The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    . I.
Sunday morning, march 12, 1022
. . . H
7 :
3 -
Xot Hero Yet
fil: aid ,
i Messrs Harley . ahd pavMson.
...whose motorcycles circle
and Mexico, were expected in Sa
lem daring the week on an Inspec
tion tour of the cycle agancies of
the Pacific coast. They were first
scheduled to-arrive here Wednes
day, but their coming has been
delayed v day after day, by their
longer stay in , the) south, and
they are not here yet. They are
from Milwaukee but! they helped
to make the city in another way
than the way usually1 told in sons
,ana story.
' Take Chicken Dinner-
i At the Gray Belle jtoday. Adv.
Much Filbert PlanUn-
Filberts hate been hating 'the
Watldns rVoducti
A. A. EnjJrt - City BtaT
Phone 1734-W 240 LefeDe 8L
' , t . I M
Goods delivered at your door
t . i ' .
Hartman7! Glasses
Wear them and see
. "Easier and Better
Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon
SAVE $ $ $
' ', .... .'-(-,' I. .
by baying , your hardware and
I amltare at The Capital Hard
ware A FnrnJtare Co., i 285 No.
Commercial street. I Phone 047.
s. c stone! ivl d.
and does a general
Office Tyler's , Drug Store
157 South Commercial St
l Will Trade
For; Furniture
. Phone 511 .;" :
Woodry The "Auctioneer
. j -j
We pay highest ferlea.
We buy and sell
We sell tor less.
15 Cte Bt. Fhome S8S
We want them sand want
them bad. Because! we do
we will pay you the highest
price obtainable anywhere.
Bring us all you have, ?
Also old clothing; furniture
and junk of all kinds. ;
The House of Half aMillion
and One Bargains j
402 N.'ComX Phone 523
Just Good Advice
' Wa wb w eoold ihowiyoa ths
4Tibilitr of haTisgj ; )
optirl examination, i We night
ar that to daisy' might j in time
cans Ton to entirety lose your
yeiight most gruesome) picture.
Or we might say delay will remit
In anereaary .'financial expend!
tar later; or we might say that
it i last plain, gooi eommoa senae
t'VDW that nar tr :ara eiv-
ing yon the serrieo teday you can
rightfully expert. "
As examintlion U
to know.
the enly way
. 204-211 Salem Bank of
Commerce Bqlldlng .
Oregon's Largest Optical '
Instltatlon i "
Phone 239 tor appointment
call abong fruit men for the past
season, according to Pearcy
Brothers, and the acreage plauted
has only been limited by the stock
of trees. B. B. Itobb of the Oun-
nell-Robb studios, has v recently
planted 20 acres In filberts near
the Lakebrook tract of T. A. Lir
esley, near Liresley station. Wen-
ger Brothers have also planted 1 0
acre of filberts near the Itobb
holdings. This solid block of 30
acres in filberts is the largest in
this part of the valley. There has
also been heary planting of prunes
with but little first class Italian
stock on the market.
Dry Oak for a Few Days
Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church.
Lnthy, the Jeweler-
Expert watch repairing, all
work guaranteed, in Brewer s
Drug Store, 405 Court St. Adv.
Position Derlinel
Glenn Wimberly of Klamath
Falls, who was yesterday appoint
ed to the state hanking board as
one of three new banking exam
iners yesterday declined to ac
cept. Mr. Wlmberry was here yes
Foot Trouble
Many people are troubled with
what is called flat foot, or broken
arch. A pair of our specially
made Arch Preserver shoes will
give immediate relief, and con
tinued use will, we believe, effect
a permanent cure.
Adv. C. P. Bishop, proprietor.
Highway CloNed -
The Pacific highway at Shasta
summit in California is blocked by
drifting snow, according to infor
mation received by the state high
way commission Saturday from
the California highway commis
sion. Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
Dts. White and Marshall
Osteopathic physicians, U 8 Bk.
Adjudication Asked
An adjudication - of the waters
' : ' . In .
"Miss lulu Bete'
Success 'in' life is a good deal
like rowing a boat up a stream.
There are two things particu
larly necesssary. You must
keep headed In the right direc
tion and you must keep going.
It jou allow yourself to drift,
you will soon be back to the
place from which you started.
It you drift too long you may
have an even greater distance
to travel. ,
Begin that business training
now. Don't let yourself drift.
Every, day, you wait puts you
Just that much . farther from
your goal. Our school , la in
session throughout . the sum
mer. Write or call for Infor
mation. Capital Business College
v 4 Salem, Oregon
90 Gallons
This winter we have made
and sold over 90 gallons of
our- Rchaef er'a Throat and
Lung Balsam.
Some record!
Last 'year we sold over
30 gallons and thought that
a great record. But now
; this!v,, ;:.
It only shows that Salem -people
are finding out that
Schaefer's Throat and Lung
Balsam Is the best remedy
for coughs and colds. Get
your I bottle today:
25c 50c $1.00
Drug Store j
Sole Agent Garden Court
1S5 KComl;!xone 19Ti
of the Deschutes river by the state
water board Is asked by the North
Canal company through its attor
ney, Oswald West. The subject
will be up for consideration at the
April meeting of the board. Sev
eral hundred claimants and sev
eral hundred thousands of acres
of land will be affected.
For Sale
One Ford sedan. Phone 177 6 W.
Barn Mnt be Removed
Timbers and rafters as good
as ever. Will be sold cheap. Call
Phone 143 evenings. Adv
Captain Improving
Capt. James Watson of the
Salvation Army is slowly recover
ing from his recent nervous break
down at the quarters on North
Twenty-first street. The meetings
are conducted as usual at the
Salvation Army hall on State
street, and everybody is invited to
attend them.
Barn for Baler
On Garden road,
evenings. Adv.
Phone 14 39,
Will Kins for Klwanians
Part of the entertainment for
the Tuesday luncheon of the Ki
wanis club will be the rendition
of solos by Mrs. E. E. Wyatt. The
attendance prize will be given by
I. R. Smith.
A Classified Ad.
Will bring yon a buyer. Adv.
Lacey Is Held
S. D. Lacey, who was taken in
to custody Friday in connection
with investigations of recent at
tacks by perverts, was yesterday
declared by officials to be inno
cent of any overt actions in con
nection with the outrages. How
ever, Lacey is being held in the
county Jail pending a hearing in
Justice court on a charge of carry
ing concealed weapons. When
taken into custody Friday, Lacey
was found to be carrying a load
ed revolver. .38 calibre. .He was
arraigned in justice court and
was. granted 24 hours in which to
enter a plea.
People Use Swift's Fertilizer
Because It makes them money.
See C. S. Bowne or phone 353
Yon Can Get the Best Shine
In the city at the Terminal
Shining Parlors for 10c. Adv.
In Custody of Sheriff Orr
James Brooks, West Salem
resident who was arrested recent
ly by Sheriff Bower's office on a
Statutory offense, was yesterday-4
placed In the custody of Sheriff
Orr." Brooks will be lodged in the
Polk county Jail. According to of
ficers, he admitted that he was
guilty of offenses perpetrated
against two young hoys residing
near West Salem.
To Vlavi Patrons-
Mrs. Fpor will
leave Salem
April 1. Adv. .
The Peerless Popper
. Pops the flavor In every kernel
alike the old fashioned kettle
popped. Try It; 463 State St.
Fitted at Tyler's Drug Store by
an expert In the business. Adv
Carriers 111
If anybody in Salem fails to
get his mail on time, he can
charge it on to the weather, and
probably come very close to the
truth. Five of the city mall car
riers have been on the sick list,
with their places having to be
filled by substitute carriers. There
has been no illness in the inside
office force, though James Al
Served .
Today -
This Is The
Range That 1
Cuts Fuel Costs I
Every Lang Range man-
ufactured it built around
'the famous Hot Blast
principle and contains 1
the Lang Hot Air Draft I
Let us show you a g
Lang j
People's Forniture
271 No. Commercial St.
. s
Salem, Oregon
; .' '
I i : :
i 1 M
n ;
si i -
berts, carrier on route 5, la an
other of the laid-ups.
Salem's Only Vaudeville Khdw
Vaudeville bill at the Bligh to
day and tomorrow. Extra good.
No raie In prices. Adv.
Bicycle (ione
Friday came in for a count on
the week's list of daily disap
pearances of bicycles. J. K. Simp
son, of 594 North Commercial
street reports to the police the
loss of his wheel.
Free Clinir for ChiMrri
Wedn-isday afternoon 2 to 4.
Painless Chiropractic Method
used. Drs. Bradford and Brad
ford, 319 Oregon Bldg. Phone
526. Adv.
Mrs. Mabel Lovena Bath
Announces everything for the
spring and summer wardrobe.
Just received hundreds beautiful
imported fabrics for dresses, suits,
skirts, lingerie, drappery. and the
famous Schweizer embroidery
robes. Exclusive designs, reason
able prices. Phone . 517-M. Ad
dress 1121 Fir St. Adv.
Steals Ride, Jailed
Cyril W. Daws, a transient, was
yesterday lodged In county jail
here, following his conviction in
Woodburn justice court on a
charge of stealing a ride on a
Southern Pacific .train. Daws was
given a jail sentence of five days
when it was shown that he could
not pay the $10 fine assessed
against him.
Nominating Petition Blanks
Secure them at the Statesman
(legal dept.) upstairs. Adv.
A Box of Candy
One pound and three-quarters
for one dollar and a quarter.
Hass' Home Made Special. The
Ace, 127 N. High street. Adv.
Hanson Gets Sentence
H. Hanson, a transient, will be
a guest at the county jail for the
next 90 days following his con
viction yesterday on a charge of
stealing a pair of shoes from a lo
cal store. Hanson was brought to
the city jail by Patrolman O. F.
Victor after he had been caught
by South Salem citizens following
a chase in which officers and ci
vilians participated. "s
Special French Pastry
And cake for St. Patrick's party
The Gray Belle. Adv.
Traffic Arrest Made
Jessie Snider of 2144 North
Fifth street, was last night arrest
ed by Traffic Officer Miller Hay
den on a charge of driving a mo
torcycle at a rate of 31 miles an
hour on North High street be
tween Center and Union streets.
MacDonald'a Farmer Almanac
At Tyler's Drug Store. Adv.
Consultation and examination.
Drs. Bradford & Bradford, D. C,
state licensed chiropractic physic
ians. . Ten years in practice
Phone 526, Suite 319 Oregon
Bldg. Adv.
Lewis Will Speak
Prof. C. I. Lewis, of the Oregon
Growers, who has Just returned
from a nine-weeks tour of the
United States, is to be the prin
cipal speaker at the Kiwanis club
luncheon, at the Marion, Tues
day noon. Professor Lewis has
investigated nearly 40 cities, in
30 states in the interest of the
fruit growers of Oregon, and he
comes back heme with the mes
sage that thing3" aren't nearly as
bad as some have painted them
Income Tax Reports Prepared
Phone 2 09 SR. G. Ed Ross-
Vaudeville Extra Good
The show at the Bligh today
and tomorrow. Adv.
Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson, county
superintendent of schools, went
to Woodburn, Saturday, to hold
a local teachers' Institute. She
returned last night.
Claude Callen. a teacher in the
Mehama public schools, was
Salem visitor Saturday.
Thomas Holt yesterday re
turned to his residence at 201
South Commercial street after
spending four months in Bandon
where he has extensive property
MAPTOV W. W. Whalen,
Ruth P. Adams, C. A. Elklns, R.
W. Grant, H. A. Long. O. A. Lind
say, F. O. Vincent, T. M. Kincaid,
W. W. Williams. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. 'Wall, Portland; H. J. Bab
cock, Eugene;, Anna Tangen,
Nrwberg; Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Rice. Seattle.
BLIGH L. B. Pyle. Heppner;
D. A. Watson, Spokane; Goldie
Corey, Jefferson: George Wyle,
Gates; E. J. Weber, Creswell;
F. A, Myers. Silverton; Mrs.
SchXiyler Davis, Jefferson; Clar
ence Sturat. Falls City; O. Gus
tafean, Marshfield.
TERMINAL H. K. Breedlove,
Tacoma; C. A. Weyman, Eugene;
David Shea, E. Sturdevant and
Lieutenant H. Lamed of . S.
navy; Grace Harding, CorralHs;
W. J. Howard. Hansen; M. R. Mc
Claine, Albany; F. E. Long. Mrs.
A. Dennis of Portland.- i
The following new corporations
have filed articles at the offices of
the state corporation department:
- Yamsay Land & Cattle company
Klamath Falls; incorporators.
Dayton O. Williams, Margaret
Barrel! Biddle, William M. Bray,
J. Hunt Hendrickson; capitaliza
tion $75,000.
Kate, . L. Devereaux, A. J. Lew
thwaite; capitalization. $16,000.
Warren E. Fitch. Inc.. Port
land; Incorporators. Warren E.
Fitch Sr., Florence L. Fitch. War
ren E. Fitch Jr. capitaltzatiou
Still the candidates come.
Spring trade opening; Salem
had a good business day yester
day. V
Wonder if the synthetic light
ning Stelnmetx, the electrical wiz
ard, has developed will strike po
litical lightning rods.
Salem never knew she had so
many perverts. Pick the right per
vert and get $1000 reward. '
Mrs. Asquith having noted that
President Harding has a "mag
nificent head," an admirer of his
says that's what he has been using
since last March.
One of the student publications
of the University of Chicago says
the undergraduates spend an av
erage of $60,000 a month for
music, dancing and jazz enter
tainment, against $25,000 for
books. Some folks will wonder
how in. the world college students
can spend that much for books,
when a good ukelele can be
bought for $7.
Are your women folks begin-
ningto worry about spring house
Chicago has 600.000 telephone.
It would s eem the town would
never run out of conversation.
The average large city has an au-
tomboile for every six persona
and a telephone for every three.
The collections on account of
the Woodrow Wilson Foundation
are approaching the million dol
lar mark and it is estimated that
the required sum will soon be in
hand. There appears to be a dis
position on the part of the people
generally to perpetuate the mem
ory of the former president in
some substantial way.
Mrs. S. B. McBride. who came
with her husband and small chil
dren from New York via Panama
to Portland in 1868. died Febru
ary 26, at the home of her daugh
ter, Candehtria Fruit farm, near
The family first settled at Al
bany but went to Portland to live
permanently in 1874. where Mr.
McBride established the, Colum
bia Carriage works. Mr. and Mrs.
McBride lived to celebrate their
60th wedding anniversary and
for the past 10 years occupied
their own cottage on the Boot
Mrs. McBride lived to be 86
years old and retained her fac
ulties and good health to the last
She was a woman of culture and
read the latest books and maga
zines and took an interest in so
cial affairs, but her supreme in
terest was in old-fashioned devo
tion to her family, at the time
of her departure extending to
three living generations of suc
cessors. She leaves three children. Had-
den McBride, a large operator in
California and Mexican oil in
terests. Miss Ella McBride of Ser
attle, and Mrs. Bertha Boot of
Salem, Mrs. Margaret Bush being
her grandchild, and her two sons
Mrs. McBride was a member
of the First Presbyterian church
of Portland, and was buried be
side her late husband at River-
view cemetery.
Franklyn E Stephens was born
in Wayne county, Iowa, on De
cember 5, 1858. He crossed the
plains to Oregon with his par
ents in 1862, locating near Hop-
enrell in Yamhill county, where
he lived till his death on March
8, 1922. He was married in 1882
to Janie Wood.
To them were born two sons
one dying in infancy. He leaves
his wife, one son Elbert Stephens,
three grandsons, Loyde, Rar
mond. and Clair Stephens; one
brother. Smith Stephens of Hop
enrell; two sisters. Metises Coop
er of Hopenrell. and Lela Lynch
of Seattle, besides a host of other
relatives and friends.
Switzerland Is the only coun
try where the American dollra Is
below par. This makes it tough
on the tourists.
am mmsms mmmmrnikmssemmmmmBi'mmmm
IF you need elec
tric bells or an
nunciators we
should be consid
ered. If you tell
the purpose to
which you want
to put any elec
tric device we
will help you
with our advice
and attend to the
installation. We
are always ready
to aive you an
to attend to your
222, KMBrRTY ST. PHONE 954
They are coming! They are coming!
With their souls of mystery.
Oh my brothers, they are coming
From -their homes in mist or sea;
They are coming in the twilight.
And the rosy glow of morn.
In the kisses of the southwind,
In each swtiling twig and horn.
They are coming with their kroner
Tlpt with sunrise on each fold;
They are massing In the calyx.
With their million blades untold.
And in silence moves the Spirit
Of this outward-reaching host;
Winds come wooing, sun steals kisses
Which warm lover loves the most?
Oh, my brothers, they are coming
With their beauty, flowing free; .
They are bringing myrrh and Incense
From the joyous hours to be.
For "the splendor of the marriage
Of the blossom bride and groom .
Soon will come the hour of mating
And the buds will burst and bloom.
March 7, 1922
Nebraskan Offers Lincoln
Residence as Infirmary
for Missionaries
LINCOLN. Neb.. Mar. 11. The
home of William Jennings Bryan
and a 10-acre plot surrounding
the scene ot tne earlier life of the
now famous lecturer, orator and
statesman, located on a hilltop
southwest of Lincoln, has been of
fered tentatively to the Presby
terian church as a permanent
home and hospital for mission
aries, teachers and members of
families that have become inca
pacitated in the service of the
The Bryan mansion, which has
been idle and devoid of activity
most of the time since the Com
moner changed his residence to
Florida, recently was, visited by
representatives of the board ot
relief of the church. The mem
bers reported the home admirably
suited for this purpose and would
accommodate about 40 patients,
after a few alterations and re
pairs have been made. Henry B.
Master, one of the members ot
the board, said it would report
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmers
Leading Morticians
on the offer when the board re
turned' to Philadelphia.
This board represents the Pres
byterian church of the north.
Tha proposal suggested the use
of the home as an infirmary for
patients from China and Japan.
Far Eastern missionaries and
EtUbllsktd 1863 -
- . ' t "
General BanJdnjr Bu&lneu '
V - - ' v "
Office Hoaxt from 10 a. to, to t yt a.
savins? account tells a quiet story
of efficiency in monev matters of
having ambitions,
capital lor them. . '
Though you may be"g success in many
other ways, you are not all-round ef
ficient unless you spend your income to
advantage, and make some money bring
you more. '
Are you from month to month increas
ing your "Nationalized" Savings Ac
count, and thus
The Instrument for the Home
A piano, with all the family gathered around for an old
fashioned "sing" -what is more conducive to a "homey
atmosphere in the home?
Salem's Pioneer Music Dealer
Can "show the cheapest and best makes of pianos. We can
arrange easy terms of payment No consignment pianos
here." " -
Geo. C. Will
432 State Sbet
teachers of the church, incapaci
tated is service, now are ant to
hospitals farther east, members
of the board, stated. ' -
Mr. Bryan Is reported to hav
at one time offered to sell part
of this land but the home and ten
acres were reserved, ,
Foot Const Table de
Hote Chicken Dinner
$1.00 Plate
A la Carte' Order of
Service 12 noon to
8 p. m
and accumulating the :,
showing your effi
Chicken Dinner
it f
' The .Meadow. Lake Clubvpprjt-
,.I.U.UI.1W ja mwe M SMI
iand; incorporators, ; Alma V.
Uj.eaj.m Hawaii