THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 14, 1922 1 f-t. '3 V J 1 'I .v. it X i TV t ..... , . Rate fr wordi P. tacerttoa Three laeortloB n.. lr (ate luullaut .10 . fcte moatha' eaatrtct. M we 15 IS Mtk' (net, pe lt hUaiasaa far y adieu em eat. 86 T NORWICH UNION ' i ) FTJIH IX8URANCE SOCIETT I Tbielxm, RoUnd A Bargbarftv Berttlent Age 871 8ttt St. i MONEY TO LOAN j J ' On Heal Estate i T- K. FORD T (Qrer Ladd Both Dnak) NEW. TODAY, EW BUNGALOW-6 ROOMS I PLA8T tA nlnmbing and electric light. i Pric 12100: term. - Owner leaving j" Balem. W. H. OTabenhorst Co, 275 BUM BC . ' I 4M.IDDENS LINOLEUM VARNISH AND f Johnson Floor Wax. Aak ; ca the I; particular merit tad purpose of each I l - - ft Humi 1 TO N - CommMvtal Mas O. Commercial, jP Halm. K fllONOORAPH FOR SALE MACHINE L practically new; fumed oak ease; elec 9 trie motor.. Phone 1253 J. flLL TAKE FORD AS PART PAT ment 5 acres Cultivated. Price : 91100. W. H. Grabenberst A Co- 275 Stat St. . - ,i ST OVERLAND CRANK ON CARD n eA4 UimH liX I fliTi t On it j J abaah. : ... T ! rONNEAU CARPET RUNNING BOARD r. linoleum; auto psint and enamel. Mat iU. Buren, 17S . uommerctai, Balem. fOR SALE ONE WALNUT ROCKER, Lather upholstered sest an back. 925, I One aet rood grade draughtroan a in itrwmli, $10; on K and K 8-inch af alid rule, $3. Iaqoir 683 X. 21at FURNITURE PRICES DOWN 4- IRON j bad. $S; all at I bed springs, 95.40 i rott msttress, 8: oak dinim chair, 94; all ateel army cot. 93.50 Mas u. uurn, 179 a. commerei Salem. -.,!; ' i I "JDUXD A WAY TO KEEP LINOLEUM w from crarkin. bocklin aad rorlinc Oet my leaflet entitled Permanent l.inoUnm Floor. V Mas O. Boren. 179 M. ' Commercial. TACANT BUNGALOW FOR SALE - !' room, (arac. pavement. Pric 93SOO Hendricka. 205 U. Sv Beak Bid. FOR RENT HOUSE: ALSO APART meat, 915. 17BS fltaU. , ' !. SMALL FRUIT PLANTS ANY QUAN- A tity . delivrd. Bksekberri. blaek caps, currants, goeseverriea, grapest loganberries, raspberries, asparagus. rhubarb. ... Ward w jucnarason. . a. n i i ii ! BUO PRICES LOWER 1922 DESIGNS oalort and qualities ax most gratifying. Jtea mv fine dianlav while it ia com- plot. Max O. Bnrea. ,179. K, Com mercial, Bim. ; i WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE MOD- 9- era aix or seven room house ia good locality. Pboae 1777-J. ! HAVE YOUR CUT HAIR OR COMBINGS made iu a bob. Phono 1020 M. 212 B. Cottage street ffOVB CHANCE ROOM HOUSE, j . plumbing, lights, garage, corner ot I cement walka, pavei street nd ear t. I in. riti , v v. . cm.. wwnv, leaving town. W. II. Orabenhorst A . Co., 275 State St. i . ; ICORK CARPET PRODUCTS AND CONr golenm are apoclalixed her to tbe t. Ask for, one each of our circulars I A est it led, --permanent Linoleum rioora I and "Hew M Care for Linoleum." I Max O. Burets 179 N. commercial. k.iTT U8 INSURE YOUR NEW HOUSE W rover material ou the ground while 1 tnder construction. No extra rhsrge. tsadlry A , Foley,: agents. Bush Bank " Bide- . v m- i - i- i BUILDING IF SO, WHEN YOU GET I L all through looking at lou w can show i ua ma rheaner. vet batter. Wt specialise and advert is th rest estate I i that must met. Back A Hendricks, 205 V' t"c ! FOB 8ALE ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS h- sad an employ merit, will sscrinre - j 19 SHARES SOUND RUBBER CO. I KTOCK. price 9 100. Company price M 313.60 a shsre, including free bonus of 100 SHARES INTERSTATE ! PETRC . l.El'M CO. stock, par vslue 91 a share. I U, 11.' mood cocs, ou rrsnsun at. 1 Ato"a. Or. . i 1 McDOUGALL KNOWS THE KITCHEN I cabinet game from A to Z. Hi brought : out the VERY FIRST high class kitch- T eh cabinet in America. Th new Me- 1 Doneall la a marvel. Get my prices and term. Max O. Burea, 179 N. Com y mercial. FOR SALE 10 ACRE 3 OF BEARING i prune. 1 acre building spot, barn, near . lem oa goou reaa. rrice juw; I Will Uko soldiers' loan sad small pay It Man nlaatared bouse.' modern convent' m- once. ij y . ( I newly painted; price 92900; cash 9300, 1 Balance e wvn. i i Winnie Pettyjohn i 83U4 SUM St. ; - I ; Paouo .934 TtftC HI.IKI) MAN" I AM SOMETIMES f call because of my. great interest in window and porch blinds. 1 do carry the beat window and porch saade. end dee ire very mark to . bid oa all new and renlaeemeat Job. ( Mas O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. . J 1-B.UAI.I. STOCK RANCH WILL BE ON oavemmt withia year. BmalL lair buildings, 25 acres ander cultivation. Half mile te store, school, church ani i-: ! t,.:. tiRAA maw em anipi-uiB -" V""-- acre, yes. eu sere, ttecaa , nen drichs, 205 U. 8. Baak Bldg.! ..,... .,,r n,,ii-ia rri w f TOUT heantlfuL comfortable, moderate priced hind. Let me explain noma anasual merit of Stargls carriages and sulkeya. They bare many. Max O. Buren.. 179 , . vommrrciei. tr r nil r t rr, run omll Elee modern .baaralow of 5 ' room aad 1 full basement. ne an meuern aome t of T rooms, also 5 room partly modern at only 91200; alt in south Salem j v Square Deal uo. , 202 V. B. Manx uig. WORTH WHILE! Hons of 0 rooms in good or?er both in aide and ouL Modern conveniences near ear aad aehooL on paved street Large lot with fruit, n.uin d 25 Prrr9 $3900; - - ... . A a am, e MILLS & UUPLtY 831 M Stat St. i For Sale or Exchange 32 acres Canadian wht land, located rour mile from town, sew an. .ue,u a kaMaa 119 lasterod nd shingled; bsm ,040,IPOR-RENT LARGE FROST ROOM. shop 14x10, two atory; groaary U downstairs, for light housekeeping: and cranary 14x16; hen horse "10x10, 1 .Un nnstalr I anartmenL 944 North oeep well vim pep a - s 1 Sin.kaBwwl cisiera, eiy ioaa - - fenced. Pric 910,000. Will exchange for farm or eitv property aad- aasum u to 92000. Also a ctioa of wheat . bud. Alberta, Mexchaag for trait ranch up to 930.000. Waat farm with ' stack mJ Imnlaments for hom in Portland aad bono n. -v Wut fiv room bungalow and aom cash for a larrr one. Five room boas for. sal at 310.50. term. I hav buyers for hnnrslows. List your property . with ! r NEW TODAY WANTED TWO SETTIXa HEX 8. Walter F. Downing, 1883 Stat St, LOVE Te adertia new itore. Cag and anpply lit fr. Import ed Roller ear apeciahy. - : i E. B. FLAKE ,1 273 State. SaUia IRDS ts pair EMPLOYMENT FEMAXB WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY fur millinery, leoraeta. ate. Gale Co. WANTED GOOD AND RILIA- bm MuactMpcr. Meat hav rfra . . Apply tmmediaUly Wore a.m. r after :10 p.m. a M. Commercial atraet WANTED A BRIGHT. INTELLIGENT ana amattioos boy to deliver a morn ing rant. Mutt be It yean ( ag r over. Apply C imitation Manager. uregon stateamaa. WASTED ENERGETIC TOCNG MAN who has bad axpartewea aalliar life laamraae. stock r advert iaiag. Mait b able t dot hi ttir uat sad b ambition for adraaeemaat. Mit ha U evaraga to preeeat bia prapoltioa t merchaat aad profew- atoaai man. Aaatrar la your mwm baa writing, stating age, educatioaal qaali- neattoaa, rarteae a aoltcitor. etc AdlreM "I No. SL" Stateamaa affie. OEJTTS WASTED LARGE MANUFACTURER WANTS AO enu; .tell advert wed braad men shirt direct to wearer. Ho capital or experience required. Free sample Madiaoo Milli, 505 1 Broadway; He York. BIO PAY MAN OR WOMAS OF CHAR- acter to diatribato religion literator Chance to mak 9000 or more. Fall or pare time. ; No capital or experience naeenary. TJaiversal Bibl boat, PhilaielphU. YOU CAN MAKE 9100 AT ONCE Selling Magic Marvel Waahiag Compound; Also Bluing paddle absolutely new. Biggest seller. 8tsdy 300 percent profit business. Free samples. Mitch ell Co, 1314 R. 61st, Chicago. - MALE AMD FZMALB WANTED MEM AND WOMEN TO take farm paper nbaertptioaa. A feed propositioa to th right people. Address - th Paeift Uomestead. Sutesmsa Bldg Salem. Ore. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BE8T MATRIMONIAL , paper published. Free for sump. Cor respondent, Toltdo, Ohio. MASSAGS AMD EXERCISES STEAM cabinet, ladle oary. Mrs. Rath Brown, Swedish gradoate.. 902 Oregon Bid. '"Pboae S54.- i FOR, SALE FARM PAPER V YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 13 M the Feeilie Homeetead. 8alm. Orcgoo. for a thro months' trial nberrptions Meatioa thlr ad ' ---t-' - t - - CANARY BIRDS FOB BALM i CANARY BIRDS AND freicr4 WhIM Scotch colli pup. Mrs. K. A. BwiBotW phoue 1290. POULTRY EGGS FOR HATCHING ANCONAS Tho hens that lay your gg. $1-50 8sr etting. Phon 917 or so CooUy's roeery. Chnrch street 1 HATCHING EGGS TANCBED AND O.A.C. whlu lagborna. 91.tar .l& el 95 per 100. Victor Schneider, Turner. Oregoa. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps tor specmi sum trial for the best .and ldt journal la th west. Th rtteie ana ssvit tisemenU are of special Interest to tbe noultry breeders of tno Bortawost Northwaet Poultry JournsL 211 Com merrlal Pt- -Halem. Oreron. lgXSCELLANBOUS FERTILIZER GREEN ASD WELL rotted. rhotie,l61 TOR SALE OLD Jf EWSPAPla. 10 9 Br U Saw! ( - VUVtUvl-eW U)eroBv-nwwl Oregoa But ma a, i DRY GROUND JSHEEP MANURE FOR and eardens. S20 per ton or S1.25 oer sin tie sack. Delivered in city. Clifford W. Brown, phon 115 FANCY GOLD COIN POTATOES FOR sale at 91.50 per 100 lb, denvereo; alia Netted Gema at S1.75 per 1UU IDS. delivered. - These hav been selected for shipping stock aad are extra nice Clifford W. Brown. ! Phone 115. N Front street.,-! i - THE HOUSB OF HALF A MILLI un aad oao. bargains. - wo nay. sou or exehanxa aarthiag and everything la tho lino of luak or second hand goods Ha aia swfar : mo bur or Mil. - oiata- bock Junk Co Remember the plaoa. 402 N. Commercial "t. Phono 523. VBeautituI Oregon Rose" and eleven other Oregon sonrs, togethei with a lino i collection ei pairiiM songs, "sacred songs and many old-time ,-' ALL FOR 860 - fSoeelal nricea la ausntitr lotel ' Especially adaptable for school, oomman ity or noma aiuging. , Send for j ! The Western Songster TS pages, now In Its third edition Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 11 K. Commercial St. Salem. Ore WOOD FOR OD VALUE IN WOOD PHONE i 108F3. I I ALL KINDS ' WOOD BOLD ANDREW Mae. 149 Center. I -..a, .nmnv now VIP nri.IV. - 1 ru ynv, ' ored. for 94 60. Telephone 1013. FOR BIG FIR, lECOND GROWTH OAF r ash wooo. raene nrw. DRY. OLD GROWTH 10 IN. FIR 98: a . m . .. eh as r e TAbbaka rv aoconu growta, ; oo.vw, "" "1407. "I - ; NICR DRY 8ECOND GROWTH riB wood. John iU. Scott, us vregwn Bldg. - ' : !-- -.1 i -qt, SALE BEST GRADB MILL wwi I m.Di. seeoad growth and old fir. 4 ft, or 19 In. I Fred R. Wells, Phon 1542. 90S 8. Church. 19 INCH BLAB: UP nu, wuvu 93.50 1 per load, iry Mw " 98.60 per Wad. Traey ; Wood 0 Phoa 020. i- - ' - - FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT PHONE 403-R. APARTMENT FOB RENT 889 NORTH CommoreiaL ! - I rQR r,evt A FURNISHED APART went, 292 Morth Bummer irawt. I r - V. I Front 4 I . I FOR RENT SUTTB OT TWO LARGE . v i ltl V mmm. room; vns s-nvee . -" a ted toon, Alao separate room. Th Alexandria, 1090 ChoasokoM Bt. Pboae XtM . -i H, Classified Ads. in The Statesman Bring Results FOR RENT ROOMS ARLINGTON HOTEL CLEAN. COSY; Me ap. 402 BUM. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS t 1133 Center St. Inquire at 447 Center Street. CLAAA. WIAT BLKKPIftU KOOMB. 93 to (S 60 per week. Apartment. 9 The Leonard UoUL 254 . Front Phone 1H03 HOME FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN desirable room in modern bm with all coa van .races. Please give name sad reference. Address "A.B." ear SUMS msa. LOST AND FOUND FOUND TAKEN UP ONE BAT MARE. WEIGHT about POO. About 11 years old. Phone OOF23. WANTED MISCEIXAJfEOTJS WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. MA eh la ery, stock, etc. Win boy for cash r aell on commit tea. Phone bit Wood rr. tb Aactwaeer. OLD MATTRBflSES MADE OVER Capital City Boddiag Co. Pboa 1. WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS. ETC. Phon til. ANTED KVERYTHIKO 15 HARD war and fumitnr. Best prices paid THE CAPITAL HA ROW ARB FURNITURE CO. 295 X. Commercial St Pbeo 947 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRT. THE livestock, fnmiture, real oatat aao tioaeer. Pboae 511 tor sale date. Re. 1010 N. Sammer. Auto Directory rADTTTNO RUSH THE AUTO PAINTER. 5 and Front streets. STATE USED CARS SEE . LEE (EYERLY) FOR FIRST class bum repairing for aaed ears, for ' special built cars, for motorcycles. Rear Hudson and Essex sales, 240 State street. AUTO TOP AUTO TOPS South High. W 0. WRIGHT. 171 AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK gaaraauooo. 959 Booth 12th. Pboa 1120. - RADIATOR SHOPS . O. BAIR. RADIATORS, FENDERS Bodies repaired. 444 Ferrv. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROU blo shooting. 219 N. High. Phoa 203. PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE ststiou. Export battery aad electrical work. Ferris Bros. Phoae 1909. 419 fVtneS TRUCKS FOR RALR OB TRADE RllO TRUCK, 1921 model, perfect eoaditma. win trad for real estate, produce or wil) all on eaay terms. Thia la aa excep tienallY rood buy. It you wsnt a real good bargain erply immediauly. Phoae or en. th rvmni a ;an ntw j TIRES AND ACCESSORIES RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM. AUTO I carpet, auto enamel and paint. O, Buren. 179 N. Commercial. Max SMITH WATKINS. 147 NORTH HIGH Fmk, Bilverton cord, nooa extra pi) tires. Everytbtng tor onto. 10.000 MILE GUARANTEE AGAINST atone bruises, rim cut and blowout Th Hydro-Toron Tire, for sal by Yew Irk etore, um ana iesne. pnone GARAGB AMD REPAIR FENDERS RCLLZD NOT HAMMERED Salm AuM Radiator Shop. 1(9 B 12th a trees. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER. 946 Center. Phono 09O. CAPITAL GAKAUB BUICX. 6TUDE baker repairing. 173 Bouta LiDony Phone a BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Commercial Botreot. Phoa 950. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PLANS furnished fre. R. W. mclntiro, uv N. Churchy CHINE SB PHYSICIAN OR. L. M. disesse. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN 153 8. High Bt.. phoae IBS DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phone 14. 405 COURT FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND. L. A, Hayford. 905. SUM street. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN aasoeistwn has moaey to loan at aia percent. W. D. Smith, aocroury-trow uror. 909 Salem Baak of Oemmere. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS ON RURAL credit nlan. ore-payment provisions al lowed. We will finance you for a lest rate of Interest than any firm oa the Private moaey to leaa on either city ot country property. MARSTERS BROS. 411 Oregoa Bldg. EIGHT PER CENT TO BE PAID ON th preferred stock of Oregon's hew " flax industry. Ask sbout it. Sav 20 percent en your automobile in suraace by insuring in a solid we era company wnich wo represent. . A. C. Bohrnstedt 107 Uaaoai Tempi Salem, Ore ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By eon tract, by hour. At pro-war price. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744-W. FURNITURE STORES FRANK P. RICHTEm NEW. SECOND head furniture. 949 . Oonunoreun Phon 452. - . rU EN ITU BE HOSPITAL FURNTTURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO ordar. Rofiaiahiag aad upaolstortag a apec laity. -aoa i . crown aao Grove. 1201 South Commercial. HOTELS CHERRY CITY HOTEL ROOMS ABD board. Laneb eaantor. UppOCtM K. DwpoV Bteto aad Hlgx INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IN8URANC anay. J. O. Bale, agwat, room MeCoraaek Bldg. Phono 9d. Ladies' Wearing Apparel urrr.T.i wr.nT HATS FROM ft UP MRS. IMmn S1U fsMirt ft a a FANCY ...WORK KF.EDLEWORK AND EMBRODERYl shop. Jeoslo McCuu. . . Tallman'sl Piano Store, 121 South CoaxmarcUL- BUSINESS CARDS DRESSMAJOKO CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Bpaaeer eoraeta M ardex. X MeCoraaek Bldg. THE ADS1TTS ARB PREPARED TO do aay and all kind of I ad tea' uMor lag. for old aad w 'cailoaitr. 952 Si 12U St. Pboa J085-R. WAJTD PLAIN AJtU UAJtD wcra. CaU 031 -R. MRS. 0. JEPSON MODISTE: Oak. Phone 29. 3547 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER LOCAT ed ia liigblaad at 2d UasoL fboa 1851 J. MESDAMES SCOTT CHASE DRESS makers. 219 SUM St. Pbaaa 937. MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER Bellevae St. 1710 i RUTH Me A DAMS DRESSMAKER. Sontk 12th. Phaaa 1624-M. T56 FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING FOR particular people. Specialty on work manship as well a prices. 1073 Oak St. Mr. Lee A. Swoap. HXMSTTTCHDIO 8ALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, pleating, batten, itsmptag and aeedlo work. 329 a Bid. Phone S7. MRS.- BRECK EN RIDGE HEM STITCH ing mail orders solicited. 175 8. 19th Phoa 174-M. MRS. F. E. MULL HEMSTITCHING. tamDiac. braiding, band- embroidery button. Room 10, over Miller' ! tor. Phono 117. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING j 1515 N. Commercial. Pboae 1852-W. j LANDSCAPE AND PBTJNTNO IUFER BROS. LANDSCAPE GARDEN ers ana expert prnners. Grsdsat-a of eolloges of standing and 15 years ex perience. W guarantee satisfaction. Phn S1 LAUVDRIE9 SALEM LACNDRY COMPANY, 13S S. Liberty street. Phone 25. 0,dest largest best. Established 1899. CAPITAL CITY 8TKAM LAUNDRY Snality work, prompt service. 1244. roadway. Phone 195. MATERNITY NURSING MATERNITY NURSING WANTED IS private homo. Phone 1K94-J MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 617-W. NURSERY STOCK MUNGEL BLACK-CAP TIPS FOR SALE. Mistlaad Nursery Co. Independence, Oregon. FRUITLAND NURSERV SALES YARD back of office, large roos berry plaau and a few mora Italian prune tree left. 640 State street. Pboae I14UM. A FEW PRUNE TREES LEFT W1L- Ismett Vslley nursery. RouM 7. Phono 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruit, ornamentals. Capital City nur sery Co., 420 Oregon Bldg. Phono 75. FOR SALE LITTLE'S IMPROVED Cory a thornless blackberry plants. Heaviest producers and best Ilevoreu. Write for pamphlet and pries list. C. A, Little, Sebsstopol. Calif. . TOR SALE WILSON AND TKEBLA atrawberry ulanta from Inspected yards at 92 per 1000. Stemmed, ready M plant, i. B. Peterson, Shaw, Oregon, Phone 22K21. PAINTING CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. L. D Brandon, contractor. 905 North High Phono 645 J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING. PAP arhaeeinc kalaominin. wen mar anteed. Term raaaoaable. Phone 2085-J. 1464 Ferry. PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397 J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES 8UB8CRIP tiona for all msgsiines. 251 B. 17th street. Phono 741-M. PERTUME AND TOILET ARTICLE! CALIFORNIA PERFUMR CO. EX trscts. toilet article.' Mrs. Moyor. 170 South 23rd. Phou 1224. FRTNTOTO FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, aeo Bertelaon, printer 'V Building SIGNS UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICE Sbowcsrds that talk. 424 a. commor eiat. Phon 646. BPRAYTNO CALL 604 R FOR SPRAYING FIRST class work guaranteed. SCAVENGERS 4ALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuae of alt kind vemeveo. Cesspools elesned. Phone 107. RE1TAORAHT9 HUB RESTAURANT MOST REASON able prices. Johnson-Barry. 159 High CHERRY CITY RESTAURANT HOME atyl meala. Good service. State anc High. 4AVR MONEY BX BATING AT RE8 (arrant upatabra. eial. 185 Booth Oommor- NOODLB PARLORS WA HONG NOODLE HOUSE. 489 Ferry. BIN SIN NOODLE HOUSE CHOP suy, 40e: puffed ric. 20e: aoodle. 20e; fried noodles, 00c. IV 8. Lib- SHOE REPAIRTNO WILLIAM'S SHOE 8H0P 195 SOUTH High STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 year experience. Depot National fence, sixes zo to zs ineneo atga. Paints, ail aad vamiahea. etc- Vr- berry and Hop kovfca. Salem Fence mmA Al... Wirl. nSA rinnrt street Phone 124. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND haad clothing aad shoe. Ala de cleaaiag. pressing aad repairing. Call sad- deliver CapiUl Exchange. 842 North CommoreiaL Phoae 1368-w. I aye BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND i roods of aU kinds, pipe fittinr. hsr neas. eol'srs. collar pads, tools and chains. Fred Bchiadler. 258 Center street. , .." ; v . STUDIOS O. ! OB LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DTP to eilMttna-ranhv. 147 rW I TRANSTER HAULING a, I CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER r.n Htst St. , Phone 988. IMsUuting forwardiag and storage oar specialty Get our rate. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold good. Our specialty is piaa ad fnrnitxr ivinc. W'e sl-o make country trip. W hand! th beat eoat and wood. Call on a tor price, W giv good - aneaaur, good quality and res eerview. Lraser iranaier ia. I Pbeuo 9)90.- --- Read the Classified ; Ads. BUSINESS CARBS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LACKER PIANO, ITU. : Fhaae 106-W. 209 X. MRS. HEXRT LEE PIANO. Capitol. Phne 1017 W. 1221 N IJIUUA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL erediU .gieea. 239 H. Uigk. Pboa 171 W. hi INN ETTA MAG ERS VOCAL. DERBY lildg. t'riday afterauea, Satarday. LENA BELLS TARTAR VOCAL IN Use Ixto. Pboa 3. DOROTHY PEARCE. PIANO. North Wiater. pboae 945 J. 291 NELLIE MCLKkY STONE PIANO. 273 Leake. Pbec 751-W. BEATRICE SH ELTON PIANO STUDIO 4j atarmar. laoc DAX . F. LAN GEN BERG, VOCAL Derby Bldg. Pboa 2079. MttLLIK STYLES VOICR. PIANO. 959 Center, raeee lOie-R. MATTIE GTLBERT 8TRIN0 INSTRU meau. 1572 state. Pboavs 1150-R. I RAG AND J AAA PIANO PLAYING 12 lesaoas gaaraaMod, W storm sa sys tesa. 9. B. Clark. Mgr. 444 Stat. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO plaver; dances U oecaaioaa. 257 N. Liberty. WESTERN COSiKKV IT0RT OP MLS ic of Chicago. Fraa i E. CharchilL rep resentative. DipkM A graated. Odd Fellows' Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches tsugbt, drpioraas rraated. John R. Sites, director. '1237 Court, Pboae 020. TUNERS JACK MULLIGAN PIATTO TUNER; sioore-Lninn o. ttepresentsiive 01 Sbermsa Clay A Co. Pboa SO0. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuaer. Loaeo orders Will's Mnsie Stor. TALLMAN PIANO RXPAIR SHOP Tuning, rsfinishing. rebnildiag: player piano expert. Phone 1059. 121 South Commercial. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS. STEIN ways, Duo-Art, and others. Moor Duaa Music Stor. Masonic Temple. MTJSIO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs. Mwiag machine, ahoot mnsie. and piano studio. Repairing phono graphs sad sewing machine. 482 SUM. Salem. DAHCrHO PRIVATE LESSONS IN ALL LATE dance. Mrs. Whit. Phone 373-J. TAILORS FRANK PALM. TAILOR 211 SOUTH Hirh. corner Ferry. auits made to order. Cleaninr. pressing. repairing. TRANSPORTATION SILVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. A M. Stages Souht Bonnd Schedule North Bound Read down Read up Dly. D!y. Dly. Dly. Dly. Dly. No 5 No. 3 NO. 1 AO. 3 0. JO O PM. PM. AM. A.M. P.M. PM. 6:00 1:30 8:00 Prtl'd 10:30 4:00 8:30 8:05 3:85 10:05 Mt.Agl 8:25 1:55 0:25 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silvt'a 8:00 1:30 0:00 Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. lv. Sunday only 8:00 p.m. fm. Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Portland and Steele he miner s Drug store, auverion 8ALEM-8ILVERT0N STAGE Loaves ,, Leave. Salem SUvorton O. E. Depot i New. Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 11 :00. a.m. 1:0 p m 5:00 p.m. e:oo p.m. BALEM-INDEPENDENCB MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem, O. E. Depot 7:00 a.m tl:UO a.n-, 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m.. 1:00 p.m 0:15 p.m. Leave Indepeadene e Hotel 8:80 a.m.. 1:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Beven passenger car xor nire. j. w. fAttn.EK, rrop. ites. Ilion 015-J. Businesa phone 7 WOOD SAWS WOOD SAWING SPR0ED BROS Phone 1131. CITY AND Country wood sawing Phon 2046. Fisher Bros. WAREHOUSES PUBLIC WAREHOUSE FRONT AND Ferry. Stores everything except ex plosives. Apply Fry's Drug Store. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. 901 South Com'l St. Tea per coat discount on domestic flat relet paid in advance. No deductions foi absence or aay cause aaloaa water ! ahut off your premises. PROFFESIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER CORN DOCTOR. 932 State 8t. Patton Bldg. Phon 957. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. Ij. SCOTT. P.S.O, CHIROPRAC tor. 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828-R. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. BRADFORD and Bradford; graduates and post gradnatas of th first chartered school of Chiropractors in , the world. Tea year in practice. Consultation aad examination free. Phono 529 Room 819 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATH! CP HTSICIANa DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 600 U. 8. Bank Bldg. pa w u MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC h,j,i .Bd .ure-oa. KirksvilU Physician and sure. KirksvilU I grsduate, 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Poena, onic. t; re. ei. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon, 403-404 Urs gon Bldg. Phone, offieo, 1294; res 68F5. OPTICIANS I GLASSES FITTED BT IK. L. K. BUbv i uei at is oow vpticai vwpi. I 825 Stste street, opposite Ladd and I Bash Bsak. P0MER0Y A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 388 State. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED 8PANISH WAR VETERANS Camp 5, Armory. First, thr Mondays REAL ESTATE I FOR 8 ALE BY OWNER FINE FARM; 95 acre ia crop; 33000 will hand I Ia veatigaM thia quick. Address A-01 car Statesman. MR. HOMB BUYER TOO CAN BUY A 0 room buagalow teas than a year old for 0509 lea than 1 waa tier it aia month are. Ha haaament Be Dutch kitchen, closets mmi sleeping porch. 81000 will haadl it. Be it tody. 125 Loffetlo. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CON- dition on Court street, 912.000. A larg corner and 10-room bona on Court treat, 320,000.- A largo house d beautiful cawncr on C-nrt afreet. I" - 000. A corner lot aad house oa North Commercial street, 93000. House and let on berth Liberty street. -MMM). A basin location on Cedtor and North Liberty streets. Come aad see me. Gertrude i. M. Pace, 49 North Oet-tegu. I 25 ACRES. 1 MILES f BUM CITY limit of SaU-m, 14 acre of bearing logaaa, ia fin coaditioa, S aeree of prnnes. family orchards, 5 room asod era buBfatew ; good aatbniUtacv This is one the best smell rnrhs ia the valley aad if sold by April 1st ran be bought right. Will take a boose ia SaWta. Aadersca A Rupert. J A 7 tkrecea Bidg. FOR SALE 3 'ACRES IN FRUIT, ONE ai! from brnlf. room bscalv, sun srstem. norck, ttreuUc. r- au, shtut, eatckra coop. V ery sr. air tecattea. lric 05OVO. Also fine lot n Mate street. Phono Slt'i, r call owa.r. 160 X. 21st St- Best Buys and Exchanges 100 cr first class dairy, wall stoeksJ; all tiled, 96 acre cultivated. Will tak frnit ranch or smaller dairy as part pay. Price 33,ooo. 13 srr first class chkkea ranch, modrra improvemeau and cqaipmeat. All , stock goes. Wi:t exchange for gen eral farming ranch. Price $15,000. 5 room a-odera bungalow M exchange for 7 room bungalow. Have te loan 9500, 91000, 91500. S0C0L0FSKY 34i Sum St. $500 DOWN New 5 room bungalow, large light rooms. built-ins. Tou will be the first t liv ia this new home. Located a ear State stcet. Price 927oO. Terms like rent. S. R. PEARSON 210 211 C. S. Baak BldA i Wanted, Loans We have private money M Man oa city or suburban property. We hsve a fine, well improved tea acre to trade for city property. Thia u first class. If you wsnt to trade, buy or rll set H. L. MARSTERS 312 Gray Bldg. EXCHANGE STOCK RANCH OF 1200 acres, alao timbered lands valuo 970, OOO for city income property. Will divide in smaller acreage. Address "A-63," Statesman. 0 LOTS, SMALL HOUSE. CITY WATER, Sooth Balenv; good garden land: a anap. 91000; 0109 eaah rest like rent. Joseph Barber & Son 200 Gray Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME SPLENDIDLY located, famished throughout. 911.000. New 0 room house, east front, on attract ive street, furnished throughout 9750. New 7 room boos, completely furnished 95750. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottag IDEAL An ideal little bungalow, beautiful! lo cated aad environment, paved street, close to ear, to school snd church; full basement. A bargain if half cash. See int. A bargain if half ci WM. FLEMING 341 State St. sv nrrFRi-a for sale a rtw choice home sites on psved highwsy I just outside of city on South Commer cial street; also lots in Beu Lomond nark addition, most sightly location in Salem. Mra. V. W. Ohmart. Phoae 1348 J. A GOOD ORCHARD BUY t must sell s close in A. No. on orchard in a few days now, ss it has .to be taken eare of and owarr can't do it. If open "to buy aeo me by all meana. I have a a-enuine good buy. WM. FLEMING 341 State St. ANDERSO! A RUPERT 8neeeseers M Laflar A Laflar INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS LOANS 406-7 Oregon Bldg. Special for Sale Lease on 314 acre dairy farm with 50 head of No. 1 cows snd sll stock snd farming implements, good buildings.! Will tak small tract and aome cash. THOMASON 3311, State St. 70 acres south on Pacific highway; a first class house, family orchard, good outbuildings. 91600; your own terms. 5 room' furnished bouse and 5 lota, barn, garage, auto, 2 cows, chickens, joins city limits oa carline. Pric 94200. Tenna. 5 room modern house and two lots, fruit. nuts and berries. Pric 92100. Terms. A number of 5 to 20 acre tract of bear - ing logans, no bidgs. On carline, wepr have '5? lot. in North Me. from 1300 to 91000. For small payment we will aell you a lot and buiid you house according to your own plans. Pay me uaiance use rem. ANDERSON A RUPERT 406-7 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE GOOD EIGHT ROOM house and two lots in south Salem. Price 94500. Terms. Be sure and see us before you buy. Krueger. Oregon Bldg. Phon 217. i-urnn oa - . o ivn Cy-hUCI c iiiuu tuAoa v. iv ovmk. cash to trad for real estate. 219 State street. onrM., SPEUAL i 10 acres sit In enltivatinn S ranm house. - - - - - -- - . - bam. some fmit. 14 mile off of psved road. Good buy for 92500 and 9300 rash will handle, balance yearly pay ments. THOMASON 331 8tate St. GOOD BUYS 20 acre tract, 5 acre logans, acre bear ing: 5 aens of prunes, Ihi acres straw berries; small bouse, good bam. well, chicken. Will consider house aad lot np to 92000. Pric 95500. 63 acre farm 0 miles from Sslera; 6 room bouse, bsrn, well; will, tske house and lot as psrt payment. Price 310.500. 65 acre tract, 55 acres summer fallow wheat, good location, hk ot crop goes Price 15600, 81500 down. 12 acre tract located on Pacific highway, 8V3 acres prunes, acre logans, build ings; will uko home ia Portland aa part payment. Priee 89800. 60 serfs dose to Portland. Will trade in on good prune orchard and assume. Price 330.000 Good modern home ia Portland rented for 930 per month; will exchange for won improved io acres close to Salem. n ecAA T Price 36500. K 2.14 acre tract close to warline. bearing fruit and berries. 4 room house. - Well. Price 32700; cash. If you are looking to buy. trade or sell see. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 97S Rum street Good Buys aftddkehanges it I , t. vA . a eT," le'rJ'Lr 7 rooms modern, go-id Iocs rT6; some fruit b.rg for 910OO n-n down, bi- anc Iik rent. Good lot on ear line. 9150. with 950 down aad 910 per month Bom good ,ity property te trade tt-SZ&nZ for pre farm, io acr improved t trd f.r t 1 HUMAoUN 331 But St. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE M. : 4- . -1 - - EX SERVICE MEN? BUT FROM OWS er: 9U0 to $1541 aa acre, naCer celli vatioa, tracts aay sis. Some plashd to becr'n. tm hav baitdtag- Kigin at statin on Or?ga eiertric Hoar' ride from Portland or hslem. Ptew; of extra wort to be had a maay ira t are aoa resulcat. Isquirv iit t'lsrt's store. Fart. Oregoa. ONE OP THE FINEST AND BKST 1JV rated have im the city at tWH'. As dert.a fc Ratert. 404 7 Urego UiJg. WORTH WHILE W have 40 acre aot fsr et wiih eil meal to exrhaage. will take 05.UOW m city pasperty. Priro 91tt,5on. 6 room hen, lot 60150, garage; aot ft'r oat. Price 91000; 3U0 doa 95 atontb. One arre anl 5 room plastered hoos chk-hen heose and Pric tzlSO, One .rr oa paved road, aet far eel: 4 room hens and chicken boose. I rvr. 91400; half cash. MILLS & COPLEY 331 Stat St. CITY HOUSES CITY LOTS. BCNGA Iowa, sat ail aad largo acreage, etooo ia aao tar out; exchange la city aad couatry. Brew A Mac, over Bae iek'a asrre, 8ta aad Commerciol. Phono 959. 93 .00 BUYS THIS 5 ROOM ONE STORY hanse. located oa North CotUge St. Let 50x132; ha basemeaV, living room, dining room, kitchtn, 2 bedrooms, balk and toilet; electnc tight, fruit, berries. etc. Sr L. A. HAYFORD S05 Stat St. FOB RENT FARM FOR RENT OX SHARES AD dress "A-51." car Statesman. . PUBLIC NOTICES TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Supervis ing Architect' Office, Washington, D.C., I March 2, 1922. SEALED PROPOSALS win o openea in tuts on ice at a p.m.. March 29, 1922. for extension to work room and driveway. United State Pest Office Salem, Oregon. Drawing sad specification may b obtained from th Custodian at th building, or at this of fice, ia the t'iscretion of U Supervising Architect. Jas. A. Wetarare, - Acting Supervising Architect. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have Impounded the followinc de scribed dog in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404, to-wit: Cne smalt female, fox terrior. Dlack and white head, and one white ear, black tail and white body, weight about twelve pounds. The above described dog will bo killed if not redeemed by ownjr, on or before March 14, 1922, as pro vided in said ordinance. W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner.- BIDS INVITED The undersigned will receive sealed bids up until five o'clock p. m., Monday evening March lowing Supplies: 2200 lineal feet ot 8-Inch sewer pipe. . 1420 lineal feet of 16-Inch sew er pipe, 60 6-inch by 8 Inch T Joints. 10 manhole covers complete, -' 5 lamphole covers complete, 4 dozen first-grade, standard strap long-handled shovels. 3 dozen first-class pick handles. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. EARL RACE, City Recorder. AOTICK The holders of building bonds, School District No. 1, City of Portland. Multnomah county, Oregon, of the Issue October 1. 1910: serial numbers 151 o 190.. inclusive, denomination $1000, in terest 4 V per cent. Whereas. School District No. 1 City of Portland, Multnomah county. Oregon, by resolution of f.& board of directors, has deter- mined to exercise its option to re deem and retire such building bonds of the issue of October 1, 1910, denomination 11000, inter est 4 per cent, as bear the seri al numbers 151 to 190 Inclusive, on or before the first day ot April 1922. Now therefore, please take no tice, that the undersigned County Treasurer of the County of Mult- 1 nomah. State of Oregon, will j within 30 days from the date of IM notice, namely on or before the 1st day of April, 1922. cause si the same to oe paiu inu icuttiu ej together with the Interest then I j . w .,., nuMntat nn hv UUt L lit: I ru 11 , upvtu r j ... ...... j the holders thereof at the Chase National Bank, in tbe City of New York, State of New York. You are further nounea ma'. upon your failure so' to present aid bonds for redemption and . I . , V, ,l evil i " - . . . , - , 11.1 111 CT II Illicivo, .... cease irom ana alter me nam ii day of April, 1922. Dated Portland, Oregon. Febru ary, 28. 1922. I JUIliN AI. Lilli v 13, , . . County Treasurer, Muitnoman County. Oregon. DESCENT IS Word of New Rains in Kan sas and Oklahoma Cause For Decline CHICAGO, March 13. Wheat made a sharp descent in price to day, affected to a considerable I degree by word of new rains over I . . Kansas and Oklahoma. The mar ket closed heavy, 2 1-4 cents to cents net lower with May at 1.32 1-4 to 1.22 1-2 and July 1.15 to 1.15 1-8. Corn finished 2 to 2 3-8 down, oats oft 1 1-8 to 1 1- cent and provisions varying from rnchanrtd figures to a setback nf IS cents M Almost constantly throughout I the day the value of wheat was slipping downward, a good 1 . , . . , -t deal of pressure to sell coming at fnr j times from houses which have e"e"1 connections. Lack of any urgent demand was apparent and Indeed there was little particular support except from . Speculators who were In a position to collect NEW MADE profits on previous sal mad t a n:ther level ot prjpes. ' t'n prcm sine tic?'a expftssctl re gaidinx , tbe threatened gtrUe of coal miners .ddd distinctly ta bearish sentiment erovinc oat of the chanf 1 crop outlook In th aoutnireFt reitnUIPK from fresh supplies of moisture. Another factor operat'riK asatnst the buy-, ins side of ttw wheat market was a ju-onouncetl drop in Koropran xrhanp;e ratw. Postlnjc of-fisnrei sliowtax a dffrease In the rntted SUt?a vl ib mpplr of wtifat led to the. best ralir which values howe4 Uqu'dation. however, bcam bf greater volume at thla Juncture. anil rlnt'nr nr'rrs wsrs tho lnw est Of the session despite reports reee'vej telling of rren buca in Oklahoma. .Corn and oata went down In price with wheat. Resides It was definitely shown that stocks of corn available are the largest ev er recorded. Lower qnotationa on bora wrro chiefly resDons'ble for declines In the provision market. miiTs NEW YORK, MARCH IS. Evaporated apples firm; rtate 12 a 17 1-2. Prunes qn'et; Ca'lfor-" nia 6 a 18c: Oreeons C 3-4 a 12 1-2. Pchei firm; choice IS 3-4 a 1.4 1-2: extra choice 14 3-4 a 15 1-4; fancy 19 1-a a 20 1-2. HOPS NEW YORK. March 13.- Hops quiet; state 1921. 23 a 24: 1920, 18 a 20; Pacific coast 1121 24 a 28c; 1920, 20 a 22c. The war department advertises 35 old forts for sale. Wouldn't yon. like to have an old fort In yonr house? They can be had at a lower rate than an oil painting and are certainly more pictures que. Don't everybody apeak at once. : Tarn Circlet is Setf-Adjusting. I tabs ply slips ver the) bend, clasps at wmut mad eaueeths antt gly Lino. If yonr dealer can 't get it setut 9 rusi f ttmt e euamej. mjversev drejsCtSl.SO. W'UndthA Circlet prepaid. Sixes 34 to 43. Nosso) Hrirjlo-FashioB Inotituto 120 E. 16 St, Mew York, Dop'l M. SALEM MARKETS , Prices ' quoted ars wholesale aad an prices received farmer. K rotes nricea ar eivea. I ... ... i . M . - , - vais, miiiieg, wei. ev s vev. ,Whet No.. 1, Backed, f 1.13. Uat, H VsUh aad oat bay. fit. Clover bay. 910 11. Mill rr mill feed, 836 9 927, EOOS, BUTTER A BUCTAAXAT Eggs, 15c , Rutterfst, 25. Crsamsry butter, 40. ... - -POtTLTBt Heas, light, 7, Hens, hesvv. 22ef Roosters, olA, O 10. PORK. MUTTON AND BUI Hoga. II y Hut Lamb, 7 0 9. Top veal, 18. . " Pork, dressed." 13 Q 1IH. Steer. SVh fit .. t Bulta. 4 et 4j4. Baaaaas. 9 Lemons, 97 Q 87 50. Nsvel oranges, 94.50 Q 95.50. Florid grapefruit, 97 96. Catatonia grap fruit, 94AO. . VEGETABLES i Sweet poMtoe, io O 00, Potetoos, 91-50. -Cabbsg. 4Ue California tomatoes, lug. 84.50. C'anliflower, 93.0O. Turaipa, 93. Parsnips, 3150. Oregon onions, 8c Carrot. 92. Head lettuce. 95.60. Beet. 93.6. WATEB,' TOi, KONTT Da tea, it. Package date, case, 90.75. Fig. 13. Comb honey. "ess. 98. Cocoanuts, dosea, - 01.25. I - Strained honey, lb. HVh. Portland Paying Prices j EGOS, POULTRY. KEATS BCTTKRF AT STEADY No. 1 ehurnins- ere. 85e Q 88 f..- PertUsd; BBderrrade. 83 O 94. x.wo nrsn Current receipt 17 a 19e; pulVta, 10 cents; white henneries. 19 it 20. delivered. . (The qwotstioas ar bae- ed oa price paid for the bulk of day 9 receipts by weal J oh Hers and creameries.) LIVE rULLtKIBtCAUI (Less Commission ) Hesvy hens, 25 IV; do, light, 22 pound; old roeotera, I2e pound t dueks, youag white Pekias, 27 ecata: do colored, 24 emu; stag. 17e. Turkeys, No. 1, dressed. 37 t 3d, DRESHED MEATS WEAK Lcs commissios) Choirs light loct, 15 cents; aadergrsde 13 Q 14 cents; veal top gradea. lfH 9 19; aador- "hIy Lorain hay steady f Delivered Portland ) Valley Thaolhy. 915 0 910 a tea; Eastern Oreroa Tins ethy. 916 it 919, a wa: alfalfa, 914; clover. 912; oat had vetch, 915; straw, 98; cheat, 912 60 913 GRAIN FIRM Track. Portland, ia car ta) Whest "4 S35.50: Eastern) yellow com. 327 6J 127.50 a tea; barley, 929 it f 29. r FRUIT eIRM P Apple, extra fsacy, 92 Q 92.30 Vaa; fsacy. 31-75 t 92; cooker. 91 & 31 .25. VEGETABLES VEGETABLES STEADY , ' rotsto's. No. 1, 81.10 it 91.25; enien No. 1, 97 ewt.: Oreroa rarbbage 24 t 3c lb.; broccoli, 91.73 0 92 crate, parsnips, I Vi IV ' , " WOOL " i ' WOOL STEADY ' : Cos rue valley wool, 13 i 1 c ; wtedtwia. 20 es 21c: fine. V S5e; Eaatera Oregon 15 Q 80, HOPS nOPS HTEADY 192i eip, auady at is it sv. 3 t ue. F. L, Wood, 841 BUM St,