The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 02, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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crry news in brief
Contract Awarded
F. J. Leonard of Portland was
awarded the contract for the erec
tion ot the Capital Ice & Cold
Storage plant to be located at
Church, and Trade streets. Work
will begin Friday morning. Five
bids were submitted. Mr. Leon
ard Is the contractor who built
the Valley- Packing: company
plant. Louis Lachmnnd and Hen
ry Talbot are interested in the
new plant. .
I Artisan Sleeting Tonight
Good program. Artisans
friends Invited. Adr.
Administratrix Appointed
Anna F. Foulds, widow of
John R. Fonlds who died Febru
ary 21 at Broadacres, has been
appointed by the county court as
administratrix -of the estate. The
heirs are the widow and a son IK
years of age. The 'estate consists
-'' 1
- In '' ;
"The Man From
Lost River9'
Coming Sunday
Saturday Night?
.' f i
of merchandise at Broadacre3
valued at $300 and personal ef
fects worth about f 50.
Letters Granted
Letters testamentary hava been
granted Mabel C. Myers in the
matter of the estate of Samuel
II. Myers, who died February 21.
1922. The estate has a value or
about $2,000 in real estate and
$6000 personal property.
T. and E. Infer Bros., located
h$re, wish ourselves known as
first-class gardeners. We are ex
perts at landscape gardening.
Hare gone through agricultural
and technical schools. We had
15 years experience In pruning
of all kinds of shrubbery, roses,
fruit trees. We take contracts
pruning orchards. Don't let some
unknown or inexperienced gard
ener spoil your shrubbery, roses
or trees. Give us your garden to
attend to.- If you are tired of
your old garden, let us remodel
same and you will like it better
than ever. We guarantee satis
faction. Iufer Bros., phone 551.
Executor Released
. August Kehrberger, having
filed with the county clerk his re
ceipt for delivery to the widow cf
Gottlieb Siegart, a $12,000 mort
gage and a $4,000 mortgage, as
sets of the estate, was re'eased
from liability as executor and giv
en his final discharge.
We want them and want
them bad. Because we do
we will pay you the highest
price obtainable anywhere.
'Bring us all you have, -
Also old clothing, furniture
and junk of all kinds. ,
.The House of Half a Million
and OneBargains
402 Nl Com'l. rPhone 523
One Marriage License
i For the first day of spring.
March 1, there was but one mar
riage license issued. This was to
Roger L. Lambert of Corvallls. a
farmer and Lena Ruth Hersch, of
Macleay, a housekeeper.
September 1. 1921, making a. to
tal of $90,000 which it ha dis
tributed in interest on these notes
within the year.
I. of O. vs. Willamette
Basketball, Friday and Satur
day. Reserved seats at Hauser's,
75 c. Adv. .
Small Yi.rxors for Guests
The Highland Mothers' club
will entertain for the mothers
with babies this afternoon at the
Highland school. The media?
will be held at the schoolhouse.
Ik-no Han Collar
"Beno,"' a mascot of Willam
ette university, now sports a new
collar and a shiney license. C.
R. McClelland, a student at the
university and owner of Beno,
proudly takes him on airings since
the purchase of the license. A
number of the students are in
terested and watch Mac as he
puts the dog through paces and
Flour Going Cp
During the past few weeks,
flour has advanced $2 a barrel, or
50 cents a sack, although the Sa
lem retail stores have not taken
advantage of every advance in the
market, according to a prominent
Bargain "lancf, SOr
Friday night. Elite hall. Adv.
Canadian Exchange
A year or two ago, those who
had money in Canada could not
bring it to this j country without
losing from 16 to 19 cents on the
dollar. This was due to depressed
exchange. Now the Canadian or
American who has money in the
Canadian banksfcan bring it to
this country with a loss of about
3 cents on the dollar.
Basket ball
U. of O. vs. Willamette. Ilauser
Bros, have reserved seats, 75c.
Card of Thanks
For the many friends who so
willingly assisted through the ill
ness, death ;and burial of our
wife, daughter and sister. Mrs.
William C. (Patrica) Porter we
have a feeling of gratitude, sin
cere and last'ng. wmiam
Porter. Mrs. R. I Penton. .Mrs.
Eugene Halley, Mrs. Robfert E.
Davey. Adv.
Get Your Reserved S?at
At Hauser Bros. U. of O. vs.
Willamette basketball. Seats, 75c.
Robinson at Chapel
Edgar A. Robinson, professor
of American history at Leland
Stanford university, presented a
striking picture of the opening
day of the arms conference at
Washington, in yesterday's chap
el -servica at Willamette univer
sity. He painted a picture with
a personal glimpse of the crowds
and the notables at Washington.
His words brought to the students
an idea of the conference that
could not be gained from the
printed word. In the few min
utes of the chapel period Profes
sor Robinson outlined bristly the
principles and Ideas involved in
the conference at Washington,
what was accomplished and the
import to the nation and the
: Your birthri6h"K !
Every normal person is en
titled to a certain degree of
success, happiness and con
tentments It simply depends
on now the preparation tor lite
is made. ...
This is an age ot specializa
tion. Every person who would
really succeed most be able to
do sdmething. especially, well.
This is also an era ot business
and commerce. The greatest
opportunities the world has to
offer lie in these 1 fields. A
thorough business training can
be secured more quickly and
economically than any other
' sort' ' of special preparation.
Let us tell you about some
of the opportunities the busi
ness world has to offer you.
. Write or call. V
:: . t : ,
Capital Business College
i Salem, Oregon,'
Has Name For His Farm-
Julius Cliftens Storm of Sub
limity, rural route 1, has filed
with the county clerk's office, the
name by which he would like to
have his farm known. He those
the name of "Silver Falls Stock
Ranch," and paid $1 for having
the name filed. No one in the
county may have a farm of a sim
ilar name.
Interest Distributed
Portland Railway, Light &
Power company is distributing ap
proximately $45,000 in interest
on its 1921 gold notes to 3300
holders, most of whom live in
Portland and Salem. This com
pany distributed a like amount
Hartman's Glasses
Wear them and see
Easier and Better
. Phone 1255; Salem, Oregon
by buying your hardware uil
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co., 283 No.
Commercial street. Phone 047.
Big Special
Vaudeville '
AU New Show
BLIGH Theatre
Reserved Seats at Hauser's
For the U. of O. Willamette
basketball game, 75c. Adv.
Son l.i Born
A son was born February 28 to
Mr. an dMrs. I. N. Howe of 267
North Liberty, at the Deaconess
hospital. He has been named Rob
ert. Mr. Howe is a truck owner
and driver.
Motormeter Stolen
L. J. Bayes, of 1324 Waller
street, reported to the police that
a Boise motormeter had been
stolen frpm his car yesterday
morning while it was parked at
467 State street.
Examiners Rushed
According to the United States
official postal guide, civil service
examiners in Washington, D. C.
are four months behind in their
work. This refers to the examin
ation of candidates for postof-
fices. The 11 Salem candidates
had their applications in Washing
ton last October 25 and the civil
service examiners who looked into
the qualifications of applicants
were in the city a few days begin
ning November 28.
ford, whose home is la Portland. sity announced soma time ago ;
is oi oark complexion and was
wearing khaki trousers and a dark
coat when he departed from the
Funeral Services Friday
The funeral services of Mrs.
John Stamer will be held from the
home hear Tigard this morning
at 9:3 o'clock. The body will be
taken from the Terwilliger home,
leaving at 7 o'clock this morning.
BlacDouald's Fanner Aim.
At Tyler's Drug Store.
Scouts Helping
As part of the Boy Scout work,
the members ot this organization
are assisting the Associated Char
ities in collecting packages and in
delivering goods. The scouts re
port to scout headquarters in the
McCornack block and then to As
sociated Charities at the Red
Cros"j headquarters.
Estate $200
The estate of Clarissa M. Walk
er, which consists of property in
Chamberlain's addition to the city
of Salem, has befri apptaiseu at
$2,200. The valuation made
by T. L. Harris. August Kehr
berger and Lewis White.
Fitted at Tyler's Drug Store by
an expert in the business. Adv.
that the limit ot students to be re
ceived next year was 2o0 men and
200 women.
Income Tax Reports Prepared-
Phone 2098 R, O. Ed Ross. !
Adv. !
$ 10,300 Land Contract j
A contract for a deed was filed ! 0SS CaUSed by Uncalled for
for record yesterday in the county j n . . , . , ,
recorder's office, in which J. C. j rafCelS fVlinimiZed i DV
Hummer agrees to seu to Feter j
Rasmussen 83 acres in towrchip 4 ;
south of range 3 west, part of the j
Jean Jeangres donation land
Present-Day Methods
claim. The contract is dated No
vember 27, 1920. and provides
Under present regu'ations in
the American Railway Express
A Classified Ad.
Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
Want To Separate
Gottlieb Roth has filed suit for
a divorce from Bertha Roth. In
the. complaint, it is alleged that
they were married in Illinois in
1896, and that she deserted htr
husband in 1919. Thero are
three children. The complaint
states that all property . rights
have been settled out of court.
1922-1023 Contract Signed
The first contracts for teaching
school in Marion county for the
1922-1923 school year were filed
with the county superintendent of
schools yesterday. R. L. VanOrs
dal. principal of the Salem
Heights school was re-engaged at
a salary of $133.33 for each of the
nine teaching months and Ethel
L. McCoy at $125 a month.
T-W Studio Moved to 4 S3
Court st. Geo. H. Weigel. prop.
Jack's Cafe
163 S. Com. St. A good place to
eat. Tables and counter. Adv.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the many
friends and neighbors for their
many acts of kindness during the
illness and death of our beloved
sister and aunt, Mrs. Mary J.
Hoffman; also for the many beau
tiful floral offerings. Ida S. Ba
ker, Walter R. Baker, William A.
Dalrerj Paul H. Baker, Bessie
Baker. Adv.
Ball is Forfeited
O. T. Gerlinger. prominent Polk
county lumberman for whom Ger
linger, Ore., Is named, yesterday
tailed to appear in local police
court on a charge of speeding and
forfeited bail of $20 which he had
deposited when arrested Tuesday.
. Establisked 1868
General Banking Basinets
-Office Hoar from 10 a. m, to I . m.
i ii
DON'T think of saving as a hard, dis
tasteful thing, to be done as a duty.
Think of your Savings Account at the
First National rather as an Opportunity
Fund. - '
And so it is Ihe ownership of one hag
made it possible for many a man to
branch out in new lines, or to take up
new work entirely. It has made pos
sible higher education, home ownership,
travel, and many other things.
Accident Xot Verified
Sergeant Ralph Davis last night
received a report that a Mrs. .
Nagoa of 767 South Winter street
had been seriously injured when
she had been struck by a car said
to have been driven by K. B. Kun
gli. According to the report. Mrs
Nagee sustained an injured hip.
head cuts and bruises, and was
taken to her home by Mr. Kungli.
The police were last night unable
to locate individuals said to have
been involved in tha reported mis
Bargain Dance, 50c
Lad'es free. Friday, Elite hall
Electrical Convention
Electrical dealers in the city
are interested in the electrical
convention to be held in Corvallis
March 30 and 31. On the same
dates Oregon Agricultural college
will put on an electrical show. One
of the features of the electrical
convention will be an address by
R. L. Murphy, electrical expert of
the Portland Railway, Light &
Power company. There will be
many demonstrations of special
Interest to housekeepers.
Body Sent to T a coma
Mrs. S. S. Dallas of Corvallis
left Tuesday night for Tacoma to
accompany the body of her step
mother, Mrs. Frances Thrapp,
who died the first of the week
in Salem. The shipping arrange
ments were made by Webb &
Clough. The deceased was 62
years old at the time or ner
Crowning Wanted
The White Pine Box & Lum
ber company has filed with the
public service commission an ap
plication for authority to con
struct a grade crossing df its
railway in Union county with the
Old Oregon trail at a point about
four miles east ot La Grande.
IT. of O. vs Willamette
Basketball, Friday and Satur
day. Reserved seats at Hauser s.
75 cents. Adv.
Campaign in Iloedsport
Jay Stevens of San Francisco,
representing the Pacific Coast
Fir? Prevention '"association, and
A. C. Barber, Oregon state fire
marshal, are in Reedsport today
where they are conducting a fire
prevention rally. They were ia
Eugene yesterday for the same
1 la j ford Return
L. G. Hayford is expected home
within the next few days from a
business visit to Twin Falls, Ida
Mr. Hayford was one of the early
day assessors of Twin Falls coun
ly, when it was still a sagebrush
desert, and later he served as a
representative in the Idaho legis
lature from the same county. This
Idaho irrigated farming country
has suffered cruelly during the
past year of poor farm rroduct
prices, though it is one of the
richest and most prosperous farm
ing sections of the entire north-
wes t.
U. of O. vs Willamette. Hauser
Bros, have reserved seats, 75c.
1j. K. I lean' Partner Herer
John H. Williams of Eugene,
law partner oi L. E. Bean, was in
the city yesterday looking into
general affairs. He saythe peo
ple in Eugene feel that Mr. Bean
In his race for nomination for
governor on the Republican ticket,
has a mighty fine chaane of winning.
Saturday Night:
Will Be Here
IVs Cecil B. DeMille's
, Latest Picture
Social Announced
Central Howell school will hold
a box social Friday, March 3. An
interesting program will be given
by the students.
Botany Class Organized
A botany class has been organ
lzed in the Salem high school con
s sting of those who are now
studying botany and those no
have graduated. The club was
organized through 'the effort ot
Miss Ruth Brown, head of tho
high school botany class. The ob
ject of the club is to protect wila
flowers and to promote general
Interest in botany. Officers are
as follows: George Rhoten, presi
dent; Willeta Welch, vice presi
dent; Dorothy Brock, secretary
and , Charles Anderson, treasurer.
Get Your Reserved Seats
At Hauser Bros. U. of O. vs
Willamette basketball. Seats 75c
Adv. .
.r. . l'a'u . ! service even- package that is nn
a a iiT,.- -ri, 7a,y Ued for means a Cead !o, to
deed will be given The land lies , the company. lor at th. per.nn:al
along the Willamette river be-; auction 8ales, the packag nevar
tween St. Paul and Dayton. bring as much . J tne BTcra,e
, transportation charges.- So the
management has tried to make ii
hard to lose an address or mis
l an addressee or the consignor who
is responsible for the sending. Re
ward of merit badges are given
and contests, and honor rolls
maintained for the offices that
can get by with the smallest per
centage ot uncalled-fors. It used
to be that there were literally car
loads of stu'f to fe!l in the annual
cleanups. But so closely are both
the senders and the receiver
checked now that the Salem of-
Wunts Red Cross Information
W .W. Davies of Louisville. Ky..
has written the American Red
Cross headquarters in Salem the
following letter: "Please send me
the names and addresses of some
of the people who went from your
unit, city or community, to serve
the American Red Cross overseas
in the World war Send data con
cerning the statu? of such people
with respect to Ihe possibility of
acquiring membership in the Am
erican legion, if they so desire."
months apart, according to the ac
Germs of Disease should be
promptly expelled from the blood. .
This is a time when the system
is especially susceptible to them.
Get rid ot all Impurities in the
blood by taking Hood's Sarsa
parilla. and thus fortify yoar
whole body and. prevent Illness.
Adr. IV
William Gahlsdorf will leave
Saturday for a short bus'ness trip
to San Francisco.
Jharles Smith and wife left
yesterday for Calgary. Alta.
Will Gooding, prominent far
mer of St. Paul and manager of
the co-operative creamery at that
place, was in the city yesterday.
L. L. Thomas of Marshfleld is
visiting his mother in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White are
rpjoicing over the coming of
Master Earl White Sonner, who
came on Sunday to rsjoin his
mother after having spent more
than 12 years with his grand
mother at Waco, Texas.
Denton G. Burdick, representa
tive in the legislature from Red
mond, was here yesterday on bus
iness with the state engineering
department. Mr. Burdick says he
again will be a candidate for the
Tom Sweeney was hj?re yes
terday from Portland.
ce, for all its large volume ot
business, has on several occas
ions been able to make an abso
lutely clean record.
A rather curios contrast is that
of the early postal service in Ore
gon, when there were J.terally
wagon-loads of uncalled-for let
ters. The Statesman In March.
1851, contained a list of over TOO
letters uncalled for in the Oregoa
City office, and about 150 hera in
Salem. Such a record in n ex
press office today would probably
Fubject every employe to being
fired. The expressmen go out and
get them nowadays, and it taks
a regular Sherlock Holmes to es
cape them, once they get a man's J
The leave-over express stuff
from this section used to eo to
Seattle for district sale but cutting
down the number of unfound own .
ers so largely, has led to the con
solidation of all the western sales
at the San Francisco headauar-
ters. The sales are held at irrer-
ular intervals, from three to six
Petitions For Appointment
Sarah Keil, widow of Emanuel
Keil who died January 22, has
been appointed administratrix up
on petition. The estate has a val
ue of about $3,000. Mrs. Keil is
th only heir.
Old SalemJte Visit
Rev. O. A. Stillman is visiting
Salem, a guest of his son. A. B.
Stillman, of Capital Business col
lege. Rev. Mr. Stillman was for
merly pastor of the Central Con
gregational church of Salem, and
'.s favorably known here by all
old timers. He is now pastor of
the Congregational churclf at
White Salmon. Wash., which is
the flourishing city that is the
metropolis of the fruit district
across the Columbia river from
The Dalles.
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
Offers Relict Map -
J. L. Gray, graduate of Willam
ette university and principal ot
the West Linn high school, has
written the university authorities
that he has come into possession
of a very valuable relief map of
the war zone in Europe, which he
is willing to present to the university.
MARION W. J. Crane, J. C
McDevltt, Horace Addes, George
N. Angel. J. F. Krofsea. J. P
Burns, H. B. Tichner, F.' A
Shawk, O. Rankin. J. K. Robin
son, A. A. Bauerman, John Ran
kin, E. R. Spencer, J. J. Brown
W. W. Graham, N B. Donnelly.
R. P. Miles. J. W. Sherwood. A
Hall. J. D. Altman, C. D. Ed
wards.. Arthur E. Gibbs. Dean Ar-
dell, C. C. Hole, all of Portland:
Mr. and Mrs. H Wright. El Paso
Tex., Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Win
ston, Astoria; Mrs. L. Avery,
Rickreall; Mr. and Mrs. J. Coch-
rin. Tillamook: Alvin H. Madsen.
Corvallis; E R. Bryson, Mrs. Don
ohue, Roseburg; Mildred Allen,
Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. H. Lapp
Lincoln. Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. C
F. Allen, Tacoma; A. E. Robb,
BLIGH T. E. Peck. The Dalle
Clara E. Feller, Donald; G. W
Iehly, Lee Kamp. W. J. Crane
K. D. Sidlor. Portland; Julius
Shawk. San Francisco.
Hank Mann
Candy to Every Child
Attending Saturday
or Sunday Matinee
GRAND Friday and Satard?' March
Matinee Saturday
The Laugh Show of Creation
Nothing But Fun and Pretty Girls
! Positively Everything: New
Brinj the Kiddies to the Matinee
PRICES: Matinee Saturday, Children any seat 50c; Adults $1
Nights 50c to $1.50
Seats on Sale March 2nd at box office. Mail orders now
Rode Bike 25 Miles
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney. presi
dent of Willamette university,
rode a bicycle 25 miles about a
ceneration ago to bear Tarks
Cadman deliver an address. The
ride was from Granville. Ohio, to
Lancaster, As pastor of the Ccn
tennary Methodist church of
Granville, he was given a compli
mentary ticket to the chatauqua
talk of Cadman. but after his 25
mile bicycle ride, his appearance
was such that the gateman was
not inclined to pass the young
Lenton Servlcw
Lenten service will be held at
St. Paul's Episcopal church this
Thursday evening at 7:30. and
every Thursday during Lnt. The
rector is . taking up lectures on
"The Position of the Anglican
Communion in the Religious
World." A question box will be
provided for questions in regard
to religious subjects. All will be
welcome at these services and lectures.
Reserved Seats at Haunor's
For the U. of O.-Willamette
basketball game 75c. Adv.
Gcrvais Visited
About 40 Salem Odd Fellows
went to Gervais Tuesday evening,
it being the occasion of the of
ficial visit to Gervais lodge of
Past Grand Master J. A. Mills,
acting for the grand master of
Oregon. After speeches and se
lections by the Chemeketa lodge
quartet of Salem a banquet was
served by the Gervais Rebekars.
We Thoroughly Demonstrate
Our Eden washers. Simplex
Ironers 'and Torrington cleaners.
Let us show yon what a conveni
ence and saving you will find in
these household utilities. Salem
Electric Co., Masonic Temple.
Phone 1200. Adv.
Meeting of league
The next meeting of the Salem
Business Men's league will be held
on the evening of Tuesday. March
7. Edward Schunke is president
of the organization.
Eight Per Cent
Paid monthly. Invent at home
In safety. Elmo' S. White. 402
Masonic Temple. Thone 925.
Daughter i Born
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Zinser February 28.
She has been named5 Catherine
Lucille. Mr. Zinser is Boy Scout
Youth Trapes
W. I Kuser. superintendent of
the state training school for boys,
yesterday reported to the police
that CharUs Clifford. 17. n in
mate of the school, had made-his
Lant's Trial Postponed
The trial of. Henry Lant. who
was arrested Tuesday on a charge
of rruelty to. animals, was yester
day postponed until March
lint's trial will be held in the
office of City Recorder Earl Rare
Charges against Lant wer3 filed
by Dr. A. R. Andrews, resident
a cent for the Oregon Humane society.
People Vse Kwift'a Fertilizer
Because it makes them money,
Se C. S. Bowne or phone 253
Applications Corning In
On account of the restriction in
number of students that will be
accepted by Willamette university
the next school year, already 50
dDDlicatlons hav . been received
Escape from the Institution- CHI-, for the 1922-33 year. The nnivcr-
This Man Was Healed
John Grab, 2539 Jackson Ave.
New Orleans. La., wrltoa: "My
Kidneys were weak and had
soreness and dull psla across my
back. I felt dull and languid
and my kidneys didn't act right.
I began tak'ng Foley Kidney Pills
and they soon put my kidneys in
a sound healthy condition." Fo
ley Kidney Pills help the kidneys
rid the system of ac'ds and waste
that cause lamens.B, backache,
sore muscles, swollen Joints and
rheumatic pains. Tonic in effect,
quick in action. Sold everywhere
Funeral services for the late
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathers
will be held Thursday at 2 o'clock
from Rlgdon's mortuary, con
cluding services I. O. . F. cemetery.
At 10:30 this morning, March
2, will be held at the Congrega
tional church the last services
over the body of the late Mrs.
Esther J. Richmond of Salem,
who died at her home Monday.
February 27. Rev. W. C. Kant
ner is to preach the funeral per
mon. Afterwards, the body is to
bf sent by Webb & Clouga to
Portland for cremation. Mrs.
Richmond was 70 years of age at
the time of her death. She is
survived by her husband, William
Richmond; a son. Flody E., of
Stockton. Kansas; and thre
daughters. Bessie M. Prickett of
Suit Lake. Gretta Fay Dimse of
Portland, and Rose A. Mahan also
of Portland. The family has
bf-en well known in Salem and
has many friends to whom the
passing of the aged mother will
b a real gTief.
Leading Morticians
Auto Wrecking House
Handlers of everything to do with the auto and used
parts has
From 377 Court Street to 317-323 Center Street
In this new location we will continue a complete stock
of used auto parts. Old cars for sale cheap.- We can
save you money on autos and auto parts
Auto Wrecking House
402 N. Commercial St. 317-23 Center St.
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmers
Friday, March 3rd, 1922
i 1p.m. at
1215 Highland Avenue
I 5
We are going away aDd will sell the following property:
1 library tabic, good as new; couch; Axmlnistor rug.
9x12; 1 leather peat oak rocker, good one; 1 upholstered
oak chair, good one; 1 heater; 1 bed and springs; 1 oak
dresier and commode; 1 lawn mower; 1 gas plate.
Automobile Studebaker. 1918, 7 passenger, good condi
tion, ljood cover, can of Mobiloil heavy; camping boards for
auto. House tent lfxl2; 2 full size beds; 1 lze bed; 2
full size bed springs; 1 size bed spring; 2 full size mat-,
tresses; 1 4 fize mattress; 1 wash boiler; 1 range 6 hole
Majestic; 1 galvanized wash tab; 1 wash board; 1 new
Remington Typewriter; 6 chairs; 1 rocker; 1 library table
oak; 1 electric iron new; 1 heater; linoleum (about 25
sfnlare yards): home tanned fruit; empty fruit Jars; miscel
laneous articles.
32 White Leghorn hens good ones. . .
! - - . v '
J. W. WILSON' and C. BLUXDELL, Owners. ;
. t. 8ATTKIILEE, Auctioneer, Phone 1177
. -