The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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' , ' f ' , ' V ' ." ...
The Aasoclated Charities en
tertainment program to bs given
: at the armory 'March 29 promises
to be one of the largest benefits
given for sometime, The work
of the association Is I tha un'ted
efforts of every fraternal, civic
and religious organization la the
'city, 'to relieve the nedy.
The patroii!v and rpjtrouesses
for the affair are: Covsrnor and
Mrs. ISen VV. Olfott, r. and Mrs.
tJeorjse Halvorn,; Mr. and Mrs.
A. N. Hush. Judge and Mrs. Ceo.
H. Uurnctt. Dr. andLMrs. Carl
CrJK Doney, Mr. nnl Mrs. Geo.
nrirflth, Dr. and Mrs. W.lliam
H. Uyrd. Mr. and ( Mrs. ltoy
Shields, Mr. and Mrsi Isaac Le-J
Patterson. Mr. and Mr. August
Iluckensteln. . , - I
Mir Ellzabtir Levy, violinist,
appear on the ?injrram a
fl'Aed by lo-al and rorliano ti
ent. Mrs. E,. E..J"j3her. secretary
of tbo association, anitDr. Henry
Morris, v.ce prssidcnt!, iit cou
niltte on finances. - ;
Richard O. Hansen, former
Halem newspaperman; and Mis
Ann Measher, daughter of Rev.
and Mra. M. A. Mearai? of Bakers-
. field, Cal., were married yester-
: day at the home of t he . bride's
Uncle, .Dr. R. KTomllnson, 2240
DIrlMdpro street, Saul Francisco.
They will live In fciivWitaciaco.
Mifc Measbcr alter j grtliaticft
from Ihe Santa Bargara hitch
schools attended the University ol
California. Mr. Hansen. was tele-
-v. FR0LA5ET
Made of clastic and brocade
which give ease, grace and
the slim straight line to the
figure. i
: 115 Liberty St.
... Those jaunty, youthful
undeniable air or smartness and charm!
SUi i S wool ;
. . And a bit more elaborate for more formal
I . occasions! i
1 All of the Rnesl !
I We aJ$6 lv
, J the New Cape Vvly I
r'U uhf 'I
( l f'' vu ni ' Low as
I IN. I : 1.11 ' ' . ' fl
1 Si II ' l ' ' B S 1 m L
1 - 6 ; I ; : ,
graph editor of the Oregon States
man for a time, later going with
the Oregonian and San Francisco
Examiner He ia now night editor
on the Sab Francisco Journal.
- -.. '
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mll! were
hosts Thursday evening at a de
lightful jdinner paly Yellow
decorati3il were tiUwl vely il
about Ij". I roor'i. Flv-, hundred
was played during the after din
ner hours. High score w?nt to
Mrs. Paul Johnson and W. H.
Darby. j
The guests includel Dr. and
Mrs. Orover O. rfe'Mngcr, Dr. and
Mrs. Wilson H. Darby. Mr and
Mrs. Bliss Darojr, Mr. and Mrs.
Elliott Colony. Mr. and Mrs. D.
J. MeKinuon, Mr. and Mr.?. Paul
V. Johnsoii, Mr. z vi Mrs. Waller
1 Fpauldlng.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Rurton wera
hosts at nj series of two card rat
tles, Friday and Saturday evening.
Bridge wa played Friday eveniop
while fve hundreed was enjoyed
last night.
Englewbod circle was enter
tained Thursday at the home of
Mrs. E. Sflhram. Mrs. J. E. Gallo
wav will entertain circle on
March 21.
Honoring Mrs. Lcuter. I. Per
tnlne, Mri. Carle A bra ins and
Mrs. 8. Foster were hostesses
Friday ot. a gathering of old
friends of Mrs. Pcarmrne at Mrs.
Abranis home. Twelve were in
cluded at he party which was in
formal In1 character.
Uttle Mary Jean Torter, who
with her mother. Mrs. W. J. Por
ter, yesterday attended the recital
of Alberto Salvl. Italian; harpist
In Portland, had the very great
pleasure of talking with the artist
following the musicale. He even
allowed her to play a few meas
ures on his treasured, ten thous
and dollar harp.
He spoke encouragingly to the
young harpist and praised her
St. Patrick's day will be ob
served Friday evening with a pro
gram in the Kpights of Columbus
hall. The ffilr Is In the hands
of P. B. Keaney, president of the
Friends of Irish Freedom. John
R. Murphey, of Portland, will de
liver the evening's address. " T
Musical I numbers, including
violin and harp . solos with sev
eral vocal j numbers will be tea
tur eof the program. The meet
ing will b$ open and all friends
are - being ' Invited by those la
charge. r j
"Eastern Star ladies" chorus;
which Is ; a new organization in
the city made its initial appear
ance, last Tuesday night at the
Masonic temple, when Mrs. Min
nie I -at son, worthy grand matron
of Oregon made h-.r offlc'al visit
to Chadwlck chapter. Much In
terest was manifested over this
new chorus. and it is hoped that
Salem people will often have the
opportunity of hearing the chorus.
Mrs.; Harry Stylos ia the success
ful director, while Mlssoy Tur
ner Is the, capable piano 'accom
panist. Thej .following1 Eastern
Star womeh compose the chorus:
Mrs. Wji Carlton Smith. ' Mrs
suits that give you an .
Quality MerchandiseQuality
V'- ... Prices -
Phil, Franklin. Mrs. V. E. Kuhn.
Miss Gussie Niles. Mm. William
Babcock, Dr. Angle McCuilocu.
Miss Dva Ferree, Mrs. T. Ratcllff,
Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. Harry
Styles, director. Miss Joy Turner,
The Friday Evening Five Hun
dred cfub was enttrtaJned last
week by Mr. and M. Fred Bus
selle. . Pussy Willows and daf
fodils were charmingly used
about the rooms. Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Cajnpbell will be hosts for
the club at its next meeting.
High feeore during the even
ing went to Mrs. J. Schumaker
and Paul Sherman. Low score
was giveu to .Mrs. Fred w:a'atn
and Mr. Schumaker. Invited
guests for the evening included
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Denben. ar.d
Mr. and Mrs. J. iSthumaker.
Miss F.ertha Mignevs of Day
ton Is the guest of Mrs. J. A.
rvemifiKtou. mr tho wvek-ead.
Miss Magness is home on a year's
sick leave from C hina where aba
has been for five years as niis-
sionary. She is well known n
j Salem, having attended tbs l cal
high school from which snc was
graduated. She has le-n uome
isiute the first ot the year.
.M r Alary i rorpe vaj Hon
ored by her grandson. rVank Gra
ham, at a surprise b'rtlwlay party
last Monday. It was htr Fivrnty
fifth an'niversarv. Mr. Graham
has been v;sifMi;, for fr ertl
months with Mr Tlurp4 and is
returning in a wev d lys to his
home in North bur.J.
Those present for line occasion
were Mrs- Dora Floffy. Mrs. A.
Brown, Mrs. J. Lucas. Mrs. E. A.
Winner, Mrs. M. Irwin. Mrs. M.
L. Leonhardt. Mrs. A. Coldie, and
Mrs. H. J. Morriss.
The young people or the Salem
Heights community -presented a
program Friday night at a meet
ing of the Salem Heights Improve
ment league". It consisted of musi
cal numbers and recitations. A
short business session was then
held. A large delegation from
this club is going 4o Silverton
March 16 to a meeting of the
Mariqi County Federation of
Miss Veva Smith of Salem is a
member of Lambda Tau, a local
club recently organized by ten
Eastern Star women at Oregon
Agricultural college. Elizabeth
Settlemeir of is an
other member. The group plan3
to petition for the national soror
ity. Acoth. Mrs. Ida Ji. Callahon
is faculty advisor for. the group.
Little Roberta Mills "was a dain
ty hostess at a birthday dinner
party Tuesday on the occasion or
her ninth birthday. A pretty
birthday cake was a feature of
the table decorations. Games
were played following the dinner
The guests included Elizabeth
Lewis, Lois Leedy, Mildre4 Har
ris. Margaret Evans and Ha Milla.
'-. . '
Mrs. William Bell who has been
in Southern Californio for the
winter months will return to Sa
lem Monday.
'Mrs. E. Hofer spent the week
end Jn , Portland as the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. Allan A.
Bynonf '
Mrs. . N. Nicholson spent Fri
day in Oregon City.
Mrs. J. E. Law is spending a
few days In Portland with hcT
mother. Mrs. J. W. Reveridge. -
Mrs. A. G. Foor who has made
her home at the Marion hotel for
some time is planning to leave
for Albany. She may later take up
her residence in Marshfield.
Mr. and Mrs. X. O. Jeulness or
Astoria are spending the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Whit
The Monday Night Dancing
club will meet for their regular
monthly dance at the Elite hall
tomorrow night.
The S.B.A. sewing club will be
entertained this week by Mrs 1.
M. Gregory.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop will entertain
tb Thursday club at her home
this week.
Mrs A. L. Godfrey wiir enter
tain the P.E.O. this week at her
home on Union street.
The Merry Go Round club will
be entertained this week by Mrs.
Max O. Buren.
, The Salem Arts league will ho'.d
no regular monthly meeting dur
ing March since the puppet show
given during the last week was
offered in place of the
meeting, according to the officers
of the league.
Because tfie society and
club, pages go to press un
usually early Saturday, it is
necessary that reports of so
cial affairs and club notices
be In the Statesman office
Friday evening or early Sat
urday. No reports will be
received in future later than
4 o'clock Saturday after
noon unless by special ar
rangement In the easn of
meetings held Saturday af
ternoon. The 'society editor
Is In the office from 1 until
4 o'clock and from 7 until 10
Tery day. ...
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rISCOUNTESS RHONDDA, an English peeress in her own
right, is the first woman to take her place in the House
of Lords. She began her contest for the seat in the House
shortly after the death of her father. Lord Rhondda, Food
Dictator in Great Britain in 1918- The title Viscountess
came to her "by special privilege," Lord Rhondda having no
male heir. The Committee of Peers was finally convinced
that Viscountess Rhondda had a right to sit in the House
of Lords, following her contention that the sex bar had died
with the coming of suffrage. The privilege of sitting in the
House was hitherto denied women in England.
Civic Problems
Discussed at
Women's Club
"Problems of the City Council"
was the subject of a talk by John
B. Giesey, member ot the Salem
city council before the Salem Wo
men's club yesterday. Mr. Giesey
outlined work of the council, urg-4
ins the women to take an active
interest in moral and civic work
of the city and invited them to
attend the meeting of the council
at some future time.
With regard to the public play
ground. Mr. Giesey said that In
talking over the auto camp park
it wa sthe idea ot a number ot
councilmen to at some future time
make it into a public playground'.
The problem 8t equipment and
maintenance is what prevents Sa
lem from having playgrounds at
the present time, Mr. Giesey says.
An open forum was given over
to a discussion of the propoosed
women's community building. A
building suitable for all meetings
and conventions in which wo
men are interested was the gen
eral opinion expressed by the
members, according to Mrs. W. E.
Anderson, president of the club.
Olden Days
to be Recalled
at Benefit
That those who have pleasant
memories of bygone days and
dances may f.x back for a while
to that pleasant time and that Sa
lem women may accumulate funds
to build a community building,
men and maids of 25 years ago
will frolic at the armory Wednes
day evening. The occasion will
be an old time ball and from mu
sic to costumes the affair will be
as near as possible a duplicate of
one of those old time balls.
The sale of tickets is good, ac
cording to th? tickets committer
and every indication is that this
benefit affair combining business
and pleasure for the women of
Salem and pleasure for the 'ncn
will be a success. The affair is
beng given as a benefit for ll'.c
proposed Salem women's com
munity building which the no
men's club is accumulating funds
to build.
Everyone is invited to' attend
regardless of whether costume is
modern or not.
Fashion Show
Is Planned for j
Near Future
Three new evening classes wilt
be started this week under. the di
restion of th? local branch of the
Smith Hughes vocational instruc
tion, according to Mrs. F E. Bar
ker, who is in charge- A new
sewing class will beyiir Monday
evening and will meet twice a
week. Monday and Thursday.
Two millinery classes will be
started during the week. The ber
ginning class will start Tuesday
and the advanced, class in millin
ery will begin Wednesday, evening.
The class now meeting in the eve
ning will meet for the last three
lessons on Friday erenlngaLjJ.11
ot these classes will meet in the
Photographic section Arts
league, Gunnel & Robb stu-'
dio. '
Women's Republican club.
with Mrs. C. P. Bishop at
. Mddern writers' section,
with Mrs; Gertrude Robinson
War Mothers business
meeting. 2:30 at Commercial
club rooms.
Etoka club with Mrs.
Frank L. Purvlne.
Junior guild. St. Paul's
church, with Mrs. William
Yew Park circle. Mrs. E.
M. Kerschner. 1330 South
Twelfth street.
South Estst circle, Mrs. ;F.
V. 15arquist, 1435 Trade
Lucy Anna Lee. Mrs. H. L.
Marsters, 1633 Court street.
East Central circle. Mrs.
R. R. Jones, 835 1) street.
Naomi circle, Mrs. E. R.
Schramm. 1003 North Twenty-first
S. B. A. Sewing club, Mrs.
P. M. Gregory.
P. E. O. with Mrs. A. L.
Godfrey. 127 Union street.
Thursday club with Mrs.
C. P. Bishop.
Women's Union of First
Congregational church, at
church. 1
W. R. C. corps meeting.
new headquarters or the. Smith
Hughes work, in the Red Cross
Prospective students are being
especially requested by Mrs. Bar
ker not to call up at the Red Cross
headquarters for information
since they have more than they
can attend to now with their own
work. Mrs. Barker may be reach
ed at her home, phone 1386W.
The Fashion Show belne plan
ned by the classes now taking
work will be within a few weeks.
Mrs. Barker says. Special speak
ers on nutrition and other prob
lems ot the mother and housewife
will be taken up by extension
workers from Oregon Agricultural
college. The affair will be put on
in the Commercial club rooms
where the work done by the dif
ferent classes in sewing and mil
linery during the winter will be
Mrs. W. S. Kinney of Astor?a
will address the Y.W.C.A. board
of directors on the coming na
tional convention of the associa
tion in Hot Springs, at their meet
ing Tuesday. She will be a guest
of the board for luncheon follow
ing the board meeting.
, The Pythian Sisters club will
not hold their regular meeting
this week. The next meeting will
be held on March 23.
The various circles of the First
Met'iOdi&t ch'irch are scheduled to
meet this woek bat io are post
poned. The West Central circle
will meet March 29 instead of this
week and the South Central circle
has postponed irji meeting indefi
nitely. '", -Mrs.
Gertrude Robinson Ross
YllL pntcrtain the Modern Writers
at her home Tuesday evening.
Local Woman
Writes Plays
The lengthu to which ambition
may take the earnest worker s
treated in the drama presented
this week at Willamette univer
sity by the public speaking de
partment under the direction of
Miss Minna allrding.
"The Consuming Flame was
written by Miss Hardin? herselt
quite recently and is only oae f
several similar productions. Am
bition drives the hero-art st on
and on to new sacrifices until he
has a vision one night of his lat
est production "Dawn" (em'n';
from its pedestal and attacking
his wife and child. He waKev tut
to realize his folly and decides to
think less of ambitions and more
of his family.
"Yankee Sam." an operetta,
was written by Miss Harding
Miss Minna L. Harding
more than three years agt). Prof,
Ralph Spaulding of New .Yorkv j
wrote the music as he is now
writing the music for a musical
drama just finished by Miss allrd
ing. This is called "Uird of
"Co-Partners," a drama m
three acts was given by Willam
ette students last year. Capital
and labor are the main themes of
the plot of this play which has
been considered to have been suc
cessful. Miss Harding has written a
number of other short pla3 and
has even found time to write sev
eral short stories. This is her
second year at Willamette uni
versity where she is head of the
public speakiig department. Miss
Harding's home is in Boston
where she attended th Greeley
school of Elocution and Dramat
ic Art of whl:h she Is .i graduate.
She previously attended rolleg in
"Dutch Pottery" will be taken up
by the P.E.O. sisterhood at their
meeting this week. Mrs. W. W.
Moore is chairman of the program
for the day. Current events will
be given in answer to roll call.
Mrs. A. L. Godfrey will entertain
the club at her home on Union
The silver birthday tc which
the American War Mothers had
planned to have Tuesday Jias ben
postponed until the next regular
meeting in April. This was done
because of illness among the
members. The business meeting
will be held Tuesday afternoon at
2:30 as was planned before.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will meet Tuesday at 2:30 iri the
studio of Miss Lulu R. Walton.
Plans for the May Festival are
rapidly taking form according to
member pt . the committee in
Ij charge. More ' than 90 persons
were present Tor the rehearsal last
Tuesday. This did not include a
number oj Willamette university
students who will enter the chorus
following the completion of their
work on the Freshman Glee.
Hostesses C tor the visiting
members of the chorus have been
apopinted. Mrs. Charles K.
Spaulding and Miss Cornelia Mar
vin will be hostesses for the Mon
mouth chorus while Mrs. Arthur
J. Rahn will entertain the Albany
members. Several Silverton wo
men were present for the practice
last week and it is hoped that
others (.will attend the practice
next Tuesday evening.
Soloists for the oratorio will be
chosen from among the members
of the chorus, according to the
music committee. Mrs. William
H. Prunk is secretary of the
chorus, registering all members
MARCH 12. 1922
Pupils of Mrs. Cameron ' I
Presented in Recital
' - !
SILVERTON. Or., March 10.
(Special to The Statesman)
Mrs. Gertrude Cameron present
ed her pupil in an ensemble re
cital at her studio home on Oak
street Thursday evening. The
following program was given:
Duet (a) Uabillagv lb) Car
tonetta (BacnmannK Blanche
Young and Eddie Young.
Duet: Fairy Walts (Streabog)
Winifred Eastman, Beatrice
Booth. . .
Duet: Adonis Galop (Streabogl,
Philip Richardfon and Edar lr-
UhDuet: Flying Dores (Carl
einsll) Elisabeth ts.eeno - anu
Frances Keene.
Trio- Walts Streabog NeT
Robenolt; Mildred Nickerson and
Reta Rahn. A
Duet: March Militaire (Strea
bogl, Mable Digerness and Betty
Duet: Youthful Pride (H. Ln
pelnisn LCharles Drake and Eddie
loung. .
ini- .inllv Company (Schles-
inger). Muriel Webb and Kuth
Duet: Guard s Marcn tsirea
bog) Malcolm and allrry Bock.
Trio: In The Forest; Irene
Morley, Lela Bray and Murlal
Duet Barchetta Nvin), Eun
ice Kriauf and Gertrude Cameron.
Duet: Holiday Kolling)
Kenneth Bentson and Francis
Woods.- ,
Two Pianos: Rustic Dance
Von Walm) Olive Morley and So
phta Stewart, Margaret Smms
and Blanche Heald.
Duet: Melody of Love (ISngel
mann) Lillian Schafer and Mrs.
Duet: Nocturne (Bendel) Ag
nes Bock and Mrs. Cameron.
Two Pianos: Turkish March
(Beethoven) Kathleen iBopth. Es
ther Towe. Olive tiahk& and, Ed-.
ward Syring.
Two pianos: Ndrweghiii Danee
(Grieg) Orla Bell and Mrs 'Cam
Duet: Qui Vive Galop vfGant)
Kathleen Booth and Oltvo Banks.
Two Pianos: Nocturne (Cha
pin) A ma Kendell and Mrs. Cam
379 tate -Stmt
French Dressing
8 taklei pooni Mainla
3 ttbiopoont Umoo Juice
OT Vinegar
X teaapoon Salt
I teaapoon Sugar
teaapoon Paprika
Mix dry tntredleatt. Add Ma
ota and lemon juice or rtnrgar
beat until creamy. 1 hia
dresatng nay he made in lrajf .
Quantum and kept In a bottle
nd shaken a uted. Soma add "'
V? rnu''d or WorccKcr
Muca to flavor.
for Salads
V recommencleHl hr PaMIc
- - , . u
March 13th to 18th
Attend this factory instruction of how to use your
Wearever Utensils- . :
During this week only the factory has a special oV
$1.98 each on the Waterless or Greaseless Pot Roast
Pan as shown in cut.
135 N. Liberty Street
Ben Sheldon Files His I 1
; Candidacy for Senate r ;
- Ben C. Sheldon, or Medford ye-
terday filed with the secretary ot
state his declaration as a caadi- jj
date for the Republican nomina-
Hon for state senator at th prt-
ruary election May 1 for the .
sixth senatorial district, comprls- b; j
ing Jackson county. :' j
His slogan -will be "Pledged to I
vote and work for lower taxem
He preesnta no platform. - ,
Mr. Sheldon has been a member 4
of the last four regular sessions j
and two special sessions In the !
lower house. If he i elected ho
will succeed Senator C M. Thomas ;
who Is not a candidate mis year, ji
StoutlForm If
Ideal for thfc . large Wo
man, made in excellent
quality of Brocade de
signed specially to con
trol flesh, giving the
form much desired and
well groomed effect,
sizes 40 to 48. .Our new
models in the College
Girl Corset are beautiful
Nu Bone Corset Parlors
Balcony, Portland: Cloak
. - fand Stitt.Cp.
Phone 703 Salem, Ore.
; - The
::l -Stairway
Many of the greatest ex
perts prefer Mazola as a
salad oil because it blends
more perfectly with the
other ingredients of the
dressing. This is one rea-,
son why Mazola is so ex
tensively used today by
the best clubs and hotels
as well as in dining cars,
on lake steamers and
trans-Atlantic liners. ; .
BeaottfonV r
Corn Product Cook Book
of 64
page. Write Corn
Products Rcfinin d.
Ltopartaacat A, Arco, to.
School Domestic Sdoce TcacWa
Phone 67
r t