take soma trade. t2t5f buya a 5 room cottage, eorner li r i . Bay a 6 room residence that will pay good iat.mt oa your money. Oa par- od street, aad well located. - . . see DARBY. Witk . Lfeton ' 4B4 Court St. EMPLOYMENT WASTED A FIRST CLASS WAITRESS. Apply Terminal Cafa. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN who ha kad axporieuoe aelltng life Insuraaoo, atoeko os advert ia tag. Muat ho oblo to drrote hi oatiro time aad - bo ambitions for sdvaacomoat. Must hat tho courage to proaoat bealaeat propoaltloa to merehanu aaa prot sional monu Anarwer ia roar own haad writlec autlac ara. odaeotioaal oaali- fieatioaa, oxporioaeo as solicitor, etc 4reaa "I No 81." Btateemaa orriee . :' rau amp rracAXM ViVTED MEN AND WOMEN TOI toko farm paper awboertptktaa. A Mod I . propositi to tho right people. Addreea 4h Pocifio Homaatead. SUtosmaa Bids I mo, fr PERSONAL MA83AGR AMD EXERCISES STEAM ablaet, ladiao oaly. Mr. Rath Brown. h tviiit el..u. SOS Oraeoa Bid. " - Pkoao 858. TU a cat IVIi 11 A Xf I AM SOMETIMES I eallai because of my great Interest in ' - window and rxirch blind. I do rarry the heat window and porch shade. f ,eud daaire very srarh to bid nn all I s new -sad replacement. Jobe. , Max O. 1 Huren.' 179 N. Co""Mrell. i Classified Ads In The Dririn Results FOR SALE BABT SUPPLIES PUSH BABY BUGGIES THE LIGHT, beautiful, comfortable, moderate priced kind. Let me evplaia aoeae nnusnal merit of fctria earriace and ulkej. They hae aiaay. Max O. Bares, 179 N. Commercial. CARPETS AVD LINOLEUM CORK CARPET PRODUCTS AND CON- goicum r apeeialixed here to tho lm it. Ask for est Mcb of m circulars entitled, "Permanent Linoleum Floor" 'H.ow Car r Linoleum." Mas O. horcn, 17P X, Commercial. PARK TATXM tf TOD WANT TO GET TH1 iai (araa papor, aoad 16o to tke Pacific UoaaoaMad. Satom. Orea, for o three aaoatha' trial nooeriptioM Mtatioa tki ad. CAN ART XZXSS FOB BALK CAN A ST BIRDS AMD pvuaTeea watto Beotek collie papa. ara. m. A. DOUott. PB0B0 1280. LOVE To advertiao new ator. Cafe ana (apply list free. Import ed Rollers or apeeialty. E. B. FLAKE 273 Stat. 8aUm BIRDS IS PAIR KITCHEN CABINETS McDUUGALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN cabinet fame from A to Z. H broacbl oat tne VEKI FIRST hiah elaae kitrh a cabinet ia America. The new Me Doacall ia a marrol. Get my pricea aad terma. Max o. uurea, 17 N. Com mercial. POULTRY EGGS FOR HATCHING ANCONAS ' hmm gmj jvut egao. o&w Par aettiaf. phoao 317 or tee Coolay'a vroeory, caarca treat HATCHING EGGS TANCRED AND O.A.O. wfcito loghoraa, 91 for 13 or 93 per 100. Victor Schaeidar, Taraer. Oregon. POULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- eeat stamp for special three months trial tor tho beat aad oldest J ears a la tho west. Tho article aad adver- UaemeaU are of special Interest to tho poultry brooders of tho aorthwoat. Northwest Poultry JearasL 911 Coas meretaj Saleen, Oregoa. LXVX STOCK FOR SALE O. eeats a popnd. I. C. BOAR, Phone fF12. 8EVEX latOSXXAJTBOUS FOR SALE A FEW SECOND HAND bricks. Phono 827 J. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 eeata a baadlo. Cireaiatioa dopartasoBi, Oregoa Statosaun. GLIDDEN'S LINOLEUM VARNISH AND Johnson's Floor Wax. Ask ca thr particular merits and parposes of each. Max O. Boren, 179 N. Commercial, Salem. FOR SALE ONE WALNUT ROCKER, leather upholstered seat aa back, 925. Ono aet good grade draugntmaa a in struments, 910; ono K and E 8-inch alide rule, 3. Inquire 5d3 N. 21st street. i RUO PRICES LOWER 1922- DESIGNS colors aad qualities are moat gratifying. Beo my fine display while it is com plete. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com mercial, Halom. THR HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION aad ono bargaiaa. Wo bay, soil or exeksBxo aaythiaa aad everything la tho lino of Jaak or seeoad bead goods. Boo ma beioro yon buy or sell, bteia- Voek Jaak Oo Remember tho place, AOS M. Commercial flt, Paoao 523. "Beautiful Oregon Rose" aad eleven other Orena sears, together with a liao collection of patriotic. aongs, sacred songs and many old-time favoritta - t AU. POR 25 (Sseeial prices in eoantlty lota) Especially adaptable for achool, commun ity or horn ataging. Sand for . i Jhe. Western Songster 7ff pages, aew In ft third edition. - : PubUsned by -OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 21 8. Commercial St. Salem, Ore WOOD POB GOOD VALUE IN WOOD PHONE Judd, 108F3. , ; KINDS WOOD SOLD ANDREW Mae. 148 Center. FOR SALE CHOICE DRY FIR, DEUV- . trod, for 18.50. Talepboao 1019. . FORiBIG FIR. SECOND-GROWTH OAF r ash woo& ran mn. DRY. OLD GROWTH It IN. FIR fS. i - J .V nn P)l... 1467. NICK DRY SECOND GROWTH FIB wood. Job H, .BCOtt, 333 urofoa Bldg. , POR SALE BEST GRADB MILL WOOD maple, aeeoad growta aaa oia nr. ft. or 16 la. Vred E. Well. Phopf 1343. SOS 8. Charoh. 19 INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD 88.30 per loaa. - wry pianer wwoa 88.60 per mad. Tracy Wood Co Phoao 330. - FOR RENT APARTXKMTS APARTMENT YOB RENT 899 NORTH OommareiaL FOR RENT A FURNISHED APART asoat. 292 North Bummer street. FOR RENT THREE ROOM FURNISH od sDartment. rirst floor. ui b Commercial. Phono 1168 J. FOR RENT SUITE OT TWO LARGE mi with nrivata ansa, wui oo wao- a tod aoom. Alao aoporaU room. The Alexaadria. 1080 ChemokaU St, Pkoao I960. ROOMS TOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 840 North CommerciaL POR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 160 Court 8t. ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN, COSY: too op. 661 state. . FURNISHED HOUSEKKEPINO ROOMS at 1132 Ceater St. inquire at Crater Stroot, ; - - CLEAN, MEAT SLEEPING SOOMB, f; to $3.50 per weec. - parwea. ft Tho LooaiTd; Hotel $64 M. Frost Phoao 1803. ' ' - - ' I HOME FOB RENT FOB GENTLEMAN detirablo room la mod era home with all Mwnleaeoa. ' Please tiro same aad raforoaoo. Addroas "AJBV earSUto CTSB. HOUSES FOB RENT HOUSE: ALSO APART tnent. SIS. I7ne twato. LOST AND FOUND IeOST twK ntiwnvn SCARF PI Willi .luo - ieave as . r- , . Reward. ' ' ' ' POUND If irrv fTP ONE BAY MARE. WEIGHT - . aIJ I about 9W). adoui as Phoao Or-aa. - - - FOUND A WAT TOKEEP LINOLEUM from Marking, buckling and rarlini op UPt my ieaur Maolom Floor.'. Max O. Buren. li N. Commercial. Classified. Ads. in The Statesman Bring: Results WANTED MISCEIXANXeUS WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE MOD- era six or freu room bona in (ood localUy. Pbeae 1777 J. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, Ml chlaery. atoca, etc. WU1 a7 fat eaah or all oa coammlaamav. Paoao 311. Woodry. tao Aactionoor. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OYER Capital City Boddiac Co. Phoao 1. WANTED PURNITCRE. TOOLS. ETC. Pkoao 611. ANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD war aad faraitaro. Beat prieeo paid . THE CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 38S N. Commercial Hi PWao 94T BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. H. WOODRY. THE liTCitoek, faraitara, real aataU aae tioaeor. Paoao 511 tor aalo daloa. Rao. K10 M. Sammer. Auto Directory PAIVTxJi RU8H THE AUTO PAINTER, aad Front atroeta. STATE USED CARS SEE LEE (EYERLY) FOR FIRST elaaa aato repairing for ased cars, for special built ears, for motorcycles. Rear Hudson aad Esses sales, 24S State street. AUTO TOPS ACTO TOPS Booth High. W 0. WRIGHT. 171 AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK fiaraateoed. 558 Booth 12th. Phoao 126. RADIATOR SHOPS J. O. BAlK, RADlATOlUa, tlhUMM. Rod las repaired. 444 Farrv. BATTERY AMD BXEOTRICZAX AUTO ELECTRICIAN : EXPERT TROU bio ahootiag. 118 N. High. Phoao 208. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE atatiom. Expert battery aad electrical work. Farria Brea. Pkoao 1808. 418 Conrt TRUCKS FOR SALE OR TRADE REO TRUCK. 1821 modal, perfect eoaditioa. WUI trade for real oatato, produce Or will sell oa oaay terms. This ia na oaccp tmaally good bay. If yoo want a real good bargaia apply bauaodiatoly. Phoae or call. Tho People' a Cask t TIKES AMP ACCESSORIES TONNEAU CARPET RUNNING BOARD linoleum; aato paint' and enamel. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial, Salem. RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM. AUTO carpet, auto eaamel and paint. Max O. Baren, 179 N. Commercial. SMITH-W ATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH. Flak, SUl'ortoa Cord. Mood extra ply Urea. Evarythlag for aato. - 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST stone bruises, rim cuts aaa Blowouts Tho Hydro-Toroa Tiro, for ssle by Yaw Park store, 13th aod Leslie, phoao a OARAGE AMD REPAIR FENDERS ROLLED NOT HAMMERED. Salem Aato Radiator Shop. Uo B. 12th btrooi. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, $44 Center. Phoao 890. CAPITAL GAKAUS BUTCK. BTUDE baker repairing. 173 Bout biaerty Phoao 88. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Commercial b treat Phoao 956. - CARPENTER CONTRACTOR. AND BUILDER. PLAN 8 furnished free. K. w. Mciatire, lo N, Church. CHIME SB PBTYSICXAM DR. U. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 158 8. High 8t, phonov38a DRUG STOKES BREWER DRUG CO. 408 COURT Phone 104. FTMAMCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND L A. HayfonL 805 btata street. UAE10N P0LK COUNTY FARM LOAN aaaoelatioa baa money to loaa at alx pereaas. W. D. Smith, secretary-tree aror. 80S Bal em Baak of Coa 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit plan, pro-payment provisions al lowed. W will finance you for a less rat of interest than any firm on the coast. Private money to loaa oa either city or country property. MARSTERS BROS. 411 Oregon Bldg ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By eoBtraet, by boor. At pro-war pricea. H. W. Hatch, phoao 1744-W. FUE9TTURB STORES FRANK F. RICHTEB NEW. SECOND haad furaitnro.- $49 M. Commercial Phoao 452. FCRNITURE PRICES DOWN IKON beds, $6; oil steel bed sprina-s. $.40; cotton mattressi s. $9; oak dining ehaira. $4; a!l ate! army cota. $3.50; Max O. Buren, 179 X. Commercial, Salem. rURBlTURR HOSPITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADS TO orr. Rofiaiahiag aad opholatorta a epoeieJty. Phoao 1743. Brov, Groves. 1201 South Commercial HOTELS CHERRY CTTT HOTELROOMS ARD board. Lonch oouator. OppoaKo O E. Depot, mat aad High. XMSURAMCB MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE compear. J. C. Balca, affoat, room a. Mefloraark Bldg. Phoao 96. Ladies'. Wearing Apparel PBBBKafAKJMO CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, doalgaiac. Spencer esrsou 99 oroar t MeCoraaek Bldg. THR ADSITTS ARB PREPARED TO do anv aad all kiada od Udioo ttOor- lac for old aad aew customers. 852 N ttth 8t Phone 304 R WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND HAND werk. CaU 83 I B. MRS. C JEP80N MODISTE; S567 Oak. Phoao 929. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER LOCAT od la Highland at $448 HaaaL Phoao 1851-J. WE8DAMES SCOTT A CHASE DRESS maker. 319 State BU Phoao S7. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER Bellovue St. 1T10 RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, Bontk 12th. Phoao 1824-M. T36 FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKINO FOR particular people. Specialty oa work- . maaship aa well as prieeo. 1073 Oak St. Mra. A. 8woapo. MTT.I.TTTERY HATS FROM $1 UP MRS, O. A. Grlmaa. $19 Ooart" 8$.' BUSINESS CARDS FANCY WORX NEEDLEWORK AND EMBRODERY ahop. Joaai McCaa. Tallmaa'a Fiaao Store. Ill Benth flammn utal HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pieatiaf. kattoaa. atampiag aad BoedJo work. 329 Ortroa BU. Phoao 37t. MRS.' BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH Aug, mail orders solicited. 173 8. lSKk r-aoao 174 M. MRS. P. E. MULL HEMSTITCHING, atampiag; braiding, band ombre id err but tuna. Room 10, oor Miller's store. Pnoa 117. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEM STTTCbTINO 1515 N. CommerciaL Paoao 1353-W. LANDSCAPE AND PEUNINO IUFER BROS. LANDSCAPE GARDEN- era ana esuert prsners. tirsdnafs of eollosee of standing aad 16 years ex pe-ien. We giaraateo aatiafactiaa Phono Ul LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 188 S. Liberty street. Phoao 25. O.deat larrst beat. Eatabliahod 1389. CAPITAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY oaality work, prompt aarvico. 1284. Broadway. Pkoao 145. MATERNITY NURSING MATERNITY NURSING WANTED IN private Home Phone 1 494-J MXDICAI. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phoao 617-W. j - . . ... ; 1 NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERV SALES YARD-' back of office, largo gooeberry plaats and a few more Italian prune tree left. 640 State street. Phono 1140M. COMPLETE LINK TREES SMALL fruits, oroamwotsla. Capital CHy Nar aery Co 428 Oregoa Bldg. Pkoao 75. FOR SALE LITTLE' 8 IMPROVED Cory s thoraless blackberry pleats. Heaviest' producers aad best flavored. Writo or pamphlet and price list. C. A. Little, - SebaavopoL Calif. FOR SALE- WILSON ASD TREBLA strawberry plaats from iBspectod yard at $3 per 1000. Stemmed, ready to plaat. J. B. Peterson, Sbaw, Oregon, Phone 22F21. PAINTING CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. L. O. BrsadoB, contractor. 865 North High. Phoao 645-J. AUBREY 'ft CLARK PAINTING. PAP- ernBBcutav aaiaomiouaa. nsrs rr aateed. Term roaaoaabla. Phoae I 2035-J..1-' 1484 Ferry, PLUMBXNO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phoao 1307-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L.. wodfrey. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES 8UBBCRIP- tions for ail magaainea. 251 8. 17th. Street. Phono 741-M. PEKTUM2 AMD TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX tracta. toilet article. Mrs. Moyor, 170 south zard. Phone 1334. PRDYTUTO FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AMD announcements, sea Bartolaoa, prlator -T" Buildine-. . SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK I Sboweards that talk. 424 M. Ooasmor eial. Phoao 546. SPRAYING CALL 604-R. FOR SPRAYING -class work guaraateed, - FIRST SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS-" GARBAGE. RE fuao of all kinds removed. Oaaapoob) cleaned, fnone 17. RESTAURANTS HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able pricea. Jokasoa-Barry. 169 8 High. CHERRY CITY RESTAURANT HOME atylo meals. Good service. 8tate aal High. SAVE MONEY BY EATING AT RES taurant upitaira. 185 Booth Gommor eiaL NOODLB PARLORS WA HONO NOODLE HOUSE. 489 Ferry. BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP auoy, 40; puffod rice, 20e; noodle. 20e; fried aoodloa, 0c. 19 8. Lib- SHOB REPAIRING WILLIAM'S 8H0S SHOP 195 SOUTH Hie-h. STOVES AMD STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT 'AND' REPAIRED 40 year experience. Depot Natioaa' feaeo, eiies 26 to 28 inches high Paints, oil aad varaishoa. etc., legal berry and hop hook- "slew Fee. and Store Works. ISO Court stroot. Phono 124. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECONI haad clothing aad shoes. Alao d cleaaiag. pressing aad repairing. Cal' aad deliver Capital Exrhanro S4S North Commercial. Phoao 1368 W. WE BUY AND 8ELL 8EC0ND HANI roods of all kiada. pipe fittiaga. bar Bees, collars. collar pads, tools one chains. Fred street. Scaiadler. 356 Centerl STUDIOS OR LUTE STUDIO SOMETHING DIP ferent ia phoiotraohw. 147 N. Com 1 TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 12 State St. Phoao 933. DtetrVatrag. forward iag sad aterage our spooUity. uot oar rata. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bolo goods. Our specialty is . piane aad furniture moving. Wo also make country trips. Wo kaadlo tho beat coal aad wood. Call oa aa for price. We give good measure, good ouality aad good oerrtco. Lamer Transfer Co. Phono 930. TRANSPORTATION 8ILVERT0N MOUNT ANGEL -PORTLAND C. A M. 8tagea Soaht Bound Schedule North Bound Re&cf down Read up Dir. Dly. Dir. - Dly. Dir. Dly So $ No. 3 No. 1 No. 3 No. 4 No 6 PM. PM. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM 6:00 1:30 S.-OO Prtl'd 10:30 4:00 8:30 9:05 8:35 10:05 Mt.Agl 8:25 1:55 6:25 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silvt'n 8:00 1:30 6:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. - Lv. Lv. Lv. Sunday oaly 8:00 .p.m. fm. Portland Stagea leave Stage Terminal Portland and 8toe!ehammer a Drug Store, Bilvertoa SALEM &ILVKRTOM STAGE Loaros Leaves Salem SUvertou O. E. Depot Mew Stand 7:00 o.m. 8:00 I 11:00 ia. 1:00 pm 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8ALEV-TNDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem, O. t. Dpot T:00 s.Bs.1 11:00 a.a- s:no m. Loavo Monmouth Qotol 8:15 ssu, I I -no sn.. o:i nns Leavo ladapeadeaa e Hotel 1:80 sjo.1 1:15 pi, 6:80 p.aa. Special trip hy appoiatmoat. . Sovea paaeeager ear for hiro. - PAREER. Pvow. Ret, laoa 615-J. Buaiaeaa phoao T I BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAX. FRANKLIN LAUNCH PIANO, 17th. Pkoao lOOd-W. 1S X. MBS. HENRY LEE PIANO, 1321 X. Capitol. Paoao 1017 W. LACKA. OKA NT PIANO SCHOOL credits given. 333 S. Higk. Paoa 1971 W. MINNETTA MACERS VOCAL. DERBY Bldg. Friday afterauoa, Satarday. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN atraetioa. Paoao 834. DOROTHY PEARCB PIANO. North Winter. Paoao 845 J. 337 NELLIE MULKKY STONE PIANO 373 raona 751 W. BEATRICE SH ELTON PI A N O STUDIO 343 Marion. Phot 1299. , DAS . P. LANGENBERG. VOCAL ueray Bldg. faoaa 2079. MOLUE STYLES VOICE, PIANO, 859 laaier., raoao lOie-K, MATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRU- moau. 1573 Mate. FUu 1156-R. RAG AND JAXZ PIANO PLAYING 13 loaaoaa gaamatood. Waterman aya- r. a. Clark. Mgr. Btato. MISS MABLX SHEPHERD PIANO puyor; daaea. Liberty. all ooeaaioao. S37 N WESTERN COSVlTORT OF MUS IC of Chiearo. Fraa i E. ChaRhiU, rrp reaaaUtivo. Diplotaaa graated. Odd Fellows' Bldg. 'SALEM CONSERVATORY CP MUSIC! oraacars taegnt, oipomaa graaieo jobb a.. Biles, tree lor. 1231 Coart. Phone 828. TUNERS JACK MULLIGAN PIANO TUNER; Moore-Dub a C. Representative of Sherman Clay A Co. Phoao 506. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Diane tuner. Leavo order. Will'a Mnsi Store. TALLMAN PIANO REPAIR SHOP Tuaing. refiaiaaiag, rebuilding: player piano export. Phoao 1659. 121 South Commercial. PHONOGRAPHS PHONOGRAPH FOR SALE MACHINE practically new; fumed oak esse; elec tric motor. Phone 12."3 J. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS, STEIN ways. Duo-Art, and others. Moore Dunn Music Store. Mssonio Temple. XUSIO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music aad piano atudea. Repairing phoao graphs aad sewing machiaaa. 432 Stat. Salem. DANCING PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE dsuces. Mrs. White. Pkoao 278-J. TAILORS FRANK PALM. TAILOR 211 80UTH High. order.' corner Ferry. Suits made to Cleaning, pressing, repairing. WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING SPROED BROS. Phono 1131. CITY AND Cwu.NTRT WOOD SAWING Phone 2046. Fisher Bros. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Stores every thing except ax- plosives. Apply Fry 'a Drag Store. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office, $01 South Com'l St. Tan par cent discount oa domeaU flat rate paid ia advance. No deduct was for I abeeaeo or any eauao aaloaa water ia I shut oft your premiae. PROFFESIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. $22 State St. Pattoa Bldg. Phoae 957. CHIROPRACTORS DR. 0. L. SCOTT. P.8.C CHIROPRAC tor. 414-19 U. S. Baak Bldg. Phone I 87; res. 828 R. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. BRADFORD and Bradford; gradoatos snd poat aradaatea of the first chert red achool of Chiropractors La the world. Ten years in practice. Conaultatioa aad examinatioo free. Phoao 526 Room 819 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATH! CPHTSICIAJTS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 606 U. 8. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon. Klrksvilie graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office, 919; res. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Phyaiciaa and surgeon, 403-404 Ore goa Bldg. Phones, offieo, 1894; re. 6SF5 OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUB dotto at the Bow Optical Compaay, 825 8tato stroot, opposite Ladd aad Bush Bank. POM E ROY A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists 888 8Uto. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5, Armory. First, thIH Moadays REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER FINE FARM; 85 seres ia crop; $3000 will baadlo la- eatigato thia quick. Address A -61 care Stau WORTH WHILE We have 40 acrea not far out with equip ment to exchange, will take $5,000 in city property. Price $10,500. 6 room house. lot 60x150. garage: not far o pno $1600; $300 d.wa sis Ono acre aad 5 room plastered bouse. cbickea bouse and fruit. Price e.GSO, half cash. One acre oa paved road, not far oat 4 room house and chicken bouse. Price $1400; half rash. MILLS & COPLEY 33M4 State St. Best Buys and Exchanges 75 acre, the best of aoil, close ia: some timber, ruaning water; $1000 cash and f auuu m trade will handle. 10 acre chicken ranch, modern house. electric lights, 5O0 laving; hena. 500 young chirks, 1,000 chicks coming off weekly. 81500 worth of ehicka Bold ahead, orders coming in daily ; com plete equipment- A humdinger and money maker. Price $5000. acre and 20 acre ranch for rent. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. GOOD BUYS 17 uere. in prane. , lorana an straw' in Batem no tj 33000: $2000 rash. .v arrr an rniiirated. Price ii oo; 140 acrea, to in crop: twa sets of build-J or elimination; improvement of 'logs, fttoek and machinery worth ii"-road legislation in the interest of Prir $ 10.50O; will take boose ia sW-essl.. ,m . 4. j..-.,;; Bp to 33AOO. REAL ESTATE A PI RE INSURANCE . W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. ' 275 'Stat SL REAL ESTATE BARGUX ficiOD EAST FROST LOT oa North Chsreh street. Price 3(K). avraeser, Oregon BUg. Pkone 217. CITY HOUSES CITY LOTS. BUXGA ' Iowa, small aad largo acreage, eioao ia aad far wat; osefcaageo ia city aad cmatry. brew a A Megee, aver Bas Ick's svsro, Btot and Commercial. Pkoao 859. Good Buys and Exchanges 5 rooms modern, aew kooea, paved street, rar line. Good bay for 93200. 7 rooms modern, good location, some frail bargsia for 31600 and 9150 down, bal a oc tike rent. Good lot oa ear line. 250, witb 950 down and 310 per aaoatk. Some good city property to trade far prane farm. Maxwell rar to trade for lot. SO acres of timber land to trade for prune farm. 10 acre improved to tral for boas. THOMASON 331 i State St. BEAUTIFUL HOME OS COURT STREET at 3 12.000. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 North Cottage. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 ACRES; ALL tillable. 12 acres clover, 5 acrea tim etby. 5 acres pasture, rest ready for crop. Ia Tualatin valley, Ore eon gsr den spot. 7 miles south-an Hillsboro, not fsr from Portland. Well improved. 3 borsea, 3 Jrrsey cows, chickens, tools, and feed go with place. Price 610.000. Accept Salem home up to 84300. $3830, easy terms, balance cssh. I. H. Veatch, owner, Sherwood, Ore., Route 4. Box 112. por orioK sale 82800. terms: ! seven room house, A 1 condition, elec tric lights, hot snd cold water, base ment, garage, fruit, berries. Inquire 860 E street. $200 DOWN WILL BUY FOUR ACRES joining city limits; good 6 room house, full basement, bam, etc. Bargain at $2800. Soldiers' lesn will buy it. Sacrifice ssle this week. 5 acres half mile from Salem, all good soil. Cul tivated, 1 acre fruit, house 16x24. Furniture roes with place. Price $1150 terms, 9350 down. S. R. PEARSON 210 211 V. S. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 10 ACRES NEAR SALEM. seres bearing fruit. Psving will be near place this summer, ttood ti room house. A bargain at $2500. Winnie Pettyjohn 331 1 Stat? St. Phone 334 FOR SALE 3 ACRES IN FRUIT. ONE mile from bridge,' 6 room bungalow, water system, porches, fireplece, gsr age, shop, chicken coop. Very scenic location. Price $5000. Also fine lot on State street. Phono 82F2, or call owntr. 166 N. 21st St. Wanted, Loans I We have private money to loaa oa city or auburbaa property. We have a fine, wall improved tea acrea to irsao ior city property. iota ia first class. If you wsat to trade., bay or sell ae H. L4MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. 6 LOTS, SMALL HOUSE, CITY WATER, bouta eaiem; good gardea lead: a aaap. $1000; $100 eaah rest like rent. Joseph Barber & Son 200 Gray Bldg. IDEAL ideal little bungalow, beautiful lo eatod aad environment, paved street, close to cor, to achool and church; full basement. A bargaia if half eaah. Sa WM. FLEMING 341 State St. A GOOD ORCHARD BUY I must sell a close ia A. No. on orchard in a few days now, as it hss to be taken care of and owner can't do it. If open to buy see mo by all means- I have a cnuino good bur. WM. FLEMING 341 Stat St. ANDERSON. A RUPERT Successor to Lailar A Loflor INSURANCE . RIAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406-7 Oregoa Bldg. MR. HOME BUYER YOO OAM BUY A O room bungalow lose thaa a year old for 9500 lea thaa I we offered for it aine aiontks ago. Has basement. Dstch kitchen, eloaats sad sleeping port a. a tow win handle la. Boo It sodiy. 135 Leffslle. $3300 BUYS THIS 5 ROOM ONE STORY house, located on North Cottage St. l.ot 50x132; has basement, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bsth and toilet; electric light, fruit, berries, etc. be L. A. HAYFORD 805 State St. WORTH WHILE . House of 6 rooms in good or!er Wh in side snd out. Modern conveniences near csr snd school, on psved street. I.srge lot with fruit. Price $3300 ,3S0 down snd 325 per month. MILLS & COPLEY 331V, State St. FOR SALE Sire modern bungalow of 5 rooms snd full bssement. r ise all modern borne of 7 rooms, also 5 room partly modern st only $1200; sll tn south Sslem Square Deal Co. 202 V. S. Bank Bldg. POR RENT FARM POR REST ON SHARES AD- dress "A-51" car' StatesmsB. Gl 0f DJur candidate For State Legislature Frank M. Gill of Dufur has fil ed with the secretary of state his declaration aa a candidate for seat in the lower house of the I sute legislature from thi2th representative atsirici, compris ing Wasco county. He is a Repub- lican. His slogan will be 'Reduce taxes, reauce commissions, im prove road and school legislation, economy and efficiency." His platform follows: "Endeavor to secure the reduc tion of taxes, especially upon property; a graduated net income tax. sufficient at least to take I reduction in number of state com- missions, either by consolidation the people of the road dUtricts; fair and hem est election laws, and small campaign r expenditures by candidates." . . 1 BRAIN VALUES IS Reports from Liverpool Dis turbs Movement in Wheat on Chicago Board CHICAGO. March 15. Rf porta that, prices for wheat at Ltrerpool were sharply lower had a depr9 slng effect today on rrain values here. Wheat in Chicago closed un settled at J-4 to 1 7-S net decline with Mar 1-32 1-8 to 1.32 3-8 and July 1.14 1-4 to 1.14 3-8. Corn lost 1 1-4 to 1 3?4, and oats 3-8 to 1-2 0 5-8 cents. In provisions, the outcome varied from a set back of T cents to an advance of 5 cents. According to one authority, the Liverpool market for wheat to be delivered immediately was in a seml-demoralixed condition with pricea down to a sensational ex tent, as much as nine pence a bushel in some cases. General selling here at the opening result ed, but subsequently opinion among iraaers appearea to re much divided, and rallies over came a good part of the earlier losses. Late advices from Liverpool seemed to he much at variance (with earlier dispatches about the English wheat market and this circumstance tended to assist the reaction here. The closlnr at Liv erpool was given in some messages as being the same as yesterday both for immediate and future de livery. An upturn in premiums for United States wheat at Gulf of Mexico ports was also a factor in causing the market here to recov er in part from its weakness. Corn and oats declined in sym pathy with wheat and as a result of slowners of export call for corn. Provisions most of the day were weak owing to downturns in the valaue of hogs and grain. Good for That MFIu" Counts For quick relief from the wear ing coughs that ''hang on" after the grippe or influenxa, take Fo ley's Honey and Tar. Mrs. K. D Drake. Childs, Md.. writes: "Af ter an attack of the flu that left me with a severe cough - nothing seemed to r2lievw me t.l! I tried Foley's Honey and Tar, whlcch I can highly recommend." It is al so good for croup, whooping cough and colds. It pats sooth ing, healing coating over the In flamed surface?, cut the phlegm, eases hoarseness, clears the air passages. Soli everywhere. Adv. ,. , v T MILS Transactions Approximate Ovef Million Shares Specialties High NEW YORK. March 15. Tran sactions on the stock exchange to day approximated 1,200,000 shares, almost the largest total ot the year. A number of specialties rose to highest levels for that period but there were many note worthy exceptions to the upward trend. Great Northern and Northern Pacific were heavily sold In the last half of the session at extreme reactions of about - four points. The break in Great Northern fol lowed the publication of a state ment by Chairman Hill which was Interpreted as casting doubt on the present rate of dividend. Oils and motors, equipments and steels, especially Mexican Pe troleum, Studebaker and Crucible were carried down one to three points in ths liquidation of rails, the market closing with a heavy tone. Sentiment was favorably in fluenced during the morning by the subsidence of labor disturban ces In South Africa, the more Lhopeful tone of European political conditions ana tne further pro nounced recovery of foreign ex changes, especially the British rate. Another helpful factor was the .relaxed or easier money market, Although this was the final day for payment of the first install ment of the 1921 federal income tax, call loans dropped from 4 to 3 1-2 per cent at mid day and of- a fe rings of 30 to 90 day funds were ! eelr made at 4 3-4 per cent. Additional reports of 1921 op erations were submitted by vari ous industrial companies, nearly all reflecting unfavorable trade conditions of that period. The one striking exception was the Ameri can tobacco company, which show ed largest earnings in Its history. Demand sterling rose to 4.34 on active bidding, partly for London accoonnt and allied exchanges, Belgium excepted, were moderat ly better. Dutch. Swedish. Danish Swill and Spanish quotations also were higher bn t the German rate continued beary. . T FlttTTS NEW YORK. March 15. Evap orated apples firm : prnnes Inac tive; apricots nominal; peaches firm; raisins steady. if NtsW CUKP011AT10IXS . ; i o Articles of incorporation r filed yesterday hy K. K. Wrat V Co, Inc.. of La Grande, capital ixed at $85,000. The Incorpora tors are N. K. West. W S. Parker and Herman SiegrUL Oiher ar t'clea were Med ss follows: Crawford K'ectric Shoe Polish- ler company, Portland; incorpor ators. T. M. Crawford. W. IU Crawford, S. S. Crawford; capi talisation, $50,000. Oregon-Washington Steam Car company, Portland; Incorporators L. II. Kelty. It. G. Haugsten. Ar thur If. Lewis; capitalisation $5000. Chambers company, fort land; incorporators, R. II. Reed, n. M, Gulbranson, J. X. Pearcey; capi taliiat on. $10,000. S. J. Harder, Inc. Portland: Incorporators, 3. J. Harder, Earl J. Wood, G. F. Alexander; capi talisation, $25,000. Portland Mechanics and Chauf feurs association, Portland; In corporators, Arthur 0. Lee, Lyon-. Blair, Harry Unger; assets, $500. W. R. Miller & Soi. Inc., Port land; incorporators, W. R. Mil ler, D. D. Miller, George L. Ranch capitalisation. $30,000. A permit to operate In Oregon was Issued to the Dlekre Tire dk Rubber company, an Iowa concern capitalised at $4,500,000. Thom as R. King of Portland is named aa attorney-in-fact for Oregon. The United States Installment Realty ' company, a Minnesota concern, was issued a permit to operate in Oregon. The capitali sation la $50,000 and A. II. Me Curtain Is attorney-in-fact for Oregon. Resolutions of dissolution were filed by the Boardman Trading company of ftcardman and by the Tualatin Valley Lumber. company of Portland. ; ' ' Transcript of Appeal Filed in Casey's Case Transcript of appeal to the su preme court was filed yesterday in the case of the state agalnat Dan Casey. Casey was convicted in the circuit court in Multnomah county of the murder of Buck Phillips, a railway policeman, and was sentenced to be banged Janu ary 26 last. An appeal to the su preme court stayed the execution: WHO IN SALEM Does This Remind -You Of? See 3tch-Quck,, ' WailintTford, 7 f SALEM MARKETS 1 o I Prices quoted ar wholesale sad art pricea received by (arm era. No reiaf prieeo are givea. i , Oats, milling, aat, $0 9 Slo. , Wheat No. L, sacked, $1.13. I Oat, feed 45e. : . - Vetch and eat bay, 111, Clever bay, $10 If it. Mill rua mill feed. $36 $ fit. Boas, Burrs buttrrpa . Eggs. 1 5c . - ' - t Butterfat, SSe. ' Creamery latter, 40.' i POULTRY . HeB, tight, 17a, Hess. keaw. 3 Jo. ' Roosters, olA 6e 10. PORE, MtTTTOM AMD BEEI . Hog. 11 j IIUo. r ! Lamb, 7 0 3 He. 1 Top veal, 13. Pork, dressed. 13 Q 1$H. : . Stoera. sW tt So. Ball. 4 Q 4H. V . . FAUTT8 Baoaaaa, tVa Uatona. $1 4 17.50. Narel oraagaa, $4.60 Q $3.50. Florida grapefruit, $7 9 $8. Califoraio gran fruit. 3 4 AO. VEGMTAAtBS Sweet potatoea, M O ft, Potato, $1.30. Cabbage. 4 ' Cahfernla to ms toes, lag, $4 JO. Cauliflower. $3.50. Taraipa, $$. Paraaipo, $3.50. Oregoa oaiona. So. . . Carrot. $3, , , Head lettuce, $3.50. Boet. tit. . Celery, $1.60.' DATES, Fiat, BOXEY Date. ISo. Paokag data, Oeao, $8.T8. i Pica, 18. Comb hoaey. ess. $5. CecosauU, doaoa, $1.35. Stralaed boaoy. lb. 11 t. f Portland Buying Prices 1 EGGS, POULTRY, MEATS BUTTERFAT STEADY No. 1 charaiag ere sat, S3 Q 3$ fe.k Portland; Badergrade. S3 O 84. EGGS WEAET Current recerpta IS rent; pulleta. . 16 cats; white benaerkes. 21 rent, delivered (These qwotatioas ar bao r oa price paid fr tho bulk of day's receipts by local jobber and eras mono. 1 . LIVE POULTRY KA8IKR (Less rommiasiea) Heavy kens, 21 IV: do, light, 31 r 23 eenta pound; 1022 broilers, 4 -1 50e; old rooater. 13 pound; ducks, y sua waito Pekiaa. 27 evam; do colored. 24 cents; etegs. 17. Turkey. No. I, dreaaod, 87 0 880,' DRESSED MEATS VVEAK. (Less eommissioa) Ooieo ligkt bora, 13 cents; aadergradra 13 y 14 eenuj veal top gradea, 14Ho O 1; aadar- "haVIm ORAHI HAY STEADY (Delivered Portland) Valley Timothy. $15 & $16 a tea; Eeateru Oregoa Tim othy. $1 O $1$ o too: alfalfa. $14 clover. $13: oat sad retch. $15; straw. $8: cheat. 812 Se p 81 ' .GRAIN HIGHER (Trk. Pan I aad. ia cor lot) Wheat $121 $1.26. Coarse grains Oat. 834 50 6i $35: Eastera yellow com $27 0 $27.35 a ton; barley $27 $27.30. PRUJY i FRUIT eIRM Apple, extra fsaey. $3 Q $2.50 bee; I VEGETABLES UTEADV Potato a. No. 1, $1.10 V 81.35; enieaa Xo. 1, $7 rwt.S Oregoa rahfcsg 2l,h U V Ih : brvroli, L75 Ci $3 rraie. parsaips, lc IH.; carrots It & IVs lb. . WOOL - ' " . WOOL STEADY Coarse valley wool, 1$ tf ISe; medium. 2n $ zic: owe, Z4 o ze; Oregoa IS tj$ 80. -. HOPS HOPS HTF.ADY 1921 crop. Steady at 16 t? J0. Eastera II;