SEtoubsicTiom Autos, Society, Clubs, Centra fa? end ClexxUtil : PAGES 1 TO 4 , SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR I SALEM," OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 121922 PRICE: FIVE CENTS ' MOTORCYCLES! -ACCESSORIES' C r ". f f : T " ii n . -.. ..- , ... .. i . i . - . . .. ' - -"- : : . , . . ...... .......... t - II 1,1 NMaaMaBBBMaBBBBaW M . BIGYGUES 1 BEL' BACK FROM?TRIPEflST V eeting of; Dodge Brothers Dealers and Entertain- lament Are Described P. Bqnsteele of the Bone- ft. efeIeM)otor company lias Lined from a 60-day trip to re- to attend the annual meeting of Dodge Brothers dealer, which was held at the Pennsylvania ho tel; New York City, January 10. 1921. " He reporp a successful meeting attended! by about 600 dealers from; all parts of the United States and Canada. This Is Said to -have ben the largest meeting of its kind ever held in the United States. After the luncheon the dealers were entertained by a play writ ten especially for the occasion by Montague Glass, famous as the ereator of Potash and Perlmutter. The -coat was composed , of such celebrities as Harney Bernard, Julius ' Tannen, Kdwln Mordant and Jennie Moscowits. After the dresg glrenjjy F. J. Haynes. pres ident of Dodge Brothers, followed by moving pictures of th? fac tory and the recent price reduc tion was announced. Mr. Bonesteele attended the New York Automobile Bhoif and says In addition to the complete line of all of the American makes of cars,; there were wvea-foreign makes of large 'vfexpens1rev cats; but ! no 14 light- cars of : foreign makes. pt. Mr. Bonesteele went east 'entertainment there was an ad- Bring Thoughts of Bicycling To the Outdoors Enthusiast a Invicroratinir.' healthful exercise for our bova and eirls . . " r" I , - H this spring! Let's let them bicycle to school, bicycle D t to work," bicycle to play." They love it; it'll keep them - I 'out of doors;' it'll give them the strong healthy bod- les they require. t- j Youll find Cood Bicycles in Our Store. Easy Terms of Payment Too Lloyd E. Ramsden 1 387 Court Street ; Curtains Piktin Upho Our equipment and stock of top materials enables us to give you a choice of qual ity and the service you de mand.' r , ' Low Prices, Prompt Service See us HulVsTop Shop T. C.1 Wood, Mgr,' 2li Chemeketa Street and ' Minneapolis The exhibition was" rrowded i from 19 m. to- antll 12 p. 5m. every day end the" strfppethassls - Te ! celved 'a great deat'of close ln- spection-and'dealersrTe ported-1 great mairy aates.r!Mri'Oneteef,i also stopped at Rochester, N. YM his former home and visited the tory, where the starters and gen erators for Dodge". Brothers ars are made. : Iler was - very much surprised' to find th!s: company5 oivrating such a -large -factory and equipped with over a mil- .Uion dollar's, worth of the most odem machinery and employing everal hundred mew and women. His ' next fctdp was at Detroit,1 ich., where he spent three days t the - Dodge' Brothers factory.' here they were ruimlng full time r" .-", with' flfen-n --i er day. This 'factory rtwitiim . . cres'of the finest gear cutting, rop forging and pressing ma chines which can be mads, One machine drills the four 'cylinders fit one operation, another machine- drills all of the other holes !a the cylinder block in one 0d- eration, the drills working on all six aides at the same time.' All gears and nearly ail parts other than the cylinder block are drop- Xorged and machined, the? cylin der 'blocks " are' cast and there were 'about two4 'acres of them stocked up to' season.' Sedan bodies are all made by hand and it "was very gratifying Vo'note the cars and alns that is taken to make1 a perfect body, purfng his visit" there, the. Dodge prothers dealer from Grand Ra pids. Mich., came and made -a driveway of 35 cars. Mr. Bone steele also stopped at Milwaukee and Helena." nfctir. AnnliAiiinn HoBti frotS wIneVlO reoort. th-liru HH bnimess la these title In which he ftOhpM as being good--1 But In tne smaller town and rural dis tricts not so good.- There ar two placeaof ln terest"thatevieryoTi visiting' the east should 'win dthose ar the Metropolitan Mosenrm of Art In New Yorlr City and-the congres slonal library ar Washington -In thw forroertheTe ls a collection of Jewelnr inade 500 B. C which is much finer than any made-at the present time.- The : latter building is said to hare the most beautiful Interior of any build ing of its kind In the world. 1 After :AalI Mr. Bonesteele1 is V happr to oacK ana TemaTks that there Is no place in' comparison Granted" by Commission - i Application of the city of Port land, throuh Its commission ot public docks, is granted authority byan oorder of the public service commission Saturday to construct crossings over the trucks of the Trooutdale branch ot the Oregon tion company and the tracks ot Certain safety' rerulaUons tre Imposed as requisites upon - the city. ; -" T :--"r'.:-.-v ..!'. u.' 1 1 1 '. '!.'. 11 .1'. LJ-easa ' the city of Portland at municipal . proposed overhead crosstaf. terminal o. 4 with the traca oi the muuicipal street car line ex tension to terminal No. A. The first Is to be an overhead crossing at approximately munici pal street railway station 01 plus 45 serving the terminal, and the second is to be a grade crossing serving grain elevator and pier No. 1 of the terminal, and will be located about 600 feet west Of the MoS: tad Rim -Parti tor iH Cart Free Expert Advice r - : IRA. 40RGEK8EN . tSO Booth High Street poublr Cable fZase cTres 1 The quality of fabrics, the care of workmanship; and the guarantee of service you have been wanting inyour tire . has been: fouhiTin theJ Federal Tire. ii i r 1111 f Ml"' f Tt T ' -". , 1 . . Backof-Y;M.C;A; I ih3: ni . : :::! fli j-- . -- !- ...t.- ; - V , ti f niiyfffty . l9 ty ' Principie. ' ' : '-l,. " -AX, ha, J Us . ? ' ! 5 PTTt iOi irvi 7!TVr ? ' II nlf t. I t L V iA ' "v18" T0LEDO ' ; ' ' v " "' v .CNtr: AM BRiIvC AS?- M .'!. 1 i ' " '-V..' , t " "Si t We can supply all sizes' Eld I Katty-Korner Marion Hotel i ; ; ! ' I ' i . I U I ' . ' r ' mmmmmmm-.m- mmmmlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-mmm 11 ' T- ! . : 1 A' New Storage r : " c' ' 5t i and : CourtT 5 - '"; 1 '. v - ; .-''., t Call , and Select YdtirMOwn r Stall- - . " ; ) Mr ALBERT SMITH in Charge of Service . v. 'i. s . jC. - v .- . i" . - " : " V , , - . . .-, -a- ' . ' : LE VAllUE KNi:,' AM BRil VICIfefiPiOS? Qciclif Cars 1 , ; 'I ...... The first thing1 in our business is to know all there' v is to ! be known about , the care; and re- paitf of' storage' bat- J ter CBut' we can't for a minute forget that it is . not !odl&wtiai -we . do r but the way we do it thatcounts.; ' Our; way I : alwayt the , courteous wayYounaay bo 1 -sure that we w&l treatda ; just we would jwtnt yon to tea 1x9 if jroti were the f battery service man suad we were the car ownerl Bring yewr battery" in. If iff m Wfflard Battery yotfreto be cohgtulated. t But you will get the same attention the sione:bpur tesy 'and .the satneervi5 whether.- it' is a Willard or not. DEGGE& BURREU Auto .Electriclana ; Z38 240rUl lilla bt. Phoaa 203 : Representing Willed Storage; Batteries: It s ! i j '9 s r k I 'I t 113 I - - 1 1 i ,i t , I fr i -"' fTi -"- 1 --S I ; . - " r - ' 11 n -4' it .11 w . 31 I w w 4 a 4 5 WE-NEVER i CLOSE This is part of our unexcelled service which you, should take ad-yantageof. QiKer?Featurei5! Our charges for expert mechinics on all repair work U $1.25 per . j. , hour -We canyablnplete -stock ol Goodyear Tires and Tubes . ...... . - ... Accessories for all make of cars Prompt and courteous service at all times which makes this an ideal t garage for ladies to patronize. ; 235 S. Commercial St. Phbne 36Z r. 3 .f. J'f -. " 1 I f i - t f t 4